
Aki-Thinkpadhow do you unfullscreen in qtcreator?03:08
Aki-Thinkpadwow this google thing is useful :P03:09
=== lazowik is now known as lazowik|afk
qtrospopey ping14:03
qtrosmhall119 ping14:27
alaakHi. I still get an error when trying to upload a new version for my Ubuntu Touch App. Is there already anything known, when this will get fixed?14:44
dakeralaak: can you get the full backtrace of the server response ?14:46
alaak{"traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/srv/pkgme-service.canonical.com/production/pkgme-service/sourcecode/../src/djpkgme/tasks.py\", line 536, in run\n    logger=self.get_logger())\n  File \"/srv/pkgme-service.canonical.com/production/pkgme-service/sourcecode/../src/djpkgme/client.py\", line 66, in submit_to_myapps\n    raise CallbackError(url, 'PUT', response.status, content)\nCallbackError: PUT to ht15:52
alaakclick-scan-complete/291/ got response 400:\nPiston/0.2.3rc1 (Django 1.5.4) crash report:\n\nMethod signature does not match.\n\nSignature should be: upload_id\n", "type": "CallbackError"}15:52
alaakthat is the stacktrace.15:52
dakeralaak: ok thanks16:03
dakerbeuno: ^16:04
dakeror james_w`16:10
mhall119qtros: pong16:11
qtrosmhall119 Hello! As you may know I am participating in App Showdown with TwimGo. But yesterday I've found that it doesn't work properly under Qt 5.2.1 (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-38451). How I can notify judges about it? They should test it on 5.0 (not 14.04 in another words)16:30
=== lazowik|afk is now known as lazowik
Elleoqtros: at a guess from glancing at that I'd guess it's probably not a Qt bug exactly, but is rather due to qreal now being a double on arm instead of a float17:11
Elleothat's just my vague intuition though, haven't looked in to your code in detail17:11
Elleobut that'd seem a likely culprit since that changed in recent versions of the qt packages17:11
qtrosElleo but how console.log() fixes it then?17:36
qtrosElleo as far as I know qmlscene is not multithreaded17:36
qtrosElleo I mean that console output can change behavior of multithreaded programs as far as I know17:37
qtrosElleo and just want to note - I tested it on my x86 desktop too17:37
qtrosElleo also affected17:37
qtrosmhall119 should I contact judges myself or you can notify them (and prove that the app works well)? I would be very grateful! ;)17:41
wolterIf I solve a bug in a personal branch, to which branch should I propose the merge? Stable, trunk?18:52
nikwenI would suggest trunk because that's the current development version.18:54
wolterIs there a quick way of merging two branches with no common ancestors and having bzr solve all of the conflicts?19:05
wolterI see it easier to just pull from scratch the branch I will propose merge to and then modify the files I have changed19:05
ThorondorHi, I've been reading about the devel environment for Touch, and decided to start my experimentation with a "QML Extension Library + Tabbed UI". I thought this was a C++ application with UI designed using Qml, but seems like it's something different22:18
ThorondorAny feedback?22:18
ThorondorMy confusion started after reading that a "Tabbed UI" project is Qml only.22:19

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