
=== jackyalcine is now known as jacky
=== jacky is now known as jackyalcine
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=== Not is now known as jacky
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=== Not is now known as jacky
lordievaderGood morning.07:22
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:41
soeehi BluesKaj11:06
BluesKajhi soee11:12
Kalidarnwould you say it is a bug with network manager12:59
Kalidarnif i enter say12:59
Kalidarn127.0.0.1, exmaple.com13:00
Kalidarnas the DNS/DNS Search 13:00
Kalidarnit will not cut the space13:00
Kalidarnwhen you click on the list you'll actually get:13:00
Kalidarn example.com13:00
Kalidarnand i'm pretty sure on ubuntu it does13:00
QuintasanKalidarn: I'm pretty sure you want to report that upstream (as in http://bugs.kde.org).13:03
Kalidarnyeah i am going to13:03
Mamarokdear all, something is wrong with the amarok package apparently, please see kdebug 33364913:03
Kalidarnokay it looks as if on ubuntu there's no list option13:03
ubottuKDE bug 333649 in Playlist "everytime when i open Amarok an error is message is being displayed" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]13:04
QuintasanMamarok: Looking13:04
MamarokI closed this as downstream as there must be something worng with the dependencies installed13:04
MamarokQuintasan: thank you :)13:05
QuintasanMamarok: There is nothing wrong with the package itself as far I am concerned, IIRC org.kde.klauncher is provided by kde-workspace-bin in Ubuntu13:11
QuintasanThough 13:11
QuintasanBetter ask the user though13:11
MamarokI will ask him13:13
QuintasanMamarok: I'm already writing a message with some commands I need output of13:13
Kalidarnis plasma-nm the QML one KDE 5?13:15
KalidarnI'm assuming KDE 4.13 uses the "Network Management" product13:16
soeehow to fix this in Amarok: Download of charts seems to have failed. Please check your internet connection.13:18
soeethis stops Aamrok for 20 seconds to start each time13:18
Quintasansoee: I think this is a problem with the provider itself rather than Amarok13:18
Kalidarnokay no it looks like is http://ltinkl.blogspot.com/2013/09/first-plasma-nm-release.html13:18
Mamaroksoee: you shouldn't even ahve that script anymore, the Charts don't exist anymore since quite some time, and it was removed in 2.7.1 already13:20
Quintasansoee: Was it?13:21
QuintasanMamarok: Was it?13:21
Mamarokyes, seems to me like ages ago :)13:21
* Quintasan looks at the package13:21
Mamarokand of course the website doesn't exist anymore either13:22
Quintasansoee: 2.8 is it?13:22
soeeMamarok: is see only Free Music Charts script and its disabled13:22
soeeQuintasan: yes im on 14.0413:22
Mamarokbut I can check the ChangeLog13:22
soeelet me do some more tests13:22
MamarokQuintasan: it was removed in 2.8. before beta 113:23
Mamaroksoee: that shouldn't even show up anymore, I don't have that here13:24
soeeMamarok: yo dont have this script on list ? 13:24
Quintasansoee, Mamarok: are we talking about this -> http://wstaw.org/m/2014/04/20/plasma-desktopDl1777.png ?13:25
Mamarokyes, that shouldn't even exist anymore, I don't see it here13:26
soeeyes http://wstaw.org/m/2014/04/20/amarok.jpeg13:26
Mamarokwe removed this before 2.8 beta 1, at least according to the ChangeLog13:27
soeeok if this plugin is unchecke the error is gone but player needs ~10 seconds to start (show the window with all options), is it possible thet it tries to fetch some data from internet before launching all window elements ?13:28
Quintasansoee: I turned all three of those and I no longer get that message.13:28
soeeQuintasan: yes i can confirm this13:28
QuintasanMamarok: Truth be told, if it was removed from the source we would no longer have it I believe13:28
QuintasanLet me look at the package13:28
Mamaroksoee: if your playlist contains internet sources, yes, then it will check those13:29
soeeMamarok: yes it have lyrics enabled 13:29
Mamaroksoee: not talking about lyrics, those are only checked when yous tart playing something13:29
MamarokI meant streams or podcasts in the active playlist13:30
soeeMamarok: and if option to autoplay is on ?13:30
Mamarokthat is not the point, the content of the playlist is what I was asking for13:30
Mamarokthe more there are streams and podcasts that are not local, the more it has to check for13:30
QuintasanMamarok: src/scripts/free_music_charts_service/README13:31
QuintasanIt is there in 2.813:31
soeeMamarok: i have atm only ~5 local songs and 1 polish station13:31
QuintasanMamarok: Generally the contents of the source of 2.8.0 are http://paste.ubuntu.com/729158113:32
soeeMamarok: ok it seems that this polish station on the list cuses this13:32
soeeafter it is removed, Amarok start without any delay13:33
Quintasansoee: Well, Mamarok said that Amarok checks for the stream etc. on the startup13:33
QuintasanThough I don't like that way of doing things.13:33
soeeQuintasan: yup, this is not to good, if i have this one station, Amarok starts and i see nothing on the window next 10-15 seconds13:35
QuintasanMamarok: Do you happen do know if it's viable option to make Amarok not to check for internet sources until you try to play them?13:36
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1310271] systemsettings not installing, dictionaries-common is getting error @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1310271 (by sreeenu)13:37
Mamarokoh well, I guess yes, no idea why this was not implemented yet, currently it does other checks. but please check with the current git first, I know there have been a lot of changes13:38
Mamarokbut the current git should show the GUI immediately, it sadly still runs a bazillion of checks in the background13:39
Mamarokcurrently I can't search before like 10 seconds once it is started because ti checks the database13:39
Mamarokthis was normally one of the things that were fixed when we implemented the GSoC projects, after 2.8.013:40
Mamarokand current git is like 310 commits or so ahead of 2.8.013:40
Mamarokincluding 4 GSoC projects that were merged13:40
soeeMamarok: when is next version planned to be released ?13:41
Mamarokmarkey: really, we need to release soon...13:41
Mamaroksoee: we have one planned since like ages, sadly our release manager is MIA13:41
Mamarokthat is why it didn't see the light yet13:41
markeywe have a number of important bug fixes that should be released, yes13:42
Mamarokhe started a new job13:42
markeye.g. I rewrote the opengl visualization13:43
QuintasanMamarok: In the last 700 commits I can see some changes to playlists but nothing really grabs my attention when it comes to checking internet sources13:45
Mamarokas I said, it "should" have been fixed, because that was talked about, but ibn any case, the GUI now shows immediately13:46
Mamarokand the internet sources need to be checked if those are in the loaded playlist anyway, elese it will get a delay once you try to play it and ti doesn't work13:46
QuintasanMamarok: Why do those have to be checked? I don't really get the logic behind it.13:48
soee_There is small issue related to loading this sources and delay, if you have volume set to 30% before the sources are checked/loaded Amarok starts to play with 100% volume, than after sources are loaded it jums to 30%13:50
soee_so it seems that some settings/configuration are applied after this sources are checked13:51
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Quintasansoee_: Report that upstream if it was not reported13:51
QuintasanI'm pretty much sure noone will remember that in like 30 minutes since we are generally busy13:52
soeeQuintasan: ok13:52
Mamarokthe check then marks unplayable tracks grayed out13:54
QuintasanMamarok: My main problem is with what will Amarok do when there is no network or the network is unreliable13:56
Mamaroksoee: that I never even heard about13:56
Mamarokit will check and gray out the unplayable tracks, didn't I just say that?13:56
QuintasanMaybe I'm not clear enough.13:57
QuintasanMamarok: If there is no network, will Amarok try to check for availability of the internet sources if there are any on the playlist?13:58
Mamarokno idea how the check works, you need to check that in the code, sorry14:00
QuintasanMamarok: I see.14:01
MamarokI guess, logically it should check if there is an internet connectiion first, then only strt checking the individual sources14:01
Mamarokif it doesn't the the check is a piece of crap14:01
Mamarokmarkey: ^14:01
markeyI don't know anything about that at all14:03
* Quintasan looks into it14:03
QuintasanI guess it will be a express KDE/Qt 101 for me14:04
markeybest way to start :)14:04
soeeQuintasan: the issue i mentioned might be related to this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32916614:12
ubottuKDE bug 329166 in Playback "Amarok volume is often reset to 100% when changing tracks" [Normal,Reopened]14:12
soeeor shall i create new bug report ?14:13
Quintasansoee: Are you able to reproduce that every time?14:14
soeeQuintasan: yes, each time14:14
QuintasanIf so then I think you should file a new bug and attach the file which triggers the behavior14:14
Quintasanamarok --debug output probably would be nice14:14
QuintasanMamarok: Does Amarok have any wikipage for end users how to provide the most useful information?14:15
soeeuhm, now when i tried to verify it one more time, the problem is gone14:19
QuintasanMamarok: Fortunately enough core/meta/Meta.cpp has networkNotPlayableReason() so that rules out the possiblity of that check is crap14:19
* Quintasan satisfied his curiosity14:20
Quintasansoee: Be sure to keep an eye on that14:20
QuintasanI never had that happen to me but I can imagine it's annoying to say the least.14:21
MamarokQuintasan: what do you mean, wiki page?15:39
QuintasanMamarok: https://community.kde.org/Amarok/Development/DebuggingHowTo15:39
QuintasanI was looking for this15:39
Mamarokah, ok15:39
Mamarokwe have that since like forever :)15:39
Mamaroklong before any of the other KDE projects starting having similar ones, and even then, most don't15:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: got a thinkpad?18:36
alketno updates since the release, thats a good sign22:05
=== jackyalcine is now known as jacky

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