
UrielVigilantWhy this dont work with lubuntu 14.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7280245/ and always work with 13.10, then someone here sugested me another thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7280359/ but that dont work too. Why? Please give me a solution!00:44
SonikkuAmericaYou quit last night before I could offer a suggestion: Reboot?00:44
UrielVigilantI tryed to find you , but i could nt .. i dont know why00:45
UrielVigilantthe thing you told me dont worked too. as you can see...00:46
UrielVigilantSonnikkuAmerica , let me show you a picture screen....00:46
UrielVigilantsorry, in this usb persistent i dont have the app to do it.00:47
SonikkuAmericaGet scrot or something?00:50
SonikkuAmerica!info scrot00:50
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (trusty), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB00:50
UrielVigilantsudo apt-get install scrot ?00:50
SonikkuAmericaThen type "scrot" in another terminal window and find the picture in your home folder00:51
UrielVigilantok give me a second00:51
UrielVigilantSonikkuAmerica    http://paste.ubuntu.com/7288060/00:53
UrielVigilantsomthing is wrong00:53
SonikkuAmericaUrielVigilant: [ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo apt-get update ]00:54
SonikkuAmericaand then try again00:54
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: Err, may want to make sure nothing is locking it for a reason?(!!)00:54
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: Fair enough.00:55
SonikkuAmericaUrielVigilant: First check to see if you have another package manager open though00:55
Unit193sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock00:56
UrielVigilant SonnikkuAmerica  problems again  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7288087/00:57
LarrySteezeianorlin: FWIW, I reinstalled lubuntu on their machine from scratch today, and it boots now with no issue.00:57
SonikkuAmericaUrielVigilant: You should have listened to Unit19300:58
SonikkuAmericahe was right00:58
SonikkuAmericaNow, [ sudo lsof /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ]00:58
UrielVigilantSonikkuAmerica  problems again http://paste.ubuntu.com/7288122/01:01
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: See the pastebin above, why is this?01:02
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: Those are warnings, you can ignore them.  He's on a live system.01:02
SonikkuAmericaSo they mean nothing to us.01:03
UrielVigilantYes live persistent until i solve how to put my bcm 4311 on01:04
SonikkuAmericaUrielVigilant: Did we make sure is was a 4311? [ lspci -vnn | grep 14e4 ]01:04
SonikkuAmericaPardon the interruption.01:07
UrielVigilantSonikkuAmerica iam sure01:07
SonikkuAmericaWell, according to lsof your other lock file is free to remove as well: [ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo apt-get update ]01:08
UrielVigilantbcm 4311 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7288144/01:08
UrielVigilantok i did it sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo apt-get update   now then ?01:09
SonikkuAmericaNo problems occurred?01:09
UrielVigilantno lololol01:09
SonikkuAmerica!info firmware-b43-installer01:09
ubottufirmware-b43-installer (source: b43-fwcutter): firmware installer for the b43 driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:018-2 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB01:09
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer ]01:10
SonikkuAmericaWhen that's done, do [ sudo modprobe -r b43 wl brcmsmac ] and then [ sudo modprobe b43 ]01:10
UrielVigilantlubuntu@lubuntu:~$ it is on the most recent version  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7288154/01:14
UrielVigilantok all done01:15
UrielVigilantno errors and no Wireless01:16
SonikkuAmericaUrielVigilant: Did you run the next 2 commands?01:16
UrielVigilantyes i did01:17
SonikkuAmericaDid you restart?01:18
SonikkuAmericaNo, you didn't :)01:18
UrielVigilantnOl joaninhao01:18
UrielVigilant no i did nt01:18
UrielVigilanti will01:18
UrielVigilantgive me a second, i wil be back01:18
urielvigilantsonikkuAmerica after what you told me to do, and restart i wasnt able to conecte to internet by cable01:34
urielvigilantnow i have to creat a new live persisten 14.04 usb01:34
urielvigilanti think i will stay with 13.10 until someone review this problem. I think is a internal bulding problem with 14.0401:35
SonikkuAmericaWell, I know how to fix the Broadcom problem, but maybe the solution only works on hard metal01:36
urielvigilanthard metal ? you mean a hammer or so ?01:36
SonikkuAmericaNo, a hard disk01:37
urielvigilantDo you think if i install 14.04 on hard disk, it will work ?01:38
SonikkuAmericaWell, if you tether your computer to something else (like a smartphone or tablet) that can access Wi-Fi, then yes.01:39
urielvigilantwhere i can complain with this, to b this solved more faster ?01:43
SonikkuAmericaurielvigilant: You could file a bug against firmware-b43-installer01:43
SonikkuAmericaJust type [ ubuntu-bug firmware-b43-installer ]01:43
urielvigilantdo it for me please, ok ? my english is not so good01:44
SonikkuAmericaWell, it's not really my problem... you can file the bug and send me the link and I'll try and explain a little more, maybe?01:45
SonikkuAmericaAlternatively, you can type in Google Translate and translate into English too01:46
urielvigilantyou are right,. thank you anyway01:49
=== soliloquy is now known as Guest76397
hellslingerhi guys, I just upgraded to lubuntu 14.04 and want to use i3 for my WM/DM. What does lubuntu use as its settings daemon, like xfce uses xfsettingsd and gnome-settings-daemon04:31
tonystarkfacing sound issue in xubuntu need help..04:50
hellslingertonystark: what's the issue?04:51
tonystarki dont gedt sound in system startup and shutdown04:52
tonystarkusing xubuntu 14.0404:52
hellslingercan you be more specific? are you talking about login sounds? when are you expecting to hear sounds04:53
tonystarklogin sounds .. shutdown sounds... thunderbird mail sounds and other system sounds04:54
hellslingerare you able to get them working at all?04:54
hellslingeror is it always quiet?04:54
tonystarkalways quite only mp3 and video got sound04:54
hellslingeropen a terminal and run 'ps aux | grep pulse'. do you get any output?04:55
tonystarki dont get ur code plz say again04:56
hellslingerjust type what is in quotes there04:56
hellslingerwithout the quotes, of course04:56
tonystarkhow to get tht line sort of thing04:56
tonystarknoob u know04:57
hellslingerno prob04:57
hellslingerare you able to get to terminal?04:57
hellslingerits easier than I made it sound, type ps aux | grep pulse04:57
hellslingerthat gets a list of processes running and looks for anything named "pulse"04:58
tonystarkdont scold me but i cant gedt tht straight line i get this slanting one /04:58
hellslingerhaha no worries dude04:59
hellslingerit's shift + \04:59
hellslingerthe pipe character04:59
hellslingerI think you can copy and paste from your irc client too04:59
tonystarki did it04:59
tonystarknow what?04:59
tonystarklightdm   1271  0.0  0.2 100004  4884 ?        S<l  09:59   0:00 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog04:59
tonystarktonysta+  1778  0.0  0.2  91148  5304 ?        S<l  10:00   0:00 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog04:59
tonystarktonysta+  3658  0.0  0.0   4936   824 pts/0    S+   10:29   0:00 grep --color=auto pulse04:59
hellslingerok good, so that checks to see if the pulseaudio daemon is running, and it is05:00
hellslingerthats the process that handles the sound for those applications05:00
tonystarkso now?05:00
hellslingerso in the same terminal, type "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"05:00
hellslinger(copy and paste)05:00
tonystarkit says its already the latest version05:01
tonystarki m using xubuntu 14.0405:01
hellslingerok good05:01
hellslingerso now run pavucontrol05:01
tonystarkits where?05:02
hellslingerjust type pavucontrol in the terminal05:02
tonystarkgot it05:02
hellslingerthe first tab in the window that shows up should be called playback05:02
hellslingeris it selected05:02
hellslingeryou should see system sounds as the top item05:03
tonystarkits set to 100 dcb05:03
tonystarki mean db05:03
hellslingeron the far right after the title, you should see a speaker with an X05:03
hellslingerI bet systems sounds are muted05:03
tonystarknow they are not05:03
hellslingerchanges you make in that window take effect immediately and are persistent05:04
hellslingerok, so keep that window open05:04
hellslingernow try to make those apps you were talking about make some sounds05:04
hellslingeryou should hear them now05:04
tonystarkok wait05:04
tonystarknopes i dont05:05
hellslingerso when programs are playing sounds, you should see some meters jumping around in the pavucontrol window05:06
tonystarkthey aren't anything happening05:06
tonystarkwhat if there is no sound file?05:06
hellslingeryeah, that could be the issue05:07
hellslingerso you're in xfce... let me see what the easiest way to make app sounds is05:07
hellslingergo to your xfce4-settings manager, it should be in the main "start" menu05:09
tonystarkwhat would be there?05:09
hellslingerthere is a setting to enable event sounds05:09
hellslingerby default it is off, I believe05:09
tonystarki did it not working again05:09
hellslingerdid you go to appearance->settings and click enable event sounds?05:10
tonystarki mean really sorry i got it to work05:10
tonystarkthanks man05:10
tonystarkthank u05:11
hellslingeroh haha, good!05:11
hellslingerwas it that checkbox?05:11
tonystarkno it took a bit and suddenly a pop up sound came05:11
hellslingerhow are you connected to your speakers?05:11
hellslingerdigital audio or analog connection?05:11
tonystarki got 3.5mm jack cable05:11
hellslingerjust a regular headphone connection?05:12
hellslingerahh ok05:12
tonystarkthanks for helping this noob05:12
hellslingernot a problem, glad I was able to help05:12
tonystarkcan u wait05:13
tonystarki see after restarting if the sound comes05:13
hellslingerI'll be around05:13
tonystarkor not05:13
tonystarki m bck05:15
hellslingerany luck05:16
tonystarkbut works some tym for a beep05:16
tonystarkat xchat05:16
hellslingerso what sound are you expecting that you aren't hearing?05:17
tonystarki heard some says there is a spund at the login and logout05:18
tonystarku know the way in windows05:18
hellslingeryeah, I'm not sure if xubuntu has those sounds, I've never used them05:19
tonystarknvr mind i got the sound for mails atleast05:20
tonystarkproblem is solved05:20
tonystarki m good now05:20
hellslingerI believe you can install some of those login sounds05:20
hellslingerif you want05:20
tonystarki'll see u know tough for a noob to configure all those things05:21
hellslingerit's not very difficult if you want to try05:22
hellslingerno guarantee it'll install the sounds you want, but it won't harm anything to try05:22
tonystarkohk u gonna help then  i m ready05:22
hellslingerok, opena  terminal again05:24
hellslingerthen sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sounds05:24
tonystarkunable to locate package sounds05:25
hellslingerdid you type exactly that?05:28
hellslingersudo apt-get install ubuntu-sounds05:28
hellslingertry again, copy and paste this time05:28
Unit193!info ubuntu-sounds05:28
ubottuubuntu-sounds (source: ubuntu-sounds): Ubuntu's GNOME audio theme. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13 (trusty), package size 269 kB, installed size 396 kB05:28
tonystarkworking now05:28
hellslingerdid it download and install things?05:29
tonystarksetting up done05:29
hellslingerok good05:29
tonystarkso should i try again?05:30
tonystarkwait trying05:31
tonystarkno luck05:33
hellslingerso if you were using Unity (regular ubuntu) you would have more control of event sounds05:47
hellslingerbut I think xubuntu only has limited control and use of that, so I think this might be the most you can do with xubuntu05:47
Unit193lxsession is as close to a settingsd that LXDE uses, that I can think of at least.05:50
tonystarki feell like fucked up05:50
tonystarkshit xubuntu05:50
tonystarkbut i tried with dconf editor05:50
tonystarkhope it works05:50
Unit193tonystark: Please keep it family friendly.  Also, I think you've confused #lubuntu with #xubuntu ?05:50
tonystarkwhatever u dont get it after 2 hours of trying i get nothing05:51
hellslingerUnit193: ahh ok, I was hoping to use whatever facility that lubuntu had for i305:55
hellslingerxfsettingsd was breaking some power management stuff in 14.04 for me05:55
Unit193Can't just s/openbox/i3/ ? :P05:55
hellslingeri3 is pure keyboard bliss, though openbox is great if you like lightweight + mouse ;)05:56
wxlbah, awesome ftw but i like i3lock05:57
hellslingerawesome seems pretty great, but I prefer to control my own layouts05:57
hellslingerspirals aren't how I think :P05:57
wxlyou can tweak it however you want05:58
wxlconfig is essentially a lua script05:58
hellslingerin awesome, can you split windows and tile them on the fly? I've never really found a way to dynamically control that with awesome05:59
wxlwith awesome there's little you can't do05:59
hellslingerwith assembly, a microprocessor, and a keyboard, there's nothing you can't do06:00
hellslingerbut (insert clever comment about inventing wheels)06:00
* wxl facepalms06:00
hellslingerwell so a more legitimate question, what does awesome do that i3 can't do?06:01
wxlit's not about that. awesome is no more than you need. not as extreme as ratpoison, dwm, or stumpwm in its minimalism, but simple enough. like lubuntu, it's a good balance.06:03
wxli3 is the unity of tiling wms ;)06:03
hellslingeroooh come now06:03
hellslingerawesome is the toilet bowl of wms (everything is a spiral)06:05
wxlthere's one spiral and it's as easy as "--" to remove06:05
hellslingerthen it becomes a pile :)06:06
raalexGood Morning09:00
=== roman is now known as Guest32527
raalexI am having a bit of a ridiculous question10:07
raalexwith the last update i seem to be unable to choose the wifi network i connect to via the gui10:08
raalexit used to be just clicking and then it changed, but now I am unable to change it10:08
raalexunless I delete the other wifi, which I don't want to10:08
raalexsince I need both, on different occasions10:09
raalexIf I click on the panel it shows all the networks, when I click the one I want to connect to it asks me for the key10:11
raalexbut then it doesn't connect10:11
raalexthis just sounds ridiculous10:14
Sk1draalex: you have to right click choos add to panel and then add network configuration (or something simular my Systemlanguage is German) then you can choose you wlan11:40
Sk1draalex: or just use "nm-applet"11:42
Sk1draalex: see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/449709/network-indicator-disappeared-in-lubuntu11:45
Sk1dI hope this behavouir whill change until 14.04.1 is ther already a bug issue open to follow?11:46
Sk1da found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/129624311:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296243 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Can't see icon in notification bar" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:51
raalexHi Sk1d12:10
raalexthanks, but I have the icon added12:10
raalexit just does not do anything but shows me all the networks it finds12:10
raalexI cannot change to a different one12:10
woshtyHey, what can blank an X other than xscreensaver? I basically did a update-manager update to 14.04 and something blanks my X in a way that I have to switch to text console first, then back to X to get a picture.12:11
raalexI'll look into other options though, thanks12:12
raalexthat thread looks helpful12:12
woshtyxset dpms force off produces the same result.12:26
sandman13where to download Lubuntu LTS?13:19
Sk1dthe internet?13:31
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:32
sandman13Lubuntu 14.0413:32
Sk1dsee sction get lubuntu13:37
woshtyIs anyone actually using light-locker?14:11
urielvigilantSomething is very wrong with this 14.04 and bcm 4311, because with 13.10 it use to work only installing the linux-firmware-nonfree and edit the blacklist.conf and put a # before this sentence. But with this Lubuntu 14.04 i tryed all of this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7292079/ and nothing put it my bcm 43 11 On never . Thanks GOD iam experiment in a usb live persitent usb 4 Gb, other wise i..15:02
raalexthanks for your help Sk1d, it worked, everything is fine now15:57
raalexI am just a little bit too bad at using search engines it seems15:58
mickyI got two questions about the Lubuntu / Ubuntu minimal install:1) is automatic security updates recommended? Under "Method" here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall it says "Updates - Select 'No Automatic Updates' [See note 3]." Why?16:00
mickyAnd the other question is: I want to end up with Lubuntu Core. Therefore I have to install Ubuntu Minimal and then get the lubuntu.core package. There is a screen titled "software selection" (you can see it here http://amjjawad.blogspot.de/2013/07/ubuntu-mini-iso-installation-process.html point 27). Which one do I select here when I want to end up16:03
mickywith lubuntu core?16:03
raalexI wish I could help you16:09
raalexbut if you have some patience, someone who has a clue is eventually gonna show up :)16:09
koelllubuntu <316:39
VanKushhello everyone16:39
VanKushplease can anyone advise me how do i change keyboard layouts available in the LDM greeter?16:40
koellVanKush: in the top right corner i think?17:07
VanKushkoell: that is where they are listed, but i need a layout that is not there yet17:12
ma5t3rw1ttI have a quick question. I have found documentation about the reasoning why Hibernate is disabled by default. I have reanabled it but its showing only for Ubuntu and I am running Lubuntu, any help for this?19:27
ianorlinma5t3rw1tt: when on both lubuntu and unity ubuntu on same login or did you install as a dual boot on two seperate partitions?19:36
ma5t3rw1ttI just have Lubuntu installed only19:37
ianorlinyou mean on boot the menu says ubuntu when first booting?19:37
ma5t3rw1ttNo it shows Lubuntu, what I said about the documentation is re enabling hibernation.19:38
ianorlinI think it is the same as they share components just different desktop environment19:38
ma5t3rw1ttHmmm well when I did that and restarted the compute, I clicked on Hibernate from the menu and I getGDBus.Error19:39
ma5t3rw1ttbut I was able to in the terminal, I was able to make it go to Hibernate by typing pm-hibernate19:40
ma5t3rw1ttI was thinking on possibly making a script for the "pm-hibernate" command but I not sure how I would do it, cause I tried to make a .desktop file linking to a .sh script I made and well that didn't go well19:41
ianorlinyou could do hibernate maybe as a keyboard shortcut19:42
ma5t3rw1ttWell I use my phone to control my computer. I am using this computer as a HTPC, so I use my phone or tablet mainly for input19:43
ma5t3rw1ttIf I could find a way to make a script that I could turn into a shortcut on the desktop, I could just double click that when I wanna hibernate the computer19:44
ma5t3rw1ttThe reason I need Hibernate is because Wake On Lan don't work for this computer when its shut off completely and the suspend keeps all the lights on the computer going and nothing on the screen19:45
SonikkuAmericama5t3rw1tt: Do you have swap space?19:48
SonikkuAmericaOh oh oh, I see what you're trying to do19:48
SonikkuAmericaThe command is [ pmi action hibernate ]19:49
SonikkuAmericaBut first, you need the powermanagement-interface package19:49
SonikkuAmerica!info powermanagement-interface19:49
ubottupowermanagement-interface (source: powermanagement-interface): platform neutral powermanagement interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.20ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 53 kB19:49
ma5t3rw1ttso i need to install that?19:50
ma5t3rw1ttOK I just installed that just now19:52
SonikkuAmericaAnd now all you need to do is create a .desktop file that has [ pmi action hibernate ] in the exec line19:52
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts19:53
SonikkuAmericaUm, well...19:53
SonikkuAmericaThat was not the factoid I was looking for19:53
ma5t3rw1ttWell I don't need a keyboard shortcut, a Desktop shortcut would suffice19:53
ma5t3rw1ttBut lemme see about creating that .Desktop file and trying that out19:53
SonikkuAmericaOh right. /facepalm19:54
SonikkuAmericaYou wanted a KEYBOARD shorcut19:54
ma5t3rw1ttlol no keyboard shortcut, just a simple desktop shortcut19:55
SonikkuAmericaGah! I'm confusing myself!19:55
ma5t3rw1ttnow I make the .desktop executable by chmod +x correct?19:56
SonikkuAmericaSo yeah, create an empty file on the desktop, name it whatever.desktop (something meaningful, anyway)19:56
ma5t3rw1ttok I thought so, one moment19:56
SonikkuAmericaAdd +x to it, then double-click it19:56
rebluesma5t3rw1tt, have you tried to just drag the program from lkde menu to desktop?19:56
ma5t3rw1tt@reblues - I'll figure that out once I get the shortcut working19:57
ma5t3rw1ttok here goes *fingers crossed*19:57
SonikkuAmericareblues: You do realize he'd have to drag a terminal command, not a program19:57
ianorlinmight need to copy the .desktop command somewhere into menu19:57
ianorlinor .desktop file19:57
ma5t3rw1ttI doubled clicked the icon, nothing worked19:57
SonikkuAmericaLemme try something over here.19:58
ma5t3rw1ttalrighty ^_^19:58
rebluesthen he may add lxterminal before the command in the desktop file I fuess19:58
rebluesI guess19:58
ma5t3rw1ttyeah lemme try that19:58
ma5t3rw1ttok here goes19:58
ma5t3rw1ttpfft nothing19:59
ma5t3rw1ttin the exec - I did lexterminal pmi action hibernate19:59
ma5t3rw1tt*lxterminal pmi action hibernate19:59
rebluesUhmm have you tried the command pm-hibernate20:01
ma5t3rw1ttDon't that need sudo if I gonna use that in a shortcut?20:01
rebluesYes I guess so,20:03
SonikkuAmericaYeah, use [ sudo pm-hibernate ]20:03
ma5t3rw1ttdo i need the [] in the command?20:03
SonikkuAmericaNo, that just denotes terminal input in IRC (style choice)20:03
SonikkuAmericaMany people use quotes, I use [ ]20:03
ma5t3rw1tti double click on my .desktop and nothing happens20:04
SonikkuAmericaSo the Exec= line could be "lxterminal -e 'sudo pm-hibernate'"20:04
ma5t3rw1ttok lemme try that20:04
SonikkuAmericama5t3rw1tt: Did you set the Type= to Application?20:04
ma5t3rw1tthaha it was set to false20:04
ma5t3rw1ttwait no, I had the words Terminal=false20:05
ma5t3rw1ttdoes that matter?20:05
ma5t3rw1ttok that works, now its asking for a password, anyway to have that automatically put in?20:07
ma5t3rw1ttit pop up a terminal window asking for a password20:08
SonikkuAmericama5t3rw1tt: That would compromise security20:08
ma5t3rw1ttI am the only person using this computer20:08
SonikkuAmericaFair enough, but you'd still have to input the user password no matter what20:09
rebluesor log as root but thats dangerous, you may delete all system20:10
ma5t3rw1ttreblues: Yeah that would be bad as I just spend an hour and half setting up drivers20:10
ma5t3rw1ttWell I thank you guys very much for the help20:11
ma5t3rw1ttI'll get creative and find something20:11
ma5t3rw1ttI got it work20:35
ma5t3rw1tt@SonikkuAmerica: I got it work20:35
ma5t3rw1tt@SonikkuAmerica: It was a long command but it worked when I added it to the exec area. Now I just need to move this file to the desktop and I'll be golden20:37
ma5t3rw1ttwanna know the code I used?20:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:41
SonikkuAmericaSure! Dump it in a pastebin20:41
ma5t3rw1ttHere ya go20:43
ma5t3rw1ttThis does not prompt for my login like the other commands did20:43
SonikkuAmericaWell, OK, a DBus command20:44
ma5t3rw1ttYeah, fixed the hibernate, now I trying to get my shortcut I made onto the desktop20:45
ma5t3rw1tti got it moved to /usr/share/applications20:45
ma5t3rw1ttnvm, I fixed it20:48

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