ubu | selam | 16:17 |
ubu | selam ademoglu aykut_ ElixirVitae hasanakgoz Kartagis ogny turgay zippo^ | 16:18 |
zippo^ | ubu, i cannot read turkish language :/ | 16:19 |
ubu | :) np I don't know english | 16:20 |
zippo^ | why don't you know english? | 16:23 |
ubu | why don't you know Turkish? | 16:23 |
zippo^ | because i have never learned turkish for school | 16:24 |
zippo^ | *from | 16:25 |
zippo^ | and you ? | 16:26 |
ubu | I learned mr&mrs brown :) | 16:30 |
zippo^ | what are that? | 16:32 |
turgay | :) | 16:37 |
hasanakgoz | :) | 16:49 |
ElixirVitae | :> | 17:00 |
ElixirVitae | One can claim to have learned English if an only if Browns were involved. | 17:00 |
amanbeneolacakk | rsdfgfd | 18:32 |
zippo^ | ah i see | 20:05 |
zippo^ | :> is the bird? :/ | 20:05 |
ElixirVitae | :> is a smiley, albeit mischievous. | 20:15 |
ElixirVitae | And Mr.&Mrs. Bronwn is a filler name in Turkish books that teach English. | 20:16 |
ElixirVitae | So, it is understandable that reference is lost on you zippo^. | 20:16 |
zippo^ | ah i see | 20:54 |
zippo^ | ok | 20:54 |
zippo^ | ElixirVitae, I have told my sister that I am vegetarian. my sister, her husband and children eat meat. I asked her: Do you try a vegetatisch too. she said difficult, because animals have been created for humans to eat.. I said that that are A OLD-FASHONED FOR CONSERVATIVE TURKISH CULTURE. i said that I think that I am more progressive person only of all family :-P | 20:58 |
zippo^ | I want always try or is it possible. but they cannot try :/ | 20:59 |
Sky-linux | S.a | 21:02 |
ElixirVitae | zippo^, I believe when one consumes animal (or plant, for that matter) they give a chance to the mere animal to ascend to the level of humans. | 21:02 |
Sky-linux | ne diyo arkadaþ | 21:03 |
ElixirVitae | I mean this in both physical and spiritual realm. | 21:03 |
zippo^ | hahaha i can life without meat to eat :P | 21:03 |
ElixirVitae | Sky-linux, hoşgeldin. | 21:03 |
Sky-linux | h.b | 21:03 |
zippo^ | Good night madam (or sir?) Sky-linux (by you is 24.00 and here is 23.00) (-: | 21:05 |
Sky-linux | good night | 21:05 |
Sky-linux | mösyö | 21:05 |
ElixirVitae | Sure you can, zippo^. But it will be bland, tasteless :) | 21:05 |
zippo^ | for me no, because I am often crying if someone make dead parents animals example cow, chicken... and animals children are crying because people have murder then parents, ElixirVitae | 21:07 |
zippo^ | I love animals :) | 21:15 |
Sky-linux | çalýþma amAçlý shell hesabý bulabilir miyim online | 21:43 |
zippo^ | ElixirVitae --> https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/t1.0-9/550829_10150978018744374_600965145_n.jpg this was i 7-8 years old :) | 21:56 |
hasanakgoz | http://koding.com ufak bir tane sanal makine veriyor populer programlama dilleri ile çalışma ortamı sunuyor | 21:57 |
ElixirVitae | Pimp cane! | 21:57 |
zippo^ | what? | 21:59 |
ElixirVitae | Nice costume, with cane and all. | 22:01 |
ElixirVitae | I was circumcised when I was still an infant, so had no canes or crowns~ | 22:02 |
zippo^ | really? | 22:02 |
ElixirVitae | Yeah. | 22:03 |
zippo^ | )-: pity that no beautiful rembemer is | 22:05 |
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