=== Havenstance is now known as Haven|Home | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
Xip | SchrodingersScat: Yeah well sure. I'm not discussing it. Thanks for the help | 00:03 |
tim____ | kostkon: im confused will unity 8 be tablet interface be default for ubuntu in the future | 00:04 |
kostkon | tim____, 3 in 1, phone tablet and desktop | 00:04 |
pdo_fn14 | Jordan_U: Thanks for your command, now my question why update-manager doesn't work well than do-release-upgrade --mode=desktop? | 00:05 |
k1l | tim____: it is phone and tablet focuse but will get the desktop focus too for 14.10. then all 3 desktops will have the same codebase | 00:05 |
k1l | *all 3 formfactors | 00:05 |
tim____ | i meant to say the desktop interface we see now will it look like the tablet interface? | 00:06 |
k1l | tim____: no | 00:06 |
tim____ | that is a relief | 00:07 |
Jordan_U | pdo_fn14: I don't know. Honestly I expect that you tried with update-manager again you would see the update. | 00:07 |
k1l | tim____: it will stay a desktop interface made for mouse usage. | 00:07 |
Jordan_U | s/that you/that if you/ | 00:07 |
White_Light | pdo_fn14, what version of ubuntu are you using? | 00:07 |
=== _steay is now known as _stefan | ||
tim____ | pdo_fn14: open settings in software updater change the mirror server to main server and change to notify on latest upgrade | 00:08 |
pdo_fn14 | Jordan_U: Many links i've been seen just update-manager command, strange? | 00:08 |
vanderson | I'm having problem with my keyboard, actually all the keys work perfectly, the only one that don't work is the c cedilha. Someone have a clue what could be? My keyboard is in Portoguese (Brazil) | 00:09 |
tim____ | pdo_fn14: reload and it should show the option for upgrade | 00:09 |
=== _stefan is now known as _steay | ||
tim____ | it worked for me | 00:09 |
pdo_fn14 | White_Light: Ubuntu 13.10, now still progressing to upgrade | 00:09 |
sydneyJDykstra | When will ubuntu 14.04.1 be out? | 00:10 |
pdo_fn14 | tim____: Done man, still progressing | 00:11 |
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=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut | ||
tim____ | sydneyJDykstra: its out now | 00:11 |
k1l | sydneyJDykstra: 24th july | 00:11 |
sydneyJDykstra | tim____: 14.04 is,but not 14.04.1 | 00:11 |
KurtKraut | vanderson, What happens when you press cedilha? | 00:11 |
greeter | umm... are there any channel operators present? | 00:11 |
tim____ | ohh sorry | 00:12 |
vanderson | KurtKraut: just nothing | 00:12 |
Moonlightning | What the actual buck | 00:12 |
k1l | sorry for that bot amok run | 00:12 |
KurtKraut | vanderson, All other keys are properly working? | 00:12 |
Plasmastar | One bored op | 00:12 |
vanderson | KurtKraut, yes it is. | 00:12 |
greeter | so... what just happened? | 00:12 |
Moonlightning | Big bot bug, from the looks of it | 00:12 |
KurtKraut | vanderson, Can you type é ã á à " ' properly? | 00:13 |
k1l | greeter: the bot had a problem | 00:13 |
AlanBell | oops, sorry k1l | 00:13 |
vanderson | KurtKraut, yeah é ã á à " ' ;) | 00:13 |
=== _steay is now known as steay | ||
KurtKraut | vanderson, How can you be sure your cedilha is working? How can you be sure it is not a keyboard malfunction? | 00:14 |
sydneyJDykstra | If I stick with 12.04 till 16.04 comes out,will I be able to upgrade directly,and bypass 14.04 altogether? | 00:14 |
k1l | sydneyJDykstra: sorry, the bot went mad. | 00:14 |
OerHeks | sydneyJDykstra, nope | 00:15 |
k1l | sydneyJDykstra: no, you will need to do 12.04-14.04-16,06 | 00:15 |
sydneyJDykstra | I have to go with 14.04? | 00:15 |
greeter | ah makes sense now lol. happens sometimes :-) | 00:15 |
OerHeks | sydneyJDykstra, why don't you want 14.04 ? | 00:15 |
k1l | not go, just stay as long as the update to 16.04 needs :) | 00:15 |
=== steay is now known as _stefan | ||
sydneyJDykstra | Why did unopaste kick me? | 00:15 |
vanderson | KurtKraut, I just found the problem. When I was configurating my keyboard I put ç has a "switch to next source using". | 00:16 |
vanderson | KurtKraut, I change it and now it's working ;) Thank you | 00:16 |
KurtKraut | vanderson, de nada. | 00:16 |
sydneyJDykstra | I am nervous about upgrading to ubuntu 14.04. I Want it to be something that will take an hour or two,not two days. | 00:16 |
Jordan_U | sydneyJDykstra: Sorry, the bot appears to have a bug. It will be removed from the channel until we figure out what's going wrong and fix it. | 00:16 |
sydneyJDykstra | Ok,thanks!! | 00:17 |
tim____ | pdo_fn14: is it showing you the upgrade? | 00:17 |
KurtKraut | sydneyJDykstra, you can download the alternate CD and make the upgrade from it, it will faster. | 00:17 |
pdo_fn14 | tim____: Yes. | 00:17 |
sydneyJDykstra | What is the alternate cd? | 00:17 |
AlanBell | behave yourself this time unopaste | 00:18 |
OerHeks | Alternate cd is no more, use the mini iso instead | 00:18 |
sydneyJDykstra | What is the mini iso? | 00:19 |
tim____ | sydneyJDykstra: a minimal base OS | 00:19 |
tim____ | sydneyJDykstra: gives you a command line interface and bare basics of an OS | 00:19 |
sydneyJDykstra | I have a slow internet conection. I can download a gb in an hour. | 00:20 |
rww | that's slow? | 00:20 |
bekks | sydneyJDykstra: Thats pretty fast. | 00:20 |
InFlames | i'm asking in #vlc as well, but does anyone know how to fix an issue where vlc goes black from resizing? | 00:21 |
sydneyJDykstra | What is wrong from upgading in the live cd itself,what makes a mini iso much better? | 00:22 |
tim____ | sydneyJDykstra: it for advanced users who know what there doing | 00:22 |
OerHeks | sydneyJDykstra, what is wrog upgrading to 14.04 ? any reason to wait for 16.04? | 00:23 |
=== The_Doctor is now known as Adran | ||
OerHeks | wrog-wrong | 00:23 |
tim____ | wrog lol | 00:23 |
kostkon | InFlames, you could try changing the output/video driver in the vlc settings, if there is such a setting. Try all the available options, e.g. opengl, x11 etc. | 00:25 |
sydneyJDykstra | know I sound like a chicken but the main reason is beckause they have not fixed a problem with the noveau drivers,so when I boot from the live cd I have to use nomodeset to boot,and When I upgrade,I don't want to have to fix that. I have filed a bug report about it though. | 00:25 |
Jordan_U | sydneyJDykstra: The mini installer kernel and initramfs can be loaded and used via netboot, and Debian Installer also has more options than Ubiquity. | 00:25 |
sydneyJDykstra | Also I am not used to procceses that take days. ;) | 00:25 |
pmd | I'm getting an 400 URI failure when trying to upgrade to 14.04. I definitely have an internet connection... anyone have a suggestion? | 00:26 |
sydneyJDykstra | Then why do they support ubuntu for 5 years? why not 4? | 00:27 |
=== george2|chakra is now known as george2 | ||
shirox | can I work and upgrade at the same time? | 00:27 |
daftykins | bad things could happen. | 00:27 |
saiarcot895 | pmd: IIRC, that's a server-side error, not an error on your side | 00:27 |
qin | shirox: hit Ctrl-s more often | 00:28 |
guesting | Okay, okay. So everyone says that if you're on a beta version of ubuntu 14.04 and you just keep apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade, you'll be on the final release. Is this REALLY true? Is it the SAME exact thing as installing the final release fresh? NO differences? | 00:28 |
wonderworld | hi, have the cinnamon-desktop packages been removed from trusty? | 00:28 |
daftykins | guesting: sure | 00:29 |
kostkon | !find cinnamon trusty | 00:29 |
saiarcot895 | guesting: Well, you'll have the same package versions at least | 00:29 |
ubottu | File cinnamon found in gamgi-data, mate-themes, muffin-common, openclipart2-png, openclipart2-svg, tdiary-theme | 00:29 |
guesting | so it's NOT the same? | 00:29 |
guesting | hm | 00:29 |
guesting | there might be some weird setting that's bad | 00:29 |
guesting | potentially or outdated | 00:29 |
sydneyJDykstra | Nobody has an answer for me? | 00:29 |
daftykins | well obviously your pre-update config could break | 00:29 |
guesting | hurumph | 00:29 |
saiarcot895 | guesting: I can't personally guarantee it will be the same, but the packages won't be outdated | 00:29 |
Thedemon007 | i have problem with chromium of 12.04, no played youtube videos say undefined errror :S | 00:29 |
daftykins | guesting: you'd have to nuke your user to get the true out-of-box experience | 00:29 |
Beldar | sydneyJDykstra, This is support, not ubuntu conjecture. | 00:30 |
guesting | is there a way to nuke the installation but keep my music folder? | 00:30 |
OerHeks | sydneyJDykstra, it would take days to answer your trolling questions | 00:30 |
guesting | without backing up | 00:30 |
Thedemon007 | i use pepperflash work fine in others web | 00:30 |
kostkon | guesting, upload it somewhere | 00:30 |
sydneyJDykstra | Sorry. ;) | 00:30 |
guesting | kistkon: Without backing up, I just don't want to keep writing tons of files to my ssd | 00:31 |
Jordan_U | guesting: The Ubuntu installer can re-install preserving /home/ (even if it's not on a separate partition). Of course, then settings stored in /home/ will be preserved. | 00:31 |
qin | guesting: it is good to have separate /home partition | 00:32 |
tim____ | if i install unity 8 desktop session once if upgraded and havent restarted will it break my system? | 00:32 |
tim____ | once i* | 00:32 |
ponyofdeath | anyone know what could cause this? Sorry: TypeError: compile() expected string without null bytesdpkg: error processing package python2.7 (--install): | 00:33 |
Mider_ | Hola | 00:33 |
ddaysword | I'm working with macvlans and I have run into this problem: I can create ~9 macvlans correctly, bring the interfaces up, and acquire leases with dhclient, however, only the first macvlan device works. The other devices fail to ping google. | 00:33 |
Mider_ | Can anyone helpme with lenovo easycamera on ubuntu? | 00:34 |
sydneyJDykstra | Why did the bot repeat my question? | 00:35 |
sydneyJDykstra | oops? | 00:35 |
guesting | Jordan_U: How? | 00:35 |
sydneyJDykstra | sorry. looking at somethig wrong. | 00:35 |
guesting | Jordan_U: All I see is usually install over (wipe clean) or install side by side. | 00:35 |
Thedemon007 | Mider_ into #ubuntu-es | 00:36 |
vidplace7 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes any idea when do-release-upgrade will be working on Tahr (from 13.10) | 00:37 |
sydneyJDykstra | And what happens after ubuntu becomes unsuported? Will my computer still get program updates? | 00:37 |
rww | vidplace7: when your local mirror syncs | 00:37 |
guesting | Jordan_U: Ah, I see a tutorial on UbuntuReinstallation | 00:37 |
Mider_ | Can anyone helpme with lenovo easycamera on ubuntu? | 00:38 |
Thedemon007 | Mider_ into #buntu-es you speak spanish? | 00:38 |
vidplace7 | rww: any idea which mirrors are synced up thus far? | 00:38 |
rww | vidplace7: nope | 00:39 |
Thedemon007 | #ubuntu-es Mider_ :D | 00:39 |
OerHeks | Thedemon007, no need for that, is it? | 00:39 |
Jordan_U | sydneyJDykstra: No. Not getting updates (including security updates) is one of the main things that becomming "unsupported" and End Of Life entails. | 00:41 |
IceMage | Hi, I was wondering is there an issue with repositories not being uploaded/updated yet or something? I ask because I am trying to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 and not getting anywhere prmpt is set to lts for update manager and running do-release-upgrade finds nothing | 00:42 |
Thedemon007 | OerHeks, sorry i can help Mider_ i speak spanish | 00:43 |
Jordan_U | IceMage: LTS to LTS upgrades aren't enabled until 14.04.1 . | 00:43 |
IceMage | I see :/ when is that scheduled to come out? (if any time at all) | 00:44 |
Guest97934 | hellow | 00:45 |
sydneyJDykstra | Hi | 00:45 |
Jordan_U | IceMage: July 24. | 00:47 |
vidplace7 | IceMage: you can still do-release-upgrade -d | 00:48 |
vidplace7 | if your mirror is up to date | 00:48 |
IceMage | damn, that's a while. ah well. I've just been messing around with some stuff in a VM | 00:50 |
[lutchy] | Hello, I've just installed Ubuntu Server 13.10 on a headless box and I am bit curious, how can I check for the reason why a particular package is not included with a release? | 00:53 |
[lutchy] | For example, 'hwinfo' is included with 12.04 but not with 13.10? | 00:54 |
daftykins | not sure, but i wouldn't recommend non-LTS server editions | 00:54 |
rww | [lutchy]: "uses deprecated and broken hal, unmaintained in Debian, obsolete, LP#1221254" https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hwinfo/+publishinghistory | 00:55 |
rww | ubottu: bug 1221254 | 00:55 |
ubottu | bug 1221254 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "kill hal for good!" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221254 | 00:55 |
[lutchy] | This isn't really a production server persay | 00:55 |
vidplace7 | http://mirror.metrocast.net/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ | 00:56 |
[lutchy] | rww, If I wanted for example, look for publishing history of any particular package, I would just visit that link? | 00:56 |
rww | [lutchy]: I look them up on packages.ubuntu.com, click Bug Reports on right, then navigate to the publishing history page from there | 00:57 |
IceMage | what the hell lol? o.O why so many levels to that file structure? | 00:57 |
=== james is now known as Guest24701 | ||
[lutchy] | Alright, thanks | 00:57 |
rww | IceMage: because there's a symlink from ubuntu/ to ./ at the root of update mirrors so that mirrorname/ubuntu/ works on all of them | 00:58 |
IceMage | I see.. | 00:58 |
IceMage | The url just looks like someone had a field day with copy-pasting | 00:59 |
soundconjurer | In Ubuntu 14.04, I notice my Monitor provides Swap "not available" | 00:59 |
soundconjurer | Is that because it is encrypted? | 00:59 |
soundconjurer | Anyone? | 01:00 |
[lutchy] | Regardless of it being unmaintained, would 12.04 version of 'hwinfo' install and work on 13.10? | 01:01 |
soundconjurer | Anyone else using Ubuntu 14.04? | 01:01 |
ske1 | I'm trying to install Ubuntu, but when I try downloading from the website, the source is from "cloudfront.net" not Ubuntu.com | 01:02 |
[lutchy] | If I am not mistaken, Cloudfront can act as a CDN, some companies use Cloudfront to distribute downloads | 01:02 |
ske1 | lutchy: so cloudfront.net hasn't somehow hijacked the download link? | 01:03 |
Seven_Six_Two | Isn't that like cloudflare? | 01:03 |
wisescribe7 | I have a question: Why is Ubuntu asking for a Ubuntu 14.04 disc, and only doing a partial upgrade? | 01:03 |
wisescribe7 | It won't install completely from Ubuntu, it asked for a dsic. | 01:03 |
wisescribe7 | *disc | 01:03 |
soundconjurer | So no one is having trouble with Ubuntu 14.04's Swap partition not showing up in the "system monitor" | 01:04 |
Seven_Six_Two | oh yes, I see now. coudfront is amazon | 01:04 |
[lutchy] | Actually, I might be wrong, Cloudfront might not be CDN but they do DDoS protection but I am not entirely sure Cloudfront provides CDN too | 01:04 |
[lutchy] | I know Cloudflare does provide CDN | 01:04 |
ske1 | cloudfront.net is also responsible for distributing Trojans | 01:05 |
wisescribe7 | Can anyone help me out here? | 01:05 |
shirox | ske1: that's ok. They use different servers to distribute the images. Some people get cloadfront, others get some other server | 01:05 |
Jordan_U | ske1: You can always confirm your download is official using the SHAW256SUMS and SHAW256SUMS.gpg from http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ . | 01:05 |
Seven_Six_Two | yes, cloudfront is amazon's cdn | 01:05 |
[lutchy] | ske1, Cloudfront doesn't distribute Trojans, their clients may do | 01:05 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, did you choose to do updates during install? | 01:05 |
ske1 | lutchy: is ubuntu a client -- or was the link hijacked | 01:06 |
[lutchy] | I has mentioned earlier, I just explained what Cloudfront is and I can't speak for Ubuntu... | 01:06 |
ske1 | lutchy: what is stranger is that when i used chromium to download ubuntu -- two downloads were initiated, one from an university and another from cloudfront.net | 01:06 |
[lutchy] | It could be likely that Ubuntu is using Cloundfront to distribute Images | 01:06 |
ki7rw | hmm, i wonder which update broke nautilus (browse network no longer works) | 01:06 |
[lutchy] | Cloudfront has Data Centers all over the globe | 01:06 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, oh sorry I didn't see that you're upgrading. at what point did the upgrade stop, and what is shown in the terminal? | 01:07 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, and what command did you issue? | 01:08 |
soundconjurer | If you have Ubuntu 14.04 please message me, I have a question about encrypted swap. | 01:09 |
Jordan_U | ske1: It's called load balancing, and it's fairly standard. | 01:09 |
Jordan_U | !pm | soundconjurer | 01:09 |
ubottu | soundconjurer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 01:09 |
odan77 | hello all | 01:10 |
soundconjurer | ubottu, been asking, I feel like I am just going to go on repeat but ok. | 01:10 |
ubottu | soundconjurer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:10 |
Meris | Trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 64Bit on a Sony SVP1321C5E (Vaio Pro 13, UEFI mode) alongside Win8.1 install succeeds, but grub2 installs as if the thing is using Legacy mode instead of UEFI, causing the machine to install grub2 in the wrong partition (should be EFI), whic makes grub unbootable, so that Windows starts it's own BootMgr. | 01:10 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, as of earlier, this is the 14.04 support channel. There will probably be a few here. | 01:10 |
odan77 | ubuntu indonesia will release party ubuntu 14.04 on pekalongan,indonesia | 01:10 |
vidplace7 | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.cc.columbia.edu is updated for trusty already ^_^ | 01:11 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, on the filesystems tab? | 01:11 |
soundconjurer | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the swap partition is not showing up in system monitor, it reads as "not available". I tried blkid, fstab, swapon -a... nothing comes up as confirming having a swap | 01:11 |
dmd- | When will do-release-upgrade begin working? (It still says "No new release found") | 01:11 |
vidplace7 | dmd-: when your mirror updates | 01:12 |
soundconjurer | Now, it could be that it is encrypted and the system monitor nor the other system things can read it other than the module reading and writing to it. | 01:12 |
vidplace7 | if you are impatient, use the columbia mirror https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.cc.columbia.edu | 01:12 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, did you format and recreate swap during install? | 01:12 |
soundconjurer | yes | 01:12 |
Meris | Ive tried: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=16433751#p16433751 but that did not work. Specifically the step to install grub install grub i386, instedad of grub)x86_64_EFI | 01:12 |
soundconjurer | I did a complete wipe and install | 01:12 |
dmd- | thanks | 01:12 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, complete wipe and install. | 01:12 |
MeXTuX | I want to append a hosts list to /etc/hosts and typed this command ---> sudo cat hosts >> /etc/hosts <--after that I am getting this error "bash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied" | 01:13 |
Jordan_U | MeXTuX: That's because in that case it's the shell that's trying to write to the file, and the shell isn't running as root. | 01:13 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, output of: cat /etc/fstab | grep swap | 01:13 |
MeXTuX | Jordan_U is there a way to do it? | 01:14 |
wisescribe7 | Seven_Six_Two: May I PM you about my Ubuntu issues, please? | 01:14 |
soundconjurer | One sec, stepped away from my desktop at the risk of rage punching it. | 01:14 |
Jordan_U | MeXTuX: cat hosts | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null | 01:15 |
Seven_Six_Two | MeXTuX, try something like sudo cat hosts | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts | 01:15 |
MeXTuX | Jordan_U Seven_Six_Two thank you!!! | 01:16 |
wisescribe7 | Seven_Six_Two: Originally I did the sudo do-release-upgrade and it asked for a Ubuntu 14.04 disc | 01:16 |
Jordan_U | Seven_Six_Two: MeXTuX: There is no need to run cat as root unless the file "hosts" can only be read by root. | 01:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | Jordan_U, oh dm u! I had to look up the append flag. I think the first sudo is needed because he won't get the second's prompt | 01:16 |
wisescribe7 | then I used Software Updater, still asked for Ubuntu 14.04 disc, now it's doing a "partial upgrade" | 01:16 |
exgande | somebody speak spanish? | 01:17 |
Jordan_U | Seven_Six_Two: sudo doesn't read from stdin, it does fancy trickery to (more securely) be sure that it's reading the password from the tty directly. | 01:17 |
Jordan_U | !es | exgande | 01:17 |
ubottu | exgande: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 01:17 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, try editing your /etc/apt/sources.list and removing cd entries | 01:17 |
exgande | ejeje ok thanks! | 01:17 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, #UUID = ######(not literally) none swap sw 0 0 | 01:18 |
gshmu | ibus pinyin error | 01:18 |
exgande | or... let me asking something about my xubuntu system | 01:18 |
Meris | Trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 64Bit on a Sony SVP1321C5E (Vaio Pro 13, UEFI mode) alongside Win8.1 install succeeds, but grub2 installs as if the thing is using Legacy mode instead of UEFI, causing the machine to install grub2 in the wrong partition (should be EFI), whic makes grub unbootable, so that Windows starts it's own BootMgr. | 01:18 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 | 01:18 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, is the second line, because swap is clearly encrypted. | 01:19 |
exgande | my kernel is 3.2.0-60-generic and i have installed the 3.2.0-60-pae | 01:19 |
wisescribe7 | Seven_Six_Two: I don't know how to do that. | 01:19 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | Meris | 01:20 |
ubottu | Meris: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 01:20 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, edit files? | 01:20 |
exgande | my problem is when the system started with kernel PAE so dont work video | 01:20 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, pico should be installed. try sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:20 |
exgande | excuse for my english is bad i know jeje sorry | 01:20 |
Meris | Jordan_U, will try, thx for the link | 01:20 |
Jordan_U | MeXTuX: If you boot Ubuntu's installer via UEFI then it will configure the installation for UEFI. You can also make an install made in BIOS mode work in UEFI mode also after the fact, but it takes some manual fiddling. | 01:21 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, in pico, the ^ means hold the control key and press whatever letter. | 01:21 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, sorry, that looks normal. give me a sec. | 01:22 |
exgande | join #ubuntu-es | 01:22 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, When I type swapon -a, it prints swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: no such file or directory | 01:23 |
johndropper | I want to partition by windows laptop and run ubuntu. Will Ubuntu propmt me during the install process about partitoning my drive? | 01:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, try sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap | 01:24 |
wisescribe7 | Seven_Six_Two: I have it open, now what? | 01:24 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, delete any lines that mention cd or cdrom | 01:25 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, or comment them out, better yet. | 01:25 |
dutchuss2016 | Johnathan? Are you in here pm me | 01:25 |
cr33p | .part | 01:26 |
Jordan_U | johndropper: Yes. You will have multiple options, both manual and automatic, for partioning. | 01:26 |
soundconjurer | ok, I did that.. | 01:26 |
johndropper | thank Jordan_U | 01:26 |
Jordan_U | johndropper: You're welcome. | 01:26 |
Seven_Six_Two | wisescribe7, add # or ## to comment out a line | 01:26 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, it says "You do not currently have any swap space defined." | 01:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, from what I've read, that's all that's required to enable encrypted swap...hmmm | 01:27 |
soundconjurer | then tells me how to create it. | 01:27 |
soundconjurer | Seven_Six_Two, which one do I use the UUID= ### or the /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 | 01:28 |
Seven_Six_Two | soundconjurer, the first one | 01:28 |
Seven_Six_Two | it should create or enable the second | 01:28 |
Bray90820 | How would i play an m2ts file | 01:29 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, you could import in to kino first, or play with vlc. You can also convert it lossless to mp2 | 01:30 |
soundconjurer | nothing seems to be working | 01:31 |
soundconjurer | I shall tackle this issue tomorrow when more people have noticed this after install. | 01:31 |
soundconjurer | hopefully someone will post a fix by then | 01:31 |
Bray90820 | Seven_Six_Two: i tried playing it with vlc but it didn't playback | 01:31 |
=== Johnny_Linux is now known as HackerII | ||
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, not at all, or was it very laggy? Is your computer newish? | 01:32 |
john_rambo | Hi I am using a new installation of 14.04. Problem is pavucontrol says "No cards available for configuration" System info : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272122/ | 01:32 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, is ti on your pc or still on your camera? | 01:32 |
Bray90820 | Seven_Six_Two: it didn't play at all and I built the computer in january | 01:33 |
Bray90820 | The file came from a bluray disc | 01:33 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, how did you copy it? | 01:33 |
Meris | Jordan_U, these are my results for my my boot config: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 | 01:33 |
Bray90820 | Seven_Six_Two: I didn't copy it i am trying to play it directly from the disc | 01:34 |
urras | Is there any sort of config for notifying of new releases in Ubuntu? | 01:34 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, oh it's probably encrypted. Can you use vlc to "open disc" instead of choosing a file? | 01:34 |
urras | Eg: If I just wanted to be notified if a LTS update was available? | 01:35 |
Bray90820 | I can play the disc with vlc if i do it without menus but my hope was to import it to my Hard drive and convert it to audio | 01:36 |
Geo | Hi, I'm using nxclient to connect to a remote GUI... been doing it for several years. 'all the sudden', I can't suspend my sessions, it keeps creating new ones, orphaning my previous sessions that I can't get back to. Any thoughts on how to stop this? | 01:36 |
Seven_Six_Two | Bray90820, check out this link: http://goo.gl/9OKoY1 | 01:36 |
Meris | Jordan_U, obviously, my EFI partition is sda3, but somehow grub will not boot. I'm a noob when it comes to EFI, this is my first computer that has this system | 01:37 |
gus4n01328612312 | does anyone know if the final release on 14.04 fixed initramfs to enable mounting root fs from a luks encrypted voume? | 01:37 |
Meris | gus4n01328612312, afaik the issue stands for the release version | 01:38 |
chickenmonger | Gus, from what I remember, the release notes still list luks mounting as a bug | 01:39 |
Geo | Hi, I'm using nxclient to connect to a remote GUI... been doing it for several years. 'all the sudden', I can't suspend my sessions, it keeps creating new ones, orphaning my previous sessions that I can't get back to. Any thoughts on how to stop this? | 01:39 |
gus4n01328612312 | thank you chickenmonger | 01:39 |
gus4n01328612312 | pitty :( | 01:39 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
xangua | how do I use gksu in the new ubuntu 14.04 for example to use gedit to edit a system file? | 01:40 |
mikeche1en | gksudo gedit | 01:41 |
Meris | These are my results for my my boot config: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 Does anyone see why grub2 is not booting on my system even after clean installation of 14.04 64Bit? | 01:43 |
xangua | mikeche1en: gksudo is not installed, should I install gksu¿ didin't know it was no longer preinstalled | 01:43 |
mikeche1en | xangua: i dont see why not to install it | 01:45 |
sudipto | #isitout | 01:49 |
sudipto | !isitout | 01:50 |
ubottu | Yes, it's out! Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download | Release announcement at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html | 01:50 |
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers | ||
Geo | Hi, I'm using nxclient to connect to a remote GUI... been doing it for several years. 'all the sudden', I can't suspend my sessions, it keeps creating new ones, orphaning my previous sessions that I can't get back to. Any thoughts on how to stop this? | 01:51 |
tim__ | i have a problem with monodevelop namespace gtk and gdk could not be found | 01:57 |
tim__ | any ideas? | 01:57 |
Meris | These are my results for my my boot config: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 Does anyone see why grub2 is not booting on my system even after clean installation of 14.04 64Bit? | 01:58 |
zcheng3 | i am now upgrading from 13.10 to 14.04. Hope everything goes smoothly | 02:05 |
lagbox | me too | 02:06 |
lagbox | good luck | 02:06 |
zcheng3 | hehe now it is downloading new packages | 02:07 |
zcheng3 | it would take a while | 02:07 |
SchrodingersScat | zcheng3: exciting | 02:07 |
chickenmonger | zcheng3 are you lucky enough to have a fast connection? | 02:10 |
zcheng3 | well. it is not fast at all | 02:11 |
zcheng3 | now it is around 20 kb/s | 02:11 |
zcheng3 | you? | 02:11 |
chickenmonger | Mine tops out at 300 kb/s and I think it is slow. Looks like "slow" is relative! :) | 02:12 |
Meris | These are my results for my my boot config: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 Does anyone see why grub2 is not booting on my system even after clean installation of 14.04 64Bit? | 02:12 |
flan_suse | When will the alternate installer ISO for 14.04 be available to download? | 02:13 |
sigmabeta3 | hey guys, i did an in-place upgrade 13.10 > 14.04, after it was completed looks like I messed up when trying to reinstall a binary Nvidia driver. | 02:13 |
zcheng3 | at first it was around 300 kb/s but not it is slowing down | 02:13 |
zcheng3 | to 20 kb/s | 02:13 |
sigmabeta3 | machine won't boot into ubuntu now. i've rebooted into a live session but i'm having trouble doing the necessary magic inside a chroot to fix it. | 02:14 |
rww | ubottu: alternative | flan_suse | 02:14 |
ubottu | flan_suse: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD | 02:14 |
flan_suse | :( | 02:14 |
zcheng3 | look like a lot of trouble here | 02:14 |
flan_suse | Dang. | 02:14 |
zcheng3 | maybe I should have waited for another few days | 02:14 |
chickenmonger | you could cancel and select a different mirror | 02:14 |
sigmabeta3 | zcheng3, nah it probably would've worked fine for me if i'd been more diligent about following directions with my driver :) | 02:15 |
zalgo | do you use the proprietary driver? | 02:15 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, yes from the Nvidia website. installable through a script | 02:16 |
zcheng3 | well | 02:16 |
sigmabeta3 | when i try to run the install script from chroot, i get this error: | 02:16 |
zcheng3 | have you solved your problem? | 02:16 |
zcheng3 | well | 02:16 |
crippledmonk | hello all. has anyone used a panasonic toughbook CF-52 specifically with ubuntu? | 02:17 |
sigmabeta3 | http://pastebin.com/LXhD59h0 | 02:17 |
zcheng3 | that's beyond my knowledge | 02:18 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, I used that one as well but had a bit of trouble on upgrades etc, I now use the one in the software and updates page | 02:18 |
zalgo | 319 | 02:18 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, that's fair, but unfortunately i can't boot into ubuntu and make that change | 02:18 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, so whatever fix i do, is likely going to involve a chroot | 02:18 |
zalgo | so you don't even get a cli? | 02:18 |
soundconjurer | Ok, who's noticed system monitor on Ubuntu 14.04 shows "not available" for swap. | 02:19 |
zalgo | *sigmabeta3 | 02:19 |
johnja | I would like to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04, but am unable to do so. do-release-upgrade reports that an unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. What could cause this? | 02:19 |
NosecuentA | Hi folks | 02:20 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, yeah it locks up even if i try to boot into recovery | 02:20 |
=== ubuntu is now known as sigmabeta3 | ||
NosecuentA | Anybody here can help me with my graphic card? | 02:21 |
NosecuentA | Is a Radeon HD 2400 Pro. | 02:21 |
NosecuentA | I want to install it in my Ubuntu 12.04 | 02:21 |
soundconjurer | when I type free - m, my swap displays total = 0, used =0, free =0 | 02:21 |
soundconjurer | I created a swap partition on install... and it doesn't seem to work. | 02:22 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, I had that problem before, i seem to remember if you modify the grub setting you can get it to boot disregarding the drivers | 02:22 |
zalgo | i'll try and find it for you | 02:22 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, that would be great | 02:23 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, What does "grep swap /etc/fstab" say? | 02:24 |
chickenmonger | johnja: if you have any PPAs installed, that might mess up the upgrade calculation. | 02:25 |
NosecuentA | :( | 02:25 |
NosecuentA | !patience | 02:25 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 02:25 |
soundconjurer | #uuid = ####(not literally) none swap sw 0 0 , /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 | 02:25 |
NosecuentA | How can i downgrade my Xorg version from 1.14 to 1.12? | 02:25 |
soundconjurer | Which is an absolutely normal set up | 02:26 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, 'swapon -a' | 02:26 |
johnja | chickenmonger: I thought of that and disabled those PPAs but that didn't help. | 02:26 |
soundconjurer | swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: No such file or directory. | 02:27 |
chickenmonger | johnja I've had success with the utility ppapurge to get ready for an upgrade. disables PPAs and restores standard packages | 02:27 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it | 02:27 |
NosecuentA | Hello? | 02:27 |
NosecuentA | Anybody here? | 02:27 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, If you used the '-a', at least one succeeded at least. Re check 'free -m' | 02:27 |
cfhowlett | NosecuentA ask your ubuntu questions | 02:28 |
soundconjurer | swap total = 0, used = 0, free = 0 | 02:28 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, might it also work if i blacklist the nvidia driver module? | 02:28 |
NosecuentA | How can I downgrade my Xorg version? | 02:28 |
sigmabeta3 | i.e. add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 02:28 |
NosecuentA | I have 1.14 but i need to have 1.12 (For install the propietary driver of my Ati graphic card) | 02:29 |
NosecuentA | Im running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | 02:29 |
soundconjurer | [lutchy], swap total = 0, used = 0, free = 0 | 02:29 |
soundconjurer | [lutchy], i have done really everything in the book | 02:29 |
Thedemon007 | Anybody use chromium in 12.04? | 02:29 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, i will try that out. give me a few minutes to see if it works. | 02:30 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, If might be the case, if it's enumerating through fstab, it might have failed to enable one. | 02:30 |
soundconjurer | [lutchy], I have tried adding swapoff -a, swapon -a, method in the /etc/rc.local folder | 02:30 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, ok | 02:30 |
soundconjurer | is it normal for a UUID line to be commented out? | 02:30 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, Alternatively, since the one that points to '/dev/mapper/cryptswap1' that fails | 02:30 |
soundconjurer | I removed the comment, but it still fails to start up, I always replace it with a backup file after I see no change. | 02:31 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, You can try 'swapon -U <UUID>' | 02:31 |
johnja | Oh, crud! I just remember that I installed dangerdeep from svn. Could that foul it up? | 02:31 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, I don't why the one with UUID is commented out unless you enabled encrypted swap... Which I presume what 'cryptswap1' appear to suggest | 02:32 |
soundconjurer | swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=#### | 02:32 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, UUID should look like this 'afb4910f-238c-4507-bc80-d7489da3bb1a' | 02:32 |
soundconjurer | Yes | 02:33 |
soundconjurer | I know | 02:33 |
soundconjurer | but I am on my laptop | 02:33 |
soundconjurer | and don't want to type it out | 02:33 |
soundconjurer | but the Ubuntu computer is my desktop | 02:33 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, Do you have swap partition ? | 02:33 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, 'fdisk -l' | 02:33 |
[lutchy] | You should see under header 'system', 'Linux Swap' | 02:34 |
=== Guest87142 is now known as nesthib | ||
=== jim is now known as Guest14819 | ||
soundconjurer | /dev/sda3 start 1937524736 end ###### Blocks ###### ID 82 System Linux Swap / Solaris | 02:34 |
soundconjurer | Everything shows up | 02:34 |
soundconjurer | but nothing shows Swap being in use. | 02:35 |
soundconjurer | the System Monitor also says Swap 'Not available' | 02:35 |
[lutchy] | You can add entry in fstab, for example, '/dev/sda3 none swap sw 0 0' | 02:36 |
[lutchy] | Comment out the other two that don't work, then re-run, 'swapon -a' | 02:36 |
soundconjurer | will the remove the cryptswap? | 02:36 |
NosecuentA | Anybody here knows how to install the legacy driver on Ubuntu 12.04? | 02:37 |
wasp1 | cocks | 02:37 |
[lutchy] | soundconjurer, according to the error you provided, /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: No such file or directory., it doesn't appear to exists | 02:37 |
soundconjurer | how do I repair it? | 02:37 |
soundconjurer | I tried the ecryptfs-setup-swap | 02:38 |
soundconjurer | alas no luck | 02:38 |
[lutchy] | You can just follow the instructions I provided or if you looking to re-pair an encrypted swap. I have to say that's beyond my know how. I am not typically a Ubuntu user | 02:38 |
soundconjurer | I am a Debian user, but my family uses Ubuntu. | 02:39 |
Thedemon007 | NosecuentA, try use others drivers.. no have open source drivers? | 02:39 |
soundconjurer | But Debian 7.0 has a bug that keeps them from being able to use it... the GUI software update for gnome doesn't work at all. | 02:40 |
crippledmonk | I don't know if anyone might need this but here's a easy install for nvidia which worked with crunchbang (a debian based distro). I'm not sure if this would directly apply to ubuntu but hopefuly it will help someone at some point. http://tclinux.weebly.com/notes.html | 02:40 |
NosecuentA | "Thedemon007" Yes. Actually i have the option of open source divers, but they are working at 60 fps :c | 02:40 |
=== Stats_Ethan_ is now known as Stats_Ethan | ||
soundconjurer | 60 fps is not bad at all... | 02:41 |
Stats_Ethan | 60 FPS is the maximum most monitors will display; anything more than that isn't actually displayed. | 02:44 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, no dice :/ | 02:44 |
NosecuentA | Yes, i know it. But when i was using Windows, with the same graphic card i got 100 fps on Counter Strike (Steam) | 02:44 |
Thedemon007 | yes :) 60fps is not bad.. NosecuentA, what graphic card have? lspci | grep "VGA" | 02:45 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, it's weird, on booting with the grub options "text" and "nomodeset" i get all the way to a login terminal and then my machine locks up | 02:45 |
NosecuentA | But now, using the open source drivers i just have 60fps and the game is annoying. | 02:45 |
mikeche1en | the open source drivers are a bit slower | 02:45 |
Stats_Ethan | How is the game annoying at 60 FPS? | 02:45 |
mikeche1en | you could try turning down the graphics settings | 02:45 |
Stats_Ethan | 60 FPS and 100 FPS will be the same on almost every monitor. | 02:45 |
Stats_Ethan | They'll both be displayed at 60 FPS. | 02:45 |
soundconjurer | get rid of V-SYNC | 02:46 |
zalgo | sigmebeta3, hmm can you ctrl alt F1? | 02:46 |
NosecuentA | I play it at the min in windows and linux | 02:46 |
soundconjurer | V-SYNC will ruin almost any game. | 02:46 |
mikeche1en | usually the issue is that if your average fps is 60, that means it might fall to 30 or below at times when lots of stuff is happening on screen | 02:46 |
yenic | I'm running 12.04LTS now, have notify set for new LTS releases, but it's not showing up as an option to upgrade within software updater... is this by design? Was the upgrade disabled for some reason? | 02:46 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, when i say locks up i mean no keyboard input whatsoever works, not even numlock or magic sysrq keys | 02:46 |
cfhowlett | yenic run sudo apt-get update | 02:46 |
NosecuentA | Yes, but the valve engine in Linux felt the difference between been working at 100 (Win) or 60 (Fps) | 02:46 |
soundconjurer | I really wish I could fix this cryptswap stuff. | 02:46 |
xar- | isn't the lts -> lts upgrade frozen, pending 14.04.1? | 02:46 |
mikeche1en | whats the cmd for the lts->lts upgrade faq? | 02:46 |
soundconjurer | It is upsetting me. | 02:46 |
mikeche1en | xar-: yup thats right | 02:47 |
cfhowlett | !lts|mikeche1en | 02:47 |
ubottu | mikeche1en: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) | 02:47 |
Samantha- | su | 02:47 |
Samantha- | p | 02:47 |
mikeche1en | cfhowlett: thanks but there is a different one | 02:47 |
xar- | yenic, apparently the lts -> lts upgrade frozen, pending the release of the 14.04.1 | 02:47 |
NosecuentA | I mean, i know that if your monitor supports only 60 Hz or 85 Hz those will be your frame rates, but for our human eyes, we always will catch 60 fps. | 02:47 |
rww | !ltsupgrade | 02:48 |
rww | hmph | 02:48 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, I don't mean to insult your intelligence but you did the no splash as well? | 02:48 |
mikeche1en | hmm there may not be a faq item about it | 02:48 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, no insult taken. no splash as well. | 02:48 |
NosecuentA | But the engine of the game feel the difference. | 02:48 |
cfhowlett | mikeche1en I don't recall ever seeing that factoid ... there is a wiki entry though | 02:48 |
NosecuentA | I can say that the game is not the same | 02:48 |
Stats_Ethan | !lts | 02:49 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) | 02:49 |
Samantha- | You need to dd your drives, ubottu | 02:49 |
Stats_Ethan | !Trusty | 02:49 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes | 02:49 |
Samantha- | I sent the FBI your way after you and your buddies rootkitted my Brazilian VPS. | 02:49 |
scriptwarlock | hello everyone | 02:49 |
mikeche1en | yenic: Users of 12.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 14.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 24th. | 02:49 |
mikeche1en | can anyone add that to ubottu? | 02:50 |
xar- | +1 | 02:50 |
yenic | thanks guys | 02:50 |
NosecuentA | Here is a solution. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntuforums | 02:50 |
rww | Samantha-: do you have an Ubuntu support question we can help you with? | 02:50 |
yenic | how do I query things about 14.04LTS using the bot? | 02:50 |
yenic | !python | 02:50 |
ubottu | python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python | 02:50 |
MrNato_Home | I have a 12.04 server.. how come every arp request it sees on the network it sends a ptr lookup to external dns.. can I disable this | 02:50 |
NosecuentA | But what will happen if I downgrade my Xorg version? | 02:50 |
yenic | ! trusty python | 02:50 |
xar- | that user is private messaging me weird stuff | 02:50 |
cfhowlett | yenic !trusty | 02:50 |
mikeche1en | NosecuentA: why not just install the proprietary drivers | 02:50 |
xar- | ban them rww | 02:50 |
xar- | :) | 02:50 |
yenic | !trusty python | 02:51 |
cfhowlett | xar- "that user" ??? | 02:51 |
xar- | Samantha- | 02:51 |
Samantha- | ? | 02:51 |
mikeche1en | use /ignore | 02:51 |
Samantha- | A user name 'xar' was made on one of my boxes | 02:51 |
scriptwarlock | anyone remember that kind of terminal app that checks images sent by dash? | 02:51 |
Samantha- | I asked around and got sent here | 02:51 |
xar- | lol... | 02:51 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, the only other thing i guess that can be tried is to boot to cli , which is kind of what you were trying to do already, but as far as that i can only offer you anything that google takes me to | 02:51 |
Samantha- | I wanna know why the fuck you abused the shell on my znc | 02:51 |
cfhowlett | xar- if samantha is abusing you via PM, tell the !ops | 02:51 |
xar- | are you an op | 02:51 |
Samantha- | !ops XAR- IS HARASSING ME VIA PM | 02:51 |
Samantha- | !ops XAR- IS HARASSING ME VIA PM | 02:52 |
Samantha- | !ops XAR- IS HARASSING ME VIA PM | 02:52 |
Samantha- | !ops XAR- IS HARASSING ME VIA PM | 02:52 |
Samantha- | !ops XAR- IS HARASSING ME VIA PM | 02:52 |
cfhowlett | Samantha- clean up your langauge | 02:52 |
unopaste | Samantha- you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 02:52 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, this time i booted into a usb with my phone tethered for wifi and things seem to be working much better | 02:52 |
rww | well that solves that language | 02:52 |
rww | erm | 02:52 |
rww | problem, even | 02:52 |
yenic | !trustytahr python | 02:52 |
NosecuentA | Because i have troubles with the requierements of my system, Mikeche1en | 02:52 |
rww | yenic: something we can help you with? | 02:52 |
sigmabeta3 | the chroot session is actually letting me run the nvidia installer this time | 02:52 |
sigmabeta3 | however | 02:52 |
cfhowlett | !ops|samantha - profanity in the PM | 02:52 |
ubottu | samantha - profanity in the PM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l! | 02:52 |
xar- | !ops | 02:52 |
sigmabeta3 | it is giving me errors about not being able to run dkms properly | 02:52 |
NosecuentA | I need Xorg up to 1.12 | 02:52 |
NosecuentA | And im running Xorg 1.14 | 02:52 |
yenic | I was just checking on the default version of python in 14.04, i know it includes python3, but hoping the default 'python' is 2.7 | 02:52 |
xar- | oops sry, it's not quite an emergency, but yea she sent me weird messages via Privmsg. | 02:52 |
yenic | !trusty python3 | 02:53 |
rww | !info python trusty | yenic | 02:53 |
ubottu | yenic: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB | 02:53 |
Stats_Ethan | The update went smoothly for me but Wine threw a fit and I had to reinstall Chrome. | 02:53 |
sigmabeta3 | is anyone familiar with this DKMS error? http://pastebin.com/ | 02:53 |
sigmabeta3 | err | 02:53 |
sigmabeta3 | is anyone familiar with this DKMS error? http://pastebin.com/4Q65DpyU | 02:53 |
=== james is now known as Guest20781 | ||
yenic | are they recommending a fresh install for 12.04LTS users at this time? Or is there a recommended way to update to 14.04 before the point release? | 02:54 |
yenic | !info python3 trusty | 02:54 |
ubottu | python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB | 02:54 |
scriptwarlock | anyone remember that kind of terminal app that checks images sent by dash? | 02:54 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3 it looks like you need to purge the last driver | 02:54 |
cfhowlett | yenic your choice. personally, I always use fresh LTS but whatever works for you is bes | 02:54 |
xar- | yenic: Unless you need a specific feature, there's really no reason to jump to 14.04; 12.04 will be supported until 2017. | 02:54 |
cfhowlett | *best* | 02:54 |
mikeche1en | yenic: you can do 12.04 ->12.10 -> 13.04 etc. | 02:54 |
Samantha- | !ops hey i'm ddosing some fag lol | 02:55 |
ubottu | Samantha-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:55 |
cfhowlett | rww thanks - | 02:55 |
xar- | I love you rww, have my babies. | 02:55 |
xar- | <3 | 02:55 |
Guest20781 | I keep getting a low-graphics mode error when starting lightdm even though kdm and other X environments work. I have nvidia driver, but it does this with both nouveau and proprietary drivers. Does anyone know how to fix this? | 02:55 |
Thedemon007 | NosecuentA, what graphic card have? lspci | grep "VGA" | 02:55 |
rww | yenic: for right now, you could do update-manager -d, though that isn't viable once 14.10 becomes a thing | 02:55 |
yenic | xar- it's just a development machine, disposable if things go haywire. | 02:55 |
xar- | yenic: ok :) | 02:56 |
xar- | yenic: if it's disposable and you're doing development, hop onboard the Vagrant train my friend! | 02:56 |
NosecuentA | Radeon HD 2400 Pro | 02:56 |
xar- | yenic: http://www.vagrantup.com/ | 02:56 |
DalekSec | rww: They've flipped the switch btw, so do-release-upgrade should work fine now. | 02:56 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, purge as in apt-get purge? | 02:56 |
xar- | yenic: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/why-vagrant/index.html | 02:56 |
xar- | yenic: this will change your life lol | 02:57 |
NosecuentA | Thedemon007, 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 PRO] | 02:57 |
rww | DalekSec: haven't for 12.04 | 02:57 |
kupo_ | is compton working in 14.04? | 02:57 |
DalekSec | Missed where he said that. >_> | 02:57 |
yenic | interesting | 02:57 |
xar- | yenic: it will also make you *extremely* marketable if DevOps is your career ;) | 02:57 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, apt-get remove --purge nvidia-* | 02:57 |
mikeche1en | xar-: i keep meaning to play with vagrant more | 02:58 |
xar- | We can talk more about it in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like. Don't wanna go too offtopic hahah. | 02:59 |
mikeche1en | haha yeah, brb gotta reboot | 02:59 |
xar- | no worries | 02:59 |
sigmabeta3 | alright, time to try a reboot, wish me luck | 03:00 |
nahtnam__ | Hello, I need a little help. I used the bitnami stack for Amazon EC2. The files are stored in /home/bitnami/htdocs. The problem is if you go to something like IP/images/ it just says "File not Found". | 03:01 |
xar- | Might wanna reach out to Amazon support for that... :S | 03:02 |
lagbox | also check against IP/images/image | 03:02 |
nahtnam__ | xar-: Its not amazons problem. | 03:02 |
nahtnam__ | Its how the server is configured | 03:02 |
nahtnam__ | If you check http://altcointalk.org/ | 03:02 |
nahtnam__ | Its all messed up | 03:02 |
nahtnam__ | If you look at: http://altcointalk.org/Themes/altcointalk/images/ | 03:03 |
nahtnam__ | It says file not found | 03:03 |
lagbox | incase directory listing is not working | 03:03 |
kupo_ | anyone get compton workin? | 03:04 |
nahtnam__ | I dont think its accessible by the apache server | 03:04 |
nahtnam__ | How do I make it accessible? | 03:04 |
dupingping | where is mterry? | 03:04 |
qin | nahtnam__: one step closer to Ubuntu; man chmod; man chown | 03:04 |
OSaddict | Does anyone know of a video editing program that allows me to split a video into individual frames? | 03:04 |
nitemare7 | I have a friend that is camping, so this question is coming from txt messages. Appreciate any help. He used the recovery console to change a forgotten root password. He changed it and then the system would not boot. It keeps saying "/etc/default/ RCS: line 1: /Dev/sda1: permission denied.... any thoughts? | 03:04 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, what video file type? | 03:05 |
OSaddict | I'm making a videogame video and want to remove lag. | 03:05 |
sigmabeta3 | zalgo, thanks very much for your help but it's looking like this in-place upgrade wasn't meant to be | 03:05 |
cfhowlett | OSaddict avconv can extract to frames | 03:05 |
OSaddict | Well, my clips are .ogv, but I can convert. | 03:05 |
CarlFK | OSaddict: mplayer -vo png foo.ogv | 03:05 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, yeah avconv likely, and ffmpeg | 03:05 |
wisescribe7 | Question: I have Ubuntu and some other versions of Linux (Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc), and I have Ubuntu 14.04 installed. Xubuntu keeps showing up when I boot Ubuntu, and now that I have installed Ubuntu 14.04, my background is a blue background with a picture of an animal, is this what the background is supposed to be? | 03:05 |
NosecuentA | Anybody here knows about Ati graphic cards in Ubuntu 12.04? (OLD GRAPHIC CARDS) | 03:06 |
OSaddict | I don't want to export all the frames as images. I want to delete frames from the video. | 03:06 |
Seven_Six_Two | O | 03:06 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, like every-other? | 03:06 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 sounds like the xubuntu default wallpaper | 03:06 |
zalgo | sigmabeta3, no problems, apologies it didn't work. I am about to embark on a clean install of 14.04 | 03:06 |
nahtnam__ | qin: I tried sudo chmod 777 -R /home/bitnami/htdocs | 03:06 |
qin | nahtnam__: omg, why would you do so? | 03:07 |
soundconjurer | ? | 03:07 |
nahtnam__ | qin: Just to test it out. I will ofcourse change it later | 03:07 |
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OSaddict | Can I easily assemble the pngs back into an ogv video? I'm not worried about audio. | 03:07 |
nahtnam__ | but it doesnt work | 03:07 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, avconv and a shell script. I don't think there is a tool that lets you remove frames leaving an intact video. Yes, the same tools will let you create video from images. | 03:08 |
wisescribe7 | cfhowlett: It's still showing up as Ubuntu for whatever reason, even the system says Ubuntu 14.04 when I go to "About This Computer". | 03:08 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, I use avconv to turn images in to time-lapse videos. | 03:08 |
soundconjurer | hopefully this fix I found works... | 03:08 |
cfhowlett | OSaddict doable | 03:08 |
soundconjurer | *crosses fingers* | 03:08 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 aboutthiscomputer = ubuntu is normal. | 03:09 |
OSaddict | Alright, I'll try that. I'm just wanting to remove those frames at those points where the game lagged, so that the final video looks smooth. | 03:09 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 I think this is the link to see; http://www.junauza.com/2012/07/how-to-customize-ubuntu-splash-and.html | 03:10 |
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wisescribe7 | cfhowlett: Oh OK, so since I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 why is my background Xubuntu wallpaper? | 03:10 |
qin | OSaddict: thats rather snapping, and proper video editor would be handy, you know hollywood style cinelerra | 03:11 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 because (you said) you installed the xubuntu artwork at some point | 03:11 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, have you tried using a smaller video, or not scaling on the fly? What will it look like on a computer that is faster? | 03:11 |
OSaddict | I tried cinelerra, but it crashes every time I import video. | 03:11 |
qin | OSaddict: my bad, kino? | 03:12 |
Seven_Six_Two | kino is for raw video. | 03:12 |
cfhowlett | OSaddict scaledown would definitely help. on 1080, my system is practically useless. try 720 on openshot | 03:12 |
wisescribe7 | cfhowlett: So how do I get it back to the Ubuntu 14.04 artwork? | 03:12 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 http://www.junauza.com/2012/07/how-to-customize-ubuntu-splash-and.html | 03:12 |
Seven_Six_Two | yeah, I would recommend downscaling, trying different codec, or displaying at native size if its scaled. | 03:12 |
hplc | can it be considered safe to use bleachbit to remove "dangling symlink"? | 03:12 |
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cfhowlett | Seven_Six_Two I think Ubuntu tweak also has login image options but I've never used it | 03:13 |
Seven_Six_Two | hplc, unnecessary. symlink isn't file | 03:13 |
Seven_Six_Two | cfhowlett, sorry, I was talking to OSaddict, not wisescribe7 | 03:14 |
hplc | Seven_Six_Two, how can i best deal with those then? | 03:14 |
nahtnam__ | What are the best permissions to give an apache php server? | 03:14 |
OSaddict | What exactly do you mean by scaledown? The video itself doesn't lag. It's just that the gameplay lagged when I recorded it and my video shows it. I've already completed that part of the game, though. | 03:14 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Hey, did you ever get that issue sorted out with your sound? | 03:14 |
Seven_Six_Two | hplc, to be clear, you're talking about a symlink pointing to a file that no longer exists? | 03:15 |
OSaddict | Installing Kino right now... I'll see what it can do. | 03:15 |
hplc | Seven_Six_Two, yes | 03:15 |
tnk | herpderphurr, no!!!! | 03:15 |
tnk | please help | 03:15 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, oh sorry, I thought that the video was for a cutscene in a game that you're making. | 03:15 |
Seven_Six_Two | hplc, just remove it with rm | 03:15 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Which kernel version are you running right now? | 03:15 |
cfhowlett | !who | 03:16 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 03:16 |
OSaddict | No, it's basically a Let's Play. | 03:16 |
cinthia | algun canal de xubuntu | 03:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, you won't be able to edit it with kino. that's for digital camera videos. | 03:16 |
cinthia | donde me pueda unir | 03:16 |
OSaddict | What do you recommend? | 03:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, convert to mpg and edit it in OpenShot | 03:16 |
cinthia | ahhhhhh???? | 03:16 |
Kamilion | can anyone help me? I am having a problem with python on 14.04 | 03:16 |
tnk | 3 0 11 20 | 03:16 |
tnk | herpderphurr, | 03:16 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, you can split and reassemble, then export | 03:16 |
Kamilion | this is hard to type out, bear with me a moment | 03:17 |
tnk | 3 0 11 19 has sound, but then everything else breaks with it | 03:17 |
OSaddict | I'm using Openshot right now, but it doesn't play it back precisely, and the first 20 seconds of my video were cut off when I imported. | 03:17 |
OSaddict | I did it 3 times with the same result. | 03:17 |
Kamilion | error: command '['/home/ubuntu/git/venv/bin/python3.4', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1 | 03:17 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Is that 3.0.11-20? | 03:18 |
tnk | yeah | 03:18 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, then reimport, and don't judge the vid until you've reexported it. playback from within openshot can lag if its processing on the flyu | 03:18 |
Kamilion | i am trying to run 'pyvenv-3.4 venv' | 03:18 |
semaj81 | Just installed 14.04.... love it so far.. only question is this.. I have an nvidia card.. a good one.. and my 2d animations ... like windows motion, minimize, maximize and such are jaggy... sluggish... I've installed the nvidia propriatary drivers.. what gives? I should be smooth as silk all around.. | 03:18 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, did you convert before importing? | 03:18 |
nitemare7 | Anyone able to take a stab at a password recovery issue? I can repeat question, just do not want to spam channel. | 03:18 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Hmm... can you double check by running "uname -a"? I can't find 3.0 kernels in the repos (they are quite old) | 03:19 |
Seven_Six_Two | semaj81, what's the output of glxinfo | grep direct | 03:19 |
Kamilion | http://puu.sh/8d9cq.png | 03:19 |
OSaddict | No, I just used recordmydesktop, which by default created a .ogv | 03:19 |
wisescribe7 | cfhowlett: The page you gave me a link to talked about installing Plymouth Manager. It's saying it's unable to locate the package | 03:19 |
tnk | herpderphurr, i double checked | 03:20 |
Kamilion | can anyone help me with ubuntu 14.04 i need to get a venv working! | 03:20 |
tnk | 3 11 0 20 - generic herpderphurr | 03:20 |
cfhowlett | wisescribe7 see ubuntu-tweak | 03:20 |
Foxhoundz | What happened to Ubuntu? | 03:20 |
herpderphurr | tnk: All right. thanks. Let me think here..... | 03:20 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, try converting it to mpg first. It'll work better. You should be able to convert with handbrake, avconv, transmageddon, or any other video transcoder. | 03:20 |
tnk | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272578/ | 03:20 |
Foxhoundz | window 9 | 03:21 |
semaj81 | Just a moment Seven_Six_Two ... | 03:21 |
Foxhoundz | window/ | 03:21 |
tnk | herpderphurr, i'm thinking of upgrading to 14.0 lts.. and seeing if that works.. or at least trying the live cd first, adn seeing if sound is good and if google chrome/chromium is stable.. which is another problem.. | 03:21 |
tnk | you think? | 03:21 |
OSaddict | Alright. So is Openshot not good at handling .ogv video? | 03:21 |
Seven_Six_Two | I've never had much luck with it, except for playback. | 03:22 |
herpderphurr | tnk: A LiveCD wouldn't hurt. | 03:22 |
quotemstr | Since upgrading to 14.04, I've seen *two* application-not-responding dialog boxes. | 03:22 |
OSaddict | Is 14.04 considered stable yet? | 03:22 |
quotemstr | According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1299080, I'm no longer supposed to see the gtk-window-decorator one. But I do. | 03:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1299080 in Unity "[UIFe] New style force-quit window dialog" [Medium,Fix committed] | 03:22 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, I always do mpg, since it's essentially interleaved images, without video compression. | 03:22 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, released today. It's stable for me. | 03:23 |
quotemstr | (So I see both the libunity dialog thing *and* the one in compiz.) | 03:23 |
tnk | herpderphurr, let's see if we can solve it though even without going to that extreme of installing yet another upgrade, which may have even more problems.. | 03:23 |
Kamilion | OSaddict: I've had no problems with it since december other than python related >.< | 03:23 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, ymmv! | 03:23 |
semaj81 | Seven_Six_Two, here is the output.. https://i.imgur.com/JLLx6a6.png | 03:23 |
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OSaddict | I'll just try converting it to plain, raw, uncompressed video for editing. | 03:24 |
OSaddict | Does 14.04 still use Compiz? 13.10 lagged like hell on my laptop, which made me downgrade to good ol' 12.04. | 03:25 |
Seven_Six_Two | semaj81, thanks. you should check out pastebin. It's great for text. You're using the nv driver | 03:25 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, yes, you want mpeg(mpg). They're just jpg flipbooks | 03:25 |
semaj81 | I know.. pastebin is easier.. lol.. So everything should be fine then? | 03:25 |
semaj81 | Just feels very heavy to me... | 03:26 |
Seven_Six_Two | semaj81, yes. you can also check the framerate with glxgears | 03:26 |
semaj81 | Said.. 300 frames in 5 seconds.. 60.006 fps.. | 03:26 |
semaj81 | Can't beat that I guess.. | 03:26 |
Seven_Six_Two | semaj81, in the software centre, you can try changing to one of the other nvidia drivers. I've had past luck doing that, but be warned that a problem might leave you with just a terminal to fix it with. | 03:26 |
herpderphurr | tnk: If I remember right, a kernel driver that should have been packaged with the kernel wasn't... well.. packaged. Can you use Synaptic or Aptitude and look up package linux-image-3.11.0-20-generic? | 03:27 |
semaj81 | Yeah.. it's just hard to describe.. unity just feels.. heavy.. | 03:27 |
OSaddict | Seven_Six_Two, so you mean, mpeg-1, not 2 or 3? or does it not matter? | 03:27 |
wall0 | Greetings. I am trying to run Xen but it is booting to busybox. Should Xen has an initrd file in /boot? | 03:28 |
tnk | sure | 03:28 |
Seven_Six_Two | semaj81, what desktop do you use? unity? There are settings to change those animations, so you might want to look at that. | 03:28 |
semaj81 | Will do.. yes, Unity.. I actually like it.. Not sure what is popular these days.. | 03:28 |
OSaddict | Did they bring back Unity 2d? | 03:29 |
tnk | herpderphurr, what do you want to see/what's the cle to paste you? | 03:29 |
Seven_Six_Two | OSaddict, mp3 is actually an extension to mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 | 03:29 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Sure, that can help. | 03:29 |
quotemstr | What exactly is supposed to stop gtk-window-decorator from displaying that dialog? | 03:29 |
tnk | herpderphurr ??? | 03:30 |
soundconjurer | stupid ecryptfs, making my swap unusable. Time to clean install without the encryption. | 03:30 |
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herpderphurr | tnk: Sorry. misread your message. Actually, start Synaptic Package Manager, search for "linux-image-3.11.0-20-generic" | 03:32 |
tnk | and then? | 03:32 |
semaj81 | Seven_Six_Two, it actually seems to be getting better.... | 03:32 |
OSaddict | FFmpeg tells me that it's deprecated and to use avconv instead, but avconv isn't found. | 03:33 |
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herpderphurr | tnk: take a look at its properties, and tell me who is its Maintainer, and what section it's in | 03:33 |
jellow | I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 through usb made in unetbootin , I get message saying there is "too little memory" when I select any of the options | 03:35 |
notyoureverydayS | do you ubuntu already installed on one of your machines? | 03:35 |
allstarsnorks2 | How long does an upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 take? I have been on ubiquity for half an hour. | 03:36 |
cfhowlett | notyoureverydayS you're asking if the people in the ubuntu channel have installed ubuntu? | 03:36 |
cfhowlett | jellow you need about 2 gb free | 03:37 |
tnk | herpderphurr, ubuntu kernel team.. 3 11 0 20 generic | 03:37 |
cfhowlett | allstarsnorks2 it takes time to download ... | 03:37 |
tnk | i would love to upgrade.. what should the most current kernel be? | 03:37 |
linuxlite1983 | notyoureverydayS, well are you asking if a certain version is is stalled? | 03:37 |
notyoureverydayS | yes, i am. because its better to set up the disk using the built in disk creator and not another open source option due to formating reasons | 03:38 |
jellow | cfhowlett, I have 1876 memory , on a side note i get the same message in memtest | 03:38 |
cfhowlett | jellow try a different usb | 03:38 |
herpderphurr | tnk: I think the most recently released stable kernel would be kernel version 3.14, but it'll take some time before that makes it to Ubuntu's repos (You can always download and compile it yourself though. Takes me ~45 minutes to do that, though) | 03:38 |
jellow | cfhowlett, would you recommend unetbootin ? | 03:38 |
cfhowlett | jellow it usually works quite well | 03:39 |
notyoureverydayS | jellow, what is the diagnosis on the usb disk? | 03:39 |
lagbox | hehe upgrade had errors | 03:39 |
allstarsnorks2 | is erasing 13.10 and installing 14.04 option faster than upgrade 13.10 to 14.04 option? | 03:39 |
tnk | herpderphurr, i'll stick with the supported deb packages.. compiling myself seems it will breed problems or not be able to reverse.. | 03:39 |
herpderphurr | tnk: reasonable enough. One thing that I think might lead to a solution is to downgrade the kernel version you're using (e.g. use a 3.8, 3.5, or 3.2 kernel) if you don't absolutely need the features of the newer kernels. | 03:40 |
OSaddict | allstarsnorks2, I think the upgrade would be faster, but just erasing and reinstalling is way more reliable! | 03:41 |
herpderphurr | The older kernels might not have the same problems as the new ones, and they should still receive security updates. | 03:41 |
linuxlite1983 | tnk, herpderphurr if you have the skill then compile them, if you dont but want to like to compile use a differnce pc then you main pc | 03:41 |
jellow | notyoureverydayS, not sure how to tell dmesg does not show any erros | 03:41 |
tnk | herpderphurr, other ideas? | 03:42 |
linuxlite1983 | OSaddict, allstarsnorks2 yes a reinstall would be as OSaddict says | 03:42 |
Ben64 | tnk: what are you trying to accomplish? | 03:42 |
herpderphurr | tnk: Well, we could go to -19 and fix the issues that the older kernel introduces. | 03:43 |
saju_m | i want to remove libvirt-bin and reinstall it | 03:43 |
saju_m | see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272728/ | 03:43 |
herpderphurr | tnk: I can't do much with -20, since we confirmed -20 seems to not install with the snd-hda-intel.ko sound driver | 03:43 |
saju_m | i am getting some warnings | 03:43 |
tnk | Ben64, desperately trying to fix audio problems with ubuntu 13.10.. and linux 3 11 0 20 | 03:43 |
Ben64 | tnk: why do you keep posting the version like that? | 03:43 |
tnk | idk | 03:43 |
OSaddict | I've heard that there was a power-management regression in one of the kernel versions. Is that still present in 3.12? | 03:43 |
tnk | Ben64, can you help me fix it? I've tried everything I can think of and find | 03:44 |
saju_m | How to remove libvirt completely ? | 03:44 |
notyoureverydayS | jellow, then it must be the download. it's a pain in the butt but you may just be better off deleting the disk and redownloading your disk maker and the ubuntu iso | 03:44 |
Ben64 | tnk: i'd suggest upgrading to 14.04, 13.10 only has 3 months of life left | 03:44 |
OSaddict | tnk sudo apt-get install --reinstall libvirt? | 03:44 |
notyoureverydayS | >make sure every bit is deleted too | 03:44 |
tnk | what's libvirt? | 03:45 |
tnk | Ben64, yeah, iw as thinking of testing the livecd and then installing it if it works with audio and if chromium is stable... | 03:45 |
OSaddict | tnk, sudo apt-get purge --reinstall libvirt | 03:45 |
allstarsnorks2 | Scan_results error (-22). What's that? | 03:45 |
Ben64 | OSaddict: i don't think you're talking to the right person | 03:45 |
jitsusama | tnk: libvirt is a virtualization front-end library. | 03:45 |
saju_m | i got stuck with libvirt-bin | 03:46 |
jitsusama | It gives a unified interface for controlling qemu, kvm, virtualbox &etc. | 03:46 |
saju_m | I removed and reinstalled it. But i am getting an error like : TRACE nova.virt.driver ImportError: libvirt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 03:46 |
silv3r_m00n | hi ther | 03:46 |
silv3r_m00n | i want to run sudo update-manager from commandline, but want to detach it from the terminal, so that i can close the terminal, how ? | 03:47 |
saju_m | I think, i missed some thing while reinstalling that ? | 03:47 |
Anarchic | why silv3r_m00n? | 03:48 |
saju_m | see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272728/, purge operation showing some warnings. How to delete those files ? | 03:48 |
tnk | jitsusama, what's it going to do? will that fix the audio? or fix all the systemd socket errors i get startup up? | 03:48 |
silv3r_m00n | Anarchic: just like that, once i was upgrading, and suddenly the system became unstable and terminal was forced to closed which took down the update manager with it | 03:48 |
Ben64 | saju_m: you should use apt-get instead of aptitude | 03:49 |
jitsusama | tnk: I don't know enough about your system, but I can honestly say not having libvirt shouldn't effect you if you're not aware of what it is. | 03:49 |
Anarchic | silv3r_m00n, try "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal | 03:49 |
saju_m | Ben64: I already tried apt-get, no luck | 03:49 |
Gerowen | I decided to reformat for this upgrade, and have been running a deja dup backup for quite some time. I'm getting an error telling me that a location doesn't exist. | 03:49 |
jitsusama | The question is whether you have other apps installed that rely on it for some reason. | 03:49 |
Gerowen | Is there a way to browse deja-dup backups so I can just retrieve the files I want? | 03:49 |
Ben64 | tnk: ignore all the libvirt stuff, they're mistaking you for saju_m | 03:49 |
OSaddict | avconv is failing on me. | 03:49 |
Ben64 | saju_m: pastebin that error, please | 03:50 |
tnk | Ben64, ok | 03:50 |
OSaddict | Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height | 03:50 |
herpderphurr | tnk: If Chromium is breaking on kernel 3.11.0-19-generic, that seems more fixable than fixing a weird kernel package | 03:50 |
OSaddict | I just did avconv -i out-13.ogv out-13.mpg | 03:50 |
herpderphurr | tnk: If that's the only problem, I think we can work with that. | 03:50 |
jitsusama | saju_m: Are you trying to remove libvirt altogether and re-add it, or just libvirt-bin? | 03:51 |
saju_m | Ben64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272753/ | 03:51 |
silv3r_m00n | Anarchic: apt-get update and upgrade all done, now need to run update-manager | 03:51 |
tnk | herpderphurr, Ben64 .. ok i'm burning the new live 14.. i will try that | 03:52 |
saju_m | jitsusama: libvirt altogether | 03:52 |
OSaddict | Anyone know how to use avconv? | 03:52 |
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jitsusama | Ok, I would start with removing libvirt. | 03:52 |
Ben64 | saju_m: theres probably more packages installed about libvirt, remove all of them at once | 03:52 |
saju_m | jitsusama: libvirt altogether and re-add it | 03:52 |
jitsusama | It should clear out libvirt-bin and everything else. | 03:52 |
lagbox | so .. upgrade said ... finished upgrade with errors .... should i assume my system state is okay to reboot ? | 03:52 |
jitsusama | I believe libvirt is the library package. | 03:52 |
Anarchic | silv3r_m00n, the update manager is just a GUI for apt-get...you're done | 03:52 |
=== Guest78184 is now known as RahulAN | ||
herpderphurr | what happens when Ubuntu releases reach the end of the alphabet? | 03:53 |
saju_m | jitsusama: yes, it is a library | 03:53 |
xsirh | Hello, people im looking for Akuma | 03:53 |
jitsusama | I know, I mean libvirt-bin is cli programs for the library project. | 03:53 |
saju_m | jitsusama: how to remove those type of packages | 03:53 |
jitsusama | You want to delete the library, which should delete all of the apps that rely on it at once. | 03:53 |
xsirh | Join my channel its channel #1 | 03:53 |
OSaddict | herpderphurr, then we go with Chinese characters. | 03:53 |
jitsusama | Let me look on my boxen. | 03:53 |
cfhowlett | xsirh stop spamming this channel please | 03:54 |
jitsusama | I can't remember all of the package names. | 03:54 |
saju_m | jitsusama: any easy step | 03:54 |
xsirh | sorry just want people to talk to | 03:54 |
jitsusama | saju_m: Yeah, I think I'll be able to find one. | 03:54 |
jitsusama | I love libvirt so much btw. | 03:54 |
jitsusama | There is bugs with certain versions of Ubuntu with it though. | 03:55 |
jitsusama | What rev are you running? | 03:55 |
jellow | I've just tried second usb and checked the md5sum on the iso , I cannot load kernel image into memory insufficient memory when I try to boot. | 03:55 |
jitsusama | Of Ubuntu. | 03:55 |
OSaddict | Does anyone know how to speed up the Unity dash? Sometimes, it takes 10 seconds to find a program. | 03:55 |
MaximumTimbo | I'm having a little trouble finding documentation about ubgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 -*BETA*- to the final 14.04 release. Any takers? | 03:56 |
cfhowlett | !final|MaximumTimbo | 03:56 |
ubottu | MaximumTimbo: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. | 03:56 |
saju_m | jitsusama: see, I had libvirt0.9.8 by default on my ubuntu 12.04. Later i installed libvirt1.2 from source. And later i removed that using the command#make uninstall. Then now, I am trying to install default libvirt 0.9 back using #sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin. That got installed. But getting error when ruiing my application which using libvirt. Erro:http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272765/ | 03:58 |
jellow | !netinstall | jellow | 03:58 |
ubottu | jellow, please see my private message | 03:58 |
jitsusama | It's not loading up the dynamic library file. | 03:58 |
jitsusama | curious. Try find / -name "*libvirt*" -print | 03:58 |
MaximumTimbo | I second OSaddict question: Does anyone know how to speed up the Unity dash? Sometimes, it takes 10 seconds to find a program. | 03:59 |
jitsusama | Look for any .a or .so files. | 03:59 |
OSaddict | And Cinnamon's menu is instantaneous! | 03:59 |
=== sz0` is now known as sz0 | ||
herpderphurr | MaximumTimbo, OSaddict: install SSD, get more RAM? | 04:00 |
jitsusama | I'm thinking you have conflicting library files installed. make uninstall might not have done its job. | 04:00 |
MaximumTimbo | OSaddict, Mine is really fast, but I have disabbled many things | 04:00 |
=== sz0 is now known as sz0` | ||
MaximumTimbo | OSaddict, Do you have tweak unity? | 04:00 |
saju_m | jitsusama: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272771/ | 04:01 |
NosecuentA | TDemon | 04:01 |
OSaddict | MaximumTimbo, Yep. | 04:01 |
NosecuentA | Thedemon007 | 04:01 |
OSaddict | Can I disable some of the web-based content. I think that's slowing it down. | 04:01 |
jitsusama | saju_m: sudo ldconfig -v | grep libvirt | 04:02 |
herpderphurr | OSaddict: you can do that in 13.10. Look in the System Settings | 04:02 |
MaximumTimbo | OSaddict, well I'm not into the whole search the internet for everything that Unity pushes, so I have disabled many of these features | 04:02 |
saju_m | jitsusama: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272778/ | 04:02 |
suudy | We are trying to find a way to store a few bytes of data in the case of an unrecoverable error, such as an uncorrectable ECC error, watchdog timeout, etc, on a standard PC platform. We have a custom platform with a small NVRAM attached that we use for this. But we aren't sure what's available on a standard PC. I looked at the NVRAM for the BIOS/CMOS, but I can't seem to find a map of "unused" bytes in that region. Any hints? Is there a way | 04:02 |
jitsusama | Ah ha, changed. | 04:03 |
jitsusama | That might've fixed ya. | 04:03 |
jitsusama | Try loading it again. | 04:03 |
jitsusama | Do you still have libvirt-bin installed btw? | 04:03 |
jitsusama | If not, you might want to load that first. | 04:03 |
saju_m | jitsusama: yes, libvirt-bin is there. | 04:04 |
saju_m | jitsusama: How tol load that | 04:04 |
jitsusama | Hrmm.. I use too many Linux's. | 04:04 |
OSaddict | herpderphurr, which System Settings icon is it under? | 04:05 |
jitsusama | I'm trying to remember the Ubuntu command for restarting services. | 04:05 |
jitsusama | Ah yes, service. | 04:05 |
=== blindsight|znc| is now known as blindsight | ||
jitsusama | sudo service restart libvirt-bin | 04:05 |
jitsusama | Then try sudo virsh | 04:05 |
MaximumTimbo | jitsusama, stop <service> then start <service> is how I do wit samba... maybe same for your\ | 04:06 |
jitsusama | That's right, upstart. | 04:06 |
jitsusama | I think libvirt is still the old rc.d setup on the Ubuntu version he's running. | 04:07 |
saju_m | jitsusama: see, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272793/ | 04:07 |
jitsusama | Awesome. | 04:07 |
jitsusama | Try the command sysinfo and see if you get a response. | 04:07 |
jitsusama | As long as it's not an error, you should be ready for business. | 04:07 |
jitsusama | I don't know if you have any VMs defined yet, if you did, I would say just use the list command. | 04:08 |
saju_m | jitsusama: sysinfo command not found | 04:08 |
jitsusama | saju_m: You'd want to run that command from virsh. | 04:08 |
saju_m | jitsusama: ok | 04:09 |
tnk | Ben64, be back in a few.. will try this live cd now | 04:09 |
saju_m | jitsusama: yes, its working | 04:09 |
jitsusama | Awesome. | 04:09 |
jitsusama | So, here's what happened. | 04:10 |
saju_m | jitsusama: which command got fixed this issue ? | 04:10 |
jitsusama | You compiled and installed from source. | 04:10 |
jitsusama | At some time your library file cache was rebuilt. | 04:10 |
jitsusama | You did a make uninstall, then installed the binary. | 04:10 |
jitsusama | Your library file cache didn't get rebuilt. | 04:10 |
jitsusama | So, when the libvirt daemon tried to load, Linux didn't have a cache of the proper library file loaded. | 04:11 |
jitsusama | So, it couldn't dynamically link it with the binary. | 04:11 |
jitsusama | This caused the failure. | 04:11 |
jitsusama | Running ldconfig recreated the library file cache. | 04:11 |
saju_m | jitsusama:ok, got it | 04:11 |
jitsusama | Whenever you muck around with .so files, you want to run ldconfig to "refresh" your library file cache. | 04:11 |
jitsusama | Otherwise, binaries won't know where to find their library files. | 04:12 |
saju_m | jitsusama:thanks, Let me try to create VM | 04:13 |
herpderphurr | OSaddict: I think the application for it is gnome-control-center | 04:13 |
enchilado | /61 | 04:13 |
jitsusama | Sure thing, I should be around for a bit yet. | 04:13 |
jitsusama | I forgot how addicting IRC was. | 04:14 |
reisio | jitsusama: irc | 04:14 |
reisio | jitsusama: and booze :) | 04:14 |
OSaddict | herpderphurr: I opened System Settings. Now what do I click? | 04:14 |
jitsusama | lol ;) Mountain Dew for me reisio, but I get the point :) | 04:14 |
clue_h | how install ubuntu 15 | 04:15 |
reisio | mountain dew kills gametes; booze only kills braincells | 04:15 |
reisio | clue_h: hrmm? | 04:15 |
holstein | !install > clue_h | 04:15 |
ubottu | clue_h, please see my private message | 04:15 |
clue_h | tanks you | 04:16 |
jitsusama | s/Mountain Dew/Early Grey/g then :) | 04:16 |
jitsusama | Blah, Earl Grey! | 04:16 |
=== logic is now known as Guest41206 | ||
Guest41206 | hello everyone im hoping someone can help me im a total linux noob | 04:16 |
Guest41206 | i just installed ubuntu, ive hidden the unity launcher, and installed docky | 04:17 |
Guest41206 | now i need a way to see a list of all apps installed like i could in unity | 04:17 |
clue_h | Guest41206, type 'dpkg -l' in terminal | 04:17 |
Guest41206 | i mean i need a launcher for all the apps | 04:18 |
clue_h | Guest41206, one launcher for all apps? | 04:18 |
Guest41206 | clue_h, yes my friend | 04:19 |
reisio | and one tray to bind them | 04:19 |
clue_h | haha | 04:19 |
jitsusama | One launcher to rule them all, one launcher to find them, one launcher... | 04:19 |
jitsusama | Darn, you beat me to it! | 04:19 |
reisio | :D | 04:19 |
holstein | Guest41206: sure.. i'll help you.. just install ubuntu, and use it "as-is" for a while.. dont go removing lanuchers and changing things as a "noob" | 04:19 |
Guest41206 | ive got ubuntu setup how i would like it with docky its nice | 04:19 |
jitsusama | Yeah, that's what Mac OS X is for! | 04:19 |
holstein | Guest41206: then, enjoy | 04:19 |
Guest41206 | just need to list all my installed apps | 04:20 |
holstein | Guest41206: you can add whatevrer you like to docky to do that, or add the default setup back.. | 04:20 |
reisio | you said | 04:20 |
clue_h | Guest41206, so you want to see all apps graphically instead of the dpkg -l way? | 04:20 |
Guest41206 | i like in dash home how i could see all installed apps | 04:21 |
Guest41206 | i need a way todo this now as i disabled unity | 04:21 |
herpderphurr | OSaddict: Security & Privacy -> Search tab -> Set to off | 04:21 |
clue_h | just go in /usr/share/applications and see the desktop icons | 04:21 |
holstein | Guest41206: add that to docky, friend.. right click and add what you like | 04:21 |
reisio | Guest41206: http://alternativeto.net/software/gnome-do/?platform=linux | 04:22 |
silv3r_m00n | when doing apt-get upgrade, sometimes it shows, The following packages have been kept back: , why does it do so ? | 04:22 |
jitsusama | Sometimes because they are blocked by another package, sometimes because they require manual intervention to install. | 04:23 |
Ahmuck | hi. my wirless quit working after installing 14.04 | 04:23 |
Ahmuck | any suggestions? | 04:23 |
jitsusama | aptitude is usually nice to figure out the why. | 04:23 |
reisio | Ahmuck: fix it | 04:23 |
holstein | Ahmuck: please share the full information | 04:23 |
holstein | Ahmuck: the chipset, etc.. | 04:23 |
Guest41206 | Also whats the best way to install android on linux, as my girlfriend wants to play some games | 04:23 |
clue_h | Ahmuck, try cleaning the vinyl and placing the stylus back on | 04:23 |
herpderphurr | Guest41206: Android already runs on Linux. What do you mean? | 04:24 |
holstein | Ahmuck: you are going to be looking for someone with your exact hardware to help you.. here or in a forum, or mailing list | 04:24 |
herpderphurr | Guest41206: do you mean an Android emulator for Ubuntu? | 04:24 |
holstein | Guest41206: ask in an android channel. nothing about linux/ubuntu is preventing those games from running on it | 04:24 |
Guest41206 | herpderphurr: yes i need to know how to install games from the google play | 04:24 |
reisio | Guest41206: there's an emulator, they call it an sdk | 04:24 |
Guest41206 | reisio: i see there is an sdk and some eumlators i wanted to know which will run the fastest to play the games | 04:25 |
bigred15 | Anyone here familiar with ps3mediaserver that can help me configure it? | 04:25 |
qin | Guest41206: I bet vbox... | 04:26 |
herpderphurr | Guest41206: Those emulators are not going to leave a positive experience. I use those emulators for development, and they are jittery and slow. | 04:26 |
reisio | :D | 04:26 |
reisio | as is Android | 04:26 |
reisio | authentic much | 04:26 |
Ahmuck | the controller is a Qualcom Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI Express) (rev01) | 04:26 |
lagbox | looks like my system has every possible graphic driver known to xserver | 04:26 |
clue_h | Ahmuck, try 'rfkill list' to list devices to see if any are blocked, if so, rfkill unblock wlan0 for example | 04:27 |
notyoureverydayS | Now that we are on this topic does anyone have any good gameboy emulators that i can download from the software center? i ask because the last time i did the stupid thing slowed down the performance and took up way to much space. | 04:27 |
clue_h | i have similar chipset | 04:27 |
Ahmuck | it's not blocked | 04:27 |
clue_h | oh | 04:27 |
basketball | d | 04:28 |
holstein | lagbox: the kernel is modular, with many drivers included | 04:28 |
aneks | Does anyone know if there is a way to install fontconfig-infinality on 14.04? Once I upgraded to 14.04 it got removed. | 04:30 |
Guest41206 | whats the fastest android emulator .android-x86.org or genymotion? | 04:33 |
holstein | Guest41206: none will let you do what you are trying to do | 04:33 |
Guest41206 | why not i read on google you can play android games on ubuntu | 04:33 |
holstein | Guest41206: you should just start trying them.. | 04:33 |
holstein | Guest41206: i find, as was said above a few times, they are for development, and not appropriate for what you are tring to do | 04:34 |
holstein | Guest41206: you should ask in an android support channel | 04:34 |
qin | Guest41206: do you know that tablet with better performance that thoese will cost you 30 quid? | 04:35 |
qin | Guest41206: your gf might acctualy like gift and stop using your own box, win-win | 04:36 |
Guest41206 | she already has a nexus 7 tablet, but i wanted to give that to her sister | 04:36 |
qin | half-win | 04:37 |
apb1963 | I can't click on anything on any of my virtual desktops (i.e. icons/programs). I can only run programs from the Kmenu. ubuntu 12.04 Any ideas? | 04:38 |
holstein | apb1963: i would try as another user, and remove my user config from the equation for troubleshooting. the guest account should tell you something | 04:39 |
apb1963 | holstein: sudo - randomuser ?? | 04:40 |
holstein | apb1963: nothing sudo.. | 04:40 |
apb1963 | oops | 04:40 |
apb1963 | su - randomuser | 04:40 |
holstein | apb1963: i mean, just use another user.. or the guest account | 04:40 |
aneks | is there a way I can add a ppa from a prvious release? as it doesn't seem to like it when I do sudo apt-get update I get the following error http://pastebin.com/YqSW0cg5 | 04:43 |
holstein | aneks: you shouldnt.. you should ask the maintainers for a version for the operating system you are using.. or you may need to build/maintain it yourself | 04:45 |
apb1963 | holstein: I'm not sure what happened, but when I switched VT's, I guess I was logged out or... maybe my session crashed??? I logged back in, and the problem was gone.... at least for now. | 04:48 |
wisescribe7 | I'm still having trouble changing my Ubuntu 14.04 desktop theme back to the default theme from this Xubuntu theme, can anyone please help? | 04:48 |
MedicalJaneParis | any clues as to why changes to nofile in /etc/security/limits.conf wouldn't apply? (12.04 LTS) | 04:49 |
MedicalJaneParis | i have services that run on boot, and even after a restart, when I check /proc/pid/limits I still see the default | 04:49 |
ubuntu | hello! Can someone help me please? | 04:49 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest93697 | ||
Bashing-om | aneks: dO ->http://ppa.launchpad.net/no1wantdthisname/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ <- And you will seethat trusty is not available. Disable the sources. | 04:50 |
holstein | ubuntu: just ask | 04:50 |
Guest93697 | Alright, thanks. Wine won't install, how do I remedy this? It keeps saying it can't find wine1.7 or wine1.6 or something, despite me having the proper PPA's connected | 04:50 |
Guest93697 | I'm on 14.04 | 04:51 |
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holstein | Guest41206: there are no "proper ppa's" | 04:51 |
holstein | !ppa | 04:51 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 04:51 |
Guest93697 | Well, the one recommended by the Wine site, so I guess I should've said the "official" PPA for Wine | 04:52 |
notyoureverydayS | Wouldn't a proper PPA be a clean one? | 04:52 |
holstein | Guest41206: purge tthem and install the repo versions | 04:52 |
MedicalJaneParis | i suppose answer to my question may be that upstart/services ignore security/ | 04:52 |
Guest93697 | How do I purge? "purge ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa"? | 04:53 |
notyoureverydayS | @MedicalJaneParis , exactly... | 04:53 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest93697, it should be a sudo depending on what youve already done and preferences | 04:54 |
MedicalJaneParis | so the service im using only has an init.d script | 04:55 |
Guest93697 | notyoureverydayS: Would going to the Software Center and removing the packages from there be the same thing? | 04:55 |
MedicalJaneParis | do i just create a conf file with the same name, and put "limit nofile 4096 4096"? | 04:55 |
Guest93697 | notyoureverydayS: Also, I tried installing Wine without screwing around with PPA's at first, and that didn't work either | 04:56 |
holstein | Guest93697: just purge and elaboarate about "didnt work" with the repo version of wine | 04:56 |
holstein | Guest93697: otherwise, you ask the maintainers providing support fo the ppas for support | 04:57 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest93697, app purge is alot better due to it going directly off the disk and it not throwing it out of your repository via another directory command. | 04:57 |
MedicalJaneParis | ah, so init is upstart, init.d traditional... | 04:57 |
Bray90820 | So i can't seem to install updates every time i try it says you do not have permission to preform this action | 04:57 |
Guest93697 | Here's the error that I got: http://i.imgur.com/jl7aJ9V.png | 04:57 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest93697, go look at some command docs and how good are you at bash? | 04:58 |
Guest93697 | not very, lol | 04:58 |
MedicalJaneParis | ahhh got it | 04:59 |
holstein | Guest93697: correct.. the dependencies cannot be resolved. so, either use the one that works from the repo, or let the ppa team know the ppa has dependency issues | 04:59 |
MedicalJaneParis | i can just put ulimit in the init.d script :) | 04:59 |
wisescribe7 | Can anyone help me get the default Ubuntu 14.04 theme back on my desktop? | 04:59 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest, im privating you. I'm in a helping mood tonight | 05:00 |
Guest93697 | Hmmm, alright. Has anyone else had trouble installing Wine in 14.04 or has it been just me? | 05:00 |
tcstory | no,neocomplete is conflicted with supertab,when supertab is enable,i can't expand a snip,but if i diable supertab, neocomplete is working propely | 05:00 |
tcstory | how cant i solve this problem.............. | 05:01 |
Guest93697 | Also, could the fact that I'm running off of a Live CD be the reason why it won't install? | 05:01 |
holstein | Guest93697: correct.. i did "sudo apt-get install wine" in 14.04, and had expected performance | 05:01 |
saju_m | jitsusama:thanks, I could able to create VM vioa Horizon dashboad. | 05:02 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest, yes, thats exactly the reason. how much space is on it? | 05:03 |
jitsusama | Awesome. | 05:03 |
ax562 | can anyone tell me how to fix the xfce-dusk white text bug. it turns my firefox text white | 05:03 |
ax562 | i'm on ubuntu 12.04lts | 05:03 |
jitsusama | I've only done it via CLI. | 05:03 |
jitsusama | Probably much easier with a GUI :) | 05:03 |
ax562 | if I change them I can see text | 05:03 |
Guest93697 | It says I still have over 2 GB to play with | 05:03 |
Guest93697 | so I don't think memory should be a problem here | 05:04 |
ax562 | only problem is I like dusk text best | 05:04 |
kchengue | hi | 05:04 |
kchengue | how areyou?? | 05:04 |
Bray90820 | So i can't seem to install updates every time i try it says you do not have permission to preform this action | 05:05 |
holstein | Bray90820: in a terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...share errors | 05:07 |
dar | any know where 2 get themes ? | 05:08 |
holstein | dar: for unity? | 05:08 |
ktwo | i just installed ubuntu 14.04 on my netbook, but i kinda prefer a more classical desktop? what could i install but not a full-fledged xubuntu or lubuntu desktop environment | 05:08 |
Jordan_U | meris2: Why do you have two EFI System Partitions? | 05:08 |
ktwo | it should still be ubuntu but more classical, maybe with cairo dock is there a ready-to-go package? | 05:09 |
kchengue | mmm | 05:09 |
kchengue | godquestion | 05:09 |
Bray90820 | holstein: the software updater has the error nothing in the terminal | 05:09 |
dar | Ubuntu studio | 05:09 |
holstein | Bray90820: so, the command i gave updates | 05:09 |
xbmc | anybody can tell me how to view the udev variables like /sbin/blkid %N | 05:09 |
holstein | dar: any themes for xfce/xubuntu work | 05:09 |
holstein | ktwo: xubuntu may be more what you want | 05:10 |
WiredSlash | hey guys | 05:10 |
xbmc | I would like to know what is %N, I know it's $devnode but I would like to use a tool to view it | 05:10 |
WiredSlash | anyone started using Ubuntu 14.04 ?? | 05:10 |
Bray90820 | holstein: Well the command line says there are no updates but the software updater says there are | 05:10 |
holstein | Bray90820: there are not | 05:10 |
ktwo | holstein, yea but now ive already installed XD dont want to install xubuntu again, is there some classical gnome mode? i remember in previous verisons i could select it from login screen | 05:10 |
ax562 | hhk;l | 05:10 |
ktwo | but in this one there is no"session" buton | 05:10 |
ax562 | oops | 05:10 |
Bray90820 | Well if i don't install the updates i can preform a 14.04 upgrade | 05:11 |
holstein | ktwo: xubuntu is xfce.. ubuntu is unity.. there is gnome | 05:11 |
holstein | ktwo: xfce is a lot like what i think you are asking for and you dont have to reinstall | 05:11 |
holstein | ktwo: just try xfce, and see | 05:11 |
ktwo | mh okay thanks | 05:11 |
ayan | WiredSlash: i'm upgrading now. | 05:12 |
Bray90820 | holstein: Well if i don't install the updates i can preform a 14.04 upgrade | 05:12 |
WiredSlash | ayan: Fresh install from DVD ? | 05:12 |
xbmc | how can I view %N inside a udev rule ? | 05:12 |
holstein | Bray90820: dont understand you | 05:12 |
notyoureverydayS | BE CAREFUL!!! if you dont do it correctly... lets just say a crash into a brick wall will happen | 05:12 |
ayan | WiredSlash: no. | 05:13 |
Bray90820 | holstein: I want to upgrade 13.10 to 14.04 but i cant if i havent installed all the updates | 05:13 |
holstein | Bray90820: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-upgrade-to-ubuntu-14-04-from-ubuntu-13-10-or-12-04/ should be helpful | 05:14 |
holstein | Bray90820: though, i prefer a fresh install | 05:14 |
Kamaris | is there one for upgrading from 10.04? :P | 05:14 |
PupUsereb2f67 | Can anyone make sense of this error message? | 05:14 |
PupUsereb2f67 | mupen64plus: swrast/s_renderbuffer.c:588: map_attachment: Assertion `srb->Map' failed. | 05:14 |
PupUsereb2f67 | Aborted | 05:14 |
sparton | Any amd users? Is open source drivers still better than the latest catalyst (14.3 beta). | 05:14 |
holstein | PupUsereb2f67: maybe with more details | 05:14 |
aneks | Bashing-om, it is disabled, though what I wanted to know if there is any way to install something from a PPA of an old release? | 05:14 |
holstein | sparton: open is typically preferred | 05:15 |
notyoureverydayS | sparton: for the moment yea | 05:15 |
PupUsereb2f67 | holstein: I'm trying to run mupen64plus, but it won't start and gives me that. It was working perfectly yesterday and I didn't change anything. | 05:16 |
sparton | Thx! Noticed some performance degradation after installing the beta 14.3. Ill go back to the open drivers.....things performed a lot better | 05:16 |
ax562 | does anyone know how to fix xfce-dusk white text bug? | 05:16 |
Bray90820 | holstein: it's yelling me i need yo use update manager | 05:16 |
holstein | Bray90820: ok.. sounds like you have a larger issue going on | 05:17 |
holstein | Bray90820: referring to what i gave you should give you several options | 05:17 |
holstein | Bray90820: if the update manager is not working, dont use it | 05:17 |
Bray90820 | holstein: i ment the guide you gave me is telling me to use the update manager | 05:17 |
holstein | Bray90820: ok.. if you want, scroll down a bit where it does not suggest the upgrade manager | 05:18 |
=== zopsi is now known as notzopsi | ||
Bray90820 | holstein: The only option the guide gives me for ubuntu desktop is the updater manager | 05:19 |
holstein | Bray90820: ok.. use the other one, friend.. | 05:20 |
Bray90820 | holstein: What other one | 05:20 |
holstein | Bray90820: ? | 05:20 |
holstein | Bray90820: you say your update manager is broken.. i dont know why.. so i would have backups and try the other option on the link i gave you | 05:21 |
holstein | Bray90820: theres a "server" option.. try that after backing up your data | 05:21 |
PupUsereb2f67 | Is Ubuntu 14.04 more lightweight than 13.10? | 05:21 |
Bray90820 | holstein: It's a desktop version not a server | 05:21 |
holstein | Bray90820: i understand.. | 05:21 |
holstein | Bray90820: ubuntuserver *is* ubuntu | 05:21 |
Bray90820 | I'll try it | 05:22 |
holstein | Bray90820: if you are not able you use the gui update manager, consider the terminal option i linked | 05:22 |
holstein | Bray90820: otherwise, backup and fresh install | 05:22 |
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django | anyone know how to keep lenovo ideapad y470 cool when running ubuntu | 05:22 |
holstein | django: try different graphics drivers.. try cpu scaling.. try bios settings.. clean the unit.. | 05:23 |
tracyone | +1 | 05:23 |
django | my computer uses nvidia and intel | 05:24 |
dw1 | i had to run sudo apt-get install nvidia-current after upgrade | 05:24 |
dw1 | i had been using some weird driver | 05:25 |
dw1 | unity would load even if i chose gnome on login until i installed the current :-/ | 05:25 |
darthanubis | anyone noticed double clicking titlebar for eindow rollup results in a disappeared window, with only the outline showing? | 05:27 |
msgol | testing | 05:28 |
msgol | congrats on new release !! | 05:28 |
clue_h | thanks | 05:29 |
malv83 | and yet another Ubuntu release that fails to boot after install | 05:34 |
malv83 | apparently ubuntu can't handle a luks encrypted reinstall without totally dying | 05:35 |
Bugbear | i blame the US military | 05:35 |
malv83 | so much fail | 05:35 |
clue_h | i blame an artificial life form | 05:35 |
agent_white | Hey folks! I'm trying to configure Xterm with a certain font, and am having issues adding it to my .Xresources file. In xterm, if I run `xterm -fa "Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01\-L2:pixelsize=16"`, it applies it fine. But if I add `XTerm*faceName: Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01\-L2:pixelsize=16` to my .Xresources, it does not! | 05:35 |
agent_white | Any help appreciated! | 05:36 |
malv83 | how do I get the initramfs partition to actually include cryptsetup so that it properly reads the manually created /etc/crypttab file? | 05:36 |
xbmc | Anybody managed to share a Dropbox mount accross 2 users by changing the group permission ? | 05:36 |
Bugbear | i'm trying to install wine on 64bit 14.04 but it says it says wine is not installable (i have enabled all my repos) | 05:37 |
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herpderphurr | are you doing sudo apt-get install wine? | 05:37 |
tracyone | what's the output info in terminal? | 05:37 |
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msgol | anyone installed gnome on 14.04? what version was it? | 05:39 |
m000gle | Hi. I'm a long time Ubuntu user, and have already upgraded my laptop to 14.04; but I'm having trouble getting it to work on my desktop, which is my main machine. Could someone help me troubleshoot? | 05:40 |
LinuxGuruz | ubuntu application places missing after 14.04 upgrade | 05:40 |
LinuxGuruz | otherwise fine | 05:40 |
Bugbear | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273164/ | 05:40 |
[lutchy] | Anything kewl and sweet with 14.04? | 05:41 |
Bugbear | m000gle, what problems are you experiencing? | 05:41 |
m000gle | 1. The LiveUSB boots and installs fine; 2. Upon rebooting, the grub loader runs as expected, and once Ubuntu 14.04 is selected, I'm greeted with a blank screen; 3. Recovery mode can boot fine into a shell ... My guess is this is a video driver issue, with my legacy ATI card (HD4870) not working well with kernel 3.13 | 05:41 |
LinuxGuruz | it fixed my 3d driver and now I can actually boot | 05:41 |
m000gle | 14.04 64-bit | 05:41 |
malv83 | do only like 3 people work on ubuntu? | 05:43 |
LinuxGuruz | so anybody familiar with the application places missing after upgrade? | 05:43 |
Bugbear | right now there is a release party going. i expect after many hours of coding 14.04, many are taking a much needed party day | 05:43 |
Aki-Thinkpad | how do I check if my ubuntu is the release candidate or the official release? | 05:43 |
PrakashBS | Hi, I need a help in configurung Zeyntal cluster., | 05:44 |
Aki-Thinkpad | malv83, why do you say that? | 05:44 |
m000gle | Bugbear: I'm just in the process of re-creating my USB, to ensure no problems with the media, and will attempt another install | 05:44 |
=== hp_ is now known as Guest86776 | ||
malv83 | because these luks issues have always existed with ubuntu | 05:44 |
malv83 | do people not like encrypting their hard disks or something? | 05:44 |
Aki-Thinkpad | malv83, the team is extremely busy on unity8, which is under heavy development | 05:44 |
xbmc | Anybody managed to share a Dropbox mount accross 2 users by changing the group permission ? | 05:45 |
malv83 | also I think ubuntu just nerfed my encrypted partition (apparently you cannot retrieve it without destroyign the contents) | 05:45 |
Aki-Thinkpad | malv83, does encrypting the hard disk slow down reads? | 05:45 |
malv83 | unbelievable | 05:45 |
somethingrandom | why do i get errors hitting the mirror,during apt-get update during the ugprade process? | 05:46 |
somethingrandom | using nl.archive.ubuntu.com | 05:46 |
penguinman | somethingrandom: servers might be overloaded | 05:46 |
omosoj | Don't know what I did but all the sudden my screen appearance changed. The colors are hurting my eyes. ack | 05:47 |
somethingrandom | can this result in a corrupted system upgrade? | 05:47 |
penguinman | somethingrandom: corrupted, probably not. incomplete, yes. | 05:47 |
notyoureverydayS | omosoj, see the gear in the top left? click it | 05:47 |
malv83 | yep. The shit Ubuntu partitioner wrecked my encrypted partition without even so much as a warning | 05:48 |
naxiz | i like nvidia-prime much more than bumblebee :D | 05:48 |
notyoureverydayS | omosoj; then it setting and you'll see the fix | 05:48 |
omosoj | Top right? | 05:48 |
malv83 | I wanted to load it not destroy and replace it | 05:48 |
malv83 | fucking piece of shit | 05:48 |
jellow | hi there I've recently installed 14.04 over 13.10 yet in sea bios it does not boot it just says "Booting from harddrive" , can someone help me fix grub ? | 05:48 |
somethingrandom | penguinman, so it might be better, to select another mirror, which is up to date, based on: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors | 05:49 |
interweb | How much data should I use to upgrade my ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 | 05:49 |
penguinman | yeah, just temporarily at least. i like the canadian ones when the us ones are getting hammered too hard. | 05:49 |
omosoj | notyoureverydayS, none of the settings in the System Settings seem to fix it. It happened suddenly after I clicked Alt and a few other buttons. | 05:50 |
notyoureverydayS | omojos, the computers name; click that; system settings; appearance and brightness: you should be able to navigate from there | 05:50 |
penguinman | somethingrandom: in your case maybe the gb ones would be a good option | 05:50 |
malv83 | 12.04 currently has a kernel crash issue with realtek cards | 05:50 |
malv83 | both laptop and desktop crash with the latest kernels. They STILL HAVEN'T FIXED IT | 05:50 |
malv83 | its been like a month | 05:50 |
malv83 | did one lousy kernel upgrade and the system no longer starts up | 05:50 |
somethingrandom | penguinman, thank you, will try nluug | 05:51 |
malv83 | ive been with ubuntu since 5.04 | 05:51 |
malv83 | and every release is just depressing | 05:51 |
t4ng0 | hey guys help | 05:51 |
t4ng0 | (nautilus:10139): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 'GtkMessageDialog' to 'NautilusWindow' | 05:51 |
t4ng0 | ** | 05:51 |
t4ng0 | ERROR:nautilus-window.c:2116:nautilus_window_get_slots: assertion failed: (NAUTILUS_IS_WINDOW (window)) | 05:51 |
t4ng0 | i cant get access to nautilus | 05:51 |
znake11 | hi | 05:52 |
omosoj | notyoureverydayS, nothing there works. It's as if the color contrast increased. | 05:52 |
wisescribe7 | Hello, when I boot Ubuntu 14.04 I see "Xubuntu" showing up instead of Ubuntu, how can I get it to boot normally? | 05:52 |
malv83 | FUCK UBUNTu | 05:53 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: did you install xubuntu-desktop at some point? | 05:53 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: Yes, I did. | 05:53 |
znake11 | reinstall the whole thing | 05:54 |
t4ng0 | guys ubuntu terminal will crash when i do "gksu nautilus" | 05:54 |
t4ng0 | (nautilus:10139): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 'GtkMessageDialog' to 'NautilusWindow' | 05:54 |
t4ng0 | ** | 05:54 |
t4ng0 | ERROR:nautilus-window.c:2116:nautilus_window_get_slots: assertion failed: (NAUTILUS_IS_WINDOW (window)) | 05:54 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: So what should I do? | 05:54 |
Ben64 | t4ng0: don't post so much in here. use a pastebin, and have more patience. | 05:55 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: you may be able to do a dpkg-reconfigure on the regular ubuntu plymouth theme. | 05:55 |
Bray90820 | What interface for Ubuntu desktop is optimized for a touch screen | 05:56 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: So it would be "sudo dpkg-reconfigure" and what else? | 05:57 |
interweb | How much data should I get to upgrade my ubuntu from 13.10 to 14.04 | 05:57 |
holstein | Bray90820: really any, but, unity has the most "touch" like interface that most consider | 05:57 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: try this, sudo apt-get remove plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo plymouth-theme-xubuntu-text; sudo dpkg-reconfigure plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo | 05:57 |
Bray90820 | Is there a way to have the Ubuntu-touch interface on the desktop | 05:58 |
holstein | !touch | 05:58 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 05:58 |
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holstein | there are many interfaces like that | 05:58 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: done | 05:59 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: ok, give a reboot a try then. if something broke worst case is you'll get a text mode only boot up. | 06:00 |
=== Guest60783 is now known as hiddenbacon | ||
wisescribe7 | penguinman: OK, brb | 06:01 |
srikanth | hey anyone can tell me how to upgrade gnome to 3.12 on trusty | 06:01 |
holstein | Bray90820: AFAIK, kde is supposed to have different setups for that http://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/ | 06:01 |
holstein | !info gnome trusty | 06:02 |
ubottu | gnome (source: meta-gnome3): Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8+4ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 53 kB | 06:02 |
penguinman | srikanth: there's not any official way to do it. best bet would be to try and find a ppa | 06:02 |
m000gle | Bugbear: Unfortunately, even after the creation of new media and a fresh install, I'm still greeted with a blank screen at boot =/ | 06:02 |
srikanth | but ppa-purge is not working | 06:03 |
Bray90820 | holstein: having ubuntu-touch interface on the desktop is not really meant for #Ubuntu-touch because i am using the desktop as teeh base | 06:03 |
Bugbear | m000gle, when booting, try adding the advanced options of nomodeset, noapic and nolapic | 06:03 |
holstein | Bray90820: you'd have to ask them, and implement it | 06:04 |
Bray90820 | ok | 06:04 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: I'm back, just rebooted, now Lubuntu is showing up :/ | 06:04 |
holstein | Bray90820: theres no "touch" desktop environment that im aware of, other than all of them letting you touch the screen and put icons where you plese | 06:04 |
Bray90820 | Hum alright | 06:04 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: hmmm, that's weird... | 06:04 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: one sec, let me look into something real quick | 06:05 |
Tasab | hello , can you help me pls , i have the following msge while would like to install some package thro' synaptic : | 06:05 |
Tasab | Could not apply changes! | 06:05 |
Tasab | Fix broken packages first. | 06:05 |
ObrienDave | Tasab: look for the "fix broken packages" command in synaptic | 06:06 |
ObrienDave | under edit, i think | 06:06 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: ok, i'm an idiot. forgot update-alternatives works with plymouth. try this: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth | 06:06 |
jellow | Hi there can some help me with grub I cannot boot into ubuntu. | 06:07 |
Tasab | ObrienDave, i have a look , then received the following : E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 06:07 |
Tasab | E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. | 06:07 |
Tasab | E: Unable to correct dependencies | 06:07 |
Tasab | E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. | 06:07 |
Tasab | E: Unable to correct dependencies | 06:07 |
kira-ams | I wanted to change partition table of my /dev/sda from "gpt" to "msdos" but it seems no I have messed up with it in a way I can't install the new ubuntu release | 06:08 |
kira-ams | some times I can add partitions but it stops during the installation and sometimes it doesn't let me add partitions at all. | 06:08 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: OK, I just did it | 06:08 |
kira-ams | always saying it is unallocated and no partition table | 06:09 |
holstein | Tasab: please use a pastebin.. you should remove any ppa's , purge them, and try and get your system sources to default | 06:09 |
kira-ams | tried gparted didn't work, also parted "mktable msdos" doesn't work | 06:09 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: ok, now you need to update your init image. sudo update-initramfs -u | 06:09 |
=== lt is now known as Guest14910 | ||
notyoureverydayS | TIME | 06:10 |
Tasab | holstein, tks | 06:10 |
srikanth | try ubuntu then install boot-repair ....you will get grub | 06:11 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: OK....done | 06:12 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: ok, now give a reboot a go. | 06:12 |
m000gle | Bugbear: It's booted! ... I added "nomodeset noapic nolapic" to the "linux /boot" line in the grub, and I'm now in to the desktop | 06:15 |
m000gle | Bugbear: It seems to be unable to detect the full 1920x1200 resolution of the monitors, though, maxxing out at 1600x1200 | 06:15 |
jellow | !boot-repair | jellow | 06:16 |
gac | so I upgraded to 14.04 last night, with only two "bugs"; video tearing in XBMC (fixed by disabling composite in X, I run XBMC standalone on startup so no compositing needed) and Samba core dumps whenever anything accesses the box (log file suggests that "num_bytes too large"). overall worked quite well though | 06:16 |
Bugbear | m000gle, restart and run updates. that'll likely get fixed | 06:16 |
gac | be interested to see if anyone else has the same samba issue on upgrade - I kept my existing config as I couldn't see any changes that I needed | 06:16 |
pushkaraj | hey | 06:17 |
MrNato_Home | I have a 12.04 server doing DHCP on a network, whenever it sees an arp request it tries to lookup the PTR record from an external DNS.. is there a way to disable this behaviour | 06:18 |
Prakash_ | Hi, I need a help in configurung Zeyntal cluster., | 06:19 |
naxiz | MrNato_Home, what package? | 06:20 |
notyoureverydayS | Should I upgrade now? How stable is 14.04? | 06:20 |
MrNato_Home | it uses isc-dhcp-server.. but the requests aren't even for itself | 06:20 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: did that work for you? | 06:20 |
[lutchy] | MrNato_Home, Just curious, what DHCP server software are you using? | 06:20 |
[lutchy] | O oh... | 06:20 |
vastkahuna | how do I get flash to work in ubuntu? | 06:20 |
holstein | !flash | 06:21 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 06:21 |
holstein | vastkahuna: or the chrome browser, or the chrome flash in chromium | 06:21 |
drunkzzz | Yo | 06:21 |
pushkaraj | use flashplugin installer..you can install it through terminal | 06:21 |
drunkzzz | Lol this is cool | 06:21 |
MrNato_Home | if I tcpdump.. dhcp server is some device lets say requests who has then immediately after the does a lookup for the PTR record to try and give an answer | 06:21 |
drunkzzz | Im on an iPhone I jail broke | 06:21 |
holstein | !ot > drunkzzz | 06:22 |
MrNato_Home | my google fu has not been able to provide an answer | 06:23 |
vastkahuna | I installed the flash plugin from the software center and some things will play like on youtube but some will say that I need to install flash | 06:23 |
johefernan | wtf | 06:23 |
holstein | vastkahuna: the version in chrome is newer | 06:24 |
nullbyte_ | dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/mariadb-server-5.5_5.5.36-1_amd64.deb (--unpack): | 06:24 |
penguinman | vastkahuna: what browser? firefox? | 06:24 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: I'm going to reboot and see if it worked, brb | 06:24 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: ok | 06:24 |
m000gle | vastkahuna: I've had by far the best experience running YouTube's HTML5 player. Granted, some videos will default back to flash, but it seems to run better, and far less glitchy | 06:24 |
clue_h | MrNato_Home, setting #dhclient to false in /etc/Networkmanger's conf file and setting the dns to manual putting in the servers might work | 06:24 |
nullbyte_ | subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 06:25 |
nullbyte_ | ? | 06:25 |
holstein | vastkahuna: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ consider the chrome browser or chrome flash in chromium.. or html5^ where available | 06:25 |
johefernan | who could b possible AND | 06:25 |
johefernan | how* | 06:25 |
MrNato_Home | it is static and has manual dns :) | 06:25 |
vastkahuna | I get that same message with facebook games | 06:25 |
holstein | vastkahuna: correct.. not a recent enough version of flash, as stated factually at https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ | 06:25 |
holstein | vastkahuna: either user the newer one, or ask the maintainers to support you | 06:26 |
jellow | how do I install grub on 14.04 , grub-repair ppa does not work | 06:26 |
daixtr | how do i disable vsftpd service @boot.. i tried /etc/init.d/vsftpd.override, sysv-rc-conf, nothing works | 06:26 |
clue_h | MrNato_Home, so it is ignoring your settings? lol thats why i commented out dhclient in the conf file of network manager | 06:26 |
holstein | jellow: you can just do it manually.. | 06:26 |
holstein | !grub | 06:26 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 06:26 |
Ben64 | jellow: what did you do to get rid of grub? | 06:26 |
django | how do i get my computer to use my integrated card on ubuntu 12.04 instead of my nvidia card | 06:26 |
vastkahuna | So do I enable the newer one in chrome or is it enabled by default? | 06:26 |
django | http://pastebin.com/GSC3jPWF | 06:26 |
clue_h | and avahi | 06:27 |
holstein | django: i can tell you i chose to add a ppa with a 3rd party switch | 06:27 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | jellow | 06:27 |
ubottu | jellow: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 06:27 |
nullbyte_ | who can help | 06:27 |
nullbyte_ | ? | 06:27 |
cloneG | hello is it possible to upgrade directly to 14.04 lts from 12.04 and if so how?? | 06:27 |
django | which ppa | 06:27 |
nullbyte_ | help... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273332/ | 06:28 |
django | holstein: which ppa? | 06:28 |
holstein | django: for my specific hardware | 06:28 |
Jordan_U | cloneG: Possible, yes. But it won't be officially enabled (or supported?) until 14.04.1 . | 06:28 |
holstein | nullbyte_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148383/how-to-resolve-dpkg-error-processing-var-cache-apt-archives-python-apport-2-0 might be relevant, and seems like sound advice | 06:28 |
nullbyte_ | i have apt-get install mariadb-server and installation script asks me for configuration but i have interrupted it with ctrl+c and after then i got these errors on paste.ubuntu.com | 06:28 |
johefernan | null: you need 2 install some x85 libs | 06:28 |
django | i gave a pastebin that shows all of my hardware linux sees my intigrated chipset but is not using it | 06:28 |
django | http://pastebin.com/GSC3jPWF | 06:29 |
holstein | django: its likely doing both, like mine was, just using the power for both | 06:29 |
holstein | django: you can read about bumblebee | 06:29 |
cloneG | Jordan_U date? | 06:29 |
penguinman | django: hybrid intel nvidia cards have always been problematic. could give bumblebee a try. | 06:29 |
django | penguinman: any recommended links? | 06:30 |
penguinman | !bumblebee | 06:30 |
ubottu | The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/ | 06:30 |
jellow | Having issues with grub not showing after bios , http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273338/ | 06:30 |
bhavesh | I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 and did apt-get update. But still when I try to install steam, it shows "package steam not available in your sources" why so? | 06:31 |
penguinman | bhavesh: you may need to enable some extra repos for steam | 06:31 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: Ubuntu shows up when it boots, but I still can't get the default Ubuntu theme in my desktop :/ | 06:32 |
salsero|2 | bhavesh: reenable the disabled sources | 06:32 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: default ubuntu theme on the desktop? you mean in unity itself? | 06:32 |
Mikerhinos | bhavesh: when upgrading all your additionnal repos are disactivated | 06:32 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: Yes | 06:33 |
vastkahuna | I just upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 and when it was finished it said some parts of the installation were not able to be completed...how do I check to see what else needs to be done? | 06:33 |
salsero|2 | I am also tracking packages that are being deleted that I need | 06:33 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: oh, that's easy. go into settings > appearance. on the bottom under the wallpapers box choose Ambiance from the drop down | 06:33 |
bhavesh | Mikerhinos: , salsero|2 what else should I enable? http://i.imgur.com/Jj0LfIY.png | 06:34 |
salsero|2 | inside other software | 06:35 |
Mikerhinos | yup, "other software" is all non ubuntu related sources | 06:36 |
bhavesh | Canonical Partners? | 06:36 |
bhavesh | Independent is already enabled | 06:36 |
nullbyte_ | no dpkg with --force-overwrite not helps | 06:36 |
nullbyte_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273373/ | 06:36 |
penguinman | bhavesh: worst case you can just install the .deb from valve itself. steam is self updating so having the right repo isn't that important | 06:37 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: Default wallpaper for Ubuntu 14.04 is apparently a green background | 06:37 |
nullbyte_ | it's still unconfigured | 06:37 |
bhavesh | penguinman: k | 06:37 |
bhavesh | ty | 06:37 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: just pick it from the wallpapers box in appearance. it's the purpleish looking one :) | 06:37 |
Mikerhinos | here are the commands you have to run to add steam ppa and install it : | 06:38 |
Mikerhinos | sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys B05498B7 | 06:38 |
Mikerhinos | echo "deb http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ precise steam" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list | 06:38 |
Mikerhinos | sudo apt-get update | 06:38 |
Mikerhinos | sudo apt-get install steam-launcher | 06:39 |
Mikerhinos | and it should be ok | 06:39 |
wisescribe7 | penguinman: Is the default look for the icons the "unity" setting? | 06:39 |
penguinman | valve doesn't have a 14.04 repo? | 06:39 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: choosing the theme from settings should set the icons to default actually | 06:40 |
Mikerhinos | it will update to the latest version when launched so don't know if ubuntu version is important | 06:40 |
penguinman | wisescribe7: honestly, I hate the default ubuntu icons so I can't remember off the top of my head what the name of the set actually is. | 06:41 |
kerrick | Will 12.04 LTS automatically prompt to upgrade to 14.04.1 once it's out? | 06:43 |
monkwitdafunk | Hey man. When is ubuntu | 06:43 |
monkwitdafunk | Trusty going to have trusty alternate? | 06:44 |
m000gle | Bugbear: That appears to have worked. Thank you very much for your help :) | 06:44 |
monkwitdafunk | There is precise alternate | 06:44 |
bhavesh | How do I remove the space from below the terminal icon in Unity's left bar? It wasen't there in 13.10. http://i.imgur.com/BLxYF0r.png | 06:44 |
coolty | get out | 06:45 |
django | if you install https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee on ubuntu should it appear on my dash search??? | 06:45 |
Tasab | hello , can you pls have a look to this link and help me , if possible pla : http://pastebin.com/a6BMiWLL | 06:46 |
kerrick | django: probably not; it's not an application | 06:46 |
kerrick | django: it's a kernel-level thing | 06:47 |
Tasab | *pls | 06:47 |
kerrick | a driver essentially | 06:47 |
django | kerrick: how can i have my computer JUSt run intel integrated graphics? | 06:47 |
bhavesh | Tasab: http://askubuntu.com/questions/363200/e-unable-to-correct-problems-you-have-held-broken-packages | 06:47 |
bhavesh | Tasab: refer tge furst answer. | 06:48 |
kerrick | django: I think if you remove the Nvidia drivers it will do that, but honestly I don't know | 06:48 |
TyrfingMjolnir | Looking for info on Ubuntu Touch/EDGE | 06:48 |
bhavesh | the* | 06:48 |
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TheHighestFive | Is anyone on in here? | 06:51 |
clue_h | yes | 06:51 |
django | anyone know how i can get Sublime text 2 on ubuntu?? | 06:52 |
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TheHighestFive | Are you using 14.04 yet? | 06:52 |
kerrick | django: think you have to download it from the websit | 06:52 |
dw1 | TheHighestFive: yeah why | 06:52 |
clue_h | TheHighestFive, I am trying it today for the first time | 06:52 |
SunilJoshi | Hello, how can i install Ubuntu such that every time i can perform fresh installation of ubuntu without impacting my data and software installation? | 06:52 |
xbmc | whatis a good free dynamic ip address for ubuntu machien ? | 06:53 |
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TheHighestFive | Well, to both of you, I was wondering is the compiz settings has the animation add on or not. I heard it wasn't there in version later than 12.04 (which is what I'm running) | 06:53 |
clue_h | SunilJoshi, have the data on an external drive and backed up | 06:53 |
SunilJoshi | clue_h: no, thats what i dont want | 06:54 |
sverro2 | SunilJoshi, you could create a different partition for your /home data | 06:54 |
dw1 | xbmc: maybe try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS#Registering_with_a_Dynamic_DNS_provider | 06:54 |
SunilJoshi | sverro2: any link that can help me? | 06:55 |
xbmc | dw1, I am there | 06:55 |
xbmc | dw1, I looked at them, I would like people experience and suggestion | 06:55 |
SunilJoshi | sverro2: is this separate from root boot swap i will be giving on my first fresh installation | 06:55 |
xbmc | dw1, which one best integrated with ubuntu | 06:55 |
dw1 | xbmc: they are third party services, installing them wont really be supported i dont think. and unfortunately i dont have a suggestion :( | 06:55 |
dw1 | xbmc: you could ask @ #linux | 06:55 |
dw1 | xbmc: if noone responds here | 06:56 |
xbmc | dw1, thanks | 06:56 |
sverro2 | SunilJoshi, http://www.howtogeek.com/116742/how-to-create-a-separate-home-partition-after-installing-ubuntu/ (the After Installation instruction I guess.) | 06:56 |
[lutchy] | I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 in Hypey V... I am getting a load average of 1.0.... CPU Usage Average 0.0, most of it is on 1.0wa, is this common issue? | 06:56 |
clue_h | TheHighestFive, the animations tool is there in effects | 06:57 |
SunilJoshi | thanks sverro2, let me have a look | 06:57 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: lol | 06:57 |
rathor | hi | 06:57 |
TheHighestFive | clue_h I know that, but I mean the add-on tool. It's normally next to it with a little paper airplane graphic. It gives you more effects and the effects I use are all in the add on | 06:58 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: if your that worried about degraded performance, i'm not sure running virtual enviroments if your thing? | 06:58 |
wickedheadace | i think it would be better to run vm's from a faster os | 06:59 |
sverro2 | Does anyone else have problems with installing wine on 14.04 (propriatary nvidia drivers installed). When I try to install wine it tells me nvidia-libopencl1-331 has to be removed first. Anyone else any ideas about this? | 07:00 |
wickedheadace | how do i find drivers for my acer 6930's usb thingy? | 07:00 |
Programmer_ | 14.04 upgrade has been on this all day, what do i do? cups: restarting... | 07:01 |
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[lutchy] | wickedheadace, I just stop Ubuntu 13.10 to install 12.04 because the applications I want to use only support 12.04 | 07:03 |
[lutchy] | Note, I notice that the Hyper-V settings only assigned one CPU | 07:04 |
[lutchy] | With 13.10, it was 0.0 across the board... | 07:04 |
wickedheadace | strange, a vm will always be doing something | 07:05 |
wickedheadace | just like any os would as well... | 07:05 |
wickedheadace | does 13 support some cpu feature for c states that disable idle cpu's? memory alone can be used | 07:06 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, I mean, it's doing something | 07:06 |
wickedheadace | that would be very handy for apps that can do things that aren't cpu intense | 07:07 |
[lutchy] | One thing I did notice doh, the worker process for the guest on the host side, was at 12 % of host cpu usuage | 07:07 |
[lutchy] | This is in reference to 13.10 | 07:08 |
wickedheadace | what are you trying to do? | 07:08 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, I plan to instal Zimbra in the Guest OS | 07:09 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: general guide is each vm will use 10-25% of system resources | 07:10 |
[lutchy] | Officially, Zimbra supports only Ubuntu 12.04, I did read a post somewhere that the LIS is pretty old in 12.04 | 07:10 |
Programmer_ | anyone know the answer to my problem? | 07:10 |
Programmer_ | please help if you do | 07:11 |
[lutchy] | I think, what I will do, is go with CentOS with this setup, there is an official release of LIS 3.5 for centOS | 07:11 |
Programmer_ | wickedheadace, can you help me?? | 07:12 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, Yeah, that's what I see when I observe the worker process | 07:12 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: wow what is zimbra? | 07:12 |
wickedheadace | a google seems to sugest it's much like ubuntu | 07:13 |
wickedheadace | ?? | 07:13 |
j4son | each one of my VMs get the % of system resources assigned to the VM | 07:13 |
j4son | there is no standard | 07:13 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, It's a Groupware suit | 07:13 |
Programmer_ | 14.04 upgrade has been on this all day, what do i do? cups: restarting... | 07:13 |
wickedheadace | thats nice if what you set is enough for what is needed to run? | 07:13 |
j4son | I can create 1 VM that will take 100% of the bare metal resources | 07:14 |
j4son | or 1% | 07:14 |
j4son | to suggest 10% is kinda silly | 07:14 |
mintomane | Hi, I would an advice. I have a notebook of HP (http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&tmp_geoLoc=true&product=3836126). I must download 32 or 64 bits OS? | 07:14 |
[lutchy] | Well, with 1.0 load, with nothing intensive running... There's a problem wickedheadace | 07:14 |
[lutchy] | I suspect that old LIS drivers | 07:14 |
wickedheadace | j4son: just what i have observed =/ personally and have read into | 07:14 |
wickedheadace | Programmer_: why are you updateing to 14? is it even out of beta? | 07:15 |
Ben64 | 14.04 was released today | 07:15 |
Programmer_ | yeah...you serious | 07:16 |
andyfied | mintomane: it has a core 2 duo so 64bit would be recommended | 07:16 |
mintomane | andyfied: thanks | 07:16 |
wickedheadace | yea i'm not exactly here all the time or aware of anything linux...i'm a newb | 07:16 |
wickedheadace | last version i used was 11.04 | 07:17 |
wickedheadace | 12 is new to me and stable considering | 07:17 |
clue_h | 12.04 was pretty reliable for me | 07:18 |
kitten_fist | if it doesn't break something yet | 07:18 |
kitten_fist | wow | 07:19 |
clue_h | woah | 07:19 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: 1% load is only an issue for me if it's an unwanted process or i need 1% more speed when i'm flooding the cpu already | 07:19 |
pokemon | I have problems | 07:20 |
pokemon | can i get it solved here? | 07:20 |
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Guest71476 | I have problems | 07:20 |
Guest71476 | can i get it solved here? | 07:20 |
wickedheadace | .... | 07:20 |
andyfied | ask and we'll see :) | 07:20 |
Ben64 | Guest71476: not if you never elaborate | 07:20 |
ikonia | Guest71476: we don't know until you tell us the problem | 07:20 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, 1.0 on wait, when you start to add load, that can multiple | 07:20 |
hellslinger | does anyone else think the "low-graphics" mode screen needs some serious improvement? | 07:21 |
ikonia | no, not at all | 07:21 |
[lutchy] | I am not blaming Ubuntu 12.04, the LIS drivers I would say is the culprit on this issue | 07:21 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: i tried upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 on 16th | 07:21 |
wickedheadace | hmm what about the new lis system makes this better? | 07:21 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: but it hanged | 07:21 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: so i was left with a corrupted ubuntu saying it is 13.10 | 07:22 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, From MS, they say the code matured with LIS 3.5, and better performance | 07:22 |
wickedheadace | woot | 07:22 |
[lutchy] | 13.10 comes with 3.2, 12.04 comes with 3.1 and there's a lot of thread about network performance on Ubuntu forms | 07:22 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: today i downloaded 14.04 and tried doing a clean install... But it says error 5: clean CD/DVD and all.... but I use a usb :( moreover it deleted grub | 07:23 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: now i cant even boot win 8 | 07:23 |
[lutchy] | Not a big difference, as far as can see as testing, there seems to be a big difference between 3.1 and 3.2 | 07:23 |
wickedheadace | so for me, this might help me earn more btc...if the miner supported lis 3.2? as well? | 07:23 |
wickedheadace | or even the qt? | 07:23 |
kitten_fist | tc's bubble is brusted | 07:24 |
kitten_fist | btc | 07:24 |
wickedheadace | hehe | 07:24 |
[lutchy] | I don't quite follow | 07:24 |
wickedheadace | mineing running pools and various services is more memory and network intense | 07:24 |
wickedheadace | i would very much need optimized things | 07:25 |
andyfied | btc is in for even rockier times with the mtgox drama. it may go on for a very long time. bit OT though | 07:25 |
wickedheadace | your telling people like me that 3.2 is pretty much a must have | 07:25 |
[lutchy] | yup | 07:25 |
Guest71476 | Ben64, ikonia: so now what do i do? | 07:25 |
notyoureverydayS | echo list | 07:26 |
[lutchy] | I would prefer LIS 3.5 :-p | 07:26 |
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wickedheadace | lol if you think mtgox hurts btc, your not following the bigger picture | 07:26 |
wickedheadace | or i am missing some details | 07:26 |
ikonia | Guest71476: use the windows 8 media to recover your windows boot loader - then move forward from there | 07:26 |
bazhang | wickedheadace, andyfied enough btc chat | 07:26 |
albus_dumbledore | Ben64, ikonia: huh? | 07:26 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: pardon ? | 07:26 |
wickedheadace | ikonia: i eed to do a repair...what do i do? | 07:27 |
albus_dumbledore | Ben64, ikonia: i typed the problem :( | 07:27 |
ikonia | wickedheadace: repair what ? | 07:27 |
albus_dumbledore | if u want it: again | 07:27 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: yes, please stop changing nicknames | 07:27 |
notyoureverydayS | Sorry guys, I'm not hacking just trying some stuff out. Thanks for putting up with me :D | 07:27 |
albus_dumbledore | ok ikonia | 07:27 |
albus_dumbledore | Ben64, ikonia: i tried upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 on 16th | 07:27 |
albus_dumbledore | Ben64, ikonia: but it hanged | 07:27 |
wickedheadace | my windows drive has 10 bad sectors and windows doesn't bot up and no repair utilities let me do things | 07:27 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: use the windows 8 media to recover the windows 8 boot loader | 07:27 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: I read the problem | 07:28 |
albus_dumbledore | ok ikonia | 07:28 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: I've responded what you need to do to move forward | 07:28 |
albus_dumbledore | what about 14.04 | 07:28 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: what about it ? | 07:28 |
notyoureverydayS | albus; you must upgrade to make it easier on you | 07:28 |
andyfied | wickedheadace: if you can read that drive with another OS then get your data off it and get a new drive | 07:28 |
ikonia | notyoureverydayS: he's fine doing a clean install | 07:28 |
albus_dumbledore | i mean how do i install 14.04.... i am not able to even do a clean install | 07:29 |
notyoureverydayS | ikonia; not without a full purge | 07:29 |
ikonia | albus_dumbledore: get windows working first then come back to it | 07:29 |
ikonia | notyoureverydayS: of course he is | 07:29 |
albus_dumbledore | ok ikonia... thanx for the help ikonia, notyoureverydayS | 07:30 |
notyoureverydayS | ikonia; seems tedious but complete upgrades would be best for performance from the dual boot | 07:30 |
ikonia | notyoureverydayS: nonsense | 07:30 |
wickedheadace | andyfied: i will | 07:30 |
ikonia | notyoureverydayS: and you've not understood his problem | 07:30 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, I have Dual Core so I assigned 2 CPU to the guest OS, load average 1.0, 0.51, 0.17 | 07:31 |
notyoureverydayS | ikonia: not really... i just came back | 07:31 |
[lutchy] | Even then, that's still high, doing nothing practically | 07:31 |
andyfied | wickedheadace: i know 10 bad sectors doesn't seem much, but if the repair utility is getting stuck then the drive probably has bigger issues too. also we're drifint OT again :) | 07:31 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: yes the shared on chip memory helps with what you seem to like | 07:31 |
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wickedheadace | the advances c states are nice too | 07:32 |
probo | hi all, why apps dont minimize when i click luncher icon??i read in ubuntu 14.04 its working | 07:32 |
clue_h | probo, i just tried mine don't either | 07:32 |
iscorpion | ubuntu 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts upgradation should i use usb or via update manager? | 07:32 |
wickedheadace | andyfied: not really, i'm using ubutu to recover informaation | 07:32 |
[lutchy] | Actually, my CPU shouldn't enter any C-States besides HIGH | 07:33 |
wickedheadace | lol | 07:33 |
[lutchy] | Power consumption is not issue for me right now | 07:33 |
probo | i dont upggrade i reinstall system | 07:33 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: c statse allow the cpu to idle for various reasons...it is often used to keep it cool and still do work | 07:34 |
probo | how i can turn on minimize? | 07:34 |
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Mikerhinos | any way to pause upgrade ? Downloading very slow and I have to unplug my routeur to change it with a brand new one :s | 07:34 |
wickedheadace | voltages and power consumptions are a different controller / multipliers etc | 07:35 |
andyfied | wickedheadace: excellent. i had a similar issue with my lubuntu install. it only had 2 bad sectors according to SMART, but it wouldn't run any tests, halting at a specific LBA. (i also work with faulty HDDs all the time) | 07:35 |
iscorpion | Mi | 07:35 |
[lutchy] | wickedheadace, Yeah, actually, I misread the document that I am reading | 07:35 |
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[lutchy] | Doh, I don't know what's so funny when LOL and call yourself a newb | 07:35 |
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wickedheadace | andyfied: xD nice | 07:35 |
iscorpion | Mikerhinos: same prob here so better we download iso first and then upgrade our os | 07:35 |
Beldar | !lts | iscorpion | 07:36 |
ubottu | iscorpion: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) | 07:36 |
wickedheadace | it's frustrateing if you can't laugh while learning | 07:36 |
iscorpion | beldar so? | 07:36 |
Beldar | iscorpion, The official lts to lts is 14.04.1 in july. | 07:36 |
wickedheadace | i laugh too mcu for no reason i soppose | 07:36 |
iscorpion | Beldar: i am using via update-manager -d | 07:37 |
someHuman | How do I torrent 13.04? | 07:37 |
wickedheadace | andyfied: you think my laptop can handle 4 hd's in raid? | 07:37 |
[lutchy] | Regardless of CPU C-Status... For it to differ between 12.04 and 13.10 on load... | 07:37 |
someHuman | 14.04* | 07:37 |
Mikerhinos | I already made a LiveUSB with 14.04 just in case upgrade failed, I guess I'll cancel upgrade and try again later with new routeur, it will surely start downloading from scratch though :s | 07:37 |
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Beldar | iscorpion, Not advised, but you can do what you want. | 07:37 |
someHuman | Default download is slow for me :( | 07:37 |
wickedheadace | Mikerhinos: why wait for the router? i bet it's some issue on server side, as is often an isue with updateing immediately | 07:38 |
wickedheadace | that and bugs | 07:38 |
wickedheadace | generally | 07:38 |
someHuman | Hello? | 07:39 |
wickedheadace | [lutchy]: your right in how this could lead to much more then desired loads | 07:39 |
iscorpion | Beldar: so better i download the iso rite? | 07:39 |
someHuman | Default download is slow for me :( | 07:39 |
ikonia | someHuman: what ? | 07:39 |
someHuman | ikonia: How do I torrent 14.04? | 07:39 |
someHuman | Torrent usually is faster for me. | 07:39 |
ikonia | someHuman: download or seed ? | 07:39 |
Beldar | iscorpion, For exactly what end goal? | 07:39 |
bazhang | !torrents | 07:40 |
ubottu | Trusty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/trusty/desktop/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/trusty/server/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 | 07:40 |
Mikerhinos | wickedheadace: yes I know servers are saturated, it's just that I have to change my routeur in a few minutes :s | 07:40 |
albus_dumbledore | !14.04 | 07:40 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes | 07:40 |
wickedheadace | xD | 07:40 |
bazhang | someHuman, get a torrent client then ^ | 07:40 |
kitten_fist | 14.04 is out? | 07:40 |
wickedheadace | always happy to hear people improveing their network speed/security features | 07:40 |
bazhang | kitten_fist, 4/17, yes | 07:40 |
ikonia | kitten_fist: have you looked on ubuntu.com ? | 07:40 |
iscorpion | Beldar: it supports hardwares better then 12.04 | 07:41 |
Wasper | please help me | 07:41 |
bazhang | Wasper, with what | 07:41 |
Wasper | i must downgrade php | 07:42 |
Wasper | 5.4.27 to 5.4.23 | 07:42 |
ikonia | not going to happen | 07:43 |
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Wasper | ikonia: why? | 07:44 |
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ikonia | Wasper: because the packaged version is greater | 07:44 |
[lutchy] | What is woopsie? | 07:44 |
someHuman | bazhang: You mean copy link then paste it in torrent client? Will that work? | 07:49 |
[lutchy] | Depends how the link is formated | 07:49 |
[lutchy] | if it's formated with magnet://, some BT clients will understand it | 07:50 |
bazhang | someHuman, download the torrent from above, fierfox will prompt you to pen with your torrent client | 07:50 |
[lutchy] | That too ** | 07:50 |
bazhang | those are straight torrent links, magnet is another issue entirely | 07:50 |
notyoureverydayS | Who knows of a good torrent client that isnt fubar? | 07:50 |
someHuman | bazhang: I am using Chrome. | 07:50 |
bazhang | notyoureverydayS, personal opinion, try them and see what you like | 07:51 |
someHuman | notyoureverydayS: fubar? | 07:51 |
bazhang | someHuman, and thats fine | 07:51 |
someHuman | notyoureverydayS: Try Deluge, works fine for me. | 07:51 |
khildin | whats wrong with transmission? | 07:51 |
Neptunia | notyoureverydayS: or Transmission | 07:51 |
khildin | afaik thats default in ubuntu | 07:52 |
hannasanarion | Ran into an issue updating to 14.04, anyone available for help? | 07:52 |
notyoureverydayS | someHuman: F.U.B.A.R- fucked up beyond all recognition, i just don't want to get fucked with some stupid hacker bull like a fat download of malware... | 07:53 |
someHuman | notyoureverydayS: Lol. | 07:53 |
notyoureverydayS | Neptunia: hopefully free | 07:53 |
someHuman | bazhang: Dude, your torrent is slow. I just need the desktop flavor. | 07:53 |
notyoureverydayS | someHuman: it's happened to me before... no bueno.. | 07:54 |
someHuman | bazhang: Or just for personal use. | 07:54 |
bazhang | someHuman, its the day of release, that will happen | 07:54 |
someHuman | bazhang: :( | 07:54 |
someHuman | bazhang: I guess I'll get it next week then? | 07:54 |
someHuman | bazhang: I am running 13.04 right now lol. | 07:54 |
bazhang | someHuman, your choice | 07:54 |
someHuman | bazhang: But I can upgrade from 12.04 right? | 07:54 |
ikonia | "lol"??? | 07:54 |
ikonia | I'm running an operating system "laugh out loud" ??? | 07:55 |
someHuman | bazhang: Also, I like rolling release distros so LTS would suit me like 12.04 right? :D | 07:55 |
dcajacob05 | Is it possible that there is a problem with the Nvidia drivers for 14.04 - it seems like something is not right with OpenCL | 07:55 |
someHuman | ikonia: Haha! | 07:55 |
someHuman | ikonia: I meant I am running Ubuntu 13.04 | 07:55 |
clue_h | OpenCL or OpenGL? | 07:55 |
hannasanarion | My window manager disappeared while installing, anyone have ideas? | 07:55 |
ikonia | someHuman: I'm running 13.04 "laugh out loud" ??? | 07:56 |
dcajacob05 | OpenCL, with a "C" | 07:56 |
clue_h | hannasanarion, move the mouse | 07:56 |
notyoureverydayS | hannasanarion: you good at bash? | 07:56 |
hannasanarion | It's locked to one monitor | 07:56 |
bazhang | someHuman, thats a matter of personal choice, and NOT a support issue; chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 07:56 |
rtur | Hi, I'm trying to create an amd64 chroot inside a i386 with sbuild. Here is my command: sbuild-createchroot --arch=amd64 --components=main,restricted,universe,multiverse --foreign --make-sbuild-tarball=/var/lib/sbuild/raring-amd64.tar.gz $(maketmp -d) http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu . But I get "chroot: failed to run command 'mount': Exec format error" where the mount command is "chroot /tmp/tmp.mychroot/ | 07:56 |
rtur | mount -t proc proc /proc . Any ideas ? | 07:57 |
hannasanarion | notyoureverydayS: I'm not terrible, but I have no gui, and ctrl-alt-f2 does nothing | 07:57 |
someHuman | For those who likes to torrent 14.04 or any Ubuntu ver., here's a link ;) http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads | 07:57 |
ikonia | someHuman: this is all listed on the ubuntu.com website - we don't need you to randomly point out links | 07:57 |
bazhang | !torrents | someHuman | 07:57 |
ubottu | someHuman: Trusty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/trusty/desktop/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/trusty/server/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 | 07:57 |
notyoureverydayS | hannasanarion: throw up and already running script and you should be able to diagnose it.. | 07:57 |
dcajacob05 | clue_h: It's OpenCL with a "C", Some software I'd like to try depends on having a video card that supports OpenCL, I have a compatible card and Nvidia drivers (331) installed, but no OpenCL, it seems | 07:58 |
hannasanarion | notyoureverydayS: I'm not sure what you mean. I have no gui or cli, just two monitors filled with my background, with my mouse locked to one screen | 07:59 |
dcajacob05 | clue_h: software is http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/fosphor which is a component of gnuradio | 07:59 |
hannasanarion | no windows, no status bar, just the wallpaper | 07:59 |
notyoureverydayS | hannasanarion: then how are you typing this? | 08:00 |
hannasanarion | notyoureverydayS: On another machine that I haven't updated yet. | 08:00 |
Wasper | https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5-oldstable/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.series_filter=&field.status_filter=&batch=75&memo=75&start=75 | 08:02 |
Wasper | here is 5.4.23 | 08:03 |
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shilpa | hi | 08:07 |
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_[myth | yay | 08:10 |
Wasper | https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5-oldstable/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.series_filter=&field.status_filter=&batch=75&memo=75&start=75 | 08:10 |
Wasper | so | 08:10 |
Wasper | I have ondrej 5.4.27 | 08:11 |
_[myth | trusty is finally officialy released | 08:11 |
Imple | congrats to all ubuntu users with 14.04 lts | 08:11 |
_[myth | including me ;) | 08:11 |
Wasper | but I must to test something in 5.4.23 versin | 08:11 |
Wasper | so how can I downgrade it? | 08:11 |
j4son | just certified 12.04 LTS for production this week :) | 08:12 |
Fanthomas90 | Hi! | 08:15 |
Kartagis | Trusty is LTS, right? | 08:17 |
Cyrus | Kartagis: Yes. | 08:17 |
wildc4rd | Running 12.04 LTS, can I just go straight to 14.04, or do I need to go through every upgrade in between? | 08:17 |
Fanthomas90 | I just installed ubuntu server 14.04 and let it "use the whole disk and set up lvm" with 80gb size. It still boots after 30 minutes saying that it is "adding 4000000k swap on /dev/mapper/HOSTNAME--vg-swap_1." | 08:17 |
Cyrus | wildc4rd: You can upgrade straight to 14.04. | 08:17 |
Cyrus | Use the do-release-upgrade tool. | 08:17 |
Fanthomas90 | is that normally taking so long, or is something wrong? | 08:17 |
Fanthomas90 | I haven't used lvm before | 08:17 |
jozefk | 14.04 and 13.10 are like heaven and earth if we talk about speed. how did you do that? :) | 08:18 |
Cyrus | Fanthomas90: I'm not that familiar with LVM, but no that doesn't strike me as normal. | 08:19 |
huayra_ | 12.04 > 14.04 upgrade worked like a charm | 08:23 |
huayra_ | unity is even faster | 08:24 |
huayra_ | yay! | 08:24 |
rmannibucau | hi guys | 08:25 |
I2EZ1ST | hi | 08:25 |
rmannibucau | trying to upgrade to 14.14 but I have a message saying it can't cause i have custom packages (not ubuntu ones) | 08:25 |
rmannibucau | can i force it? | 08:25 |
bazhang | rmannibucau, 14.04? | 08:26 |
rmannibucau | bazhang, trusty | 08:27 |
bazhang | rmannibucau, what custom packages | 08:27 |
rmannibucau | bazhang, no idea | 08:27 |
rmannibucau | i surely installed some but long time ago, don't recall and no help from the installer | 08:27 |
bazhang | forcing it would be a very bad idea | 08:27 |
salsero|2 | rmannibucau: you might break your database | 08:28 |
salsero|2 | if you're ok with fixing dependencies, go ahead | 08:28 |
rmannibucau | bazhang, time I find what is blocking will be > upgrading and reinstalling if needed | 08:28 |
rmannibucau | i have no clue at all with deps | 08:29 |
salsero|2 | then i would advise against it | 08:29 |
salsero|2 | force means, if it breaks, then it's all on you | 08:30 |
bazhang | rmannibucau, back up everything then fresh would be the best here, I'd imagine | 08:30 |
rmannibucau | why it would break anything? | 08:31 |
rmannibucau | or can i make it listing failing packages? | 08:31 |
usTrUcX | 12.04 > 14.04 sudo do-release-upgrade No new release found, do I need new sources.list? | 08:32 |
clue_h | too big a jump i think | 08:33 |
Aki-Thinkpad | usTrUcX, yah; you wouldn't want to do that anyways | 08:33 |
Ben64 | what? lts releases are designed to go from one to the next. | 08:33 |
bazhang | Aki-Thinkpad, its fine | 08:33 |
Aki-Thinkpad | fresh installs guarantee a clean environment | 08:33 |
salsero|2 | lts upgrade only in july i believe | 08:33 |
bazhang | Aki-Thinkpad, please stop with that | 08:33 |
runasas | Hello | 08:34 |
Ben64 | the reason its not coming up, is that it doesn't show up until the .1 release | 08:34 |
salsero|2 | omg | 08:34 |
Aki-Thinkpad | bazhang, What? | 08:34 |
bazhang | Aki-Thinkpad, a LTS to LTS is fine | 08:34 |
salsero|2 | clean enviornment guarantees 1 week to setup everything again | 08:34 |
usTrUcX | Aki-Thinkpad: it is a production server cant re install :\ | 08:34 |
jozefk | is there any nice icon pack for 14.04? | 08:34 |
Aki-Thinkpad | usTrUcX, oh that is a bit different | 08:34 |
Aki-Thinkpad | bazhang, Experience of myself and others is really on my side here. | 08:34 |
salsero|2 | usTrUcX: only in july | 08:34 |
bazhang | Aki-Thinkpad, dont advise that here | 08:35 |
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Netfeed | i've just upgrade to 14.04, but my source.list is still saying saucy, shouldn't it be updated automatically? | 08:35 |
Aki-Thinkpad | bazhang, as to whether you can get away with doing an upgrade, yah of course. Is it as clean though? as stable though? No. | 08:35 |
usTrUcX | salsero|2: nice, thanks! Shouldn't I be able to upgrade to 13.04 in the meantime? | 08:36 |
[lutchy] | LOL, didn't know you were OP here to bazhang | 08:36 |
[lutchy] | hahhahaha, that made me laugh | 08:36 |
salsero|2 | usTrUcX: you can, if you leave the LTS releases | 08:36 |
usTrUcX | salsero|2: gotcha ;) | 08:36 |
Ben64 | usTrUcX: you can probably upgrade to 14.04 now with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" | 08:36 |
Ben64 | usTrUcX: don't forget backups though, as you say its production | 08:37 |
usTrUcX | Ben64: good to know, but I shall wait | 08:37 |
usTrUcX | backup always good advice =] | 08:37 |
salsero|2 | do you have raid 1 in there? | 08:37 |
usTrUcX | no raid unfortunately | 08:38 |
salsero|2 | hmm, ok nevermind, then my tip doesnt apply to you | 08:38 |
elebele1 | hello! | 08:39 |
salsero|2 | hi | 08:40 |
lw1a2 | what's up | 08:40 |
elebele1 | this is first time I use irc :) | 08:40 |
lw1a2 | me2 | 08:40 |
usTrUcX | elebele1: welcome =] | 08:40 |
salsero|2 | that's something rare indeeed | 08:40 |
clue_h | that was quick. | 08:41 |
* wiky is away: I'm busy | 08:48 | |
bazhang | wiky, disable that | 08:48 |
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rol_and | i have installed ubuntu server on a new disk. the old raid array was malfunctioning and couldn't boot from it even in degraded mode.. now even though i've set the correct disk to start in bios, it still goes to the old boot system. how can i change that into going to the new freshly installed ubuntu so i can start fixing my raid | 09:00 |
weebl | Hey, anyone else doesn't have swap after installing 14.04 with encrypted home+swap | 09:05 |
ansel | Mark | 09:05 |
ansel | hi.. | 09:06 |
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k1l | weebl: do you need swap at all? | 09:08 |
k1l | is there a swap partition? | 09:09 |
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Bernard682 | !countdown | 09:09 |
ubottu | Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Trusty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/ | 09:09 |
weebl | k1l: not sure but the installer has set it up | 09:09 |
k1l | see with sudo fdisk -l | 09:09 |
weebl | /etc/init.d/cryptdisks reload | 09:10 |
weebl | my bad | 09:10 |
weebl | wrong copy\ | 09:10 |
weebl | /dev/sda6 608509952 625141759 8315904 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 09:10 |
weebl | so yes there is | 09:10 |
weebl | * cryptswap1 (skipped, device /dev/disk/by-uuid/6dc87787-ffd6-4d58-b1c7-f586c6e4410e does not exist) | 09:11 |
k1l | is it put into fstab? (i am not quite sure if that is sued to be with encrypted stuff, too) | 09:11 |
weebl | it is in fstab yes | 09:11 |
weebl | /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 | 09:11 |
k1l | so it seems the uuid is wrong? | 09:11 |
weebl | yeah but itś weird since installer set it up | 09:11 |
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dutchuss2016 | I just updated ubuntu and now it wont start | 09:12 |
metaphysician | cdimage.ubuntu.com ISO images are being served from cloudfront.net. Downloading the ISOs using Zsync is broken. zsync cannot handle HTTP 302 redirects? | 09:12 |
nullbyte_ | skype and 14.04 lts how? | 09:13 |
AlHafoudh | hi | 09:14 |
k1l | nullbyte_: enable partner repo and install the skype package | 09:14 |
AlHafoudh | is it possible to upgrade ubuntu server 13.04 to 13.10? do-release-upgrade tell me that no upgrade available | 09:15 |
nullbyte_ | k1l: yes i know but i have he following packages have unmet dependencies: kype : Depends: skype-bin | 09:15 |
cfhowlett | AlHafoudh 13.10 is supported only a few more months ... | 09:15 |
shunya_chakra | hi | 09:16 |
AlHafoudh | i want to upgrade to 14.04 after that, but I am reading that I cannot go directly from 13.04 to 14.04 | 09:16 |
bekks | AlHafoudh: Thats true. You have to update to 13.10 first. | 09:16 |
shunya_chakra | is "install unused space" option is not available in ubuntu 10.04???? | 09:16 |
bazhang | !eolupgrades | AlHafoudh | 09:16 |
ubottu | AlHafoudh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 09:16 |
cfhowlett | AlHafoudh you can with a clean install | 09:16 |
cfhowlett | or the eolupgrade ^^^ | 09:16 |
Meris | These are my results for my my boot config: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 Does anyone see why grub2 is not booting on my system even after clean installation of 14.04 64Bit? | 09:16 |
k1l | nullbyte_: please show all output in a pastebin. and put a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in there too | 09:17 |
shunya_chakra | couldn't found option in ubuntu 14 "install in unused space" | 09:18 |
rol_and | how can i fix a system that has two /boot partitions and always end up booting to the wrong OS ? | 09:18 |
shunya_chakra | HOw can i multiboot it? | 09:18 |
nullbyte_ | k1l: ok, before to do that can you tell me how can i remove i386 architecture i have added it I don't know why, but dpkg --remove-architecture i386 says it in use it or something | 09:19 |
sudipto | !isitout | 09:19 |
ubottu | Yes, it's out! Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download | Release announcement at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html | 09:19 |
k1l | shunya_chakra: what looks your partition setup look like? | 09:19 |
sudipto | !isitoutyet | 09:19 |
Meris | rol_and, you can fix that in /etc/fstab, *you* decide what partitions are mounted as boot. | 09:19 |
hoanb1 | Hello | 09:20 |
k1l | nullbyte_: so you are on 64bit and added 32bit architecture by hand? | 09:20 |
nullbyte_ | k1l: yes | 09:20 |
shunya_chakra | k1l, 200 gb (window installed), and 220 gb (unused space) | 09:20 |
hoanb1 | Mu Ubuntu 14.04, Delete file do not move to Trash | 09:20 |
k1l | sudipto: its out, please dont spam the bot in here | 09:20 |
hoanb1 | Where it go ? | 09:21 |
k1l | nullbyte_: oh | 09:21 |
nullbyte_ | :) | 09:21 |
hoanb1 | Trash is empty | 09:21 |
hoanb1 | when I try to delete some files | 09:21 |
shunya_chakra | k1l, I install previous version of ubuntu by clicking "use unused space" but in this that options isn't available | 09:22 |
Meris | !enter| hoanb1 | 09:22 |
rol_and | Meris: fstab gets loaded when grub reads it (if i'm not mistaken) though the system is actually choosing the other /boot partition which points to the OTHER grub/fstab | 09:23 |
k1l | nullbyte_: what was the command you did exactly? and please show the output like told before | 09:23 |
msgol | quit | 09:24 |
NK_ | well done ubuntu | 09:25 |
NK_ | http://pastebin.com/J6GzNJd0 | 09:25 |
nullbyte_ | k1l: dpkg --add-architecture i386 and then dpkg --remove-architecture i386 (dpkg: error: cannot remove architecture 'i386' currently in use by the database) brb | 09:25 |
hoanb1 | Right Mouse menu "Move to Trash" is same behavior | 09:25 |
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k1l | nullbyte_: "dpkg -l | grep i386" and then remove that i386 packages | 09:26 |
k1l | nullbyte_: and then again | 09:26 |
nullbyte_ | hm yes | 09:26 |
nullbyte_ | there are 20+ i386 packages how can i remove all of them | 09:26 |
nullbyte_ | k1l, | 09:27 |
k1l | nullbyte_: but i dont get what you did to your system and why you dont want to show PPAs and sources. i think that system is to spoiled and you know it | 09:27 |
Meerkat | is there a channel for ubuntu-gnome and server? | 09:27 |
cfhowlett | !server|Meerkat | 09:28 |
ubottu | Meerkat: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 09:28 |
rcw2 | anything special I should do when upgrading to Tahr from 13.10? Or is clicking the upgrade icon and following the steps expected to be sufficient? | 09:28 |
cfhowlett | !gnome|Meerkat | 09:28 |
ubottu | Meerkat: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome | 09:28 |
majod | Meerkat: #ubuntu-gnome | 09:28 |
PatBateman | after upgrading my 14.04 beta, should I leave apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 09:28 |
k1l | rcw2: like always: have a backup if murphys law strikes again | 09:28 |
kostkon | rcw2, click the button. but as usual, make bbackups of your data | 09:28 |
cfhowlett | *when* not if | 09:28 |
k1l | !final | PatBateman | 09:28 |
ubottu | PatBateman: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. | 09:28 |
k1l | cfhowlett: nope. | 09:28 |
k1l | cfhowlett: upgrades get automated testing, they are very stable | 09:29 |
PatBateman | k1l: i know, but now 14.04 is released, i guess i dont need dist-upgrade anymore | 09:29 |
Meerkat | majod, cfhowlett thank you. | 09:30 |
kostkon | PatBateman, if you are up to date, you are good | 09:30 |
PatBateman | ok | 09:30 |
k1l | PatBateman: dist-upgrade is not for 13.10 to 14.04 upgrades. please see the apt documentation | 09:30 |
k1l | !apt | PatBateman | 09:30 |
ubottu | PatBateman: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) | 09:30 |
PatBateman | yeah i have 14.04 | 09:30 |
gareppa | !eyes | 09:30 |
PatBateman | kostkon: ty | 09:31 |
k1l | PatBateman: you need dist-upgrade to install updates. see the docs | 09:31 |
PatBateman | k1l: not only "upgrade" when we have the final release? | 09:32 |
nullbyte_ | how can i remove packages with regex many pkgs | 09:32 |
k1l | PatBateman: please read about apt. dist-upgrade is part of the update process to install new packages. its not for upgrading to a new ubuntu release | 09:33 |
pnm123 | ping | 09:33 |
PatBateman | k1l: ok but someone told me that here, this is why i used this command. but all right! | 09:33 |
dungeon_crawler | pong | 09:33 |
pnm123 | so what's happening in this IRC channel? | 09:34 |
k1l | PatBateman: yes, to get all updates. you still need that command even if you are on a final release. if you would read about apt you would already understand that | 09:34 |
salsero|2 | pnm123: not much | 09:34 |
k1l | pnm123: technical ubuntu support | 09:34 |
pnm123 | cool! | 09:34 |
cfhowlett | !topic > pnm123 | 09:34 |
ubottu | pnm123, please see my private message | 09:34 |
nullbyte_ | "^.*:i386$" | 09:34 |
dungeon_crawler | is there xwindow in the 14.04? | 09:35 |
gareppa | !topic | 09:35 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 09:35 |
PatBateman | k1l: okok | 09:35 |
llutz | nullbyte_: untested: dpkg -l|awk '/\:i386/ { print $2}'|xargs sudo dpkg -P | 09:38 |
noooo | hiiiii | 09:38 |
Meris | After performing clean install 0f 14.04 64 bit in UEFI mode, secureboot off, my system won't boot to grub, here's my bootinfo: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 | 09:40 |
salsero|2 | do you have a /boot/efi in vfat ? | 09:41 |
salsero|2 | big enough | 09:41 |
sonne | hi! :) | 09:41 |
sonne | is do-release-upgrade still supposed not to show anything on LTS? | 09:41 |
k1l | sonne: 12.04? | 09:41 |
sonne | yep | 09:41 |
nullbyte_ | done works thanks | 09:41 |
Meris | salsero|2, I presume you ar etalking to me: yes, I do have a /boot/efi in vfat | 09:42 |
k1l | then wait for 14.04.1 for the lts upgrade to open | 09:42 |
k1l | which is on 24th july | 09:42 |
sonne | aaaah | 09:42 |
sonne | didn't know about that at all | 09:42 |
salsero|2 | it's in the release notes... | 09:42 |
camara | Hello all, please I have a quick question. | 09:42 |
salsero|2 | Meris: what happens | 09:42 |
llutz | nullbyte_:for the future: aptitude purge '~ri386' but remember, *buntu doesn't bring aptitude by default anymore | 09:43 |
Meris | salsero|2, Instead it boots to the Windows bootmgr. | 09:43 |
camara | I'm trying to install Ubuntu from a live CD on another machine, how can I split a partition to make space for Ubuntu? | 09:43 |
nullbyte_ | llutz: oks | 09:43 |
salsero|2 | Meris: add an entry to ubuntu using grub | 09:43 |
clue_h | camara, with due caution you could resize the partition using something like gparted and make a new one with the free space or dual boot etc | 09:44 |
brothersome | camara, I prever a live gparted CD, but the CD comes with a proposal | 09:44 |
salsero|2 | i mean using the bios | 09:44 |
nullbyte_ | k1l: dpkg k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7274168/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7274254/ and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is emty | 09:44 |
pnm123 | camera: for windows use EaseUS Partition Master | 09:45 |
camara | thanks guys! | 09:45 |
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Meris | salsero|2, Using the BIOS? Hmm? I can't add such an entry in the BIOS, it's kind of restricted (it is a Sony after all) | 09:46 |
salsero|2 | does the /boot/efi has the boot flag? | 09:47 |
Meris | salsero|2, yes, it does | 09:47 |
Wulong | When using nvidia drivers with 14.04 I get about 30px frame around my desktop - unavailable. If I remove the driver it works. Suggestions? | 09:48 |
oneof3 | hello. can someone please tell me how to add the recycle bin to the Panel in Xubuntu? | 09:49 |
Meris | salsero|2, normally the installer should not ask where to put the bootloader, since I am in EFI mode, but when the installeer did ask me where to put grub, I entered /dev/sda3, which is my EFI partition, as you can see in my pastebinned bootinfo: /efi/Boot/bootx64.efi /efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /efi/ubuntu/MokManager.efi /efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi | 09:50 |
erdnaxeli | hi | 09:50 |
erdnaxeli | i want to have pseudo transparency with gnome terminal, no real transparency | 09:50 |
interweb | How much data upgrading ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 wants ? | 09:51 |
erdnaxeli | somebody knows how to do that ? | 09:51 |
Wulong | erdnaxeli: might be a driver issue. | 09:52 |
interweb | How much data upgrading ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 wants ? | 09:52 |
bekks | interweb: Serveral hundred MB. | 09:52 |
bekks | !patience | interweb | 09:52 |
ubottu | interweb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 09:52 |
interweb | bekks, How much ? I have about 200 MB | 09:52 |
erdnaxeli | Wulong? i don't have any problem, i juste want to disable real transparency | 09:52 |
interweb | bekks, Could I update to it ? | 09:52 |
bekks | interweb: No. | 09:52 |
salsero|2 | Meris: ls /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ | 09:52 |
Meris | salsero|2, alright will do , but I will paste it through the nick meris2 instead | 09:53 |
kostkon | interweb, much more than that | 09:55 |
DarkStar1 | hello all | 09:55 |
DarkStar1 | where can I get the locale-gen package | 09:55 |
DarkStar1 | as in which repository contains this as it isn’t installed on my system | 09:55 |
llutz | !info locales | DarkStar1 | 09:56 |
ubottu | DarkStar1: locales (source: langpack-locales): common files for locale support. In component main, is required. Version 2.13+git20120306-12 (trusty), package size 2637 kB, installed size 9012 kB | 09:56 |
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llutz | DarkStar1: locale-gen is a tool, not a package | 09:57 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: aah. apologies | 09:57 |
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llutz | no worries | 09:57 |
DarkStar1 | I don’t have it but I need to install it somehow to get rid of this locale error messages that I am getting | 09:58 |
llutz | DarkStar1: sudo apt-get install locales | 09:58 |
meris2 | salsero|2, grub.cfg grubx64.efi MokManager.efi shimx64.efi | 09:58 |
salsero|2 | meris2: can you choose ubuntu from the boot list after bios? | 09:59 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: that’s already installed, but locale-gen is missing | 09:59 |
llutz | DarkStar1: cat /etc/issue | 10:00 |
c3l | does unity work well on multi display setups? are there any caveats? | 10:00 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: 12.04 LTS | 10:00 |
meris2 | salsero|2, with "after bios" I assume you mean "after boot"? I' m not sure what you are trying to say, sorry. | 10:00 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: or more specifically : Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l | 10:00 |
atrioom | Ÿ/window 11 | 10:00 |
salsero|2 | after the computer boots yes | 10:01 |
llutz | DarkStar1: ls -l /usr/sbin/locale-gen if file not exists, sudo apt-get install --reinstall locales | 10:01 |
sudipto | is there something like wubi for 14.04? | 10:01 |
SunilJoshi | sudipto: no | 10:02 |
meris2 | salsero|2, no, grub doesn' t boot at all, instead the Windows bootmanager shows up, as if grub isn' t even there. the Windows bootmanager seems to have priority somehow, | 10:02 |
ljunggren | sudipto: Althou i can imagine Wubi being easy and all, it is not recomennded to use for install | 10:02 |
llutz | sudipto: let's hope it's not | 10:02 |
SunilJoshi | wubi is history | 10:02 |
ljunggren | thank god | 10:02 |
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sudipto | then is there no hope for Windows and Linux together | 10:03 |
llutz | sudipto: dualboot stil works in most cases | 10:03 |
salsero|2 | meris2: cant you enter the efi boot menu in the bios? | 10:03 |
pnm123 | exit | 10:04 |
k1l | !dualboot | sudipto | 10:04 |
ubottu | sudipto: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 10:04 |
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flusk | sudipto: why do you think so? wubi gone is a good thing, it created missconceptions of linux.. the performance of a wubi nstall was bad | 10:04 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: I have /usr/sbin in my path yet when I type sudo locale-gen I get nothing | 10:04 |
k1l | sudipto: wubi is not "ubuntu and windows together". it was ubuntu put into a container on the windows disk. that was slow and going to break stuff anyway. so make a real install | 10:05 |
meris2 | salsero|2, I' m not sure how to access such a menu, I' ve browsed through my whole BIOS/ EFI, but it's not there under boot devices or things like that. | 10:05 |
llutz | DarkStar1: ls -l /usr/sbin/locale-gen does the file exist at all? | 10:06 |
flusk | i remember my first installations of wubi, those where absolutely horrible | 10:06 |
meris2 | salsero|2, the Boot menu of my Vaio Pro can not exactly be called advanced, it looks like simple BIOS from the Award era, but it does have specific settings for EFI and secureboot | 10:06 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: yes | 10:06 |
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Johnny_Linux | sheesh | 10:07 |
salsero|2 | ye it should be able to browse efi entries and then you might ne able to add one for ubuntu | 10:07 |
llutz | DarkStar1: " /usr/sbin/locale-gen" does it work if you call it with full path? | 10:07 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: no | 10:07 |
llutz | DarkStar1: error? | 10:07 |
DarkStar1 | No error whatsoever | 10:07 |
llutz | DarkStar1: " /bin/bash /usr/sbin/locale-gen" | 10:08 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: again nothing | 10:09 |
meris2 | salsero|2, how would such an option be called? It is not mentioned in the boot device list, there is no option to edit efi entries as far as I can see. I can make an actual screeenshot of my Sony BIOS pages if you'd like, but they will be pasted through my Meris nick instead | 10:09 |
trijntje | how can the lubuntu LTS only have 3 years support while the normal ubuntu has 5 years? Doesn't lubuntu use the exact same repository as ubuntu? | 10:09 |
llutz | DarkStar1: "file /usr/sbin/locale-gen" | 10:09 |
DarkStar1 | llutz: /usr/sbin/locale-gen: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable | 10:10 |
meris2 | trijntje, the Lubuntu 14.04 is no LTS release, the team says that themselves on their pages | 10:10 |
salsero|2 | meris2: oh, I can in mine, so thats why I asked | 10:10 |
llutz | DarkStar1:all that sounds right to me, sry no idea why it fails | 10:10 |
salsero|2 | I can add, remove, edit | 10:10 |
meris2 | salsero|2, Splendid, well I seem to have a nerfed EFI then... | 10:11 |
salsero|2 | are you sure, you installed ubuntu in efi mode? | 10:11 |
salsero|2 | if you switch to legacy does anything boot? | 10:11 |
meris2 | salsero|2, yes, I'm sure of that, BIOS::bootmode= UEFI, not Legacy | 10:12 |
salsero|2 | well, there's an intermediate mode CSM, that I had problems with | 10:12 |
salsero|2 | hi randall | 10:12 |
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meris2 | salsero|2, As you might have read on my pastebin, there is no boot manager on the "MBR" of /dev/sda, probably because it was partioned as gpt...Did you read my bootinfo pastebin? It's all there. Here it is again for your convenience: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7272158/ | 10:15 |
KyouReeUs4nfo | When I run sudo network-admin it only shows "General", "DNS" and "Hosts" tab, I am wondering why it wouldn't show "Connections" tab. Any pointers? I am running Lubuntu 14.04 64-bit. | 10:15 |
meris2 | salsero|2, I do appreciate it that you are trying to help me :-) | 10:16 |
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flusk | I understand Lubuntu is ubuntu based but should this not be asked in their channel KyouReeUs4nfo ? | 10:19 |
KyouReeUs4nfo | huh.. okay | 10:19 |
salsero|2 | meris2: whats sda1 and sda3? | 10:20 |
snpresent | hello everyone ! | 10:21 |
sudipto | hi snpresent | 10:21 |
meris2 | salsero|2, /sda1 is a hidden Windows partition, /sda3 is the EFI partition (bootable of course) | 10:21 |
CriMeaRiver | How do modules live, to add in boot.local file? | 10:22 |
snpresent | cheers with 14.04 | 10:22 |
CriMeaRiver | WHERE do modules live, to add in boot.local file? | 10:22 |
sudipto | date resets to 00:00 on every boot | 10:23 |
ruscur | is there anyone here with a high DPI display that can comment on the new improvements for that in 14.04? | 10:23 |
meris2 | salsero|2, what puzzles me is that when I use grub-install from the terminal during the LiveUSBStick boot of th 64 bits version, grub-install does not detect that it is in fact running in EFI mode, It spits out an error telling me that I should calll grub-install with the partition to install grub into as parameter. In UEFI mode that should not happen | 10:24 |
sudipto | date resets to 00:00 on every boot | 10:25 |
salsero|2 | CriMeaRiver: /lib/modules/<uname -r> | 10:26 |
CriMeaRiver | salsero|2: thank you | 10:26 |
salsero|2 | meris2: did you chroot into your enviorment? | 10:27 |
meris2 | salsero|2, no, I did not, I simply mounted the efi partition | 10:28 |
salsero|2 | meris2: thats not enough | 10:30 |
snpresent | did ubuntu default enable ufw? | 10:30 |
salsero|2 | you got to mount /, then boot/efi | 10:30 |
Slart | sudipto: bat battery on the motherboard? | 10:30 |
salsero|2 | and the do chroot into that enviornment | 10:31 |
Slart | sudipto: *bad | 10:31 |
OerHeks | snpresent, no, you need to install gufw to enable the firewall | 10:31 |
CriMeaRiver | Which name in /dev/ should i use with mkfs to make a ramdisk? | 10:31 |
CriMeaRiver | , /dev/ram1 failed | 10:31 |
meris2 | salsero|2, will do, but I have to read up on chroot first, it' s such a long time ago that I used it. | 10:31 |
salsero|2 | - /dev/ram | 10:32 |
atlasblade | hello | 10:32 |
atlasblade | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgxAHjWhOIY | 10:32 |
atlasblade | hhhhhhhh | 10:32 |
salsero|2 | just mount your install file system | 10:32 |
Slart | CriMeaRiver: I don't think you use any..... this doesn't work? http://askubuntu.com/questions/152868/how-do-i-make-a-ram-disk | 10:32 |
Mikerhinos | had to cancel 14.04 upgrade to change my routeur because of a hardware problem, and it just started from previous packet download. They should have called the button "Stop" and not "Cancel" :) | 10:32 |
rcw2 | are there any generalized kde performance improvements from 13.10 to 14.04? should it run faster? | 10:32 |
OerHeks | snpresent, but the guit tool is much better now | 10:32 |
rcw2 | what happens when someone upgrades? are icons and program configurations saved? | 10:33 |
CriMeaRiver | Slart: lemme check | 10:33 |
salsero|2 | rcw2: i havent noticed any improvements | 10:33 |
awl | how to check and install sound driver | 10:33 |
OerHeks | rcw2, ask in #kubuntu | 10:33 |
salsero|2 | rcw2: yes | 10:33 |
snpresent | OerHeks did ubuntu default enable any firewall? | 10:34 |
OerHeks | awl, most soundcards are detected fine | 10:34 |
shunya_chakra | Hi guy's, whazzz up?? | 10:34 |
OerHeks | snpresent, the 'firewall' or IP tables are build into the kernel, is not enabled, you only need to install and setup GUFW | 10:34 |
shunya_chakra | Ubuntu currently using unity? or gnome? | 10:34 |
Slart | shunya_chakra: unity | 10:35 |
OerHeks | snpresent, after install, gufw can be found in 'system sttings' | 10:35 |
salsero|2 | shunya_chakra: i have kde :) | 10:35 |
OerHeks | shunya_chakra, unity on gnome3 | 10:35 |
sudipto | when will unity 8 be implemented | 10:35 |
Slart | shunya_chakra: but you can install gnome if you want.. I think there might even be a gnome variant of ubuntu | 10:35 |
OerHeks | sudipto, it is, in 14.04 | 10:35 |
llutz | OerHeks: its not, 7.2.0 | 10:35 |
shunya_chakra | hm.. but i want is change my icon | 10:35 |
shunya_chakra | i want like more flat look... | 10:36 |
OerHeks | sudipto, i am wrong, it is 7 | 10:36 |
snpresent | OerHeks i know but why ubuntu not enable it by default ??? i mean.... | 10:36 |
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majod | is TRIM working on all SSDs by default in 14.04? I read somewhere only Samsung and Intel SSDs are supported by default | 10:37 |
OerHeks | snpresent, what OS is the firewall enabled by default? | 10:38 |
Meris | salsero|2, is this documentation still valid? (Last updated for Lucid): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot | 10:38 |
snpresent | OerHeks pcbsd | 10:38 |
OerHeks | snpresent, might want to ask them why they are the only ones, i never seen a default enabled firewall | 10:39 |
Slart | snpresent: bsd focuses on security and reliability.. ubuntu caters to a different crowd, if you ask me | 10:39 |
Vacuity | Hi. I'm trying to install ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso via USB drive. all works fine until "Install the GRUB boot loader". The installer executes 'grub-install /dev/sda' and fails with a fatal error. No wonder, sda is the USB drive. sdb is the SSD I install to. any way to work around this? | 10:41 |
cabbage4th | Quick question. I'm running 12.04, upgrading directly to 14.04 through terminal. Is that okay? (data is backed-up). Or do I have to go through 13.04 and 13.10? | 10:41 |
snpresent | Slart ok then | 10:42 |
OerHeks | !upgrade | cabbage4th, you can go from LTS to LTS | 10:42 |
ubottu | cabbage4th, you can go from LTS to LTS: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 10:42 |
cabbage4th | ubottu: thanks. | 10:42 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 10:42 |
ruscur | Vacuity: you can run grub-install manually | 10:43 |
daum | hi guys i just upgraded to 14 from 13 and get a grub error of grub term highlight color not found, it looks like i need to chroot and reinstall grub, my system is raided how do i properly mount the raid partition and do the chroot? | 10:43 |
Vacuity | ruscur: so drop to a console and run grub-install /dev/sdb? or do I need to chroot somewhere first? | 10:43 |
ruscur | Vacuity: you don't need to chroot. you could install grub from another distro's live environment even | 10:44 |
trijntje | how can the lubuntu LTS only have 3 years support while the normal ubuntu has 5 years? Doesn't lubuntu use the exact same repository as ubuntu? | 10:44 |
Vacuity | ruscur: ok, thanks. will give it a try | 10:44 |
Slart | trijntje: you should ask the lubuntu people.. don't they have a channel of their own? | 10:44 |
gikol | buongiorno | 10:44 |
Slart | !lubuntu | 10:44 |
ubottu | lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 10:44 |
OerHeks | trijntje, it is their first LTS :-D | 10:45 |
riverloop | Hello everyone! | 10:46 |
daum | intersting it looks like it is showing up as a 'loop' device | 10:46 |
riverloop | I don't have window borders in LibreOffice Writer. | 10:46 |
riverloop | http://s3.postimg.org/5gv9i1f0z/Screenshot_from_2014_04_17_21_58_20.png | 10:46 |
trijntje | OerHeks: yeah, but isn't everything in the ubuntu repository supported with security updates for 5 years? Otherwise, whats the point of an LTS if half of the programs a user installs are no longer supported | 10:46 |
riverloop | Anybody has the same issue? | 10:46 |
riverloop | No close, maximize and minimize buttons. | 10:46 |
ansel | hi | 10:47 |
OerHeks | riverloop, those buttons are on the top panel, it is called global menu | 10:47 |
Meris | salsero|2, I haven't eaten yet, so I'll be lunching first, after that I'll return to the chroot. | 10:47 |
jubo2 | I'd like the best estimate.. What happens if I run update, upgrade and dist-upgrade on 12.04 to 14.04 ? | 10:47 |
trijntje | riverloop: move your mouse to the top left corner of the screen | 10:48 |
jubo2 | I once tried upgrading a Debian6 to Debian7 and was left out of X | 10:48 |
k1l | jubo2: that will not upgrade to 14.04 | 10:48 |
jubo2 | k1l: oh.. why ? | 10:48 |
k1l | jubo2: ubuntu got own upgrade managers | 10:48 |
jubo2 | ah.. | 10:48 |
k1l | jubo2: dont do the debian way. | 10:48 |
jubo2 | k1l: I'd like to try the upgrade | 10:48 |
jubo2 | there is no data on the host machine | 10:49 |
jubo2 | all is in cloud and other machines | 10:49 |
k1l | jubo2: and 12.04 to 14.04 will be opened when 14.04.1 is released on 24th july | 10:49 |
mipo | hi , when I run Vidalia , it got me this error: https://dpaste.de/1UPD how can I fix it? | 10:49 |
cabbage4th | k1l So I wasted 30 minutes on my upgrade. lol | 10:50 |
jubo2 | k1l: So I need to install fresh 14.04, VirtualBox, Windows7 into the sandbox and Office 365, anti-virus software and SPSS | 10:51 |
jubo2 | not a problem.. | 10:51 |
k1l | jubo2: no | 10:51 |
k1l | listen: if you want LTS (like in stable and long support) you dont want to hop on 14.04 direct after release anyway. you want it to settle first | 10:52 |
k1l | so wait until 14.04 will become 14.04.1 | 10:52 |
jubo2 | k1l: 'k.. I can do the upgrade / reinstallation later on.. | 10:52 |
Vacuity | How can I manually call grub-install from the installer's console in busybox? (the installer wrongly calls grub-install /dev/sda, but that is the USB drive I install from. my target SSD is /dev/sdb ...). (ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso) | 10:52 |
daum | how do i mount a raided device from the live cd? i need to reinstall grub | 10:53 |
Vacuity | grub-install is neither in the PATH, nor can I find in the usual places | 10:53 |
jubo2 | I can do my school work in the Win7/Office in virtual box.. then stash the disk image to cloud or vps, nuke the system and drop the disk image back in | 10:53 |
k1l | jubo2: you can upgrade, but dont rant about not solid stable LTS | 10:53 |
jubo2 | k1l: I am easily critical.. but I try to keep my critique constructive | 10:54 |
jubo2 | k1l: big thanks for helping me with these things | 10:54 |
Vakkotaur | I'v just installed, updated, and mostly configured Xubuntu 14.04. I've run into one issue. Even with the bluetooth module installed (and a reboot to be sure) for PulseAudio, the system sees, pairs, and connects to my headset - but there's no audio and no option for it in PulseAudio Volume Control. Am I missing something? Happy to RTFM, if pointed at TFM. | 10:54 |
k1l | jubo2: no need for reinstall. if you really want to break the LTS you can upgrade with the developer parameter on do-release-upgrade | 10:55 |
nullbyte_ | skype : Depends: skype-bin but it is not installable, The following packages have unmet dependencies: ? | 10:56 |
jubo2 | k1l: I just have to keep fingers crossed that there are no problems in dropping the virtual disk image to VirtualBox between 12.04 and 14.04.1 | 10:58 |
glen | hi. very stupid question, how do i launch applications? | 10:59 |
k1l | glen: press windows button, type name, press enter | 10:59 |
glen | i want to open terminal but can't find any of the four "buttons" providing me that fucntionality | 10:59 |
glen | nothing happens | 11:00 |
k1l | glen: for terminal use the shortcut: ctrl+alt+t | 11:00 |
glen | oh. thanks | 11:00 |
k1l | glen: what ubuntu are you on exactly? | 11:00 |
glen | precise32 from vagrant | 11:00 |
glen | seems search feature is not functioning, i.e the first button is some kind of search, but it doesn't work | 11:01 |
glen | and how to pin launched applications to sidebar? | 11:01 |
k1l | please ask vagrant if they change that much in ubuntu | 11:01 |
cabbage4th | glen: drag it | 11:01 |
clue_h | or right click them in the launcher and pick , lock to launcher | 11:02 |
glen | k1l: vagrant is not "they"! vagrant is technology not provider! | 11:02 |
m23 | hi | 11:02 |
glen | and how do i drag if i launched from terminal? what exactly do i drag? | 11:03 |
cabbage4th | glen: In that case, do what clue told you. right click and Lock to Launcher. | 11:03 |
m23 | i am new user | 11:03 |
glen | Lock menu is not there for that app | 11:04 |
nullbyte_ | http://askubuntu.com/questions/223912/i-can-not-install-skype-on-ubuntu-12-10 | 11:04 |
nullbyte_ | no that no helps | 11:04 |
nullbyte_ | maube 14.04 is a newer for skype | 11:04 |
glen | lock menu exists for some other apps, but not the one i need to pin | 11:04 |
cmecca | hi all! quick 14.04lts question; I installed it last night and went to install my fav. window manager and noticed there isnt a 'session-select' gear, or option in the login manager after the install. is there a way to bring that back? | 11:04 |
nullbyte_ | it's the same problem | 11:04 |
=== ed is now known as Guest77990 | ||
glen | does the pinning need the app was launched from .desktop file? | 11:04 |
cmecca | (fresh install btw; not an upgrade) | 11:04 |
cabbage4th | glen what program is that? | 11:05 |
nikolam | I think that installing proprietary Nvidia drivers automatically, from Software&updates is no go. It just sists there doing nothing. 14.04 LTS 32bit | 11:05 |
Vakkotaur | I had to downlaod skype multi-arch and then launch the ubuntu software installer to get it going. It looked like the install failed (to my non-expert eyes), but it appeared in the menu and ran. | 11:06 |
Vakkotaur | (Grnated, I am using 64bit) | 11:06 |
glen | cabbage4th: some python app downloaded from github | 11:06 |
glen | https://github.com/suurjaak/Skyperious | 11:06 |
CriMeaRiver | Are you sure the device for "mount -t tmpfs" is a ramdisk? | 11:06 |
cmecca | CriMeaRiver: tmpfs is ram. | 11:06 |
glen | and how to log out? | 11:07 |
clue_h | glen, apps that are not in the official repos usually don't supply an associated desktop file, but things like alacarte if it is still around will make one for you | 11:07 |
infiniting | hi all | 11:07 |
clue_h | glen, click the gear on the top right , then log out | 11:07 |
CriMeaRiver | cmecca: thanks | 11:08 |
infiniting | someone can say me the name os app store for xubuntu? | 11:08 |
nikolam | I selected 304.117 Nvidia driver (tested) and it is not installing it I think | 11:08 |
nikolam | infiniting, it is ubuntu software center, ther is app on desktop for that. | 11:09 |
nikolam | Also there is synaptic GUI app for ubuntu repositories | 11:09 |
CriMeaRiver | Which Nvidia card has good drivers for Linux? | 11:09 |
angry | Hi, How are you! | 11:09 |
infiniting | nilolam i don't fin it in my desktop | 11:10 |
Vakkotaur | Fwiw, I had no issues getting nVidia drivers going with my aging MSI GTX550. | 11:10 |
gg_ | ciao | 11:10 |
gg_ | !list | 11:11 |
ubottu | gg_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 11:11 |
superman | ?? | 11:11 |
cmecca | !! | 11:11 |
cmecca | *shrug* | 11:11 |
nikolam | CriMeaRiver, Every Nvidia card have great support for Linux, Nvidia is great for long support of their graphics. Also there are Nouveau open drivers by default | 11:11 |
superman | 什么情况? | 11:11 |
=== blueeagle is now known as BlueEagle | ||
superman | 这里的哦有谁? | 11:12 |
CriMeaRiver | nikolam: cool; thanks | 11:12 |
yeats | !cn | superman | 11:12 |
ubottu | superman: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 11:12 |
dutchuss22016 | i have video issuee on ububto 13.10 | 11:12 |
cmecca | anyone know how to bring back the 'select session' option in the 14.04 login manager? | 11:12 |
superman | /join#ubuntu -tw | 11:12 |
yeats | superman: /join #ubuntu-tw - no spaces | 11:13 |
cmecca | anyone know how to bring back the 'select session' option in the 14.04 login manager? | 11:13 |
superman | tks | 11:13 |
cmecca | *sorry i think irssi is getting funky on me* | 11:13 |
salsero|2 | cmecca: i have that using kdm | 11:13 |
cmecca | salsero|2: cool. | 11:13 |
cmecca | im using the default dm though | 11:13 |
cmecca | i believe its lightdm | 11:13 |
superman | /jion #ubuntu-tw | 11:13 |
hikkijp | Does anyone know where should I put the files to theme ubuntu unity? as described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Theming#Launcher.2BAC8-Switcher_Icons I already have the files done... But I don't know where to put and enable them... | 11:13 |
k1l | superman: "/join #ubuntu-tw" without the " | 11:14 |
angry | what is the modem communication app in Ubuntu? | 11:14 |
dutchuss22016 | i need help with video issues my tv and computer both support 1920x1080 but im stuck to 1024x768 resolution but my grahics card was detected properly | 11:14 |
angry | Please help me! | 11:14 |
superman | hello world | 11:14 |
superman | hoho | 11:14 |
nikolam | hello superman | 11:15 |
nikolam | angry, sudo pppconfig | 11:15 |
stego | who is drawing? ;) | 11:15 |
cmecca | i know. | 11:16 |
cmecca | i had to redrew irssi like 5 times :P | 11:16 |
dutchuss22016 | i need help with video issues my tv and computer both support 1920x1080 but im stuck to 1024x768 resolution but my grahics card was detected properly | 11:16 |
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CriMeaRiver | By the time boot.local executes, all filesystems are available, and I can do Bash commands from boot.local, no? | 11:17 |
nikolam | dutchuss2016, what' your graphics and what driver does it use ATM | 11:17 |
angry | <nikolam> :seyon? | 11:17 |
shunya_chakra | which one will be better to choose as driver nouveau or nividia legacy? | 11:17 |
=== dv is now known as dv_ | ||
nikolam | angry, modems are old tech. open command line and use pppconfig to set it up for connection | 11:17 |
salsero|2 | nvidia | 11:17 |
superman | where you come from | 11:18 |
yeats | shunya_chakra: the nvidia driver will work better (most likely) but is proprietary - nouveau is limited but is open source | 11:18 |
superman | ?? | 11:18 |
dutchuss22016 | intel 945g intigrated | 11:18 |
yeats | !ot | superman | 11:18 |
ubottu | superman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:18 |
docsamsam | hy can someone help me ? | 11:18 |
superman | what are you doing? | 11:18 |
shunya_chakra | thanks salsero|2 , yeats | 11:18 |
awi | hi..i need driver d-link dwl-520+ please... | 11:18 |
k1l | !ot | superman | 11:18 |
superman | ok | 11:18 |
dutchuss22016 | intel 945g intigrated | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | superman: are you chinese? | 11:19 |
nikolam | shunya_chakra, please report if installing nvidia from ubuntu works, I am stuch atm and thinking of downloading driver. Nvidia binary driver is faster, Nouveau is open source. | 11:19 |
superman | yes | 11:19 |
superman | and you? | 11:19 |
angry | <nikolam>: can you send and receive the files between modems in the pppconfig? | 11:19 |
docsamsam | can someone tell me how to boot from an usb, im new whit ubunto plz ! | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | not | 11:19 |
kostkon | dutchuss2016, what have you tried so far | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | docsamsam: use a usb boot creator | 11:19 |
superman | taiwan? | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | hong kong | 11:19 |
docsamsam | do you have a name ? | 11:19 |
dutchuss22016 | nothing | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | docsamsam: and change boot settings | 11:19 |
shunya_chakra | nikolam sure, I'm trying... in ubuntu 13.10 it's work fine to me. | 11:19 |
salsero|2 | docsamsam: unetbootin | 11:20 |
nikolam | angry, you need to see some documentation about actually setting up PPP server on one side and ppp client on another side. With routing, Yes. | 11:20 |
docsamsam | thx | 11:20 |
superman | cool | 11:20 |
yeats | docsamsam: or pendrivelinux | 11:20 |
superman | i want to go there | 11:20 |
dutchuss22016 | well i cant say nothing i ran additional drivers wwhich found nothing | 11:20 |
shunya_chakra | why don't they release driver open source for linux | 11:20 |
awi | hi..i need driver d-link dwl-520+ please... | 11:20 |
angry | <nikolam>: Is the seyon modem program, too? | 11:21 |
kostkon | dutchuss2016, did you try to setup your monitors using the display settings | 11:21 |
nikolam | shunya_chakra, yes, me too just hit on it. I would download it from nvidia site I think and try installing it in console (ctrl+alt+f2) but not installing from ubuntu is a bug. | 11:21 |
superman | there is a film named "the fifth estate" | 11:21 |
nikolam | angry, me dunno what is 'seyon' | 11:21 |
shunya_chakra | nikolam, you mean it'll be bad to install from ubnutu... | 11:21 |
Mikerhinos | seeing a bunch of random errors in upgrade terminal, pretty sure that my system won't boot once finished lol | 11:22 |
nikolam | shunya_chakra, well AMD does have bette open source drivers, but both companies hide some of their secrets about cards, so they produce closed drivers. | 11:22 |
dutchuss22016 | yea the stupid thign is missing all the settings i need aaccording to ubuntu the highest resolution myy computer can suport is 1024x768 when windows runs in 1080 fine | 11:22 |
nikolam | shunya_chakra, report bug and wait atm or install manually from nvidia site. I suggest first thing, since 14.04 is just released | 11:23 |
shunya_chakra | nikolam I'm trying to install... it. | 11:24 |
shunya_chakra | in 14.04... | 11:24 |
angry | <nikolam>: Seyon is X11 Telecommunications Package. | 11:24 |
shunya_chakra | by center.. | 11:24 |
nikolam | dutchuss22016, try searching for display. and specify card name | 11:24 |
OerHeks | dutchuss22016, that gma is old, see this solution > http://askubuntu.com/questions/370922/intel-graphic-945-driver-for-ubuntu-12-04-lts | 11:24 |
dutchuss22016 | in what | 11:24 |
nikolam | angry, sorry, dunno anything about it. | 11:24 |
Mikerhinos | dutchuss22016: using windows is like dating a hoe, so easy anyone can do it, just need some money. using Linux is a fight, you have to earn it, but once it's done, you're proud of cruising streets with her in your car, lol | 11:24 |
OerHeks | Mikerhinos, please keep your language civil and family friendly, thanks | 11:25 |
nikolam | angry, modem is usually under /dev/modem or you link it there yourself | 11:25 |
Mikerhinos | OerHeks: sorry I won't talk about w**dows anymore | 11:25 |
phoenixyz | since I upgraded to trusty the network manager tray icon (nm-applet) is not shown anymore, although it is running in the background. does anyone have an idea how to fix that? | 11:25 |
phoenixyz | other icons (like dropbox) work | 11:26 |
OerHeks | Mikerhinos, only if you refer to bug 1 :-D | 11:26 |
ubottu | bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 11:26 |
Mikerhinos | OerHeks: roger, lol | 11:26 |
dutchuss22016 | Mikerhinos: LOL | 11:26 |
dutchuss22016 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7274838/ | 11:27 |
nikolam | MS is going down big time if you ask me. w8 is just wrong and mobile platform is closed. But that's another topic. | 11:28 |
OerHeks | dutchuss22016, you've added the ppa, now do the 2nd part and reboot | 11:28 |
dutchuss22016 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7274859/ | 11:30 |
daum | hey guys - my flash isn't detected in chrome after upgrading to 14, i tried to reinstall adobe-flashplugin and firefox 'sees' it but chrome still doesn't think it is installed, any ideas? | 11:31 |
dutchuss22016 | are thoees gedit errors gonna need fixed | 11:31 |
Mikerhinos | I wonder why separated /home partition isn't default installation on Linux systems ? | 11:31 |
OerHeks | dutchuss22016, those errors suppose to happen, NEVER use sudo for a gui tool, use gksudo | 11:32 |
Mikerhinos | daum: use pepperflash | 11:32 |
dutchuss22016 | ill brb after a restart | 11:33 |
daum | Mikerhinos, awesome thanks | 11:33 |
Mikerhinos | daum: I had problems with Adblock not blocking any ad anymore the other day, installed pepperflash instead, disactivated flash, and all was working again | 11:33 |
angry | <nikolam>: and what is the kermit? | 11:34 |
dutchuss206 | nope that guide you gave me did not help i am still in 1024x768 | 11:35 |
llutz | 7quit | 11:36 |
dutchuss206 | any other suggestions | 11:37 |
=== Mikerhinos is now known as Mikerhinos_AFK | ||
dutchuss206 | nope that guide you gave me did not help i am still in 1024x768 | 11:41 |
nick__ | AH... sweet 14.04 | 11:44 |
nick__ | make sure you disable dash search (it gives your info to the NSA) | 11:45 |
IronThrone | can somone guide me through installation of ekiga?? | 11:45 |
notyoureverydayS | nick__: funny... | 11:45 |
nick__ | it's true | 11:45 |
nick__ | any info a company has the nsa can have | 11:46 |
_zap_ | hi. i have several ppa in my /etc/apt/sources.list.d and i have set several pinnings in /etc/apt/preferences.d. they only work for one ppa, so i checked the output of apt-cache policy and realized that in the release line only "c" is defined but not "o" and others. | 11:46 |
Guest72415 | hello everybody | 11:46 |
_zap_ | do you know how that can be fixed? | 11:46 |
nick__ | and the GHCQ | 11:46 |
notyoureverydayS | __nick : not with proper encryptions and setups | 11:47 |
shunya_chakra | nikolam, for me nividia drivers working fine | 11:47 |
dutchuss206 | if i use xrandr to force a resolution will it ask me to confirm my settings and revert if i dont click keep | 11:47 |
nick__ | notyoureverydayS: you're under the impression they have to break in | 11:47 |
_zap_ | the ppa for which the pinning works has a proper "o" attribute in the release line of the resp. entry in apt-cache policy | 11:47 |
nick__ | it's done behind closed doors | 11:47 |
Guest72415 | on ubuntu 14.04, i have no update notifications, if i run "sudo strace /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader" i see there a lot of files missing, have you got this problem ? | 11:47 |
nick__ | any google data the nsa has too | 11:47 |
nick__ | even though google denies it | 11:47 |
nick__ | there are leaks fom the nsa | 11:48 |
nick__ | proving it | 11:48 |
notyoureverydayS | nick__ : i watch the news and read alot of the legislation... its mostly in the vulnerabilities of the patriot act... | 11:48 |
Reverse | hey, i just installed trusty on an UEFI tablet and it seems that when booting from the installation on the ssd the touchscreen doesn't work while it does on the livecd; does anyone know a quick fix? | 11:48 |
kostkon | Guest72415, why are you saying that | 11:48 |
nick__ | ok | 11:49 |
nick__ | but the nsa can ast | 11:49 |
nick__ | ask google for data without a warrant | 11:49 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: because I think this is a problem or bug, no ? | 11:49 |
nick__ | and they have to comply | 11:49 |
kostkon | Guest72198, what is the problem | 11:49 |
nick__ | same with canonical | 11:49 |
kostkon | Guest72415, ^^ | 11:49 |
nick__ | ghcq would ask the london office for data | 11:50 |
notyoureverydayS | Incoorrect, its not a warrantbut a request | 11:50 |
OerHeks | !ot | nick__ | 11:50 |
ubottu | nick__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:50 |
developstuff | ia32-libs are unavailable in Ubuntu.... | 11:50 |
new9as | I have acer aspire one, Atom cpu n450 1,6 GHz, I have win xp, too. I would like to use ubuntu now. What version should I choose ? I want to use basically firefox. | 11:50 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: update-notifier don't send update notifications :o | 11:50 |
nick__ | if they don't comply with the request there is hell to pay | 11:50 |
bazhang | nick__, wrong channel | 11:50 |
nick__ | I'm just responding to notyoureverydayS | 11:51 |
shunya_chakra | is ubuntu uses mir server | 11:51 |
bazhang | nick__, move on | 11:51 |
givello | shunya_chakra: not yet | 11:51 |
nick__ | ok | 11:51 |
OerHeks | shunya_chakra, no not yet. | 11:51 |
nick__ | anyway, disable dash online search if you value your privacy. that's all I have to say | 11:52 |
kostkon | Guest72415, you mean there aren't any updates available to install | 11:52 |
shunya_chakra | givello, OerHeks still using xorg.. | 11:52 |
givello | shunya_chakra: yes, it's still using xorg | 11:52 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: there are update available (i've checked on aptitude) | 11:52 |
fugutive221 | Hi! | 11:52 |
notyoureverydayS | Guest: when did you download it? | 11:52 |
shunya_chakra | hm givello thanks | 11:53 |
notyoureverydayS | the ubuntu.. | 11:53 |
Vakkotaur | Pray pardon, is there a trick to getting audio over bluetooth on *buntu 14.04? Have installed the bluetooth module for PulseAudio & rebooted. Headset is seen by bluettoh, connects, but nothing shows in PulseAudo Volume Control. (Note: headset works with 13.10) | 11:53 |
fugutive221 | I have a problem with booting up with GRUB after upgrading from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 | 11:53 |
fugutive221 | ! | 11:53 |
kostkon | Guest72415, you only get notified every 7 days, unless there are security updates available. In that case, the updater will pop up right away | 11:53 |
fugutive221 | It says 'error: symbol `grub_term_highlight_color` not found' | 11:53 |
andyfied | new9as: for a slightly older laptop like that, i would suggest lubuntu or xubuntu. the main difference is in which desktop you prefer, i prefer lubuntu myself | 11:54 |
kostkon | Guest72415, thus to sum it up, 7 days for regular updates, zero days for security updates | 11:54 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: ok thanks, however "sudo strace /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader" notices that there are a lot of files missing | 11:55 |
kostkon | Guest72415, no idea about that | 11:55 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: ok thanks ;) | 11:56 |
kostkon | Guest72415, and it's probably safer to use apt-get than aptitude | 11:56 |
Reverse | it also appears from lsmod that the standard hid module is what enables the multitouch part of the touchscreen. | 11:56 |
new9as | andyfied: thank you, lubuntu seems ok, it would be problem if I want to install software which need Qt GUI and you remote desktop ? | 11:56 |
dutchuss206 | how do i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275033/ to run at start up | 11:57 |
m1xr47 | aloha milkyway | 11:57 |
fugutive221 | Could anybody help me please... I already did a boot repair but that didn't help ... | 11:58 |
dutchuss206 | whats your issue fugitive | 11:58 |
nick__ | fugutive221: go to a bootmaker | 11:58 |
nick__ | they can fir it | 11:58 |
fugutive221 | I have a problem with booting up with GRUB after upgrading from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 | 11:58 |
Guest72415 | kostkon: i use aptitude, but in my enterprise users haven't got sudo right but can do updates via update-manager (via a plicykit rule), they needs notifications else they'll never update their system | 11:58 |
cabbage4th | nick__: lol | 11:58 |
fugutive221 | It says 'error: symbol `grub_term_highlight_color` not found' | 11:59 |
dutchuss206 | i did too | 11:59 |
dutchuss206 | i just went back to 13.10 | 11:59 |
tnk | what's command to properly upgrade from 13.10 to 14..? | 11:59 |
bekks | tnk: do-release-upgrade | 11:59 |
nick__ | slit --wrists | 11:59 |
tnk | bekks, says no new release found..? | 11:59 |
kostkon | Guest72415, ok then i guess | 11:59 |
dutchuss206 | how do i set a list of commands to run at start up | 11:59 |
nick__ | dutchuss206: what part? | 12:00 |
bekks | tnk: Then you have to wait until mirrors are synchronized. | 12:00 |
dutchuss206 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275033/ | 12:00 |
fugutive221 | dutchuss206 So you had the same problem as I did? | 12:00 |
nick__ | you can add stuff to the init script | 12:00 |
nick__ | or your login script | 12:00 |
tnk | bekks, how do i know when that is | 12:00 |
dutchuss206 | i want that to run before the login screen comes up | 12:00 |
nick__ | then add to init script | 12:00 |
tnk | bekks, also do you know how to get rid of all the systemd failed socket errors i get right now in startup of 13.10? | 12:00 |
dutchuss206 | mine was worse my computer wouldent even turn on with 14.04 | 12:00 |
nick__ | I think ubuntu uses upstart or systemd | 12:00 |
nick__ | I dunno | 12:00 |
fugutive221 | But how do I get back to 13.10 if I have a dual boot ? | 12:01 |
bekks | tnk: Not without knowing the exact errors. | 12:01 |
dutchuss206 | init scripts run when ive logged in and are session based | 12:01 |
bekks | !dualbot | fugutive221 | 12:01 |
tnk | bekks, what's the log file you would need me to pastebin for you to know/see? | 12:01 |
bekks | !dualboot | fugutive221 | 12:01 |
ubottu | fugutive221: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 12:01 |
dutchuss206 | i want that to run before the ubuntu logo leaves my screen | 12:01 |
bekks | tnk: Pastebin the errors would be a good start. | 12:01 |
tnk | bekks, which log file? | 12:01 |
bekks | tnk: Where do you see the errors? | 12:02 |
dutchuss206 | along with xrandr --mode vga1 1280x720 | 12:02 |
umesh_ | how to enable gui mode from commandline | 12:02 |
tnk | during startup before session or gui welcome | 12:02 |
dutchuss206 | at the gui welcome screen | 12:02 |
tnk | bekks, there are a thousand failed to execute udev d socket or systemd somethiung something.. with numbers.. | 12:02 |
tnk | then eventually it gets to gui welcome/login.. and session.. | 12:02 |
superman | do we safe there? | 12:03 |
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kuahara | I'm using ubuntu 12.04. It's running as a guest OS in a virtual machine on vmware 10.0.0. I'm new to linux and installed this quite a long time ago. The update manager shows 258 updates are available, but when I click 'install updated', I'm presented with an error that states it failed to download package files within a short few seconds. The error details are here: http://pastebin.com/uxdVU74x | 12:03 |
kuahara | I can access security.ubuntu.com in a browser just fine. I can open a CLI and ping | 12:03 |
givello | umesh_: if you wnat to start the x server, you must use startx | 12:03 |
givello | umesh_: if a gui session is already running, you'll have to specify another screen | 12:04 |
givello | umesh_: like so: startx -- :1 | 12:04 |
givello | umesh_: man startx and google is your friend :) | 12:04 |
umesh_ | thx givello wil try installing xstart | 12:04 |
givello | umesh_: startx should already be installed | 12:04 |
tnk | bekks, ? | 12:05 |
umesh_ | givello, have installed ubuntu server only cli | 12:05 |
givello | umesh_: otherwise, if you have no gui whatsoever, you need to install a desktop environment like gnome or kde | 12:05 |
givello | umesh_: okay, you need something like gnome or kde or kfce then | 12:05 |
givello | umesh_: google those and make your choice, then install the adequate package | 12:05 |
givello | it'll install all the x server stuff by itself | 12:06 |
givello | umesh_: and add itself to startup and all | 12:06 |
umesh_ | givello, i tried to install xstart it said install xtart n its downloading the package now | 12:06 |
givello | umesh_: yes, but you'll have no desktop environment | 12:06 |
Enissay | On a new hard drive, should I pick quick format OR full format on TrueCRypt ? what's the difference (besides time)? | 12:06 |
givello | umesh_: just a terminal with a mouse | 12:06 |
kuahara | hmm.. Looks like after having it recheck for updates, the number of available updates changed from 258 to 317 and now everything appears to be updating just fine. | 12:06 |
umesh_ | givello, thx just a terminal with keyboard , mouse is not working! | 12:07 |
nick__ | dutchuss206: usually you only want to start services in init scripts | 12:07 |
nick__ | lists of commands sounds like something that should happen in a user acccount | 12:07 |
givello | umesh_: as I said, install a full-fleged DE | 12:07 |
nick__ | as opposed to system startup | 12:07 |
givello | umesh_: lxde or xfce or gnome or kde or cinammon or unity ... | 12:08 |
nick__ | so if you want to start a service, dutchuss206, then sudo update-rc.d <service> defaults | 12:08 |
=== TheBurgerKing_ is now known as TheBurgerKing | ||
m1xr47 | Aloha | 12:11 |
Vakkotaur | Any guidance on bluetooth audio? | 12:11 |
umesh_ | givello, i wil go for gnome | 12:13 |
givello | umesh_: then you'll need to google it but I believe there is a single package to install that will install all the other ones, a metapackage if you will | 12:13 |
givello | umesh_: something like ubuntu-gnome or similar | 12:13 |
umesh_ | givello, after installing startx mouse got enabled now how do i install ubuntu gnome!!?? | 12:14 |
Neo31 | hello, i am trying to install ubuntu-sdk on trusty and this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275155/ (PS : ubuntu-sdk-team ppa is added) | 12:15 |
trijntje | I just installed 14.04 on an Aspire on 725, and it takes about 1 sec to open the dash search. How can I speed this up? | 12:15 |
lagbox | hehe | 12:15 |
lagbox | disable any filters you don't need | 12:15 |
givello | umesh_: as I said, installing startx only gave you that, you need to install a package that's called something with gnome, but I don't remember the name | 12:16 |
givello | What's the name of the gnome metapackage on ubuntu? | 12:16 |
lagbox | ubuntu-gnome ? | 12:16 |
kostkon | Neo31, apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk | 12:16 |
givello | umesh_: so seems like I was right, as lagbox says, install ubuntu-gnome | 12:16 |
lagbox | ubuntu-gnome-desktop | 12:17 |
lagbox | maybe | 12:17 |
givello | lagbox: haha, thanks | 12:17 |
umesh_ | givello, its ubuntu server | 12:17 |
givello | umesh_: and? | 12:17 |
umesh_ | 12.04 | 12:17 |
Neo31 | kostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275180/ | 12:17 |
umesh_ | i need to set up a print server! | 12:17 |
givello | umesh_: you were asking about getting a gui | 12:18 |
kostkon | Neo31, mine's fine here. did you run sudo apt-get update after adding the ppa | 12:18 |
umesh_ | yes first i need a gui , i am not comfortable with this terminal later print server givello | 12:18 |
Neo31 | yes i did kostkon | 12:18 |
kostkon | Neo31, what version of ubuntu | 12:18 |
Neo31 | I am running from Live DVD for now, this should affect the installationright kostkon ? | 12:19 |
Neo31 | 14.04 final release | 12:19 |
givello | umesh_: fine, then install ubuntu-gnome or ubuntu-gnome-desktop, whatever the name is (tip, type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome" then press the tab key to see the auto-completion) | 12:19 |
kostkon | !info ubuntu-sdk trusty | 12:19 |
dutchuss206 | i need help with creating a script that will run when my computer boots | 12:19 |
ubottu | ubuntu-sdk (source: ubuntu-touch-meta): Ubuntu SDK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.126 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; i386) | 12:19 |
someb | guys...was looking up a cheat sheet image for linux commands coz I am a newbie...what does the command " rm -rf / " do? In the cheat sheet it says " make computer faster" | 12:20 |
pikimeister | lol.. | 12:20 |
givello | someb: deletes everything. | 12:20 |
=== sz0` is now known as sz0 | ||
cfhowlett | someb you know better and that's not funny. stop it. | 12:20 |
kostkon | Neo31, it should be in the repos. You don't need the ppa. Try removing it. | 12:21 |
kostkon | Neo31, remove the ppa and try again | 12:21 |
someb | damn...good thing I didn't do it... | 12:21 |
umesh_ | givello, thx wil give a try | 12:21 |
someb | cfhowlett : No kidding...I am a noob and I would've done it if I didn't know | 12:21 |
CriMeaRiver | dutchuss206: is there a file "boot.local" in /etc/init.d/ dir? | 12:21 |
aliensbrah | So is there a way to edit the allowed applications in the system tray in 14.04 like you could with dconf-editor in prior versions? | 12:22 |
trijntje | I just installed 14.04 on an Aspire on 725, and it takes about 1 sec to open the dash search. How can I speed this up? | 12:22 |
Neo31 | i tried at first before adding the ppa but i didn't find it in the repos | 12:22 |
CriMeaRiver | someb: that cheat sheet is a virus. flush it down the toilet. | 12:22 |
cfhowlett | someb here's a legit ubuntu reference sheet | 12:22 |
cfhowlett | https://www.dropbox.com/s/msv95ijbb0uoeb4/Ubuntu%20Reference%20Sheet.pdf | 12:22 |
Neo31 | i tried at first before adding the ppa but i didn't find it in the repos kostkon | 12:22 |
someb | cfhowlett : Thanks! | 12:23 |
cfhowlett | someb also see https://www.dropbox.com/s/7sqzo0wip1tlngh/fwunixref.pdf | 12:23 |
bonzei | Good afternoon, i have a little question to ask: does anyone know how to use CWEB? | 12:24 |
kostkon | Neo31, yeah, I missed that, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-touch-meta | 12:24 |
kostkon | Neo31, or not | 12:24 |
dutchuss206 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275237/ brb ssmoke | 12:24 |
Reverse | hey, is there any browser for trusty that support multitouch gestures properly? other than that ubuntu touch browser, since it doesn't support pinch to zoom and all that jazz? | 12:25 |
sydneyJDykstra | Do I need to help ubuntu seed a torrent? | 12:25 |
lagbox | anyone have an issue in 14.10 when shading a window it seems to minimize but leaves the dropshadow on the screen | 12:25 |
cfhowlett | lagbox big issue = no 14.10 | 12:25 |
IdleOne | Reverse: touch support in #ubuntu-touch | 12:26 |
lagbox | what | 12:26 |
lagbox | hehe | 12:26 |
sydneyJDykstra | Or are there enough people that I don't | 12:26 |
Reverse | IdleOne, but i'm using ubuntu-desktop | 12:26 |
lagbox | 14.04 | 12:26 |
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trijntje | sydneyJDykstra: its probably better to seed lubuntu or xubuntu, since they rely on torrents more thant standard ubuntu | 12:26 |
cfhowlett | sydneyJDykstra more seeds = faster speeds. your choice | 12:27 |
shunya_chakra | Hi is there any software that allow me limit my charging of battery | 12:27 |
kostkon | Neo31, it seems the ppa doesn't offer a pacakge for trusty anyway, so your only option is to get it from the repos. open the updater, click on settings and make sure that all the repos are enabled; except Proposed | 12:27 |
Neo31 | kostkon: is this correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275247/ | 12:27 |
IdleOne | Reverse: hmm, ok. | 12:27 |
shunya_chakra | i mean i want my battery only charge for 80% is there any software for this | 12:27 |
kostkon | Neo31, and remove the ppa | 12:27 |
kostkon | Neo31, or disable it | 12:27 |
Neo31 | it is commented # | 12:28 |
sydneyJDykstra | ok,thanks!! | 12:28 |
kostkon | Neo31, you are right | 12:28 |
trijntje | shunya_chakra: I don't think so, that would require firmware in the battery itself. It should however be easy to send a notification once the charge goes over 80% | 12:28 |
shunya_chakra | ok trijntje... my vaio got preinstalled software but it for window | 12:29 |
yurezkie | xleb | 12:30 |
yurezkie | здрасте | 12:30 |
dutchuss206 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7275262/ when i tried to open boot.local with gkso nothing happened | 12:30 |
yurezkie | есть кто живой | 12:30 |
cfhowlett | !ru|yurezkie | 12:31 |
ubottu | yurezkie: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 12:31 |
=== Neo31_ is now known as Neo31` | ||
=== Neo31` is now known as A7med | ||
=== A7med is now known as Neo31 | ||
Neo31 | hello again | 12:32 |
Neo31 | kostkon: E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-touch-meta (same for ubuntu-sdk) | 12:33 |
k1wi | what is the easiest way to do a fresh install of 14.04 onto a new hard drive, from within a 12.04 environment? | 12:35 |
dutchuss206 | no there is no file calleed boot .local iin my /etc/init.d | 12:36 |
thiera | hello | 12:36 |
kostkon | Neo31, same error with for example firefox? apt-cache policy firefox sudo apt-get install firefox | 12:36 |
thiera | hello | 12:36 |
OerHeks | k1wi, easiest way is to make an dvd/usb from within your 12.04, and boot from that | 12:36 |
DJones | k1wi: Download iso, put on usb & then reboot with usb stick & fresh install | 12:36 |
Neo31 | i can install screen for example kostkon but not ubuntu-sdk | 12:36 |
k1wi | DJones - straight copy & paste to USB? thanks | 12:37 |
DJones | !usb | k1wi | 12:37 |
ubottu | k1wi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 12:37 |
thiera | i use the power iso to boot ubuntus | 12:37 |
thiera | i boot with usb | 12:37 |
kostkon | Neo31, contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list also try clearing your cache sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update | 12:38 |
thiera | i don't know how to add apps | 12:39 |
thiera | to ubuntun | 12:39 |
=== Kraln- is now known as Kraln | ||
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givello | thiera: to install software, use the ubuntu software center | 12:40 |
thiera | can you tell me about how can ubutus can download video any where | 12:40 |
givello | thiera: have you installed ubuntu on your computer yet or are you just running it from USB? | 12:41 |
thiera | yes | 12:41 |
snufft | hi guys! | 12:41 |
givello | thiera: Is it installed on your computer? | 12:41 |
cfhowlett | thiera firefox has several video download plugins. | 12:41 |
thiera | yes i know but it slow | 12:42 |
Nas001 | hello , how i can install vokoscreen through the terminal (zip) file | 12:42 |
Neo31 | nothing kostkon, i am trying to add universe to my sources.list | 12:42 |
snufft | I'm running 13.10 and have just had the option to upgrade to 14.04. What's the go with major version upgrades? is it better to do them from scratch? or are there upgrade paths for 13 -> 14? Are they significant enough to have compatibility issues with software etc? I've never had to upgrade a major version before... | 12:42 |
kostkon | Neo31, ok | 12:42 |
Neo31 | solved kostkon | 12:42 |
givello | snufft: there is a new version every 6 months, the name reflects that | 12:43 |
givello | snufft: 13.10: october 2010 | 12:43 |
g105b | Hey, can someone help me troubleshoot my wifi connection? I'm using 14.04, Virgin Media sent out a new Netgear router (capable of 5ghz) and now every time my computer suspends, it doesn't join the wireless network until I delete the settings for the network and add it again. | 12:43 |
givello | sorry, 2013 | 12:43 |
cfhowlett | snufft 13.10 has 9 months of support. 14.04 has 5 years. | 12:43 |
givello | snufft: and as cfhowlett, some are longer-support, called lts | 12:43 |
givello | snufft: 14.04 is one such "lts" release | 12:43 |
Neo31 | solved kostkon, I have added the following to /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty universe | 12:43 |
Neo31 | thank you | 12:43 |
kostkon | snufft, backup as always and then attempt the upgrade. it should go fine. 14.04 is lts (5y of support, until 2019) so it's a better choice compared to 13.10, for which support will end in july | 12:44 |
Sk2d | Hey I need help I try to upgrade to 14.10 but there seems to be a problem It says upgrade finished but there where some errors: "sudo apt-get -f install" does not work as /var/cache/apt/archives/samba-libs_2%3a4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2_i386.deb crashes what can I do? | 12:44 |
kostkon | Neo31, np | 12:44 |
snufft | givello, cfhowlett, kostkon thanks guys :) is there a speciic backup process for ubuntu? or are you referring to just backing up my documents/media/etc? | 12:45 |
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kostkon | snufft, your personal data yes | 12:45 |
Sk2d | samba-libs is the only programm which needs to get installed. (but I dont need samba I installed it a while ago but I am not using it) | 12:45 |
givello | snufft: generally speaking you should backup your /home and /etc | 12:45 |
givello | snufft: so personal documents and configurations | 12:45 |
Guest57672 | Hi i'm have ubuntu installed ubuntu 13.10 on a ssd. If I update to 14.04, will TRIM be enabled by default or will I need to do a fresh install? | 12:46 |
snufft | kostkon, givello thanks heaps :) | 12:46 |
givello | snufft: (then again I say backup, but I never do it. And I'm currently stuck in terminal mode while figuring out what fucked up while upgrading, so, well...) | 12:48 |
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IdleOne | givello: Please keep the language clean | 12:48 |
givello | IdleOne: my bad | 12:48 |
k1l_ | Guest57672: just upgrade and if its not enabled (which you should have done on 13.10 anyway) enable it | 12:48 |
snufft | givello, hahahaha! were you using something special as far as desktop environments go? | 12:49 |
sydneyJDykstra | You have 2,223 seeders for the i326 iso, and 500 some for leechers. | 12:49 |
givello | snufft: gnome 3. | 12:50 |
givello | snufft: pretty sure it's because of my nvidia drivers though | 12:50 |
snufft | givello, that's what's worrying me a little actually. i've never had a whole lot of luck with video drivers on 13.10 and they're semi-working now. don't really want to have to go through that again :( | 12:51 |
givello | snufft: I'm not in the same situation as you are though, I was updating from 12.04 | 12:52 |
givello | snufft: plus, if I were you, I'd rather have them working on an lts and stop worrying for a while than having to upgrade anyway in a few months | 12:53 |
JO0st | hey guys, I need to script something concerning pluggning in and out usb hard drives. Is there a way to easily determine the /dev/sd* from the hard drive that I just plugged in? | 12:55 |
trijntje | JO0st: use UUID | 12:55 |
trijntje | !UUID | 12:55 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 12:55 |
bijoo__ | Hi I'm trying to see "init(5)" but when I enter "man init" it brings "init(8)" how to fix please? | 12:56 |
givello | bijoo__: man 5 init | 12:56 |
JO0st | trijntje, ubottu, thank you very much | 12:56 |
bijoo__ | givello: thank you! | 12:57 |
givello | bijoo__: np | 12:57 |
SteveBell | hi all, just wanted to say thank you to ubuntu devs that in 14.04 I now have the option to hide not needed top menu icons. that was a big annoyance up till yesterday. thanks a lot! :) | 13:01 |
vjacob | if I've done something to mess up my networking configuration on an Ubuntu system | 13:02 |
vjacob | what is then the recommended way to get it back to working? network-manager? /etc tweaks? | 13:02 |
vjacob | something else? | 13:02 |
OerHeks | SteveBell, have fun | 13:02 |
bekks | vjacob: revert your changes. | 13:02 |
vjacob | bekks I've no idea what caused this, haven't used this system in ages | 13:03 |
givello | vjacob: maybe you could do something like dpkg-reconfigure network-manager? | 13:03 |
givello | vjacob: just a wild guess though | 13:03 |
ivvanahumpalot | hello | 13:03 |
vjacob | looks like eth0 is still being listed by ifconfig -a but not getting much action | 13:03 |
vjacob | I could but without a networking connection? | 13:04 |
vjacob | *tries* | 13:04 |
bekks | vjacob: then check your /etc/network/interfaces | 13:04 |
givello | vjacob: you won't need one if the package is still there | 13:04 |
givello | I'm not sure it's the right one though | 13:04 |
ivvanahumpalot | I have a qucik question after about servers/ | 13:04 |
rio_zenta | Hello | 13:04 |
vjacob | "network-manager is broken or not fully installed" | 13:04 |
givello | vjacob: well, sucks | 13:04 |
rio_zenta | Does anybody know if it would be possible to install an sqlite DB onto a USB stick? | 13:04 |
ivvanahumpalot | I am trying to run tor hidden services on ubuntu | 13:04 |
vjacob | that last file has "auto eth0" in there | 13:04 |
ivvanahumpalot | any idea on how to do that | 13:05 |
rio_zenta | ivvanahumpalot, | 13:05 |
vjacob | sucks a ton. | 13:05 |
rio_zenta | ivvanahumpalot: About ubuntu-server? | 13:05 |
ivvanahumpalot | no desktop | 13:05 |
ivvanahumpalot | I am running tor | 13:05 |
ivvanahumpalot | but i want to run a hiddenservice | 13:05 |
ivvanahumpalot | but the torrc looks different | 13:06 |
vjacob | it sucks almost so much that I want to reinstall...but not really. no way I can reinstall easily (due to data on the system). | 13:06 |
givello | vjacob: maybe man interfaces could be of some help? | 13:06 |
vjacob | wondering if there is a way I could just fetch the right .deb files and dpkg onward? | 13:06 |
vjacob | transferring over via usb | 13:06 |
rio_zenta | vjacob: you could | 13:06 |
rio_zenta | you could also fetch the tarballs as well | 13:07 |
bswartz | does anyone know why do-release-upgrade won't work w/ Trusty? | 13:07 |
rio_zenta | installing from source. | 13:07 |
Ace___ | hey guys. i'm using 14.04 and can't connect to my wifi... any solutions? :( | 13:07 |
bekks | vjacob: you dont need any debs. | 13:07 |
givello | vjacob: I assume you've tried simple stuff like ifconfig eth0 up or service netowrking restart... | 13:07 |
ivvanahumpalot | rio_zenta any ideas? | 13:08 |
bekks | vjacob: whats the content of the file mentioned above? | 13:08 |
Ace___ | hey guys i'm using 14.04 and can't connect to my wifi... any solutions? :( | 13:08 |
rio_zenta | ivvanahumpalot: I've never used Tor before, sorry. | 13:08 |
rio_zenta | Ace___: Please don't double-post. | 13:08 |
vjacob | bekks, which file? networking-manager? interfaces? | 13:08 |
vjacob | givello, yup just tried | 13:08 |
ivvanahumpalot | rio_zenta ok thanks :) | 13:08 |
vjacob | the first does not give an error, and the ltater just gives "networking stop/waiting" | 13:09 |
bekks | vjacob: I mentioned "/etc/network/interfaces". | 13:09 |
rio_zenta | Ace asked for help, then left :-/ | 13:09 |
vjacob | bekks: again, it contains "auto eth0" and "auto lo", that is all | 13:10 |
renatobi_ | jellyfish! | 13:10 |
givello | vjacob: what do you get with "sudo mii-tool" ? | 13:10 |
givello | vjacob: -- if you have it | 13:10 |
Roy___ | hey, | 13:11 |
Roy___ | can someone help me using apt-get to install something on my mount path and not the default one? | 13:11 |
givello | vjacob: I'd also look at the log files when you try restarting network-manager | 13:11 |
givello | vjacob: it says stop/waiting, it'd be nice to know if it throws an error | 13:12 |
rio_zenta | Roy___: Go to your mount path folder, right-click, Open with Terminal | 13:12 |
dupingping | seyon is what program? | 13:12 |
Roy___ | i'm actually using putty to connect | 13:12 |
rio_zenta | putty? What software is that? | 13:12 |
bsdnoob | http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/125376/how-to-create-virtual-network-for-vms | 13:12 |
bsdnoob | Help ? | 13:12 |
givello | rio_zenta: ssh/terminal emulator for windows I believe? | 13:12 |
digilord | Hello. I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 in Parallels Desktop 9. Before installing Parallels Tools I was able to use the VM. After installing the tools all I can see is the Parallels Shared Folders icon. Is there a fix for this or do I need to re-install? | 13:13 |
Felicia18 | Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://j.mp/1gAh6Jy | 13:13 |
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away | ||
Roy___ | a software to connect to my ubuntu server from long distance | 13:13 |
cfhowlett | Felicia18 this would be considered spam. don't. | 13:13 |
Roy___ | shell only | 13:13 |
bekks | vjacob: Then check the network manager settings. | 13:13 |
zcheng3 | need help | 13:13 |
rio_zenta | Felicia18: hopefully that's not spam porn | 13:13 |
zcheng3 | ~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 13:14 |
zcheng3 | Reading package lists... Done | 13:14 |
zcheng3 | Building dependency tree | 13:14 |
zcheng3 | Reading state information... Done | 13:14 |
zcheng3 | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have | 13:14 |
zcheng3 | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable | 13:14 |
unopaste | zcheng3 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 13:14 |
bekks | !pastebin | zcheng3 | 13:14 |
ubottu | zcheng3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:14 |
rio_zenta | Roy___: What are you trying to do? | 13:14 |
cfhowlett | zcheng3 dude STOP | 13:14 |
Roy___ | rio_zenta: install something on my server | 13:14 |
bsdnoob | !wiki systemd | 13:14 |
cfhowlett | zcheng3 please use paste instead of flooding the channel | 13:14 |
rio_zenta | Roy___: Are you using linux on your desktop? | 13:14 |
maximCH | so I have 12.04 LTS. .. I run do-release-upgrade but it's telling me that there is no new release found. | 13:14 |
Roy___ | on, windows | 13:15 |
_flood | 12.04 & 14.04 crash on me while loading live cd, was told that 14.04 has the correct drivers for an integrated intel hd graphics 4600, can anyone guide me? | 13:15 |
rio_zenta | cfhowlett: You can't stop a single paste. Once he pastes it, all lines come through. | 13:15 |
bswartz | maximCH: me too | 13:15 |
trijntje | Hi all, I just installed 14.04 on my Acer Aspire One 725, but when I boot the mouspad is disabled by default and I have to use the hotkey to enable it. Any pointers on how to fix this? | 13:16 |
maximCH | bswartz: maybe the update doesn't work directly? | 13:16 |
rio_zenta | Roy___: Then we will not be able to assist you as much as the guys here: #ubuntu-server . However, I also run a remote server and installing stuff remotely is as simple as getting into the server via SSH. | 13:16 |
Roy___ | thank you | 13:16 |
bswartz | maximCH: that command checks this page: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts | 13:16 |
Fohlen | could I do a fresh install of ubuntu without deleting my home folder? | 13:16 |
bswartz | and the maintainers haven't updated that page yet :( :( :( | 13:16 |
cfhowlett | !home|Fohlen make a /home and don't format it | 13:16 |
ubottu | Fohlen make a /home and don't format it: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 13:16 |
givello | Fohlen: is it on another partition? | 13:17 |
maximCH | bswartz: ok .. tnx. | 13:17 |
user___ | How do you perform bracket expansion on a regular expression? | 13:17 |
Fohlen | givello: no it's the same partition | 13:17 |
maximCH | bswartz: I'll probably wait until they update thatn... don't want this to fail. There's a reason I use LTS on that machine. | 13:17 |
givello | Fohlen: then what ubottu said | 13:17 |
maximCH | bswartz: my 12.04 is still 32 bit though ... do you think we can upgrade to 64bit at the same time? | 13:17 |
pedrosuna | hi | 13:17 |
NK_ | does anyone else had problems with ubuntu upgrade and python unicode handling ? | 13:18 |
rio_zenta | Fohlen: A fresh install would require you to "clean" the HDD of any data.however, if you have a partition, you could mount the partition, dump all home folder data into it and try reinstalling ubuntu. However, even with partitioning, it can get complicated. Best is to back the data up | 13:18 |
bswartz | maximCH: I would guess not... 32->64 bit would be an architecture change | 13:18 |
Fohlen | okay | 13:18 |
addos | has anyone else had problems with ubuntu 14.04 using a resolution of 640x480 in virtual box? | 13:18 |
pedrosuna | i have a question about kdenlive, the video editor | 13:18 |
cfhowlett | maximCH nope. arch change will require a fresh install | 13:18 |
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maximCH | cfhowlett: thanks. | 13:18 |
cfhowlett | pedrosuna ask in #kdenlive | 13:18 |
Meris | After performing clean install 0f 14.04 64 bit in UEFI mode, secureboot off, my system won't boot to grub, here's my bootinfo: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 | 13:18 |
givello | pedrosuna: maybe ask #kdenlive? | 13:18 |
pedrosuna | cfhowlett thanks | 13:19 |
bugre | kali linux??? | 13:19 |
rio_zenta | pedrosuna: please don't ask to ask. Just ask. | 13:19 |
addos | ubuntu doesn't work very well at 640x480 | 13:19 |
bugre | kali linux any user | 13:19 |
cfhowlett | bugre not supported here | 13:19 |
bsdnoob | bugre , Hi | 13:19 |
cfhowlett | !kali|bugre | 13:19 |
ubottu | bugre: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 13:19 |
bugre | hi bsdnoob | 13:20 |
bugre | I am from rio de janeiro-brasil | 13:20 |
cfhowlett | bugre kali is NOT supported here. go to #kali-linux | 13:20 |
bugre | tanks cfhowlett | 13:21 |
robotti^ | ~/win 31 | 13:22 |
Meris | salsero|2, I have read up on chroot (after a extended lunch), I'm chrooted into my / directory on my SSD, my /boot/efi directory is empty btw. | 13:22 |
cuddylier | hi | 13:22 |
cuddylier | Does anyone know why when I type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb /home/servers/harddrive' I get told to specify the file system when the drive already has ext4 files on it? | 13:23 |
linuxlite1969 | what do you do if you have flash installed, but only get a white screen anywhere flash is supposed to be? I'm thinking it's a hardware problem | 13:23 |
bswartz | cuddylier: try /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2, etc | 13:23 |
trijntje | cuddylier: try sdb1, sdb is the whole disk, not a partition | 13:23 |
trijntje | Hi all, I just installed 14.04 on my Acer Aspire One 725, but when I boot the mouspad is disabled by default and I have to use the hotkey to enable it. Any pointers on how to fix this? | 13:23 |
cuddylier | Ah I get it thanks guys | 13:24 |
rio_zenta | linuxlite1969: Where are you running flash? browser? | 13:24 |
linuxlite1969 | rio_zenta yes. Firefox v28.0 | 13:24 |
rio_zenta | trijntje: Have you tried checking in system settings? | 13:25 |
rio_zenta | linuxlite1969: Check to make sure you have the flash plugin installed too. FF requires a flash plugin | 13:25 |
linuxlite1969 | rio_zenta I'm 90% sure I have the plugin installed correctly, but where would I check to make sure? | 13:26 |
bekks | linuxlite1969: "about:plugins" | 13:27 |
rio_zenta | linuxlite1969: Tools>Add ons> plugins | 13:27 |
rio_zenta | in FF itself. | 13:27 |
aliensbrah | In 12.04 I could use dconf-editor to edit the icons in the system tray for various applications (such as XChat) - this appears to be gone in 14.04. Is there any workaround? | 13:27 |
linuxlite1969 | within firefox, right? | 13:27 |
bekks | linuxlite1969: Yes. | 13:28 |
rio_zenta | correct, linuxlite1969 | 13:28 |
urras | is there any config file that I can modify so that the update manager will notify me of an LTS release ONLY? | 13:28 |
Mikerhinos | just upgraded to 14.04, rebooting, system details : ubuntu 13.10... -_- wtf | 13:28 |
givello | urras: I don't know for a config file, but there is a checkbox in the system settings | 13:28 |
rio_zenta | urras: LTS release of what exactly? ubuntu itself? | 13:28 |
urras | yes | 13:28 |
linuxlite1969 | shockwave flash r202 | 13:29 |
trijntje | rio_zenta: which part of system settings could that be in? | 13:29 |
urras | givello: Thats nice, but I does it store that setting in a config somewhere? | 13:29 |
givello | urras: I'd assume so. Can't help you much more though | 13:29 |
urras | I understand. Thank you for the help anyway | 13:30 |
rio_zenta | trijntje: It may be likely that ubuntu has it different to xubuntu, but you go to: Start>Settings>Settings Manager>Mouse and Touchpad. You should find config settings there. | 13:30 |
cfhowlett | urras yes, system > update manager > settings > Updates > NOtify me of a new Ubuntu version For long-term support versions | 13:30 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, install prop driver for your videocard? | 13:31 |
urras | cfhowlett: I would need a text based config file | 13:31 |
trijntje | rio_zenta: no luck, if I disable the touchpad there I cant even re-enable it with the hotkey | 13:31 |
cfhowlett | !server|urras | 13:31 |
ubottu | urras: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 13:31 |
rio_zenta | trijntje: Are you trying to enable mousepad by default on a laptop? | 13:31 |
t4ng0 | ^x | 13:32 |
trijntje | rio_zenta: yes | 13:32 |
t4ng0 | hey guys how to install .rpm on ubuntu? | 13:32 |
bekks | t4ng0: You dont. | 13:32 |
trijntje | !rpm | 13:32 |
ubottu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !dpkg, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 13:32 |
_flood | keeps crashing on me, did legacy mode with nomodeset and still hangs on live cd | 13:32 |
urras | cfhowlett: What about Ubuntu server? | 13:32 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks Thats what I think the problem is. I already downloaded a pkg1.run of the driver, I just dont know how to install it. | 13:32 |
rio_zenta | cfhowlett: text-based config files can run on ubuntu desktop too. please don't give out incorrect info. | 13:32 |
t4ng0 | wait? then how would i install open office? if all of this are .rpm files lol | 13:32 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, dont use the ones from the web, choose the ones provided in the driver tool | 13:32 |
urras | t4ng0: Use apt to install libreoffice | 13:33 |
cfhowlett | rio_zenta assumed this was a server given the text-based preferences ... | 13:33 |
trijntje | t4ng0: just install it using a .deb file, or simply install libreoffice from the software center | 13:33 |
bekks | t4ng0: Is there a specific reason for needing openoffice? If not, just install libreoffice | 13:33 |
urras | t4ng0: sudo apt-get install libreoffice | 13:33 |
rio_zenta | t4ng0: If openoffice isn't already installed, you would use sudo apt-get, or better yet, go to the ubuntu software centre and install it. | 13:33 |
t4ng0 | alright lol | 13:33 |
t4ng0 | thanks a lot guys | 13:33 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks opening that now | 13:34 |
rio_zenta | No problem cfhowlett | 13:34 |
renatobi_ | guitar! | 13:34 |
Meris | After performing clean install 0f 14.04 64 bit in UEFI mode, secureboot off, my system won't boot to grub, here's my bootinfo: paste.ubuntu.com/7272158 | 13:37 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks last time I opened that it was blank. This time there's one that says recomended, so I'm currently installing that | 13:37 |
trijntje | Hi all, I just installed 14.04 on my Acer Aspire One 725, but when I boot the mouspad is disabled by default and I have to use the hotkey to enable it. Any pointers on how to fix this? | 13:37 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, sounds good | 13:37 |
mdoge | I installed vnc4server on my Ubuntu and now I cannot login into my account anymore. When I login, it fails to load the desktop environment. The guest account works. What did vnc4server break? | 13:38 |
urras | Alright, I think I found the answer | 13:38 |
urras | http://askubuntu.com/questions/205459/how-do-i-suppress-the-new-release-12-10-available-message | 13:38 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks installation failed. It gave me a log. | 13:38 |
urras | Thanks again to all who offered advice ;) | 13:38 |
apsuva | distrowatch.com stats is real? linux-mint have better download? | 13:38 |
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trijntje | apsuva: nope, thats not what distrowatch tracks at all. They only look at the trafick on their own website | 13:39 |
OerHeks | apsuva, no, it counts just click on that page, no real numbers worldwide | 13:39 |
apsuva | its pageview? | 13:39 |
Guest53304 | Ii like ubuntu 14.04 | 13:40 |
OerHeks | apsuva, yes, repeat F5 and you'll see | 13:40 |
mdoge | nvm i fixed it | 13:40 |
StreakyJ | so did the official 14.04 ever drop | 13:40 |
givello | cfhowlett: too bad rio_zenta left, I just found the answer to their question... | 13:40 |
cfhowlett | givello send it please! | 13:40 |
givello | cfhowlett: it's a setting in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 13:41 |
Guest53304 | yes hi did drop out very nice | 13:41 |
givello | cfhowlett: well, it seems to be anyway | 13:41 |
salsero|2 | Meris: you havent mounted /boot/efi before chrooting | 13:41 |
givello | cfhowlett: I didn't test it but did a grep -Ri on /etc/ and that seemed like the best match | 13:41 |
StreakyJ | when i attempted to update before i left work yesterday - it was still the dev version | 13:41 |
punter | This page has bug appearance bugs in Firefox: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/thank-you?country=GR&version=14.04&architecture=amd64 | 13:41 |
punter | big | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | !cookie|givello | 13:42 |
ubottu | givello: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 13:42 |
cfhowlett | givello thanks, man! | 13:42 |
givello | cfhowlett: np | 13:43 |
salsero|2 | sdb1* ? | 13:43 |
salsero|2 | oops | 13:43 |
kostkon | punter, if you believe it's a bug, file a report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website | 13:43 |
punter | ok, a reload fixed it, kostkon | 13:43 |
=== Guest53304 is now known as bluedice | ||
Meris | salsero|2, please refresh my memory on that. Am I supposed to mount bind my /sda3 (EFI partition) as /boot/efi? | 13:43 |
salsero|2 | yes | 13:43 |
salsero|2 | before chroot | 13:44 |
salsero|2 | along proc and bind | 13:44 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks could you look at this paste bin, and tell me if you see why it can't install? http://pastebin.com/7xVAc3jF | 13:45 |
linuxlite1969 | I see it says it can't find the module, but I don't know what that means. | 13:45 |
addos | has anyone else had problems with ubuntu 14.04 using a resolution of 640x480 in virtual box? | 13:45 |
subz3r0 | no | 13:45 |
addos | 13.10 doesn't have the problem for me, just 14.04 | 13:46 |
Meris | salsero|2, proc is a virtual mount so I guess it will have to be mounted with bind *inside* the chroot directory, right? | 13:46 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, are you on raring? | 13:46 |
salsero|2 | wrong | 13:46 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks I don't know what that means. | 13:47 |
salsero|2 | ye inside, but before you chroot | 13:47 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, are you on raring 13.04 ? | 13:47 |
Meris | salsero|2, please address me by my nick when replying to me, this is a very busy channel right now, thanks in advance for the trouble | 13:48 |
blackdash | hm test | 13:48 |
linuxlite1969 | OerHeks I don't know what raring is. If that's a disto, no. I'm on linux lite. | 13:48 |
salsero|2 | raring is a ubuntu version | 13:48 |
salsero|2 | 2 version ago | 13:48 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, oh, not supported here, ( but you know that already) | 13:48 |
salsero|2 | blackdash: test failed | 13:48 |
DJones | linuxlite1969: Linux Lite isn't supported release of Ubuntu | 13:48 |
kostkon | linuxlite1969, we only support ubuntu and its official derivatives here, sorry aboiut that. | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | linuxlite1969 linuxlite is not supported here. sorry. | 13:48 |
aliensbrah | rofl | 13:49 |
OerHeks | linuxlite1969, and 13.04 is EOL, so upgrade or be happy | 13:49 |
Neldogz | Having trouble getting bumblebee to work on a laptop (Ubuntu 14.04) that has a Haswell process and nvidia GTX765m video card. The error is cannot access secondary GPU - error [XORG] .. failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0 .. I have already gone through the basic troubleshooting steps here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee | 13:49 |
Neldogz | Anyone else run into problems with Bumblebee and 14.04? | 13:49 |
Kawaiola | I updated my server from 13.10 to 14.04 and now my wordpress ins't working in apache2 is there something I can do to fix it or do I need to rebuild it | 13:50 |
=== Humbedooh is now known as doge | ||
Kawaiola | It says apache 2 is running but wordpress doesn't come up anymore | 13:50 |
=== doge is now known as Humbedooh | ||
leuApodo | hola buenas tardes a todos! | 13:51 |
kostkon | !es | leuApodo | 13:51 |
ubottu | leuApodo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 13:51 |
leuApodo | Hello | 13:52 |
leuApodo | is there someone? | 13:52 |
aysorth | :D | 13:52 |
salsero|2 | no nadie por aqui | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | leuApodo there's always someone | 13:52 |
aysorth | leuApodo: don't ask to ask. | 13:52 |
Kawaiola | Anyone have any ideas I couldn't seem to find anything useful online | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | !es|salsero|2 | 13:52 |
ubottu | salsero|2: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | !server|Kawaiola | 13:52 |
ubottu | Kawaiola: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 13:52 |
hzlab | Hi ! please what is the command to format my usb key from the shell ? | 13:53 |
Kawaiola | Oh so this is the wrong channel | 13:53 |
Stats_Ethan | I thought about upgrading my server to 14.04 but I'm too afraid I'd break something, ha ha. | 13:53 |
Kawaiola | Yeah it messed up my services so unless you are prepared to rebuild them then I would wait hha | 13:54 |
DJones | Kawaiola: Not necessarily, this channel supports all release of Ubuntu, but for server releases, you may get more specialised help in #ubuntu-server | 13:54 |
Stats_Ethan | All I have running on it right now is Nginx but I'm afraid I'd break that. | 13:55 |
phix | When's the release date? | 13:55 |
Dave-Maydew | Now | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | phix release date of what? | 13:55 |
Stats_Ethan | Yesterday. | 13:55 |
ice9 | I'm not enabling automatic software update but I found that "apt-get --quiet --quiet update" is already running, then what executed it? | 13:55 |
Kawaiola | DJones, Okay I will give them a try | 13:55 |
Dave-Maydew | don't install it if you have an external hard drive | 13:55 |
Dave-Maydew | it won't read them | 13:55 |
phix | cfhowlett: 14.04 | 13:56 |
phix | Stats_Ethan: ah nice | 13:56 |
Dave-Maydew | I'm having issues with 14.04 reading my external hard drives any work around yet? | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | phix April 17th | 13:56 |
phix | Dave-Maydew: What issues are you having? | 13:56 |
lanoxx | hi, I have trouble with my input system and i am looking for some documentation to verify that its correctly setup | 13:56 |
phix | cfhowlett: Nice, well I it GOod Friday now | 13:56 |
Dave-Maydew | auto mounting not working | 13:56 |
dw1 | lanoxx: what system | 13:56 |
lanoxx | in the little icon for the language method i always see 'En' | 13:57 |
Meris | salsero|2, I have mount --bind (ed) my proc to /media/newroot/proc and my sda3 (EFI) to /media/newroot/boot and my installed / dir to /media/newroot itself ; would that be the proper preparation for the steps ahead? | 13:57 |
phix | s/I it/it is/ | 13:57 |
lanoxx | dw1, ubuntu 13.10 | 13:57 |
dw1 | lanoxx: oh you can disable that in system -> input | 13:57 |
lanoxx | dw1, i need to input german | 13:57 |
Dave-Maydew | by the looks of it, I'm not the only one with this issue | 13:57 |
Meris | lanoxx, what keyboard layout is set in the config right now? | 13:58 |
dw1 | lanoxx: http://www.ghacks.net/2011/09/29/how-to-add-keyboard-input-languages-to-ubuntu/ | 13:58 |
lanoxx | Meris, the icon shows 'En' when I open it i see 'De' and 'Cn' for german and chinese | 13:58 |
Dave-Maydew | So any help or information about fixing the auto mounting issue will be great | 13:58 |
salsero|2 | Meris: /sys as well | 13:59 |
salsero|2 | and /dev | 13:59 |
Meris | lanoxx, if you are using the US Intl. keyboard with deadkeys and you have an AltGr key on your physical keyboard, you should be able to enter typical German characters like the ringel-S and the umlauted characters | 13:59 |
Pizzaiolo | I have my ramdisk made and mounted. I have Firefox installed in hard disk /usr/bin. How do i run Firefox from the ramdisk? | 13:59 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB ? | 13:59 |
lanoxx | Meris, i have a us standard keybord no alt gr | 14:00 |
Meris | salsero|2, just a sec, I will mount those as well.Thank you for addressing me by my nick :-) | 14:00 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: dont know if you can.. maybe with chroot to the ramdisk | 14:00 |
ice9 | is there a channel for ubuntu website administrators? | 14:01 |
dw1 | #httpd is for apache support | 14:01 |
lanoxx | dw1, Meris when I press Alt+Shift i notice the z and y keys are switching, but the icon in the status bar keeps showing 'En' and when I hit ';' then nothing happens | 14:01 |
Dave-Maydew | So no takers on the Auto mounting bug then? | 14:01 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: check the link and check those settings mentioned in the post | 14:02 |
Pizzaiolo | dw1: ok, thank you. | 14:02 |
Dave-Maydew | which link... sorry missed it was just making a coffee | 14:02 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: wait.. why not just run 'firefox' if its in /usr/bin ? | 14:03 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: why would you need it 'from the ramdisk' if its not installed on ram disk | 14:03 |
Pizzaiolo | dw1: for speed | 14:03 |
Neldogz | Having trouble getting bumblebee to work on a laptop (Ubuntu 14.04) that has both a Haswell processor and an nvidia GTX765m video card. The error is cannot access secondary GPU - error [XORG] .. failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0 .. I have already gone through the basic troubleshooting steps here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee Can anyone help? | 14:04 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: when a program runs it loads into ram automatically | 14:04 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: it just has to read the disk to get started then is in ram | 14:04 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: but not the cached files.. yeah | 14:04 |
lanoxx | dw1, Meris hmm, i just went to Language Support and changed the "Keyboard input method system" from 'Default' to 'IBus' and now everything works, strange | 14:04 |
Pizzaiolo | dw1: but it's constantly reading icon files, lib files, etc. | 14:04 |
Meris | salsero|2, /dev, /proc, /sys, and / itself (from sda9) are now mount --bind (ed) on my mount point /media/newroot Am I missing anything now before I issue a chroot? | 14:04 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: true | 14:04 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: http://lifehacker.com/5687850/speed-up-firefox-by-moving-your-cache-to-ram-no-ram-disk-required | 14:05 |
Meris | lanoxx, great to hear that ibus works for you. I use ibus for my Japanese input | 14:05 |
Pizzaiolo | dw1: thank you | 14:05 |
Daghdha | I was wondering if the new 14.04 LTE will affect the desktop when i use that over VNC. I only connect to it over VLC and if the new desktop is only using acceleration and no 2d modes then i am not going to do it | 14:05 |
dw1 | Pizzaiolo: might want to limit the cache size if doing that... could fill up all your ram :/ | 14:06 |
Dexxter | HI! | 14:06 |
Pizzaiolo | dw1: heh; ok. | 14:06 |
lastkajen | hi, I have problem with updating my system I get this msg "The installation or removal of a software package failed" | 14:06 |
lanoxx | Meris, it seems there is still some other system interfering in the background, for example I bus seems to listen to "Super+Space" but when I press Alt+Shift then there seesm to something else changing the layout but the ibus icon does not change i still have the same problem like before | 14:07 |
Meris | salsero|2, just a sec, I will be back within 5 minutes due to a short incoming call. | 14:07 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB | 14:07 |
Dave-Maydew | Well media-handling is ok, so the bug is with Ubuntu 14.04 | 14:07 |
dw1 | hmm | 14:07 |
salsero|2 | Meris: /boot/efi as well | 14:08 |
Dave-Maydew | a few users, besides myself are having issues with External drives and camera's etc | 14:08 |
module000 | Dave-Maydew: what error message are you getting? (dmesg and/or /var/log/syslog) | 14:08 |
dw1 | Daghdha: you can run other windows managers.. like gnome metacity which may be less intensive than unity or gnome with compiz | 14:08 |
=== TheBurgerKing_ is now known as TheBurgerKing | ||
Meris | salsero|2, /boot/efi was already mounted | 14:09 |
Dexxter | Alguem do Brasil aqui ? | 14:09 |
dw1 | Daghdha: maybe you can turn off compiz with unity not sure | 14:09 |
salsero|2 | nao cara | 14:09 |
cfhowlett | !brazil|Dexxter | 14:10 |
ubottu | Dexxter: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 14:10 |
Dave-Maydew | where do I find it? as the syslog is a mine field | 14:10 |
Daghdha | dw1: I guess i will find out when i take the plunge | 14:11 |
dw1 | tail -f /var/log/syslog will follow the end of the log, then plug in and see what pops up | 14:11 |
dw1 | hit enter when tailing to make a space | 14:11 |
dw1 | ctrl-c to stop tailing | 14:11 |
hzlab | When I try to format my usb key it says it contains read-only files, Any solution for that? Ps: I never changed access to read-only | 14:12 |
LinuxGuruz | sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator that should be default in 14.04 Unity | 14:12 |
Dexxter | hi guys | 14:12 |
dw1 | hzlab: are there files owned by root, and youre not using sudo ? | 14:12 |
Meris | salsero|2, I know that I have to add libata.force=noncq to my kernel parameters in order for the kernel to use my SSD properly , but the grub2 config files are a bit bewildering for me. | 14:12 |
hzlab | dw1, no files owned by root and yes it doesn't work even with sudo :( | 14:13 |
Dexxter | oo | 14:13 |
Dexxter | oi | 14:13 |
module000 | Dave-Maydew: just `tail -f /var/log/syslog`, then insert your usb device and see what is logged regarding it | 14:13 |
Dexxter | oi | 14:13 |
Meris | salsero|2, Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. | 14:13 |
dw1 | hzlab: http://askubuntu.com/questions/175739/how-do-i-remount-a-filesystem-as-read-write | 14:14 |
Dexxter | fd | 14:14 |
dw1 | Dexxter: try #defocus for general chat, this is for support | 14:14 |
hzlab | checking... thanks dw1 ! | 14:15 |
dw1 | hzlab: you can run mount with no paramaters to see whats mounted to get those two arguments you need | 14:15 |
hzlab | ok dw1 , thanks again ! | 14:17 |
Dave-Maydew | it just keeps looping and mentioning the external drive | 14:17 |
module000 | Dave-Maydew: that 'mentioning' is what will solve this for you. Why don't you pastebin the output during the time you add/remove the external drive | 14:18 |
Dave-Maydew | how do I pause it?? | 14:18 |
module000 | Dave-Maydew: you can't really pause it, but you can also run the "system log" program and select the relevant portion of the log there. it may be easier for you than using the console to view it | 14:19 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: you can hit ctrl-c to stop it which will 'pause' | 14:19 |
pegamoose | hello ubuntu I have a problem | 14:20 |
dw1 | pegamoose: what is it | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.251282] sd 125:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.251284] sd 125:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.251712] usb 3-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 124 | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.254436] xhci_hcd 0000:03:00.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called with disabled ep ffff8801ee132080 | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.254439] xhci_hcd 0000:03:00.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called with disabled ep ffff8801ee1320c0 | 14:20 |
Dave-Maydew | Apr 18 15:19:48 dave-i5-desktop kernel: [ 1716.324641] usb 3-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 125 using xhci_hcd | 14:20 |
unopaste | Dave-Maydew you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 14:20 |
hzlab | dw1 I tried mount and it shows that access to the USB key are read and write : /media/ZAK type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks) ..... weird. | 14:20 |
pegamoose | web is not being seen by skye | 14:20 |
pegamoose | eee webcam | 14:20 |
pegamoose | skype | 14:20 |
module000 | Dave-Maydew: when you can talk again... is this an external *drive* or just a usb key? offline device can mean an unpowered but visible device | 14:21 |
dw1 | hzlab: maybe this will work http://askubuntu.com/questions/68809/how-to-format-a-usb-or-external-drive | 14:21 |
pegamoose | ok I will try that | 14:22 |
digilord | Silly question. I used to have a network and cpu monitor in my gnome dock. Is there something like that for 14.04? | 14:22 |
hzlab | dw1 okay thanks alot ! | 14:22 |
dlw | Laptop is a Dell Studio 1558. Installed new Dell battery. Only last 1.5 hours. What would be normal? Tested battery with nothing on. | 14:22 |
module000 | digilord: try the "indicator-multiload" package. it does network/cpu/ram/disk etc monitoring | 14:23 |
=== TheBurgerKing_ is now known as TheBurgerKing | ||
Neldogz | Having trouble getting bumblebee to work on a laptop (Ubuntu 14.04) that has both a Haswell processor and an nvidia GTX765m video card. The error is cannot access secondary GPU - error [XORG] .. failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0 .. I have already gone through the basic troubleshooting steps here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee Can anyone help? | 14:23 |
digilord | module000: I will give that a try | 14:23 |
Neldogz | Guys the fix was to upgrade to nvidia-319 driver | 14:23 |
effeietsanders | hi. I also asked this on #ubuntu-nl , but they couldn't find out the exact problem, except that they suspected it was related to acpi. I have a fresh Ubuntu 14.4 install on an PB EasyNote MV46-015. When I try to shut it down, it freezes at some point during shutdown. Rebooting works OK. Changing the boot sequence with acpi=off results in crashing during the boot. | 14:23 |
effeietsanders | the same issue with sudo shutdown -h, poweroff -h and halt -h | 14:24 |
digilord | module000: That is perfect! Thanks. | 14:24 |
module000 | digilord: glad to help, i use that one also :) | 14:25 |
djpackrat | anyone alive in here? | 14:25 |
salsero|2 | djpackrat: no | 14:25 |
pegamoose | yes | 14:25 |
djpackrat | sweet | 14:25 |
djpackrat | dead people. | 14:25 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: it appears your problem may be related to kernel version http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1782546 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1954369 :( | 14:25 |
djpackrat | got a little bit of an oddball question for fellow ubuntu heads | 14:25 |
Meris | salsero|2, nevermind my last remark on Grub2 config, I've solved that, so now I'm ready for the next step(s) | 14:26 |
Lizards|Work | Hi folks. Can I upgrade from a mounted ISO, or do I have to use either do-release-upgrade or make bootable media? | 14:26 |
cfhowlett | djpackrat so ask then ... | 14:26 |
cfhowlett | Lizards|Work use whatever method you prefer. all of those will work | 14:27 |
Dave-Maydew | So the latest kernel has issues?? | 14:27 |
djpackrat | built a box about a few years back for my old man, (cant remember specifics about hardware) but it was as t op of the line as i could buy for an AMD box, and 10.10 was still out yeah? Well, he says in the last week, that his internet has been acting weird. Like he can browse to a few websites then it just stops responding. Network signal is strong 80-100% wifi strength | 14:27 |
Lizards|Work | so hypothetically if i mounted the 14.04-desktop ISO, how would i go about upgrading? | 14:27 |
Dave-Maydew | looks like I'll be dropping back to 12.04 | 14:27 |
djpackrat | he reboots, and it's fine | 14:28 |
djpackrat | then a minute or two passes | 14:28 |
djpackrat | and poof. gone again. | 14:28 |
Lizards|Work | bad cap on the wifi adapter? | 14:28 |
djpackrat | (will be onsite this weekend to do some checking) | 14:28 |
pegamoose | dw1 webcam arkmico tech will not work with cheese | 14:28 |
djpackrat | Lizards|Work: that's what i was thinking | 14:28 |
djpackrat | either that or he mucked around with something he shouldnt have. | 14:28 |
djpackrat | lol | 14:28 |
Meris | djpackrat. please don't use Enter as punctuation, try to keep it tidy on one line | 14:28 |
dw1 | pegamoose: why not | 14:28 |
Lizards|Work | could be media saturation if he's in a populated area | 14:28 |
djpackrat | I just wanted to make sure I wasn't thinking stupid or something. | 14:29 |
Lizards|Work | intermittent issues are a beast | 14:29 |
djpackrat | Meris: Sorry, On a web client, Wasn't thinking. | 14:29 |
module000 | djpackrat: make sure to watch the logs while this occurs, could be a clear answer in them | 14:29 |
mozzarella | guys | 14:29 |
pegamoose | dw1 that I don;t know | 14:29 |
dw1 | djpackrat: restart router? sometimes mine breaks | 14:29 |
nelas | Why i can't upgrade fro 12.04 if i select do-release-upgrade, i get no update available?! | 14:29 |
effeietsanders | Does anyone have an idea what could be the cause of the not-able-to-shutdown issue with my ubuntu 14.4 ? | 14:29 |
mozzarella | WHY did you make the menu disappear in ubuntu 14.04 | 14:29 |
Meris | djpackrat, can you switch to 5GHz instead? That band is not so crowded yet | 14:29 |
Reptilia | I've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (HP Compaq nx 8220), but i can't make the hardware switch for the wireless card to work. When i run "rfkill list all", the output is: Soft blocked:No, Hard Blocked: Yes. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance. | 14:29 |
pegamoose | dw1 ubuntu 12.4 | 14:29 |
djpackrat | dw1: I taught my dad that trick already, haha. | 14:29 |
Lizards|Work | nelas, it won't be flagged for upgrade to LTS until the first revision a la 14.04.1 | 14:30 |
djpackrat | Meris: It depends on his company provided equipment. | 14:30 |
Lizards|Work | nelas, you can force it though | 14:30 |
djpackrat | brb SHIT morning Scrum. | 14:30 |
salsero|2 | Meris: before chroot | 14:30 |
salsero|2 | modprobe efivars | 14:30 |
whiskers75 | aaaaaaaaaargh, upgrade! | 14:30 |
salsero|2 | then chroot | 14:30 |
whiskers75 | nelas: you must do-release-upgrade -d if you want 14.04 now | 14:30 |
dw1 | pegamoose: i would google the model and/or any log msgs + ubuntu | 14:30 |
whiskers75 | nelas: that is what I'm doing | 14:31 |
salsero|2 | apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64 | 14:31 |
nikolam | nouveau have issues on 14.04 32bit. Sometimes it boots to X and sometimes don't (geforce fx5200 mobile) | 14:31 |
salsero|2 | Meris then apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64 | 14:31 |
Dave-Maydew | I was so liking Ubuntu 14.04LTS till now | 14:31 |
Meris | salsero|2, no errors, but no messages either, so I guess that the module must be loaded then, using lsmod to see if that is indeed correct | 14:31 |
Lannister | need help with ekiga anyone familiar? | 14:31 |
nelas | Lozard|work why is the policy to wait till .1 ? | 14:31 |
whiskers75 | nelas: to ensure stability | 14:31 |
Lizards|Work | idk, all the bugs are worked out by first revision is my guess | 14:32 |
Meris | salsero|2, nope, efivars is not loaded | 14:32 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: there may be a fix around, google some of the log msgs + ubuntu and see what comes up | 14:32 |
nelas | Lizards|wors it means that i would have to wait 2-3 months more? | 14:32 |
Reptilia | I've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (HP Compaq nx 8220), but i can't make the hardware switch for the wireless card to work. When i run "rfkill list all", the output is: Soft blocked:No, Hard Blocked: Yes. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance. | 14:32 |
CountryfiedLinux | Dave-Maydew, What's wrong with it? Besides avconv being unstable with recording screencasts. | 14:32 |
Lizards|Work | s/all/all the easy/ | 14:32 |
salsero|2 | Meris: then you didnt boot under efi more | 14:32 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: the query i used was: ubuntu rejecting i/o to offline device | 14:32 |
Dave-Maydew | and not able to read external hard drives | 14:32 |
whiskers75 | nelas: no, you can get it now if you really want | 14:32 |
salsero|2 | Meris: nevertheless I am going to tell you the rest: efibootmgr -c --disk /dev/sda | 14:32 |
salsero|2 | Meris: and that should be it: efibootmgr -v | 14:33 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, That's whatcha get for not using Intel with Linux :P I learned that lesson years ago. | 14:33 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: you can paste your logs on http://pastebin.com so people can view them | 14:33 |
effeietsanders | hi. I also asked this on #ubuntu-nl , but they couldn't find out the exact problem, except that they suspected it was related to acpi. I have a fresh Ubuntu 14.4 install on an PB EasyNote MV46-015. When I try to shut it down, it freezes at some point during shutdown. Rebooting works OK. Changing the boot sequence with acpi=off results in crashing during the boot. | 14:33 |
Lizards|Work | nelas, probably. you could force it with `do-release-upgrade -d` though | 14:33 |
Meris | salsero|2, when I checked the BIOS settings just before booting into the LiveUSB it was properly set to EFI, any thoughts on that? | 14:33 |
nelas | whiskers75, i will wait till 14.04, dont want to make my main PC unstable | 14:33 |
Dave-Maydew | I'm going to take the easy, but long route and stick to 12.04 | 14:33 |
whiskers75 | nelas: FYI, I'm doing it right now on this Lenovo G570 | 14:33 |
Dave-Maydew | till "The BUG" has been ironed out | 14:33 |
nelas | Lizards|work, i know about -d switch, but i dont want to use the devel options | 14:34 |
CountryfiedLinux | nelas, 14.04 was released yesterday. | 14:34 |
Lizards|Work | ^ | 14:34 |
nelas | whiskers75, im on t520 | 14:34 |
Dave-Maydew | that's 200Gb of games to download again | 14:34 |
nikolam | CountryfiedLinux, don't be too simplistic. Nvidia works great, I just didn't install new drivers upon install, yet. | 14:34 |
whiskers75 | Dave-Maydew, nelas: I'll tell you if there are any bugs when it's installed (I'm doing an early LTS-to-LTS release) | 14:34 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: fix it..... :) | 14:34 |
nikolam | besides, that graphics is very old. | 14:34 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: i believe in you | 14:34 |
nelas | I guess i will install it only on my virtualbox till then | 14:34 |
Dave-Maydew | hahahaha | 14:34 |
Dave-Maydew | I don't | 14:35 |
Lannister | I install ekiga with a free sip account then I cannot call another computer in my home . it shows offline. | 14:35 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: put your logs up on pastebin and beg here some more :) | 14:35 |
Lannister | I also tried to contact a guy in india and only could see my texts not webcam | 14:35 |
zcheng3 | my ubuntu-desktop is broken and cannot be reinstalled | 14:35 |
leuApodo | i have a question | 14:35 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: maybe someone knows a solution | 14:36 |
cfhowlett | zcheng3 reboot the usb and reinstall the OS | 14:36 |
dutchuss2016 | need some help with flash player some games work others are saying adobe flash player is nott installed when i know it is because 3 games i pla thaat work use flash player | 14:36 |
cfhowlett | !flash|dutchuss2016 | 14:36 |
ubottu | dutchuss2016: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 14:36 |
lyutt | Hey guys, if I install a different wm and set it so xinit loads the new wm instead of the old (lxde), will I still have performance being wasted at all to the old wm? | 14:36 |
zcheng3 | really need to reinstall the os? | 14:36 |
Meris | salsero|2, The apt-get install line should be entered after entering chroot, right? | 14:36 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, I dunno how much it's improved. I know that ATI is still troublesome. | 14:36 |
salsero|2 | ye | 14:36 |
zcheng3 | I just reinstalled it, actually upgraded it from 13.10 to 14.04 | 14:36 |
nelas | thats the link for LTS to LTS | 14:37 |
nelas | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-04 | 14:37 |
Dave-Maydew | how do I find out which kernel I'm running?? | 14:37 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: uname -a | 14:37 |
Lizards|Work | i just read it yesterday nelas | 14:37 |
k1l_ | nelas: no, LTS to LTS upgrade will be opened on 24th july on 14.04.1 | 14:37 |
dutchuss2016 | i did that already ubottu i wouldent be here if that hd woked | 14:37 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: eg 3.13.0-24-generic | 14:37 |
nikolam | CountryfiedLinux, AMD gives bigger support to open drivers and intell is fully open. Nvidia is less open but their binary driver are insainly long supporting thir hardware on Linux. | 14:37 |
salsero|2 | Meris: [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD" | 14:37 |
k1l_ | nelas: if you want LTS you want 14.04 to settle first. | 14:38 |
cfhowlett | zcheng3 reboot to the terminal and run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall | 14:38 |
nelas | im on 12.04 | 14:38 |
salsero|2 | this tells where you are on EFI or under legacy | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | the query i used was: ubuntu rejecting i/o to offline device | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | ah | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | hole on | 14:38 |
salsero|2 | hole? | 14:38 |
Meerkat | "supported until april 2014". Does that mean on the last of april? | 14:38 |
dutchuss2016 | flash player is installed stupid bot | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | fat fingers | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | :D | 14:38 |
cfhowlett | Meerkat april 30th is the last day of april ... | 14:38 |
Dave-Maydew | Linux dave-i5-desktop 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:38 |
k1l_ | Meerkat: which ubuntu? | 14:38 |
zcheng3 | cfhowlet i will try that and see | 14:38 |
Lizards|Work | dutchuss2016, you might have messed it up. | 14:38 |
Meerkat | k1l_, ubuntu gnome QQ | 14:39 |
Lizards|Work | i mess up things all the time | 14:39 |
Meerkat | 12.10 | 14:39 |
nelas | is there any better irc client than xchat? | 14:39 |
effeietsanders | I have a fresh Ubuntu 14.4 install on an PB EasyNote MV46-015. When I try to shut it down, it freezes at some point during shutdown. Rebooting works OK. Changing the boot sequence with acpi=off results in crashing during the boot. | 14:39 |
Lizards|Work | idk i <3 xchat | 14:39 |
cfhowlett | nelas look in the software center | 14:39 |
Dave-Maydew | so I'm running Linux dave-i5-desktop 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:39 |
lyutt | does chromium have a package? | 14:39 |
lyutt | in repo? | 14:39 |
nelas | cfhowlett, i just wanted to get an opinion in the channel | 14:39 |
kostkon | !find chromium | 14:39 |
salsero|2 | ye lyutt | 14:39 |
ubottu | Found: unity-scope-chromiumbookmarks, chromium-browser, chromium-browser-dbg, chromium-browser-l10n, chromium-bsu, chromium-bsu-data, chromium-chromedriver, chromium-chromedriver-dbg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-dbg (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=chromium&searchon=names&suite=trusty§ion=all | 14:39 |
Meris | salsero|2, when I try the apt-get install line, resolving my mirror doesn't work anymore, so I'll probobably have to edit my /etc/resolv.conf line first? | 14:40 |
nelas | i know how to use google :) | 14:40 |
cfhowlett | !poll|elas | 14:40 |
lyutt | ty~ | 14:40 |
dutchuss2016 | how can i mess up a install i didnt interferre with i clicked install gave it my password and walked away while it installed | 14:40 |
k1l_ | Meerkat: 12.10 looses support today | 14:40 |
Lizards|Work | you installed from a ppa? | 14:40 |
k1l_ | !12.10 | 14:40 |
ubottu | 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1210 | 14:40 |
ne0x | hi | 14:40 |
cfhowlett | nelas please restrict polls to the #ubuntu-offtopic | 14:40 |
salsero|2 | Meris: ye that might work dns problems | 14:40 |
Lizards|Work | i wouldn't | 14:40 |
whiskers75 | nelas, the cli client weechat | 14:40 |
whiskers75 | nelas: #weechat on freenode | 14:40 |
cfhowlett | Meerkat you're trying to install the beta qq packages? | 14:40 |
Meerkat | k1l_, so is today the last day, or was that yesterday? | 14:40 |
salsero|2 | Meerkat: yesterday, you're again late | 14:41 |
k1l_ | Meerkat: dont know, but it is urgent time to upgrade | 14:41 |
nelas | thanks..i went to the offtopic room | 14:41 |
penthief | If I am on 12.04, should I expect to see info about 14.04 in the Update Manager GUI? In the settings tab "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" is set to "For long-term support versions". | 14:41 |
salsero|2 | my upgrade wasnt very smooth | 14:41 |
salsero|2 | penthief: no | 14:41 |
Lizards|Work | penthief, not til late july at 14.04.1 | 14:41 |
AnAlien | Hello, I need some help. I need to repartion my dads computer so there's more space on linux-ubuntu side than on the windows side. Whats the best way to do this? Gpart'd or reinstall/update ubuntu? | 14:41 |
zcheng3 | I tried to reinstall ubuntu-desktop from terminal after reboot | 14:41 |
Dave-Maydew | My upgrade went smooth, just the lack of mounting | 14:41 |
whiskers75 | penthief: you will only get the option when 14.04.1 is released. to update early, open a terminal and run 'sudo update-manager -d' | 14:41 |
zcheng3 | it did not work | 14:41 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, From my understanding ATI supports Linux pretty well with their closed drivers but most distro devs don't put a lot of effort into making installation of them an easy process. Ubuntu makes it the easiest to manually install, it's just a 3 step process. Extract, chmod+x, sh install | 14:42 |
salsero|2 | AnAlien: resize udner windows | 14:42 |
Meerkat | salsero|2, ok, thanks. Not actually on it, just updating info around the world. | 14:42 |
Dave-Maydew | my music library is on an external HDD | 14:42 |
penthief | Thanks | 14:42 |
dutchuss2016 | so how do i go about getting flash player to work fully for every thing i wanna use it for | 14:42 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: this may be a solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/868233/comments/7 | 14:42 |
Luyin | can I disable that software centre automatically adds new packages to the launcher? | 14:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 901215 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #868233 Can not mount Hitachi Mobile Pro TOURO hard drive by USB" [Medium,Fix released] | 14:42 |
zcheng3 | it said I have broken package | 14:42 |
Lizards|Work | dutchuss2016, download the binaries and put them in the right place with the right permissions | 14:42 |
AnAlien | Salsero|2 how do i do that? | 14:42 |
whiskers75 | zcheng3: sudo apt-get install -f | 14:42 |
kostkon | Luyin, yes, there is such an option in its menu | 14:42 |
dutchuss2016 | lol tht sounds like a aininthe ass to do | 14:42 |
zcheng3 | tried that too | 14:42 |
aliensbrah | lord 14.04 is absolute fail with the system tray indicators | 14:42 |
CountryfiedLinux | Dave-Maydew, I've never had an issue with external hard drives, always worked for me. Maybe you've got a faulty install? Try from the live session and see if it's successful. | 14:43 |
Lizards|Work | dutchuss2016, that's what you get with closed source | 14:43 |
AnAlien | oh nvr mnd, thx guys, i think i know what i need to do. | 14:43 |
dutchuss2016 | i installed it from the software centere like the guide sayys to do im on ubuntu 64 bit | 14:43 |
nikolam | CountryfiedLinux, it is job of developers who make closed drivers to make it pleasant for consumer to install. AMD have much shorter timeframe for support of graphics hardware with closed drivers, compared to Nvidia. AMD have better open driver on other hand. | 14:44 |
Lizards|Work | yeah, so am i dutchuss2016 ... i only got it to work by manually putting the binaries in place | 14:44 |
zcheng3 | since ubuntu-desktop is broken, I cannot log into the system with it. But I can still login using i3, or xfce | 14:44 |
dutchuss2016 | fail | 14:44 |
djpackrat | ok Im back sorry about that, I forgot about the time. | 14:44 |
BumBumMiky | ciao! lista | 14:44 |
Dave-Maydew | brb | 14:44 |
Dave-Maydew | reebooting | 14:44 |
dutchuss2016 | lizards you wanna do it for me over teamveiwer | 14:44 |
djpackrat | So bad wifi adapter, i wouldn't assume a bug in software would just pop up if everything else remains constant | 14:44 |
Luyin | kostkon: where do you find the settings? I haven't got a menu entry like "settings" or "options" in none of the menus | 14:44 |
Dave-Maydew | as I've blacklisted the uas | 14:45 |
dw1 | cool | 14:45 |
dw1 | dont die | 14:45 |
Luyin | ah, found it | 14:45 |
Lizards|Work | dutchuss2016, that's a negative ghostrider. the pattern is full. | 14:45 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, Well it's a much easier process in Ubuntu than in Debian. I did it in Debian which tool FOR EVER and rebooted to a BSOD (black screen of death) with a blinking underscore in the upper left. | 14:45 |
kostkon | Luyin, View -> New applications in launcher? | 14:45 |
zcheng3 | what should I do next with the broken ubuntu-desktop? | 14:46 |
nikolam | CountryfiedLinux, I think it is all developers of closed drivers fault. they should do it better. | 14:46 |
Meris | salsero|2, hmm, my /proc does not work within my chroot jail even though it has been been bound to /media/newroot/proc | 14:46 |
Lizards|Work | launch it into low earth orbit | 14:46 |
dutchuss2016 | ugh i dont wanna do it (dont know where to put the files for one and dont know what permissions to give them for 2 | 14:46 |
faLUCE | hello, is there a supporting channel for ubuntutouch? | 14:47 |
kostkon | !touch | 14:47 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 14:47 |
salsero|2 | Meris: did you mount with mount -t proc proc /mnt/ubuntu/proc | 14:48 |
faLUCE | thanks kostkon | 14:48 |
ice9 | in 14.04 the window's corners looks more smooth than before but not fully rounded and smooth on HD displays, anybody facing this too? | 14:48 |
pegamoose | up vote 0 down vote favorite | 14:48 |
pegamoose | 14:48 | |
pegamoose | webcamera not working My Arkmicro Technologies Inc. webcamera not working in Ubuntu 12.04 | 14:48 |
pegamoose | I tried Cheese and guvcview, but neither of them worked. and Skype won't work | 14:48 |
Meris | salsero|2, no I did not mount it with -t proc, I though that the mounter would autodetect what type to use | 14:48 |
pegamoose | can any one helpp | 14:48 |
Guest69992 | anyone having issues with do-release-upgrade returning 'no new ubuntu release', when trying to upgrade to 14.04? | 14:49 |
Meris | salsero|2, In that case, my /sys bind is probably also mounted in the wrong way. | 14:49 |
salsero|2 | Meris: mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys | 14:50 |
Lizards|Work | Guest69992, LTS to LTS upgrade won't happen til 14.04.1 | 14:50 |
salsero|2 | mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev | 14:50 |
salsero|2 | Guest69992: apt-get update | 14:50 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2, that doesn't help. any other suggestions? | 14:51 |
brut3f0rc3 | #php | 14:51 |
Lizards|Work | Guest69992, are you trying to do 12.04 to 14.04? | 14:51 |
salsero|2 | Guest69992: LTS? | 14:51 |
cfhowlett | !webcam|pegamoose | 14:51 |
ubottu | pegamoose: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 14:51 |
Dave-Maydew | and the answer to the problem.... | 14:51 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: works? | 14:51 |
Dave-Maydew | BIG FAIL | 14:51 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, They will do better if Linux becomes a lot more popular. They need incentive to do more, they are running businesses anyhow. | 14:51 |
samuel | Hey I would like to create a custom ROM for Linux mint iinstall., but rather than put all my packages in the iso would much rather have the install fetch the packages from the web, like thee language packs do in the stock I installs. Anyone know where I might put that list of packages and repos? | 14:51 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: try sudo rmmod uas | 14:51 |
brut3f0rc3 | Did anyone face libglam dependency while installing clementine in 14.04? | 14:51 |
mozzarella | is ubuntu 14.04 using systemd? | 14:52 |
cfhowlett | !mint|samuel mint is not supported here | 14:52 |
ubottu | samuel mint is not supported here: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 14:52 |
bekks | mozzarella: No. | 14:52 |
Dave-Maydew | Hold on | 14:52 |
mozzarella | bekks: I thought ubuntu was supposed to switch | 14:52 |
Dave-Maydew | we have lift off | 14:52 |
thiebaude | cfhowlett, that was something when i installed ubuntu 14.04, cheese was already installed and no problems with my laptop webcam | 14:52 |
Dave-Maydew | it's just popped up!!! | 14:52 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: :o | 14:52 |
CountryfiedLinux | nikolam, Like any other company they'll do what's right for business in the long run eventually. Right now there's just not enough demand. | 14:52 |
Dave-Maydew | took long enough | 14:52 |
samuel | Well the principle would be the same for either, I would imagine. | 14:53 |
rundll32 | is cinnamon desktop supported in ubuntu? | 14:53 |
cfhowlett | thiebaude yeah, webcams are funny that way ... | 14:53 |
Dave-Maydew | So I'll blog about that and let others know about it | 14:53 |
samuel | Linuxx iis based on 13 I believe | 14:53 |
cfhowlett | rundll32 if it's in the repos, yes | 14:53 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: awesome... bookmark this i guess https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/868233 | 14:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 901215 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #868233 Can not mount Hitachi Mobile Pro TOURO hard drive by USB" [Medium,Fix released] | 14:53 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: 13.10 to 14.04 | 14:53 |
Dave-Maydew | thanks dwl | 14:53 |
salsero|2 | Guest69992: switch mirror | 14:53 |
Lizards|Work | could anybody tell me how to upgrade 13.10 to 14.04 using the 14.04 desktop ISO without making a bootable? | 14:53 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: glad it worked out | 14:54 |
cfhowlett | !install|Lizards|Work | 14:54 |
ubottu | Lizards|Work: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate | 14:54 |
niko | /43/114 | 14:54 |
bekks | Lizards|Work: Why dont you just use do-release-upgrade? | 14:54 |
Dave-Maydew | I can see why I moved in 09 to Ubuntu, the community is great | 14:54 |
salsero|2 | maybe no internet | 14:54 |
whiskers75 | I'm now on 14.04! \o/ | 14:54 |
Lizards|Work | because i downloaded the ISO already and i was looking to cut out the middle man | 14:54 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: they should be payin me :P | 14:54 |
salsero|2 | use the cd as repository | 14:54 |
thiebaude | Lizards|Work, can you you unetbootin? | 14:54 |
Dave-Maydew | this is the first time I've had to ask a question and you guys are great | 14:54 |
Reptilia | I've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (HP Compaq nx 8220), but i can't make the hardware switch for the wireless card to work. When i run "rfkill list all", the output is: Soft blocked:No, Hard Blocked: Yes. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance. | 14:54 |
whiskers75 | and it looks ugly | 14:54 |
darthanubis | anyone noticed double clicking titlebar for eindow rollup results in a disappeared window, with only the outline showing? | 14:55 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: yeah lot of helpful people here | 14:55 |
salsero|2 | Dave-Maydew: ^_^ | 14:55 |
Lizards|Work | i can do do-release-upgrade, but i was hoping it'd be like the old alternate install disks | 14:55 |
Dave-Maydew | I've helped over 90 Windows users over to Ubuntu over the last couple of years too | 14:55 |
Dave-Maydew | and I'm still bringing them over | 14:55 |
bekks | Lizards|Work: the alternate isos are gone. Just use do-release-upgrade | 14:55 |
thiebaude | Dave-Maydew, awesome man | 14:55 |
thiebaude | :) | 14:55 |
Lizards|Work | maaan that's way less awesome than using the ISO from a mounted loop device | 14:55 |
* psusi is disappointed that you can't do that any more either | 14:56 | |
effeietsanders | I have a fresh Ubuntu 14.4 install on an PB EasyNote MV46-015. When I try to shut it down, it freezes at some point during shutdown. Rebooting works OK. Changing the boot sequence with acpi=off results in crashing during the boot. | 14:56 |
brut3f0rc3 | Dave-Meydew: Awesome work man :) | 14:56 |
Dave-Maydew | I'm a amateur radio operator, and the guys at the radio club have nicknamed me Pingu | 14:56 |
darthanubis | can anyone reproduce for me? | 14:56 |
Dave-Maydew | :) | 14:56 |
rundll32 | can use yast to install deb packages? | 14:56 |
brut3f0rc3 | anyone used apt-fast in 14.04? | 14:56 |
cfhowlett | darthanubis ummm, what? | 14:56 |
ikonia | kpom | 14:57 |
ikonia | oops, sorry | 14:57 |
thiebaude | ikonia, hello there | 14:57 |
noiro_ | if I burned a 14.04 beta Xubuntu CD, when I apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, will it pull me past beta to full version? | 14:57 |
cfhowlett | rundll32 no | 14:57 |
cfhowlett | !final|noiro_ | 14:57 |
ubottu | noiro_: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. | 14:57 |
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away | ||
Guest69992 | i've run update-manager -d set mirror (download from:) to http://cosmos.cities.illnois.edu/pub/ubuntu) from Main Server , and same issue. | 14:57 |
dw1 | Dave-Maydew: Pingus is a good game, like lemmings :-) | 14:57 |
darthanubis | cfhowlett, ghost windows. After double-clicking titlebar to shade the window | 14:57 |
Weetos | Anyone having issues connecting to vino from a vnc client running on win64 since the 14?04 upgrade ? it says "No security types supported" and setting "require-encryption" to false doesn't help either | 14:57 |
darthanubis | the window shades, and disappears except for a faint outline of the whole window | 14:58 |
darthanubis | only way back to it is to clikc the icon of the program in the taskbar | 14:58 |
darthanubis | unity | 14:58 |
hayri | Hi, I have an ANT stick connected, and i'd like to use it in guest OS of VirtualBox. However VB says no device connected. | 14:59 |
darthanubis | If i knew where to paste pictures I could show you | 14:59 |
hayri | I guess this means my ubuntu doesn't recognize it | 14:59 |
cfhowlett | !paste|darthanubis | 14:59 |
ubottu | darthanubis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:59 |
hayri | how can I test if ubuntu recongizes a usb device? | 14:59 |
bekks | hayri: sudo lsusb | 14:59 |
=== kamal_ is now known as kamal__ | ||
darthanubis | ty | 14:59 |
thiebaude | hayri, maybe try a livecd | 14:59 |
Lizards|Work | hayri, or chainload it | 15:00 |
hayri | Lizards|Work: chainload? | 15:00 |
Lizards|Work | use a GRUB iso or something | 15:00 |
hayri | and what livecd, why? | 15:00 |
nelas | installing 14.04 on my virtalbox :) | 15:00 |
darthanubis | cfhowlett, http://imagebin.org/306317 | 15:00 |
hayri | i kinda don't get it | 15:00 |
Lizards|Work | idk, vbox won't boot from USB | 15:00 |
Dave-Maydew | I'm loving STEAM too | 15:00 |
thiebaude | livecd, to see if everything works | 15:00 |
hayri | ah, ok there's a bit misunderstanding | 15:00 |
thiebaude | :) | 15:01 |
hayri | so i don't wanna boot vbox from usb | 15:01 |
cfhowlett | darthanubis seeing it now ... please ask again in channel and direct viewers to this pic. I'm on xubuntu so - no help. I've never done unity | 15:01 |
Dave-Maydew | Anyway, once again dwl, many thanks and if I have anymore questions I'll be back | 15:01 |
hayri | i have actually an ant stick (for garmin swim watch) and i wanna use it under guest os (which happens to be windows bcoz garmin doesn't support linux :/) | 15:01 |
hayri | so anyway, i wanna filter the device so that it will be used in guest | 15:01 |
hayri | but vbox says "no device connected" when I try to filter usb devices | 15:02 |
bekks | hayri: enable usb2 support for your vm, install the extension pack for vbox in the same version as vbox, pass through the usb device. | 15:02 |
darthanubis | cfhowlett, ty for your time | 15:02 |
hayri | bekks: did that | 15:02 |
hayri | already | 15:02 |
bekks | hayri: which vbox version do you use in particular? | 15:02 |
dysoco | Hello, I have to install the proprietary Nvidia drivers, now, I remember that in the past you ran into problems if you did that via the software center, and you had to do some work in the terminal... has this been fixed? | 15:02 |
next-generation | hey :) | 15:02 |
hayri | bekks: 4.2.16 | 15:02 |
bekks | hayri: I'd uninstall that and use the latest official 4.3.10 | 15:03 |
next-generation | spricht jemand deutsch? :) | 15:03 |
hayri | bekks: ok lemme try | 15:03 |
bekks | !de | next-generation | 15:03 |
ubottu | next-generation: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 15:03 |
rundll32 | cfhowlett, is there a easy way of converting debs to rpms? | 15:03 |
bekks | rundll32: No, there isnt. | 15:03 |
next-generation | ihr könnt ja deutsch ^ | 15:03 |
kostkon | dysoco, you typically install them, by opening your updater settings and selecting Additional Drivers | 15:03 |
next-generation | ich hätte da ne frage wenn das okay ist? ^ | 15:04 |
darthanubis | Any one using default Ubuntu 14.04? | 15:04 |
dysoco | kostkon, and that works again? it used to break your system. | 15:04 |
cfhowlett | rundll32 why? ubuntu runs on debs ... | 15:04 |
bekks | !de | next-generation | 15:04 |
cfhowlett | !de|next-generation | 15:04 |
ubottu | next-generation: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 15:04 |
kostkon | dysoco, no idea about that | 15:04 |
nikolam | CountryfiedLinux, I think that whan people buy other's company's hardware, that could be enough. | 15:04 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: i've run update-manager -d set mirror (download from:) to http://cosmos.cities.illnois.edu/pub/ubuntu) from Main Server , and same issue. | 15:05 |
nikolam | It is hard to get rid of nouveau | 15:05 |
bekks | nikolam: apt-get purge ... | 15:05 |
rundll32 | cfhowlett because yast in bash mode is better than aptitude | 15:06 |
dysoco | nikolam, so I just do it the manual way? iirc you had to blacklist noveau first. | 15:06 |
Meris | salsero|2, when reinstalling grub2 from within the chroot, I opted for "locally adapted configuration, because I made an edit to the line GRUB_DEFAULT_LINUX . After that I entered your efibootmgr lines and the ubuntu bootmgr was at point 0000 of the efi, so it should be started first now. Your analysis line to determine wheter I was running Legacy or EFI came up with EFI :-) | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | rundll32 but yast doesn't run on ubuntu. | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | !yast | 15:06 |
nikolam | why in hell removing libdrm-nouveau2 would like to remove also abiword and xorg? | 15:06 |
renatobi_ | siamo un giornale coraggioso, specialmente la redazione di Massa | 15:08 |
renatobi_ | http://www.lanazione.it/curiosita/2014/04/16/1053619-massa-avvistamento-ufo.shtml#1 | 15:08 |
Meris | salsero|2, is there anything else that needs to be done, before I can reboot my machine as far as you can see or am I done (in which case I'm eternally grateful to you) | 15:08 |
shubhamjain | I don't have a remotest idea why this happens, specifically with FF: http://i.stack.imgur.com/2MteJ.png | 15:08 |
kostkon | shubhamjain, gnome theme problem I'd say | 15:08 |
salsero|2 | Meris: test it out, it should be ok now | 15:08 |
shubhamjain | kostkon, i use cinnamon.. But thanks for the pointer, let me try other theme | 15:09 |
Meris | I will, rebooting in 3...2...1 Rebooting. Should go fast because it's an extremely fast machine. | 15:09 |
rundll32 | cfhowlett, is there any yast equivalent specifically for ubuntu? | 15:10 |
kostkon | rundll32, no | 15:10 |
Meris | salsero|2, no, it came up with the same dreary bootmgr and the option still reads Ubuntu 13.10 in spite of all our work :-/ | 15:11 |
Meris | salsero|2, Windows starts up normally, but grub is nowhere to be seen... ;_; | 15:12 |
dysoco | are you guys using nvidia or nvidia-updates ? | 15:12 |
cfhowlett | rundll32 apt or aptitude | 15:12 |
salsero|2 | Meris: sorry, not sure what might be | 15:13 |
totnsn | test | 15:14 |
Meris | salsero|2, I have to leave in 15 minutes now, thanks for all the help so far, at least I learned some things, but my machine still doesn't boot my beloved OS, not even the grub2 bootmanager | 15:14 |
kostkon | totnsn, we can see you | 15:14 |
ToujoursUSB | hi, backlight control broken on 14.04 | 15:15 |
ToujoursUSB | keys don't work, "echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness" does nothing | 15:15 |
salsero|2 | Meris: i suspect something in the bios, but I am not experienced enough with efi | 15:15 |
salsero|2 | just made one install so far | 15:15 |
rundll32 | cfhowlett: thanks very much for taking your time to answer my questions. | 15:15 |
rundll32 | bye. | 15:15 |
rundll32 | :-D | 15:16 |
ioudas | i have a kbdrate setting as a udev rule. kdbrate needs to be set by someone with /dev/port access which is the console user. The udev rule works, and udec rule creates a lock file which the users .profile script reads then executes a kbdrate setting. The thing is when its run from .profile it will tell me the user doesnt have /dev/port open. I cannot get the script to run in .bashrc.... any help would be appreciated | 15:16 |
ToujoursUSB | also, how to use the new start menu on xubuntu 14.04? | 15:17 |
Meris | salsero|2, efi should have been the solution so you would not need any bootmanagers anymore, but it turns out to be just another BLOB that the system manufacturers nerf to a point that it hardly usable with anything but the supplied default OS... | 15:17 |
salsero|2 | Meris: could be, but it's hard to really prove now. have a read about efi booting in the web. in this dell I only have kubuntu so I am not on the same shoes as you are | 15:19 |
ToujoursUSB | Meris: don't mix UEFI and EFI | 15:19 |
Meris | ToujoursUSB, well my system is supposed to have UEFI, but it looks like it's even more limited than my previous Legacy BIOS | 15:21 |
fragske | Hello | 15:21 |
fragske | anyone else having poor performance with nvidia on 14.04? | 15:21 |
dysoco | just rebooted and nvidia 14.04 seems to work fine | 15:21 |
fragske | glxgears runs fine and all | 15:21 |
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fragske | but xbmc has awfull performance | 15:22 |
fragske | i can see tearing | 15:22 |
dysoco | haven't tried XBMC | 15:22 |
fragske | and the videoplayback is chopy | 15:22 |
fragske | choppy | 15:22 |
dysoco | WOAH | 15:22 |
dysoco | youtube is working out of the box, with sound! | 15:22 |
fragske | :( | 15:22 |
salsero|2 | <_< | 15:22 |
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gallbladder | hello everyone, my nautilus and firefox font types have suddenly changed..can you suggest me something to fix it? | 15:23 |
ioudas | anyone? buehellr? | 15:23 |
zcheng3 | cannot loggin to ubuntu...... | 15:23 |
zcheng3 | ubuntu-desktop is broken | 15:24 |
zcheng3 | have some dependency issues and broken packages | 15:24 |
NET||abuse | Hi folks, i'm trying to use preseed and packer, but i get stuck on "Select your location" question, i can't seem to skip it. does anyone know what d-i option in a preseed file i need? | 15:24 |
NET||abuse | or is there anything in the boot command I need to add? | 15:24 |
NET||abuse | so far i've tried d-i debian-installer/locale string en_GB and console-keymaps-at/keymap string uk | 15:25 |
NET||abuse | in the boot command i have debian-installer=en_UK auto locale=en_UK kbd-chooser/method=uk keyboard-configuration/modelcode=SKIP keyboard-configuration/layout=uk keyboard-configuration/variant=uk console-setup/ask_detect=false | 15:26 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: I've tried about 1/2 dozen different mirrors, and I get the same (no new ubuntu release).. any ideas of how to proceed? | 15:26 |
NET||abuse | so with all that, is there anything else i'm missing? | 15:26 |
salsero|2 | Guest69992: are you choosing any new version or only long term versions? | 15:26 |
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ToujoursUSB | Meris: you can boot in BIOS mode | 15:27 |
salsero|2 | not with windows8 | 15:28 |
penthief | I think the upgrade from 12.04 -> 14.04 has hung, there are critical glib errors coming from DynaLoader.pm and the progress bar is showing "unpacking vim-nox". | 15:28 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: I'm running update-manager -d (which should be ANY release), correct? By the way I've got 13.10, and want 14.04. :) | 15:28 |
ikonia | Guest69992: do not use -d | 15:28 |
ikonia | Guest69992: that is for development releases | 15:28 |
lnostdal | hi guys, all this work and care md5/sha summing isos .. but still http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ does not support https ( https://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ) .. or perhaps another mirror supports https? | 15:28 |
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allstarsnorks2 | Why are YouTube videos choppy on Ubuntu 14.04? | 15:30 |
NET||abuse | allstarsnorks2: this seems to happen every time with releases, probably peperpot flash in chrome is issue. | 15:31 |
NET||abuse | allstarsnorks2: have you tried normal flash/firefox? | 15:31 |
gre- | hiya | 15:31 |
ToujoursUSB | enable html 5, try playing them with html 5 | 15:31 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: I've tried update-manager -c and update-manager (without args), and I still get 'software on this computer is up to date'. | 15:31 |
Meris | ToujoursUSB, I can't, my HDD is partioned as gpt and has too many partitions to avoid confusing the BIOS. Chainloading Grub2 from the Windows bootmanager would be perfectly acceptable to me, an extra needed tap is nothing when I can boot into my Ubuntu that way. | 15:31 |
gre- | i got a problem with fullscreen on ubuntu 14.04, same for you? | 15:32 |
gre- | (with games) | 15:32 |
penthief | The Glib error messages (you forgot to call g_type_ini() happen after the lines "Unpacking python-minimal" and "Processing triggers for man-db". It definitely seems to have hung. | 15:32 |
ikonia | Guest69992: what are you trying to actually do ? | 15:32 |
gre- | it makes the window transparent | 15:32 |
Guest69992 | salsero|2: sudo do-release-upgrade still returns 'no new release found'.. | 15:32 |
Meris | Anyway, salsero|2 Thanks for all the pointers and advice. I have to go now. | 15:32 |
gre- | we don't have a multi-desktop anymore? | 15:33 |
gre- | can't see it | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | Meris: you can boot in GPT with bios | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | that's what I'm doing | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | but not on dual boot... | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | (windows can't) | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | gre-: play maximized window | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | (alt+f11?) | 15:33 |
gre- | i did f11 yes | 15:33 |
Meris | salsero|2, should you have any extra suggestions, please open up a PM and paste them there, I will leave this session open. | 15:33 |
gre- | and it bugs | 15:33 |
ToujoursUSB | alt+f11 | 15:34 |
gre- | if i don't my game rulz perfectly | 15:34 |
gre- | (minecraft) | 15:34 |
gre- | alt+f11 looks to be same as f11 | 15:34 |
gre- | but thanks | 15:34 |
allstarsnorks2_ | but I'm using Firefox, not Chrome. I don't get why YT videos are choppy. | 15:34 |
penthief | Should I cancel the failed upgrade and do I need to repair the old distro? | 15:34 |
Jordan_U | Meris: Why do you have two EFI System Partitions? | 15:35 |
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gre- | and what about multi-desktops icon in launcher? | 15:36 |
gre- | not anymore? | 15:36 |
gre- | :/ | 15:36 |
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penthief | I can no longer open any GTK apps: "gedit: error while loading shared libraries: libpango-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 15:36 |
ToujoursUSB | alt+f11 will be interpreted as f11 because the game has no idea which window manager you use | 15:37 |
Diomedes | Hey! I started the upgrade process from Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04. Blank screen after half of the installation, rebooted, Grub does not load. What can I do? | 15:37 |
ToujoursUSB | alt+f11 only works with Xfm mostly | 15:37 |
ToujoursUSB | Xfwm | 15:37 |
gre- | ToujoursUSB: when i went to fullscreen on 12.04 ubuntu i got more fps | 15:37 |
gre- | thats why i need it again | 15:37 |
ToujoursUSB | (you can't with unity) | 15:37 |
gre- | if i can't... | 15:38 |
lillo | how can I disable desktop effects? | 15:38 |
gre- | difficult to fix it | 15:38 |
ToujoursUSB | change de | 15:38 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: What happens when you try to boot? | 15:38 |
gre- | you're french? | 15:38 |
gre- | your nickname sounds french | 15:38 |
ToujoursUSB | no | 15:38 |
gre- | ok ok | 15:38 |
Diomedes | It says error: symbol grub_term_highlight_color not found | 15:39 |
penthief | Does anybody have any advice for recovering back to 12.04 from a failed (well, currently hanging) upgrade. I am getting "libpango-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when trying to open a GTK app. Is all lost? | 15:39 |
roler | i run ubuntu server 13.10 (non LTS) and I have an update notice today saying 14.04 is available, but that appears to only be LTS. Is it going to convert me to LTS then? | 15:40 |
Diomedes | And then there is a command line starting with: grub rescue> | 15:40 |
gre- | ok, minecraft fullscreen is glitchy but well... its a real problem if f11 is the cause of a crash | 15:40 |
gre- | it sucks | 15:40 |
gre- | i really have to fix it | 15:40 |
penthief | roler: Don't upgrade | 15:40 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: Do you have more than one hard drive? | 15:40 |
roler | penthief: why, is there a bug? or just switching to LTS? I’ve often times thought I should have installed LTS instead of normal server | 15:41 |
Diomedes | Jordan_U: Yes, two, one Win and one Linix | 15:41 |
penthief | roler: The upgrade path seems to be severely broken. | 15:41 |
roler | penthief; thank you so much :) | 15:41 |
belgianguy | 14.04 keeps eluding me | 15:42 |
belgianguy | I just got the option to upgrade through the GUI, but thought it better to plug in the mains first, but then my laptop hung up on me | 15:42 |
belgianguy | I rebooted and tried the updater GUI again, and no dice anymore ;( | 15:43 |
salsero|2 | belgianguy: sudo do-release-upgrade | 15:44 |
wabash | Is there an alternative spin to ubuntu that comes on liveDVD with everytihng needed to play music and videos? | 15:44 |
belgianguy | salsero|2: It's alive! :D | 15:45 |
belgianguy | thanks! | 15:45 |
gre- | damn, nobody can't help me | 15:45 |
lillo | wabash, there are cospyright issues | 15:45 |
wabash | everybody can help you? | 15:45 |
wabash | lillo: I see. | 15:45 |
wabash | There used to be medibuntu... | 15:45 |
gre- | devs if you can read me, please see about fullscreen bugs :) | 15:45 |
wabash | and fedora has a spin that has everything.. | 15:45 |
salsero|2 | whats cospyright? | 15:45 |
lillo | failed project | 15:45 |
ToujoursUSB | penthief: like you | 15:45 |
ToujoursUSB | you CAN play music and videos on ubuntu | 15:46 |
tex43 | my ubuntu 14.04 installation hangs on, install mp3 during installation and install updates screen nothing happens after i click continue, how can i fix it | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | but only non-stupid ones | 15:46 |
wabash | salsero|2: It's where you you can sell Jello Pudding Pops legally. | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | for stupid ones, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:46 |
noiro_ | if I'm on 13.10 and I use dist-upgrade, will it try to update to 14.04 or will it only upgrade to stable releases? | 15:46 |
wabash | ToujoursUSB: But not off the liveDVD, correcT? you have to do an installation first, right? | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | dist-upgrade does NOT upgrade | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | use "sudo do-release-upgrade" | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | to upgrade to higher version | 15:46 |
tgm4883 | lillo, actually, it was just superseded by ubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | wabash: maybe not | 15:46 |
ToujoursUSB | "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" | 15:47 |
wabash | So, I want a liveDVD that will do it. Ah, bummer, thanks! | 15:47 |
wabash | Is "Ubuntu Software Center" a good way to install stuff? Or is apt-get better, and why? | 15:47 |
noiro_ | ToujoursUSB: will that go to 14.04? I just want the latest stable release | 15:47 |
gre- | gre@home:~$ sudo apt-get update | 15:47 |
gre- | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 15:47 |
gre- | oh? | 15:47 |
lillo | tgm4883, failed project I said! xD | 15:47 |
gre- | lololol | 15:47 |
gre- | wtf | 15:47 |
gre- | a new bug or what? | 15:47 |
unopaste | gre- you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 15:47 |
salsero|2 | gre-: some gui open | 15:47 |
salsero|2 | or tray app | 15:47 |
tgm4883 | lillo, I suppose you and me have very different ideas of what failed mean | 15:47 |
gre- | ah ok | 15:48 |
wabash | tgm4883: How about you? Live DVD that plays videos? | 15:48 |
gre- | yea im installing openjdk7 | 15:49 |
gre- | exact | 15:49 |
oal | Anyone else seeing "Fatal Error: Failed to load libsteam.so" when launching steam in 14.04? | 15:49 |
next-generation | wie wechsle ich zum channel.de ? | 15:49 |
salsero|2 | !de | 15:49 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 15:49 |
highrise2357 | Hello everyone; I've been getting an error that appears on the TTY screens recently: "timed out waiting for forcewake old ack to clear". I did some research and found that it's a bug that can be fixed by updating the kernel, but my kernel is already up to date. I'm wondering if I should bother to fix this, and if so, how. Thanks in advance. | 15:49 |
ToujoursUSB | noiro_: latest stable is 14.04 | 15:50 |
highrise2357 | Would updating to 14.04 fix my problem? | 15:50 |
tex43 | anyone has any ideas, im using mac mini, i have osx in another partition the question was, my ubuntu 14.04 installation hangs on, install mp3 during installation and install updates screen nothing happens after i click continue, how can i fix it | 15:51 |
ToujoursUSB | highrise2357: 14.04 has more recent kernel (3.13) than 13.10 (3.11) | 15:51 |
noiro_ | ToujoursUSB: I thought 14.04 was still beta? | 15:51 |
tgm4883 | wabash, not sure what you are asking | 15:51 |
noiro_ | and I tried the command you said, no new versions detected | 15:51 |
highrise2357 | ToujoursUSB: alright thanks, I'll give it a shot | 15:51 |
wabash | tgm4883: I'd like to find a liveDVD with media player and codecs built into it. | 15:52 |
tgm4883 | wabash, why not a persistent USB? | 15:52 |
tozen | hi all! does anb affected by this bug as well? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1307846 | 15:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1307846 in compiz (Ubuntu) "opened window min/max/close buttons dysfunction" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:52 |
ToujoursUSB | noiro_: no | 15:52 |
ToujoursUSB | released yesterday | 15:52 |
wabash | tgm4883: Could work. But if there was a spin/derivative/remix just sitting there, I'd use that. It's most convenient. | 15:52 |
malv83 | Why o fucking why is the Ubuntu installer so utterly broken and worthless. Just try to create an encrypted setup with that piece of shit | 15:52 |
nikolam | nvidia driver fails to build module on 14.04 lts 32bit: http://pastebin.com/A5abTc5L | 15:52 |
malv83 | Its fucking impossible | 15:53 |
tgm4883 | !ohmy | 15:53 |
ubottu | The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 15:53 |
wabash | yes, another question. Is it easy to make encrypted installl with ubuntu? | 15:53 |
nikolam | malv83, maybe it needs more testing before release | 15:53 |
malv83 | no it is not | 15:53 |
malv83 | it is impossible with the ubuntu installer | 15:53 |
craig_ | Hi everyone | 15:53 |
tgm4883 | malv83, steps to reproduce? | 15:53 |
tbdev | i all | 15:53 |
nikolam | wabash, well, user dir could be encrypted by default | 15:53 |
malv83 | i created an encrypted swap space and it complains about it not being encrypted | 15:53 |
malv83 | it's really amazing | 15:53 |
craig_ | I am Helpman | 15:54 |
gallbladder | hello everyone, my nautilus and firefox font types have suddenly changed..can you suggest me something to fix it? | 15:54 |
malv83 | And as far as I can tell, there is no lvm support so no encrypted partition with an lvm space inside | 15:54 |
lillo | what? lvm is not supportes? | 15:54 |
nikolam | malv83, have you thinking about buying official support and try to ask them? | 15:54 |
tgm4883 | malv83, AFAIK, the desktop installer doesn't have LVM support | 15:55 |
malv83 | hah | 15:55 |
malv83 | what happened to the alternate installer? | 15:55 |
ikonia | end of life | 15:55 |
wabash | nikolam: Ok, nice. How bout the entire installation? | 15:55 |
malv83 | yay, feature regression! | 15:55 |
tgm4883 | malv83, have you tried the server installer? | 15:55 |
nikolam | wabash dunno, try help. ubuntu.com and search for it | 15:55 |
wabash | thank you. | 15:56 |
malv83 | o ubuntu, i want to love you | 15:56 |
tgm4883 | malv83, have you filed a bug report? | 15:56 |
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nikolam | maybe this would help, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto | 15:56 |
lillo | luks does not permit to save the header... if somethings broken you lost | 15:57 |
leuApodo | HELLO!!! | 15:57 |
noiro_ | lol, that's why i can't get 14.04, I was apparently still on 13.04 | 15:59 |
ftsp | just installed ubuntu 1404 and cant get the installer to work | 15:59 |
ftsp | ububuntu installer crashes when attempting to packages that have pop-ups such as restricted extras | 16:00 |
Slart | ftsp: yup.. I can second that one.. it didn't crash for me but it just hangs the gui-installer | 16:00 |
Slart | ftsp: for me it was the microsoft fonts package | 16:01 |
nikolam | ftsp, what are you installing, from where and with what tool. During install process? Try synaptic and aptitude if already installed and installing ackages | 16:01 |
Slart | ftsp: I would just install the basic system with the gui and then do the fancy stuff after install with a terminal and apt-get | 16:01 |
Slart | ftsp: at least that's what worked for me | 16:02 |
nikolam | Slart, as I know mscorefonts are not redistributable so it depends on network is able to download them | 16:02 |
nikolam | I did install without network, with gui on 32 bit, right | 16:02 |
zleap | hello | 16:02 |
nikolam | I always do like this and then i let him update | 16:02 |
Slart | nikolam: the fonts themselves aren't in the package but they download them from the web somehwere.. but before that there is a license thingy you have to agree to.. that doesn't show up if you use the gui software installer | 16:03 |
helpo12 | I can't get ctrl alt f1 to work | 16:03 |
lillo | and youll offend stallman | 16:03 |
Slart | helpo12: works here on 14.04.. what version are you using? new install? | 16:04 |
ftsp | how do I check if True Type Fonts were installed | 16:04 |
nikolam | helpo12, do you have nvidia graphics? I have such problems in 14.04 32 bit | 16:04 |
nikolam | try resetting few times | 16:04 |
_95A31_ | Hi guys, I have just installed 14.04 but at first boot I have: request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c some idea ? | 16:04 |
nikolam | I am just trying to install nvidia drivers, no luck, | 16:04 |
helpo12 | I am using a deriviative of Ububntu ,Blackbox. I am on an HP Mini | 16:04 |
DanC_ | I upgraded to 14.04 last night and now my VPN fails with "no valid VPN secrets" and "Configure VPN..." is greyed out. clues? | 16:05 |
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helpo12 | How can switch from X Server to the terminal? | 16:05 |
dooglus | I updated my laptop to 14.04 yesterday from the previous version. it had to download some 2000 .deb files. I have limited bandwidth per month. if I copy everything from /var/cache/apt/archives/ onto my other laptop, will it save it havin to download so much when i update it? | 16:06 |
nikolam | DanC_, and I suppose I am not the only one that usually waits to LTS version .1 to upgrade.. | 16:06 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: Try changing the boot order in your BIOS. | 16:06 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
dooglus | or is there an index or something which I need to update so it will notice the new packages are there? | 16:06 |
helpo12 | Any Idea's? | 16:06 |
nikolam | DanC_, report bug | 16:06 |
helpo12 | I need toswitch from GUI/Xserver tothe Terminal | 16:07 |
anderson_ | ... | 16:07 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: If changing the boot order doesn't help, please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces. | 16:07 |
lillo | with linux is always a switch | 16:07 |
Slart | dooglus: I'm not sure how to do it manually like that but for future reference I would use one of the several repo cache thingies that you can find.. proxies that automatically save packages once downloaded so other computers on the same network can get them without fetching them again | 16:07 |
twig11 | I am looking for some help figuring out where a massive amount of unknown network traffice is coming from on my pc. I just upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 , and an hour or so after booting into the new system, I started getting heavy download traffic from to my pc. I have verified that the traffic isn't originating from dropbox or any other service I am knowingly connecting to. I did a wireshark capture of that traffic and it collected about 5 | 16:08 |
twig11 | Turning on the firewall killed that stream, but within minutes, another started from Again, I can't find any legitimate service causing it, and I'm just not literate enough to make sense of the wireshark capture. I did upload part of this one, however, at http://paste.ubuntu.com/7276593/. I would love to have someone scan this text dump and tell me if I'm missing something obvious or if I should be concerned. Currently I'm still receiving a stead | 16:08 |
dooglus | Slart: I've have good luck with package caches before | 16:08 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | Diomedes | 16:08 |
ubottu | Diomedes: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 16:08 |
dooglus | Slart: but it's a pain then installing packages when out of the house | 16:08 |
Slart | dooglus: ah.. yes.. that might make it more difficult.. | 16:09 |
helpo123 | I need to change from the GUI/X Server to the Terminal | 16:09 |
helpo123 | I need to change from the GUI/X Server to the Terminal | 16:09 |
Slart | helpo123: if you're using a derivative you really should use their support channels.. we don't know what they have changed | 16:09 |
helpo123 | I can't. No one is on it | 16:10 |
Slart | helpo123: and don't spam your question every 10 seconds.. you'll just get kicked | 16:10 |
Slart | helpo123: then perhaps switch to another distro that has support | 16:10 |
helpo123 | OK. :( | 16:10 |
tgm4883 | helpo123, have you tried ctrl+alt+F1 | 16:10 |
helpo123 | yes. Will not work | 16:11 |
tgm4883 | helpo123, have you tried ctrl+alt+Fn+F1 | 16:11 |
jubo2 | 'k .. got unexpected problem.. system no longer boots up | 16:11 |
helpo123 | tgm4883 Yes. Won't switch. | 16:11 |
twig11 | Regarding the above post, the origin port of the traffic is 8334 and the destination port on my machine is 41205 | 16:12 |
nikolam | also not sure why 14.04 is loading nouveau driver even if it is black listed | 16:12 |
Diomedes | Jordan_U: I have changed the boot order to boot from the other HDD. Now Grub launches. If I choose Ubuntu, a Xubuntu screen appears which says that the drive is not ready yet or not available. I can wait, skip it (by pressing S) or restore it manually (D). | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | helpo123, sorry, can't help you then. Have you tried their mailing list (assuming they have one) | 16:12 |
helpo123 | I am now | 16:12 |
helpo123 | :( | 16:12 |
jubo2 | when booting: it shows briefly the graphical loading screen and then screen goes blank ( backlight on ) and nothing happens | 16:14 |
jubo2 | I didn't touch any of the settings afaik | 16:14 |
jubo2 | please help. My system is in a non-booting stage.. | 16:15 |
jubo2 | I did run a 'sudo modprobe' command the last thing before shutdown | 16:16 |
jubo2 | and now it won't boot up to login screen | 16:16 |
UrielVigilant | I can t put my BCM 4311 working with Lubuntu 14.04, this use to work with Lubuntu 13.10 or Ubuntu13.10 but not with 14.04 why ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7276838/ | 16:16 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
Lizards|Work | jubo2, can you ctrl+alt+f1 to a tty? | 16:16 |
jubo2 | Lizards|Work: nope. | 16:16 |
Lizards|Work | well i'm tapped out then =\ | 16:17 |
jhutchins | jubo2: Can you get to the grub menu and boot to rescue mode? | 16:17 |
wallzero | Greetings. I am booted into Xen but I still receive the error "Error: Unable to connect to xend: No such file or directory. Is xend running?" Why isn't xend running even after booting Xen? | 16:17 |
jubo2 | jhutchins: I dunno. There is only one OS so it seems that GRUB is not installed | 16:18 |
jhutchins | jubo2: modprobe should just load a module once, reboot should be unaffected. | 16:18 |
jhutchins | jubo2: If it's ubuntu, grub is what loads the OS. Try holding shift while booting. | 16:18 |
SteveBell1 | the 14.04 update seems to have created a new smb.conf file. I see that smb.conf.backup does exist, but cannot move smb.conf to the trash and rename the backup. any ideas how to get that done? | 16:18 |
netstar_ | anyone used a nam-gear ARM netbook? | 16:18 |
jubo2 | jhutchins: 'k..I try | 16:19 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: Try skipping it. | 16:19 |
jubo2 | jhutchins: 'k .. in GRUB menu now | 16:20 |
Lizards|Work | if i cancel the upgrade while it's downloading, does it cache the downloaded files for future use? | 16:20 |
jubo2 | I'm at tty1 now | 16:21 |
Diomedes | Jordan_U: Same message, but now /temp is not ready/available. If I skip it again same for /home. | 16:21 |
UrielVigilant | Someone help me put my BCM 4311 working with Lubuntu 14.04, this use to work with Lubuntu 13.10 or Ubuntu13.10 but not with 14.04 why ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7276838/ | 16:22 |
jubo2 | jhutchins: any idea what I should do now to diagnose and/or rid of the problem ? | 16:22 |
Lizards|Work | sudo apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-generic | 16:23 |
SuperLag | UrielVigilant: patience | 16:23 |
sogard | Hey there. How can I install a trusty package on precise? | 16:23 |
SuperLag | sogard: I doubt it, not cleanly, anyways | 16:23 |
SuperLag | sogard: it probably has dependency requirements of newer libraries and packages that could potentially mess up your current install | 16:24 |
SuperLag | sogard: do you have the option to upgrade the entire system to Trusty? | 16:24 |
sogard | I tend to doubt that it does. | 16:24 |
sogard | But yeah, whatever. | 16:24 |
SuperLag | sogard: what package is this? | 16:25 |
sogard | Gimp 2.9.1. | 16:25 |
SuperLag | sogard: what about upgrading to Trusty? | 16:25 |
sogard | I'm on Elementary OS Luna. | 16:26 |
SuperLag | then you should be in their channel asking these questions | 16:26 |
jubo2 | I did a 'sudo modprobe somesounddriver' the last thing before the machine ended in this non-booting state | 16:26 |
jubo2 | could that have broken the system | 16:26 |
sogard | It's basically build on Precise, but yeah. | 16:26 |
sogard | Thanks, anyway. | 16:26 |
jubo2 | I don't know what modprobe does | 16:27 |
Lizards|Work | did you try to change a sound config setting before the modprobe? | 16:27 |
jubo2 | Lizards|Work: yes | 16:27 |
Lizards|Work | i had a wierd thing like that, had to undo the sound config setting to get it to boot | 16:27 |
jubo2 | the modprobe didn't print anything ( which said was good in the instructions ) | 16:27 |
Lizards|Work | you did make a backup, right? | 16:27 |
* SuperLag <3 backups. | 16:27 | |
SuperLag | I keep multiple for just such situations. | 16:28 |
Lizards|Work | sudo find / -type f -iwholename '*\.bak' | 16:28 |
Lizards|Work | just scrolls and scrolls | 16:28 |
jubo2 | I can boot to the textual login pressing shift key on bootup and choosing "safe mode" | 16:29 |
jubo2 | but what can I do to repair the system ? | 16:29 |
Lizards|Work | undo the changes you made to the sound settings? | 16:29 |
jubo2 | but I didn't actually change anything ( I think ) | 16:29 |
Lizards|Work | famous last words | 16:30 |
* salsero|2 i think is da sh1t | 16:30 | |
Lizards|Work | i'm watching the terminal for the upgrader... and i'm seeing a lot of Fontconfig errors | 16:31 |
Lizards|Work | should i be concerned? | 16:31 |
la | holaa | 16:31 |
helpo123 | Ughhh. Still not working | 16:31 |
la | alguien para hablar | 16:31 |
la | soyy mujer | 16:32 |
mario-goulart | Hi. Sorry for the possibly stupid question, but how can I switch to mate after I have installed it? I'm on a fresh 14.04 and installed mate with "apt-get install mate-desktop". I can't see an option to switch desktop environments on the graphical login manager. | 16:33 |
jubo2 | so on bootup an ubuntuish logo appears for a second or so and then the screen goes blank, disk led stops blinking | 16:33 |
jubo2 | all I can think I am guilty of is running the 'sudo modprobe whatever' I did | 16:34 |
jubo2 | can modprobe break installations ? | 16:34 |
salsero|2 | modprobe -r yes | 16:34 |
jubo2 | salsero|2: I didn't use -r | 16:34 |
jubo2 | what does that do ? | 16:34 |
Lizards|Work | replace probably | 16:34 |
salsero|2 | man modprobe | 16:35 |
phenton | sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm | 16:35 |
jubo2 | phenton: is that for me ? | 16:35 |
salsero|2 | i doubt it | 16:35 |
dw1 | seems legit | 16:35 |
Programmer_ | I am trying to upgrade to 14.04 but i keep getting caught in the grub install. It wont install and keep selecting do not continue, yet is wont work...help | 16:35 |
phenton | That should make sure the login screen is working, then as others have suggested look for the Ubuntu logo. | 16:36 |
Lizards|Work | Fontconfig error: "/etc/fints/conf.d/65-khmer.conf", line [14|23|32]: out of memory | 16:36 |
Lizards|Work | s/fints/fonts/ | 16:36 |
leuApodo | hi | 16:38 |
Ronpl | Hello, I've got in GRUB two Win8 entries. 1) /bootmgr /Boot/BCD 2). /bootmgr /Boot/BCD /Windows/System32/winload.exe Which should I remove in GRUB? | 16:38 |
altin | hey there, I upgraded to 14.04 and gnome-control-center is missing | 16:38 |
bekks | Ronpl: Which of them actually works? | 16:38 |
salsero|2 | altin: sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center | 16:38 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
altin | salsero|2: http://pastebin.com/Zj2d07aJ | 16:39 |
Ronpl | bekks: well, the first one | 16:39 |
altin | I'm getting this error | 16:39 |
altin | my dependencies have been messed I guess :S | 16:39 |
bekks | Ronpl: Then remove the other one? | 16:39 |
hydruid | altin: uninstall it first, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center | 16:40 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: I managed to boot to Ubuntu by choosing advanced options in GRUB and selecting kernel 3.11. It is kind of working, but everything looks kind of broken. | 16:40 |
ben_g | HI | 16:40 |
[twisti] | hello, im trying to follow this guide: http://ubuntuserverguide.com/2012/05/install-owncloud-4-ubuntu-server-1204-lts.html and im on ubuntu lts 12.04. however, the first line throws many errors: http://pastebin.com/1DrsreRt | 16:40 |
[twisti] | what gives ? | 16:40 |
salsero|2 | altin: you're right | 16:40 |
Ronpl | bekks: ok, but I want to be sure if everything will be ok ;) and the second one is useless ;) | 16:40 |
ben_g | Is this the official ubuntu support channel? | 16:40 |
helpo123 | Self Destruct Ubuntu? Confirm or Deny? | 16:41 |
salsero|2 | altin: you still have some saucy packages | 16:41 |
helpo123 | Self Destruct Ubuntu? Confirm or Deny? | 16:41 |
dw1 | ben_g: did you read the topic :) | 16:41 |
bekks | Ronpl: So if the second entry doesnt work - remove it. | 16:41 |
ben_g | Oh, sorry | 16:41 |
jubo2 | now I'm running the dpkg-option in the safeboot mode I invoked from GRUB | 16:41 |
kumarat9pm | I am installing ubuntu on HP ENVY which haveSSD | 16:41 |
Ronpl | bekks: ok, thx | 16:42 |
kumarat9pm | How can I say to my ubuntu to install on SSD? | 16:42 |
ben_g | Anyway, I have a problem with my ubuntu installation | 16:42 |
ben_g | Yesterday, I installed bumblebee and today ubuntu doesn't want to start in GUI mode anymore | 16:42 |
ben_g | When I start it, it automaticly goes to text mode | 16:43 |
salsero|2 | sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 16:43 |
ben_g | and running startx causes it to show a lot of text on the screen, then it freezes | 16:43 |
salsero|2 | ben_g: that was for you | 16:43 |
salsero|2 | but replace for lightdm | 16:44 |
bekks | ben_g: startx is not supposed to start x anymore. | 16:44 |
ben_g | so I should do lightdm instead of startx? | 16:44 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
ben_g | lanking: what's a CTCP VERSION? | 16:45 |
jubo2 | wheew! | 16:46 |
jubo2 | after running the "dpkg" ( fix broken packets ) option I get to graphical prompt | 16:46 |
salsero|2 | nice | 16:46 |
basketball | how do i turn on my fan i dont think it is running | 16:46 |
ben_g | salsero|2: I'll try to do what you suggested | 16:47 |
ben_g | brb | 16:47 |
salsero|2 | increase your cpu load | 16:47 |
someHuman | Hello! | 16:47 |
ioudas | i have a kbdrate setting as a udev rule. kdbrate needs to be set by someone with /dev/port access which is the console user. The udev rule works, and udec rule creates a lock file which the users .profile script reads then executes a kbdrate setting. The thing is when its run from .profile it will tell me the user doesnt have /dev/port open. I cannot get the script to run in .bashrc.... any help would be appreciated | 16:47 |
someHuman | I just installed 14.04 yipee! :D | 16:47 |
someHuman | But... | 16:47 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 16:47 |
someHuman | I am stuck in low-graphics mode. | 16:47 |
someHuman | What should I do? | 16:47 |
someHuman | I also have two Ubuntus, one is spelled starting with small letter and vice versa. | 16:48 |
leuApodo | hi | 16:48 |
someHuman | leuApodo: Hello! | 16:48 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: That is going to fix it? :-) | 16:49 |
someHuman | Can anyone help me? :( | 16:50 |
Slart | ben_g: it's a way to ask someone what irc-client they are using | 16:50 |
dw1 | someHuman: if you have nvidia try sudo apt-get install nvidia-current to get the driver | 16:50 |
someHuman | dw1: I have AMD card. | 16:50 |
melow01 | I get a "Failed to Fetch" when trying to install handbrake (http://pastebin.com/vdhsATZP) | 16:51 |
jubo2 | now the touchpad does not work .. mouse works and the buttons on the touchpad work but no cursor move | 16:51 |
Slart | melow01: perhaps the repository is having problems or in the middle of some kind of upgrade | 16:51 |
jubo2 | looking at system settings at "touchpad" it says "No touchpad found" ... where / how do I reinstall / re-enable it ? | 16:52 |
django | trying to install chrome throgh the ubuntu software center....i get error packing error failed | 16:52 |
django | package operation failed*** | 16:52 |
dw1 | someHuman: what card | 16:52 |
melow01 | Slart, I'd like to think so but I was having this same issue two weeks ago | 16:52 |
django | installation failed | 16:52 |
henrydude | hi. how can I use my old /home after I failed to clarify it during the installation? :) | 16:52 |
dw1 | someHuman: i will google <card> driver :P | 16:52 |
Exagone313 | django: try in command line | 16:52 |
dw1 | someHuman: + ubuntu | 16:52 |
henrydude | just mount it via fstab? | 16:52 |
Slart | django: try installing it through apt-get in a terminal and see if you get a more verbose error message | 16:52 |
melow01 | Slart, is there a way to query the repo to find out if its working? | 16:52 |
django | Slart: ok thanks | 16:53 |
Exagone313 | django: apt-get install chromium | 16:53 |
riesgo | hola | 16:53 |
riesgo | ablais español? | 16:53 |
dw1 | no | 16:53 |
zcheng3_ | help!!! | 16:53 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: It is done now, should I reboot or what? | 16:53 |
zcheng3_ | i cannot login to ubuntu | 16:53 |
Jordan_U | !es | riesgo | 16:53 |
ubottu | riesgo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 16:53 |
riesgo | necesito ayuda | 16:53 |
django | Exagone313: where do i find the exact command | 16:53 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: why not | 16:54 |
Slart | melow01: you can probably use apt to interrogate the repo.. or you can browse it in a normal web-browser.. try something like apt-get -v install bla bla bla to perhaps get more informative error messages | 16:54 |
django | sudo apt-get install chromium-browser ? | 16:54 |
zcheng3_ | previously I cannot loginto ubuntu using unity, but I could using i3 | 16:54 |
Exagone313 | django: "sudo apt-get install chromium" doesn't wok ? | 16:54 |
django | havent treid it | 16:54 |
Slart | chromium is a game, afaik | 16:54 |
zcheng3_ | after i rm .Xauthority | 16:54 |
Slart | !info chromium | 16:54 |
ubottu | Package chromium does not exist in trusty | 16:54 |
Exagone313 | ok sorry | 16:54 |
Slart | or perhaps not? | 16:54 |
zcheng3_ | I cannot login anymore | 16:54 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: wrong password? | 16:54 |
Slart | !info chromium-browser | 16:55 |
ubottu | chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 39250 kB, installed size 144582 kB | 16:55 |
zcheng3_ | hehe password is ok | 16:55 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: so what happens | 16:55 |
Ravenslock | Hi pidgin-skype does not seem to work for pidgin? It crashes Pidgin, then I uninstalled pidgin-skype and pidgin works again. Any help? | 16:55 |
henrydude | does anyone know about the /home issue? | 16:55 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: Just to confirm that the upgrade is complete, confirm that "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" doesn't want to do.anything more. Of it doesn't then reboot, if it does then let it finish also then reboot. | 16:55 |
fjsfjqowif | hi | 16:55 |
boze | !info tilda | 16:55 |
ubottu | tilda (source: tilda): Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.11-1 (trusty), package size 67 kB, installed size 628 kB | 16:55 |
django | I get this http://pastebin.com/90TjgZgT | 16:55 |
Exagone313 | !info chromium-browser | 16:55 |
ubottu | chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 39250 kB, installed size 144582 kB | 16:55 |
someHuman | dw1: Hey dude! | 16:55 |
melow01 | Slart, ok, thanks. I also noticed that 'saucy' doesn't seem to exist on the page for stebbins; maybe that's the issue | 16:55 |
ioudas | i have a kbdrate setting as a udev rule. kdbrate needs to be set by someone with /dev/port access which is the console user. The udev rule works, and udec rule creates a lock file which the users .profile script reads then executes a kbdrate setting. The thing is when its run from .profile it will tell me the user doesnt have /dev/port open. I cannot get the script to run in .bashrc.... any help would be appreciated | 16:55 |
marc_ | hi | 16:55 |
zcheng3_ | after i enter the password, it bring me back to the login session | 16:55 |
someHuman | dw1: I am using Windows 8.1 Pro atm, how can I know my graphic card details? | 16:55 |
Exagone313 | django: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser | 16:55 |
Slart | melow01: that might be the problem | 16:56 |
=== marc_ is now known as Guest28714 | ||
Exagone313 | ok i am late in messages | 16:56 |
ben_g | sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm didn't work :( | 16:56 |
Guest28714 | hi | 16:56 |
django | Exagone313: i get this: Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 16:56 |
melow01 | Slart, which one should I be using instead? | 16:56 |
zcheng3_ | I searched online, people are saying to remove .Xauthority | 16:56 |
zcheng3_ | I did | 16:56 |
jubo2 | what removed the touchpad ? How do I add it back ? | 16:56 |
zcheng3_ | and I even could not login using i3 | 16:56 |
dw1 | someHuman: i run ubuntu sorry :p | 16:56 |
Slart | melow01: I have no idea, I've never used handbrake myself | 16:56 |
ben_g | It's about ubuntu 12.04, the long term support release, btw. Maybe I should have told that before | 16:56 |
Exagone313 | django: maybe with aptitude ? | 16:57 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: hard to say :( | 16:57 |
melow01 | Slart, | 16:57 |
melow01 | Slart, ok | 16:57 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: maybe can check some log files.............. | 16:57 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: Actually, also run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and when prompted select all drives (and *no* partitions) as install devices | 16:57 |
zcheng3_ | how to find the log files please? | 16:58 |
Exagone313 | django: i can't help you, sorry, maybe others :/ | 16:58 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: or add another user as root from the repair prompt | 16:58 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: I did the first command, it offered me to remove some unneccessary files, but that's all. | 16:58 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: then you can at least log in | 16:58 |
ben_g | Does anyone know an other sollution for my problem? | 16:58 |
zcheng3_ | let me check how to add user | 16:58 |
dw1 | ben_g: did you try lightdm instead of kdm | 16:59 |
salsero|2 | adduser <user> | 16:59 |
henrylinux_ | does anyone know how I can use my old home instead of the new home? | 16:59 |
henrylinux_ | I had /home on a separate partition but failed to specify it during the install of 14.04 :( | 16:59 |
jubo2 | henrylinux_: so mount it manually? | 16:59 |
salsero|2 | henrylinux_: /etc/fstab | 16:59 |
henrylinux_ | jubo2, just in /etc/fstab? | 17:00 |
salsero|2 | edit there and reboot | 17:00 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: I assume you mean unneccessary packages, in which case you can remove them or not as you wish, your upgrade is complete. | 17:00 |
jubo2 | move the old /home out of the way and mount the old /home to it's right plave I think | 17:00 |
henrylinux_ | salsero|2, and that's it then? | 17:00 |
kostkon | melow01, use this it should be fine https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots | 17:00 |
dw1 | ben_g: actually you can get to root with Ctrl-Alt-F1 from login screen and Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back | 17:00 |
dw1 | ben_g: sorry wrong person | 17:00 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: ^^^ | 17:00 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: The second command asks me if some command line from menu.lst is correct. The line is empty and it says it can be empty, should I keep it empty or enter anything? | 17:00 |
melow01 | kostkon, ok, thanks. I just realized that there isn't a version for saucy | 17:01 |
salsero|2 | henrylinux_: ye | 17:01 |
henrylinux_ | jubo2, can't do that, due to space restrictions. | 17:01 |
kostkon | melow01, saucy or trusty? | 17:01 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: Keep it empty. | 17:01 |
melow01 | kostkon, how do I make this a command to run in my script? (http://pastebin.com/vdhsATZP) | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | add a user now | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | trying to log in | 17:01 |
henrylinux_ | salsero|2, alright, will try :) | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | it works | 17:01 |
salsero|2 | nice | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | this new user can login | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | what about the prevous one? | 17:01 |
zcheng3_ | previous one? | 17:01 |
ben_g | Doan anyone still ahve an idea of how I can start the x server? | 17:02 |
salsero|2 | ben_g: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm | 17:02 |
ben_g | ok, thanks | 17:02 |
salsero|2 | sudo service lightdm start | 17:02 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: depends what the problem is...... have to figure it out | 17:02 |
ben_g | brb | 17:02 |
boze | I'm about to upgrade, but when i apt-get update I get an error :( W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_saucy-security_universe_binary-amd64_Packages Hash Sum mismatch | 17:02 |
ryck | Do you know the issue with the skype indicator? It's displayed with a delay of a few seconds. Sometimes it's getting visible after a click on another indicator applet. | 17:02 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: For devices, use space bar to select/unselect and Enter when done. | 17:02 |
boze | thats never happened before | 17:02 |
ryck | (Ubuntu 14) | 17:02 |
salsero|2 | boze: switch mirror | 17:02 |
lapion | anyone else having problems upgrading a system with a root partition formatted with a btrfs ? | 17:03 |
boze | salsero|2: okay, thanks :) | 17:03 |
* boze googles | 17:03 | |
salsero|2 | boze: no need for that | 17:03 |
zcheng3_ | well... | 17:03 |
melow01 | saucy | 17:03 |
kostkon | melow01, just change the line where it says add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases to add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots | 17:03 |
zcheng3_ | what i need to do to find out what's wrong with it? | 17:03 |
salsero|2 | lapion: no, but I were you I wouldnt use btrfs | 17:03 |
melow01 | kostkon, ok will do | 17:03 |
Jordan_U | lapion: What problem are you having? Did you make a snapshot before upgrading? | 17:04 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: Okay, I selected /dev/sda and /dev/sdb but not /dev/sdb1, right? | 17:04 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: what did you do before it broke | 17:04 |
kostkon | melow01, do you really need both the cli and gui versions of it | 17:04 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: Correct. | 17:04 |
Ravenslock | If I download the skype debian package from the Skype website and install it using "sudo dpkg -i". How will I know whether the linux system knows that it has installed it? | 17:04 |
salsero|2 | dpkg --get-selections | grep skype | 17:04 |
ioudas | guess not | 17:04 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: Now your computer should boot properly from either drive. You can reboot now. | 17:04 |
zcheng3_ | previously maybe i installed some other desktop environment, like xfce or something else. And I could not login using unity, but i could still log in using i3 | 17:05 |
Diomedes_ | Jordan_U: Okay, thank you, I will reboot and report if everything is fine. :-) | 17:05 |
zcheng3_ | than I searched online, people suggest to remove .Xauthoirty | 17:05 |
zcheng3_ | i did | 17:05 |
jubo2 | 'xinput list' says the synaptics touchpad is there and is fine | 17:05 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes_: You're welcome :) | 17:05 |
melow01 | kostkon, good point | 17:05 |
zcheng3_ | and i cannot login anymore using that account | 17:05 |
Exagone313 | when the support of 12.04 will end ? | 17:05 |
kostkon | Exagone313, april 2017 | 17:06 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: if you switch to text mode (Ctrl-Alt-F1) can you login | 17:06 |
Exagone313 | ok have time | 17:06 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: Ctrl-Alt-F7 returns to GUI | 17:06 |
ice9 | what should be the permissions of .gnupg/gpg.conf? | 17:06 |
zcheng3_ | yes I can login using that mode | 17:06 |
llutz | ice9: 0600 | 17:06 |
zcheng3_ | I should have rename .Xauthority instead of removing it | 17:07 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: how is your disk space, near full? df -h | 17:07 |
melow01 | kostkon, so handbrake-snapshots gave me a warning that those releases are unstable and recommended for developers, how do I get the last stable release instead? | 17:07 |
melow01 | kostkon, also, I tried it anyway and I still get the same error | 17:08 |
ice9 | llutz: it's like that but I get unsafe ownership on configuration file | 17:08 |
kostkon | melow01, it's fine. you can't, because the main ppa doesn't offer pacakges for saucy and trusty | 17:08 |
llutz | ice9: and what is the ownership? | 17:08 |
ben_g | It didn't work | 17:08 |
melow01 | kostkon, I can't grab the one for Raring? | 17:08 |
ben_g | It still prints some stuff on the screen, then freezes | 17:08 |
kostkon | melow01, you could yes | 17:08 |
llutz | ice9: chown you:you file, chmod 0600 file | 17:09 |
zcheng3_ | the diskspace show many things | 17:09 |
lapion | the problem is using aufs on btrfs.. | 17:09 |
zcheng3_ | which one are you interested in? | 17:09 |
zcheng3_ | dw1? | 17:09 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: just that none are near 100% | 17:09 |
noodle | I'm noob and confuse how to get inside wine directory? ./wine/doesdevices/ on files explorer? | 17:09 |
kostkon | melow01, from here that is https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-releases/+packages | 17:09 |
ben_g | What I did notice is that at the top of the screen, it said "failed to write bytes: broken pipe". Could that have something to do with the problem? | 17:09 |
zcheng3_ | have 5 none | 17:09 |
kostkon | melow01, open your updater, click on settings, then 3rd party software and remove the ppa from there | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | everyone is almost full | 17:10 |
ice9 | llutz: I'm the owner | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | first one size 4k available 4k | 17:10 |
lapion | has to to do with using a sandbox | 17:10 |
melow01 | kostkon, ok thanks | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | second 5m available 5m | 17:10 |
llutz | ice9: ls -l ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | third 2,9g available 2.9g | 17:10 |
llutz | ice9: and what is the _exact_ error you get | 17:10 |
henrylinux_ | salsero|2, how exactly do I have to specify the mount of my old /home | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | fourth 100m with 100m available | 17:10 |
zcheng3_ | oh just 4 of them | 17:11 |
ice9 | llutz: ah it works fine if I run the command without sudo | 17:11 |
zcheng3_ | what is next? | 17:11 |
henrylinux_ | to have it recognized as home on reboot I mean | 17:11 |
noodle | I try to show hidden files and folder but still can't see .wine directory on my /home | 17:11 |
llutz | ice9: you run gpg with sudo?? | 17:11 |
jubo2 | now hitting "log out" or "restart" doesn't work | 17:11 |
ben_g | sudo service lightdm start still freezes (ubuntu 12.04) | 17:11 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: you can maybe create a new .Xauthority with these 4 commands: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1386329&p=8699969#post8699969 | 17:11 |
niknak | hewow | 17:12 |
chicha | hi | 17:12 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: i dont know much about it tho | 17:12 |
chicha | i've just install 14.04 lts | 17:12 |
zcheng3_ | i will try | 17:12 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: you would have to go to prompt as the user | 17:12 |
chicha | i've try to install bumblebee | 17:12 |
lapion | salsero|2, the problem has more to do with doing a sandbox install | 17:12 |
chicha | with sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus linux-headers-generic | 17:12 |
fondcole | tmu | 17:12 |
=== rama_ is now known as Guest66901 | ||
dw1 | zcheng3_: so maybe copy to a file and read it in the prompt :) | 17:12 |
ben_g | Maybe the problem is easier to fix if I explain how I got it: | 17:13 |
jelan | Hi all, I have installed 14.04 lts but somehow my server keep loading an old kernel. Yet there is no menu entry for that image. I am puzzled at how this can happen. Any help would be great, thx ! | 17:13 |
zcheng3_ | i found new user account is very slow in 14.04 | 17:13 |
ben_g | Yesterday, I installed bumblebee to be able to use my dedicated GPU instead of having to use the on-board one all the time | 17:13 |
noodle | anybody can help me? how to go inside .wine directory by Files | 17:14 |
ben_g | It worked fine yesterday, but when I started my computer today, it won't start in GUI mode anymore | 17:14 |
dw1 | noodle: in Nautilus Ctrl-H will show hidden files | 17:14 |
javier_ | @noodle Press Ctrl+H? | 17:14 |
ben_g | I've already uninstalled bumblebee and installed the nouveau drivers | 17:14 |
noodle | got it.. thanks guys | 17:14 |
ben_g | And modified the conf file so it uses nouveau instead of the nvidia drivers | 17:15 |
AStorm | hello; I'm trying to install wine on live xubuntu 14.04 | 17:15 |
ben_g | but I still can't start the GUI | 17:15 |
AStorm | it's either crying that wine1.6-i386 is missing or wine1.6-amd64 has an unmet dependency | 17:15 |
chicha | please | 17:15 |
Diomedes | Jordan_U: Booting seems to be working fine now, thanks a lot! I was really desperate an hour ago. Now just the nvidia configuration app seems to be missing, but I think I will figure that out on my own. | 17:15 |
zaiwei | do you guys know how to program a linux utility? | 17:16 |
AStorm | ah, 64-bit version | 17:16 |
Jordan_U | Diomedes: You're welcome. | 17:16 |
chicha | when I run primusglxgears | 17:16 |
dw1 | zaiwei: #linux might be a better channel | 17:16 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | zaiwei | 17:16 |
ttttttt | hello | 17:17 |
Programmer_ | i need some help https://imgur.com/ktGRAXY | 17:17 |
leuApodo | hi | 17:17 |
zaiwei | thanks | 17:17 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo jelan | 17:17 |
gareppa | zaiwei: or maybe #bash | 17:18 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | jelan | 17:18 |
yyyyyyy | nothing | 17:18 |
ubottu | jelan: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 17:18 |
dw1 | Programmer_: one thing to do... Continue :) | 17:18 |
ttttttt | really? | 17:18 |
AStorm | apparently that is a common issue (the wine install) | 17:18 |
Programmer_ | dw1, what you mean? | 17:18 |
yyyyyyy | o | 17:18 |
=== aspire is now known as Guest80478 | ||
Programmer_ | dw1, I already continued | 17:19 |
dw1 | Programmer_: i got errors when I upgraded and things worked fine | 17:19 |
dw1 | Programmer_: is it broken | 17:19 |
Programmer_ | i havent rebooted yet | 17:19 |
dw1 | Programmer_: maybe im not the best to comment :P | 17:20 |
* mstevens just upgraded and Xorg started crashing, so I'm trying a reinstall. | 17:20 | |
javier_ | Programmer_ if you have important stuff in there just make a backup and perform a clean install | 17:21 |
rrrrrrr | when | 17:21 |
mstevens | javier_: I'm not programmer but I'm doing that now :) | 17:21 |
rrrrrrr | it | 17:21 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install". | 17:21 |
dw1 | Programmer_: you could try to copy more of the output and save it somewhere for later reference | 17:21 |
Programmer_ | I dont want toooo...i already have a backup, but id still have to reinstall all programs and stuff | 17:21 |
Briuie | hi | 17:22 |
mstevens | hello | 17:22 |
javier_ | I remember trying to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10... never again lol | 17:22 |
mstevens | the last few upgrades have worked for me, this one seems to have fucked up | 17:22 |
ben_g | How can I get the GUI of ubuntu tu start if it won't work even when the packages are repaired? | 17:22 |
IdleOne | Could we please stop with the swearing. | 17:23 |
ben_g | I've also tried reinstalling xsrever-xorg | 17:23 |
wefwef | so | 17:23 |
javier_ | ben_g have you tried switching to a different tty and executing startx? | 17:23 |
ben_g | tty? | 17:23 |
javier_ | Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 for example | 17:23 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/b22kyYKw | 17:23 |
Magiobiwan | So, I'm updating my 14.04 (dev branch) to mainline, and it's holding back linux-generic and related packages. Why is it holding back the kernel update? | 17:23 |
ben_g | I tried pressing ctrl+alt+f1 (I thought that was the shortcut for starting the GUI), but it did nothing | 17:24 |
Briuie | how could I run Java applets in Chromium? | 17:24 |
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller | ||
ttttttt | how | 17:24 |
javier_ | ben_g do you get a command prompt when you start the computer? | 17:25 |
ben_g | Yes | 17:25 |
ben_g | My ubuntu install now basically acks as a fullscreen terminal | 17:25 |
ubuntuaddicted | i just installed Trusty Tahr within virtualbox and the window is only 640x360. I've already installed the guestadditions but I still can't make it larger. Can someone help me make the window larger please | 17:25 |
=== pedrom is now known as pmelendez | ||
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, you there? | 17:26 |
Magiobiwan | ben_g, what happens if you do "startx" in the terminal? | 17:26 |
ben_g | It shows a lot of text on the screen, then freezes | 17:26 |
blez | ubuntuaddicted same for Parallels in MacOS | 17:26 |
ben_g | sudo start service lightdm does the same | 17:26 |
blez | but it's 800x600 | 17:26 |
pmelendez | Hi guys.. Does anybody have had trouble upgrading a server from 13.10? | 17:26 |
ubuntuaddicted | blez, i actually just needed to restart the VM, now all is well | 17:27 |
gato | ..... | 17:27 |
Magiobiwan | pmelendez, I was able to do an upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04rc and the only issue I ran into was br0 broke | 17:27 |
javier_ | ben did it give you any error when reinstalling xserver stuff? | 17:27 |
idodeisuke | When I upgraded to 14.04, the touchpad stops working a few minutes after i boot up. You know what to do? | 17:27 |
ben_g | No | 17:27 |
dw1 | a few people | 17:28 |
idodeisuke | When I connect an usb mouse, it works. | 17:28 |
ben_g | It seemed to have installed sucesfully | 17:28 |
phenton | check the logs for problems | 17:28 |
sydneyJDykstra2 | What does unopaste Do? | 17:28 |
dw1 | pmelendez: some, whats up? | 17:28 |
phenton | step 1 | 17:28 |
javier_ | Try taking a note of the error before it freezes ben | 17:28 |
Programmer_ | can someone help me please | 17:28 |
ben_g | It also doesn't show an error, it just freezes | 17:28 |
pmelendez | Magiobiwan: Thanks Magio... so you could reboot fine? | 17:28 |
Magiobiwan | idodeisuke, what type of touchpad? Is it a synaptic? | 17:28 |
Magiobiwan | pmelendez, yes. I only ran into a problem when it came back up due to br0 not "existing" | 17:29 |
Magiobiwan | And my networking was set up to use br0 | 17:29 |
pmelendez | dw1: hey! well I tried to upgrade my server from 13.10 over ssh and it won't boot after that | 17:29 |
dw1 | pmelendez: and you have no physical access ? | 17:30 |
pmelendez | lsv: a fellow canadian? :) | 17:30 |
idodeisuke | Magiobiwan, Yes, it is a synaptic (according to the mouse config dialogue. I'm running Xubuntu, btw). | 17:30 |
Magiobiwan | Hmm | 17:30 |
ben_g | It does show "Failed to write bytes: broken pipe" at the top of the screen. Does that count as an error? | 17:30 |
javier_ | Ben, try typing "dmesg | less" and check for errors related to graphics card | 17:30 |
pmelendez | dw1: No.. I don't :( but the provider enabled me a recovery mode and I can access the hard drive | 17:30 |
pmelendez | dw1: but there is nothing on the logs | 17:31 |
jubo2 | how do I best / easiest format an USB stick ? | 17:31 |
jubo2 | fdisk ? | 17:31 |
pmelendez | Magiobiwan: Thanks for sharing that :) | 17:31 |
ben_g | brb | 17:31 |
Lizards|Work | startup disk creator jubo2 | 17:31 |
llutz | jubo2: fdisk won't format anything, use mkfs | 17:32 |
jubo2 | llutz: man mkfs ? | 17:32 |
jubo2 | prlly yeah.. redundant question.. | 17:32 |
kchengue | yeah | 17:32 |
llutz | jubo2: mkfs.vfat most likely for usb-sticks | 17:32 |
Programmer_ | can someone help me please | 17:33 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, you there? | 17:33 |
javier_ | Ben try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/355515/could-not-write-bytes-broken-pipe-12-04 it is for 12.04 but the error is probably the same | 17:33 |
ewerton | hello, I installed ubuntu 14.04, openssh-client is different from 12.04. I'm not aware I connect the notebook which is also 14:04. help me | 17:35 |
dw1 | pmelendez: hmm.. i guess check the logs more... or see if provider can provide a remote console http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Console_server | 17:35 |
dw1 | pmelendez: sucks | 17:35 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: sudo mkdir /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ && sudo apt-get -f install | 17:36 |
zcheng3_ | hey dw1 it is me again | 17:36 |
AStorm | hmm, so, anyone can help with this wine install issue? | 17:36 |
zcheng3_ | I copy that file for generating xauthority | 17:36 |
pmelendez | dw1: well this recovery thing is like a console server since I can mount the hard drive | 17:36 |
Programmer_ | cannot create directory ‘/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/’: No such file or directory | 17:36 |
someHuman | Hello! | 17:36 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, cannot create directory ‘/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/’: No such file or directory | 17:36 |
zcheng3_ | of course i remove some redundant words | 17:36 |
zcheng3_ | and I run it | 17:37 |
someHuman | I can't boot into 14.04, I've just installed it and am stuck in low-graphics mode. | 17:37 |
someHuman | I am using an AMD card and using Windows 8.1 Pro to atm. | 17:37 |
zcheng3_ | it complained that xauth command is not found | 17:37 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: sudo mkdir -p /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ && sudo apt-get -f install | 17:37 |
aliensbrah | Did you update the drivers someHuman | 17:37 |
Dinosaurio | Hi there, time is not appearing in the gnome top bar | 17:37 |
pmelendez | dw1: but I dont find anythin on the logs, it is like it never boot up.. maybe a grub problem? it sucks indeed :( | 17:37 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: How do I update it? Within Windows or Ubuntu? | 17:37 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: hmm i have it | 17:38 |
tables | how do i get rid of a package cleanly? configs and EVERYTHING | 17:38 |
tables | every file that the package installed | 17:38 |
llutz | tables: apt-get purge package | 17:38 |
aliensbrah | someHuman, Additional Drivers within Ubuntu | 17:38 |
tables | purge will get rid of configs too? | 17:38 |
tables | llutz, ^ | 17:38 |
ewerton | can anyone help me? | 17:38 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: I also have 2 ver. of Ubuntu, one spelled starting with small letter and vice versa. Weird. | 17:38 |
llutz | tables: won't touch personal configs | 17:38 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: how bout installing it | 17:38 |
llutz | ewerton: ask your question | 17:38 |
gbear14275 | Do I install grub to the disk? (dev/sda) or to the boot partition (dev/sda1) | 17:38 |
ubuntuaddicted | hmmm, i just upgraded to 14.04 and now I can't write a file to my NAS. it's mounted using CIFS | 17:38 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: Ah no, I didn't do any update while 14.04 was installing. | 17:38 |
AStorm | so, I really, *really* cannot figure out why apt-get install wine just plain fails | 17:38 |
Morclye | I just installed Ubuntu Server 14.04 and I cannot get it to use assigned static IP from my router's DHCP server. | 17:39 |
zcheng3_ | ok | 17:39 |
AStorm | (yes, as root) | 17:39 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, i keep get an error when it tries to remove linux kernels | 17:39 |
ewerton | llutz, I installed ubuntu 14.04, openssh-client is different from 12.04. I'm not aware I connect the notebook which is also 14:04. | 17:39 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: I just installed it without connection. | 17:39 |
wfsdf | hi | 17:39 |
Jordan_U | gbear14275: grub's boot sector always goes in the MBR (so choose the disk). | 17:39 |
someHuman | wfsdf: Hi! | 17:39 |
noodle | why I can't mounting another partition? | 17:39 |
aliensbrah | someHuman, Ubuntu finishes booting correct, it's just low res? | 17:39 |
gbear14275 | thanks Jordan_U | 17:39 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: Exactly! | 17:39 |
llutz | ewerton: thats not a question. 14.04 comes with a newer version, yes. so what is your problem with it? | 17:39 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: Could you PM me? | 17:39 |
noodle | Error mounting /dev/sda3 at /media/noodle/F80A8CB50A8C7304: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o | 17:39 |
AStorm | says that I have held broken packages | 17:39 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/Za6YJNkc | 17:40 |
AStorm | which is quite funny, as this is a fresh xubuntu 14.04 | 17:40 |
noodle | he disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). | 17:40 |
noodle | Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. | 17:40 |
ewerton | llutz: I can not connect the notebook | 17:40 |
llutz | ewerton: the error is? | 17:41 |
llutz | ewerton: your exact command is? | 17:41 |
noodle | Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume | 17:41 |
noodle | read-only with the 'ro' mount option. | 17:41 |
noodle | I using Files | 17:41 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo update-grub". | 17:42 |
idodeisuke | Magiobiwan, I found at least a temporary solution: http://www.tuxtrix.com/2010/06/restarting-your-touchpadmouse-in-ubuntu.html | 17:42 |
AStorm | ah, I see, multiarch is off? | 17:42 |
asfwefw | hi | 17:42 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `none'. | 17:42 |
javier_ | noodle try using the norecover option | 17:42 |
asfwefw | hello | 17:42 |
Programmer_ | that's the error | 17:42 |
dw1 | pmelendez: maybe some chroot magic will help you http://aaronbonner.io/post/21103731114/chroot-into-a-broken-linux-install | 17:42 |
ubuntuaddicted | do you guys use fstab to mount cifs and nfs shares or something else like autofs? | 17:42 |
mozzarella | guys that's slightly blurry: http://i.imgur.com/0i9cq2d.png | 17:42 |
ewerton | llutz: exemple... smb://foo.exemple.org... but as I do if | 17:42 |
llutz | ewerton: smb is windows-share not ssh | 17:43 |
ben_g | I tried dmesg | less and I found nothing abouth the graphics card, appart from that it has 2048M useable memory | 17:43 |
llutz | !ssh | ewerton | 17:43 |
ubottu | ewerton: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 17:43 |
ben_g | javier_: ^ | 17:44 |
ewerton | how do I network between two computers running ubuntu? | 17:44 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts. | 17:44 |
javier_ | Did you take a look at the link I posted afer that? Seems to be the same error. | 17:44 |
javier_ | *after | 17:44 |
Dinosaurio | How to report a bug if the program hasn't crashed? I mean another kind of bug | 17:44 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/k234XVHx | 17:45 |
pmelendez | dw1: Thanks man... I will try that | 17:45 |
ben_g | I think I was already switching tu ubuntu then, sorry, could you repost that link? | 17:45 |
ouoip | hello | 17:45 |
leuApodo | hi every | 17:46 |
Dinosaurio | !bug > Dinosaurio | 17:46 |
ubottu | Dinosaurio, please see my private message | 17:46 |
dw1 | ewerton: if its for small-ish files and you want easy-mode, dropbox :P | 17:47 |
ben_g | javier_: could you please repost the link to the similar problem? | 17:47 |
jakemp | I don't suppose there is a way to have my 4x4 virtual desktops/viewports convert to 2x2 whenever I plug in a second monitor, instead of having ubuntu jumble all my windows around. | 17:48 |
javier_ | http://askubuntu.com/questions/355515/could-not-write-bytes-broken-pipe-12-04 Seems to be a driver issue. In another post it said reinstalling 'ubuntu-desktop' solved the problem. | 17:48 |
jakemp | erm, 4x2* | 17:48 |
ewerton | my internet connection is 2mb | 17:48 |
rrrrrr | hi | 17:48 |
Reptilia | I've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, but when i run applications, they won't appear in the taskbar, although they are running. | 17:48 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Do you have any idea why /boot/ and many other directories are aufs mounts? | 17:48 |
Programmer_ | no | 17:48 |
Programmer_ | dont know what that even means | 17:48 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: What command did you use to try to upgrade? | 17:49 |
Programmer_ | could be when i was trying to upgrade grub | 17:49 |
zcheng3_ | thank you dw1 | 17:49 |
Programmer_ | do-release-upgrade | 17:49 |
zcheng3_ | it works | 17:49 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: wow | 17:49 |
Unismurfhedgehog | !info wine trusty | 17:49 |
ubottu | wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 17:49 |
Programmer_ | but then i got errors, and when it finished, i did dist-upgrade | 17:49 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: a miracle :P | 17:50 |
zcheng3_ | hehe surely it is | 17:50 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, should i retry do-release-upgrade? | 17:50 |
zcheng3_ | the odd thing is that previously even I had that file, I still could not login | 17:50 |
halfshell | !isitout | 17:50 |
ubottu | Yes, it's out! Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download | Release announcement at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html | 17:50 |
dw1 | zcheng3_: yeah and should just be regenerated normally i think | 17:50 |
Lizards|Work | so chromium is going to be broken indefinitely? | 17:50 |
zcheng3_ | i should have saved that file and compare it with the newly generated one | 17:50 |
kenshiro | Hi, after upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, if I install nvidia proprietary drivers (331 for my Geforce gt 640) system can't start properly. Is there any fix for this? | 17:51 |
ben_g | javier_: thanks, I'll try that | 17:51 |
ben_g | brb | 17:51 |
kenshiro | I installed using "software updater" window | 17:51 |
inkjetunito | does 14.04 use systemd? | 17:51 |
django | kenshiro: by any chance was your computer overheating due to the graphics card?? | 17:51 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Are you sure that you didn't add "-s" or "--sandbox" to the do-release-upgrade command? | 17:51 |
Programmer_ | i did | 17:51 |
Programmer_ | before i actually did it | 17:51 |
kenshiro | django No, I have thermal monitor and all temperatures are ok | 17:51 |
django | kenshiro: damn b/c on my laptop it gets hotter since both my integrated and nvidia graphics cards are running | 17:52 |
kenshiro | django I have a desktop computer with only one nvidia card. I have to stick to nouveau driver or system can't start | 17:52 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: You need to reboot between sandbox upgrading and actual upgrading (and sandbox upgrading is broken and will always fail). | 17:52 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, so what now? | 17:52 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: Reboot then upgrade normally, no --sandbox. | 17:53 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, but it already upgraded a lot of stuff. without using sandbox | 17:53 |
Programmer_ | are you sure ill be able to boot up? | 17:54 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, after i did "do-release-upgrade -s" i then did "do-release-upgrade" | 17:54 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: You never left "sandbox mode". Nothing has actually been upgraded. | 17:54 |
Snake2k | Hello everyone, can someone tell me how to use boot-repair on 14.04? | 17:54 |
Snake2k | the ppa only has packages upto 13.10 | 17:55 |
Programmer_ | dammit. that is a day ill never get back | 17:55 |
leuApodo | hi! | 17:55 |
Programmer_ | so Jordan_U you sure? | 17:55 |
dw1 | trust the expert :p | 17:56 |
trtrtr | hi | 17:56 |
leuApodo | really good | 17:56 |
Programmer_ | dw1, that for me? | 17:57 |
dw1 | kenws: what about apt-get install nvidia-current | 17:57 |
dw1 | kenws: not for you nm | 17:57 |
onefix_work | Anyone know if it's true that do-release-upgrade will not work on 12.04 until 14.04.1 is out? | 17:57 |
dw1 | Programmer_: yea ...... | 17:57 |
Programmer_ | ok ill try it | 17:57 |
Programmer_ | im scared | 17:57 |
mstevens | my reinstall is looking promising | 17:58 |
dw1 | good, some positivity | 17:58 |
dw1 | onefix_work: it wont work without -d argument for development mode as i understand.. and if you want stability, should wait | 17:59 |
idodeisuke | bye | 17:59 |
miggeli | german please | 18:00 |
llutz | !de | miggeli | 18:00 |
ubottu | miggeli: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 18:00 |
trtrtr | hi | 18:01 |
leuApodo | hello | 18:02 |
sydneyJDykstra2 | hi!! | 18:03 |
allstarsnorks2 | Guys, how do I change my music's properties on Ubuntu? | 18:04 |
Programmer-N7 | Jordan_U: I'm stuck at the kubuntu boot screen | 18:04 |
ubuntuaddicted | something changed from 12.04 to 14.04 that I am now getting "error writing permission" on my NAS. It still writes the file but just can't set it's permissions. which I don't care if it can or can't set the permissions of the file | 18:05 |
ben_g | javier: it didn't work | 18:05 |
xangua | allstarsnorks2: define music's properties | 18:05 |
ben_g | The first few times I booted, it even freezed before I could logg in. | 18:05 |
Programmer-N7 | Samehere | 18:06 |
ben_g | And when I finally managed to logg in, it still froze while starting the x server | 18:06 |
lpp | does anyone have trusty working on dual monitor? | 18:06 |
glumetu | yes i do with nvidia | 18:06 |
tyrog | Hi, which is better, Ubuntu or Kubuntu? For modern PC. thanks | 18:06 |
dw1 | coke or pepsi? :) | 18:07 |
glumetu | i will say go with the real think | 18:07 |
yeats | !poll | tyrog | 18:07 |
Programmer_ | finally got it booted | 18:07 |
glumetu | umm can i get some help .. my menu bar is missing | 18:07 |
Gerowen | tyrog: It's really just opinion I believe. Unity is a modern UI in my opinion that would work well on a newer PC. KDE is as well, so I would say just boot the LiveCD of each and try it out and see what you think. | 18:07 |
bossmowduz | hi | 18:07 |
tyrog | yeats: what? | 18:08 |
dw1 | glumetu: this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1315949 | 18:08 |
allstarsnorks2_ | by music properties, I meant the artist, the album art, the name and the track. | 18:08 |
ben_g | javier_: It still doesn't work | 18:08 |
tyrog | Gerowen: thanks i will try both. Which one do you prefer, btw? | 18:08 |
AStorm | tyrog, Gerowen is a bot | 18:08 |
bossmowduz | i have problems setting a display resolution of 1920x1080 (the one i want) with nvidia-settings (connected via vga, cant do xxxxxx about this right now) | 18:08 |
dw1 | glumetu: might have to hold alt while right click to add | 18:08 |
Gerowen | I like Unity. I had a bad experience with the new version of KDE years ago, but it has apparently improved quite a bit since then. | 18:08 |
AStorm | or was he | 18:09 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Nope, :-) | 18:09 |
tyrog | AStorm: lol | 18:09 |
glumetu | no dw1 on all my open windows | 18:09 |
AStorm | anyway, wine; install problem; on xubuntu | 18:09 |
glumetu | no minimize no close | 18:09 |
javier_ | ben_g: I'm at a loss then. Was this an upgrade or a fresh install? | 18:09 |
xangua | allstarsnorks2_: you can use any tag editor from the software center I guess | 18:09 |
glumetu | in my case was the distro update | 18:10 |
trtrtr | -where can i | 18:10 |
lpp | allstarsnorks2_: It's hard to understand what you are asking. i thnk you want to change the metadata (ID3 tags) for mp3 and such like. You want an ID3 editor or tag editor. there are plenty in the ubuntu software centere | 18:10 |
Gerowen | AStorm: What's going on with wine? Are you installing it from the repos/package manager? | 18:10 |
ben_g | It was already over a week old, but then it was indeed a fresh install | 18:10 |
=== digilord is now known as digilord-away | ||
AStorm | Gerowen, yes, main repo | 18:10 |
yeats | allstarsnorks2_: I missed your original question, but picard is nice for organizing music metadata | 18:10 |
AStorm | xubuntu 14.04 amd64, fresh live | 18:10 |
albi | Guys, what would you say is the best distro for gaming (not steam OS) | 18:10 |
Gerowen | AStorm: What is it doing, or not doing? | 18:10 |
AStorm | (on a writable pendrive) | 18:10 |
AStorm | let me pastebin | 18:10 |
lpp | albi: What kind of gaming? | 18:10 |
m1chael | Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMSError! Your kernel headers for kernel 3.8.0-19-generic cannot be found. Please install the linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic package, | 18:10 |
albi | General | 18:11 |
yeats | !ot | albi | 18:11 |
ubottu | albi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 18:11 |
albi | :p | 18:11 |
m1chael | i can't seem to get around this error | 18:11 |
dw1 | glumetu: what if you press Alt or put the mouse at top left of screen | 18:11 |
lpp | albi: general what? | 18:11 |
albi | well.. | 18:11 |
Programmer_ | should i do "do-release-upgrade" with sudo? | 18:11 |
ben_g | Should I try to reinstall? And if I do so, is there a way to keep my files safe? | 18:11 |
albi | I have a large steam Library | 18:11 |
glumetu | dw1 no still missing | 18:11 |
ben_g | Especially the files on the windows partition | 18:11 |
albi | and it would be nice if I could play at least some of my games | 18:11 |
AStorm | Gerowen, says I have held broken packages | 18:12 |
yeats | Programmer_: are you asking *if* you should upgrade, or *how*? | 18:12 |
jhutchins | ben_g: Make a copy on a removable device. | 18:12 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest60370 | ||
Gerowen | AStorm: Try doing sudo apt-get -f install | 18:12 |
lpp | albi: If steam, most of that runs on ubuntu under wine. valve recommends ubuntu for linux right now, despite having steamOS incubating | 18:12 |
subsume | Fresh install of 14.04 W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/mirrors.linode.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_source_Sources Hash Sum mismatch | 18:12 |
Gerowen | No package names after that, it should attempt to fix broken deps and such. | 18:12 |
ncp | possible to move close,minimize.. to right corner instead of left? google says it's not possible in 14.04, but someone might now fix? :) | 18:12 |
Programmer_ | how | 18:12 |
subsume | apt-get update busted? | 18:12 |
trtrtr | hello all | 18:12 |
Guest60370 | io non ci credo | 18:12 |
m1chael | Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMSError! Your kernel headers for kernel 3.8.0-19-generic cannot be found. Please install the linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic package,. it looks like it installed 'linux-headers-3.11.0-19-lowlatency' and then complains about 3.8.... any ideas on this? http://dpaste.com/1785381/ | 18:12 |
trtrtr | how are you | 18:12 |
Guest60370 | hanno fatto un casino su xubuntu 14.04 | 18:12 |
AStorm | Gerowen, same | 18:12 |
subsume | should i not be using 14.04? | 18:12 |
dw1 | glumetu: System Settings > Appearance > Behavior > under 'Show the menus for a window' > select "In the window's title bar" ? | 18:13 |
yeats | Programmer_: from the CLI, yes 'sudo do-release-upgrade' works - otherwise you should be offered an upgrade via the software center | 18:13 |
albi | maybe I will fresh install windows | 18:13 |
ben_g | jhutchins: is there a way to do that from windows? (I'm still a noob when it comes to working in the terminal) | 18:13 |
Guest60370 | hi guys | 18:13 |
django | anyone here know how to use bumblebee | 18:13 |
i-make-robots | hi ubuntu. i've been struggling to get a comodo positiveSSL cert installed. results: http://pastebin.com/pWMgK9EF apache: http://pastebin.com/4NLXRtXR iptables: http://pastebin.com/zWtfPHpJ what am i doing wrong, please? | 18:13 |
yeats | Programmer_: or update-manager, rather | 18:13 |
albi | and then install a nice distro for general usage | 18:13 |
javier_ | ben_g: You can try using the livecd. It should be able to mount your partitions so you can copy your important stuff to an USB driver or something. | 18:13 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Does it list which packages are broken? | 18:13 |
Guest60370 | i can-t believe they-ve fucked up xubuntu 14.04 | 18:13 |
lpp | albi: what specificalyl are you having trouble with? | 18:13 |
AStorm | no, says wine1.6 will not be installed | 18:13 |
albi | nothing | 18:13 |
albi | just trying to drop windows as much as possible | 18:13 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Also try a "sudo apt-get autoremove", it is normally used to remove packages that were installed as dependencies and are no longer needed, and might fix this issue. | 18:13 |
Guest60370 | eveything is fucked up and just assume that 13.10 worked so good | 18:13 |
yeats | Guest60370: did you have a support question? | 18:13 |
subsume | lol | 18:13 |
kostkon | Guest60370, please keep your language clean | 18:14 |
Guest60370 | yeats, yeah. where can i take back 13.10 | 18:14 |
subsume | is everyone here bitching about 14.04 being busted? | 18:14 |
AStorm | Gerowen, 0 changes; it's a fresh new xubuntu live 14.04 amd64, as I've mentioned | 18:14 |
yeats | Guest60370: download the ISO and reinstall | 18:14 |
ben_g | javier_: does it also work with a newly-generated flash drive? | 18:14 |
AStorm | I did run apt-get update before | 18:14 |
subsume | apt-get update doesn't even work form e! | 18:14 |
AStorm | (and upgrade too, no changes) | 18:14 |
subsume | for me * | 18:14 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Oh so you haven't done "anything" except try to install wine. That's weird then. | 18:14 |
ben_g | I've reformated the one I used to save backups on it | 18:14 |
Guest60370 | yeats, where ? in ubuntu site there is only the last version | 18:14 |
glumetu | dw1 i've checked the box still nothing happen | 18:14 |
javier_ | ben_g: Yes, it should. I installed yesterday from one of those. | 18:15 |
tyrog | Gerowen: do you use online search feature? | 18:15 |
tyrog | in the dash | 18:15 |
subsume | wtvr i am downgrading | 18:15 |
subsume | 14.04 is trash for now | 18:15 |
lpp | trusty has broken my multi-monitor setup for sure, i think it's drivers or kernel | 18:15 |
Guest60370 | subsume, i saw | 18:15 |
dw1 | glumetu: hmm no clue | 18:15 |
yeats | Guest60370: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/13.10/release/ | 18:15 |
glumetu | IT ISN"T TRASH | 18:15 |
subsume | yeah it is | 18:15 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Here's a topic I found on the forums where somebody had a similar issue, and there are some suggestions that apparently fixed it for them. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=947124 | 18:15 |
subsume | i can't even apt-get update on a fresh install | 18:15 |
glumetu | it's bets cause now it has support for my wacom | 18:16 |
Guest60370 | yeats, thank you | 18:16 |
trtrtrtr | hi everone | 18:16 |
trtrtrtr | muy bien y tu? | 18:16 |
Dinosaurio | any good obsolet packages cleaner program? | 18:16 |
glumetu | my wacom tablet is working so big thanks Ubuntu | 18:16 |
Gerowen | tyrog: In the Unity menu? Yeah, occasionally. I've thought about turning it off because usually when I search Amazon I actually go to their site in my browser, but for now it is working and I've used it a time or two. | 18:16 |
AStorm | maybe it having the "cdrom" repos breaks things? | 18:16 |
AStorm | I mean, sources.list | 18:16 |
Gerowen | AStorm: Maybe, but I wouldn't think so because I've installed packages on live systems before. Not wine, but I have installed stuff before on Live installs. | 18:17 |
subsume | I found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1301804 but i'm not upgrading | 18:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1301804 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrading from Ubuntu 13.10 to Ubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,New] | 18:17 |
subsume | unless linode packaged it as an upgrade | 18:17 |
Gerowen | AStorm: tyrog: Hate to run guys but I've gotta head to work, catch you all later. | 18:17 |
subsume | I'm getting hash sum mismatch anyone else? | 18:17 |
tyrog | bye | 18:18 |
yeats | subsume: seen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-updates-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error | 18:18 |
Guest60370 | yeats, now i-m in live. can you tell how can i reach that link throught google? | 18:18 |
subsume | no thanks | 18:18 |
trtrtr | hi all | 18:18 |
subsume | yeats: same error | 18:18 |
trtrtr | muy bien y tu? | 18:19 |
yeats | !es | trtrtr | 18:19 |
ubottu | trtrtr: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 18:19 |
Guest60370 | yeats, you got what i mean_ | 18:19 |
ashish | using ubuntu14.04. gtalk not able to connet from empathy. error "google talk account require authorization" | 18:19 |
lpp | subsume: they are sating it;s an ISP issue with caching: the isp has an old version of the mirror | 18:20 |
subsume | lpp: hmm well can i use a mirror or somethin...? | 18:20 |
yeats | Guest60370: on this page: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ - there is a list of mirrors - click one, then replace "14.04" with "13.10" in the URL | 18:20 |
AStorm | how can I list held packages? | 18:20 |
Guest60370 | yeats, thank you | 18:20 |
lpp | subsume: Yes you can change the download source, in the configuration for the software updatee | 18:20 |
subsume | lpp: or can i use heartbleed to login to their box and flush varnish? | 18:20 |
subsume | i dunno how llp | 18:21 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, since i did the upgrade in sandbox mode, would that speed up the actual upgrade? b/c it's already upgrade stuff | 18:21 |
ashish | using ubuntu14.04. gtalk not able to connet from empathy. error "google talk account require authorization" | 18:21 |
lpp | subsume: Software Updater. Settings button. | 18:21 |
subsume | its headless | 18:21 |
subsume | can i just comment it out in sources.list? | 18:22 |
yeats | ashish: open "Online Accounts" and re-authorize it there | 18:22 |
lpp | subsume: i think it's etc/apt/sources or something .. I don't remember | 18:22 |
Guest60370 | yeats, may i ask you another think. i tried to enable inbernation in 14.04 using the same way of 13.10 but it didnt work. do you know how | 18:22 |
Dinosaurio | any good obsolet packages cleaner program? | 18:22 |
yeats | Guest60370: sorry, I don't know that | 18:23 |
subsume | oh | 18:23 |
subsume | its a linode mirror | 18:23 |
subsume | W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/mirrors.linode.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_source_Sources Hash Sum mismatch | 18:23 |
ashish | yeats: i reopened it and tried. i also tried to remove and add account again but nothing happened | 18:23 |
Guest60370 | yeats, ok thank you anyway | 18:23 |
johefernan | i cant fkin use ubuntu on virtualbox since 13.04 | 18:23 |
johefernan | Grrr | 18:24 |
johefernan | Hate Canonical | 18:24 |
Dinosaurio | Is there any program that can remove old kernels, cache...? | 18:24 |
johefernan | XO | 18:24 |
subsume | no | 18:24 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: The one thing that the sandbox upgrade keeps is the package cache, so there is no need to re-download any packages. | 18:24 |
subsume | apt-get install rm | 18:24 |
Guest60370 | does anybody guys now how to enable inbernation in 14.04 | 18:24 |
Dinosaurio | johefernan: get windows, it's faster | 18:24 |
ashish | Dinosaurio: use tweak tool or bleachbit | 18:24 |
johefernan | nah, i still using suse | 18:24 |
Programmer_ | ok thought so | 18:24 |
johefernan | XD | 18:24 |
Programmer_ | bc it's already upgrading stuff | 18:24 |
Dinosaurio | ashish: okay | 18:24 |
Programmer_ | guess that is a positive about me being stupid and not restarting | 18:25 |
ashish | using ubuntu14.04. gtalk not able to connet from empathy. error "google talk account require authorization" | 18:25 |
bawzzzz | hello | 18:25 |
bawzzzz | i just installed ubuntu and my display resolution doesnt get detected since its connected via vga. how can i manually set my monitor | 18:26 |
bawzzzz | s resolution | 18:26 |
Jordan_U | Programmer_: You would have still had the package cache even if you had only run do-release-upgrade -s and rebooted. Keepong the package cache is by design. | 18:26 |
yeats | ashish: you could try running 'online-account-preferences' from the command line and see if there are any errors there when you try | 18:27 |
bawzzzz | i have nvidia gtx 460 + intel sandy bridge gpu | 18:27 |
MnCC | my upgrade failed, restored from backup everything is fine again. | 18:27 |
Daghdha | Hi, i look at this p age and do what it says but my system don't have the updater. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade | 18:27 |
bawzzzz | nvidia is primary | 18:27 |
Daghdha | Is that made with and for 14.04 by any chance? | 18:28 |
i-make-robots | i've been struggling to get a comodo positiveSSL cert installed. results: http://pastebin.com/pWMgK9EF apache: http://pastebin.com/4NLXRtXR iptables: http://pastebin.com/zWtfPHpJ what am i doing wrong, please? | 18:28 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, well i feel better about not knowing to reboot after sandbox mode | 18:28 |
tyrog | Daghdha: that tutorial is for 13.10 | 18:28 |
Programmer_ | now everything is working fine w/o issues | 18:28 |
Daghdha | wait, screenshot and text say diff things | 18:29 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
Daghdha | I see.. still isuggest you scrutinize that page it seems to have odd texts | 18:30 |
x0rs | Anyone know a freenode chat room concerning networks or servers? | 18:30 |
DanC_ | I'm struggling to get multiple workspaces working in gnome flashback compiz. I can switch to another workspace, but it's blank, with no panels, and no way to get back. clues? | 18:31 |
ashish | yeats: no error. its opening all the accounts i added | 18:31 |
llutz | !alis | x0rs | 18:31 |
ubottu | x0rs: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 18:31 |
x0rs | llutz, thank you | 18:31 |
lmat | in schroot environments, those environments should be symbolic links generally, right ? | 18:31 |
StreakyJ | anyone tried to put 14.04 on the hp tablet - the one that had webos | 18:31 |
lmat | I noticed my chroot (which I don't use very much at all) is like 450 Gb | 18:31 |
StreakyJ | figured w/ the touch screen stuff allegedly fixed... | 18:31 |
OSaddict | How do you easily create a launcher for a WINE app without manually creating a .desktop file? | 18:32 |
ashish | i removed ubuntu access from my gmail security. then again grand access but again same issue | 18:32 |
Daghdha | I understood yesterday from chat here that upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 was supported. The page i am looking at seems to indicate i have to go 12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 | 18:32 |
DanC_ | I just did 12.04 to 14.04, so I know it works | 18:32 |
lmat | In fact, baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer) says that my drive capacity is 392 Gb (I only have one harddrive in this laptop), and the size of / is 663.9 Gb... | 18:32 |
lmat | Surely Disk Usage Analyzer isn't following symbolic links, righT ? | 18:32 |
DanC_ | if you're on one of the non-LTS releases, you have to take each one in turn. but you can go from LTS to LTS | 18:32 |
kostkon | Daghdha, no | 18:33 |
kostkon | Daghdha, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-04 | 18:33 |
Daghdha | Sweet, thanks | 18:34 |
OSaddict | How do you make a launcher for a WINE program? Dragging it from the dash to the launcher bar does nothing. | 18:35 |
Daghdha | Danc: How long did it take? roughly. 10 mins, 4 hours. I have no clue. My inet us super fast | 18:35 |
lmat | OSaddict: #wine-dev I believe | 18:35 |
lmat | OSaddict: But this is common, the wine website has instructions on this. | 18:35 |
DanC_ | 2 or 3 hours, I think | 18:35 |
DanC_ | net bandwidth is one issue, but there's a lot of disk and CPU activity too | 18:36 |
Daghdha | cpu is slow | 18:36 |
Daghdha | Ok thanks. Will look into dooinglater | 18:36 |
ashish | using ubuntu14.04. gtalk not able to connet from empathy. error "google talk account require authorization" | 18:37 |
django | anyone here do android dev on ubuntu?? | 18:41 |
AStorm | django, yes, it's trivial? | 18:42 |
django | AStorm: i go into the adt-bundle-linux, then click on eclipse folder..then eclipse and i get a damn error | 18:43 |
django | jvm terminated exit code = 13 | 18:43 |
AStorm | eclipse from repos or the binary? | 18:43 |
inkjetunito | so, i installed 14.04 in a virtual box. how is the guest addition package called? | 18:43 |
AStorm | inkjetunito, apt-cache search virtualbox | 18:44 |
AStorm | :) | 18:44 |
AStorm | yw | 18:44 |
inkjetunito | AStorm: yeah, my desktop is like 400x300 pixels large. hard to read the output | 18:44 |
django | AStorm: idk what that menas | 18:44 |
AStorm | django, that's probably some missing access rights | 18:44 |
Programmer_ | gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache isnt working | 18:44 |
AStorm | (if it is errno) | 18:45 |
AStorm | inkjetunito, virtualbox-guest-x11 | 18:45 |
ghostnik11 | can anyone tell me a good calender program for ubuntu | 18:45 |
inkjetunito | AStorm: thank you very much | 18:45 |
ghostnik11 | please i don't have a lot of time for internet | 18:46 |
ghostnik11 | also is their any prorams for ubuntu that help prounce words in spanish, french and portugese | 18:46 |
fisch246 | hello I just upgraded to 14.04 from 13.10 last night. I'm having problems with the feature of opening applications with the middle mouse button. Unity seems to never know when an application has closed, so after I closer (and I have confirmed it was closed) I can't reopen it with a left click. Only the middle mouse works. Any ideas? | 18:48 |
Programmer_ | (gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0:10959): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory | 18:48 |
Programmer_ | Jordan_U, can you help | 18:49 |
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noooob | how can i use gnome-shell on trusty?? I installed package gnome-shell and tried to login via gdm but gnome shell is not listed there and unity does not start properly from gdm !!! | 18:50 |
ghostnik11 | which one uses less data or requires less data imap or pop3 | 18:52 |
noooob | is gnome3 supported on trusty? | 18:52 |
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OerHeks | ghostnik11, both are different, one pulls mail fom the server, other pulls copy from server. | 18:53 |
ghostnik11 | OerHeks, yeah but i have to pay for data via my phone which only has access to email, so i want to know which one needs less data | 18:54 |
ghostnik11 | OerHeks, i know imap is better but does it require more data to use it than pop3 | 18:54 |
OerHeks | noooob, try ubuntu-gnome-desktop for gnome3 desktop | 18:54 |
trtrtr | hello all | 18:55 |
trtrtr | helllo | 18:55 |
mimor | hi | 18:55 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: Dude! | 18:55 |
lmat | trtrtr: HIHI! | 18:55 |
OerHeks | ghostnik11, dunno if one uses more data ( few bytes) to recieve, try it? | 18:55 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: I did it! Thanks man! Mwah! Hahaha! | 18:56 |
someHuman | I'm in 14.04 bitches! | 18:56 |
noooob | OerHeks: thanks i will try that | 18:56 |
fisch246 | anyone know what the launcher is called in 14.04? I'm trying to file a bug for it, but I don't know its name. | 18:56 |
someHuman | aliensbrah: See you around! ;) | 18:56 |
abishek | how to setup a cron job that runs every hour? | 18:57 |
Cheekio | Is the 13.10 > 14.04 upgrade process reliable? I don't want take the plunge if there's significant risk to my workstation. | 18:57 |
OerHeks | fisch246, that sidepanel is called unity | 18:57 |
retentiveboy | ghostnik11: POP is for downloading messages only. IMAP on the other hand lets your client browse headers and only download what you want. The actualy bandwith used depends on what you choose to download. | 18:57 |
AlanBell | fisch246: it is called the launcher :) | 18:57 |
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fisch246 | Well I mean as a package. | 18:57 |
AlanBell | fisch246: but the bug would be filed against the unity package | 18:58 |
fisch246 | would I just use ubuntu-bug unity? | 18:58 |
AlanBell | ubuntu-bug unity | 18:58 |
fisch246 | mmk | 18:58 |
jmhodges | hey, trying to get an unprivileged clone with CLONE_NEWUSER|CLONE_NEWNS in 14.04, but the NEWNS still seems to require cap_sys_admin. i'm hearing some rumors that there's something in /proc/sys/kernel to allow it, but can't find any files that seem likely. is that a thing? if not, is there another way to get unprivilieged NEWNS clones? | 18:58 |
ghostnik11 | retentiveboy, the internet speed i have here is edge speeds for my phone, since imap downloads a full message, wouldn't pop3 be better and faster and less data intensive | 18:58 |
fisch246 | thanks :) | 18:58 |
kostkon | fisch246, check your xsession-errors file for any errors related to that e.g. gedit ~/.xsession-errors | 18:58 |
kostkon | fisch246, you could also try resetting unity/compiz | 18:59 |
retentiveboy | ghostnik11: depends on how you use it. If you plan on downloading everything, stick with POP. If you plan to interact and choose what to download, you'll need to use IMAP. Sorry but we can be more definitive. Depends. | 18:59 |
eteteww | hi hi | 18:59 |
fisch246 | It's not a graphical problem. I've also restarted many times. The problem is that I can't reopen any program. I just ran into a post of someone having the same problem. | 18:59 |
eteteww | hi eerytone | 18:59 |
jmhodges | (i suppose i should mention that CLONE_NEWNS does work as root, etc) | 19:00 |
kostkon | fisch246, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html or perhaps reinstalling bamfdaemon. | 19:00 |
lukiluke_ | hi there .. . could somebody help me with setting up a emu sound card 1616m with alsa on xubuntu 14.04 would be realy great :) | 19:00 |
adminewb | hi all -- is it possible with update manager to upgrade directly from precise to trusty? | 19:00 |
AceFaade | hello all! | 19:00 |
ghostnik11 | retentiveboy, i don't want to download everything i just need to find out which is faster and less data intensive as data adds up | 19:00 |
adminewb | ... and would one want to use a loop mounted ISO for the purpose? | 19:01 |
kostkon | fisch246, and obviously do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade just to be sure | 19:01 |
AceFaade | I am interested in installing Mate Desktop on top of ubuntu server, but i cannot get it to boot to the desktop like i can with 13.10 | 19:01 |
noooob_ | OerHeks: thanks that seems to work | 19:01 |
AceFaade | Would ubuntu 14.04 server support installing gnome-flashback? | 19:02 |
OerHeks | noooob_, have fun | 19:02 |
retentiveboy | ghostnik11: we can't be as definitive as you seem to be looking for. testing it yourself is the only way to know for sure. Both POP and IMAP download a "full message". | 19:02 |
abd0 | exit | 19:02 |
retentiveboy | Imap just lets you choose which messages but you'd download the headers to know which message is available first so more bandwidth in total if you end up downloading all the messages | 19:03 |
ruzicka | ATA-8-ACS revision 3b means it's SATA III? Alternatively how do I find out which HDD/SSD I can buy? | 19:03 |
james13 | I would like to ask a question.I have ubuntu 13 and says i have lots of updates.Can i bypass all the updates and go to 14 update | 19:03 |
kostkon | james13, i'm afraid the answer is.. no | 19:04 |
syeekick | does ubuntu 14.04 repos include aircrack, reaver, metasploit, ettercap, etc? | 19:04 |
Beldar | james13, Why would you want to? | 19:04 |
ncp | possible to move close,minimize.. to right corner instead of left? | 19:04 |
james13 | thanks guys love the help and this room.have a nice day | 19:04 |
Beldar | ncp, In dconf-editor yes | 19:05 |
Joel | in 12.04 libevent-2.0-5 installs into /usr/lib, in 13.10 it installs into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, is there an alternative package, or an option when installing or something, to automatically symlink /usr/lib/libevent.so to the correct spot? | 19:05 |
ncp | ok thanks | 19:05 |
adminewb | hi all -- is it possible with update manager to upgrade directly from precise to trusty? and would one want to use a loop mounted ISO for the purpose? | 19:06 |
kostkon | adminewb, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-04 | 19:06 |
adminewb | thanks kostkon | 19:07 |
ruzicka | sad bump: ATA-8-ACS revision 3b means it's SATA III? Alternatively how do I find out which HDD/SSD I can buy? | 19:08 |
OerHeks | ruzicka, most likely google has the answer or join #hardware | 19:10 |
ruzicka | OerHeks: tried google, didn't find anything helpful | 19:10 |
ruzicka | I'll try ##hardware | 19:11 |
ncp | Beldar, http://askubuntu.com/questions/440169/my-ubuntu-14-04-window-controls-dont-changes-after-setting-in-dconf-editor | 19:11 |
ncp | you know workaround? | 19:11 |
fisch246 | alright submitted the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1309701 | 19:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1309701 in unity (Ubuntu) "Can't reopen applications from launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:11 |
Beldar | ncp, Did you even try? | 19:12 |
ncp | yes ofc, did not work | 19:12 |
Name141 | Will I be notified to upgrade to the latest LTS if I have an LTS version | 19:13 |
OerHeks | ncp, logout and login again? | 19:13 |
fisch246 | Name141: not until july when the first point release is released | 19:13 |
ncp | OerHeks, yes ofc :) | 19:13 |
Beldar | ncp, Cool, helps to have all that info, ubuntu tweak has a left to right click. | 19:13 |
ncp | Beldar, yes iknow, but nothing happens with ubuntu-tweak either | 19:14 |
Beldar | ncp, Ah, not sure than I use the gnome shell, it's on the right there already. | 19:14 |
Name141 | fisch246: So technically there isn't anything wrong with 12.04 .. yet ? | 19:15 |
Name141 | Or some screaming "hey upgrade me now" flaw? | 19:15 |
trism | fisch246: yeah there were several other people complaining about that bug during testing, all using nvidia proprietary: bug 1303325 | 19:15 |
ubottu | bug 1303325 in unity (Ubuntu) "clicking on its launcher icon doesn't open it (occured after closing app before)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303325 | 19:15 |
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ncp | but only need to know if it's possible to do in ubuntu 14.04 (unity) so i don't waste my time with the impossible :) | 19:16 |
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away | ||
ncp | has anyone moved close,maximize.. to right corner with unity tweak, or dconf-editor? | 19:16 |
ncp | and can confirm it work ofc :) | 19:17 |
silverf0x | anyone has upgraded to 12.04.4 to 14.04? | 19:18 |
OerHeks | silverf0x, most likely we are, ask your real question please? | 19:19 |
Beldar | silverf0x, It is not suggested, lts to lts is actually available in july. | 19:19 |
silverf0x | hmm | 19:20 |
silverf0x | but it's alreasy available | 19:20 |
OerHeks | oh 12.04 -14.04 | 19:20 |
Name141 | Beldar: so right now we'd have to do a new install ? | 19:21 |
Beldar | silverf0x, In the terminal yes, ease does not mean you should, nor guarantees the correct path grasshopper. | 19:21 |
Name141 | Directly to 14.04 | 19:21 |
fisch246 | trism: thanks for the bug reference. I looked for duplicates, but couldn't find any. I'll post that it might be a duplicate to that bug. | 19:21 |
inkjetunito | my 14.04 running in virtualbox seems to be using the gallium/llvmpipe graphics driver. how to change it to something better? | 19:21 |
Beldar | Name141, You can do what you want, lts to lts has always run this way. | 19:21 |
Name141 | Beldar: Observing that as a ys. | 19:22 |
Name141 | yes too | 19:22 |
Beldar | Name141, Reading a confirmation bias is faulty. | 19:22 |
nf7 | How can I tell if I'm on the beta build of 14.04 or the final version? I tried updating but I'm not sure if it worked. | 19:24 |
sig357 | hello community. Is there a way to install cinnamon on 14.04 (without installing via source)? Thank you. | 19:24 |
hydruid | nf7: cat /etc/issue.net | 19:24 |
hydruid | nf7: it should say "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" if it's 14.04 official | 19:25 |
nf7 | hydruid: Yeah it does say that. Thanks | 19:25 |
hydruid | nf7: congratulations, you're good to go! | 19:25 |
Beldar | !info cinnamon | 19:27 |
ubottu | Package cinnamon does not exist in trusty | 19:27 |
Beldar | sig357, cinnamon has been in the repos, not sure why it appears to not be now. | 19:28 |
sig357 | Beldar: I was thinking the same thing. 2.2 was released recently is my only guess | 19:29 |
asido | after updating perl 5.14.2 to 5.18.2 my C application cannot get return values from perl scripts anymore. is it a known break? | 19:29 |
sig357 | It's not on gwendal-lebihan-dev ppa either | 19:29 |
TerranceWarrior | after upgrading all i have in System Settings is 'language support, security, printers, landscape service and software updates, how do i get my other icons back please? | 19:30 |
Beldar | sig357, My guess is it will be , the 13.10 release had messed a bit with cinnamon and it took a little while to fix it, so maybe the developers are just being safe here, just a guess. | 19:31 |
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sig357 | Beldar: thanks for the info. I came from 13.04 and it worked great. I am really enjoying 14.04, well done. Just doesn't feel like home until I get my DE of choice installed. Thanks! | 19:32 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | Hello1 | 19:33 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | I upgraded Ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04. | 19:33 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | And I have some problems. | 19:33 |
Jordan_U | !details | Emmanuel_Chanel | 19:35 |
ubottu | Emmanuel_Chanel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 19:35 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | I use the PC with Ubuntu as an internet router and server. | 19:36 |
Emmanuel_Chanel | Formerly, ppp0 is the default route. But now not. | 19:36 |
TerranceWarrior | hello? | 19:39 |
the_google | ACK | 19:40 |
muhasturk | how can I toch with ricotz ? | 19:40 |
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Kangarooo | i installed ubuntu with default settings without connection to internet on virtualbox. checked this new option LVM. nothing else. after install didnt pressed restart but only close button to test if that works for live cd after instal.. it works but for a few seconds shwoing balck screen. then i pressed shutdown and it went after few seconds to black with shite letters screen. and stayed.. to witch packege to report? | 19:40 |
Kangarooo | white letters on black screen. | 19:41 |
d1rkp1tt | Hi all, just upgraded to 14.04 .. running it on a reasonably powerful vm, 4 cores, few gig of RAM, but my login times (not boot) have slowed down since the upgrade. Anyone else had issues with tihs? | 19:41 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: I've had a few that took 15 seconds yours similar? | 19:41 |
the_google | I'm still on 12.04 watching everyone have problems upgrading to 14.04. | 19:41 |
the_google | I think I will just fresh install in a week or two. | 19:41 |
Beldar | Kangarooo, That is a woerd test, that has no bug relation. | 19:41 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, between 15 and 30 | 19:41 |
Zylinx | im attempting to duel boot Ubuntu 12.04 with windows 8.1 on a Toshiba C50. (UEFI) | 19:42 |
Beldar | weird* | 19:42 |
hydruid | the_google: I always do a fresh install ;) | 19:42 |
inkjetunito | what are the optimal/recommended virtualbox settings for 14.04/x86_64? | 19:42 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: any errors at login? | 19:42 |
Kangarooo | Beldar: the bug is that it didnt shut down. all else i thought is maybe helpfull to know all i did. | 19:42 |
Zylinx | ubuntu does not seem to recognize windows 8.1 | 19:42 |
hydruid | inkjetunito: I would give it at least 2GB of ram and 2 cpu cores | 19:42 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, havent checked logs yet.. guess thats a good place to start | 19:42 |
jhutchins | Zylinx: There are problems with UEFI and the installer. | 19:43 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, nothing reported to desktop | 19:43 |
the_google | Even Microsoft doesn't recognize 8.1, it's 8.1 update or die now. | 19:43 |
Thete | What are people using these days to harden SSHD? | 19:43 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: good idea and give it a week or two, might also try unplugging everything that you can (say if it's a laptop) to see if you can narrow it down | 19:43 |
the_google | fail2ban | 19:43 |
jhutchins | Zylinx: Are you able to boot Ubuntu? | 19:43 |
Thete | the_google: cool, thank you much :) | 19:43 |
the_google | disable root and password login. | 19:43 |
inkjetunito | hydruid: yes, that part is ok already. the problem is, that it's using the gallium/llvmpipe graphics driver :( | 19:43 |
wix | hello can anyone help me with the mobile broadband on 14.04? It doesn't seem to appear in network settings | 19:43 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, its a VMware VM | 19:43 |
volkan | Hey, how can I get the informations about the hdd? | 19:43 |
genio | did /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults get taken out of 14.04? | 19:43 |
Jordan_U | Zylinx: Why are you installing Ubuntu 12.04 instead of 14.04? | 19:43 |
Ovetum | how can i to change select icon to red? | 19:44 |
Zylinx | jhutchins, yes from LiveUSB. its my dad whos actually doing it so hes making the decisions <- Jordan_U | 19:44 |
genio | it made automation nice... Do I now have to update conf files manually? | 19:44 |
d1rkp1tt | Ive upgraded this system all the way from 12.04 though | 19:44 |
Beldar | the_google, Do you have a support issue? | 19:44 |
d1rkp1tt | ;) | 19:44 |
d1rkp1tt | 2 years without a fresh build | 19:44 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: in that case wait a week or two for VMware to update their tools | 19:44 |
the_google | I'm here to observe and offer help if possible. | 19:44 |
the_google | Been on Ubuntu since ancient times. | 19:45 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, you think drivers? | 19:45 |
TerranceWarrior | bah | 19:45 |
Beldar | the_google, Than use nicks, and actually support. | 19:45 |
Zylinx | jhutchins, the only way my dad got it to work last time with similar laptop was using rEFInd boot manager. but we are wondering if there is a better way ? | 19:45 |
Zylinx | we read something about partition order | 19:45 |
Zylinx | and stuff | 19:45 |
Thete | the_google: Do you use apache? | 19:45 |
pdq | hellos all. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 fresh install on server deployment (OVH datacenter) and am trying to install some packages but have an error, need help please. thanks :) https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e44b87e6743708cbe419 | 19:45 |
Zylinx | which is the actual cause of Ubuntu not seeing windows | 19:45 |
the_google | I use nginx | 19:45 |
Thete | damn | 19:45 |
Thete | I gotta learn it | 19:45 |
Thete | hehe | 19:45 |
jhutchins | Zylinx: grub's been able to cope with efi for a while now, but a very knowledgable friend just tried to do the install on a powerbook and it made a mess of the efi partition. | 19:45 |
Thete | everyone's usin nginx now | 19:46 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: 14.04 is a little slow in virtualbox now too.......but I'm sure the next version of VM Tools will be more "fine tuned" for 14.04 | 19:46 |
jhutchins | Zylinx: You can do BIOS emulation on some EFI systems, but I think that breaks W8. | 19:46 |
the_google | Nginx seems simpler and has less moving parts...which I like. | 19:46 |
Night-hacks | i installed indicator-applet-complete but i don't see it on the top panel | 19:46 |
Night-hacks | what should i do ? | 19:46 |
Cheekio | Is the 13.10>14.04 upgrade process recommended? Last time I wanted to upgrade vs reinstall was back in the 200X's | 19:46 |
jhutchins | Zylinx: The forums probably have more discussion of work-arounds. | 19:46 |
the_google | restart the panel ? | 19:46 |
Cheekio | At which point it wasn't recommended | 19:47 |
the_google | or logout and log back in. | 19:47 |
Zylinx | jhutchins, yes the CMS or whatever compatibility mode will only work if all OS's boot from a MBR | 19:47 |
Night-hacks | the_google: how should i run the applet ? | 19:47 |
genio | Does 14.04 still use lightdm and if so, where has /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults moved to? | 19:47 |
hydruid | Cheekio: every system is different, if you haven't hacked a ton of stuff, shouldn't be an issue to upgrade | 19:48 |
Cheekio | Great | 19:48 |
Ovetum | how to change color of icon selected | 19:48 |
Ovetum | ¿? | 19:48 |
Cheekio | It's a month old install | 19:48 |
mikeche1en | can a live usb made with dd save documents between reboots? | 19:49 |
Cheekio | I've edited some /etc/ files, but for the most part I should be good to go. | 19:49 |
Jordan_U | Zylinx: Why is your dad installing Ubuntu 12.04 instead of 14.04? | 19:49 |
the_google | @Night-hacks, try to right click on the panel and add it if necessary | 19:49 |
the_google | It should be in the list. | 19:49 |
hydruid | Cheekio: you're good to go then :P | 19:49 |
the_google | [if the install was successful] | 19:49 |
Jordan_U | mikeche1en: No, you need to add another casper-rw partition for that, which just dding the image won't get you. | 19:50 |
Cheekio | Is there a irc channel for the unity team? | 19:50 |
Ovetum | how to change color of icon selected? | 19:50 |
Ovetum | how to change color of icon selected? | 19:50 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, Just going through logs.. nothing obvious. Got one error in auth.log which is a reported bug | 19:51 |
Ovetum | how to change color of icon selected? | 19:51 |
genio | crap. they removed it with no alternative but to edit config files. That sucks for automation. | 19:51 |
* genio breaks things | 19:51 | |
Beldar | !details > Ovetum | 19:51 |
ubottu | Ovetum, please see my private message | 19:51 |
mikeche1en | Jordan_U: ok thanks, ill try to get startup creator working | 19:51 |
Zylinx | Jordan_U, because when he read that 14.04 was for tablets he went to have a really big drink | 19:52 |
django | anyone know any good forex software for ubuntu | 19:52 |
Ovetum | I want to change the color of the icon selected | 19:52 |
Ovetum | how to do it? | 19:52 |
dysoco | django, I know of jstock but it just lets you keep track of stock prices | 19:53 |
fisch246 | where are the header files for the kernel? | 19:53 |
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dysoco | /usr/src/linux-headers-whatever | 19:54 |
hydruid | Ovetum: you will have to modify the theme | 19:54 |
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fisch246 | then apparently I'm running a newer kernel than my uname says i am | 19:54 |
Ovetum | how to do to modify my theme? hydruid | 19:55 |
* fergal32 waves hello | 19:55 | |
fisch246 | my headers are for 3.13, but my uname says 3.11 | 19:55 |
fisch246 | no wonder I'm running into issues :/ | 19:55 |
fergal32 | does anybody know why in ubuntu 14.04 in this sound indicator thinggie programs like vlc, rhythmbox etc are not closeable anymore? | 19:56 |
Guest85076 | Sorry, but this is the first time I've signed on. Does anyone know how I can add a resolution and make that change permanent? | 19:56 |
fergal32 | once they are started they stay there | 19:56 |
yeats | fergal32: I'm pretty sure that's considered a convenience feature | 19:57 |
yeats | Guest85076: by resolution, you mean screen resolution, yes? | 19:58 |
jhutchins | fergal32: Some of those programs have a persistent mode. Most can be closed with Ctrl-Q, or by right-clicking on the minimized icon (assuming they iconize when you try to close them with Alt-F10). | 19:58 |
Guest85076 | Yes that's right | 19:58 |
fisch246 | um... so apparently my kernel headers aren't available... | 19:58 |
hydruid | Ovetum: have you tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63126/how-do-i-change-the-selected-items-color | 19:58 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, You might be right about vmware.. Xorg.0.log shows a few errors | 19:58 |
joshad | Hello. I made the mistake of installing ubuntu-touch on my tablet, and now my tablet no longer boots (a quick search reveals that it's starting a light VM called LXC, which fails to load Android?!) | 19:58 |
fisch246 | beginning to regret my upgrade... | 19:58 |
jhutchins | fergal32: Check the drop-down menu for how to quit, it should include the shortcut. | 19:58 |
Ovetum | how I want to change the color of the icon selected? | 19:58 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: ;) | 19:58 |
yeats | Guest85076: what video card? | 19:58 |
joshad | I am unfamiliar with upstart, so how do I disable that LXC thing? | 19:58 |
Guest85076 | AMD HD 7770 | 19:58 |
fisch246 | alright so how to upgrade my kernel to the one it SHOULD be at | 19:59 |
Guest85076 | I tried the proprietary drivers but they cap at 1600x1200 | 19:59 |
yeats | Guest85076: have you installed the driver for it? | 19:59 |
yeats | oh | 19:59 |
Guest85076 | I've had 1920x1080 before | 19:59 |
Guest85076 | I'm sort of hoping for it again. | 19:59 |
yeats | Guest85076: "before" on ubuntu? | 19:59 |
Guest85076 | On Windows 7 | 20:00 |
Beldar | joshad, Touch has a channel, is this an issue with it? | 20:00 |
joshad | In particular, how do I find out what services are there in upstart? In Debian, I list /etc/init.d, but in Ubuntu I am lost. How do I get the names of the services I can disable? | 20:00 |
genio | How do I now disallow guest login and require username AND password for user login? | 20:00 |
fergal32 | yeats: hm damn | 20:00 |
genio | Everything I read online talks about editing config files that do not exist | 20:00 |
TerranceWarrior | any idea on how to get *all* my system settings icons package, like a package install or something? | 20:00 |
TerranceWarrior | s/package/back | 20:01 |
joshad | Beldar: Well, yes and no, I intended to test it, not use it. Now I want to disable it (so I don't have to uninstall it completely before testing) | 20:01 |
Beldar | joshad, However you want to word it, there is no touch support here. | 20:01 |
fergal32 | jhutchins: i'm not talking about closing programms it's about programs for watching vlc they just minimize and stay there | 20:01 |
* genio wonders if there's a lightDM channel instead | 20:02 | |
yeats | Guest85076: I think the commenter on this post is probably correct: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1929jz/any_one_using_a_amd_radeon_hd_7770/c8kcue4 | 20:02 |
fisch246 | Alright so apparently I'm still running the Ubuntu 13.10 kernel on 14.04 -__- | 20:02 |
gbear14275 | anyone played with 14.04 and xen 4.4 yet? | 20:02 |
joshad | Beldar: So if my system is broken after apt-get install from official challens, I don't get support here? | 20:02 |
joshad | s/challens/channels/ | 20:02 |
fergal32 | in the last versions you could just close them and they were closed in volume.sound-indicator | 20:02 |
d1rkp1tt | gbear14275, yes | 20:02 |
hydruid | joshad: we can help you, but we're volunteers not employees ;) | 20:02 |
hydruid | joshad: what is wrong? | 20:02 |
Beldar | joshad, This is ubuntu support, touch has it's own channel, it is not an issue of the repo access. | 20:03 |
joshad | Beldar: Well, it's an issue with upstart :) | 20:03 |
Guest85076 | So is there nothing I can do? | 20:03 |
Beldar | joshad, In touch right? | 20:03 |
dioioib | Guest85076: I had a dual head setup using ATI 6850's you have to install fglrx and xrandr and do a lot of xorg editing. | 20:03 |
joshad | Beldar: No, in Ubuntu | 20:03 |
fisch246 | alright so dist-upgrade apparently can't figure out that I'm running the wrong kernel... | 20:03 |
joshad | Beldar: I don't think `aptitude install ubuntu-touch' replaces upstart :) | 20:04 |
hydruid | fisch246: what kernel? and is / really full | 20:04 |
Guest85076 | I tried that I'm afraid. I got 1920x1080 with the standard driver, but it wouldn't save even after editing Xorg.conf | 20:04 |
TerranceWarrior | did they REMOVE system settings icons?? this is after an upgrade to Trusty. | 20:04 |
fisch246 | hydruid: I'm running 3.11, instead of 3.13 | 20:04 |
hydruid | joshad: what is your issue? I don't mind helping but it seems you are more interested in debating | 20:04 |
genio | Can anyone tell me how to change LightDM to _not_ allow guest login and to require both username and password to be typed in? All of the documentation I see is for older versions that no longer seem relevant | 20:04 |
Beldar | joshad, whatever you are in your own world. | 20:04 |
Guest85076 | And fglrx won't allow me to add the mode to my options | 20:04 |
yeats | fisch246: check that /boot is not full too (if you're using LVM, it will be on like a 90MB partition by default) | 20:04 |
Ovetum | thanks <hydruid> | 20:04 |
dioioib | Guest85076: here is an example of my xorg http://pastebin.com/e9h7V7YB | 20:04 |
hydruid | Ovetum: most welcome | 20:05 |
hydruid | TerranceWarrior: I have all mine...how many do you have | 20:05 |
dioioib | oh that is the broken one. after I installed nvidia one sec | 20:05 |
fisch246 | yeats: They're on the same partition, and I have plenty of space | 20:05 |
fisch246 | My headers updated, but my kernel did not | 20:05 |
joshad | hydruid: Well, I wish to disable a service. I don't know how's it called (guesses are `lxc' or `lxc-android'), and I wish to know the directory where I can look for upstart services | 20:05 |
Guest85076 | But I can't change the mode anyway with the proprietary driver | 20:06 |
TerranceWarrior | hydruid: 5 | 20:06 |
hydruid | joshad: disable a service on Ubuntu? | 20:06 |
hydruid | TerranceWarrior: that's not good lol | 20:06 |
joshad | hydruid: Yes | 20:06 |
yeats | fisch246: what does 'dpkg -l | grep linux-image' show? | 20:06 |
Guest85076 | And with the X.org driver even Assault Cube dips below 30fps | 20:06 |
TerranceWarrior | hydruid: i know. | 20:07 |
dioioib | yeah that sucks. I remember it being a pain to setup. Now I am having more of an issue after installing the nvidia you can't use them together. | 20:07 |
TerranceWarrior | hydruid: what package is it? | 20:07 |
dioioib | yeah 30fps isn't much for a 7770 | 20:07 |
the_google | looks like upstart jobs reside in /etc/init | 20:07 |
hydruid | joshad: do a search through /etc/rcX.d/ where X can be from 0-6 | 20:07 |
Jordan_U | Zylinx: 14.04 is no less for Desktops than 12.04, and likely has better UEFI support (along with newer software, and support for a longer period from now). | 20:07 |
hydruid | joshad: you could also just move the /etc/init.d/ script to somewhere else | 20:07 |
the_google | look in there if possible for something that looks like LXC and rename the script to something else. | 20:07 |
hydruid | joshad: of course it's hard to say, since every package handles that differently, but those are the basic ways to do it | 20:08 |
Guest85076 | Still thanks for sending it dioioib | 20:08 |
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fisch246 | yeats: http://pastebin.com/9nL5YYU1 | 20:08 |
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=== Simex1995 is now known as Marlinc | ||
hydruid | TerranceWarrior: how about I pastebin my dpkg --list and you do the same and then you can do a diff | 20:08 |
dioioib | Guest85076: just ingnor the nvidia stuff it should say xrandr and there was a line in there for xinearama or something if I was at home I would review my install notes for you. | 20:08 |
yeats | fisch246: rc linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic - so it was installed, but removed | 20:09 |
TerranceWarrior | hydruid: no thanks. i got it. | 20:09 |
hydruid | TerranceWarrior: what package was it? | 20:09 |
hydruid | lol okay | 20:09 |
yeats | fisch246: you could just try 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic' and call the issue done | 20:09 |
django | where can i find open java runtime 32 bit | 20:10 |
=== freanux is now known as root | ||
Guest85076 | Thanks :). Is there anyway get the proprietary driver to increase the maximum resolution? | 20:10 |
fisch246 | yeats: running it now | 20:10 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, Just reinstalled vmware tools in case it was really... old. rebooted. 35 seconds from login screen to have sidebar loaded. | 20:10 |
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fisch246 | yeats: uname -r still says 3.11 | 20:11 |
=== Guest75341 is now known as freanux | ||
joshad | hydruid: OK, thanks very much, so it's in the usual place. (It seems that something else is starting it though, I guess I'll have to look in the package itself) | 20:11 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: and how long ago were the VMware tools updated by VMware? | 20:11 |
hydruid | joshad: what package is it | 20:11 |
fisch246 | yeats: oh right... I assume I have to restart | 20:11 |
yeats | fisch246: right | 20:11 |
dioioib | Guest85076: not to sure. the driver support is really lagy. I think I ended up using version 9.4 or something old just to get it to work. | 20:11 |
fisch246 | mmk brb | 20:11 |
gbear14275 | d1rkp1tt, I was reading up on xen4.4 and thought I read that the toolchain to use was not the one in the ubuntu xen documentation, but I lost the page and am new to Xen. Any advice on guides to use or reference over others? | 20:12 |
hydruid | joshad: you could try one of the "startup managers" to see if it finds it | 20:12 |
joshad | hydruid: lxc http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/amd64/lxc/filelist | 20:12 |
Programmer_ | 14.04 upgrade done :))))) | 20:12 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, yeah I still need to wait for the update... but was just checking anyway. I guess 35 secs is not the end of the world.. | 20:13 |
hydruid | joshad: so LXC is running a container at boot? | 20:13 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: it's not too bad, what resolution? | 20:13 |
d1rkp1tt | hydruid, 1680x1050 | 20:13 |
Guest85076 | dioioib: Ok. Thanks. I did try and edit it in Catalyst Control Centre with root privaleges, something I remembered having to do with Windows, but it won't even let me click on the max resolution. | 20:14 |
hydruid | d1rkp1tt: yea lol.....bump it down to 1024*768 and reboot, see if it logs in faster | 20:14 |
joshad | hydruid: I would guess so, I decided to just remove it. I might have to read on these containers :) | 20:15 |
hydruid | joshad: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html | 20:16 |
hydruid | joshad: look for "LXC startup" | 20:17 |
joshad | hydruid: Oh, thanks very much | 20:18 |
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zryan | E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list | 20:19 |
zryan | this my error | 20:19 |
zryan | E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list | 20:19 |
yeats | zryan: can you pastebin the contents of that file? | 20:19 |
zryan | (sudu apt-get update) apear this error | 20:21 |
zryan | E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list | 20:21 |
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pdq | hello I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 fresh install and am trying to install python-dev but have an error, need help please. thanks :) https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c156938754da16860716 does this package install for anyone else? | 20:22 |
=== compdoc_ is now known as compdoc | ||
zryan | help me plzzz | 20:22 |
zryan | E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list | 20:22 |
yeats | zryan: do 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit' then 'pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list' and share the resulting URL here | 20:22 |
zryan | notg install this (pastebinit) | 20:23 |
yeats | pdq: have you tried installing those other packages directly? | 20:23 |
pdq | yep same/similar errors | 20:24 |
zryan | yeats not install (pastebinit) in terminal | 20:24 |
ethan_ | Hello | 20:24 |
yeats | zryan: ok - if you want someone to help you, you'll need to pastebin what's in that file | 20:24 |
yeats | pdq: any PPAs or other third-party repos installed? | 20:25 |
pdq | yeats: checking, is a ovh datacenter 14.04 image deployment | 20:25 |
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penth | if there's a problem in apt then he's not going to install the package via apt. zryan: open a browser to pastebin.com and paste the file there. | 20:26 |
yeats | pdq: you've done 'sudo apt-get update' right? | 20:26 |
pdq | yeats: yeppers is all up to date and has rebooted etc and updated since | 20:26 |
yeats | pdq: ok | 20:26 |
ethan_ | I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am new to ubuntu. I just recently switched from windows 7. I was wondering how do you disable the guest account on 14.04 | 20:27 |
yeats | pdq: can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy python-dev'? | 20:27 |
=== Marlinc is now known as Marlin | ||
=== Marlin is now known as Marlinc | ||
yeats | ethan_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session should help | 20:28 |
hydruid | ethan_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-disable-guest-account-in-ubuntu-12-04precise.html | 20:28 |
ethan_ | Thanks | 20:29 |
hydruid | ethan_: but it looks like the file mentioned is now under /etc/init/ | 20:29 |
hydruid | ethan_: welcome to the awesomess of Ubuntu | 20:29 |
zryan | http://pastebin.com/7ceax9Jc | 20:30 |
Lukas1321 | are there any major updates in the 14.04 release? | 20:30 |
xangua | !releasenotes | 20:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Thar) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/14.04 | 20:31 |
zryan | http://pastebin.com/print.php?i=7ceax9Jc | 20:31 |
pdq | yeats: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/168eb9b228d5ee0dfb9d | 20:31 |
yeats | zryan: do 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/langdalepl-gvfs-mtp-lucid.list' and pastebin that output, please | 20:32 |
Lukas1321 | does anyone know of any major updates or fixes in the 14.04 release? | 20:32 |
xangua | !releasenotes | Lukas1321 | 20:33 |
ubottu | Lukas1321: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Thar) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/14.04 | 20:33 |
noiro_ | ogh, ubuntu 13.10 takes up a ton more space in / >.< | 20:33 |
zryan | i dont knew yeats | 20:34 |
xangua | mmm whre are the release notes ubottu :/ | 20:34 |
StephenS | ubantu is ubentu | 20:34 |
oal | Can I get "Files" to display the current path as a text field instead of breadcrumbs/buttons? | 20:34 |
StephenS | oal: depends | 20:34 |
oal | StephenS, on what? | 20:34 |
StephenS | which gui do you use? | 20:34 |
StephenS | aka env. | 20:34 |
xangua | oal: Control+L | 20:35 |
oal | xangua, oh, perfect! Thanks | 20:35 |
oal | Problem solved :) | 20:35 |
noiro_ | anyone know if I buy a new SSD if i can clone the / and Windows partitions from it exactly and give / more room? | 20:35 |
Pa^2 | I have 14.04 running on a 2x2 monitor array. Any way to have just one status bar instead of one on each monitor? | 20:35 |
Lukas1321 | there aren't any release notes for 14.04 really | 20:35 |
oal | xangua, where can I find such shortcuts? | 20:35 |
veryhappy | hey guys, is there any possibility to remove or turn off the gdm ready sound? | 20:36 |
Beldar | noiro_, You can clone yes, and you can resize / yes. | 20:36 |
trism | the !releasenotes factoid should probably link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes for now since http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/14.04 is redirecting to ubuntu.com | 20:38 |
Guest85076 | Could I throw my problem back out there? Does anyone know how to increase the maximum screen resolution for AMD proprietary drivers? | 20:39 |
pdq | yeats: i got someone to test it in 14.04 standard repos and works so will look into that as this datacenter uses a mix of their own plus ubuntus for the security | 20:40 |
django | where is the recyble bin or trash in ubuntu 12.04 | 20:41 |
zryan | how to mount galaxy s4 on ubuntu 10.04 | 20:41 |
veryhappy | Guest85076: did you already try the amd control center? | 20:41 |
hydruid | django: open your home folder and find it on the left ;) | 20:42 |
oal | I've done "chsh -s /usr/bin/fish", but gnome-terminal still opens bash. How can I change that? | 20:42 |
xangua | zryan: upgrade to a supported ubuntu release | 20:42 |
Guest85076 | I had a go with root privaleges, but it wouldn't let me click on the max resolution. | 20:42 |
zryan | xangua upgrade for what version? | 20:42 |
Lukas1321 | i was wondering, is it already possible to log on to root from the login screen? | 20:43 |
zetheroo1 | I am trying to get an openvpn connection to work ... I can connect fine, but cannot ping any systems in the remote network - not with IP's nor with hostnames ... the client is running Ubuntu ... I know the server side is working because the connection and pings/sshing works perfectly from my Android phone ... I had this working in 13.10 but since installing 14.04 I cannot get it to work anymore ... | 20:43 |
hydruid | Lukas1321: why would you want to do that? | 20:43 |
Lukas1321 | hydruid: whenever something in my account fails and i wouldn't be able to create a new account | 20:44 |
noooob | is it somehow possible to use nvidia-331 to output sound via HDMI? worked on my hw before but in trusty it seems badly broken?? switching sinks in pulseaudio has no effect??? alsamixer wont let me adjust volume levels for nvidia???? | 20:44 |
Lukas1321 | hydruid: i was thinking of making the root acc as a fallback one | 20:45 |
hydruid | Lukas1321: you can use recovery or just create a "utilities" account | 20:45 |
django | is ubuntu 12.04 32bit or 64bit?? | 20:46 |
xangua | django: there are both version | 20:46 |
django | how do i know what i have | 20:46 |
noooob | uname -a | 20:46 |
xangua | zryan: please no pm, you can se supported ubuntu release in the topic | 20:46 |
Programmer_ | how does app updates work? like for wireshark nmap and so on? | 20:46 |
Lukas1321 | django: you can try looking for "about this computer" or sth like that | 20:47 |
Ovetum | how to Change the color scheme of Ubuntu??? | 20:47 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: right click on an empty space on the desktop | 20:48 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: and there should be a choice "change desktop background..." | 20:49 |
noooob | nevermind nvidia-331 hdmi audio seems to work after "alsa force-reload" and "pkill pulseaudio" as usual pulse is the problem | 20:49 |
gbear14275 | d1rkp1tt, Which toolstack are you using? | 20:49 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: and then there will be a combobox that will let you choose the color scheme | 20:50 |
Joel | 13.10 - is there some repo I can enable to get the latest version of virtual box? | 20:50 |
boze | to wine or not to wine. That is the questions : / | 20:51 |
Ovetum | lukas1321 not working | 20:51 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: what ubuntu do you have? | 20:52 |
yeats | Joel: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads | 20:52 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: what version of ubuntu do you have? | 20:52 |
Ovetum | 13.10 | 20:52 |
Ovetum | ubuntu 13.10 | 20:52 |
_1_vel3 | ciao | 20:53 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: are you using unity? | 20:53 |
_1_vel3 | erano anni che non venivo su irc | 20:53 |
k1l_ | !it | _1_vel3 | 20:53 |
ubottu | _1_vel3: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 20:53 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: plan b: click on the menu button in the dock, type 'appearance' without quote marks, hit enter and there will be a choice of changing the theme | 20:54 |
Joel | yeats, thanks | 20:55 |
Ovetum | not working, only appearance icon of system | 20:58 |
Ovetum | and no change | 20:58 |
Lukas1321 | Ovetum: are you sure you tried to open the window and click something else other than 'ambiance' (or 'radiance) in the theme combo box? | 21:00 |
ProhibitedUserna | Does anyone know how to use Catalyst Control Centre to increase the max screen resolution? | 21:01 |
troulouliou_dev | hi what is the name of the standard libs for d programming language ? | 21:01 |
troulouliou_dev | in ubuntu | 21:01 |
lpp | troulouliou_dev: http://dlang.org/download.html | 21:02 |
Meris | Why does the Ubuntu 14.04 installer ask where to install the bootloader if it has been started in EFI mode? | 21:02 |
lpp | troulouliou_dev: if you are havign trouble googling 'd' use 'dlang' | 21:02 |
troulouliou_dev | lpp, thanks :) | 21:02 |
troulouliou_dev | lpp, thoise have been removed from the official repos in 14.04 ? | 21:03 |
troulouliou_dev | lpp, only gdc is present now ? | 21:03 |
fisch246 | yeats: well... it didn't work | 21:03 |
fisch246 | yeats: that broke the system | 21:03 |
lpp | troulouliou_dev: I am not a D developer | 21:03 |
yeats | fisch246: broke how? | 21:04 |
fisch246 | yeats: resolution was off, and mouse and keyboard stopped working | 21:04 |
yeats | fisch246: sounds like the upgrade may have been interrupted? | 21:05 |
streulma | my video card Intel HD 4000 doesn't work well with Ubuntu 14.04 | 21:06 |
Sharkpoofie | Hi, just a quick question, is ok to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.4 of do you preffer to do a clean install | 21:06 |
streulma | there are no drivers from Intel itself | 21:06 |
Meris | Is there any way to tell the Ubuntu installer that you want to mount an EFI partition at /boot/efi, *without formatting it*? | 21:06 |
yeats | Sharkpoofie: do a backup first, but an upgrade should be fine | 21:06 |
yeats | fisch246: you might look through your dpkg and apt logs to see why the kernel was installed, then removed | 21:07 |
streulma | is it ok to use the xorg-edgers ppa ? | 21:07 |
yeats | !ppa | streulma | 21:07 |
ubottu | streulma: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 21:07 |
Sharkpoofie | yeats: i already have a backup with clonezilla | 21:07 |
Il0Il0llO0 | http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/intel-linux-graphics-installer-103.html | 21:08 |
fisch246 | yeats: I think I'm just going to do a clean install of 14.04 | 21:08 |
yeats | Sharkpoofie: great - then you could try an upgrade, and if it doesn't work, do a clean install and restore your data | 21:08 |
yeats | Sharkpoofie: but upgrades are usually painless in my experience | 21:08 |
Sharkpoofie | yeats: yes, i just wanted to know if updates are just breaking just more stuff :D | 21:09 |
lpp | Sharkpoofie: I did an upgrade from saucy to trusty and nothing broke except for multi-monitor, but that's a trainwreck on linux anyway | 21:10 |
fisch246 | I think from now on I'm just going to stick to LTS, and go from LTS to LTS | 21:11 |
Sharkpoofie | lpp: oh, that's bad, i guess with nvidia drivers it's even worse | 21:12 |
fisch246 | I always seem to have issues with interim upgrades | 21:12 |
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alexa | Guys, last time I had some problem installing Ubuntu 13.10 beside win8 (in legacy mode). Now I want to install it again, but cant. After booting from installation USB stick and selecting Start .... it shows black screen with this error: (it's too long, so I'll shorten it a bit) Could not find the ISO $[iso_path] | 21:14 |
xutl | how to increase wifi speed on trusty with chip bcm4313 ? | 21:14 |
alexa | This could also happen if the file system is not clean because..... | 21:14 |
alexa | ... let it fully start, log in, run "chkdsk /r" then shut down and reboot back into windows... after this you should be able to reboot again and resume the installation.. | 21:15 |
alexa | that's all | 21:15 |
alexa | Now, I disabled quick startup option from win8 | 21:16 |
alexa | and started ubuntu now | 21:16 |
xutl | how to increase wifi speed on trusty with chip bcm4313 ? | 21:16 |
oal | Is there a decent twitter client with support for multiple accounts and "panes" like tweetdeck, for linux? | 21:16 |
DukeF | Hi all | 21:17 |
alexa | (the Ubuntu that's already installed) and ran "fsck -t ntfs /dev/sda1 (and 2 and 3), but it shows error: | 21:17 |
xutl | is bcmwl-kernel-source updated in trusty or same version as of saucy ? | 21:17 |
alexa | fsck: fsck.ntfs not found | 21:17 |
alexa | fsck: fsck.ntfs not found for /dev/sda1 and 2 and 3 | 21:17 |
alexa | what shall I do? | 21:17 |
DukeF | I have a problem with hybrid graphics on ubuntu 14.04, could anyone please assist me? | 21:18 |
bodhi_zazen | alexa: fsck does not work with ntfs | 21:18 |
alexa | e2fsck then? | 21:18 |
bodhi_zazen | you can try ntfsprograms, but they are not as reliable as the windows tools | 21:18 |
bodhi_zazen | ntfsfix /dev/sdxy | 21:19 |
bodhi_zazen | assuming it is a ntfs partition | 21:19 |
bodhi_zazen | still, be warned, you are better off running the windows diagnostic tools | 21:19 |
xutl | !bcmwl-kernel-source | 21:19 |
Beldar | DukeF, You want to state the issue, to the channel, for help | 21:19 |
xutl | is bcmwl-kernel-source updated in trusty or same version as of saucy ? | 21:20 |
Sharkpoofie | and i wonder, if zmq will compile under 14.04 | 21:20 |
DukeF | thanks Beldar | 21:20 |
OSaddict | Can anyone tell me why I can't get avconv or ffmpeg to work? | 21:20 |
Jordan_U | alexa: Follow the directions given, run "chkdsk /r" in Windows. | 21:20 |
alexa | last time I came here and one guy helped me with some tools | 21:20 |
OSaddict | Both programs give me this error message: | 21:20 |
OSaddict | Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:' | 21:20 |
Jordan_U | !details | OSaddict | 21:21 |
ubottu | OSaddict: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 21:21 |
alexa | Jordan_U: I tried, it won't cause it's mounted | 21:21 |
alexa | I can't do it from windows | 21:21 |
bodhi_zazen | alexa if you can not boot a windows recovery disk and repair the problem, you are out of luck | 21:22 |
bodhi_zazen | there is not linux tool better then the windows tools | 21:22 |
Jordan_U | alexa: It should schedult the check for the next boot. | 21:22 |
bodhi_zazen | although you can try nftsfix | 21:22 |
alexa | hitsuji_TMO | 21:22 |
alexa | hitsuji_TMO helped me previous time | 21:22 |
=== raven is now known as Guest50683 | ||
DukeF | I have an asus laptop with intel and nvidia (740m) graphic cards and when I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 i get the 'low graphic mode' screen | 21:23 |
Derek_ | Hi guys anyone using ubuntu 14.04? | 21:24 |
captine | hi all. Not very experienced with this, but am trying to follow the community how tos on ubuntu for pxe server. Want to setup a multi distro installer for ubuntu and some other test os's. Am really struggling. Anyone got any good tutorial links for this? Ubuntu one is based on 9.10 and 14.04 with EFI etc seems to have different files for kernel names etc. am just a bit comnfused | 21:24 |
captine | Derek_, I am using it | 21:24 |
DukeF | things I have already tried: 1) purged nvidia* and bumbleblee* and installed nvidia-319 and the latest nvidia-prime, 2) uninstalled all nvidia drivers (trying to use only intel), 3) booted on failsafe mode | 21:24 |
Derek_ | hey captine. I am having some major problems with it | 21:25 |
OSaddict | Oh, I mistyped something, but now I'm still getting errors. I typed: | 21:25 |
OSaddict | avconv -i out-13.ogv out-13.mpg | 21:25 |
OSaddict | Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height | 21:25 |
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut | ||
captine | Derek_, I am pretty new, but post the issue/question and I am sure someone will help if I cannot | 21:25 |
Derek_ | so there is a lot like my mouse works and everything but it won't click on most things like the close button and some menu buttons and also it won't connect to the internet at all with either wired or wireless | 21:26 |
DukeF | I also tried to restore the default settings from the 'low graphics mode' dialog, also using the back up option and finally when I use the low graphics mode I get a black screen and I have to reboot | 21:27 |
OSaddict | Wow, there's always someone with Nvidia troubles! What is it about nVidia that causes this? | 21:27 |
DukeF | OSaddict: bad company support I guess | 21:27 |
macscm | I am not able to extract a tar.gz file with "tar -zxvf filename" | 21:28 |
macscm | it says no such file or directory | 21:28 |
captine | Derek_, did you upgrade to 14.04 or do a clean install? | 21:29 |
DukeF | macscm: you need to point to the exat route of the file. try listing with ll and copy / paste the full file name | 21:29 |
k1l_ | macscm: then the filename is not correct. | 21:29 |
Derek_ | i did a clean install. brand new hd | 21:29 |
k1l_ | macscm: its case sensitive. | 21:29 |
OSaddict | Make sure the .tar.gz is there too. | 21:29 |
macscm | figured it out ... the filename in nautilus was different than the one showing in bash. There was a prefix that was necessary that "ls" wasn't showing me | 21:30 |
szymon_h | hi, anybody knows what happened to perfctr for kernels 3.x ? | 21:30 |
OSaddict | Any ideas on my ffmpeg/avconv issue? | 21:30 |
captine | Derek_, what mouse are you using? seems like a weird issue if the mouse works but doesnt click. | 21:30 |
asturel_ | hi, tried to add i386 precise on amd64 saucy but i get this libvirt: Domain Config error : internal error: no supported architecture for os type 'hvm' | 21:30 |
asturel_ | kvm | 21:31 |
Derek_ | cyborg r.a.t. 9 | 21:31 |
asturel_ | with ubuntu-vm-builder | 21:31 |
Derek_ | it is really weird | 21:31 |
alexa | <Jordan_U> I scheduled it for next reboot. Now it's checking itself | 21:31 |
Derek_ | it can click on somethings just not everything. Can't even click on the shutdown or launcher sometimes | 21:32 |
captine | I use a apple magic mouse and it has some quirks. not sure on the Cyborg. did it work in a previous version? I see the internet if full of changes to xorg.conf to get the mouse working but nothing mentions your issue. | 21:34 |
captine | Derek_, can you see your wifi networks? | 21:34 |
Meris | Is there any way to tell the Ubuntu installer that you want to mount an EFI partition at /boot/efi, *without formatting it*?, or should I just pop open a terminal and sudo mount it. Before the partitioning process? | 21:35 |
Derek_ | yeah it worked in 12.04. and yes it can see all wifi networks but when i try to connect it just goes through connecting for a few minutes and then says disconnected you have gone offline | 21:35 |
Noiro | can someone help me with 14.04's Nvidia X Server? Whenever I try to make changes in the application, it quits upon hitting 'apply' | 21:36 |
macscm | My desktop has some folder shortcuts (I think .lnk files) .... how to I "cd" to them | 21:36 |
Meris | I'm running into this bug here: | 21:36 |
Meris | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1277865 | 21:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1277865 in partman-auto (Ubuntu Trusty) "Cannot install Ubuntu 14.04 on EFI hardware" [Critical,Fix released] | 21:36 |
macscm | I can't seem to type their name right | 21:36 |
DukeF | macscm: use tab? | 21:37 |
Meris | Useless to say, the released "fix" doesn't work for me. | 21:37 |
captine | Derek_, have you checked for any additional drivers for the wifi? | 21:37 |
captine | perhaps there is something more stable? | 21:37 |
gilles | help | 21:37 |
macscm | DukeF what do umean | 21:37 |
noooob | is it possible to watch dvb-c with gnome-dvb-daemon and totem?? i can scan and see stations but i cant convince totem to show up the dvb channels sidebar, nor will it play the scanned channels.conf directly??? | 21:37 |
noooob | any siggestions? | 21:37 |
DukeF | macscm: type the first word and then press tab | 21:37 |
Derek_ | captine, i can't connect over ethernet wither | 21:37 |
DukeF | it will auto-complete or if you press tab again list the available matches | 21:37 |
macscm | DukeF tab does nothing | 21:37 |
captine | Derek_, is this straight after a fresh install? Did the installer detect the ethernet network and install updates during the install process? | 21:38 |
DukeF | macscm: do you try to access those files with the terminal? | 21:39 |
macscm | DukeF ya | 21:39 |
DukeF | ok you need to cd to the folder where the .lnk files are | 21:39 |
macscm | DukeF I am there | 21:39 |
macscm | DukeF when I do "ls" I see the shortcut represented as "to Code_Lib" | 21:40 |
Derek_ | captine, yes it detected the networks during install and everything but wouldn't connect there either. after just installing ubuntu it saw that it added 3 different networks with the same name of my wireless but numbered and wouldn't connect so it's like it tried to make a new profile and save it when it couldn't connect. | 21:40 |
DukeF | then just type 'to' and then tab | 21:40 |
zetheroo1 | I need help getting openvpn connection working via network manager? | 21:40 |
macscm | DukeF tab does nothing | 21:41 |
DukeF | or double tab if there is more than one file that starts with to | 21:41 |
zetheroo1 | I can make the connection but cannot ping any IP's on the remote LAN | 21:41 |
szymon_h | hey, anybody used perfctr kernel patches? | 21:41 |
macscm | DukeF its not autocompleting | 21:42 |
captine | Derek_, I must admit I may not be the best person for this. Have you tried disabling and re-enabling the network?\ | 21:42 |
DukeF | macscm: it should... what do you want to do with the file? | 21:42 |
macscm | DukeF it's actually a shortcut to a folder | 21:42 |
macscm | I want to get in there | 21:43 |
Derek_ | captine, yeah i tried just about everything i know. i even tried doing some terminal commands to input the network and nothing | 21:43 |
sydneyJDykstra2 | If I am seeding a Ubuntu torrent,does my iso file get upgraded when theirs does,or do I have to re-download the whole file when they update it? | 21:43 |
DukeF | macscm: well if it's a shortcut and not a symlink you can't just 'cd' to the file, you have to open it with your file browser | 21:43 |
macscm | DukeF ok thanks I will try and make a symlink | 21:44 |
captine | Derek_, sounds very weird. Sorry I cannot help more. Perhaps someone else can assist. | 21:44 |
noooob | is totem capable of playing dvb-c in ubuntu trusty ? | 21:44 |
Derek_ | captine, thanks for your help. ill figure it out eventually lol | 21:44 |
Jordan_U | sydneyJDykstra2: torrents don't change once they're created. To get a newer Ubuntu iso you would need to use a newer torrent (or use zsync, which will efficiently just download the changes between the old and new iso files, but via http rather than bittorrent). | 21:44 |
DukeF | anyone can help me with the nvidia / graphic problem I stated early? | 21:44 |
Jordan_U | noooob: How are you recieving this dvb-c content? | 21:46 |
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szymon_h | tiny help with perfctr ? anybody? | 21:46 |
sydneyJDykstra2 | Jordan_U: Ok,thanks!! | 21:47 |
Jordan_U | sydneyJDykstra2: You're welcome. | 21:47 |
OSaddict | DukeF: can you post that again? I was afk for a while. | 21:47 |
noooob | Jordan_U: i have a dvb-c Em28xx usb stick wich worked with vlc before, but i want to try native gnome apps instead. i configured it in gnome-dvb-daemon but in totem the sidebar just wont show up | 21:48 |
DukeF | I have an asus laptop with intel and nvidia (740m) graphic cards and when I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 i get the 'low graphic mode' screen | 21:48 |
DukeF | things I have already tried: 1) purged nvidia* and bumbleblee* and installed nvidia-319 and the latest nvidia-prime, 2) uninstalled all nvidia drivers (trying to use only intel), 3) booted on failsafe mode | 21:48 |
macscm | in the terminal, how do I go to a folder that has a space in it's name (I made it in Windws) | 21:49 |
tgm4883 | macscm, either put the path in quotes, or escape the space with \ | 21:49 |
macscm | tgm4883 th | 21:49 |
macscm | thx | 21:49 |
tgm4883 | macscm, I believe if you use tab complete it escapes it for you | 21:50 |
k1l_ | macscm: /path/to/path\ with\ spaces | 21:50 |
tgm4883 | !tab | macscm | 21:50 |
ubottu | macscm: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:50 |
macscm | nice | 21:50 |
dastardly | how do i change HDD model name? | 21:50 |
bodhi_zazen | DukeF: I think you answered you own question. Your options from here are to file a bug report - with ubuntu for the open source driver and with nvidia for the closed driver | 21:51 |
OSaddict | DukeF: Did you try the drivers from nVidia's website? | 21:51 |
noooob | Jordan_U: i installed gnome-dvb-{daemon,client} and totem-plugins-dvb-daemon and checked that plugin in totem. afaik it should show up an channels selector in the sidebar which it does not | 21:51 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: In what context? What are you seeing? What do you want to change it to? Why? | 21:51 |
HiddenDjinn | i'm having some issues with cedar trail graphics...can't play video full screen | 21:51 |
DukeF | bodhi_zazen: :( that's bad news but thanks, I needed confirmation for that | 21:51 |
DukeF | OSaddict: not that I don't want to try but I'd rather file a but and try to get an official fix | 21:52 |
DukeF | *bug | 21:52 |
dastardly | Jordan_U: i asked a question | 21:52 |
bodhi_zazen | DukeF: it is frustrating, "X" is going to get messier between MIR and wayland and who knows what ;) | 21:53 |
tgm4883 | dastardly, yes, but your question didn't make any sense. Do you want to change it's /dev/sd* letter? Do you want to change it's mount point? Something else? | 21:53 |
OSaddict | DukeF: Did you get the Intel graphics to work? | 21:54 |
tgm4883 | dastardly, unless you actually mean what you say, in which case I'll ask WTF you would want to change the model name of a drive | 21:54 |
DukeF | OSaddict: nope :( | 21:55 |
DukeF | I will try and modify xorg.conf manually | 21:55 |
dastardly | ive hidden a partition and changed drive model name to mimc the space on the unhiden partition now i cant remember how i did it in the 1st place | 21:55 |
DukeF | else I will need to go back to 13.10 ¬_¬ | 21:55 |
dastardly | it must been almost a year ago | 21:56 |
OSaddict | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVpOyKCNZYw Now, I understand about the nVidia problems! | 21:56 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: How are you querying the drive's model name? Why is the model name significant? | 21:57 |
DukeF | lol yeah | 21:57 |
Romer | Hi linuxthefish | 21:57 |
Romer | i_dun_get_it: Hi | 21:57 |
dastardly | i just want to undo it | 21:57 |
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dastardly | cant remeber how i done it | 21:58 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 21:58 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: I'm still not clear on what it is you did in the first place. Please answer my questions so that I can try to determine that, and thus help you reverse it. | 21:58 |
DukeF | thank you all guys, will keep trying failed attempts to fix it until I go mad and reinstall :D bye! | 21:59 |
c|oneman | how much swap should I use on a system with 128mb of ram? | 22:00 |
alexa | Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7279175/ | 22:00 |
dastardly | ive hidden a partition and changed drive model name to mimc the space on the unhiden partition now i cant remember how i did it in the 1st place | 22:00 |
OSaddict | c|oneman: What desktop environment are you using? | 22:00 |
c|oneman | none | 22:00 |
gareppa | i find that 14.04 is heating slightly more my thinkpad t420 than 13.10 | 22:00 |
gareppa | but maybe just an impression | 22:01 |
dastardly | i resized the partition | 22:01 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: What do you mean by "to mimc the space on the unhidden partition"? The OS doesn't use the model name of a drive to determine its size, it just asks the drive to tell it what size it is directly. | 22:01 |
dastardly | io cant remenber what app i used | 22:01 |
dastardly | the OS dosent be peoiple do | 22:01 |
bodhi_zazen | c|oneman: I would use 1 Gb of swap if you have the hard drive space, if not 512 mb | 22:02 |
OSaddict | c|oneman: So, just command-line? I normally put 1 GB on all of my systems. Maybe 2 for you. I've never had a need for more than 2 GB, ever! | 22:02 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Is there some utility in Ubuntu that you're using to view the drive's model name? | 22:02 |
dastardly | i just was bored and wanted to test if it could be done | 22:02 |
c|oneman | could adding too much swap give applications the impression that memory is pleantiful and degrade performance? | 22:02 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 22:03 |
OSaddict | What exactly happens if you run out of memory? Kernel panic? | 22:03 |
c|oneman | I don't know, I haven't run out yet. | 22:03 |
bodhi_zazen | c|oneman: no, swap is managed by the kernel and RAM will always be used in preference | 22:03 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Honestly, I've never heard of anyone checking a drive's size by doing anything other than using a tool to query the size, which will not be affected by a change in the model name. But that aside, is there a tool you're using in Ubuntu that is displaying the "fake" model you gave the drive? If so, what tool? | 22:03 |
bodhi_zazen | when you run out of RAM / Swap usually applications crash , usually not the kernel | 22:04 |
OSaddict | c|oneman: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness controls how much the programs use swap. | 22:04 |
dastardly | that netbook is using xp i want to use the hidden space to install ubuntu | 22:04 |
k1l_ | well the kernel kills programs to mae free ram again. | 22:05 |
dastardly | i must have folwed some online guid | 22:05 |
dastardly | guide | 22:05 |
OSaddict | What gets annoying as hell is when programs like your file manager keep swapping and losing their cache. Then they make you wait forever when you unminimize them. | 22:06 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Is there a tool in Ubuntu that is displaying the fake model name currently? Please answer "Yes" or "no". If Yes, please also give the name of the tool. | 22:06 |
dastardly | its the same on linux | 22:06 |
dastardly | ive booted gparted and it displays the same model and space | 22:07 |
OSaddict | Jordan_U: Doesn't the BIOS setup tell you? | 22:07 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Thank you. Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l". | 22:07 |
dastardly | but on testdisk it found more space | 22:07 |
dastardly | im not on that machine | 22:08 |
dastardly | if only i could remeber what app i used | 22:08 |
dastardly | or the online guide | 22:09 |
psusi | dastardly, you can't change a drive's model name | 22:09 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 22:09 |
dastardly | yes you can | 22:09 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Can you get to that machine to help troubleshoot? | 22:09 |
peterpacz1 | Hey guys - I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and linux in general, but I've seen this tweak for the terminal that allows you to press a key combination, and the terminal on from the side of the screen. Where do I do something like that? | 22:09 |
alexa | guys, I still need help and I still cant install Ubuntu | 22:10 |
psusi | dastardly, no, you can't... it is hard wired in the drive... you can name *partitions* if that is what you mean | 22:10 |
alexa | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7279175/ | 22:10 |
OerHeks | !info yakuake | 22:10 |
ubottu | yakuake (source: yakuake): Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.9-1 (trusty), package size 333 kB, installed size 2014 kB | 22:10 |
k1l_ | peterpacz1: you mean guake | 22:10 |
peterpacz1 | Ooh, let me check | 22:10 |
OerHeks | yakuake is activated with F12 if i recall crrectly | 22:10 |
tgm4883 | IIRC, I think guake is GTK and Yakuake is QT right? | 22:11 |
qin | peterpacz1: or tilda | 22:11 |
OerHeks | jups | 22:11 |
Jordan_U | alexa: How did you create the bootable USB you're trying to use? | 22:11 |
peterpacz1 | Alright, let me search for both Guake and Tilda. | 22:11 |
k1l_ | alexa: how are you trying to install? | 22:11 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 22:12 |
SocoM | hello | 22:12 |
coolspot | hello | 22:12 |
alexa | Jordan_ U, I used Unetbootin | 22:12 |
Jordan_U | dastardly: Can you get to that machine to help troubleshoot? | 22:12 |
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SocoM | i'm wondering did anybody has successfully installed ubuntu using HDMI ? (sorry for my english) | 22:13 |
Beldar | alexa, Did you let the chkdsk finish you had stuck earlier, and windows is good? | 22:13 |
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OSaddict | Is there any way I can make my terminal use standard keyboard shortcuts. For instance: Alt+left to go to the previous dir, Ctrl+backspace to delete a word. | 22:13 |
=== thomas is now known as Guest82952 | ||
coolspot | Upgrade Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 to 14.04 | 22:13 |
coolspot | now i'm waiting for 14.10 repositories :) | 22:13 |
peterpacz1 | Thanks for helping me out | 22:13 |
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OSaddict | And changing the cursor position by clicking with the mouse? | 22:14 |
peterpacz1 | Guys, I was able to install ubuntu 14.04 on to a portable hard drive. | 22:14 |
Jordan_U | alexa: What is the output of "cat /proc/cmdline" from that shell? | 22:14 |
peterpacz1 | That's kinda awesome :D | 22:14 |
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=== KatieW is now known as zopsi | ||
Reptilia | airmon-ng not working since i've installed the new Xubuntu 14.04. Any ideas? I can't put my wireless card into monitor mode. | 22:15 |
|\n | Reptilia, network-manager stuff | 22:15 |
Reptilia | |\n: Bugs, or? | 22:16 |
Multbrelch | Does 14.04 run well on your machines? | 22:16 |
k1l_ | Multbrelch: yep, you can try with a live usb if you want to test | 22:16 |
|\n | Reptilia, airmon should list some possibly non-friendly services, turn them off | 22:16 |
Neo31 | works fine on HP HDX 18 Multbrelch also the ubuntu-tn team tried the beta2 on several machines and it worked fine | 22:16 |
Reptilia | airmon-ng not working since i've installed the new Xubuntu 14.04. Any ideas? I can't put my wireless card into monitor mode and the interface is named "eth1", instead of "wlan0", as it used to be. | 22:17 |
Multbrelch | k1l_, Neo31 okay, here it is also running, I just had some problems with compiz, but today it seems to be stable | 22:17 |
k1l_ | Reptilia: we dont support wifi hacking in here. | 22:17 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 22:18 |
Neo31 | try the live dvd first to be sure it works great with your machine, you can also add a parameter to the kernel boot line during live dvd boot for better testing Multbrelch | 22:18 |
Neo31 | you can add : toram | 22:18 |
Neo31 | in order to boot to ram and get rid of the dvd once it is done | 22:18 |
k1l_ | Multbrelch: come back when its making trouble again so we can look for a solution. for me its very stable | 22:18 |
Multbrelch | Neo31, I have 2 Ubuntu partitions on the laptop :-) So I can choose whatever I want to | 22:18 |
Reptilia | k1l_:Okay :) | 22:19 |
Neo31 | keep updating Multbrelch and fire a bug on launchpad if you notice something wierd | 22:19 |
Multbrelch | k1l_, okay ... just wanted to 'hear' the overall impression of the people ... | 22:19 |
Multbrelch | k | 22:19 |
peterpacz1 | Question for Guake Terminal Plugin - Can I make it scroll from up to down when I press F12, rather than pop in from the center? | 22:19 |
alexa | Jordan_U: initrd=/casper/initrd.lz file=/cdrom/preseed/linuxmint.seed boot=casper xforcevesa iso-scan/filename=$[iso_path] ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw noapic noapci nospl ash irqpoll -- BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz | 22:20 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey, anyone? =) | 22:20 |
Briuie | ciao | 22:20 |
Neo31 | the final release is good Multbrelch, tomorrow we will be doing an install party of the final release then i will report if there is any major issue (but generally speaking it is good) | 22:21 |
Jordan_U | alexa: OK, that's clearly not correct. Somehow unetbootin ended up writing an invalid configuration file, either through a bug in unetbootin or in Ubuntu (though I'm betting unetbootin). Try using Ubuntu's own USB creator. | 22:21 |
Multbrelch | k | 22:21 |
sydneyJDykstra | How often do they update the ubuntu iso's? | 22:21 |
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SocoM | i'm wondering did anybody has successfully installed ubuntu using HDMI ? | 22:21 |
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|\n | SocoM, i did, it depends, though | 22:22 |
bodhi_zazen | sydneyJDykstra: non-LTS - never | 22:22 |
bodhi_zazen | LTS, depends, about every 6 months | 22:22 |
mate18 | has anyone here running 12.04 managed to install MATE 1.8? | 22:22 |
pawn | I'm using IntoVPS.com and they aren't being very helpful with creating a snapshot of my VPS server. Does anyone know how to create a snapshot of a VPS server to be reinstalled at a later time? | 22:22 |
OSaddict | So, you know how in winecfg, you can change the color/size/font of many of the widget elements? In what file is that data stored? | 22:22 |
coolspot0 | i think using MATE on Ubuntu is a bad ideas | 22:22 |
nmvictor | Im sleepy | 22:23 |
sydneyJDykstra | They do not install updates every so often for you? | 22:23 |
nmvictor | off to bed | 22:23 |
Seamus | Anyone know how to get two finger scrolling working on a touchscreen? | 22:23 |
nmvictor | Night guys | 22:23 |
coolspot0 | if you want gnome 2 usage try gnome fallback | 22:23 |
SocoM | |\n: i can see the boot menu from UNetbootin but then black screen on my TV | 22:23 |
|\n | SocoM, there are differences in various hdmi+display behavior, nothing is constant about it if you will try different hardware | 22:24 |
alexa | Jordan_U, what's ubuntu's USB creator? | 22:24 |
|\n | SocoM, any vga option to workaround your case by chance? | 22:24 |
nmvictor | do we have a Gnome do alternative for KDE? | 22:24 |
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|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey, anyone? =) | 22:25 |
Jordan_U | alexa: What OS are you using to prepare the USB drive? | 22:25 |
mate18 | nmvictor, i prefer mate | 22:25 |
drewbond | #ubuntu-powerpc | 22:25 |
sydneyJDykstra | nmvictor: Goodnight. | 22:25 |
alexa | Mint 16 (ubuntu 13.10) | 22:25 |
Beldar | nmvictor, I use synapse, not sure how it looks in kde though. | 22:25 |
coolspot0 | to bind hotkey is in gnome control center | 22:26 |
coolspot0 | keyboard | 22:26 |
SocoM | |\n: it worked when adding nouveau.modeset=0 to the boot menu <3 | 22:26 |
coolspot0 | agency parameters and shortkut | 22:26 |
sydneyJDykstra | alexa: Are you using ubuntu? | 22:26 |
Jordan_U | !mint | alexa | 22:26 |
ubottu | alexa: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 22:26 |
Jordan_U | alexa: Change made by the Mint team are actually the most likely cause of the bug you're having. If you try to install Ubuntu 14.04 I expect that you will not have this problem. | 22:27 |
|\n | SocoM, thanks for sharing that, man! =) | 22:27 |
alexa | Guys, I am really sorry. The thing is, Mint's support is really poor. And I always get the best support here. | 22:28 |
nmvictor | mate18: mate? | 22:28 |
mate18 | nmvictor, yes MATE! | 22:28 |
alexa | it is only cause of cinnamon 2 | 22:28 |
alexa | not working well under pure ubuntu | 22:28 |
alexa | as under mint | 22:28 |
nmvictor | mate18: how would I install that? | 22:29 |
|\n | mate is the only choice, gtk3 classic flashback is still overbugged moar than any fork on earth | 22:29 |
fisch246 | yeats: just upgraded my laptop to 14.04, and it updated flawlessly. Sure so the machine that matters has problems, but my junk machine works fine -__- | 22:29 |
mate18 | nmvictor, yes MATE! | 22:29 |
mate18 | nmvictor, http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download | 22:29 |
nmvictor | Beldar: last time i used synapse, 3yrs ago, it sucked | 22:29 |
Jordan_U | alexa: Then install Ubuntu 14.04 and get great support. | 22:29 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey, anyone? =) | 22:30 |
bodhi_zazen | eww - I would at least look at k/x/lubuntu prior to mate , better support | 22:30 |
coolspot0 | |\n -> you should try to go mint IRC to have more help and support to MATE, we are noob here for help you more i think | 22:30 |
Beldar | !tmi | nmvictor lol | 22:30 |
ubottu | nmvictor lol: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that... | 22:30 |
nmvictor | mate18: mate the desktop, ooh!I prefer KDE | 22:30 |
alexa | Jordan_U, you believe Cinnamon would work better under 14.04? | 22:30 |
|\n | coolspot0, i'm not trolling, if you could answer - do it, otherwise - keep trolling me instead | 22:30 |
wheelin | I have a Xubuntu 12.04 installation with Update Manager set to notify me of new LTS releases, but it hasn't done it for Trusty yet. Is this to be expected, like a built-in delay or something (I just manually ran an update check, and it didn't make a difference.), or is something wrong? | 22:31 |
nmvictor | Beldar: yea | 22:31 |
OerHeks | cinnamon is removed from the repo's in 14.04 | 22:31 |
nmvictor | Beldar: but now you know | 22:31 |
dweez | nmvictor: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!! | 22:31 |
coolspot0 | |\n -> i can't help you sry :( | 22:31 |
bekks | dweez: dangerous dave > g.i. joe ;) | 22:32 |
|\n | coolspot0, you're saying it like you could, but ok | 22:32 |
Beldar | wheelin, The lts upgrade occurs at 14.04.1 in july. | 22:32 |
coolspot0 | |\n -> it's my poor english sry | 22:32 |
yeats | fisch246: glad to hear of your partial success :-/ - I've upgraded three computers with no issues | 22:32 |
wheelin | Beldar: Ah, ok. That makes sense, in a way. Thanks! | 22:32 |
|\n | coolspot0, same here, current workaround is `setxkbmap -layout "us,ru" -variant altgr-intl -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" nodeadkeys`, not satisfied | 22:33 |
bakr | badda313@#$ | 22:34 |
coolspot0 | wheelin -> if you want upgrade 12.04 to 14.04 try in terminal to do sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 22:35 |
mzaza | What's the difference between nvidia legacy driver and binary driver? | 22:35 |
OerHeks | mzaza nothing. | 22:35 |
bakr | badda313@#$ | 22:36 |
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mzaza | OerHeks: When I try propertry drivers glxgears seems to run very slow, while when using the integrated intel chip it's faster :-$ | 22:36 |
wheelin | coolspot0: Ok, cool, thanks. The wait for .1 to upgrade thing makes sense if you truly want stability, but I'm a little anxious to upgrade, too. So I'll have to weight the options. Thanks for letting me know the second one, though. Or third, really, since I was also gonna consider a fresh install. | 22:37 |
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=== moogly is now known as colimbe | ||
Jordan_U | alexa: You basically have two choices 1: Use Ubuntu, and packages supported by Ubuntu and get support here and 2: Use Mint and get support in Mint's support channel or generic channels like ##linux. I'm personally rather frustrated that you asked here for this particular problem, as I'm involved with the area of code that is failing and I spent a good deal of my own time just now looking through Ubuntu's code trying to find the ... | 22:37 |
coolspot0 | mzaza -> maybe it's because vsync activated ? | 22:37 |
Jordan_U | ... problem, only to find that there most likely is none. You wasted my time, which I am volunteering. That is really not a nice thing to do, and is part of the reason why we have a policy of only supporting Ubuntu here. | 22:37 |
mzaza | coolspot0: What's vsync? | 22:38 |
OerHeks | mzaza vsync is an option in your nviadia panel | 22:38 |
coolspot0 | wheeling -> waiting is safe but for me i know i can't wait so long for proceed update :) | 22:39 |
nappy | is any body here | 22:39 |
mheinke | sort of | 22:39 |
coolspot0 | mzaza -> VSync is an option to avoid tearing and limit FPS to Frequency of your screen (often 60 FPS) | 22:39 |
wheelin | coolspot0: Yeah, definitely something worth thinking about :) | 22:39 |
nappy | so whats going on here | 22:40 |
coolspot0 | mzaza -> Vsync option is in nvidia-setting | 22:40 |
coolspot0 | s | 22:40 |
mheinke | nappy, im working on getting my 14.04 server working | 22:40 |
=== Guest56218 is now known as ecook | ||
colimbe | hey there i am trying to run this command => sudo umount -t vboxsf virtualbox ~/Bureau/share but it reads that the 'disk' is occupied, the problem is that in the meantime my cpu is running at full strengh, do you know the right command to unmount the 'disk'? | 22:40 |
mheinke | instead of upgrading i did a clean install | 22:40 |
nappy | yes am downloading mine too | 22:40 |
alexa | Jordan_U, I am really sorry. | 22:40 |
bodhi_zazen | nappy: I am working on global domination | 22:40 |
Jordan_U | alexa: Please just learn from it, and ask questions in the appropriate channel in the future. | 22:41 |
alexa | Jordan_U, I will. | 22:41 |
nappy | oh really what name will you call it | 22:41 |
ecook | Quick question - wanted to catch some thoughts... Keep 21 open for ftp, and 22 closed to sftp/ssh, or vice versa, allow sftp but block ftp. | 22:42 |
coolspot0 | anyone have more information about future codename Ubuntu 14.10 | 22:42 |
=== alexa is now known as alexa_away | ||
ecook | they don’t need ssh access, but do need a way to transfer files back and forth | 22:42 |
coolspot0 | U something i suppose ? | 22:42 |
nappy | how can i make ubuntu runs fast on vm ware | 22:43 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, lost my mate, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey, anyone? | 22:43 |
holstein | nappy: give it more resources | 22:43 |
holstein | |\n: why not just reinstall mate | 22:43 |
mzaza | coolspot0: Not there, nothing about vsync in nvidia-settings | 22:43 |
nappy | i gave it like 2 ram but it kind of slow when i open more apps | 22:44 |
|\n | holstein, since i'm without it, i'd like to try all that stuff i was refusing | 22:44 |
coolspot0 | mzaza -> package glxgears is installed ? | 22:44 |
vlt | Hello. I have a problem with chrome on one of my Ubuntu machines. When I want to open google.com or youtube.com it takes often minutes of trying to load the page until I get an error msg. opening an incognito window ALWAYS works. Any idea? | 22:44 |
holstein | nappy: in VM, things can be or seem slow | 22:44 |
mzaza | coolspot0: yes | 22:44 |
holstein | nappy: give it more resources, or install it natively | 22:44 |
coolspot0 | mzaza -> so i don't know what is the problems sry | 22:45 |
psusi | ecook, well, you know that ftp is not encrypted so if you are using a password to login, someone can sniff it right? | 22:45 |
holstein | vlt: ideally, google provides support for their product, since its not an ubuntu application, but, i would try removing your .config.. you can just move it out of the way temporarilyl and save it | 22:45 |
bodhi_zazen | ecook: http://solderintheveins.co.uk/2011/03/ubuntu-sftp-only-account-how-to/ | 22:46 |
holstein | vlt: its probably something to do with your saved cookies or some other configs | 22:46 |
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Bray90820 | Was wubi discontinued? | 22:47 |
coolspot0 | yes | 22:47 |
bodhi_zazen | Bray90820: yes an no, it is no longer official but can be made to work | 22:48 |
alexa | Jordan_U, I changed my decision. Instead of installing Mint over Ubuntu, I decided to stay on Ubuntu on this PC (even though I use Mint on another PC). But there are few things that work better on Cinnamon under Mint, than on Ubuntu. For example, Additional Drivers option is missing in cinnamon settings. | 22:48 |
nappy | how can i make cairo dock open it self when i turn my pc on | 22:48 |
coolspot0 | bodhi_zazen -> but wubi discontinued because it was buggy no ? | 22:48 |
vlt | holstein: Thanks, I’ll try that. | 22:48 |
bodhi_zazen | coolspot0: depends on who you ask ;) | 22:49 |
alexa | but I'll try to find some support for cinnamon | 22:49 |
alexa | thanks, anyway | 22:49 |
Bray90820 | bodhi_zazen: i just created a usb disk of 13.04 with the official startup disk creator and it has wubi.exe on it | 22:49 |
bodhi_zazen | the wudi maintainers claim to have fixed the bugs, but I do not know all the details | 22:49 |
Bray90820 | hum ok | 22:50 |
bodhi_zazen | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-downloader-for-windows-discontinued-from-ubuntu-13-04.html | 22:50 |
holstein | !13.04 | 22:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring | 22:50 |
ecook | thanks bodhi_zazen - my main concern would be opening up 22 period. I understand you can create sftp only accounts, but would like to avoid opening up the ssh port altogether if I can. But, as psusi pointed out, ftp is inherently insecure, which is why I’m ambivalent. You can make an argument both ways. | 22:50 |
ecook | Just wondering if you guys have some opinions on how they should be weighted, and decide one way or another | 22:50 |
cmecca | hey --- so in a new install of trusty i no longer have a 'session choose' in the lightdm login manager after installing another window manager from 'apt' --- is there anyway to bring it back? any help would be appreciated. | 22:50 |
pdo_fn14 | Are you found duplicate "Security & Privacy" in Dash on 14.04?. | 22:51 |
colimbe | do you know a virtual machine with which i could just copy paste files from ubuntu guest to windows host? i am currently using virtualbox but apparently i can't do that and this shared file things it eats up all my cpu whenever i activate it?! | 22:51 |
Bray90820 | holstein: my bad i ment 14.04 | 22:51 |
bodhi_zazen | ecook: just secure your ssh server - http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/SSH_security | 22:51 |
nappy_ | how can i make cairo dock open it self when i shut my pc down and i turn it on again | 22:52 |
holstein | Bray90820: no worries.. just making sure you werent using that outdated information | 22:52 |
bodhi_zazen | colimbe: you can share files many ways , I use KVM, see http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/9p_virtio , also guestfish | 22:53 |
Bray90820 | holstein: Alright | 22:53 |
nappy_ | well anyone here who wants to be personal friend | 22:54 |
holstein | !ot | nappy_ | 22:54 |
ubottu | nappy_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 22:54 |
holstein | !startup | 22:54 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 22:54 |
Phate | Hi. I've just discovered Ubuntu is a good OS. | 22:55 |
holstein | nappy_: ^ for adding cario dock to startup, though, that may be different now, shoulc be quite similar regardless what you are using | 22:55 |
Beldar | nappy_, Cairo should have added itself to the startup applications if not you can do that. | 22:55 |
coolspot0 | hi welcome to the buntu world :) | 22:55 |
nappy_ | i open it every time i turn on the pc | 22:56 |
AssociateX | I need to mix an mp4 vid with an mp3, what's the app that I want to use? GUI please. | 22:56 |
holstein | nappy_: then start it automatically, if you like | 22:56 |
cmecca | anyone have any idea about the session chooser? | 22:56 |
Beldar | nappy_, Just add it with cairo-dock in the command | 22:56 |
coolspot0 | AssociateX, Avidemux | 22:57 |
bodhi_zazen | AssociateX: I prefer openshot | 22:57 |
coolspot0 | AssociateX, if GTK DE | 22:57 |
nappy_ | how can i start it automatically | 22:57 |
AssociateX | coolspot0, thanks, I'll check it out. | 22:57 |
Beldar | nappy_, Startup applications. | 22:57 |
coolspot0 | nappy_, type !startup | 22:57 |
fisch246 | yeats: my guess is during the upgrade the kernel was marked for autoremove. So it installed it as an update, the updater then thought it wasn't in need anymore, and removed it at the end. That's my guess. | 22:57 |
drodriguezpadill | Could anyone with a knowledge of writing Plymouth themes help me out? | 22:58 |
AssociateX | bodhi_zazen, I will check that out, too. Thank you! | 22:59 |
Beldar | drodriguezpadill, The channels help works with you stating the actual issues. | 23:00 |
nappy_ | so whats new in ubuntu 14.04 | 23:00 |
pdo_fn14 | Found this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1280872 | 23:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1280872 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Duplicate settings icons in dash (gnome|unity-control-center)" [High,Fix released] | 23:00 |
Beldar | !release | nappy | 23:00 |
ubottu | nappy: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 23:00 |
bodhi_zazen | AssociateX: the "problem" is often that the graphical tools do not have all the options of ffpeg , so if you can not easily find what you need in the graphical tools , try google ffmpeg | 23:00 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 23:01 |
AssociateX | bodhi_zazen, thanks man! I am familiar with ffmpeg... but I've had a couple of beers. | 23:02 |
bodhi_zazen | AssociateX: LOL =) | 23:03 |
colimbe | bodhi_zazen: thanx for the tip, i will check it tomorrow! | 23:03 |
drodriguezpadill | I'm trying to make my own plymouth theme by modifying the default ubuntu-logo theme. I've already changed the logo and incorporated that into the script. However, I'm having trouble getting the background color correct. | 23:03 |
=== adrien__ is now known as coolspot0 | ||
drodriguezpadill | Right now I have the color hex code #ffd200 for the new background color, but I'm not sure how to put it in the format "x.xx, x.xx, x.xx | 23:04 |
k1l_ | dont listen to the spam | 23:05 |
adminewb | hello netizens - I'm trying to upgrade my 12.04.4 precise installation (coexisting with other OSen multiboot, using grub), directly to the newly published trusty; already have the i386 desktop ISO image downloaded; don't care to delay until July for 14.04.1; when I tried "sudo update-manager -d" it seemed incapable of using loop-mounted ISO in place of too much network traffic for new packages. Packages which presumably (for essentials anyway) | 23:05 |
|\n | at least link to the bug maybe to track it? can't figure out which one exactly related to this situation | 23:05 |
AssociateX | bodhi_zazen, what would be the command for ffmpeg to join an mp4 vid and mp3 tune? | 23:07 |
AssociateX | lol | 23:08 |
coolspot0 | AssociateX, If you want use ffmpeg you can use WinFF which is GUI of FFMPEG tool | 23:08 |
drodriguezpadill | adminewb, have you tried adding the ISO to the list of repositories through the Software & Updates application? | 23:09 |
|\n | upgraded to 14.04, got into gnome flashback session, how do i set up keyboard layout switching hotkey? | 23:09 |
adminewb | drodriguezpadill yes I got some odd error message I haven't dug into yet | 23:11 |
adminewb | may be using the wrong syntax | 23:11 |
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
adminewb | online help for such cases was not made available very plainly in the GUI | 23:12 |
drodriguezpadill | Did you click the Add Volume button in the Other Software tab?, adminewb | 23:12 |
adminewb | yes tried that, no go | 23:12 |
bodhi_zazen | AssociateX: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join,%20merge%29%20media%20files | 23:13 |
adminewb | also tried the Add button in the source list | 23:13 |
geust18582 | Hello, I have accidentally ruined the MBR, I need to save my files and the only live DVD I have is a debian wheezy without internet access. Any help ? | 23:13 |
AssociateX | thank you, bodhi_zazen | 23:13 |
reisio | geust18582: how are ruining the mbr and saving files related? | 23:15 |
reisio | geust18582: you need to rescue your files, you mean? | 23:15 |
reisio | geust18582: an MBR is easy to fix | 23:15 |
geust18582 | reisio: yes, partition tables and mbr are replaced by something alien | 23:15 |
adminewb | "Add Volume" button after authenticating password just says right away "Error scanning the CD", there's nothing in the physical drive. | 23:16 |
reisio | geust18582: give https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair a try | 23:16 |
adminewb | it won't let me specify a loop mount or such like | 23:16 |
BillyBag2 | A message suggested updating to 14.04. It failed part way through. Now machine boots to login screen. I type in password but no desktop appears. Mouse pointer visable and working. Can ssh in and can also use gnome-terminal to a remote computer (mac) | 23:18 |
=== ethan is now known as Guest88349 | ||
d1rkp1tt | Installed variety in 14.04.. kinda cool once you have set up a wallpapers.cc profile | 23:19 |
Guest88349 | is this the right channel for ubuntu support. Sorry i am new | 23:19 |
reisio | Guest88349: yes, /nick somethingelse | 23:19 |
Jordan_U | BillyBag2: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:19 |
d1rkp1tt | Jordan_U, nice, I should save that | 23:19 |
BillyBag2 | Will do... | 23:19 |
scoffin | samba (14.4): I can connect OUT of my machine to other boxes, but the other machines cannot see IN. I disabled the ufw. What magic am I missing? | 23:20 |
drodriguezpadill | adminewb, have you tried making a usb startup disk for 14.04? | 23:20 |
Guest88349 | I recently switched from windows 7 to ubuntu. When I tried to install wine I got a error that said this. The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 23:21 |
Guest88349 | wine1.6: Depends: wine1.6-amd64 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4) but 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 is to be installed | 23:21 |
Guest88349 | Depends: binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2) but it is not going to be installed | 23:21 |
Guest88349 | Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4) but it is a virtual package | 23:21 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | Guest88349 | 23:21 |
ubottu | Guest88349: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 23:21 |
adminewb | drodriguezpadill good thought, that would be not so ugly as burning optical | 23:21 |
Guest88349 | I would appreciate any help | 23:21 |
Jordan_U | Guest88349: How did you try to install wine? | 23:22 |
Guest88349 | software center | 23:22 |
Guest88349 | though when i tried terminal i also got an error | 23:22 |
BillyBag2 | I get a large list of stuff to uninstall. Nothing to install. "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade" | 23:23 |
drodriguezpadill | Yeah. Besides, 14.04 won't fit on a regular cd due to the large file size, plus a usb a much faster. Also, it should give you the option to upgrade from 12.04 during installation, while preserving your files. | 23:23 |
adminewb | drodriguezpadill oh incidentally, somewhere in my trouble shooting I came across a reference to the original ubuntu installation that was using (before a couple prior upgrades) why does it keep storing the original install media from so many upgrades ago and where is that stored? | 23:23 |
bazhang | adminewb, in /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:23 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, whats on the other boxes? | 23:24 |
adminewb | thanks bazhang | 23:24 |
scoffin | d1rkp1tt: ?? win8, fedora, mac, etc network works fine for the other machines | 23:25 |
adminewb | ciao helpers, I will check back when I find a good reference for a usb drive start disk | 23:26 |
Jordan_U | Guest88349: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install". | 23:26 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, same for me from win8 ... I can connect the other way.. just looking at it now | 23:27 |
drodriguezpadill | adminewb, wait. | 23:27 |
adminewb | ya | 23:27 |
drodriguezpadill | There should already be one installed on your system. | 23:27 |
adminewb | help file? | 23:27 |
drodriguezpadill | an application to make a usb disk | 23:27 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, I think you just have to share a folder.. then it tries to install the service | 23:28 |
adminewb | a usb disk from an arbitrary ISO image? | 23:28 |
reisio | start disk? | 23:28 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, or at least thats what mine is doing right now | 23:28 |
drodriguezpadill | It should be called, Startup Disk Creator, or something like that. | 23:28 |
scoffin | d1rkp1tt: not sure I understand. You also have problems connecting in?? | 23:28 |
peyam | admin use dd in terminal? | 23:28 |
ice9 | why does the top bar is shown on external monitor? | 23:28 |
adminewb | will look for it, but I'd have guessed it would want to install 12.04 | 23:28 |
d1rkp1tt | yes, but I have just shared a folder | 23:28 |
d1rkp1tt | if theres nothing shared theres nothing to connect to? | 23:28 |
drodriguezpadill | No, you can choose the iso yourself. It should automatically detect it | 23:29 |
scoffin | I think I did share some folders already, but I will try again now | 23:29 |
adminewb | ok thanks | 23:29 |
drodriguezpadill | you're welcome | 23:29 |
scoffin | lots of stuff in my smb.conf :-) | 23:29 |
k1l_ | ice9: why not | 23:29 |
drodriguezpadill | if for some reason the 14.04 disk isn't detected automatically, just click on the other volumes button and search for it in your files. | 23:30 |
ice9 | k1l_: it's useless to have it on all screens and takes space and it's not good if you are doing a presentation | 23:30 |
k1l_ | ice9: it makes a lot of sense: the mouse ways are much shorter for indicators or menue. and for a presentation you should have fullscreen anyway | 23:31 |
BillyBag2 | Jordan_U: The command ran but nothing new was installed. | 23:31 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, just trying mine out too... ;) | 23:31 |
scoffin | shares are seen when I samba to the 127.0 machine, not from outside machines | 23:32 |
k1l_ | ice9: libreoffice impress got an excelent presentation mode for ext. monitors | 23:32 |
ice9 | k1l_: but if you are using the second monitor for just reading a tutorial for example while doing the work on the main monitor then its really useless, and also the launcher should be on the second monitor too to make the mouse ways short right?? so there should be an option to show/hide it | 23:32 |
k1l_ | ice9: yes there is a setting, see unity-tweak-tool | 23:33 |
ice9 | k1l_: there is no option for the top bar in the tweak tool | 23:34 |
k1l_ | ice9: and every user got a different workflow. i am fine with the panel on every monitor | 23:34 |
k1l_ | ice9: but for the launcher | 23:34 |
ice9 | k1l_: I don't see anyoptions for the top menu in the tweak tool | 23:37 |
k1l_ | <k1l_> ice9: but for the launcher | 23:38 |
nappy | well my 14.04 is done downloading any advice how to install it | 23:41 |
johndropper | Burn to cd and boot from cd | 23:42 |
arthurfiggis | nappy: i'm using ubuntu gnome but in either case it's pretty straightforward...just write it to a cd/dvd/usb stick and run through the install process :) it's about as self-explanatory as windows is anyway! | 23:42 |
arthurfiggis | (windows 7...windows 8 still deserves an explanation) | 23:42 |
reisio | arthurfiggis: alcohol | 23:43 |
Beldar | mmmmm flambe | 23:44 |
nappy | ooh okay i will get back here when am done installing my 14.04 | 23:44 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, got into mine | 23:46 |
scoffin | grrr | 23:46 |
scoffin | what you do? | 23:46 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, so I just redid the share, but clicked allow others to create files | 23:47 |
d1rkp1tt | then restarted samba | 23:48 |
scoffin | did you disable ufw? or open ports? | 23:48 |
d1rkp1tt | on the windows box I did change a few policy settings, but that didnt achieve much | 23:48 |
d1rkp1tt | yeah at the moment ufw is off | 23:48 |
d1rkp1tt | will turn it on again now to retest then open samba ports if shes dead | 23:48 |
AssociateX | I went with ffmpeg | 23:48 |
d1rkp1tt | dead again, checking auth.log now for ports | 23:49 |
scoffin | ok, thanks for the info, samba always give me pain | 23:49 |
d1rkp1tt | ewww the things you find when you look in yur logs Address maps to ip28.hichina.com, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! | 23:51 |
d1rkp1tt | smoke that moffo with DOS attack :p | 23:51 |
ice9 | screen brightness set to max every boot, how to save the manually value set? | 23:52 |
d1rkp1tt | pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= | 23:52 |
d1rkp1tt | lol | 23:52 |
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220 | ||
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d1rkp1tt | That dude needs my private key anways | 23:53 |
rww | yeah, I don't worry much about ssh login attempts. Password auth is turned off and the only user allowed to log in is me. | 23:53 |
electricprism | can someone tell me how to install additional fonts? | 23:53 |
d1rkp1tt | yah same | 23:53 |
d1rkp1tt | still like to spank them though.. cheeky sods | 23:53 |
electricprism | ~/.fonts/ ????? | 23:54 |
=== seriousbusiness is now known as harry | ||
boldfilter1 | Ugh, Ubuntu is still using the Unity interface. smh | 23:54 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, command to find out required ports: grep -i NETBIOS /etc/services | 23:55 |
rww | boldfilter1: indeedy. which one do you prefer, we probably have a flavor for it | 23:55 |
scoffin | yes but I have firewall disabled | 23:55 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, I didnt connect to share$ | 23:57 |
d1rkp1tt | scoffin, just \\hostip | 23:57 |
d1rkp1tt | what about your outbound firewall on the other machine? | 23:59 |
d1rkp1tt | can you ping it.. etc | 23:59 |
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