
asdfoodwhere can I see app showdown submissions?00:01
asdfoodor get them00:01
mhall119asdfood: they've all been submitted to the store, I don't know if they've all been published though00:42
Snake2kAnyone know how I can contribute to the ubuntu touch messaging app?04:05
Snake2kthat thing needs some massive work lol04:05
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Aki-Thinkpad#ubuntu+1 is invite only; Shucks :P09:49
Aki-ThinkpadJust to confirm; qml atm doesnt have any easy way to execute system commands at the moment, right?09:50
Aki-ThinkpadDo i have to write a c++ function, or (can't remember) is there a Qt library I can import?09:50
danielholmin which package is SystemSettings 1.0?10:12
ogra_hmm, does anyone know how to tell my app buttons to not emit a haptic effect ?11:43
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Aki-Thinkpadwhy can't I add a c++ class to my qml project?13:04
DanChapmanAki-Thinkpad: How are you trying to do it?13:27
Aki-ThinkpadDanChapman, new file or project> files and classes > c++ class; Inherits QObject13:28
Aki-ThinkpadDanChapman, It just says it can't be added. Anyways I am trying something13:28
Aki-Thinkpadlet me get back to you in 10 minutes, and if I'm not successful... fill in the blank13:29
DanChapmanAki-Thinkpad: ok then :-)13:29
dakerogra_: i think it should work out of the box, do you use Button elem ?13:46
ogra_daker, i want it disabled :)13:46
asdlol_ubuntu sdk doesn't scale like other UIs13:55
Aki-Thinkpadgahh.... executing system commands from qml is not easy >:/13:56
qtrosmhall119 ping14:30
qtrosGuys guys guys! It's very important! Seems that I've found bug in JS execution in SDK. Code works in different ways whichever you run it - with debugger or without. Please, run this simple project http://yadi.sk/d/FIKD_SvuMn2Xn  with Ctrl+R and F5 and give both outputs!14:40
qtrosOn my machine (SDK based on Qt 5.0.2) I can see different results (works fine with debugger and badly without)14:41
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, are you looking for verification? Have you filed a bug report?15:02
qtrosAki-Thinkpad no, only few minutes ago I understood it - in Qt 5.2 some code works fine, but in Qt 5.2.1 the same code fails, but works fine if you run it with debugger15:04
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, was reading something about a recent bug that projects with a - in it, are just not running15:06
qtrosAki-Thinkpad with what in it?15:06
Aki-Thinkpaddash -15:06
qtrosAki-Thinkpad no no, I am not about projects, I am about JS code execution15:06
qtrosAki-Thinkpad much much much much more dangerous bug15:07
Aki-Thinkpadoh o_o15:07
qtrosAki-Thinkpad yep15:07
qtrosAki-Thinkpad that's why I say "Important"15:07
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, you file a bug report though?15:08
qtrosAki-Thinkpad I'll try to notify somebody, it can be better than report15:08
qtrosAki-Thinkpad reports sometimes are to slow, but this is critical situation15:14
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, in my experience, it depends on the components. I don't think anyone has even bothered looking at my compiz bugs, but when it comes to ubuntu-sdk items, a fix was created literally that day.15:15
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, also if you file it, I don't mind testing to verify, and then we can try and mark it as critical15:16
qtros Aki-Thinkpad can you provide an url for doing it?15:19
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, yah sure!15:20
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, just to be clear; this is a bug with ubuntu sdk?15:20
qtrosAki-Thinkpad hmm... seems that it's bug in Qt15:22
qtrosAki-Thinkpad if so I know where I should report it15:22
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, oh, in that case, that is a bit different15:22
Aki-Thinkpadqtros, they have their own bug management system; I honestly would go to #qt ; Its a busy channel which would more than likely pick up your request right away15:23
Aki-Thinkpadokay I am a bit confused here... No where in my code do I have a PopOver{ element, and yet my program starts with a popover ...15:45
Aki-ThinkpadI used the tabbed ui template, and took some existing code, shoving it into there.15:45
Aki-ThinkpadThis just confuses me... why does a popover exist?16:38
Aki-ThinkpadI havnt added it yet16:38
Aki-Thinkpadand I have no clue how to add buttons to it >:/16:38
Aki-Thinkpadmmmm apparently Mainview { includes it automatically16:53
Aki-Thinkpadbah; its right there in the docs > Shucks on me :P16:56
zonovromanGood morning/afternoon/evening(my case)/night all!17:03
Aki-Thinkpadhmmmmm that is strange18:10
Aki-Thinkpadso I got my app to the point where I can execute commands18:10
Aki-Thinkpadand it seems to be working for the most part, except18:11
Aki-Thinkpadi cant create text files using >18:11
Aki-Thinkpadany ideas why? Any workarounds?18:11
Aki-Thinkpadah wait...18:14
Aki-Thinkpadso happy :)21:04
Chyzwaryoyo How to exit from fullscreen mode in ubuntu SDk21:30
Aki-ThinkpadChyzwar, o_O21:32
Aki-Thinkpadlet me try21:32
Aki-Thinkpadpress alt to get the hud, and type "full screen"21:32
Aki-ThinkpadChyzwar, ^21:32
Aki-Thinkpaderr, assuming you are using unity21:33
Aki-Thinkpadyah how do you exit full screen ?21:34
ChyzwarI tried F11, but no success.21:36
Aki-ThinkpadChyzwar, I tried yelling at it, also no success21:38
Aki-ThinkpadChyzwar, going to attempt spitting on it.21:38
Chyzwarlike always, I have good intentions, and he stuff happen21:55
qtrospopey ping22:18
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