[02:19] 如果要抓Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu-gnome的話, 台灣好像還沒有看到站台, 大家可以到這邊抓~(14.04 only) http://forum.cse.yzu.edu.tw/Linux [11:14] ?? [11:14] hello [11:16] olleh [11:17] superman: olleh [11:24] what's this? [11:24] olleh? [11:26] 說中文嘛? [11:26] hello reversed而已XD [11:27] 喔喔 [11:27] 小白,不懂阿 [11:28] 不懂很正常阿,我一時心血來潮而已XDDD [11:28] XD? [11:28] 是什么? [11:28] 你在哪的?@brli [11:33] superman: http://www.animaatjes.nl/smileys/smileys-en-emoticons/xd/animaatjes-xd-27379.png [11:34] 怎么@我的? [11:34] 打ID就可以囉 [11:35] ID: [11:35] ID:brli [11:35] ? [11:35] no... [11:35] ID [11:35] superman: [11:35] s991533: [11:35] (Y) [11:35] 哈哈 [11:36] 神奇 [11:37] 这个Xchat用来干嘛的? [11:37] 黑客的沟通工具? [11:37] 如其名,聊天... [11:38] 这个freenode [11:38] 是干嘛的 [11:40] 聊天的(1s [11:42] superman: #ubuntu-cn [11:43] /join #ubuntu-cn [11:43] superman: not Xchat [11:43] ? [11:43] Xchat is only a tool to connect to IRC [11:44] IRC是什么? [11:44] IRC is where we are :D [11:44] IRC channel [11:45] kind of chat room(!?) [11:45] => Internet Relay Chat [11:45] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat [11:47] 刚有个电影,the fifth estate [11:47] 他们就用这个沟通的把? [11:52] I dont know :S