average_guy | Hello, TN team. I've been off in vsphere/win world for a while now. Had to spin up the official 14.04 though. | 15:10 |
wrst | howdy average_guy | 15:13 |
average_guy | Hi wrst. Life been good? | 15:14 |
average_guy | anybody still using ubuntu? | 15:15 |
wrst | average_guy: I'm using debian on a vps... don't guess that counts | 15:16 |
average_guy | hehe, not really | 15:16 |
wrst | arch on the desktop I know that doesn't count :) | 15:17 |
wrst | I do have 14.04 installed, its really a good release, very good release actually | 15:17 |
average_guy | I agree so far, it's come a long way. They have trimmed a lot of fat | 15:18 |
wrst | yes | 15:21 |
average_guy | they tout it as the obvious replacement for winXP but I don't think unity will run on any of the graphics hardware from that generation of computers | 15:21 |
average_guy | for modern hardware, I looks pretty slick though | 15:21 |
average_guy | it | 15:22 |
wrst | yes it really does, and they are trimming the "spyware" out too which is good for them | 15:22 |
average_guy | yes, all the built in crap is what drove me and everyone else away | 15:23 |
wrst | well I think more advanced users aren't especially their target either | 15:23 |
elacheche | Hey guys :) "<average_guy> anybody still using ubuntu?" → I do :) | 15:24 |
average_guy | hello elacheche | 15:24 |
wrst | elacheche: :) | 15:24 |
wrst | hello! | 15:24 |
elacheche | how are you wrst :) | 15:24 |
wrst | good elacheche, how about yourself? | 15:24 |
elacheche | I'm ok.. Just trying to be happy and cool x) | 15:25 |
elacheche | average_guy, for old pcs there is Lubuntu, Xubuntu or puppy :) | 15:25 |
wrst | elacheche: I don't know if Xubuntu really qualifies for lower specs, it seems a lot heavier to me than say a more bare bones distro with xfce | 15:26 |
wrst | and I'm basing that off of a 2 year old experience so may be very wrong | 15:26 |
average_guy | I am really phasing out all of my old hardware anyway | 15:27 |
average_guy | even broke ppl get new stuff from time to time :P | 15:28 |
wrst | ha ha :) | 15:28 |
wrst | I have been looking at laptops here lately... | 15:28 |
average_guy | really? I think laptops are going away | 15:30 |
wrst | saying I should buy a desktop? :) | 15:32 |
average_guy | http://shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Tablets/Slate/E2P19AA?HP-Slate-21-k100-All-in-One | 15:32 |
wrst | not very portable :) | 15:33 |
average_guy | oh, I c | 15:33 |
average_guy | kinda though, as much as a laptop | 15:33 |
wrst | I'm a year or so away | 15:34 |
wrst | I'm thinking something from system 76 or might even go to the dark side with a macbook | 15:34 |
wrst | i'm going to get something quality when I get | 15:34 |
average_guy | I have nothing like that, but it's what I am currently drooling over | 15:34 |
wrst | https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/galu1 | 15:34 |
wrst | I have always had 15'' laptops but really like the wife's 13.3 macbook | 15:35 |
wrst | especially with a much better resolution | 15:35 |
average_guy | I have never even seen a mac up close | 15:36 |
wrst | that's my only thing with system76 highest resolution is 1080P, I'm thinking by the time I get ready to buy a 2K display should be the norm for them | 15:36 |
wrst | I mean my phone is 1080P | 15:36 |
wrst | actually my tv is only 720... | 15:36 |
wrst | priorities in order? :) | 15:36 |
average_guy | lol | 15:36 |
average_guy | I just have never had any luck running games in linux so on a linuxbox it is not a priority for me | 15:38 |
wrst | average_guy: steam? | 15:39 |
average_guy | oh, I play games in steam | 15:40 |
average_guy | it works | 15:40 |
average_guy | but it works WAY better in windows | 15:40 |
wrst | they seem to be making a pretty good push for linux too | 15:40 |
wrst | I can't keep windows working long enough for things to work :) | 15:40 |
average_guy | I run servers (that I get free) w/graphics n sound added as my desktop. I play with linux because I'm a nerd, but windows has gotten a lot better also | 15:42 |
wrst | I use win 7 at work and its ok if you like that sort of thing ;) | 15:43 |
average_guy | That what I play games in. Well 2008r2 cuz I need dual processor support | 15:44 |
wrst | I get the games part. just don't have time for that | 15:45 |
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