
james0rahh so it's a little risky huh? maybe i'll just install the final release to be sure00:00
skribblezatchawell if you are good to go. i mean nothing is broken, nothing missing from the panel james0r. then you should be fine.00:02
skribblezatchai installed a daily build two days ago and am good to go. so i am keeping the install.00:02
skribblezatchai know that the new trusty wallpaper is hideous. i went back to the saucy wallpaper.00:02
james0rskribblezatcha, ahh really? i kinda dig the xubuntu version of the new ubuntu wallpaper00:03
james0rexcept for the little dots on middle-bottom00:03
skribblezatchathats cool james0r.00:05
kupo_well. I noticed scroll no longer works to move to different workspaces. or is there an option?00:05
skribblezatchayou still may have the old wallpaper that i lost once i changed wallpapers. once i went back to trying to get the old trusty wallpaper it was gone.00:05
skribblezatchaa new and ugly one was there and i had to go back to saucy to get one.00:05
brainwashkupo_: it's disabled by default now, you can re-enabled it via settings manager > window manager tweaks I think00:08
kupo_ok. lemme check00:08
kupo_may be a feature most dont like. but i got used to it quick heh00:08
kupo_that fixed it. tyvm00:09
Kekaihow long does the upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 LTS take?00:15
kupo_same as normal installtion most likely00:15
kupo_i just started fresh. noticed a few extra changes than terminal upgrade00:16
schreberdepends on connection, computer, and what all needs to be upgraded.00:25
deltbug #129229000:46
ubottubug 1292290 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Window manager keybindings don't work after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129229000:46
deltbug #130862800:46
ubottubug 1308628 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "xhci-hda does not support isochronous streaming on usb 2.0 devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130862800:46
delt(known issues)00:46
deltany chance of these bugs being resolved in the next few days?00:46
brainwashthe first one - maybe00:51
brainwashthe second one is a general ubuntu bug00:51
michel71hello all. just installed xubuntu 14.04. all is well, but there is one minor issue that i don't quite understand.01:11
michel71by default, there are two workspaces, yet there is no workspace switcher on the panel.01:11
michel71so, for the first time user, when he drags a moves off to another screen, how will he understand what has just happened?01:12
kupo_14.04 in the house01:59
flan_suseWhen will the alternate installer ISO for 14.04 be available to download?02:13
Unit193There are no alternate installers.02:14
flan_suseBecause with the LiveCD installer, you either clear the entire disk to use encryption, or you cannot use encryption if you decide to do a manual setup...02:15
flan_suseThe alternate installer gave you the option to use encryption without having to destroy the entire disk.02:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1264813 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Manual partitioning and Encryption don't work on installation in 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:17
Unit193Use the mini?02:17
flan_suseAvailable on the same page as the other ISOs? I didn't see it.02:19
mikeche1enflan_suse: can you do the upgrade from within your current os?02:21
kupo_is it possible to edit the normal xfce menu anymore? like get rid of certain ones like "web browser" etc02:29
Unit193There's a menu editor in the Settings Manager, menulibre.02:29
Thedemon007Anybody use chromium in 12.04?02:30
kupo_yeah i see it. just cant seem to do much with it02:30
Unit193kupo_: Are you using whiskermenu?02:30
kupo_nope. xfce one02:30
kupo_maybe it works with whiskey only now02:30
kupo_ok. now games is gone. i guess it takes awhile. it got bug error then was gone02:33
kupo_or i dunno02:33
kupo_lemme log out real quick02:33
kupo_hmm. think they need to work on that one more02:35
James0r4kupo_, i think you can right click and 'remove from favorites' too02:35
kupo_using the older xfce menu02:35
James0r4then just add your web browser to favorites by right clicking on its menu entry02:35
kupo_maybe i'll just get rused to whisker02:36
kupo_it's working now. you save hide from menu. takes a few seconds02:37
BosiHello everyone, should I upgrade Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04? or is it still on its beta version?02:39
kupo_still getting the weird synpatic thing. where it goes back till you scroll over. sure it will be fixed though02:39
kupo_anyone get compton working?03:05
holsteinkupo_: i just added it in lubuntu and ran it03:06
kupo_hmm. did you have to reboot or anything?03:06
kupo_i was running it in beta fine. maybe i am putting it on wrong section03:06
holsteinkupo_: nope.. sudo apt-get install compton and i ran it03:06
holsteinbut, i didnt end up using it03:06
kupo_which directory do you add conf to?03:07
holsteinkupo_: i just ran it03:08
holsteini ended up not using it so i didnt configure it at all03:09
mikeche1enhmm i seem to be missing the network applet03:12
holstein!info nm-applet03:13
ubottuPackage nm-applet does not exist in trusty03:13
holsteinits part of some larger package...03:13
mikeche1enalso, indicator plugin keeps crashing03:14
dupKeycompton FTW. why isn't it default yet?03:14
xubuntu825I have installed google earth and can see it in my program drop down, but it won't start! PLease help03:14
holsteinxubuntu825: might require 3d. you'll have to ask the maintainers03:14
mikeche1enxubuntu825: try running it from command line and see if it shows any errors03:14
xubuntu825this also happened with spideroak03:14
holsteinxubuntu825: "this" ?03:15
holsteinxubuntu825: the spideroak GUI?03:15
holsteinxubuntu825: what has happened?03:15
holsteinxubuntu825: try launching from the terminal and see if you get helpful errors to share with the maintainers of the packages03:15
xubuntu825I installed 2 prrtograms, and neither of them work. If i get them from the software center, they work fine, but the rest install, shop u in the usr/bin area, but won't sta03:16
holsteinxubuntu825: use the repo versions you get from the software center03:16
holsteinxubuntu825: thats not how you install them.. you dont "shop u in the usr/bin area" to install software03:17
xubuntu825spideroak and google earth are not in the software center03:17
holsteinxubuntu825: if you want newer, or other pacakges, try a PPA if the maintainers provide and maintain one..03:17
mikeche1enholstein: running nm-applet is not working: http://pastebin.com/dx4ikagn03:17
kupo_got it working. I guess I had to reboot..03:17
holsteinxubuntu825: ask the maintainers khow you are supposed to use the software.. nothing about xubuntu is preventing them from running. you can share errors or messages if you have any03:18
holsteinmikeche1en: the error message looks like this unable to create file '/home/mikechelen/.cache/dconf/user': Permission denied.03:18
holsteinmikeche1en: looks like permisssions errors03:19
xubuntu825how do i remove them then? they arent in the installed software area03:19
holsteinxubuntu825: you'll look at how you added them, and remove accordingly03:19
mikeche1enholstein: hmm yeah for some reason ~/.cache/dconf/user is owned by root:root03:19
xubuntu825i did, but it only gives me the option to install, nothing else03:20
holsteinxubuntu825: i would look for a PPA, otherwise, i dont think you have installed the applications properly03:21
holsteinxubuntu825: you'll need to ask the maintainers.. nothing about xubuntu is preventing spideroak and google earth from running on it03:21
xubuntu825 both programs are having the exact same problem though.03:22
mikeche1enholstein: i deleted the user file, that error is gone but it still shows warnings: http://pastebin.com/SS5RvQwd03:22
holsteinxubuntu825: well, they are not running, and you could have not installed them both properly03:22
mikeche1enmaybe its not appearing because indicator plugin is crashing?03:22
holsteinmikeche1en: you'll need to sort out permissions.. thats likely as well.. if indecator is related to permissions03:23
mikeche1enholstein: i fixed the perms on that file, idk which other files to check03:24
holsteinmikeche1en: any errors when you relaunch the indicator should be relevant03:26
xubuntu825the software center installed them though. I just downloaded them from the sites and then it took over the install03:27
holsteinxubuntu825: it?03:27
holsteinxubuntu825: you downloaded .deb packages from somewhere? and installed them?03:27
holsteinxubuntu825: we dont maintain them, so if you are having issues with 3rd party apps, ideally the 3rd party will help you maintain them03:28
holsteinxubuntu825: you can try running the applications from the terminal and see if you get helpful errors or messages03:28
holsteinxubuntu825: otherwise, you'lll have to let them know they are not working for you on your operation system03:28
kupo_do you have to install a package to use apt-get autoremove/autoclean03:28
kupo_they dont seem to be doing anything03:29
xubuntu825but they are showing up in my menus, but not in the installed programs area. and they are in the usr/bin area03:29
holsteinxubuntu825: ok.. they are not "installed system repo applications"03:30
holsteinxubuntu825: you installed the 3rd party.. that could be the issue03:30
holsteinxubuntu825: do they run when you click on them?03:30
holsteinxubuntu825: can you launch them from the terminal?03:30
xubuntu825they don't run when i click on them, not sure how to run them on termina;03:31
xubuntu291I installed google earth, it is in my dropdown menus and it is in the usr/bin area, but not in the software installed area. When I click on them, nothing happend03:35
mikeche1enwhat happens if you try to run from usr/bin with cli03:36
xubuntu291I installed google earth, it is in my dropdown menus and it is in the usr/bin area, but not in the software installed area. When I click on them, nothing happens03:38
holsteinxubuntu291: try starting it from the terminal, otherwise, ask the maintainer of google earth how you are to installl it03:40
mikeche1enhow do you disable the menu / panel integration?03:42
Unit193mikeche1en: Integration?03:45
mikeche1enUnit193: the file menu is appearing in my panel03:52
Unit193If you mean whiskermenu, yes, that's easy to remove.  Remove it by right clicking, and selecting remove.  Then you'll likely want to add the applicationsmenu in.03:53
Unit193OH, dowh.03:53
Unit193If you mean whiskermenu, yes, that's easy to remove.  Remove it by right clicking, and selecting remove.  Then you'll likely want to add the applicationsmenu in.03:54
Unit193newbuntu: Howdy.03:54
newbuntuI got a little conundrum, I have a usb headset that is not being recognized. Any thoughts on how I should go about this? I did a scan before and after it being plugged in and no luck everything seems the same.03:55
KekaiI suppose if you want to update to 14.04 you need to use a USB device?04:03
cfhowlettKekai depends.  for a clean install=usb.  for in online upgrade: internet04:03
KekaiI was going to use the built in upgrader.04:04
holsteinKekai: you can use what you have04:04
Kekaibut its not showing up at all04:04
cfhowlettKekai what is your current version of ubuntu?04:04
cfhowlettKekai must be 12.04 or 13.1004:05
KekaiXubuntu 13.1004:05
cfhowlettKekai open a terminal:  sudo apt-get update04:05
ubottuXubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (regular releases) to 3 years (long-term suppport (LTS) releases). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:05
holsteinhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-upgrade-to-ubuntu-14-04-from-ubuntu-13-10-or-12-04/ is a nice relevant read, Kekai04:06
Kekaieh Il just upgrade via USB tomorrow when I have time to download the ISO04:12
kupo_Any idea if xubuntu does auto TRIM for ssd?04:24
kupo_i'll just do it real quick04:24
cfhowlett!trim|kupo_ as I understand it, trim is available by default in 14.0404:44
ubottukupo_ as I understand it, trim is available by default in 14.04: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. See http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.04:44
xdaimonEnjoying 14.0405:04
BugbearI can't install wine on 64bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273164/    Is this a known issue?05:43
Unit193And when you try to install wine1.6?  Did you  apt-get update  recently?05:44
Bugbeari have updated my apt-cache, everything is fully up to date05:45
Bugbearsimilar issue with win1.6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7273189/05:46
ObrienDavegreetings all05:50
Unit193Bugbear: I don't seem to have those same problems.  What version of Xubuntu?05:51
Unit193ObrienDave: Howdy.05:51
Bugbearit's ubuntu studio 14.04 64bit. installed beta1, upgraded to beta 2, upgraded to final today.05:51
ObrienDavehey unit :) been a while05:52
Bugbearshould i switch over to the studio room?05:52
Unit193Nah, here's fine.  I'm on Xubuntu, upgraded to trusty a month ago, and I have no issues in the sim. :/05:54
Bugbear64bit was never able to install wine. i've had this issue since firstboot.05:55
Bugbear32 comes with wine pre-installed05:55
ObrienDavehow's everyone liking 14.04? upgrading now05:55
Bugbeari'm loving 14.04!   big step up over 12.0405:55
ObrienDaveBugbear: did you install 32bit support?05:56
Unit193Bugbear: And wine1.6-amd64 gives what?  (Yes, best to install 'wine', but good for output.)05:57
Bugbear" wine1.6-amd64 : Depends: wine1.6:any (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4)                Recommends: libosmesa6 but it is not going to be installed"05:58
PeleusHola all, anyone know how xubuntu 14.04 supports HD7950's?05:58
holsteinPeleus: try it live and see05:59
Bugbeari dont know personally. all i have is the 4200 & 4350 Peleus, and they work great (no more page tearing in videos)05:59
PeleusCool, I have 3x HD7950 but previous versions didn't go so well :(06:00
PeleusMight give it a go again06:00
=== Guest60783 is now known as hiddenbacon
holsteinif it doesnt support linux, it may not work well06:00
PeleusHopefully it works, AMD cards always seem finicky though, sucks I've never been able to get them fully working with my setup06:02
holsteinnothing about xubuntu is preventing that.. i usuallly try hardware these days and if it doesnt support my operating system, i move on06:03
Bugbeari have better luck with ATI/AMD than nvidia06:04
PeleusI'd pay someone a $100 boundy if they could get my system set up the way I want ( can't do it now, but later when I'm at home ) it's that frustrating06:05
ObrienDaveplus airfare? lol06:07
holsteinPeleus: ?06:09
holsteinPeleus: just buy hardware from a vendor that supports linux.. you shouldnt need a bounty program for grahpics support06:10
PeleusWell, hardly want to throw out 3 x HD7950 to get some monitors working the way I want06:10
holsteinPeleus: you might want linux support over what you are going through06:11
holsteinPeleus: nothing about linux is preventing anyone from supporting devices in it06:11
ObrienDave<-- will work for food LOL06:11
ObrienDave* i eat a LOT * lol06:14
Bugbeari think i figured it out. back on day 1 when i first installed beta1 i added the xorg-edgers ppa because i was having trouble with my intel graphics. i removed the PPA the next day but the damage has already been done.06:28
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:29
Bugbearthank you06:30
elfybut if you've removed the ppa I've never had any luck with ppa-purge - I have though had luck re-adding the ppa, updating and then ppa-purging06:30
Unit193Yep, you won't have luck unless you re-add. :P06:31
Bugbearworth a shot if needed06:31
Bugbearlol the ppa-purge package comes from the xorg-edgers ppa im trying to remove06:33
Unit193...It's in the main repo.06:34
Bugbearold info in the link then06:34
Unit193!info ppa-purge06:34
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr57 (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB06:34
Bugbeari dont understand the ppa-purge command syntax.. what exactly do i type to remove this PPA: http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu ?  it keeps updating the cache then saying it cant find the ppa06:53
Bugbeari successfully added it06:54
elfyso whatever name you used to add ppa:foo/bar then sudo ppa-purge ppa:foo/bar06:56
Bugbearah forget it. wine installs when the ppa is in the sources list07:01
ParkerRWoo getting 14.04 setup how I like it https://cdn.mediacru.sh/1wnYMZEcU-92.png08:35
ParkerRI ove how whiskermenu is default08:35
nomic12.04 how I like it http://i.imgur.com/RXHwClB.png08:56
Meerkatwith the crash notifications, even?08:57
nomicbut what .. never see a crash08:58
nomicone of those * bang .. I have set up for xkill08:58
nomicnot all icons represent .. I just use icon for whatever (program etc)08:58
nomicthe red ! is for updates08:59
amigamagicnomic, they are too many icons on your bar...  :P08:59
nomicshrugs .. sure it could be tidier08:59
* nomic shrugs .. everything is there that I want08:59
Meerkatnow that you mention it,14.04 is really stable compared to 13.10. Good stuff.08:59
amigamagicwith the whisker menu you don't need all those icons.09:00
nomici like my panel09:00
nomicused to it ... use not much else (the menus)09:00
amigamagicI'm sure. To me it's an headcache only to see it (I mean, all these small icons...)... :)09:00
nomic1 click for panel icons .. multiple clicks to go through menu tree09:01
elfyplease go to -offtopic for chat about people's preferences - thanks09:01
nomicnautilus abiword sysinfo dictionary xchat pigeon chrome firefox kill virtualbox catfish volume control transmission ..09:01
nomicall understood09:01
* nomic shrugs09:02
nomicgot bash shells for different machines09:02
amigamagicnomic let's continue on xubuntu-offtopic09:02
Mike-Linux-NLMorning everyone ;)09:11
palassoThe release announcement of 14.04 LTS on http://xubuntu.org/news/14-04-release/ says "Xubuntu 14.04 is an LTS (Long-Term Support) release and will be supported for 3 years."09:17
palassoIs it correct the 3 years? I thought it was 5. Or is that the case only for Ubuntu and Kubuntu?09:17
cfhowlettpalasso 3 years is correct ... desktop, 5 years on server09:18
palassocfhowlett: I remember that until 10.04 it was 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server but since 12.04 wasn't it changed to 5 years for both desktop and server?09:19
cfhowlettpalasso no, 12.04 was a special deal with 5 year support.09:19
Meerkat"Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will be supported for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Ubuntu Kylin. All other flavours will be supported for 3 years. "09:20
palassoThank you Meerkat :)09:20
oneof3hello. can someone please tell me how to add the recycle bin to the Panel?09:49
TheSheepright-click on the panel, select "Panel", "Add new items" find "Trash applet" on the list and either select it and click "Add", or drag it to the right place09:50
oneof3it is notlisted09:50
TheSheepdid you uninstall it?09:50
oneof3only screenshot and session menu are listed as options09:50
oneof3no, this is install of xubuntu only09:50
oneof3hmm it seems desktop settings is gone to09:51
oneof3hello. can someone please tell me how to add the recycle bin to the Panel?09:51
TheSheepwhat did you do?09:51
oneof3Unable to launch "/usr/bin/xfdesktop-settings":09:51
oneof3how can i fix this?09:51
TheSheephow did you break it?09:52
oneof3not sure really09:52
oneof3i uninstalled thunderbird09:52
TheSheepwhat did you do just before it stopped working?09:52
oneof3removed thunderbird basically09:52
TheSheepinstall xubuntu-desktop09:52
oneof3i am looking in software center and it shows xfce desktop data installed but not xfcedesktop4 installed. maybe install that?09:54
oneof3cant even open terminal09:54
oneof3Failed to execute command "xfce4-terminal"09:54
TheSheeppress alt+f2 and type 'xterm'09:55
TheSheepthen do 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'09:55
TheSheepit may bring back thunderbird09:56
oneof3will affect performance at all?09:56
oneof3or just refresh09:56
oneof3ty so much09:56
oneof3working now09:56
TheSheepit will install back all the basic apps with which xubuntu came09:56
oneof3yes it did :)09:57
TheSheepmy theory of what happened is that you removed thunderbird, which in turn removed xubuntu-desktop (because thunderbird is a default app)09:57
TheSheepthen you removed all the apps that weren't required by something09:57
TheSheepand because normally xubuntu-desktop requires all the default apps -- and it was there no more -- it uninstalled them09:58
oneof3it did say ti was removing more stuff09:58
oneof3makes sense09:59
TheSheepto avoid that, once you uninstall thunderbird and xubuntu-desktop, look at the list of stuff it would uninstall, and install them manually09:59
TheSheepit will say "setting to manual"09:59
oneof3i will from now on, ty09:59
TheSheepthat means it will know not to uninstall them automatically09:59
oneof3now that i did that, will it install double icons?10:02
TheSheepno, everything is ever installed once10:02
oneof3i wonder why i see same icons but in different locations of the menu10:03
oneof3like file manager is in accessories but also another place10:03
nikolamhuh, there's no second pull-up panel in the bottom of xubuntu 14.04 desktop. And I just got used to it in 13.10. Not that it is terribly important..10:10
TheSheepnikolam: you can add it10:11
nikolamI know, and I was complaining whan it was added ;p Now I changed my mind  :P10:12
nikolamReaction of fresh user to it was huu, nice, like on mac10:12
nikolamguess more advanced panel like that could be advised to new users, if they want just that10:13
james0rnit picking but each little clock applet has one little thing that bugs me. orage doesn't have the quick dropdown calendar. date/time applet doesn't capitalize AM/PM, and the stock Clock applet has a leading zero that I can't seem to get rid of10:18
nikolam"about me" icon in 14.04 is funny, like in prison :P10:19
james0rsorry just bitching. 14.04 looks awesome though. the panel and the whole greybird theme is exactly what i like.10:19
nikolamorage used to have drop down calendar before.. I used to use it when default clock did not have it yet10:19
james0rnikolam, yeah i saw it called the 'mugshot' feature. probably hence the settings menu icon10:19
james0ryeah now it's detached and that bugs me10:20
james0ri installed the xfce4-goodies package to use date/time applet again.10:21
nikolamquick access to folders beside start mouse icon is also gone, I was thinking that was nise touch to have it by default10:21
james0ralso, anyone know a way to get skype to activate on notification icon click? had this on debian before10:22
nikolambut i supose it is more clean environment this way and easier for support10:22
james0rnikolam, i used that a bit when i first came to linux but i prefer a second launcher panel on the bottom now10:23
james0rit's too cluttered going from whisker menu to launchers then to 'windows buttons'10:23
nikolamwell, you can make it, just add a panel and set it.10:23
james0ryeah i did already. one of my first things after any install10:24
nikolamI also think there are better panels like that, in mac-like was funcions and addons, anyway10:24
james0ryeah i used cairo before but having it bug out sometimes and i just came to think it wasn't very useful. the xfce panel is way more solid feeling and completely bugless for me anyways10:25
nikolamone ofe the main plus-es of xfce is that one can set up panels however he-she likes. so why not use it to the max , because we can ;p10:26
james0ri noticed cairo had some cool new addons when i tried it last10:26
james0ryeah exactly. one of the main reasons i won't use kde10:27
james0rpanels super buggy. auto resizing is awkward. and i like the xfce applets. not the kitchen sink approach but what they do they do well10:28
james0rhere's my desktop after day one with 14.04 --> http://imagebin.org/30627510:28
nikolamyeah, maybe it is better to leave LTS GUI as clean as possible and we can always experiment with other solutions in updates10:28
amigamagicjames0r, what's the name of that desktop applet?10:29
james0rthis is my first LTS. is simplicity with LTS's the trend?10:29
james0ramigamagic, which one?10:30
james0rthe stats?10:30
amigamagicon the right, yes10:30
james0ramigamagic, ahh that's conky. apt-get install conky10:30
nikolamwell I just invented that in my head, jus was thinking that peole using LTS for 3 years could appretiate less element to support on it by default ;p10:30
james0rpaste.ubuntu.com/7274197 is my config10:31
amigamagicnice those stats, thanks james0r10:31
jambreadHi, I can't increase the brightness on my Acer laptop to maximum, can anyone help? Thanks.10:40
nikolamjambread, there is xfce applet for that. try installing extra addons for xfce10:42
nikolamjust wait till I install synaptic to point you to right package...10:43
nikolamjambread, it is xfce-goodies i think. But install synaptic yourself and try to find that and others under 'xfce' search10:45
jambreadThink I got it, Thank You nikolam.10:46
VakkotaurI'v just installed, updated, and mostly configured Xubuntu 14.04. I've run into one issue. Even with the bluetooth module installed (and a reboot to be sure) for PulseAudio, the system sees, pairs, and connects to my headset - but there's no audio and no option for it in PulseAudio Volume Control.  Am I missing something?  Happy to RTFM, if pointed at TFM.10:51
nikolamVakkotaur, try also asking on #ubuntu, they are wider audiance. I never used to pair them10:52
nikolamand there is also #pulseaudio I think, dunno if they do support on that channel10:53
VakkotaurThanks. Hopefully I'll get somewhere.  It's the "one last thing" really.  (Well, I do have more to do, but that's just setting the panel bar exactly so...  easy)11:03
xubuntu820Hey there!11:17
xubuntu820Somebody here helping?11:18
xubuntu820Tryed connecting a external monitor on hdmi - resolution went wrong on notebook display, no reaction, reboot, blackscreen11:21
xubuntu820tryed xrandr and configure Xorg in command line - no success11:22
xubuntu820do you know a how to?11:28
koegsxubuntu820: maybe you can try arandr, a graphical tool for xrandr11:33
xubuntu820sudo apt-get arandr?11:33
xubuntu820or which command?11:34
xubuntu820whats the next step after installing? any config? -->don't have my nb with me to try now...11:37
koegsjust start arandr :)11:38
koegsyou will see11:38
xubuntu820heavenly much great THX, Mr. Koegs - I'll give it a chance (in about 5 hours) ;)11:40
VakkotaurWell, that was pointless.12:19
lnostdalhi guys, does do-release-upgrade work for you yet? ..     i just get a "could not calculate the upgrade" message here12:36
VakkotaurHave yet to try it. And if I can't get bluetooth audio working on a regular install, no way I'm trying that.12:37
lnostdalthere's very little information .. and no --verbose argument can be given it seems12:38
xubuntu479hi people12:45
xubuntu479simply question. I have ubuntu server. with xubuntu destop but ican't start the GUI12:46
lnostdalseems manually remoning some ppa's etc. then manually editing /etc/apt/sources.list is getting me somewhere here12:52
zleap2just upgraded to xubuntu 14.0413:12
Aurvandillhello zleap213:12
zleap2for some reason my keyboard mapping is wrong13:12
knomezleap2, did you by any chance read the release notes?13:13
zleap2i am sorting it now13:13
closHi i wanted make the buttons with a better size  using xfconf , how can i do it in xubuntu 13.10?13:13
abhrahaving a problem with huawei e355 modem (ethernet over usb and wifi hotspot creator). with xubuntu and 3.8 series of linux kernel, it was supported by default. could be used just by plugging into the device. post 3.8 series of kernel, some changes happened in cdc_ncm part of the kernel.and this stopped working; only wifi hotspots could be found but the ethernet over usb could not be found.in xubuntu 13.10, deactivating the changes in cdc_ncm part of the kernel13:14
abhra(post 3.8 that is) helped to use it. but its not working in xubuntu 14.04 (with 3.13 kernel) again. how could this be solved properly? launchpad bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/130905413:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1309054 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "huawei E355 usb router not working properly in xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,New]13:14
closthe buttons of the windows13:14
zleap2yay fixed13:14
closthe windows buttons in xubuntu are very small and i want to have buttons of big size13:16
amigamagicclos, try to change the theme13:17
clos2with the theme in xubuntu 13.10 istnt possible because all the temes have the same size of buttons13:18
amigamagicI don't know in 13.10. I'm on 14.04 now.13:19
Aurvandillmaybe change dpi will but this will make everything bigger13:19
closcan xconf in xubuntu 13.10 put buttons of better size?13:20
closdpi cant give me buttons of better size in xubuntu 13.1013:21
zleapsorry system seemed to crash13:22
zleapi clicked on the mail client and everything vanished leaving me with a blank desktop, no panels,  and no response from keyboard13:23
abhraclos, it was discussed in xubuntu mailing list few days back. i am trying to find out the  concerned mail13:23
closxconf of xubuntu i think that if can do it but i dont know  find the site for setting and getting it13:25
closhow can i change the size of windows buttons  in xubuntu 13.10?13:30
ddsssubuntu 14.04. In order to replace it with xubuntu -> it's just a matter of 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' ?13:31
amigamagicI don't think so...13:31
knomeddsss, that installs the xubuntu desktop, but doesn't remove the unity desktop13:32
knome!purexfce | ddsss13:32
ubottuddsss: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »13:32
knomeddsss, that's outdated though...13:32
knomeclos, calm down. we are volunteers here.13:32
closwhy the windows buttons in xubuntu 13.10 are so smaller ?13:33
ubottuclos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:34
ddsssknome, cna i just do 'sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop' after xubuntu isinstalled?13:34
knomeddsss, no, that won't do it13:34
knomeddsss, the -desktop packages are metapackages, and won't remove dependencies13:34
closthe windows buttons of theme of xubuntu is of this size for example   x and this object or button in a window  is very and very smaller for my eyes13:36
closand this size so smaller giver pain in my eyes13:37
closgive pain to my eyes when i use xubuntu hours13:38
knomethe doctor's recommendation is to take a 10 minute every hour.13:38
GibarianA question about Gparted, and removing a windows partition from a dual-boot set13:39
amigamagicclos, I saw some screenshots and to me they appear quite normal in size... http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1113424/img/xubuntu13.10-displays.png13:39
closcould the app xconf give me bigger buttons in xubuntu 13.10?13:40
ubottuGibarian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:40
amigamagicclos try to change the default theme with one that you like more13:40
GibarianI want to remove this windows partition from a Compaq machine, it's a dual boot set xubuntu-windows xp13:41
closi have a theme like that and the buttons are very and very smaller , too much for my eyes13:41
Gibarianbut when I see it through Gparted live CD, the windows partition appears as "boot"13:41
amigamagicclos, in the image I posted before, you find them small?13:42
Aurvandillyou can format the win partion with gparted and extend the other partion or even great a new one after thsi you should remove the windows entry out of grub and update it13:42
closof couse are very smaller13:42
cfhowlettclos that image appears normal for that theme.   go to appearance and change settings there13:42
GibarianI would like to extend the xubuntu partition13:42
amigamagicmmmh... clos, maybe you work too much distant from your monitor13:42
GibarianI mean, xubuntu taking over the whole disk13:43
Aurvandillis the win or the xubuntu partion first ?13:43
GibarianWhen I see it through Gparted (live CD) it appears first13:43
Gibarianalso, with a tag "boot"13:43
closfor the people with limits in her eyes are very and very smaller and for me without have limitations in my eyes too13:43
Aurvandillwin or xubuntu?13:43
amigamagicclos, you can do like I do: lower the screen resolution13:43
amigamagicI have problems too with my eyes, so I set a lower resolution than the native one of my monitor13:44
closxcon can be the solution or not???13:44
closapp xconf of xubuntu 13.1013:45
amigamagicI don't know, I don't have xconf in xubuntu 14.0413:45
Aurvandillmhm thats bad for extending the xubuntu partition13:45
GibarianI know13:45
amigamagicbut I don't think there is a simple way to make those buttons bigger13:46
cfhowlettclos no xconf in 13.10    open a terminal.  what is the output of cat /etc/issue/13:46
Aurvandillmaybe you mount the win partition after formating in the / folder if it's possible13:46
Aurvandilli know you can use a extra partion as /home if thsi can help you13:47
ubottuAurvandill: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:47
GibarianI received a similar suggestion, somebody told me I should use that partition as an storage partition13:48
closin the panel of control of xubuntu is the xconf app13:48
closxubuntu 13.1013:48
elfyGibarian: it will be a lost easier to know exactly what your setup is if we have a pastebin of the output of sudo fdisk -l13:48
closbut i dont know give use at this xconf app for put buttons of good size13:50
elfyGibarian: open a terminal and  sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit13:50
GibarianOk elfy, I will, but I have to look for another alternative to pastebin, pastebin is blocked in Venezuela13:51
knomeclos, please stop insisting. maybe nobody knows the answer.13:51
cfhowlettclos wait, you haven't even TRIED it?!!  stop asking and test it for yourself!13:51
closwhen a versin of xubuntu will built themes with bigger buttons or natural size of buttons13:53
closa version13:53
cfhowlettclos http://xfce-look.org/   for themes13:53
GibarianClos, try a different theme13:54
cfhowlettclos also, several people suggested you adjust your display resolution.  did you?13:54
closall the temes for xfc haven the buttons with the same size than the distros of xubuntu13:55
Aurvandillmybe this http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=6576 help13:55
ochosiclos: settings manager > appearance > fonts > custom dpi setting, if you just want bigger buttons/fonts13:57
ochosiif it's only about the window-decoration, switch themes13:58
closochosi do you use xubuntu why in xubuntu with dppi only can change the size of the windows but not   the buttons of windows13:59
knomeclos, they are different things.13:59
ochosiwhat resolution does your display have? in case it's hidpi (>2000px width) you might wanna use a different desktop, xfce doesn't work too great for that yet13:59
knomeclos, change the theme if you want to change the window manager buttons13:59
ochosiyeah, settings-manager > window-manager13:59
closi hve 131 of dpi and the size of  buttons doesnt change14:00
closi have 131 dpi14:00
Aurvandillmaybe under settings > window apperance > style  there you can change some styles and i think the buttons of some styles are a bit bigger14:00
amigamagicclos, what resolution has your monitor?14:00
amigamagic1920x1080 or more?14:01
clos1440 x 90014:01
amigamagicmmmh... Greybird theme should be good at that resolution...14:02
amigamagicI had difficulties from 1680x1050 in up14:02
closlpl 140x90014:02
cfhowlettrunning in vbox , correct?14:02
closlpl 1440 x 90014:02
knomeclos, stop it.14:02
c3lIs there any  way to "expose" / "scale windows" (like ubuntus super+w)? I guess it is compiz that is responsible for that, does xubuntu come with compiz?14:03
cfhowlettc3l not by default but it's installable14:04
c3lcfhowlett, is it supported? I mean, should I expect encountering bugs? what is the recommended way of getting some expose functionality on xubuntu?14:04
freeman__hi guys why is the xubuntu upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 so slow, how I could set another server mirror?14:04
knomec3l, i would imagine you would encounter bugs... and no, not officially supported14:05
cfhowlettc3l this ^^^14:05
knomefreeman__, it's slow because everybody is upgrading at the same time14:05
cfhowlettfreeman__ torrents and clean install is faster ...14:05
knomefreeman__, there isn't much we can do about it, and ai oubt another server would help14:05
freeman__alright thougt about that too to reinstall it fresh14:06
freeman__good to know14:06
closxfconf=xfwm4=button spacing, button layout button offset ????14:07
freeman__oh man so I have to reinstall all my packages that I installed later :(14:07
c3ltoo bad, but I guess I'll go back to xubuntu again either way (been using it for some years). Yesterday I decided to try unity, its nice and all with the window effects, I found the expose and workspace switcher really nice. But NOTHING is configurable, there are tweeker tools that you can install sure, but they are limited too. The final drop was that I couldnt unbind alt+key to select from the window menus, I have those keys heavily bin14:08
c3lded in my texteditor :(14:08
clospanel control of xubuntu 13.10 =xfconf app =xfwm4=button spacing, button layout button offset ????14:08
cfhowlettclos for expert advice on xfce ask in #xfce14:08
knomeclos, stop it. you are not making any sense.14:08
knomeclos, you have been told what the workaround for your issue is14:08
knomeclos, you have also been posted an URL that would help with your issue14:08
cfhowlettclos ***read and heed*   #xfce14:09
knomeclos, so stop asking the same question, or us to hold your hand while fixing the issue14:09
closknome give me the parameter for make the buttons of xubuntu 13.10 very biggers14:09
closthe windows buttons14:09
* cfhowlett backs away from the thread ...14:10
knomeclos, i don't. see the links posted to you and information given to you14:10
Aurvandillclos here is a repost http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=6576 maybe the last post on the page there can help you14:11
closok anoter time will be but in xubuntu i never can make the buttons of windows  with a good size for my eyes14:12
closanoter time14:12
closanother time14:12
=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic
closok - select in Thunar "Show hidden files" - navigate as I did  /home/timo/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml with Thunar14:14
Aurvandilldon't forget to change timo to your username14:16
closbut all is in english and i dont know if this solution can work in xubuntu 13.10 or if can do it very bad and break the distro xubuntu 13.10 if i try to do it14:16
closi wqanted a solution a bit more easy for this14:17
closi wanted14:17
Aurvandilli thin there is nothing easier and this workaround is for a older version of xfce than in xubuntu 13.10 so it should work i also suggest go to #xfce because i think you will find there more help14:18
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:19
closthe creator of xubuntu i only demand you that you put bigger buttons or the option very easy for do it in his distro, plsssss14:19
knomeclos, unlikely to happen. you have now given multiple answers to your question. is there something else you need?14:20
Aurvandillit's not in the hand of the distro creater it's in the hand of the xfce creators14:20
holsteinclos: ?14:20
cfhowlettdiegows greetings.  ask your support question.14:20
holstein!contribute > clos14:20
diegowsdoes anyone has issues with Xfce4 systray and Skype? The systray icons doesn't appear after the upgrade :(14:20
ubottuclos, please see my private message14:20
cfhowlettdiegows works fine in 12.04 ...14:20
closthe creator of xubuntu is very espert and he always can change options of xfce14:21
holsteinclos: try just using XFCE then, if you prefer the defaults14:21
diegowscfhowlett, works fine until 14.04 upgrade :)14:21
cfhowlettdiegows ow.  sorry to hear it.  I've not yet installed 14.04 so can't advise.14:22
diegowsall the other systray icons appear (xchat, chrome, etc) but skype nothing :(14:22
holsteindiegows: hmm... it seemed to "just work" as normal for me14:22
holsteindiegows: i'll test it again later, if you want to link me a bug#, i'll mark myself if i can duplicate it14:23
diegowsholstein, ok, thanks14:23
DomiXhi, i just upgraded to 14.04 and now my keybord is US14:23
knomeDomiX, did you read the release announcement/notes?14:23
Aurvandilldomix read release notes14:23
DomiXrelease notes talks about IBUS but no solution14:23
knomeDomiX, yes it does...14:24
DomiXsure I read but after upgrade...14:24
knomeDomiX, there's a workaround as well14:24
Aurvandilldid you looked at the launchpad page for the bug  DomiX?14:25
Aurvandillmaybe this will help you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1284635/comments/1914:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "IBus does not support certain keyboard layouts" [High,Triaged]14:26
DomiXi have several users and i need to configure ibus for each ?14:26
vortez12345not sure if this is the place to ask this, but is anyone else having issues installing a LUKS encrypted system with 14.04? for me after the installation finishes & I reboot it just says there is not volume groups, if it does anything14:26
wub_wubQuick question is this known bug? This /etc/network/interfaces file was auto set up when I installed from try-xubuntu environment, this causes network manager to fail to get configuration files on (real) startup and it thus it doesn't start.  http://pastebin.com/2K2GgkJ514:26
DomiXAurvandill, ok I see let me try14:27
knomeDomiX, the configuration is needed once per layout. or you can alternatively just remove ibus.14:27
wub_wub(I've commented out the config to get it working again)14:27
knomeDomiX, if you don't need ibus, just remove it.14:27
DomiXapt-get purge ibus ?14:27
knomeDomiX, yep14:27
DomiXok thanks14:27
VakkotaurI've just installed, updated, and mostly configured Xubuntu 14.04. I've run into one issue. Even with the bluetooth module installed (and a reboot to be sure) for PulseAudio, the system sees, pairs, and connects to my headset - but there's no audio and no option for it in PulseAudio Volume Control.  Am I missing something?  Happy to RTFM, if pointed at TFM.14:29
Vakkotaur(I know I asked earlier, but maybe someoen else can point me at something.  Asking on #ubuntu.. I might as well be invisible.  Not even "come back Thursday.")14:30
DomiXibus gone everything works :)14:30
james0ranyone know how to get skype to activate on one click from the notif tray?14:30
Aurvandillyeah thats good DomiX14:30
DomiXweird mouse does not roll window14:31
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (HP Compaq nx 8220), but i can't make the hardware switch for the wireless card to work. When i run "rfkill list all", the output is: Soft blocked:No, Hard Blocked: Yes. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance.14:31
james0ri had this on other distros with xfce14:31
DomiXmouse wheel I mean14:31
knomeDomiX, re-enable it14:31
amigamagichey guys where is the default dir for the default themes installed in xubuntu 14.04 ? I would like to copy them in my home dir and mod them...14:31
amigamagicI cannot find it14:31
knomeamigamagic, /usr/share/themes/14:31
amigamagicthere is nothing in there14:31
amigamagicI checked14:31
amigamagicthere is only a "default" file14:32
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop (HP Compaq nx 8220), but i can't make the hardware switch for the wireless card to work. When i run "rfkill list all", the output is: Soft blocked:No, Hard Blocked: Yes. How do i fix this? Thanks in advance.14:32
knome!patience | Reptilia14:32
ubottuReptilia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:32
knomeamigamagic, then you have a broken install, or are looking at the wrong place.14:32
ReptiliaI'm sorry.14:33
amigamagicknome, sorry, I found it14:33
amigamagicI searched in usr/share/xfwm4/themes14:33
amigamagicso I didn't find them... :P14:33
cfhowlettReptilia wait 1 ...14:33
amigamagicthanks, knome14:33
DomiXknome, in xfce ?14:34
cfhowlettReptilia first, try your wifi keypad command.  on my dell the F2 key toggles wifi while running windows.  4 years later, after multiple reboots, I discovered that CTRL F2 toggled while in ubuntu14:35
cfhowlettalso see http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2012/08/17/how-to-fix-wireless-is-disabled-by-hardware-switch-message-in-ubuntu-12-04/14:35
knomeDomiX, yes, it's somewhere in the settings manager iirc, but can't remember where. it was disabled by default on 14.0414:36
Reptiliacfhowlett: Yup, but i have a dedicated button for the Wireless card,14:36
Aurvandilldomix are you running xubuntu in a vm?14:36
knomeDomiX, if you upgraded, it shouldn't have changed the setting, so you've potentially hit a bug14:36
DomiXAurvandill, no on real hardware an hp laptop14:36
cfhowlettReptilia right.  experiment.  ctrl + button, alt+button etc14:36
Reptiliacfhowlett: Sure, just a moment14:37
DomiXknome, I tried wnidows manager14:37
knomeDomiX, setting manager -> window manager tweaks -> tab accessibility -> "use mouse wheel on title bar to roll up the window"14:37
DomiXyes indeed it is not checked and it's not translated14:38
knomeDomiX, so if you upgraded, and are sure this was enabled before upgrading, i'd suggest filing a bug14:38
knomeDomiX, that way we can potentially fix it for users upgrading later14:39
amigamagicwhen I mod some file of my theme I'm using, how can I reload it in a fast way to check my mods? Some ALT-F2: xfsomething -r14:40
Reptiliacfhowlett: Nothing happens. Btw, the link that you've sent to me is addressing a problem in which the Wireless LAN is Soft Blocked, not Hard Blocked.14:40
cfhowlettReptilia http://www.linuxine.com/story/solved-wireless-hard-block-set-hp-pavilion14:41
cfhowlettReptilia similar solutions found when searching ubuntu + hardblock + wifi14:42
albi_hi guys14:44
amigamagicwow, I scaled some button images, now I have very big window buttons! :D14:44
albi_I just installed xubuntu14:44
albi_and I'm having a few annoying problems, wondering if someone could help me?14:44
ubottualbi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:45
albi_Okay :p14:45
albi_1) my Wi-Fi is working fine, but the "button" on my laptop is flashing orange and blue constantly (on and off) but seems to be working fine and also.. The startup is horribly slow, slower than my old windows 7 install14:45
amigamagicalbi, what pc you have? It's a netbook?14:47
albi_It's just an old HP14:47
albi_few years old14:47
albi_but the windows installation ran really well14:47
albi_Yes sir14:47
albi_ntoebook :)14:47
amigamagicmaybe you have little ram of a slow hard disk14:48
ReptiliaBtw, the 14.04 Xubuntu is so freaking fast.14:48
amigamagicof = or14:48
amigamagicto me 14.04 is very very fast at booting.14:48
albi_But it just seems odd, due to the fact windows worked so quickly14:49
albi_It's literally half the speed :p14:49
albi_and the HDD is an SSD that I put in xD14:49
ReptiliaIm noticing the difference, since i have 13.04 on my Desktop, and the laptop is way older in hardware terms.14:50
albi_I'm on 13.0.1 I think14:50
albi_I'd have to check xD14:50
ReptiliaThat's why i love Xubuntu, it's awesome14:50
amigamagicmaybe it could be an issue with the ssd. You should try the 14.04 and check if it's faster14:50
albi_I wasn't aware 14.04 was out to be honest :)14:51
albi_I'll find it and upgrade14:51
albi_Thanks for the help on that one, any ideas about the weird flashing?14:51
Aurvandillnope but come back after installing 14.04 nmaybe it's away :)14:52
albi_Okay :)14:52
albi_I hope so!14:52
albi_I have to say, it looks nice14:52
albi_this is my first installation of Linux for about 3 years14:53
cfhowlettalbi_ be happy.  14.04 is supported for long term so = 3 years!14:55
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Xubuntu will be supported for 3 years. The current LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04)14:55
albi_That's nice :)14:55
albi_brb being summoned14:55
Gibarianelfy, this is the info I got from sudo fdisk -l14:55
Aurvandillgood luck14:55
GibarianRegarding the issue with my partitions, removing windows partition from a dual boot setting14:56
amigamagiccfhowlett, how is the policy for updates on the ubuntu LTS distros? It's like debian stable, that it's totally freezed (apart the security fix and critical bugfix)?14:57
ReptiliaWho are the designers behind the XFCE? They really know what they're doing :)14:57
cfhowlettamigamagic not exactly.  packages my also be upgraded but generally stay on the same primary version e.g. libreoffice writer 3.4 may be upgraded to 3.514:58
ReptiliaI lol'd at what fixed my problem. Restored default BIOS settings, and then turned on hardware switching again, and now it's working, lol.14:59
amigamagiccfhowlett, so it's more flexible, thanks14:59
knomeReptilia, at least it wasn't a hardware button you didn't know existed..15:00
Reptiliaknome: Why, there are people like that? :D15:00
knomeReptilia, i debugged a similar problem with a friend, and after two hours of working, he said "oh so there IS a hardware button here"15:01
Reptiliaknome: hahahahahahaha15:01
knomeReptilia, and believe me, it's not about how much you know about linux, hardware, or debugging/fixing problems...15:01
knomebut anyway, we should move to #xubuntu-offtopic for the general chatter15:02
cfhowlettReptilia hey it only took me 4 years to figure out how to toggle my wifi ...15:03
nikolamwhy in hell removing libdrm-nouveau2 would like to remove also abiword and xorg?15:07
knomenikolam, watch the language.15:07
knomenikolam, sounds like a dependency issue15:08
nikolamsorry knome. yes.15:08
nikolamit aslo wants to remove xubuntu-desktop15:08
knomenikolam, you can try figuring it out by running germinate15:08
knomeremoving xubuntu-desktop is completely fine, it's just a metapackage15:09
knomebut otoh, i don't know why you would specifically want to remove that lib. is it causing you problems?15:09
nikolamknome, can't install nvidia proprietary drivers, because it complains nouveau is active. even after uninstall, that part remains15:10
knomenikolam, installed != active15:10
knomewell, necessarily...15:10
nikolamnouveau is cousing some trouble on older nvidia hardware for me (32bit)15:10
lnostdali'm afraid to let my computer idle now ..   eheh ..    light locker seems to not turn the screen back on .. or perhaps it is some fault of the power manager15:17
nikolamsomehow, nouveau module is loaded in kernel even after uninstall and restart15:17
knomelnostdal, did you read the release annoucement/notes?15:18
logos234hi, i just upgraded from 13.10, how do i get new Applications Menu ? (with search and recent applications)15:18
lnostdalyep, knome ..   i found the bug thread, but no tips there afict15:18
knomelnostdal, add the "whiskermenu" panel applet15:18
knomeerr, logos234 ^15:18
knomelnostdal, there were some possible workarounds in the ntoes.15:19
knome*notes too15:19
elfyGibarian: as I thought - backup - delete windows partitions - then you have to expand the extended partition - sda3 to fill the disk to the left probably15:19
elfyGibarian: once you've done that you will want to move sda5 to the left and then expand that to fill the available space15:19
elfyGibarian: that will take a good while to complete - if you've not done much to your install it will be much quicker to reinstall and then put back the backed up data15:20
knomeelfy, see -release for something you might be interested in...15:22
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=== Guest42823 is now known as james0r2
GibarianI thought that too. With the release of 14.04 I thought "I'll have to upgrade anyways"15:27
kupo_seeding ratio for xubuntu is 15.10  not bad15:28
james0r2bluebird theme is pretty nice, have never gone for such a colored theme but it's kinda subtle enough. only issue is it doesn't play well with firefox. but that goes for lots of themes15:28
elfyGibarian: I have to sya that given choice and the necessary to backup to - that's what I would do - clean install15:29
logos234knome, thanks15:29
elfykupo_: awesome - but I assume you mean 14.04 becuase 15.10 is a long way off yet :p15:29
james0r2i forgot to throttle my uploads so i was giving all my little 50k/s since yesterday15:29
knomeelfy, seeding ratio 15.10:1 i guess15:30
kupo_oh yes. 14.04 :)15:30
Kekaihow can I format my USB by terminal15:30
GibarianI thought that for days elfy... "Reinstall, or delete and resize"? But now I've make up my mind... Thanks!!! :-)15:30
Kekaiand then install an ISO on i15:30
KekaiI tried to get Live USB creator but software centre is gone.15:30
knomeKekai, sudo apt-get install software-center15:31
elfyGibarian: welcome :)15:32
Kekaitried it15:32
nhojKekai, perhaps 'sudo apt-get install unetbootin'15:32
ReptiliaLol. I was afk and when i came back i've seen B&W screen, with the following written on my laptop' screen: "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000007"15:32
KekaiDoes unetbootin format te USB?15:33
Reptiliadrm_kms_helper: panic occurred, switching back to text console. What does this mean?15:33
james0r2using the software center for the first time, coming from mint and debian. seeing prices looks so odd.15:34
kupo_synaptic is my fav15:35
Aurvandillyeah you can buy some property software in the ubuntu software center15:35
nhojKekai, usually but you could use gparted -- apt-get install gparted -- a bit more risky unless you understand what you are doing, partition and format the CORRECT device.15:36
knomeReptilia, was the system suspended?15:36
KekaiI tried to install gparted but its not sowing up anywhere15:36
james0r289.99 piece of software was at the top that probably has little relevance for most users searching15:37
knomeKekai, look in the settings manager15:37
knomejames0r2, probably.. but hey, it's business.15:37
nhojKekai, yep see settings manager as it is not in the menu.15:37
Reptiliaknome: How do you mean suspended?15:38
KekaiI see15:38
KekaiUSB creator installed there15:38
knomeReptilia, suspended as in... suspended :)15:38
Reptiliaknome: Suspended in which terms? English is not my native language :)15:39
nhojKekai, software centre reviews are not favourable for USB creator FWIW15:39
knomeReptilia, suspended to ram15:39
knomeReptilia, is it a laptop?15:39
james0r2yeah i'll stick with synaptic15:40
knomethen it might be related to the known bug in the release notes...15:40
james0r2Reptilia, you might also now 'suspend' as 'sleep'15:41
ReptiliaWell that's the first thing that came up into my mind, lol15:42
ReptiliaThat the Laptop might got into sleep mode (with some default setting of 5 minutes inactivity...)15:42
KekaiI wonder if my software will be compatible with 14.0415:42
ReptiliaYour software?15:42
KekaiSkype, Google chrome, SPotify, Nightingale, and quassel IRC15:46
kupo_yeah. i woke up and my tv wa soff. new tv so maybe it was tv setting. but who knows. couldnt get ubuntu on unless i rebooted15:46
ReptiliaIs there an option to upgrade to 14.04 without doing a fresh install?15:48
ReptiliaWill there be a difference in the performance? Upgrade vs. Fresh install ?15:49
counterhi, I upgraded to 14.04, the menü is the same as before, but the menü changed in 14.04? I noticed that every folder in /media is now shown at the desktop, can I change that?15:50
ReptiliaYeah, the app launcher is changed. Is there a way for it to be like it used to?15:50
logos234counter, you can add whiskermenu panel applet youself15:50
counter@reptilia: you could get errors, upgrade is maybe not successful, you need to upgrade everything before ...15:51
ReptiliaInfact, it was like that by default, but i've used to change it to a more minimalistic version15:51
knomecounter, right-click the desktop and under desktop settings (tab icons), choose which icons to show15:51
logos234Reptilia yeah just remove new one and add "Applications Menu", shoudl still be there15:51
Reptilialogos234: Oh yeah, thanks :)15:52
knomecounter, if you have upgraded, your configuraiton is kept intact. if you want the new menu, add the "whisker menu" panel applet.15:52
martinrameI upgraded to 14.04 but nothing has changed, how to know if I'm in 14.04?15:52
ReptiliaSince i am a dual-booter, making a fresh install, with first removing the 13.10 will be a pain in the ass i guess...15:53
nhojmartinrame, lsb_release -a15:53
martinramenhoj: thanks I'm on trusty!15:53
nhojmartinrame, :)15:54
Aurvandillreptilia it isn' so hard i also done it today in the morning xD15:54
counterknome: ah, ok - so it is still possible to switch between menus, even on a fresh install?15:55
albi_One or more running instances of xscreensaver or xlockmore have been detected on this system. Because of incompatible library changes, the upgrade of the GNU libc library will leave you unable to authenticate to these programs. You should arrange for these programs to be restarted or stopped before continuing this upgrade, to avoid locking your users out of their current sessions.15:56
=== albi_ is now known as Albi
ReptiliaAurvandill: Any tutorials, etc, on modifying partitions?15:59
counter...I tried on the live cd, answer is yes16:00
Aurvandillyou can format the old ubuntu partition and after that you install install 14.04 there16:00
ReptiliaSo im going with the Live USB like i want to install a fresh install, and get into advanced mode, and just delete the old partition, and install the new on that free space16:01
counterthe other problem is, how can I deactivate all the new mount point links from /media on the desktop?16:02
Aurvandillyou must set a mountpount to the formated partition16:02
counteror that only mounted links are shown?16:03
counter@Aurvandill sry, what to you mean, mount points are defined in /etc/fstab16:05
Aurvandilli meant reptilia16:05
counteroh, ok ;)16:05
Aurvandillit was my fault next time i'm writing the name of the person in the message xD16:06
rAadI am attempting to get xmonad to play nice with 14.04. The panel appears during login but disappears once xmonad starts. There is a blank bar where it should be. It is running. Any ideas?16:06
Aurvandillcounter why you don't hide them?16:06
counterhow hide?16:07
Aurvandilla . before the name16:07
counterI understand, it was not necessary at 13.1016:08
Aurvandillhi albi16:08
albiim installing 14.04, is there no version of skype available for this? can't see it in the software centre and not sure what  version to use from skype.com16:09
Aurvandillyou must enable some ppas16:09
Aurvandillfor ubuntu partners and ubuntu partner source codes16:09
Aurvandillno nt ppas argh i don't know the names :/16:09
albiits so nice being off windows16:11
Aurvandillin the ubuntu software center go go to the second menupoint and there the last point... a new window should appaer there you go into the bar other software and check the boxes Canonical partner and Canonical Partner (sourcecode)16:12
Aurvandillafter that you leave this window and it will update short16:12
albiok :)16:12
Aurvandilland then you can search for skype and will find it in the ubuntu software center16:12
knomerAad, xmonad isn't officially supported, i would ask the xmonad developers/support for ideas16:12
albishould I wait until 14.04 is finished?16:12
albiI'm doing installing it via an update16:13
albiI installed 13.10 :)16:13
albiI'm not sure if the update is going to cause me to lose any data16:13
albiah I have to wait anyway16:13
Aurvandill14.04 works great for me .... maybe you have a bug with your keyboard layout but there is already a fix16:13
albiLooking forwards to it16:18
albijust happy to be off windows16:18
albiI would love to install it on my main PC16:18
albibut I would miss my games :(16:18
Aurvandilli have windows and xubuntu in dual boot ;)16:18
albiI could16:18
albiI have more than enoguh room16:18
ReptiliaThat's why people use dual-boot16:18
albihmm I guess16:18
albibooting into windows is fairly fast16:19
albinow to just pick a distro I like for my main PC16:19
ReptiliaXubuntu. You won't regret :)16:19
albiI think i'd like something pretty on my main PC16:19
albixubuntu is pretty16:19
ReptiliaUbuntu then, if you like eye-candy16:19
albibut ubuntu is a bit urgh16:20
fballsunity is meh16:20
albihence why I went for xubuntu16:20
albiI much prefer the xfce16:20
fballsi wanted xfce + eye candy so i installed compiz16:20
albione thing I am scared about16:20
ReptiliaYeah, u hate Ubuntu too16:20
Reptiliai hate*16:20
fballsalso took care of the video tearing issues i was having16:20
martinrameDoesn't 14.04 uses xfce 4.11 ?16:20
martinrameI upgraded and I'm still on 4.1016:21
albiI'll known soon :d16:21
ElderDryas_Quick Question:  What will I be missing by installing 13.10 (fresh) then upgrading to 14.04 as opposed to a fresh install of 14.04 (which I am having problems)?16:21
Aurvandillmaybe with the keyboard layout but there is a fix16:21
albiupgrading is a tad slow16:22
Aurvandilland you should read the release notes because there are known bugs16:22
ElderDryas_albi: slower than a crashing install ?16:22
albi:P not quite16:22
ElderDryas_Aurvandill: Done16:22
albixchat is so much nicer on here16:22
albithe windows client sucks ass16:22
elfyElderDryas_: should be ok - I assume you have an image burnt - boot that then upgrade with that - purge ibus unless you need it16:22
albiHas anyone used Bodhi?16:23
albiConsidering Bodhi for my desktop16:23
elfyElderDryas_: after you've installed 13.10 - I did about 6 tests on that on the last few days - worked ok for me16:23
xubuntu755Is there anyway to bypass the keyboard bug?16:23
albiI think I might install tails on a USB stick16:23
elfyxubuntu755: purge it before upgrading16:24
ElderDryas_Thanks Elfy...was just wondering if there was something in 14.04 that wouldn't show up in an upgrade (as in the 12.04 upgrades)16:24
elfyyou'll possibly need to fiddle about with the panel to get new stuff is all16:24
albiI should have installed Lubuntu for my laptop apparetly16:24
Aurvandillxubuntu755 there is a fix16:25
Aurvandillso it's no problem anymore16:25
xubuntu755Okay, what do you mean with purge? eject ?16:25
elfyxubuntu755: read the release notes - the fix is there16:26
albiDoes anyone game on Linux much?16:26
rAadknome: I got it working fine with xfce mint 16 (13.10) but I'll check with the xmonad people for ideas. huge thanks for your support!16:26
Aurvandilli think minecraft doesn't count or xD16:26
lnostdalalbi: i like hexchat  ( http://hexchat.github.io/ )16:26
knomerAad, no problem, and good luck16:26
albiwat lnostdal16:26
albioh IRC client16:26
albiI c16:26
martinrameDoes anyone know if the new "Mugshot" app is installed by default when upgrading? I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 and the menu didn't change at all.16:26
albiI should ttly install Steam OS16:27
knomemartinrame, are you talking about the menu or profile editing?16:27
elfyxubuntu755: sudo apt-get purge ibus16:27
martinrameknome: sorry I thought mugshot was the new menu16:27
martinramebtw, how can I enable the new menu?16:28
knomemartinrame, add the "whisker menu" panel applet16:28
xubuntu755I'm on live usb now16:28
martinrameknome: great, now I have two menus!16:29
DittoI did a 13.10 to 14.04 upgrade and after reboot am getting 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found (grub error) - any advice or link would be greatly appreciated16:30
elfymartinrame: remove the other one then16:30
AurvandillDitto may this help you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/128997716:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Invalid]16:32
Dittoi will look now - much thanks16:32
knomemartinrame, well just remove the applications menu if you don't want that.16:34
Aurvandillhi james16:35
=== james is now known as Guest95528
Guest95528quick question16:35
Guest95528oh its reset my name lol16:35
Aurvandill!ask Guest9552816:35
martinrameknome: yes, no problem16:35
Guest95528how can i reset the desktop16:36
knomeGuest95528, reset in what sense?16:36
Guest95528i upgraded my 13.10 install ti 14.0416:36
Aurvandillhow do you mena reset?16:36
Guest95528and i want to reset the desktop back to default16:36
knomeGuest95528, you want the 14.04 defaults?16:37
Guest95528i played with some settings16:37
martinramebtw, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't install skype on 14.04 64bits, nor 13.10 because of libqtgui4:i386 and other dependencies that won't be installed.16:37
Guest95528on 13.10 and want everything back to default16:37
knomeGuest95528, you can't have the 13.10 defaults back unless you have a backup of them16:37
knomeGuest95528, you can have the 14.04 defaults if you wish though16:37
knomeGuest95528, considering you said "upgraded to 14.04"16:38
Guest95528sorry typing one handed because i have my baby daughter in the other16:38
jk_Both my xubuntu 12.04.4 boxes are freezing in a way I've not seen before, when transferring fairly large files between them via LAN. They apparently time out during a TCP connection leaving both ends blocked. The kern.log entry indicates a crash in "pool" when doing a file splice. Can anyone help?16:38
knomejk_, file a bug and hope that developers get to it shortly...16:38
kupo_any special way to get conky working on all workspaces? i gues sit don't matter though. never noticed that16:40
xubuntu820Hello again, Mr. Koegs!16:46
knomexubuntu820, if you have a question, ask and people will reply if they know the answer, no need to ping/wait specific people16:48
xubuntu820arandr installed - no mouse, no keyboard actions possible16:49
xubuntu820thx for advice - first day on IRC16:51
Cookirhey guys, one question16:53
Cookirwhat xorg packages do I need to hold back, since I don't want to upgrade xserver (ati drivers don't support 1.15.1)?16:54
xubuntu820prestory - wanted external monitor on hdmi, resolution went wrong, no reaction on notebook, reboot, black screen, tryed xrandr and configured xorg - no success (black screen) got advice from koegs to install arandr (now did) got back to desktop - now ther is no reaction on keyboard or mouse (no mouse in sight), trying compiz=fatal: couldn't open display... any proposal?16:59
knomexubuntu820, compiz isn't officially supported... remove compiz and check if it works then.17:00
xubuntu755Hi again. What does the release notes mean with purge IBus? I'm on a live cd now. Xubuntu is already installed but the mouse and keyboard don't17:01
knomexubuntu820, sudo apt-get purge ibus17:02
xubuntu820knoem, command? killall compiz?17:02
xubuntu755And i have to type that in the live cd version?17:03
knomexubuntu820, that might work, though i'd just remove compiz completely from the system17:03
Cookiranyone knows about the xorg packages question?17:03
knomexubuntu755, if the keyboard layout doesn't work as expected there, can do that17:03
xubuntu755my keyboard and mouse don't even move17:04
knomeCookir, i would imagine just holding the packages that you don't want to update would be enough; that should keep other packages from updating if they depend on newer versions of that package. generally, it's not supported to do that though, so please consider that... xubuntu 12.04 is supported for one more year as well.17:04
CookirThanks knome, I have been using 13.10 fine, but I would like to upgrade to 14 now, just leave xorg as it is, since ATI takes it's time with drivers17:05
knomeCookir, as always, take backups...17:06
rAadWhere can I find session startup logs?17:07
CookirYeah I know, thanks17:07
knomerAad, /var/log ?17:07
rAadSure, but specifically for xfce sessions?17:07
knomerAad, should be the same place17:08
xubuntu820knome, "rm compiz" not possible - couldn't find data ("sudo apt-get uninstall compiz" - not possible too)17:10
knomexubuntu820, sudo apt-get remove compiz17:10
xubuntu820knome, reboot?17:11
knomexubuntu820, that won't hurt.17:12
xubuntu755knome, can you explain Ibus purge?17:12
knomexubuntu755, explain in what way?17:14
jk_knome, Just did so, against kernel, but I'm not at all sure it is a bug. In fact I cannot rule out hardware such as a failing NIC...17:15
knomejk_, well, if you come up with something, and notice it's not a bug in the kernel or anywhere else, you can just mark the bug invalid (if you can), or ask me to do that.17:16
xubuntu755Well, I installed Xubuntu 14.04, after rebooting mouse and keyboard are not working. So I get back on the Live cd version, looking what to do and everyone says about purging Ibus17:16
knomexubuntu755, does the keyboard work in TTY1 (ctrl+alt+F1) ?17:16
xubuntu755yes it works17:18
xubuntu820knome, it hurted - but because of not functioning again (i told configuring Xorg.conf - couldn't find saved data later - can I get a new one without typing?)17:18
knomexubuntu755, login there, and run 'sudo apt-get purge ibus'17:18
xubuntu755Okay ill try that brb17:19
knomexubuntu820, what is not functioning? did you need xorg.conf for compiz or something else?17:19
xubuntu820knome, i'm not sure what I need xorg.conf exactly for, but checked the net for same problem and tryed - and today I'm here :)17:21
xubuntu820knome, by the way - compiz is removed17:21
Aurvandillsry for the spam i accidently lay my headset on my keyboard and after i returned i pushed enter to wake my pc up17:25
rAadi just assumed you really really liked xubuntu!17:25
knomexubuntu820, you can try just removing xorg.conf... but make a backup of it before you do. then try booting again17:27
xubuntu820knome, command for backup?17:28
vortez12345does anyone else have issues trying to install with the LUKS encryption & LVM. After I do a full install, & reboot, it either stays at a black screen (no, the arrow keys don't bring any text up like with the logo), or it is a Logo screen and when I press right it says No Volume Groups.17:28
knomexubuntu820, well, basically, 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old'17:29
xubuntu820knome, not possible - data not found17:31
knomexubuntu820, are you sure you have a xorg.conf file then? and did you use the capital X for X11 ?17:32
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, but when i run applications, they won't appear in the taskbar, although they are running.17:32
xubuntu820knome, I'm not sure bout the xorg.conf file (didn't find it in nano too), but capital X, yes?17:34
knomecapital X for X11, but not for xorg.conf17:34
xubuntu820knome, i compared and its the same as you wrote17:34
knomeok, then you apparently don't have a xorg.conf file, which is okay...17:35
xubuntu820knome, is there a command for getting a xorg.conf?17:37
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, but when i run applications, they won't appear in the taskbar, although they are running.17:37
knomexubuntu820, are you using/do you need to use a proprietary driver that requires a xorg.conf?17:38
xubuntu820knome, what exactly is this file for?17:39
knomexubuntu820, specific X settings17:39
knomexubuntu820, it's possible you need one... most don't17:39
albion the last stage of updating to 14.0417:40
xubuntu820knome, ok - think I'm just not that far with xubuntu or my english - what do i need X settings for? just heard about xorg.conf by wanting no black screen17:44
knomexubuntu820, what's your native language? there are localized support channels if you prefer that17:45
xubuntu820knome, german17:45
knome!de | xubuntu82017:45
ubottuxubuntu820: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:45
albiHey guys, I've gone into Software Center and I'm trying to install Skype but I can't find it.. I've set it to use the Canonical repos but still nothign17:48
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, but when i run applications, they won't appear in the taskbar, although they are running.17:48
xubuntu820knome, don't wonna go to circus :-)17:49
knome!patience | Reptilia17:49
ubottuReptilia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:49
knomexubuntu820, they are able to help with xorg issues as well17:49
knomexubuntu820, i can't see much that is xubuntu-specific there17:49
xubuntu820but i try ubuntu.at17:49
xubuntu820try ubuntu.de17:50
knomexubuntu820, and if they point you back here, tell them we pointed you there...17:50
DomiXjust got my first freeze on xubuntu17:50
xubuntu820and so on ;-)17:50
xubuntu820thx, for your time17:50
albiI wonder if installing OS X is a pain17:51
albiI'd like to have windows, OS X and a linux distro or two on my PC17:51
knomexubuntu820, no problem, and good luck17:51
albithat was weird17:53
albijust got a pop up of debefcon17:53
albifor two seconds17:53
ReptiliaI've installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, but when i run applications, they won't appear in the taskbar, although they are running.17:54
ReptiliaI've made the apps show in the taskbar, but after every opened application, they are shifting to the right, instead of shifting to the left of the clock, keyboard layout, date, etc...18:00
nhojReptilia, perhaps there is an expanding separator item on the panel18:01
Reptilianhoj: Did not understand you.18:02
nhojReptilia, sorry, I probably did not understand your problem after reviewing your statement18:03
nhojReptilia, are all the apps in the taskbar to the right of the clock/date?18:04
nhojReptilia, if you select Panel in the Settings app then you can see the apps when you then select 'Items'18:05
risk0plshi i ne4ed instructions of console  for upgrade of xubuntu 13.10 to xubuntu 14 lts18:06
risk0plsi need18:07
risk0plshi could give me instructions  for upgrade of xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 lts  with the console18:10
albiGuys, what would you say is the best distro for gaming (not steam OS)18:10
knome!patience | risk0pls18:10
ubotturisk0pls: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:10
knomealbi, windows.18:10
nhojrisk0pls, do you mean that you want to upgrade with apt-get commands in a terminal?18:11
Aurvandillalbi best you can use every distro with playonlinux or wine but it's never like playing with a windows machine18:12
albimaybe I will just fresh install windows18:12
albiand then have xubuntu as my main18:12
Aurvandillbut some older games before dx 10 are running well on linux with playonlinux18:12
m1chaelTrying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMSError! Your kernel headers for kernel 3.8.0-19-generic cannot be found.  Please install the linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic package,.   it looks like it installed 'linux-headers-3.11.0-19-lowlatency'  and then complains about 3.8....    any ideas on this? http://dpaste.com/1785381/18:12
risk0plsnhot yeah upgrade from konsole becvause in sypnactips dont show me upgrades for xubuntu 14 lts18:13
=== major_ is now known as Guest73888
nhojrisk0pls, https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FAptGet%2FHowto&ei=gmtRU4nTOcbK2AXZzoCIBQ&usg=AFQjCNHCriQENtt8qe4lz9COr1pv0K_N9w&sig2=qlgjIQavBCxIvvwHUdvKsA&bvm=bv.65058239,d.b2I18:14
risk0pls14.04 is lts in xubuntu too , 5 years or 3 years of support?18:15
knomenhoj, apt-get won't be able to do a release upgrade.18:15
knomerisk0pls, 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' from CLI, or 'update-manager -d' for GUI installation18:15
nhojdo-release-upgrade ??18:16
knomerisk0pls, xubuntu 14.04 will be supported for 3 years, as the release announcement tells you18:16
knomenhoj, apt-get only updates packages inside the release pocket, it does not get you to the next one18:16
nhojknome, sorry I thought dist-upgrade did that18:17
knomenhoj, no, dist-upgrade only upgrades kernels and some other things that need a so-called "partial upgrade"18:18
nhojknome, The link I proposed covers that for risk0pls , I believe.18:19
xubuntu820knome, I'm back again - no comparable IRC - but I think about upgrading to Xubuntu 14.04 - how can i upgrade without losing my documents?18:20
risk0plsknome if i ve xubuntu 13.10 since 2 day ago what is the optimus mode of upgrade  sudo do-release-upgrade -d   or 'update-manager -d' for GUI installation?18:20
knomenhoj, not really, apt-get never gets you from 13.10 to 14.04.18:20
knomexubuntu820, upgrading shouldn't lose your files, but it's very recommended to always take backups before upgrading18:20
nhojknome, my mistake try this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html18:21
xubuntu820knome, how (in shell)?18:21
knomerisk0pls, actually, you shouldn't even need -d... but anyway, either one you fancy better.18:21
knomexubuntu820, 'sudo do-release-upgrade', but if you don't take backups, it's always possible you will lose some settings or data.18:22
longbonglungfishdoes anyone know if using the intel graphics installer and the drivers + PPAs it adds will cause problems during my upgrade from 13.10 to the new LTS? also, i heard that before an upgrade one should change all occurrences of 'saucy' to 'trusty' in /etc/apt/sources.list, is this true? also, also, i have been using whiskermenu on 13.10 for a while now and it was added via a third party ppa, should i uninstall whiske18:22
longbonglungfishrmenu before the upgrade? bushels of thanks in advance for any answers.18:22
knomelongbonglungfish, re: sources.list: no, the upgrader will take care of that18:23
risk0plsknome i wont lose my settings of xubuntu 13.10 to the next upgrade18:23
knomelongbonglungfish, i think it would be sanest to drop the whiskermenu ppa before upgrading18:23
knomelongbonglungfish, PPA's should be generally handled/migrated cleanly, but problems are always possible18:23
xubuntu820knome, how can I backup on tty? is there a command?18:23
knomerisk0pls, you shouldn't, but it's always possible.18:24
longbonglungfishthanks knome. drop the ppa but don't remove the application itself, yes?18:24
knomexubuntu820, there are tools for it, but basically just copying your files to a USB stick would do.18:24
knomelongbonglungfish, dropping the PPA would make the app disappear, but it should be reinstalled from the official repositories during upgrading, and it might even be added automatically back to your panel. if not, just manually drop it back18:25
knomelongbonglungfish, you don't want/need the PPA for 14.04, since it's in the official repositories18:26
Reptilianhoj: Fixed it, by modifying the panel preferences.18:26
xubuntu820knome, sounds very easy - but not for me in shell (you know - black screen) :-( any command?18:26
knomexubuntu820, depends what you want to backup...18:27
nhojReptilia, good :)18:27
longbonglungfishgot it. thanks so much. and i forgot one last thing; i use compton in place of the default compositor because i have intel integrated graphics and there are tons of tearing issues with xfce's compositor. will compton still work for me?18:27
xubuntu820knome, documents & pics18:27
knomelongbonglungfish, i have no idea. you could try the xfce compositor in 14.04 though18:28
pooofjastan mitaj palah?18:28
longbonglungfishalrightos. thanks again!18:28
knomelongbonglungfish, generally, i'd say it "should work", but obviously i can't confirm that, as it's not officially supported18:28
ReptiliaWhat actually a keyring is?18:28
nhojlongbonglungfish, I think you will find the same problems with 14.04 -- Intel g41 here18:28
knomexubuntu820, cp -R /home/yourusername /media/usbstick/home_backup18:28
knomexubuntu820, but you need to make sure your usb stick is mounted18:29
xubuntu820knome, next fun18:29
knomexubuntu820, check if it's mounted automatically, 'ls /media' and see if there is a subdirectory for it18:31
knomexubuntu820, if not, run 'sudo fdisk -l' to see the devices that are available18:31
xubuntu997my wifi connection doesn,t work, could any body help me18:32
xubuntu820knome, first command= username usb (ok, nor?)18:32
knomexubuntu820, i'm not following18:33
SunilJoshiHello, how can i configure super + D shortcut to show desktop, using Xubuntu 14.04?18:33
xubuntu820'ls /media' - 'enter' - 'myusername usb' is ok, or not?18:35
nhojknome, re xubuntu820 : the ls /media will show the username as a directory18:35
KekaiI want to run Team speak18:35
knomenhoj, right, you're correct.18:35
Kekaihow do I run a .run file18:35
Ela_my WIFI shows all the available wifi network, but doesen't connet wifi18:35
knomenhoj, can you pick that up from here? i need to run soon18:35
nhojknome, will try18:36
Ela_my wifi connection doesn't work, any body kindly help me18:36
knome!patience | Ela_18:37
ubottuEla_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:37
anykeyI just noticed: my network manager applet is completely missing. it's fine until I have to go to work on tuesday, but... has anyone else seen this?18:37
anykeythis is after the update to Trusty18:37
nhojxubuntu820, ls /media/username -- try that where username is your login18:38
nhojxubuntu820, /media/username/usbname  is the result you need18:41
x_hello ... somebody more had problems with change user?18:45
x_not works for me18:45
SunilJoshiHello, how can i configure super + D shortcut to show desktop, using Xubuntu 14.04. currently its set to ctl + alt + D18:47
nhojSunilJoshi, Settings -> Keyboard -> application shortcuts18:49
x_oh i think is this bug :(18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1285440 in xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin "Switch Users" functionality" [High,Confirmed]18:50
* anykey just reads up on networkmanager cli, and will make do until the applet reappears.18:50
SunilJoshinhoj: i am not able to find ctl + alt + D, in there and also i don't know which command to assign it too :(18:50
x_some idea for make a workaround for switch between users ?18:53
nhojSunilJoshi, yes I see what you mean now: try here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197989718:54
nhojSunilJoshi, still can't find the command there though...18:55
nhojSunilJoshi, perhaps 'xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -l -v | grep desktop'18:57
nhojSunilJoshi, show_desktop_key18:58
* SunilJoshi trying..19:00
logos234hey, i found out I cant make an virtualenv with python3 built-in function. Is 14.04's built-in python broken ?19:01
SunilJoshinhoj: not working .. :(19:02
SunilJoshii got a notification and followed by an error19:02
SunilJoshinotification - > Slow keys are disabled19:03
xubuntu458How should I use xubuntu via usb stick???19:07
Ray_I just installed Gparted in the new Xubuntu version but some how it remains hidden under the systems menu.19:08
Ray_according to the menu editor itself it shoud be visible19:08
knomeRay_, check under settings manager.19:08
Ray_is this a user rights thing? as it shows unp in the menu setting (under system)19:10
knomeRay_, no, it's just grouped under the settings manager in xubuntu19:10
Ray_ah, now I see thanks (odd that is also shows up in the menu editor under system). but anyway thanks19:11
brainwashSunilJoshi: see settings manager > window manager > 2nd tab19:17
KekaiAnyone ave teamspeak on 14.04?19:17
catwieselHey. I updated from 13.10 to 14.04 and now the indicator-multiload does not work anymore. An indicator similar to that, which I wrote myself didn't work either.19:19
catwieselIt looks like the panel caches the icons, which makes indicator-multiload (has a histogram of cpu etc as an icon) useless.19:20
catwieselIs that an actual feature, which I couldn't find or a bug?19:20
catwieselAnd is that bug only on my machine, or everywhere?19:20
OzCCShi, good day19:20
Aurvandillmaybe this help you indicator-multiload but i can't help you further19:21
catwiesel(I fixed my indicator by changing the path to the icon with every update, circumventing the proposed caching)19:21
knomecatwiesel, it's a bad time now, right after the release, but join #xubuntu-devel for more information on indicator changes...19:22
OzCCSI'm trying to install a lenovo G505S with xubuntu 14.04 but I keep getting this error and dont know what else to do19:22
OzCCStrying to overwrite '/etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-13.inc', which is also in package console-setup 1.8819:22
catwieselknome: Ok. Will do. Thanks. Mainly wanted to know, if that bug is spread, or just on my machine. But I'll wait, like you suggested.19:23
OzCCSI tried using custom fs settings (always formating / and /boot)19:23
OzCCSthis last time I tried leaving the free space and selecting 'reinstall xubuntu' with no luck19:23
OzCCSany advice?19:23
wub_wubis it possible to use date names based on system regional settings, instead of (apparently) auto-detected regional settings?19:24
Aurvandillmaybe formating the partition?19:24
OzCCSI tried 'sticking' the 'format partition' after selecting the last option19:24
OzCCScustomized install19:24
SunilJoshibrainwash: thanks alot! that worked!:)19:32
noxiousincThere are some more bugs already discovered, hopefully they patch it in the next weeks... :)19:33
noxiousincThe only bug I encounter is the out-of-suspend where you only get a black screen and cannot do anything any more...19:34
wub_wubI have about 2 or 3 so far... in <5 hours.19:35
brainwashSunilJoshi: great :)19:35
brainwashbugs in a final release? no way :D19:36
OzCCSwhat would you suggest I try?19:36
Kekaiwait it out for an update19:37
OzCCSok, it seems like the problem is with the iso-to-usb software:19:38
OzCCS"Indeed the problem came from  Unetbootin, and a full erasing of the key prior to the copying of the installer files did the trick, so your assumptions are fully correct."19:38
OzCCSI'll try to use another converter.. regards19:38
volkanHey, how can I get the informations about the hdd?19:43
Aurvandillsudo fdisk -l for the size and partitions and stuff xD19:44
DomiXweird "change user" is grayed out any idea why ? xubuntu 14.0419:47
Aurvandillmaybe no users to change to?19:48
DomiXIf I lock my session I can't changer user at login screen19:50
DomiXIf I lock my session I can change user at login screen19:50
volkanAnother question : In my desktop, there are the icons of the disks which belong to Win7. How can ı remove them?19:50
catwieselvolkan: In settings go to desktop and under the 'symbols' tab, you can choose what gets displayed (removable media, paper bin etc.)19:53
volkancatwiesel, thanks!19:54
catwieselvolkan: Did it work?19:55
volkancatwiesel, yes. I removed the removable devices from the list.19:55
catwieselvolkan: Great. Glad I could help.19:56
Aurvandillgood night everyone and have a nice day :)20:03
xubuntu034Hello! Does anyone know how and where to get the little image on the trusty tahr announcement in wallpaper size?20:06
xubuntu034I mean that one: http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/tahr_artwork.png20:06
xubuntu034Thanks in advance :)20:07
mspittel1961What can be done with "Couldn't look up your hostname" error?20:07
volkanHow can I open the bottom panel?20:08
mspittel1961I just installed Xubuntu 14.04 and can't connect to UnderNet20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1278089 in parole "Parole reports "Gstreamer backend error, could not initialise supporting library"" [High,Incomplete]20:09
DomiXI cannot see video with parole and I'm running 0.6.1-0ubuntu320:10
brainwashDomiX: maybe installing xubuntu-restricted-extras helps in this case20:11
DomiXit was working before upgrade from 13.10, let me try20:11
catwieselvolkan: What do you mean?20:12
volkancatwiesel, The launcher which is in the bottom20:13
volkancatwiesel, ex : http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/xubuntu-desktop-980x657.png20:13
catwieselAnd how do you want to open that? Do you mean changing the icons?20:14
fballsdoes compiz have issues with 14.04?20:16
ochosifballs: nothing that is known20:17
ochosiit's still used in unity, so i guess it should be fine in xubuntu too20:17
fballsok, good. probably just my setup then20:17
fballsi tried doing a fresh install from usb, but i get 'boot error' :(20:18
volkancatwiesel, I dont have a panel like that. I guess it is disabled.20:20
ochosifballs: why or how would that be related to compiz?20:21
fballsoh, its not...i did an upgrade first, and have issues with compiz20:23
fballsso i tried doing a fresh install and no dice20:24
ochosimaybe a faulty usb stick?20:24
ochosior a faulty download?20:25
ochosi(could always check the md5 hashsum for the download)20:25
fballsgood idea20:25
fballsi didn't get any errors from unetbootin20:25
ochosiyeah, that doesn't necessarily happen20:25
catwieselvolkan: It looks like it. I had it disabled before, but it doesn't seem enabled, if packaged in 14.04.20:26
volkancatwiesel, how can I get it?20:27
catwieselI'm looking myself right now. Can't remember the name, might not even be in it anymore.20:28
DomiXbrainwash, it works now thx20:29
Gooch-anyone know any good themes?20:30
knomethe default xubuntu theme is awesome20:30
knomeso is the matlock tv series theme20:30
Gooch-yeah i like it but i'm looking for a dark theme20:31
fballsmatlock tv series theme?20:32
fballsi wish there was a darker gtk version of greybird ;_;20:36
catwieselvolkan: I just googled 'xubuntu dock' now and found cairo dock.20:36
catwieselvolkan: will send you the link as pm20:36
ochosifballs: i worked on that for a while (blackbird) but ran into too many problems and actually there were too many other things to take care of in xuubntu20:37
mspittel1961hi, people!20:42
mspittel1961How is it going with 14.04?20:42
fballsochosi, nice. is anyone else working on it?20:43
fballsit was a mess here going from alacarte to libremenu, compiz window decorations not sticking, desktop shortcuts to drives only there half the time20:45
fballsworking on doing a clean install now20:45
ochosifballs: not really at the moment, maybe when i have time again (i.e. not in the foreseeable future)20:45
xubuntu675how can i upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 at the command line?20:58
donc3I have installed the final beta21:04
donc3and it doesn't show the upgrade to the final version21:05
donc3what can i do??21:05
krytarik!final | donc321:06
ubottudonc3: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.21:06
donc3krytarik: I have typed this21:07
donc3but it doesn't show me any upgrade21:07
krytarikdonc3: Then you are already up-to-date, i.e. on the final packages.21:08
donc3but i'm on the final beta21:08
donc3not in the final release21:08
krytarikSurely not anymore. :)21:09
knomedonc3, you don't need to upgrade versions if you installed any daily image of 14.04.21:09
knomedonc3, just do regular upgrades.21:09
donc3but the last time that I did upgrade was 2 days ago21:10
ParkerRNew LTS release, figured I would give it a shot, get everything setup, theme it a bit, start compiling some programs, need libswrescale... crap21:10
ParkerRForgot about libav in Debian/Ubuntu :<21:11
knomedonc3, if you have ran 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and it doesn't suggest you any updates, you are at the 14.04 "edge"; you can't go any more up-to-date.21:12
xubuntu689hello i am not a professional21:17
xubuntu689i use xubuntu andi dont konw how i can play normal dvd21:17
xubuntu676Could anyone help me with something?21:18
xubuntu689 i am not a professional, i use xubuntu andi dont konw how i can play normal dvd21:19
TheSheepxubuntu689: nobody can help you until you describe your problem21:20
ParkerRVLC should do it21:20
xubuntu689or use to  play a video dvd   player21:20
TheSheepah, you need to install extra stuff to be able to play dvd21:21
TheSheepit may be illegal in your country21:21
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:21
TheSheepxubuntu689: if you live in USA or Japan, it's illegal21:21
xubuntu676ok. I would like to know what is the best way to install propietary AMD drivers. I've already tested going to the drivers section and selecting the propietary but the driver which is given there is not good in my case. I think that is because I have a fairly new card. A 8870M21:22
xubuntu689thanks i have a look21:22
folkieis there a way to hide the bluetooth icon from the tray? i never use it.21:56
TheSheepfolkie: you can uncheck it in the 'sessions and autostart'21:59
TheSheepfolkie: to prevent it from starting in the future, to remove it right now, just kill the blueman-applet21:59
folkiethat worked. thanks!22:00
longbonglungfishhey all. i began the distribution upgrade process from 13.10 to 14.04 a couple of hours ago and i'm having a rather annoying issue; i can't open the terminal progress box within the distribution upgrade gui (http://i3.minus.com/iCzLwoXw2X48h.png), so i can't even see what's going on behind the scenes. this is important, as i have to run in and out of the house multiple times tonight, but don't want to miss anythin22:11
longbonglungfishg important that i might need to interact with. is there anyway i can see detailed output / progress of the update process?22:11
Reptiliaairmon-ng not working since i've installed the new Xubuntu 14.04. Any ideas? I can't put my wireless card into monitor mode.22:15
deltyeah speaking of which, i liked ogle... why isn't there a package for it? :(22:15
deltused it for years on slackware22:16
Reptiliaairmon-ng not working since i've installed the new Xubuntu 14.04. Any ideas? I can't put my wireless card into monitor mode and the interface is named "eth1", instead of "wlan0", as it used to be.22:16
knomeReptilia, stop repeating every question please.22:19
knomelongbonglungfish, once the actual installation begings, you can expand the terminal fieldset22:19
Reptiliaknome: I've repeated it because i've made it more descriptive. Anyway, i'm sorry.22:19
longbonglungfishthanks knome! you're really on the ball today.22:21
bo_hey, I upgraded to 14.04 and my sound settings are gone, "pavucontrol" works , but clicking sound settings on the indicator does not open the options.22:40
bo_settings-manager also has no sound options22:41
holsteinbo_: you can usually point those gui tools to the proper controls, but, what is going on?22:41
holsteinbo_: you *can* control the sound? and it works properly? just only with pavucontrol? and not with something/anything else?22:42
bo_sound works, setting sound with indicator works, but I don't have the settings-GUI22:47
holsteinbo_: you dont have it? or its not working?22:47
bo_I just can't see the sound settings ... instead of the sound setting, a window with "System Settings" opens ( which contains: printer, language and software)22:51
bo_any idea what the default package is, which contains the settings-GUI ?22:52
holsteina sound applet.. i remember finding that by opening a pacakge manager (like synaptic) and searching for "sound applet" and seeing what i had22:54
bo_xfce4-mixer gives you a few settings but they are not the default ..23:05
keyvinhad a weird issue attempting to upgrade23:31
keyvinnot weird a problem23:31
keyvinthe updater started throwing out allocation errors even though I had 300mb of memory available23:31
peyamwierd? wired? which one23:32
keyvinit crashed and left my install in an unusable state23:32
peyamkeyvin, Why not making a fresch install?23:32
keyvinI did23:32
keyvinI was just curious if this was expected behavior23:32
peyamyes it is23:32
peyamin my experience at least23:33
peyamfresh install is always the best choice23:33
keyvinI'll remember that from now on23:33
peyamkeyvin, http://s29.postimg.org/lax5kmk3b/Screenshot_2014_04_19_01_34_37.png nice?23:35
BosiHello everyone, when I try to upgrade from Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 it appears the following message:  "This release is still in development. Do not install it on production machines." ... is this the final version or not? Should I upgrade or should I wait?23:43
bazhangyes it is final as of 4/1723:47
Bosiok, thanks!23:47

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