
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget is <alias> love-#ubuntu-offtopi07:43
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget forget "is <alias> love-#ubuntu-offtopi07:43
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget love-#ubuntu-offtopic is <alias> love-#ubuntu-offtopi07:44
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !love-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.07:47
FlannelOh, it looks like we've been drunk and playing with factoids on a few occasions07:52
FlannelI'm going to consider those easter eggs!07:52
rwwmainly because ubottu would probably do something wrong if you tried removing them07:52
Flannelwhich means we need to update !moo07:52
rww"there are four easter eggs in this bot"07:53
FlannelI don't think there'd be problems deleting them07:53
valorieI've seen that one before, yes07:55
valorieand I would guess high rather than drunk07:55
FlannelAh, even with the source code, I fell into the tar pit.08:17
FlannelI caught my mistake, but now I'm fairly certain that those are impossible to remove via the IRC interface.08:25
valorieubottu needs love too....08:26
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:26
rwwFlannel: told you08:44
Flannelrww: well, I took the "probably" out!08:45
FlannelI missed the part where it trims proceeding non-alphanumerics08:45
Flannelotherwise the is<sed> (as an alternative of =~) and "is (from the factoid) would've cancelled out the other set-a-factoid checks08:46
Aki-ThinkpadCan I get my chat ban removed from #ubuntu?09:47
Aki-ThinkpadI was told to visit here in 24h09:47
bazhangAki-Thinkpad, hi10:58
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, hello10:59
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, http://askubuntu.com/questions/449665/is-upgrading-from-lts-to-lts-as-reliable-as-doing-a-fresh-install11:00
Aki-ThinkpadI understand why you do not want to say it is not as reliable as fresh installs (At least I think I do),11:00
bazhangAki-Thinkpad, an LTS to LTS upgrade is perfectly safe, and tested11:01
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, *perfectly* ; should be replaced with *Reasonably*11:01
bazhangAki-Thinkpad, as long you as refrain from saying, not safe, don't do it, I think we are ok here11:02
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, anyways, I had no idea it was a rule to not to state otherwise11:02
Aki-Thinkpadand I did not know it was Canonicals official position11:03
bazhangare we ok?11:03
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, oh absolutely; you are correct in that11:03
Aki-Thinkpadand for what its worth, I was incorrect to put so much emphathis on it.11:03
bazhangplease try to speak in #ubuntu now Aki-Thinkpad11:04
Aki-ThinkpadAnd yes; I hate any sort of drama, so I am ready to put this to rest and just move on.11:04
bazhangthanks for coming here today to resolve this11:04
Aki-Thinkpadbazhang, Thanks.11:04
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn ubottu, OerHeks said: oh that factoid is removed, there is no single best!14.1018:45
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec

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