
euryaleok i will try it now.00:00
MHodgetylerburtonca, I'll do some looking with you to see if anything can be dug up. :)00:00
nf7Could someone help me? I follow this guide: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx , but my stick doesn't appear in the list of bootable devices when I boot my Mac. It will work on a regular PC though. And I am using the 14.04+Mac version of the iso.00:00
Tunixminimec: i used that shitty drivers around 2004/200500:00
tylerburtoncaMHodge, much appreciated. I'm truly stumped by it.00:00
minimeceuryale: To be sure you can reconfigure the xserver-xorg. The command will do everything for you.00:00
euryaleso u recommend reconfiguring 1st before the purge?00:01
MHodgetylerburtonca, haha, I bet. I've had my share of stumps with Ubuntu. But thanks to the community, my problems have been solved.00:01
MHodgetylerburtonca, you are running 14.04, correct?00:01
adam_____crocket: any luck?00:01
tylerburtoncaMHodge, correct, just upgraded (clean install) from 12.0400:01
euryale@minimec. so u recommend reconfiguring 1st before the purge?00:02
Tunixminimec: i actually disasselbled them (in part) to send meaningful bug reports00:02
minimecTunix: I got a amd x1250 CPU/GPU combo once, and 4 month later amd decided to drop fglrx support for the GPU... That did it for me! No more AMD anymore!00:02
MHodgetylerburtonca, Thanks. And what is the first version of Ubuntu that was installed on you pc, if you remember?00:02
adam_____time estimates on the upgrade downloads are frustrating.. started saying 1day 17hours, now is zooming along saying 8 mins left o_O00:03
k1l_adam_____: depends on the real connection speed it gets. if it starts very slow it will calculate with that slow speed00:03
minimeceuryale: First purge!00:04
tylerburtoncaMHodge, that particular one has only ever run 12.04 but this afternoon I formatted the drive and installed 14.0400:04
euryaleok. what is the line again?00:04
minimeceuryale: But you shouldn't need the 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' command.00:04
MHodgetylerburtonca, okay. And you are on the original Ubuntu or Xubuntu, etc?00:05
tylerburtoncaMHodge, ubuntu00:05
minimeceuryale: sudo apt-get purge fglrx00:05
euryaleno the purge. apt-get purge flgrx?00:05
=== BlackoutIsHere is now known as BlackoutIsHere|O
adam_____k1l_: seems to change for each lib00:05
etecanhi, is there a way to browse files from a android phone from the terminal?00:05
euryaleunable to locate package fglrx00:05
adam_____it's now up to 33 mins left00:05
minimeceuryale: So it's not installed...00:06
xar-etecan: yes00:06
adam_____reminds me of Windows progress bars :)00:06
etecanxar-: how can I do it?00:06
euryalei intalled it via terminal .run file00:06
minimeceuryale: You are not using the fglrx driver...00:06
minimeceuryale: Oh ok.00:06
euryaleminimac: what should i do now?00:06
adam_____4mins left until I get a new OS :) :) :)00:07
minimeceuryale: Is there an uninstall option flag maybe? I normally recommend to use the package provided by ubuntu or maybe the xorg edgers ppa.00:07
adam_____now .. 9 mins..00:07
etecanxar- If you can explain me please :) I'm not finding the correct path00:08
adam_____anyone know how long their upgrade took on an SSD once all the files were downloaded?00:08
Leo_Vertowindows progress estimation is just horrible00:08
AP-hi guys, in gnome 2 i could set per-app themes & font sizes etc with gtkrc2. Is there such a substitute in gnome 3? Or could somebody recommend an alternative desktop environment where this is possible. Thank you00:08
euryaleminimac: maybe, but i don't know where to locate that.00:08
TunixAP-: xfce00:08
minimeceuryale: Neither do I... ;)00:08
AP-Tunix, does this permit setting of themes per application?00:09
euryaleminimac: im s___t out of luck :)00:09
MHodgetylerburtonca: You know what's funny? I can only seem to find fixes for Xubuntu. :O00:09
AP-I wonder if the gtk2 per-app theming possibilities still exist with mint mate00:10
xar-etecan: busy right now sorry, i just know its possible00:10
euryaleminimac: ok here im browsing on my phone, i hope this one works :)00:10
etecanxar-: No problem, I'll keep searching on the web then00:11
NoSkillDwnloadhello guys! i have a problem with the new 14.04LTS00:11
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, what's your problem?00:11
minimeceuryale: Well basically you could just 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-fglrx.conf' and then 'sudo reboot'. It should then use the default driver again, but the driver would still be installed but not used00:11
NoSkillDwnloadi cant access openvpn via networkmanager anymore. It always crashes when i am loading the config00:11
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, do you have the original Ubuntu install or Xubuntu, etc?00:12
=== rww is now known as heartbleed
NoSkillDwnloadI have the original Ubuntu with unity00:12
AP-kde looks as ugly as ever >_>00:13
minimeceuryale: the xorg.conf file just contains the fglrx configuration. Without such a file Ubuntu falls back to the default driver....00:13
AP-somebody please kill it with fire :D00:13
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, thanks! I'll see what I can dig up for you. tylerburtonca: I'm also still looking for a solution for you.00:13
euryaleminimec: i have located it. its in /usr/share/ati/00:13
Leo_VertoI like Unity because it's a lot different to the windows approach of things00:13
elidHey, I'm on 13.10 (amd64) and I want to upgrade to 14.04, but Software Updater says that my computer is up to date, also apt-get update and apt-get upgrade don't help. Suggestions?00:13
NoSkillDwnloadThanks mate!00:13
Leo_Vertoand menu bars on the sides are actually very efficient00:13
Leo_Vertoelid, have you tried apt-get dist-upgrade?00:14
elidLeo_Verto: No, lemme try and I'll get back then.00:14
=== heartbleed is now known as rww
Barridusthe command to update 12.04 server to 14.04 is do-release upgrade, right?00:14
tylerburtoncaMHodge, yeah I also saw those Xubuntu fixes as well but also saw them breaking some installs so I didn't want to try it00:15
adam_____Barridus: yup00:15
tux_hi people i have 13.10  and love it .the issues is that a college in az doesnt support linux how can i make it work so there will be no issues00:15
macscam1if i am running ubuntu with unity, is it possible to get gnome software?00:15
elidLeo_Verto It says "Calculating upgrade... Done", and exits00:15
adam_____Barridus: as root00:15
adam_____elid: read above.. any errors?00:15
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling?00:16
tylerburtoncaMHodge, back in a bit00:16
elidadam_____: Nope00:16
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, hmm... That may be a bug on your system. I'll do some looking to see if others have issues with this.00:17
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, In the mean time, I'll continue to look.00:17
adam_____elid: do "sudo do-release00:17
minimeceuryale: moving the xorg.conf file would be my first choice. If the system is running you might then delete that ati folder or (better) check for an uninstall option of that fglrx binary driver you used.00:17
adam_____do "sudo do-release-update"00:17
Barridusadam_____: oh never mind, it needs -d until the .1 release, i forgot00:18
NoSkillDwnloadlol i am stuck in the desktop swithcer. I have activated the ambience theme and now i cant switch back into the desktops00:18
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, just for future reference, do sudo apt-get update. :)00:18
TunixAP-: xfce apps use gtk2 so i guess it is possible00:18
macscam1can someone explain... am i running gnome and unity at the same time in ubuntu 14?00:18
macscam1with the default00:18
adam_____Barridus: :)00:19
elidadam_____: It says command not found00:19
minimeceuryale: Simply deleting the ATI folder will NOT work, because you still have that xorg.conf file in place.00:19
adam_____elid: upgrade00:19
adam_____not update.. oops00:19
elidadam_____: It's okay, it seems to be working00:19
elidadam_____: No new release found00:20
adam_____do a sudo apt-get update00:20
adam_____then try again00:20
euryaleminimec: i did reinstall xorg and configure xorg.00:20
elidadam_____: I'll get back once it's done00:20
euryalei hope this works, will now reboot.00:20
Barridusonce this update's over, i need to figure out why init.d stuff i've googled isn't helping make a service start automatically00:21
adam_____downloads finished on my 14.04 upgrade. unpacking now00:21
adam_____have to switch to my tablet soon00:22
elidadam____ ok00:22
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minimeceuryale: Again... Check if you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf and rename/delete it (if present). Otherwise your system wil not boot. Altough the xorg reconfiguration you did might have done it for you.00:22
NoSkillDwnloadback. Had to restart00:22
minimeceuryale: Well it will boot but not in graphical mode...00:23
euryaleminimec: im back and in graphical mode, it worked.00:23
MHodgeNoSkillDwnload, Welcome Back!00:23
minimeceuryale: Heureka ;)00:23
crocketadam_____, ppa-purge was enough.00:24
elidadam_____: OK it's checking00:24
euryalei did uninstall the uninstall.sh  and purge fglrx and then remove xorg.conf and reinstall xorg and then configure xorg then reboot.00:24
minimeceuryale: Now check for an uninstall option of the AMD binary driver you downloaded. It might conflict with some later installation of a fglrx ubuntu deb package.00:24
MHodgeMust restart. I'll be back.00:24
adam_____crocket: good to hear00:25
crocketI'm now upgrading.00:25
AnthonyUKI'm going back to 12.04 for now00:25
elidadam_____: It's working I think00:25
Leo_VertoAnthonyUK, 12.04, really?00:26
adam_____elid: nice00:26
AnthonyUKYeh cant get a bunch of stuff to work that I could in12.0400:26
adam_____mine is chugging along00:26
elidadam_____: thanks for the help :)00:26
AnthonyUKthink i will wait half a year til all the issues are fixed00:26
adam_____elid: not much I did, but you're welcome! :)00:26
lagbox13.04 13.10 ?00:26
euryaleminimec: it completely removed.00:26
elidadam_____: Well, for the commands00:27
elidadam_____: I wouldn't have figured that out myself00:27
minimeceuryale: Well done!00:27
lordpIs there a place I can lodge a bug for commands missing from a package in 14.04?00:28
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rwwlordp: which commands, which package?00:28
euryaleminimec: thanks! :)00:30
lordprww: tesseract-ocr amd64, missing a number of commands used for training, but it's got the man pages for them00:30
minimeceuryale: No problem.00:31
lordpNot sure if the x86 package is affected as well00:31
lordpVersion 3.03.02-300:31
rwwlordp: looks like that package is pulled from Debian, and the Debian version has that problem fixed: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74202900:33
ubottuDebian bug 742029 in tesseract-ocr "tesseract-ocr: Trainingtools missing in SID version (3.03.02-3)" [Important,Fixed]00:33
rwwlordp: ubuntu-bug tesseract-ocr should get you to the right page for a bug report in Ubuntu00:33
SKELETR0Nwhat can I use to install a .deb?00:34
lordprww: ok, thanks00:34
litropyon 13.10, what is the command to reset the menu bar (the one with the time and menus)?00:36
minimecSKELETR0N: local -> dpkg, repository apt-get/aptitude. All these are terminal programs.00:36
tracyoneHow can I send  photos+text to facebook、twitter and sina weibo(or any other social website) at the same time in firefox?00:39
SlartSKELETR0N: I think if you just open it in the gui you end up in the software installer app.. it installs from there too, just like the regular repository stuff00:39
SKELETR0Nthanks minimec and slart00:41
UrielVigilantWhy this dont work with lubuntu 14.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7280245/  and always work with 13.10,  then someone here sugested me another thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7280359/  but that dont work too. Why? Please give me a solution!00:44
litropyMy menus and the time and everything in the bar is gone, but the bar remains. I did a setsid unity &, and I'm getting Calling method "Sync" on object path: "/com/canonical/Unity/Panel/Service" failed: Timeout was reached00:45
pnormanWith apt-get you can tell it to install a particular version of a package with the install pkg=pkg_version_number syntax. Is there a way to tell it to install a package with at *least* a particular version? I want an apt-get line that will install the software *only* if its recent enough00:45
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minimecpnorman: The bcmwl-kernel-source package only exists in 13.10, so no need to purge it... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bcmwl-kernel-source&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all00:47
minimecpnorman: Same thong for the firmware package... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=saucy&section=all&arch=any&keywords=linux-firmware-nonfree&searchon=names00:48
c2tarunGuys, Ubuntu 14.04 is aweeeeesome, its fast, light, smooth and most important, I am able to mount Nexus 7 and Iphone 5 (IOS7) out of the box without any changes :D :D00:49
minimecpnorman: So your tutorial is outdated...00:49
tracyoneCan I change the default music search engine in  dash??how?00:49
minimecc2tarun: I agree. I am quiet happy with this release too ...00:50
hexafractionHow long does it usually take for a new Java major version to land? Until the next Ubuntu release?00:51
tracyonehexafraction: I think so00:51
SKELETR0Nim trying to get teamviewer for ubuntu running, but its saying theres an error with lib32asound2 dependency not being satisfiable. does anyone know if there's a way around this? apt-get install lib32asound2 wasnt an available package00:52
Logan_c2tarun: :)00:52
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SonikkuAmericaSKELET0R: Version please?00:52
hexafractionOK. If I want to target Ubuntu on a java 8 FOSS project does that imply I'mgoing to have to force users to use PPAs?00:52
pnormanmimor: uh... bcmwl-kernel-source?00:52
pnormanminimec: ^00:53
SonikkuAmericaSKELETR0N: (Lol, is that another nick of yours, SKELET0R ?)00:53
Logan_hexafraction: forcing people to use Java 8 may significantly limit your userbase00:53
Logan_(for now)00:53
SKELETR0Nyeah thats my desktop00:53
pnormanminimec: I'm not doing anything with 13.10, firmware, bcmwl, or the kernel00:54
minimecSKELETR0N: There is no such package in the official repos... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=saucy&section=all&arch=any&keywords=lib32asound2&searchon=names00:54
SKELETR0Nminimec: could I install one of these instead? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libasound200:55
SKELETR0Ni guess i can try to build the 32 bit version for 64bit00:57
nooby_How do I add a "tag" to the logs produced by existing mod_security rules? I.e. I'd like to add "geo.country_code" to all existing log entries produced by rules that otherwise only say "detected xss", etc. Much obliged!00:58
minimecpnorman: Oups... My fault... You could apt-pin a working version from a versions of ubuntu in /etc/apt/preferences... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:00
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pnormanminimec: I don't want to pin a version, I want to have a minimum version when installing01:01
johndropperwhats the page address for pasteing page output?01:01
johndropperubuntu web page for pasting output?01:02
pnormanWith a package you can have a Depends line with entries like libgdal1 (>= 1.9.0), which specifies a minimum version, which is basically what I want to do from the command line01:03
minimecpnorman: Well... Normally the newest version is taken, with some minor exeptions. I don't see the reason for your 'idea'...01:03
pnormanjohndropper: see /topic01:03
jellow!pastebinit | johndropper01:03
ubottujohndropper: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:03
minimecSKELETR0N: are you on 32bit or 64bit. Is that a deb package or a binary installer?01:05
SKELETR0Nminimec: 64, its a .deb, i got it working by using the 32 and adding i386 architecture to dpkg01:06
minimecSKELETR0N: So you're fine now? Cool.01:07
SKELETR0Nminimec: yeah thanks for checking, should have mentioned I got it running01:07
adam_____ok.. restarting.. 14.04, here I come!01:08
adam_____wow.. that was painless01:10
adam_____on 14.04.. woot!01:10
minimecjohndropper: paste.ubuntu.com for example, or install the pastebinit package and do terminal commands like 'lspci | pastebinit' for example. You will then get a link to share directly in the terminal.01:13
decciIn my workplace there is a computer with 60 or more users running Ubuntu 13.04 I am in charge of maintaining IT. If the computer fails I will have to rebuild the entire system again user by user (I have a backup copy of all the users' data). However this would take time and business would suffer.01:17
rom150414.04 broke my chinese font, how do i make it work again ?01:18
deccihow to quickly create a copy of the entire system, a VMware fusion file would be great so that if anything happens the system can just be run off a virtual pc without major disruption01:18
decciAll users keep all their data on the desktop not in any other folder (the files in other folders are all non-essential01:18
RickKI'm trying to install a kernel module for a Moschip MCS9922 PCIe serial port card but I can't the module to build. The build stops with an error that it can't find include/mca.h.  Mca.h does exist on my machine but apparently not where this source wants it. The source was originallwritten to support kernels 2.6.18 and up. I have Kubuntu 13.10 running kernel  3.11.0-19, x86_64. I have build-essential installed and have been01:18
RickKable to build other apps. Can anyone offer any advice?01:18
decciAll users are password protected (though not encrypted) but it is the same password and I have it. The root password is different, and only I have it.01:18
decciWhat you suggest?01:18
c2tarunwhy am I not able to do split windows in nautilus? Did they remove it or we have to enable it from somewhere?01:18
trismc2tarun: removed01:19
minimecdecci: 13.04 is NOT maintained anymore. You have to do a new setup or upgrade! The heartbeat bug for example is NOT fixed in 13.04. Do an upgrade!01:20
trismc2tarun: works in nemo though01:20
decciminimec: Surely01:20
decciminimec: What version I shall be using?01:20
decciminimec: to get rid of heartbleed bug01:20
c2taruntrism, what were they thinking?01:20
rom1504solved it by installing fonts-wqy-zenhei01:20
minimecdecci: 14.04, as it is an LTS version. You will be good for another 5 years...01:21
decciminimec: okay01:21
decciminimec: What is your suggestion regarding saving the time rebuilding the server..01:22
c2taruntrism, this is exactly the reason why other distro users hate ubuntu. They are behaving like they are apple :(01:22
trismc2tarun: ubuntu didn't remove the code01:22
minimecdecci: Install the openssh package of the 14.04 ubuntu distro as quickfix. But... I would consider a fresh 14.04 installation.01:22
decciminimec: I will do it ...within next few minutes01:22
minimecdecci: backup the /home folder of that system. All the user data ist stored there.01:23
decciminimec: k01:23
trismc2tarun: I switched to nemo, has all the stuff removed from nautilus01:23
BUBULLEhi :)01:24
c2taruntrism, I thought ubuntu already used nautiluses code to personalise it and to use it in ubuntu01:25
c2taruntrism, and this personalized version is called Files.01:25
trismc2tarun: all the removed code was in upstream gnome, it actually happened a long time ago but ubuntu shipped the old version for a while before upgrading01:26
c2taruntrism, so culprit it Gnome devs this time :X01:27
justdavein cleaning up from my 14.04 upgrade, I have a "gwibber" package left over.  It appears to be removed, but residual configuration, and attempting to completely remove it fails.01:27
* c2tarun trying nemo01:27
justdavedpkg -l still lists it, but apt-get purge claims it's not installed01:27
trismjustdave: is it listed as rc?01:27
justdavetrism: it is01:27
tylerburtoncaanyone know why the autologin option is missing from my user account in 14.04?01:27
trismjustdave: yeah that just means it wasn't purged when it was removed, so it's gone01:27
justdavetrism: so my question then, is how do I purge it?01:28
c2tarunalso I am not able to find autostart applications in /etc/X11/xdg/autostart. I am not able to find xdg folder, did they move it to someplace else?01:28
justdaveapt-get purge says "dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove gwibber which isn't installed"01:28
skjonesi take it that the ubuntu+1 irc channel is only active some of the time?01:30
rwwskjones: only when there's a pre-release version of ubuntu, indeed01:31
skjonesrww: thanks01:31
maverick_Who's Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ?01:32
trismjustdave: sudo dpkg -P gwibber; seems to do the job01:32
justdavetrism: confirmed.  thanks!01:33
maverick_using 12.04.401:33
justdavemy next piece of fallout is that I had the vnc server set up on it so I could use it remotely, and that appears to no longer function since upgrading, and I can't find where it's configured01:33
justdaveit was vino-server IIRC01:34
justdaveok, found vino-preferences on the command line, looks like it lost the old prefs, it's all set for no access.01:36
* justdave configures it again01:36
minimecmaverick_: It was stated here that the official upgrade 12.04 -> 14.04 will only be available with 14.04.01, but you can do 'sudo upgrade-manager -d' to 'force' it...01:37
raspberrypifanmy mom prefer ubuntu to windows 801:37
raspberrypifanjust saying01:37
RedGodI need some help I can home and my dog must have turned something on because every letter i type is read out loud how in the hell do I turn this off01:38
=== wolfgang1 is now known as xyzaffa1r
RedGodbtw I am using 14.0401:38
basketballcan i sync lights on usb and built in keyboard01:39
xyzaffa1rI am currently using ubuntu 14.04 and I need flash player for other browsers so it can work in a game im playing, does anyone know how to get it?01:39
justdaveok, guess that didn't solve it.  vino doesn't start after changing the preferences, and said prefs get lost again when I reboot01:40
RedGodjustdave: I just had this same issue install pepperflashplugin-nonfree01:40
xyzaffa1rJust making sure, you can see my messages correct?01:41
justdavevino needs flash? wow.01:41
RedGodxyzaffa1r: yes i can01:41
=== shahan is now known as shartocoltay
SonikkuAmericaHey everyone, if you've been using software on PPAs, the developers of those PPAs need time to package the software for 14.0401:41
shartocoltayhello i recently installed the trial of unity 8 with mir via sudo apt-get install unity8-desktop-session-mir01:42
shartocoltayand it recognized my dell inspiron laptop as a "Phablet"01:43
shartocoltayit was unuseable. is this common?01:43
justdaveRedGod: ok, that didn't change anything, it still doesn't start and the prefs get lost with logout/login01:43
RedGodwhat browser are you using?01:44
RedGodjustdave: ^01:44
justdaveRedGod: not using a browser.  Trying to use a VNC client01:45
justdaveRedGod: trying to get vino-server working01:45
justdaveRedGod: I wondered if you confused my question with someone else's because I wasn't sure why the VNC server would want flashplayer :)01:46
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BrianHHey guys.  I need some troubleshooting help.  Upgrading a server using sudo updatemanager -d, which rebooted my system.  LightDM allows me to login, but I'm stuck with just the wallpaper on the screen and a mouse pointer.01:47
xyzaffa1rRedGod, Im the one needing help with flash01:47
RedGodjustdave: yeah sorry read the question before name and responded to you01:47
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Did you knock off your .Xauthority ? [ rm -rf ~/.Xauthority ]01:47
ice9today when I run apt-update, it still downloading a lot of changes same like the beta01:48
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Then reboot and try again.01:48
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: I can't even drop to another tty.  The system just locks up. :/01:48
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Can you reboot and trash the .Xauthority *before* you log in?01:49
basketballcan i sync lights on usb and built in keyboard01:49
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: I'll give it a shot.01:49
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: (i.e. drop to tty at lightdm's login screen01:49
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tux_upgrading to 14.04 lts is there extras i need to know about for a robust system01:50
TheteDoes anyone know of a good web based admin for postfix?  is postfixadmin any good?01:50
soindHello.  I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 (laptop), and 13.10 (desktop).  When I went to the software updater, it is not giving me an option to upgrade to 14.04.  I have it set to notify me when LTS versions become available.  Would anyone know what would cause that?01:52
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Ok, I did that and the only change was a notification that said something about Applications can no longer access my account, and changing something from a menu.01:53
xyzaffa1rI am currently using ubuntu 14.04 and I need flash player for other browsers so it can work in a game im playing, does anyone know how to get it?01:53
compdocI tried installing 14.04 on a system that was running 12.04 by formatting and installing fresh, but 14.04 wont run on this motherboard. Imagine my surprise01:54
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Still no desktop?01:54
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Nope.  Just the wallpaper and pointer.01:54
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Should I try killing the .Xauth, reboot before I login, and then try loggin in?01:54
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Try [ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ] and see if it pulls anything in.01:54
compdocBrianH, that sounds exactly what happened to me, except I was installing from scratch01:55
rodney77hi, I don't know if there's a dedicated channel for people who just installed trusty. if so, I will take my question elsewhere01:56
SonikkuAmericarodney77: 14.04 LTS is now supported here, ask away!01:56
xanguaxyzaffa1r:  sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin01:56
rodney77SonikkuAmerica, thanks. I just installed trusty and nautilus is crashing upon execution, rendering it unusable. is anyone else having this problem?01:56
xyzaffa1rxangua, Yes, thats flash, But I need flash for other browsers.01:57
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: nothing.  Everything is at the latest version.  Ran update beforehand to make sure.01:57
rwwrodney77: which other browsers?01:57
rwwerm, wrong person01:57
rwwxyzaffa1r: ^^^01:57
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Ditch .Xauthority again, reboot, and log in.01:58
xyzaffa1rrww, The steam in game browser01:58
SonikkuAmericarodney77: Never had to deal with it. Try running [ nautilus ] from terminal and see what it spits out.01:58
rwwxyzaffa1r: you installed that package, closed steam, and re-opened it, and it's still not showing up?01:59
xyzaffa1rrww, That package is already installed.01:59
rwwxyzaffa1r: tried http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/how-to-get-flash-player-to-work-with.html ?01:59
rodney77SonikkuAmerica, it's freezing and crashing when run as root, too01:59
SonikkuAmericarodney77: Oh goodness, why are you running it as root?02:00
shartocoltayis unity 8 + mir only for mobile devices?02:00
SonikkuAmericarodney77: I only wanted you to run it as a normal user02:00
shartocoltayas in not meant for laptops and desktops?02:00
SonikkuAmericashartocoltay: Yes, for now. There is a preview session02:00
rwwshartocoltay: it's been focused on them so far, so it's not default on the desktop and the UI is pretty touch-oriented. over the next few releases, it'll become default on desktops too02:00
SonikkuAmericarodney77: What are the error messages in the terminal?02:01
rodney77SonikkuAmerica, sorry, I don't know why I read 'as root'02:01
shartocoltayi'm an idiot, thank you SonikkuAmerica and rww02:01
rodney77SonikkuAmerica, so far i haven't gotten any error messages02:02
rodney77nautilus is running now, but extremely slowly02:02
soindWhy, when I type do-release-upgrade in the terminal, does it say "No new release found"? I'm using 12.04.02:02
SonikkuAmericasoind: We haven't prepared that yet.02:03
soindoh ok02:03
rwwsoind: because LTS-to-LTS upgrades wait for the first point release for stability reasons02:03
anonymous_stack_hi linux folks02:03
rwwsoind: 14.04.1 will be out in July.02:03
soindthat's a relief - I thought I had broken something02:03
jitsusamaI was just wondering the same myself.02:03
basketballcan i sync lights on usb and built in keyboard02:03
jitsusamaThanks SonikkuAmerica!02:03
SonikkuAmericarodney77: OK...02:04
anon_stack_smachhi linux folks02:04
soindI'm actually happy with precise for now.02:04
jitsusamaI am looking forward to it because I can't run LTS on my VM host right now.02:04
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Same deal.  Ditched Xauth, rebooted, logged in, notification window pops up about selecting an Online Account to regain access to my account.02:05
jitsusama12.04 has some major libvirtd bugs, so I'm running on a short-term support release.02:05
rwwjitsusama: which one?02:05
jitsusamaI would love to get my host OS upgraded so I don't have to worry about upgrading it frequently.02:05
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: But only the notification window... nothing else.02:05
jitsusamarww: I'm using libvirtd with qemu.02:05
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Correct.02:05
rwwjitsusama: no, i mean which version of Ubuntu02:05
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Can you right-click your desktop?02:06
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: no02:06
jitsusamaLet me check, can't remember anymore. All of my VM guests are running 12.04.02:06
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Can you hit Ctrl+Alt+T?02:06
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Did, nothing happened.02:06
jitsusamaI'm running 12.1002:06
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: tty switching?02:07
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Yep, I'm on tty6 now.02:07
SonikkuAmericaTry [ unity --replace DISPLAY=:0.0 & ]02:07
GerowenWhat is in the "Canonical Partners" repo that is always disabled by default?02:07
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Then switch back to the GUI window02:08
xanguaGerowen: where you get skype and flashplayer02:08
rwwjitsusama: 12.10's going end-of-life soon, I believe the plan is to provide an upgrade path from it to 13.10 or 14.04 (I forget which)02:08
rwwjitsusama: you might want to keep an eye on that :)02:08
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Nothing changed, but some errors from compiz.02:08
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Error: Failed to load plugin: DISPLAY:0.002:08
BrianHOh wait ...02:09
jitsusamarww: Yeah. Worst case is I do 2 upgrades.02:09
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Maybe I had the syntax wrong?02:09
rwwjitsusama: *nod*02:09
jitsusama12.04's bug was st00pid. Any of the virsh iface-* commands would fail.02:09
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Don't forget the equals sign02:09
xyzaffa1rrww, Didnt work02:10
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Exactly.  Ran, switched back and nothing changed.02:10
jitsusamaThe issue was identified, but the fix required putting in a new version of another package which they didn't want to do on an LTS release that was already released.02:10
rwwxyzaffa1r: ah. no idea, then02:10
xyzaffa1rI am currently using ubuntu 14.04 and I need flash player for other browsers so it can work in a game im playing, does anyone know how to get it?02:10
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Maybe your video card hates you? [ lspci | grep -i vga ]02:11
Helix2Hello, Can someone tell me why after upgrading to 14.04, System Settings>Details says 13.10 as the Version?02:11
SonikkuAmericaHelix2: Are you running Ubuntu GNOME?02:12
Helix2SonikkuAmerica: Yes02:12
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT215 [GeForce GT 240] (rev a2)02:12
SonikkuAmericaHelix2: This is a known issue and the dev team is working to get it fixed as soon as possible. Meanwhile, enjoy your erroneous Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS!02:12
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Ooh, an NVIDIA card.02:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:13
rwwHelix2: mentioned in the release notes, I'd advise reading them in case there's a more problematic bug in a future release :P02:13
SonikkuAmericaBrianH: Check that wiki page out.02:13
Helix2Thank You, Good to know02:13
BrianHSonikkuAmerica: Will do.02:13
justdaveRedGod: for the record (in case anyone else asks) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/1290666 has the answer to the vino-server problem, sort of.02:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1281250 in vino (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1290666 VNC accessible for Windows machines only with encryption disabled" [High,Triaged]02:15
justdavevino-preferences is overwritten from dconf at each boot02:16
justdavehave to use dconf-editor to set them02:16
justdaveand yeah, the prefs did get wiped on upgrade, but after setting them in dconf-editor, it works02:16
justdaveI left require-encryption enabled (unlike what it says in the bug) and it still works for me (my client supports it)02:17
xyzaffa1rHow do I get flash to work in steams in game web browser? I need flash for other browsers (according to steam) but its not supported on linux as far as I know.02:17
SonikkuAmericaxyzaffa1r: Maybe #ubuntu-steam can help with that02:18
Barridusanyone familiar with getting sabnzbd to autostart in ubuntu server?02:18
Barridusit starts just fine manually, with sudo service start02:19
TheVampistDoes anyone know of a solution to dual booting ubuntu and win7 on a lenovo Y500?02:20
TheVampistI'm pretty sure the issue is something to do with the small ssd cache on it02:20
BeldarTheVampist, we need a problem for a solution.02:20
Barridusthere's an init.d script i set to executable, is there some other command i need to get it to actually be used on boot?02:21
xyzaffa1rthis is the longest I have seen this channel have no disscussion02:28
rww7 minutes? i've seen longer :P02:28
mr_burdellso... I just upgraded my ubuntu VM in parallels... and now it's f'd up02:30
mr_burdelldo I just need to wait for parallels tools updates?02:30
xyzaffa1rHow do I get flash to work in steams in game web browser? I need flash for other browsers (according to steam) but its not supported on linux as far as I know.02:31
cfhowlettxyzaffa1r what did #ubuntu-steam advise?02:31
xyzaffa1rcfhowlett, nothing, no answers :/02:32
cameron1How do you really force-kill a program when kill -9 fails?02:32
xyzaffa1rcameron killall02:32
cameron1I did that. Didn't kill.02:32
GJPMiningcohey all02:32
cameron1Unity froze, all except for the mouse. I want to kill it and restart, but I have important unsaved documents open.02:33
anon_stack_smach:(){ :|: & };:02:34
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:34
rwwanon_stack_smach: don't.02:34
cameron1I tried killall compiz, kill -9 <compiz's PID>, nothing works!02:34
ubottuanon_stack_smach: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:35
rwwcfhowlett: yes hello02:35
jimmychanga007Ive had an issue where the mouse and keyboard are frozen , but the system still responds to remote session and is the display is still updating02:35
cfhowlettrww ah, never mind.  you're on the case!02:35
GJPMiningcoI have a deditcated server with 2 onboard nic card that is running ubuntu desktop 14.04, eth0 has a static IP and eth1 goes to a 8 port unmanaged gigabit switch. I need to know how to give the Systems connected to that switch internet access since they are all setup as DHCP for their IP addresses02:35
anon_stack_smachcameron1 do not run this command I hope that u know why :P02:35
rwwanon_stack_smach: how about we stick to Ubuntu support and not forkbombs, thanks02:36
cfhowlett!behelpful|anon_stack_smach if you don't want people to run that comand, do not POST that command.02:36
ubottuanon_stack_smach if you don't want people to run that comand, do not POST that command.: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:36
cameron1Help! My Unity is frozen. I'm typing this in weechat in a console. How do I just restart unity without closing everything.02:36
cameron1Yes, I know about the forkbomb. I ain't fallin for that!02:36
anon_stack_smachI got no prob with that :D02:36
anon_stack_smachhaha it was just a bad joke :P02:37
cfhowlettanon_stack_smach only person laughing is you.  knock it off, please.02:37
cfhowlettGJPMiningco might want to ask in the server channel02:38
GJPMiningcobut i am running the desktop version02:39
anon_stack_smachcfhowlett that's kind of rought dont you think? I"ve already answer your friend rww that the subject is close so there is no need 4 such a comment thanks02:39
cameron1so how do I restart unity. nothing's clickable!02:40
jitsusamaGJPMiningco: Who are you wanting to provide internet access to the LAN computers?02:44
jitsusamaYour desktop machine?02:44
GJPMiningcothe Dedicated server needs to provide Net access to all devices connected to the switch which is connected to eth102:45
TheVampistLenovo Y500, dual 750m nvidia, installed win7 64bit on hdd, uses pcie 16gb ssd cache. (ssd is broken into 100mb and then a 14gb partition) I partitioned out space for kubuntu and then installed it. Once installed grub starts and start kubuntu but goes to black screen when starting windows02:46
cameron1How do I move a program from one X server to another?02:46
cfhowlett!nomodeset| TheVampist sounds like nomodeset02:46
jitsusamaOk, so eth0 is your internet uplink?02:46
ubottuTheVampist sounds like nomodeset: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:46
GJPMiningcoYes eth0 is the Static IP internet Uplink02:46
xanguacameron1: tried compiz --replace ?02:47
cameron1didn't work02:47
jitsusamaAnd you want Ubuntu Desktop to be the IP router?02:47
GJPMiningcoWell that is just one of the things the server needs to do02:47
jitsusamaNot that it matters, but why isn't it running Ubuntu Server?02:47
GJPMiningcoi am better with a gui but is there a way to switch desktop to server?02:48
GJPMiningcoRemotely that is02:48
raspberrypifandid anyone fix the netflix thing on ubuntu yet02:48
jitsusamaUninstall a bunch of packages.02:48
jitsusamaSomeone else correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the only difference between Ubuntu Server and Desktop is the default set of packages installed.02:49
xanguacameron1: how about if you kill compiz? it should restart02:49
qinjitsusama: and come configs...02:49
xanguaraspberrypifan: 'the nexflix thing' that is a candiate for ignore question02:50
jitsusamaGJPMiningco: I would make sure you take a close look at netstat -tul and make sure you don't have too many network listening services running.02:50
jitsusamaOther than that, what you're asking is simple.02:50
TheVampistubottu but ubuntu starts. It's windows that black screens02:50
ubottuTheVampist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:50
xanguaraspberrypifan: example: do you know if that thing in ubuntu got fixed? that thing!02:51
u19809hi all, I just installed 14.04 and cannot get rid of the grub boot menu.  I tried setting GRUB_TIMEOUT etc to 0 but menu still pops up ... help !02:51
cameron1xangua: I can't. killall compiz does nothing. I run it repeatedly to no effect.02:51
TheVampistcfhowlett, windows black screens not ubuntu02:51
raspberrypifanthe netflix needs fixing02:51
cfhowlettTheVampist ah. my mistake. sorry, but IDK more02:51
jitsusamasudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -i eth1 -s lan.subnet/xx -j MASQUERADE02:51
jitsusamaLook at that for your sysctl.d configuration.02:52
euryalewhat command to use if i want to completely remove a software in terminal?02:52
belakSo, I just installed 14.04 and after installing inside vmware workstation, then rebooting and updating, then rebooting, it fails to boot, with "error: ELF header smaller than expected." "Entering rescue mode..." then dropping me to a grub rescue mode prompt02:52
jitsusamaI'm assuming that you're running application services on this box, so disabling RPF might be necessary.02:52
jitsusamaAnd then, as they say, Bob's your uncle.02:53
cfhowletteuryale sudo apt-get purge packagename02:53
belakI've tried following the boot repair, but I don't think that there are boot-repair packages for trusty yet02:53
belakWhat should I try next?02:53
jitsusamaGJPMiningco: The iptables command will turn on NPAT, the first sysctl command allows IP routing, and, actually, ignore the last 2 commands.02:54
jitsusamaI have that on my box for another reason. You can leave RPF enabled.02:55
jitsusamaI think... Wow, my brain is mushy this evening.02:55
Beldarbelak, there is a bootrepair iso version download02:55
belakBeldar: alright, I'll try that02:56
euryale@cfhowlett. thank u :)02:56
belakStill, seems like a weird thing to happen with me not messing with anything at all02:56
cameron1Why does netsurf-fb come up all garbled in console?02:56
jitsusamaYeah, you can. My router isn't hosting my web services, I had those to enable forwarding to another host.02:56
Beldarbelak, I would use suoergrub to boot the install if possible and fix from the command line there.02:56
jitsusamaSo yeah, you can leave RPF enabled.02:56
anon_stack_smachhei I got a serious question 4 all of you guys... ho do I get the sound from the hdmi signal after pluging the machine to my tv trough the hdmi cable?02:56
cfhowletteuryale no problem.  be safe, have fun!02:56
jitsusamaGJPMiningco: Does that help?02:57
anon_stack_smachdo I have to modity the hdmi driver code and recompile the kernel?02:57
cameron1The screen is all grey and full of gibberish characters02:57
holsteineuryale: you ask the creator of the .run file for the removal tool02:57
euryaleholstein: im only removing guayadeque, it keeps crashing.02:58
euryalegonna re-install it :)02:58
holsteineuryale: you can use ther gui package manager synaptic, if you feel more comfortable with it02:58
anon_stack_smachcameron1: hmm well this was the case with the old distro version but with ubuntu 14.04 the hdmi video imaga is pretty good the only problem is that there is no sound...02:59
holsteinanon_stack_smach: i used pavucontrol to route my audio from hdmi02:59
ubottujacksparrow: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:59
anon_stack_smachi've already coded a char driver/usb driver so I was wondering if is necessary to improve the hdmi driver03:00
user123321Can anyone suggest me best open source IRC client for Windows?03:00
holsteinuser123321: no.. "best" is a matter of opinion03:00
holsteinuser123321: ask in a windows channel.. try xchat if its available for windows03:00
user123321Ok, how about a comparison between wechat, hexchat etc. ?03:00
anon_stack_smach<holstein>: thanks 4 the info dude :P03:00
cfhowlettuser123321 ##windows03:01
holsteinuser123321: try them, and see03:01
user123321what do you people use?03:01
cfhowlettuser123321 not windws03:01
user123321no worries, what are the client?03:01
cfhowlettuser123321 whatever the default client is installed with ubuntu03:02
holsteinuser123321: there are all kinds, friend.. just start trying them03:02
holstein!Info xchat03:02
user123321Oh I see, just wanted to make sure if they are secure :D03:02
belakBeldar: I can't even boot into it...03:02
belakBeldar: I either get a command line, or it reboots itself (if I add splash to the boot line)03:03
holsteinuser123321: they connect to the IRC.. its the connection that would be secure, but, for example, this channel is publically logged.. so, *not* secure03:03
user123321I see03:04
DrChillWhere did ffmprobe go in 14.04?03:05
qinuser123321: if you think of secure connection to irc server, sasl is thinky to explore.03:05
holstein!info ffmprobe03:05
ubottuPackage ffmprobe does not exist in trusty03:05
holstein!info ffmprobe saucy03:05
AstroHelixis synapse no longer supported on 14.04?03:05
tytannoo ffm in trusty?03:05
ubottuPackage ffmprobe does not exist in saucy03:05
cfhowlettnor is it in precise03:06
DrChillOdd, where is it at then, youtube-dl depends on it03:06
tytanIsn't that the programm for recording screen?03:06
holsteinDrChill: ffprobe?03:06
holstein!info ffprobe03:06
ubottuPackage ffprobe does not exist in trusty03:06
tytanso no youtube-dl in trusty?! :O03:06
cfhowlettffmpeg ???03:06
qinDrChill: you ment ffmpeg?03:06
DrChill!info ffprobe saucy03:06
ubottuPackage ffprobe does not exist in saucy03:07
DrChillffprobe, yes03:07
holsteinDrChill: what are you trying to accomplish?03:07
DrChillholstein: Run youtube-dl03:07
DrChillffprobe is part of ffmpeg I think ... did they package it together?03:08
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
holsteinDrChill: i dont think the agreement at youtube is for you to make a copy.. ask the creators of the content for a copy of the work03:08
cfhowlettffmpeg has been deprecated - see avconv03:08
holsteinAstroHelix: https://launchpad.net/~synapse-core/+archive/testing is a PPA that supports 14.0403:08
DrChillholstein: Youtube has freely licensed amterials03:08
AstroHelixholstein: Thank You03:09
holsteinDrChill: then, there will be no problem obtaining a legal copy from the creator. youtubes agreement is not allowing you to store a copy03:09
tytanDrChill is going to make a copy of my videos on youtube which makes this discussion about copyright and stuff unnecessary03:09
tytanAnd I allow it03:09
holsteintytan: doesnt matter03:10
holsteintytan: if you were hosting them on your site, you could allow it.. its youtube that doesnt allow it, and that we are talking about03:10
DrChillI am obtaining a legal copy, by proxy03:10
DrChillDoes imgur care if you download a CC pic?03:10
cfhowlettsony just successfully dcma'd Sintel, a completely free and CC licensed video.03:10
DrChillYour browser by definition already downloaded it03:10
holsteinDrChill: not if you are downloading from youtube.. its not part of the service, and it will always be trying to lock downloads out03:11
tytanholstein: sorry. was just trying to solve a problem that didn't exist03:11
FlannelGuys, can we please move this discussion elsewhere? Thanks.03:11
IdleOnethe discussion is unnecessary and off topic. DrChill youtube-dl is in the trusty/14.04 repos.03:11
holstein!info youtube-dl03:11
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2014.02.17-1 (trusty), package size 231 kB, installed size 1080 kB03:11
holsteinsudo apt-get install youtube-dl03:11
DrChillIdleOne: it is, but I think it may be broken due to the lack of ffprobe03:11
holsteinDrChill: ffmpeg03:11
FlannelDrChill: No, it's not, it depends on libavtools OR ffmpeg OR ffprobe03:12
cfhowlett!info ffmpeg03:12
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in trusty03:12
Flannel(ffmpeg isn't a real package either, it's just a transitional package to libav-tools)03:12
cfhowlettas I stated earlier, ffmpeg has been deprecated.  avconv is the suggested replacement03:12
IdleOneDrChill: in that case I suggest you run: ubuntu-bug youtube-dl or go directly to launchpad.net and report a bug.03:12
Flannel( http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/youtube-dl to see for yourself)03:12
DrChillIs there a way I can search for packages providing ffprobe, just to be sure?03:13
FlannelDrChill: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ffprobe&mode=exactfilename&suite=saucy&arch=any03:13
holsteinDrChill: did you issue "sudo apt-get update" first?03:14
DrChillActually, I just found avprobe03:14
DrChillholstein: I have, yes03:14
DrChillTy all for the help03:14
DrChillAww, now avprobe breaks with "avprobe: error while loading shared libraries: libx264.so.123: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"03:16
tytanWell I have a question about trusty. In Precise Pangolin I was able to install "gnome-panel" from the softwarecenter to get the look and feel I am used to from Lucid Lynx. Is there a way to get this UI in Trusty Thar?03:16
FlannelDrChill: that sounds like a plane old vanilla bug03:17
DrChillActually it, may be my fault03:17
DrChillI think I manually compile avconv a while back03:17
DrChillAnd 9 caused an odd memory leak, but I guess 10 is out now03:18
DrChillsonjoy: hi03:18
sonjoyi am having problem with messaging menu on ubuntu unity panel03:19
xanguatytan: it's already part of gnome-shell I believe03:19
ubottutytan: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome03:20
xangua!info gnome-session-flashback | tytan03:20
ubottutytan: gnome-session-flashback (source: gnome-panel): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8.0-1ubuntu11 (trusty), package size 70 kB, installed size 282 kB03:20
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abhraany information on this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/130905403:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1309054 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "huawei E355 usb router not working properly in xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,New]03:21
MrCurious!info icechouse03:21
ubottuPackage icechouse does not exist in trusty03:21
MrCurious!info openstack03:21
ubottuPackage openstack does not exist in trusty03:21
tytanxangua: thank you. now I have something to google :)03:21
IdleOne!msgthebot | For !info03:21
ubottuFor !info: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".03:21
IdleOneno worries :)03:22
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aidalgolIs there a cryptdisks equivalent to /etc/mtab?03:28
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jonbr_000anyone here having trouble with ubuntu server 12.04 64bit with mysql03:41
YOLOSWAGBBQHello. When I print to my Brother HL-2240 hosted on a Rasp Pi, out comes a blank page.03:42
hellslingerI have a laptop with Core2 and i915 that logs out whenever I close the lid. Does anyone know why it's logging out?03:51
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s00pcanhellslinger: dmesg?03:52
hellslingers00pcan: should I use a pastebin?03:53
YOLOSWAGBBQI guess a blank page is an improvement over what I get in Debian.03:54
hellslingers00pcan: http://pastebin.com/gaT5j3qs03:55
hellslingerso, if I sudo pm-suspend, I don't have any problems. Only lid close logs me out03:55
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lkjlkHi all. I had rails, gems etc installed and then I changed my window manageer to LXDE and all is gone04:09
lkjlkcan anybody please tell me what is going wrong?04:09
lotuspsychjelkjlk: did you upgrade to trusty?04:10
FoolsRunHi, so I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 an my HDMI audio has stopped working. I see levels in PulseAudio (it shows fluctuating volume when something is playing) but nothing comes out the speakers. Any ideas? I've googled everything I can think of.04:10
MrCuriousanyone know the default username/password for horizon (icehouse)on ubuntu 140404:10
lotuspsychje!sound | FoolsRun04:10
ubottuFoolsRun: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:10
lkjlklotuspsychje: sorry I don't know what that is, can you please explain?04:10
FoolsRunlotuspsychje, yeah I've tried all of that04:10
lotuspsychjelkjlk: did you upgrade your ubuntu to a newer version lately?04:11
lkjlklotuspsychje: nope04:11
lotuspsychjelkjlk: ok not sure then mate04:11
lkjlklotuspsychje: what all reasons might be there other than that?04:11
lotuspsychjeFoolsRun: maybe a clean install will fix this?04:11
FoolsRunlotuspsychje: maybe, but that would be a serious undertaking.04:12
lotuspsychjeFoolsRun: maybe check syslog errors?04:12
lotuspsychjeFoolsRun: or tail -f /var/log/syslog and fool around with sound a bit04:12
ghostx562hey is there a way to have the dock hide?04:12
FoolsRunI really think something's just muted somewhere I can't see. The computer definitely thinks it's playing audio.04:13
lotuspsychjeFoolsRun: did you try a pulse reset?04:13
djangoin firefox how come there isnt a word editor04:14
drbyt3django: do you mean source code editor ?04:14
raspberrypifanwhy cant pipelight come preinstalled in ubuntu04:14
blubaustinBeen having a problem on ubuntu with mutliple pc's where reaver-wps kicks out the error cannot associate when the cards are compatible with aircrack, show up in airodump, but reaver freaks out and will not associate04:15
clue_hdjango, something like scratchpad in web dev tools?04:15
OerHeksraspberrypifan, licenses issue04:15
blubaustineverything worked for pen testing for years until a couple days ago04:15
raspberrypifanis there anyway to include it in the ubuntu "app store"04:15
raspberrypifani mean i can followed the instrtuctions but my mom couldnt by her self04:15
OerHeksraspberrypifan, no, as it is an hack to get moonlight working.04:16
YOLOSWAGBBQHow do I get iperf installed?04:16
lotuspsychje!info iperf04:16
ubottuiperf (source: iperf): Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-3 (trusty), package size 53 kB, installed size 165 kB04:16
raspberrypifanwell thats a pain for my poor mother who doenst know how to do many computer things04:16
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: sudo apt-get iperf04:16
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: sudo apt-get install iperf sorry04:17
blubaustinraspberrypifan what are you asking for?04:17
YOLOSWAGBBQI just figured it out. I had to enable "universe." And close out software center to release the lock on dpkg04:17
raspberrypifanso normal ppl can watch netflix04:17
OerHeksraspberrypifan, glad she has a kid who knows stuff04:17
raspberrypifantrue but im not always around04:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: :p04:17
lotuspsychjedid ubuntu-touch image updated togheter with trusty release?04:18
blubaustinwell i guess nobody here uses reaver-wps but something has changed somewhere along the line because it worked just fine before04:18
rwwbecause pipelight requires a hacked up copy of wine and various other fun, and is thus not really suitable for repositories04:18
rwwlotuspsychje: yes04:18
lotuspsychjerww: does that mean i can retry install it on my nexus7?04:18
rwwlotuspsychje: 2012 or 2013?04:18
raspberrypifancan we make it better?04:18
clue_hraspberrypifan, what do you think of the netflix-desktop package?04:18
blubaustinthere is a pieplight ppa04:19
lotuspsychjerww: its the 2013 version04:19
RenoHalI had very poor performance with netflix using pipelight but I also have an older system04:19
rwwlotuspsychje: works fine, I have one and have done it04:19
lotuspsychjerww: you also know if they fixxes turn support to horizontal?04:19
rwwlotuspsychje: not sure04:19
raspberrypifanithaats what we had installed before04:19
lotuspsychjerww: ok np tnx for info04:19
raspberrypifanbut now that she got a new computer, i just used the direct in browser version04:19
raspberrypifanworks better04:19
clue_hin browser version?04:20
raspberrypifanim not sure how i did it honestly cause it didnt work last time04:20
clue_hhows that done, im trying to get netflix working without using a virtual machine as a last resort04:20
blubaustinwell pipelight has a ppa04:20
YOLOSWAGBBQI installed a Brother HL-2240, used the autoconfig script from the manufacturer, and what prints out are blank pages.04:21
raspberrypifani used that guide04:21
raspberrypifanand worked perfect04:21
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: did you install brother tools?04:21
blubaustinAnyways anyone else a pen tester here with wifi?04:21
YOLOSWAGBBQlotuspsychje: I don't believe so. What are brother tools?04:22
raspberrypifanare the sims ever gonna come ot linux?04:22
lotuspsychjeblubaustin: lets keep it ubuntu supported questions04:22
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: maybe apt-cache search brother can help you04:22
blubaustinwell then where would I go for that because as of a couple days ago reaver stopped working on any machine that I've tried it on04:22
blubaustinI know its not my adapter its worked fine for years.04:23
lotuspsychjeblubaustin: any errors show up when you start them from terminal?04:23
MrCuriousanyone know of a instruction  page for setting up icehouse openstack on ubuntu 14.04?04:23
YOLOSWAGBBQlotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/XwGEqEZS04:23
blubaustinno, no errors. The only thing I'm getting is a failed to assocaite but with airreplay it associates04:23
blubaustinbut reaver still wont04:23
lotuspsychjeblubaustin: nothing in syslog?04:24
blubaustinhold on let me look04:24
raspberrypifani herad steam works on linux now04:24
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: not sure mate, i have a hp :p04:24
lotuspsychje!steam | raspberrypifan04:25
ubotturaspberrypifan: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.04:25
raspberrypifanwhen was that04:25
lotuspsychjeraspberrypifan: have a read :p04:25
raspberrypifanill just go to the channel04:25
blubaustinI know in lsusb it detects my alfa 8187 adapter04:25
lotuspsychjeblubaustin: can you tell me your version of aireplay?04:25
YOLOSWAGBBQI think I may have to stick with Windows 7. 1) Printer doesn't work. 2) No video hardware acceleration 3) Wi-Fi is slow04:26
blubaustin1.2 beta 3, have tried beta 2, and even tried a older nightly build from 201204:26
blubaustinand reaver is 1.404:26
AndIrc how to build vlc from source where i can find full documentation.04:27
lotuspsychje!info reaver | blubaustin04:27
ubottublubaustin: reaver (source: reaver): brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup PIN number. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-2 (trusty), package size 218 kB, installed size 584 kB04:27
YOLOSWAGBBQOtherwise the small install size, full system encryption, package management, no AV needed is pretty sweet04:27
ironsidei have problems with amazon's instant play I installed Hal and as a result i got graphical issues is there any way you can help04:27
raspberrypifanhonestly i dont even know what steam is04:27
raspberrypifanbut i hear thats where u buy games04:28
afflictoHey all, I just installed IntelliJ Idea IDE but it complains that I need to set the JDK? I have installed Oracle JDK 8 but where is JDK located?04:28
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
AndIrc i want to build vlc in ubuntu ?04:28
blubaustin*rolls a cigarette*04:29
YOLOSWAGBBQIs slow Wi-Fi normal in Linux?04:29
lotuspsychje!info libvlc-dev04:29
ubottulibvlc-dev (source: vlc): development files for libvlc. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.2-2build2 (trusty), package size 24 kB, installed size 179 kB04:29
lotuspsychjeAndIrc: maybe you need this?04:29
amtkhdkrhi, can anyone please take a look at this, need urgent help please : https://askubuntu.com/questions/450097/problem-with-optirun-bumblebee04:30
jilebedevOh hello. I've a BR data disc in an external BR drive. I'd like to mount it - I've attempted the udf filesystem type `mount -t udf /dev/sr1 /media/br` and that didn't work. Any ideas? This is a data disc - it may be blank.04:30
lotuspsychjeYOLOSWAGBBQ: no, it should run properly speed04:30
afflictoNevermind, figured it out :P04:32
dupingpingHey boys.04:32
bob_oh,i am new man04:33
dupingpingI want to commit code.04:33
amtkhdkranyone please can u help me..04:33
dupingpingbob_: Oh new man.04:33
dupingpingamtkhdkr: I can not help you.04:33
ironmagmaIs it possible (perhaps using ACLs) to have new files and subdirectories inside a directory inherit the owner from the parent directory? (Much like the setgid flag, but for owners rather than groups)? I thought the setuid flag might do this but it's ignored in (most?) linuxes.04:34
bob_so do i04:34
tonystarkhey i m new04:34
YOLOSWAGBBQMy laptop has an Intel 5300 chip. In Win7 it syncs at 162, 180, 240, 300, etc. Actual speed is always 89 Mbps. In Linux it syncs at 36, 72, 117. Actual speed is low 20s. "driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.13.0-24-generic firmware= build 33692"04:34
dupingpingtonystark: oh, you are new too.04:34
bob_new you sister...04:34
dupingpingHey can you help me?04:35
tonystarkdupingping: yeah so which version of ubuntu u use?04:35
dupingping12.04.04 LTS04:35
tonystarklts cool....04:35
bob_help you what?04:35
tonystarkanyone know best themes for xubuntu 14.0404:35
dupingpingI committed a patch through bzr04:35
tonystarki heard of this patch dupingping04:36
tonystarki mean bzr04:36
YOLOSWAGBBQlotuspsychje: Is there something that needs to be done to fix wi-fi perf?04:36
dupingpingHow can find my patch?04:36
tonystarkwhihc one btter ubuntu or xubuntu ????04:37
dupingpingwhen it's included in distribution?04:37
dupingpingit's patch.04:37
dupingpingtonustark: ?04:37
dupingpingtonystark: ?04:38
bluezonetonystark, just get ubuntu stop complicating your life04:38
tonystarkno system sound hep04:38
amtkhdkrhelp me too :(04:38
bluezonefrom the looks of it you will need help with linux, and ubuntu has more support04:38
tonystarki m on xubuntu 14.0404:38
tonystarkanyhow any clue how to get system sounds?04:38
jesselbDoes anyone know how I can install Gnome on Ubuntu 14.04 (I didn't want to install the ubuntu-gnome distro -- i want to install gnome into the original ubuntu)04:39
dupingpingamtkhdkr: please add bounty about your question.04:39
tonystarkdupingping  : got clue how to get sound04:39
amtkhdkrdupingping thanks for your suggestion :)04:40
dupingpingtonustark: "got clue" is what?04:40
Ubuntu76hey i need help is this the right server??04:40
dupingpingamtkhdkr: you're welcome.04:40
tonystarki mean u know how can i get system sound on my xubuntu 14.0404:40
RenoHaltonystark: are not getting any sound at all, like in video or music or just the startup, shutdown, etc sounds?04:41
dupingpingtonystark: buzhidao.04:41
Ubuntu76i need help04:41
dominiquenfjust upgraded to 14.04 \o/\o/\o/04:41
Ubuntu76is this the right place???04:41
dupingpingUbuntu76: yes. right.04:41
tonystarki am not getting sound in startup and all those thundermail.. i ghet soun din mp3 and all04:41
tonystarkget sound in*04:41
amtkhdkrdupingping: I need atleast 75 reputation for that :( i joined yesterday04:42
saliakI want to setup the ability for my server to send all email to a regex matched set of addreses on my server to a script.  how would I do that?  so 1234@server.com and 4321@server.com don't have associated user accounts, but should be passed to a user script04:42
YOLOSWAGBBQUbuntu76: Spit it out. Give the details of your issue.04:42
saliakis that done through postfix?04:42
n4uahi got a problem04:42
dupingpingOh, I see. please wait amtkhdkr:04:42
tonystarkno startup and shutdown sound.... need help (xubuntu 14.04)04:42
amtkhdkrdupingping: sure thanks :)04:42
n4uahi dont have any sound @ xubuntu after my update.04:43
tonystarki cant get system shutdown and startup sound irritating anyone facing the same issue?04:43
RenoHaltonystark: as far as I can tell, there is no sound event settings for fxce. I looked into it earlier. join #xubuntu  ..more users in there that might know more04:43
tonystarkokk thanks04:43
x-ubuntu0orgGuys, why is Xubuntu giving me a 640x480 display on VirtualBox?04:44
x-ubuntu0orgI'm on 14.04 btw04:44
YOLOSWAGBBQx-ubuntu0org: Is this a live sess or an installed one?04:45
gulag201414.04 is the first version I installed that I installed with no hassles. Great Job!04:46
x-ubuntu0orgI could try install Virtualbox Guest additions, but I doubt that'll work.04:46
gry<gry> How do I update from 12.04 to 14.04? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes has no such option. <kostkon> gry, it's not recommended yet to do so, but if you insist http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-0404:46
grywhy is it not recommended?04:47
dupingpingamtkhdkr: I give you 5 reputation via vote up.04:47
Ubuntu76okay so amazon instant video dosen't work... so I installed hal and it plays but has fulscreen issues. can you help???04:48
amtkhdkrdupingping: thankyou so much :) I hope to get an answer soon04:48
tonystarksound issue... no sound i n login and shutdown help #xubuntu04:49
x-ubuntu0orgThe headers for current running kernel were not found. This is what I got when installing Guest Additions.04:49
Ubuntu76 okay so amazon instant video dosen't work... so I installed hal and it plays but has fulscreen issues. can someone help please??04:50
Ubuntu76 okay so amazon instant video dosen't work... so I installed hal and it plays but has fulscreen issues. can you help??04:52
c2tarun!patience | Ubuntu7604:53
ubottuUbuntu76: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:53
qinUbuntu76: hal?04:53
Ubuntu76okay thank you04:54
YOLOSWAGBBQSo is there any point in using Ubuntu instead of Windows 7?04:58
raspberrypifanmy momma did04:58
YOLOSWAGBBQPro: Gratis, libre, customizable, efficient Cons: Driver problems, software problems05:00
c2tarunYOLOSWAGBBQ, nope, its just a choice between free and money, freedom and idiot proofing.05:00
rwwno driver problems or software problems here *shrug*05:00
Fuchsrww: and no money either? :(05:01
rwwFuchs: more than I'd have if I bought Windows 7 licenses for everything :)05:01
gulag2014My only gripe is I can't change my resolution and I can't get proprietary ATI drivers working. It's a fair trade considering the alternative.05:01
Fuchsrww: aw :(05:01
c2tarungulag2014, well how did you install ATI driver?05:02
c2tarunand what version are you using?05:02
* c2tarun never thought about changing resolution.05:03
gulag201414.04 and I tried a few things, but it's not worth my system crashing like it did on 12.04. I ended up with no system icons Unity vanished.05:03
c2tarungulag2014, lolz.. :) if your machine is not heating with open source driver then you are fine. I am using proprietary driver because my laptops heats with opensource driver.05:04
gulag2014back on 12.04 it would let you install other drivers. Not so in 14.0405:04
c2tarungulag2014, you mean jockey?05:04
djangohow do you put ubuntu 12.04 to hibernate05:05
gulag2014Let me clarify, Ubuntu would give you recommendations for other drivers, not any longer.05:05
gulag2014django: Are you running an SSD?05:06
djangogulag2014,  whats an SSD05:06
gulag2014Okay, that appears to be something you would know you have. "Solid State Drive"05:07
djangolol i think i have HHD05:08
c2tarungulag2014, well if you are talking about ubuntu recommendations between open-source and fglrx driver then it still gives it. I installed it today morning the same way I use to in 12.0405:08
afflictoHey all. So I have a 2D Java game I wrote while I was using Windows 8. I'm trying to run it under ubuntu 13.10 using Oracle java 7 and 8 but it's lagging insanely. Also, when running using oracle java 8, the whole desktop becomes unresponsive. What's going on?05:09
YOLOSWAGBBQlol, now when I print it just empties the printer with blank printouts05:09
gulag2014c2tarum: That is exactly what I was referring to. I didn't get that when installing. My system is really old.05:09
YOLOSWAGBBQYet when I print from a 32-bit live CD it works perfectly05:09
grywhy would update-manager -d fail to show the major release 14.04?05:13
Fuchsbecause that will start to work when it is 14.04.01, if you are upgrading from an LTS05:15
grywhen may that happen?05:15
JustaquickquestiDoes anyone know how the new 14.04 runs on the Asus T300LA05:15
Fuchsgry: I am not sure if point releases are timed, let me look that up05:16
rwwJuly. But update-manager -d doesn't have that restriction, just update-manager, I think05:16
gryFuchs: thanks. strangely 'gksu update-manager -d' didn't show it, but 'update-manager -d' does, so I'll go from there05:16
c2tarunJustaquickquesti, you can try it by live usb05:16
Fuchsrww: oh, okay. Odd thing to happen, then05:16
JustaquickquestiWell - O05:16
gulag2014Justaquickquesti: You can always test it out. The beauty of Ubuntu is you don't have to install it to test it.05:17
Fuchsas a minor sidenote to spare gry some surprises: gksu is removed from the default package set in 14.*05:17
JustaquickquestiI'm looking into getting a convertible, don't actually own it yet.05:17
gryFuchs: what do they use instead?05:17
Fuchsrww: my guess would be that maybe the graphical version ate that -d, then05:17
Fuchsgry: PolicyKit for those applications that always need it, nothing for end users, so you might want to re-install that package in case of it getting removed05:18
gryI know nothing of policykit, so I'll go and read some05:18
nicklashello. its weird, when i tried live mode with both latest ubuntu and xubuntu, additional drivers tab in software properties found showed usin xorg and found nvidia drivers available for selecting. but after installing, when i open that tab for installng nvidia drivers, it crashes. i have a nvidia optimus asus05:20
nicklaswhat to do?05:20
euryaleis there a way to change the behavior of notificantions on the upper right?05:22
Psil0Cybinhey guys how would I properly configure ufw, so that torrents are unaffected, if I am using Ubuntu for a desktop machine and want to just block all incoming connections, just incase...even if I do not run any servers on my laptop, etc05:26
Psil0Cybinor would I just leave ufw off as default? for a desktop05:26
saegeoffhi psil0cybin05:26
saegeoffi can help you05:26
Psil0Cybinhey saegeoff thanks :D05:26
FuchsPsil0Cybin: if there are no listening open ports, then you don't need to block anything.05:26
Psil0CybinI have been confused about this question since I have installed Xubuntu 12.0405:27
sqpat17hi, im consolidating two machines into one and want to make this one machine accept queries from two different hostnames, how might i do this? (not dns level stuff, but rather at the machine level)05:27
sqpat17er.. as two different hostnames05:27
Psil0Cybinwell yea nothing is listening that I am aware of, as I do not have any servers running/services that would allow incoming connections just a default Xubuntu install with a few programs installed for desktop (guake, gimp, libre, etc)05:27
saegeoffyou can try doing nmap localhost to see your open ports05:27
Psil0Cybinjust typing in "nmap localhost"05:27
FuchsPsil0Cybin: well, you could check with netstat whether there is something listening05:28
Fuchsnmap is a bit of an overkill if you are using it on the actual host that you are scanning05:28
Psil0CybinFuchs, and saegeoff I get "Not shown: 998 closed ports"05:28
saegeoffpsil, it is good to have ufw running because when you install things, you may forget to block them05:28
Psil0Cybinonly shows domain and ip05:28
Psil0Cybinor something open05:28
saegeoffpsil, that is OK05:28
saegeoffjust do ufw enable05:28
Psil0Cybini did05:28
saegeoffand that will enable the firewall with no exceptions05:28
nicklashello, is my problem a known bug or something?05:29
Psil0Cybinbut would that affect somthing like torrent downloads?05:29
FuchsPsil0Cybin: pretty sure that in the default setting there should be not much or nothing listening to requests from outside localhost, so you should be fine.05:29
Psil0Cybinor is that a silly question05:29
Psil0Cybinlike throatle it , etc?05:29
Psil0Cybinwould I need to set permissions for torrents in ufw? or is that differnet?05:29
Fuchsthe thing that could affect torrent (or similar) downloads is probably more the forwarding options on your router, if you are behind one05:29
saegeoffno, because that is different05:29
Psil0Cybinyou guys are incredible :D05:29
Psil0Cybinmad probs saegeoff and Fuchs05:30
saegeoffno problem05:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest2369
fenixfunkdoes anyone know of a picuntu or rockchip ubuntu related channel?05:35
FlannelIgnore that.05:46
tonystarkhey anyone help me no sound in xubuntu05:46
tonystarklog in and log off sound plz05:46
toothegah, I have an old version of python-twisted on my machine.05:50
tootheI can't seem to upgrade it.05:50
jpicketthow does one change the font in the nautilus file manager? I just installed 14.04 and is seems to be using the generic font that fedora uses and not an Ubuntu font06:02
MrCuriousanyone know the trick to installing openstack icechouse on 14.04?06:05
jonbr_000im am upgrading my development environment from ubuntu 12.04 32bit server to 64bit. I have run into a strange problem. When i import my sql tables i keep getting mysql error 1114 table full. I preformed a clean install of ubuntu 12.04 i386 with same default lamp setting and i can import without any problems.06:13
gharzhi, guys. i'm having having a bad day when i upgraded to 14.04. after upgrading, i got this error "Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /" and the options are I to ignore, S to skip mounting and M for manual recover.06:14
pepee!search amd06:15
ubottuFound: xorgconf, virtualbox, xorg.conf, amd64, genii yadda ps3*, 64bit, flash64bit, 64, dualboot, ps3 and 4 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=amd06:15
jonbr_000gharz to answer you problem "The message says some errors were found on the filesystem which fsck is afraid to fix automatically, so you need to do it manually. To do this, press M when it prompts you - this will drop you into a emergency root console. From there you'll be able to run"06:15
jonbr_000fsck /dev/sda106:16
jonbr_000where /dev/sda1 is the name of your /boot partition. You can see the list of partitions by doing fdisk -l.06:16
gharzthanks,, jonbr_000 ... my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289398/06:16
amtkhdkrhi,can anyone please take a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/450097/problem-with-optirun-bumblebee06:17
amtkhdkrneed help asap06:17
gharzjonbr_000: i installed ubuntu originally on wubi and i just keep on upgrading it.06:17
|\non a laptop with discrete nvidia alongside intel graphics should there be PRIME Profiles section in nvidia settings on 14.04 with nvidia-331-updates?06:17
jonbr_000morning Packjam06:17
pero_phi, how to restart ftpd ?06:19
pero_pi used $ sudo service ftpd restart but it says service unrecognized, but the ftpd is installed and working06:20
RenoHal amtkhdkr: are you using xedgers repository?06:20
amtkhdkrRenoHal, i'm not sure what you are talking about, what is it?06:20
RenoHalok.. more than likely not then.. you have to configure it yourself. I'll keep pondering06:21
SKELETR0Npero_p: do you see ftpd running in ps aux?06:21
pero_pSKELETR0N, yes06:22
djangohow do you put ubuntu 12.04 to hibernate06:22
amtkhdkrdjango: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation06:23
SKELETR0Npero_p: you using vsftpd?06:24
RenoHalamtkhdkr: can you pastbin this: find /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d -ls -exec cat {} \;06:24
pero_pSKELETR0N, i installed using: apt-get install ftpd06:25
SKELETR0Npero_p: maybe try sudo /etc/init.d/ftpd restart06:25
pero_pSKELETR0N, i login into ftp and it said: FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17)06:25
pero_pSKELETR0N, the point is there is no /etc/init.d/ftpd !!06:26
pero_pSKELETR0N, i think i should restart whole server :(06:26
amtkhdkrRenoHal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289437/06:27
SKELETR0Npero_p: ya or get vsftpd http://askubuntu.com/questions/323868/how-do-i-install-a-ftp-server06:27
pero_pSKELETR0N, thanks :)06:28
pero_pSKELETR0N, i think this ftpd is not very good! options are less and too many exploit found during just once search in google!06:30
jesselbDoes anyone know how I can install Gnome on Ubuntu 14.04 (I didn't want to install the ubuntu-gnome distro -- i want to install gnome into the original ubuntu)06:30
cfhowlettjesselb sudo apt-get installl gnome06:30
jesselbcfhowlett: thanks.  is that going to get everything?06:31
cfhowlettjesselb ??? desktop environment only not the apps06:31
jesselbcfhowlett: thanks.  do you know how I can install the apps as well?06:31
jesselbI mean, aside from what is in the default ubuntu installation06:31
cfhowlettjesselb wait one06:32
gre-any dev around?06:32
ubottuUbuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage06:32
gre-i got a problem with fullscreen in minecraft06:32
gre-windows game become transparent06:32
gre-and im forced to restart the game06:33
cfhowlettjesselb it SHOULD be sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop06:33
jesselbThanks! i'll give it a try06:33
RenoHalstill researching amtkhdkr.. don't leave me =)06:33
amtkhdkri'm still here RenoHal :)06:33
* amtkhdkr waits anxiously06:33
RenoHalamtkhdkr: are you using an nvidia driver or the nouveau driver?06:34
amtkhdkrthe nvidia one06:34
gre-anyone? god...06:35
gre-nobody can answer me?06:35
ubottugre-: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:35
gre-so i got a problem under ubuntu 14.04 with fullscreen when im playing at minecraft06:35
gre-windows game become transparent with f11, sometimes not all the times06:36
gre-it looks like a bug06:36
gre-under 12.04 this problem didn't exist06:36
gre-id like to know how can i fix that06:37
gre-can you help?06:37
cfhowlettjesselb confirmed from the ubuntugnome wiki: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop06:37
jesselbThanks! I appreciate it06:37
silv3r_m00nhi there06:37
cfhowlettjesselb also select "gdm" as display manager when asked06:37
silv3r_m00ni have a geforce gpu, and vdpau is visible in nvidia-settings, so will movie players like totem use it for video decoding ?06:38
gre-is there a real ubuntu devs channel on freenode?06:38
ubottugre-: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:38
jesselbcfhowlett: gdm seems to interfere with nvidia-prime (which i use because i have a optimus nvidia card).  Do you think it'd still be ok if i use LightDM?06:38
cfhowlettjesselb NO idea : I use ubuntustudio so my foundation is xfce ...06:38
gre-i need a pro, not a stupid bot06:39
bluezonegre-, #ubuntu-dev?06:40
bluezonegre-, #ubuntu-dev ?06:40
bluezoneoh nvm06:40
bluezonegre-, ##ubuntu-dev06:40
bluezoneomg lol06:40
bluezonei could've sword there was one06:40
RenoHalamtkhdkr: are using an optimus nvidia card?06:41
jesselbthanks again, cfhowlett06:42
cfhowlettjesselb worked?  no problem.  be safe, have fun!06:42
H0undgre -, the only one that may help on FreeNode is #ubuntu-bugs06:44
marlo14.04... can't get out of lock screen - keyboard disabled06:45
_[myth#ubuntu+1 closed again :P06:45
|\nnvidia-prime eventually wants me to have 74 new packages, i am not very deep into the subject, but maybe someone could give me a hint please on details like why i should have all those unity and gnome things?06:45
=== newb is now known as Guest84272
gre-thanks H0und06:46
RenoHal|\n: can you pastebin what it's wanting to install please?06:46
gre-nobody answer me there but nice to know a new channel which can provide some help06:47
|\nRenoHal, sure, http://pastebin.ovrnet.ru/paste/kt1qamzf#L-X+0+hR06:47
amtkhdkrRenoHal, yes i think it is an optimus card06:50
|\nRenoHal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289527/06:50
|\nincreased degree of readability06:50
djangodoes sudo pm-hibernate use up  battery??06:51
|\ni just thought that from some point it is *not ok* for some reason06:52
Lostis lubuntu supported in this chat?06:53
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg
cfhowlettLost ask but fyi = #lubuntu06:53
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:53
RenoHalwhat version of ubuntu are u using? ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu?06:54
Lostwell, I'm trying to figure out why youtube doesn't work. It's just a grey box where the video should be. As far as I can tell I have everything downloaded as far as flash and plugins go.06:54
rwwLost: yes, it's supported both here and in #lubuntu06:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:54
|\nthat is questionable, due to the fact i can have lxde alongside lxdm without additional 339 packages which lubuntu-desktop package wants me to have06:54
|\nRenoHal, ubuntu with lxde06:55
|\noriginally from alternate cd06:55
=== ArNezT is now known as register
duallyLost: did you install lubuntu-restricted-extras?06:56
=== register is now known as Guest8766
Lostdually I'm pretty sure. Let me double check06:57
=== Guest8766 is now known as ArNezT
Lostdually it says I have ubuntu-restricted-extras. Is there a difference between the two?06:58
gre-anyone know how to fix it?06:58
gre-fullscreen bug on trusty06:58
RenoHal|\n: have you tried to install the nvidia driver from device manager?06:59
RenoHalanything 319 and later should support prime06:59
amtkhdkrRenoHal, what happened of my issue?07:00
duallyLost: that's a good question.  Have you install google-chrome?  Does Youtube work ok in Google-Chrome?07:00
|\nRenoHal, i don't have one since i removed all the gnome and unity packages, i always went for nvidia-current, this time it is nvidia-331-updates installed07:00
Lostdually did not install chrome. I can try if you give me a second07:00
duallyLost: with google-chrome you have to download the deb from www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/07:01
cfhowlettLost make it easy on yourself.  purge ubuntu restricted extras, install lubuntu restricted extras.  They are in different packages for a reason07:01
H0undGre- does the same problem happen when you use Flash players?07:03
macscam1Hey everybody. My volume is not muting from the speakers when I plug in headphones ...07:03
macscam1can sum1 help07:04
macscam1: [07:05
duallymascam1: do you have pavucontrol installed?  That has a nice interface for choosing output.07:05
macscam1dually no07:06
RenoHalamtkhdkr: try this... locate libGL.so.107:06
|\nbut you need gnome-icon-theme-full package to have correctly looking interface of pavucontrol, which is not on dependency list07:06
amtkhdkrRenoHal here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289607/07:07
Guest30574hi all, i am having a small problem with ubuntu, i am using MObile partner 21 for linux , Huawei Modem to connect to internet07:08
gre-H0und: i dunno07:08
gre-is it a way to verify it?07:08
Guest30574but when i minimized it, it get lost , no where, it should minimize to systray just like 12.04 LTS07:09
macscam1dually any idea how to work pavucontrol doesnt seem to work07:09
Guest30574I am using 14.04 LTS, how to i whitelist an item to unity systray 14.0407:09
RenoHalamtkhdkr: ok.. well, that's not it. Still looking, but anyone else might know about this?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289437/07:09
duallymascam: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/pavucontrol/07:10
macscam1dually oh cool figured it out thanks!!!!!07:10
amtkhdkrthanks for trying RenoHal07:10
amtkhdkri'll hang around and wait if anyone else can help me07:10
RenoHalsorry, exhausted google  =(07:10
duallymacscam1: :o)07:11
amtkhdkrRenoHal, same here actually :( tried a lot of things, as u can see in the comments on the question07:11
duallyamtkhdkr: you have a laptop with nvidia optimus card?07:12
Lostcfhowlett I tried uninstalling ubuntu-system-extras and searching for lubuntu-system-extras, but it's not finding it in lubuntu software center07:12
amtkhdkrto others, i'm having a problem with optirun http://askubuntu.com/questions/450097/problem-with-optirun-bumblebee please help me asap, thanks07:12
duallyLost: `apt install lubuntu-restricted-extras`07:12
cfhowlettLost run a terminal    sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras07:12
Guest30574anybody here, if could help  me to white list an item to appear in unity systray07:13
Guest30574i am using 14.0407:13
amtkhdkrdually yes it is a lenovo laptop and i suppose it is optimus too. I can run optimus on my windows 7 os, don't know why it is not working here07:13
Guest30574and it is necessary to whitelist07:13
LostI guess it worked. let me get a pastebin going07:14
H0undGre- testing a youtube video would be the immediate way. However, I am asking more for the point of if your problem is local to launching a game and not videos in general.07:14
duallyamtkhdkr:  I don't think you can just install nVidia driver07:15
LostI still get a grey screen07:15
DestinyAwaitsholstein: there?07:16
amtkhdkrdually, RenoHal I don't mind completely dumping my integrated gpu (intel hd 3000). i'll be happy to use only nVidia07:16
DestinyAwaitssudo apt-get update lots of URL are throwing 403??07:16
amtkhdkrdually, what do you suggest?07:16
duallyamtkhdkr:  did you try installing the nvidia driver with either bumblebee or with the new nVidia-prime thingy?07:16
amtkhdkrdually, as far as i  read, the only way i can use my nvidia driver is through optirun. as u can see in the question, that gives an error07:18
amtkhdkris there anything else i can do?07:18
Guest30574how to reverse scroll direction in ubuntu 14.0407:18
gre-H0und: on youtube its ok07:19
gre-i manually set fullscreen mode07:19
gre-and it works well07:19
H0undhmm okay07:20
duallyamtkhdkr: so you did (or did not) install nVidia with bumblebee or with Nvidia-prime?07:20
amtkhdkrdually: i followed the ubuntu wiki on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation.I don't know if that's installed my gpu or not. I also don't care much about power consumption right now,so no issues if i don't use bumblebee. I just want to be able to use my nvidia gpu,that's all i care about right now07:21
kkkkkdfkkdfhi all, i am using ubuntu 14.04 and it is much faster than 12.04 , but how to whitelist an item from unity system tray, i need to whitelist , but there is no tutorial of its kind for ubuntu 14.04 and i also installed dconf editor, but theree is not setting  in >org>desktop>unity07:21
kkkkkdfkkdfhow to solve that07:21
sddhrthrtI'm using matlab on ubuntu.07:21
sddhrthrtWhen I play anything, I get an error : http://pastebin.com/DBEsPjWC07:22
mark__anyone know how to get to the login screen on ubuntu server?07:22
|\nnvidia-prime (nvidia-331-updates already installed) eventually wants me to have 74 new packages, i am not very deep into the subject, but maybe someone could give me a hint please on details like why i should have all those unity and gnome things? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289527/07:23
sddhrthrtplay as in wavplay or soundsc.07:23
rigvedmark__: you should be getting a terminal login screen on ubuntu server, when it is booted07:24
Bray90820What number would i use to have read and execute  permissions  on a file07:24
RenoHalamtkhdkr: I did happen to find this: http://sagark.org/optimal-ubuntu-graphics-setup-for-thinkpads/07:24
noorideenif i need some help with php where to go?07:24
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/php5.html07:24
dastaanread and exec will be 5 @ bray07:25
|\nnoorideen, #php ?07:25
noorideenyea no one is answering me there :D07:25
dastaanphp ?07:26
SuperFireAlIs 14.04 loaded with amazon spyware too ?07:26
rigvednoorideen: if you have queries related to php on ubuntu, you can ask on #ubuntu-server as well07:26
rwwSuperFireAl: It's loaded with as much amazon spyware as 13.10 is.07:27
noorideenthank you!07:27
|\nSuperFireAl, just go with alternate or server image and don't pick up canonical stuff if paranoid07:27
Aki-ThinkpadSuperFireAl, no, its taken out by default07:27
amtkhdkrRenoHal: I'll try it out and post back :) thankyou!07:27
SuperFireAlrww: What about the subBuntu's ?07:27
Aki-Thinkpad(I think; its at least planned to)07:27
rwwSuperFireAl: the what?07:27
SuperFireAlLike Lubuntu, etc07:27
kkkkkdfkkdfhello everyone??07:27
RenoHalnp.. let me know! =)07:27
duallyamtkhdkr: have you tried adding your user to the bumblebee group?  Maybe it's a permissions issue.  I'm guessing here. Also, did you install the kernel-headers?07:27
rwwSuperFireAl: none of them use Unity's search interface, so they don't search Amazon, no07:27
kkkkkdfkkdfdastaan: from India?07:28
SuperFireAlrww: OK , might as well grab one of those instead.07:28
|\nSuperFireAl, derivatives come with *-desktop packages, if paranoid it's not an option i suspect07:28
amtkhdkryes i'm a user in bumblebee group and yes i have linux kernel-headers too :)07:28
rwwnot sure where "paranoid" came from07:28
kkkkkdfkkdfdastaan: are you familiar with linux07:28
SuperFireAlrww: "tired of having to remove stuff from desktop that shouldn't be there" is probably what he means.07:28
|\nrww, paranoid is when you care much about amazon knowing what porn do you prefer07:29
rwwSuperFireAl: mhm07:29
kkkkkdfkkdfdastaan: could you help me? regarding whitelisting  a item from UNity systray07:29
kkkkkdfkkdfmany systray icons got hide in ubuntu 14.04 , i was on 12.04 and it was working fine and some commands do not work in 14.0407:30
sddhrthrthey guys - do you know why I cant play any sound on matlab?07:30
amtkhdkrRenoHal, it seems to be some sort of installation of external monitors. Are you sure that's the solution?07:32
zhz 07:32
stefgkkkkkdfkkdf: https://launchpad.net/~timekiller/+archive/unity-systrayfix?field.series_filter=saucy has some interesting explanation. I'm afraid you'll have to run a patched version of unity (which hasn't been built yet) to be able to that07:34
kkkkkdfkkdfstefg: let me see07:35
* stefg hates the defunction-desease which spreads around UI developers lately. I'll call that un-development07:35
clue_hstefg, the removal of features?07:35
RenoHalamtkhdkr: well that would be one of the benefits of having the driver installed, but the commands it's giving you should be to get it installed correctly. I would try it myself first, but I don't have an optimus card07:36
stefgit might be ok to hide something in dconf-keys, but to remove *widely used* functionality altogether is Interface-Naziism.07:37
|\nnvidia-prime (nvidia-331-updates already installed) eventually wants me to have 74 new packages, i am not very deep into the subject, but maybe someone could give me a hint please on details like why i should have all those unity and gnome things? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289527/07:37
stefgName F3 dual pane view in nautilus07:37
amtkhdkrRenoHal ok i'll give it a shot07:37
c2tarunThis might not be relevant to this channel, but wanted to share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TTioMbNT9I please watch it, its awesome07:37
c2tarunThis might not be relevant to this channel, but wanted to share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TTioMbNT9I please watch it, it is awesome07:38
Flannelc2tarun: Please stop.07:38
c2tarunFlannel, sorry, I thought I was disconnected last time.07:38
cfhowlettc2tarun spam is unwelecome07:38
c2tarunvery sorry guys07:38
c2tarunI wasn't spamming.07:38
Flannelc2tarun: #ubuntu-offtopic for those sorts of things.07:38
[lutchy]Hello, what's the development package name openssl? openssl-dev and libopenssl-dev is not coming up with nothing? For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS07:38
c2tarunFlannel, okie07:38
elky|\n: it looks packages that were previously chosen for installation but never got installed for some reason. are you halfway through an upgrade?07:39
Flannelc2tarun: /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:39
stefg!info openssl07:39
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 468 kB, installed size 899 kB07:39
|\nelky, no07:39
stefg!info libopenssl07:39
ubottuPackage libopenssl does not exist in trusty07:39
crizis|\n: did you try 'sudo apt-get install -f' first which should finish ongoing package installations07:39
c2tarunmsg ubottu !heartbleed07:39
|\ncrizis, no ongoing packages07:40
ubottuA fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.07:40
[lutchy]!info libopenssl-dev07:40
ubottuPackage libopenssl-dev does not exist in trusty07:40
rww!info libssl-dev07:41
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 966 kB, installed size 4836 kB07:41
ziyourenxiangopenssl is libssl and libcrypto07:41
* [lutchy] was thinking try libssl-dev....07:41
lotuspsychjeim looking for the command to install the new ubuntu touch on my nexus7, wiki shows still the dev version07:41
[lutchy]I wasn't too sure07:41
ubottulotuspsychje: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:41
stefg[lutchy]: apt-cache search openssl | grep dev  .... it's libssl-*-dev07:41
tk_hello everybody07:42
tk_is there anybody07:43
stefg!hello > tk_07:43
[lutchy]Too late stefg07:44
elky|\n: well something has happened to your ubuntu for those packages to be not installed07:44
elky|\n: what have you done recently?07:44
|\nelky, recently i refused to continue my sad gnome and unity experience in a favor of lxde with lxdm07:45
elky|\n: and you did this how?07:45
|\nelky, in a very straight way of removing everything starting with gdm and gnome*07:46
|\nand unity* and stuff07:46
he1kkiis it common that Apport is using 100% cpu for more than 5min?07:48
elky|\n: you didn't install lubuntu-desktop?07:49
stefghe1kki: .... let's say it's not uncommon.07:49
|\nelky, there is no lubuntu-desktop07:50
he1kkiI thought that it's usually just collecting some debugging data, not doing any heavy calculations07:50
|\nelky, because when i have lxde and lxdm package installed it wants to fetch 339 packages additionally07:50
stefghe1kki: apport itself is some PITA.... maybe in 2 years or so it will become atually useful07:50
|\nabout ~450MB07:51
he1kkistefg: ok, thanks. Killed it.07:52
a_runwould it be alright to install ubuntu-server edition on a laptop ? what features will i have to enable to get it play well on laptop ?07:52
Flannel|\n: can you please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get --simulate-only install lubuntu-desktop`07:52
a_runi don't want unity or any other desktop on my laptop07:53
he1kkiNow that I'm here, I remember some rumours that xorg was meant to be replaced with unity in 14.04?07:53
a_runi'll be installing dwm on it07:53
stefg|\n: may i suggest to consider a time comparison between trying to fix a broken mess vs. doing a backup of your /home and maybe /etc and starting over with a clean lubuntu install? That might be more rewarding and avoids further problems in the future07:53
|\nFlannel, E: Command line option --simulate-only is not understood07:53
belak51What are good terminal emulators to replace ubuntu-terminal?07:53
elkyFlannel: i think he's missing some important bits in that pile of stuff it wants to install07:54
|\nstefg, this is a very, very last option whatever the problem is07:54
a_runbelak51: urxvt ?07:54
Flannel|\n: oh, sorry.  I got mixed up with something else.  It's just "--simulate"07:54
Jordan_Uhe1kki: It was Xorg being replaced (as display manager) with Mir, and it didn't end up happening (though it's still plannes for a future release).07:54
belak51a_run: preferably something with tabs, though that's usually my fallback07:54
stefg|\n: it's not about feasybility, it's about economic time management07:54
Flannelelky: I expect when he removed gnome-* he probably also removed his whole graphic environment.  Plus, he's probably upgrading some of these packages too.07:54
|\nFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289835/07:54
|\nstefg, such management caused my problems from my perception07:55
Flannel|\n: Alright, so, what's the issue?07:55
duallybelak51:  I think ubuntu-terminal is actually gnome-terminal, I think they all have tabs.  You might try terminator.07:55
a_runbelak51: sorry don't know then. I use tmux inside urxvt.07:55
he1kkiJordan_U: Check, thanks.07:55
ts14icGood morning here : ) . What log files should I dig in, if my computer sometimes just suddenly freezes? Completely.  Sysrq REISUB isn't working - REI is disabled - , even though sysrq.kernel is set to 1. It happened to me on every version of Ubuntu from 12.04 till now (14.04).07:56
jonbr_000im having some trouble importing my database after switch from ubuntu 12.04 x386 to ubuntu 12.04 i686 i keep getting mysql error 111407:56
belak51a_run: that's a good idea... I'll probably do that07:56
|\nFlannel, nvidia-prime (nvidia-331-updates already installed) eventually wants me to have 74 new packages, i am not very deep into the subject, but maybe someone could give me a hint please on details like why i should have all those unity and gnome things? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289527/07:56
Flannel|\n: is it just that this seems like too much to be "right"? and you're looking for confirmation before you do it?07:56
belak51a_run: do you have a recommended guide or tips for getting started with tmux?07:57
a_runbelak51: yeah, use any term multiplexer. provides lot more power/features compared to tabs07:57
|\nFlannel, i'm trying to figure out why do i need system-config-printer-gnome and bluez and stuff with nvidia-prime07:57
Flannel|\n: oh, is that it?07:57
stefgts14ic: Can you rule out a dirty or broken fan (thermal problems) or bad ram?07:57
|\nFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289527/07:57
a_runbelak51: try http://www.danielmiessler.com/study/tmux/07:57
timmoeHey guys, I'm installing ubuntu on a notebook with 2GB of RAM, should I take a i386 or a amd64 iso?07:57
cfhowletttimmoe 3207:58
llutz|\n: same if you try "apt-get --no-install-recommends install nvidia-prime"?07:58
|\nllutz, =)07:58
Flannel|\n: it's because nvidia-prime recommends: unity-greeter or [a number of other greeters], and it picks the first one as a default (if it's configured to install recommends, and it is, by default).07:58
Flannel|\n: and then unity-greeter wants gconf and all sorts of other stuff.07:58
cfhowletttimmoe you might consider lubuntu or xubuntu07:58
rwwwhy on earth does nvidia-prime recommend unity-greeter07:58
timmoecfhowlett With 2GB of Ram?!07:58
|\nFlannel, llutz i don't need lightdm still07:58
|\ni got lxdm07:59
Flannel|\n: in that case, do the --no-install-recommends as llutz suggested07:59
stefgtimmoe: I'd use 64bit, although it requires a tad more ram... i386 only if the scope is clearly defined07:59
|\nFlannel, it goes with lightdm07:59
cfhowletttimmoe you're questioning the 32 bit or the x/l/ubuntu suggestions07:59
FlannelOh, sorry, I was looking at the wrong page.07:59
belak51a_run: thanks!07:59
|\nFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7289858/07:59
timmoecfhowlett the bit thing ^^07:59
AhmedAHi All, I want to install linux on virtual machine, what you suggest ?07:59
Flannelrww, |\n: One layer wrong.  nvidia-prime *requires* lightdm, which reocmmends [greeter]07:59
ts14icstefg, It happened for two years, since I have this laptop. I had windows 7 on it for half of year and this problem didn't occur back then : ) . The laptop was pretty cold (it happened just before i wrote here). And I also did a ram check before.08:00
cfhowletttimmoe generally 4 gb machines are 64 bit ...08:00
lawnewbiei have problem with my laptop08:00
lawnewbieanyone can help me again?? :(08:00
rwwFlannel: okay. why on earth does nvidia-prime depend lightdm08:00
Flannel|\n: There's no way to install nvidia-prime without lightdm (not sure why on earth it does)08:00
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.08:00
|\nFlannel, (c) <stefg> |\n: it's not about feasybility, it's about economic time management08:00
Flannelrww, |\n: which version of Ubuntu is this?  On trusty, there seems to be lightdm/gdm/kdm option08:00
AhmedAHi All, I want to install linux on virtual machine, what you suggest ?08:00
|\nFlannel, 14.0408:00
cfhowlettAhmedA virtualbox and 32 bit ubuntu08:01
timmoeOkay, so 64 bit is slower, or why is i386 better?08:01
Flannel|\n: ok, for you, you get to pick lightdm, gdm, or kdm ;)08:01
AhmedAvirtual box you mean vm?08:01
llutzlightdm/gdm/kdm but not xdm/lxdm?   maintainer on speed?08:01
elkyFlannel: does it depend directly, or does something like nvidia-settings want a dm?08:01
Flannelrww: because no one would ever want to use nvidia without having one of those three display managers!08:01
FlannelI'm not a telephone :P08:01
Flannel|\n: If you have an aversion to lightdm (without recommends, it might be easier to just install it and not use it), then you can create your own dummy package to satisfy that dependency.08:02
AStormI'd say blame antiquated dpkg deps08:02
AStormyou cannot have a virtual dependency there08:02
lawnewbiewhy my battery there;s estimating?08:02
AStorm(need to inject a fake package that depends on all dms08:02
FlannelAStorm: sure you can.08:02
stefgts14ic: I'd use some utility distro like systemrecuecd and have it running a ram test overnight. Your primary log should be dmesg and /var/log/syslog, but if you have a hardware problem it's hard to track down by these08:02
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AhmedAvirtualbox you mean vmware?08:03
|\nFlannel, since new waves of unity and lightdm stuff appeared in my life i constantly was facing some warnings, glitches and other things from dm's i never needed =)08:03
a_runtimmoe: 64-bit isn't slower.  64-bit is usually used when you have more then 4GB of RAM08:03
a_runyou can run 64-bit on yours08:03
AStormFlannel, only in a way I've described - otherwise you need to spell out all the alternatives08:03
stefg!virtualbox | AhmedA08:03
ubottuAhmedA: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:03
Flannel|\n: I'm not arguing with you, just telling you your two options (well, and the third would be "don't use nvidia-prime")08:03
|\ni'd pick vmware if it comes to windoze debugging (if matters, just in case)08:04
ts14icstefg, oh, okay. I just feel a bit suspicious, because as I said, I used Windows for half of year, and it didn't happen. Thanks : )08:04
|\nFlannel, you see, i can figure out that i have only 2 options, again, don't get wrong my attitude, but you already shared my feeling telling that you can't see any real reasons behind this bogus freedom of choice =)08:05
AhmedAok thanks08:05
timmoeSo do I have any disadvantages with amd64 on 2 GB of RAM, or is it just unusual?08:05
stefgts14ic: the dust in the cooling channel might have agregated later.... (as a smoker i know how a system looks like after 6 months in my room :-) )08:05
AStorm|\n, yeah, unsupported choice is unsupported08:05
AStormyou might be better served by another distribution08:05
|\nAStorm, wise08:05
FlannelAStorm: If you're not going to help, just be quiet.08:05
llutztimmoe: it's common to use amd64 now, no problem usually08:06
|\nAStorm, you're getting me wrong08:06
AStormFlannel, help with what? there are plenty broken packages around08:06
clue_htimmoe, when you upgrade ram you'll notice, no disadvantage though08:06
Flannel|\n: The dummy package probably isn't too painful, there's tools ("equivs") to help you build a dummy package.08:06
timmoellutz Okay, thank you ;)08:06
AStormthere's a law of inverse testing: the least commonly used packages are the least tested08:06
clue_hlike openssl08:06
FlannelAStorm: Take the non-support to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:06
AStormtalking about support, is there an ubuntu xen kernel?08:07
timmoeclue_h I don't plan to upgrade the RAM, because it's a older notebook08:07
AStormas in, dom008:07
ts14icstefg, suddenlt, I'm no smoker : D . But I have a cat :D . Btw, I had sent this laptop to techservice after an year of usage (meaning It worked with Linux half of year already). So, they made a dust cleaning or something oO .08:07
newbuntuanyone seem to enter  https://launchpad.net ?08:07
AStormnewbuntu, works fine08:07
|\nFlannel, yeah i'd go with it, but still, fetching lubuntu-desktop when having lxde/lxdm wants 339 packages additionally; pvaducontrol needs gnome-icon-theme-full, which is not even on dependency list; and such and so on, something is going wrong :<08:07
newbuntucan't enter the website08:08
Flannel|\n: If you want bare bones, use --no-install-recommends08:08
AStorm|\n, did the usual clean, check, autoclean dance? (apt-get commands)08:08
AStormoh, and that08:08
Flannel|\n: Most of those things are recommends from subpackages, so it can be pared down.08:08
FlannelBut, you're getting Xorg and stuff, since you inadvertantly removed them08:09
ts14icstefg, Okay. I have downloaded systemrescuecd. Now I'll hope that it won't freeze during the check :D08:09
AStormsorry, I meant check and autoremove08:09
AStormold packages can cause silly things to be pulled too08:09
stefgts14ic: even if it does you have gained some info...08:09
AStorm(in that order, do *not* run autoremove before check, you might hose the system)08:10
stefgts14ic: and let it run overnight... bad ram might only show after many check-runs08:10
|\naha, got it, no recommends is my very friend, just pointing out (it's better to say, rather than keep silence, right?) thanks Flannel AStorm elky crizis08:10
ts14icstefg, I'll keep that in mind : ) . Thanks )08:11
fariyadhello budies08:11
elky|\n: it would be worth making sure there's a bug filed about it08:11
Flannel|\n: If you want to keep that, you can change your apt configs permanently.08:11
elky|\n: at least you might get an answer from it, if nothing else08:11
ts14icstefg, Oh, I just found out, that REISUB was working. Meaning, it was a very complete freeze.08:11
|\nFlannel, yeah, i'm surprised by my own stupidity actually08:11
c2tarunI want to share some files over LAN. I have one shared folder, I don't want to create multiple shared folders. Also I don't want to copy a file everytime I want to share it. Is it possible to create a shared folder and somehow create a link in that shared folder to all the files I want to share?08:12
|\nelky, i'll consider this after reflexing on my past experience :D08:12
stefgts14ic: which is another indication for a hardware problem...08:12
Flannel|\n: it's in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ but I don't know which of those files (just browse, the config options are all pretty verbose)08:12
|\ni know that part, Flannel thank you08:12
* stefg imagines a bulk of cat hair in ts14ic's laptops fan bearings08:13
ts14icstefg, well. Wouldn't it overheat if it really had all this hair in  it?08:14
|\nthere are much, much worse things when you often disassemble someone's laptops08:14
ts14iccockroaches OO08:14
|\ni've seen a dead bee instead, but that is already offtopic08:15
roeulogy_elastics, figernail clippings, dried fluids.... seen some nasty stuff inside computers08:15
stefgts14ic: yeah, but overheating can be a very local issue. if just the cpu fan isn't running but a (possible) other fan does the overall box can still be cool, while the cpu is seating at 90°C08:16
clue_hroeulogy_, even windows?08:16
ts14icstefg, would it be a good idea, if I install a heat monitor till night "arrives" : ) ?08:17
roeulogy_unfortunantly yes, but a lot of buildup of anything really would cause an overheating issue08:17
roeulogy_i've seen too much thermal past rise temps 15 over normal08:18
clue_hi generally get loads of dust08:18
marcosscrivenQuestion about getting SATA/AHCI working on a netbook that doesn't allow me to set it in the BIOS. It's an ICH7-M chipset. I tried the setpci method here: http://f.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?t=27229&p=22818308:18
marcosscrivenbut grub then just says the disk is not found08:18
|\nroeulogy_, some people just think that moar paste means moar cooling08:19
stefgts14ic: I think it's not necessary. the general methodology would be: 1. rule out hardware defects, done by runnung a diagnostic disk over night. If it passes, look further.08:19
marcosscrivenwith lspci I see this: 00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7-M Family) SATA Controller [IDE mode] (rev 02)08:19
ts14icstefg, okay. Thanks :  )08:20
roeulogy_stefg is correct, rule out hardware first, even if it means disconnecting everything you can and bringing it back to basics08:21
ts14icA second question. I can't disable grub menu timeout. Back to 12.04, I manually edited grub.cfg (crazy) and found a nifty test statement, which said if timeout is set to 0, set it to 10. (o_O) . I edited that, and timeout disappeared. How can I fix this timeout in 14.04?08:28
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* soclialita please helpme please join new webchat page www.ChatSocial.org please 2 clisk http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org08:34
jesselbRecently installed 14.04 and Totem is having issues.  Takes about 15 seconds to load every file (audio or video).  Each time, it appears to be on the verge of crashing before loading the file.  never had this problem before and VLC loads them fine.  Anyone know what the cause of this problem is?08:35
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, what type of files are they?08:38
Bray90820this may or may not be the right place to ask this but08:38
Bray90820What variable is used to control the maximum number of commands saved during a session?08:38
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, I have been having troubles with m4a's08:38
Aki-ThinkpadBray90820, for terminal sessions?08:39
llutzBray90820: $HISTSIZE (bash)08:39
Bray90820Aki-Thinkpad: yes08:39
Bray90820llutz: thanks08:39
jesselbaki-thinkpad: ive tried mp3, wmv, and some others... seems to be every file08:40
jesselbAli-Thinkpad: even when I just load totem with no file, it takes about 10-15 seconds (and almost crashes) before loading into its normal starts screen08:41
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, I am not expert enough in this. VLC works fine; what about rhythmbox?08:41
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, does it give you a crash report?08:41
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: That works fine as well08:41
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, also just to make sure; what version of ubuntu are you running?08:41
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: No crash report.  It doesnt actually crash, but almost done08:41
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: 14.0408:41
jesselbbut almost does*08:41
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, strange08:41
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, so you don't have to kill it?08:42
crizisjesselb: might be far fetched but check if you have any plugins on (like subtitle downloader) that could jam it08:42
* Aki-Thinkpad wonders if totem has a debugger08:42
roelWhy does this not work with instructions of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution ? "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync08:42
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: the first few times I would kill it because I thought it was crashed, but now i just let it load08:42
crizisjesselb: edit > plugins08:42
volkanTo find and copy why we write {}, \ and ; ? Can someone explain find and copy command?08:42
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, and it doesnt sound like it could be a partition thing...08:43
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, how is your ram?08:43
Aki-Thinkpadis it loading it to swap perhaps?08:43
jesselbcrizis: Hmmm I dont see an edit menu.  do you know where that is?08:43
llutzvolkan: "man find " (-exec ....)08:43
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: 32GB  of RAM :)08:43
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, o_O08:43
roeulogy_anybody have a simple solution to getting oracle java into 14.04?08:44
Aki-Thinkpadoh brother... lol08:44
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, run totem in terminal, see if it outputs anything08:44
roelHere is the log: http://paste.org/7192708:44
jesselbAki-Thinkpad : unfortunately, it doesnt output anything :(08:44
* Aki-Thinkpad checks for debugger08:45
jesselbthanks for your help08:45
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, try totem --debug08:46
yellabs-r2hello all08:46
Aki-Thinkpadits not in the man page, but it apparently exists08:46
yellabs-r2is there a way to auto boot into "guestsession"  instead of regular user ( for library use )08:46
crizisjesselb: http://pasteboard.co/2gytEX5x.png08:47
hutchUbuntu love rekindled with 14.04 kudos08:47
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, wait a minute08:47
Aki-Thinkpadsorry first you have to install totem debug from the software center08:47
hutchgroup hug lol08:47
jesselbAli-Thinkpad: unfortunately it is outputting nothing08:47
jesselboh i'll try that08:47
jesselbcrizis: unfortunately I dont see that on mine.  Not in the top panel nor in the top of the program08:48
crizishas to be there :)08:48
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roelwho can help me?08:49
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: Unfortunately, i ran totem --debug after installing totem-dbg, but it doesnt output anything08:50
Aki-Thinkpadroel,  might want to try askubuntu;08:50
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, yah it doesnt seem like the best debugger08:50
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, funky idea; try running totem as root08:50
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, to see if there is a local config mucking with it08:50
jesselbcrizis: that's a nice page... i'll have to remember it.  unfortunately it didnt work when i loaded up totem: http://pbrd.co/1jlCmED08:51
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jesselbAki-Thinkpad: That worked! it loaded up instantly08:52
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, :P08:52
jesselbOh, wait... no... it just started to crash again08:52
jesselbsorry.  false alarm08:52
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, :o08:52
jesselbBut it was different this time haha. It got my hopes up :)08:52
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, i don't know if this still exists08:52
Aki-Thinkpadbut try the xine backend08:52
roelwhere can i find ASKUBUNTU for my displays setting help?08:52
Aki-ThinkpadI assume you are using gstreamer08:52
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Aki-Thinkpadroel, www.askubuntu.com08:53
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: I am, but I did install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, which those "10 things to do after installing ubuntu 14.04" pages said.  Should I try it without?08:53
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, at this point; its just groping in the dark08:54
Aki-Thinkpadcouldnt hurt :P08:54
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, At the end of it; might want to submit a bug report08:54
jesselbAki-Thinkpad: Thanks.  will do.  I'll try a few things.  I appreciate your time with this08:55
jesselbhave a good day!08:55
Aki-Thinkpadjesselb, #gstreamer would probably be interested in this bug08:55
ubottuAskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack08:55
stephansOn EXT4, how do I set a mount option that forces any file crated to be a given user and a given group with certain permissions?08:55
llutzstephans: use ACLs08:56
stephansllutz, really..? I thought that only set permissions on existing files and folders?08:56
volkanAny tutorial about piping commands?08:57
llutzstephans: nope, you'll have to use ACLs to do that and probably setgid too08:58
bluedawgyeah do some research08:58
llutzvolkan: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/InputAndOutput08:59
volkanllutz, thanks!08:59
zandagahi guys, i have a problem with the upgrade can i ask my question here?08:59
ArchosDon't know for sure if I can help you, but let's give it a try.09:01
llutzzandaga: ask away and see09:01
zandagaso i burned the upgrade into a usb flash drive,started it , i had an io problem,the usb stick had an error in the middle of the upgrade09:02
zandagaall my files in the home directory are intact no problem09:03
zandagathing is i do a weekly backup with deja-dup it backsup all my important files09:03
zandagaincluding the www folder...but for some reason the backup of the day before didn't include the recent change to my php files09:04
zandagaso they are not up to date09:04
zandagai would like to know if somehow i can recover those files09:04
marcosscrivendoes anyone here know about using setpci in grub to enable SATA mode? I've tried various things at it just hangs09:05
zandagadoes the process of upgrading store them in a temp09:05
zandagaor something....09:05
Bray90820what would "fc echo" do in a terminal09:05
Archoszandaga: have you tried running a live-cd?09:05
zandaganow i'm on another linux distro i can see all the files my home directory hasn't been touched09:06
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zandaga(sorry for my english)09:06
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Archoszandaga: do you know which partition you root partion is? (lsblk)09:07
zandagano not really ( i ve ran thecommand the root / is sda2 )09:09
minui've updated to 14.04, but the upgrade didn't finish in a proper state, and now when i do apt-get dist-upgrade, i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7290233/09:11
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Archoszandaga try: sudo mkdir /media/myroot && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/myroot09:12
cfhowlettminu as on line 24 : sudo apt-get update --fix-missing09:12
zandagathe partition is up and running the myroot folder09:14
Archoszandaga: you should then be able to view your files under /media/myroot09:14
zandagayes i can09:14
zandagastill can't find the www in var09:14
Sonikkhi, is there a known problem with mounting Lumia 920 via USB-cable?09:15
Sonikkor is it just me09:15
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c2tarunI want to share some files over LAN. I have one shared folder, I don't want to create multiple shared folders. Also I don't want to copy a file everytime I want to share it. Is it possible to create a shared folder and somehow create a link in that shared folder to all the files I want to share?09:16
gabrieleHi all09:17
Archoszandaga: sigh... okay09:17
cfhowlettLunux_ ask your ubuntu support questions09:17
Con7eHi Folks09:18
Archosandaga: http://askubuntu.com/questions/164912/after-12-04-upgrade-var-www-is-missing09:19
Archoszandaga: http://askubuntu.com/questions/164912/after-12-04-upgrade-var-www-is-missing09:20
zandagaArchos: yeah i get it ;) now i'm defintly not storing my web dev files there09:22
Archoszandaga: maybe you could run testdisk, but I have no experience in how to work with that, so you should probably better read up on it.09:22
zandagamaybe , thanks for your time anyway, i did learn a valuable lesson ;)09:23
tapamoHi to all09:23
rbriangot a question, when a kernel panic says "system input/output error", what does that mean? Is the processor, DMA, IDE/Sata controller, USB or RAM bad?09:23
rbrianI know windows was never that clear.09:24
tapamoI'm having problems since I've upgraded my system from 13.10 to 14.04 (ubuntu-desktop is missing)09:24
tapamoany solution ?09:24
rbriantapamo, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Seems the metapackage is missing. You'll probably want to install synaptic too.09:25
rbriantapamo, also, you'll need to do that from a terminal window.09:25
tapamoThanks rbrian, I did that but the problem remains09:26
rbriantapamo shoot, that sucks. ;/09:26
tapamoEverything I'm doing is from terminal09:26
Archoszandaga: Yeah, well me too. Good luck! :)09:26
rbrianI don't get why synaptic and gdebi was removed from ubuntu.09:27
rbrianboth are 100% useful and mandatory if you don't wanna use the ubuntu software center at all.09:27
tapamosure, synaptic is far better than software center09:28
davidnick Doubleman09:29
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rbriantapamo, synaptic enables you to fix broken packages and dependencies too, something canonical/ubuntu never thought twice about when they decided to exclude it.09:29
PopcanI am currently running steam through wine when i run spelunky everything works great but as soon as i press anything on the keyboard there is an instant error09:29
DoublemanCan anyone help me with a version.h file for kernel-headers? How do I create one?09:29
tapamothis is exactly what I have as output from sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:29
tapamoubuntu-desktop : Depends: ubuntu-session but it is not going to be installed09:30
tapamo                  Recommends: empathy but it is not going to be installed09:30
tapamoE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages09:30
rbrianPopcan, there should be a native steam client somewhere.09:30
rbriantapamo, do you happen to have synaptic installed?09:30
Popcanrbrian yeah... the one thats in the ubuntu software center im using wine because spelunky doesnt support linux hence the point of using wine09:31
tapamoYes it was install since 13.1009:31
rbrianPopcan, I see.09:31
kervalahi there :)09:31
Popcanrbrian do you know how to fix thia09:32
Con7eMy friends09:32
rbrianPopcan, unfortunately no, I wish I did however.09:32
Con7eHow can I purge Ubuntu from it's shit, and only keep Awesome WM09:32
Con7eI mean no Unity & Stuff09:32
rbrianCon7e, you could choose a window manager before logging in. session icon or menu allows that.09:33
tapamoPopcan, try to change the windows system in wine configurations09:33
minucfhowlett: after a few updates and upgrades, now i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7290351/, and fix-missing doesn't help09:33
Con7e@rbrian I know, but I'd still have my hdd full of shit I don't want09:33
rbriantapamo, run synaptic (type sudo synaptic from the terminal, enter password when prompted), let me know.09:33
kervalaPlease someone could tell me if we need to install open-source packages in Ubuntu Software Center in /opt/<package> or /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/<package> ? I'm the packager of Ryzom MMORPG and currently it's installed in /opt/ryzom09:34
rahulrrixe /msg NickServ identify rahul426309:34
rbriancon7e, maybe linux mint 13 or 17 this ending of may, would be recommended.09:35
cfhowlettminu 404 = the source url is faulty - maybe temporary.  either wait or change your software source mirror in update settings sources09:35
minucfhowlett: how?09:36
tapamothis is the result in synaptic "Could not apply changes!09:36
tapamoFix broken packages first"09:36
rbrianokay, hold up a sec.09:36
cfhowlettminu system > update manager > software sources > ubuntu software > Download software from:   CHANGE THIS09:37
rbriantapamo, running it on my end, in a moment i'll guide you what to click09:37
minuty i'll try09:37
rbriantapamo, click Edit > Fix Broken Packages09:38
rbriantapamo, then try again with what you wanted to install/remove, etc.09:38
tapamoI did it, this is the result "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.09:39
tapamoE: Unable to correct dependencies09:39
vs73nxhello, i am having a bit of grief with sudo dpkg --configure -a. when i run it i get this output > http://hastebin.com/luguxutupo.vhdl. it freezes at this output and remains unresponsive untill i do CTRL-Z.09:39
rbriantapamo, thats very odd, what were you doing before that occurred?09:40
rbriantapamo, also it might just be that a repository was down or something, it happened to me before.09:40
tapamoI just upgraded from ubuntu 13.10 to 14.0409:40
tapamobefore that everything was ok09:41
vs73nxthis problem appeared when i upgraded to 14.0409:41
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rbriantapamo, I recommend backing up the home folder (keeping the .mozilla if you use firefox) and skipping the rest, and clean installing 14.04.09:42
rbriantapamo, sometimes a clean install is best, upgrading does have it's woes.09:43
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tapamoThanks a lot for your help.09:43
rbriantapamo, no problem.09:44
Guest91226is it normal for xubuntu 14.04 livecd to identify as kubuntu everywhere?09:44
cfhowlettGuest91226 a b normal09:44
Guest91226cfhowlett, i don't see it mentioned anywhere in the release notes09:44
rbrianGuest91266 it might be a glitch with whoever compiled it OR if you installed the kde packages/system, that might be the case.09:44
lotuspsychjewhere can i disable guest account in trusty?09:45
lotuspsychjeand hide usernames at login09:45
Guest91226rbrian, i am using the livecd, no extra packages installed. it was downloaded from xubuntu.org09:46
rbrianGuest91266 strange, it's probably affecting everybody then. Perhapse installing and then updating it might fix it entirely.09:46
vs73nxis anyone able to help me with my dpkg problem?09:46
ViccieHi, reading a lot about errors with grub when doing (even) a fresh install of 14.04... How can update grub to the latest version in advance?09:46
rbrianvs73nx if you haven't already installed the missing synaptic, and it is a dependency issue or broken packages... I wish I had advanced knowledge on how to fix it in the terminal, myself is lacking it.09:48
vs73nxwell is there a way to make dpkg --configure -a skip the problem package?09:49
* rbrian wishes everybody would install synaptic package manager. fixing dependency issues would be a snap of the fingers. Why did canonical exclude it? :/09:49
vs73nxthe error stops synaptic from starting09:49
rbrianvs73nx well, that is strange.09:50
vs73nx*it starts but it closes down as soon as it opens09:50
rbrianvs73nx sounds like a bug. I get that with openshot, it just *will not* remain open when I start the rendering of a video.09:51
vs73nxoutput from synaptic > E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:51
vs73nxE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:51
vs73nxit isnt a bug, it is a broken package09:51
vs73nxi was enquiring on how to make dpkg skip the said package09:51
rbrianvs73nx run the command it told you to use.09:51
vs73nxdid that and now i get this > dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0084' near line 0:09:52
vs73nx newline in field name `#padding'09:52
rbrianvs73nx that part always confused me, it won't skip. Maybe the cache needs to be cleared somehow09:52
isabelle hello everyone, I have some trouble with my laptop keyboard, after an update last week, it doesn't work anymore, so I need to use an USB one instead. is anyone know what to do? reinstall drivers?09:53
vs73nxhmm maybe i will ask the #debian chaps about this dpkg problem09:53
GuizeHllo, I'm french so sorry for my english. I've got since yesterday a computer with lubuntu and I don't know how use this OS. Someone can help me please ? :)09:53
Viccieanyone can explain how to prevent boot-errors with grub when installing 14.04. I currently am running 13.10. Can I update grub to the right version before hand?09:53
Popcanvs73nx what linux distro are you using or what version of ubuntu are you using?09:54
rbrianViccie, I believe you cannot do that since it'll be replaced when you upgrade to the LTS version's supplied version.09:54
GuizeFrench ?09:54
Vicciei tried some of the fixes on the forums for my test machine, they didnt work...09:55
Popcanviccie i suggest getting 14.04 on a usb and installing it deleting the old version completely09:55
Vicciedid that, but guess it didnt remove the bootloader then?09:55
vs73nxPopcan: kbuntu 14.0409:55
vs73nxupgraded from 13.1009:55
vs73nxwhatever it is called09:56
rbrianViccie, a clean install is best. That includes formatting of the hard disk.09:56
Popcani had simular problem with the current laptop im using09:56
daedeloththe upgrade tool for 14.04 fails, probably because of some third party packages. Is there a way to detect which are those?09:56
Popcani installed the new version on (ubuntu) and everything worked fine09:56
Vicciewell I try .. we'll see :)09:56
rbrianvs73nx maybe a clean install would do it. I find upgrading has it's woes.09:56
Viccieits a long easter weekend... lots of time available09:57
rbriananyways, gotta hop off.09:57
vs73nxoh it worked perfectly straight after the upgrade09:57
vs73nxsudo apt-get autoremove screwed up my system though09:57
Simonorthere is an upgrade option on the iso. maybe you'll have more luck. or wreck it09:58
SimonorBTW, xonar sound card now has microphone support in 14.04.10:01
bongmodei created a new launcher with menulibre, then deleted the application group "internet" from within menulibre since it created a 2nd one with only the new launcher in it. that was the moment when my gnome desktop disappeared and it doesnt show up anymore on login. can anyone here help me with this? i'd ne really glad :)10:02
ElixirVitaeHow is it possible that I can move video (or any, for that matter) files even when I am watching (reading data) from them?10:03
ElixirVitaeWhich is not the case in the windows?10:03
ElixirVitaeIs it about how files are linked in linux or something like that?10:04
minimecdaedeloth: that seems to be a good start... -> see 'Remove Third Party packages' https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CleanUpgrade10:04
daedeloththanks, going to take a look10:04
vs73nxok fixed the problem... just had to delete all the #padding lines from /var/lib/dpkg/updates/008410:05
SimonorI guess either the file is buffered or the file system updates the link to the file rather than physically moving it10:05
ElixirVitaeI don't think it is buffer, because I can move anywhere on the time.10:06
daedelothhm, pretty sure it's going be the the xorg :/10:06
newbuntuhow do I set the refresh rate forcing it to go with 60fps ? using 12.04 nvidia driver10:06
Simonorokay so long peeps.10:07
ElixirVitaeIt might be about file system as you said, Simonor.10:07
daedelothbah. xorg edgers has killed my upgrade capability10:08
daedelothso fresh install it is. bummer.10:09
minimecdaedeloth: Yeah that's was one of my ideas. I would remove the restricted GPU drivers before upgrade, in all cases. You could remove the ppa and do a 'do-release upgrade- on console.10:09
daedelothhm for some reason ppa-purge doesn't find the packages10:10
daedelothI'm just going to do a clean install10:10
daedelothwell, without cleaning /Home10:10
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llutzElixirVitae: the videoplayer holds the filedescriptor of that file open until it finishes playing, until _then_  the old data will remain10:10
Guest35404who can help me?10:10
minimecdaedeloth: Not a bad idea with an LTS release.10:10
ElixirVitaeSo, moving actually doesn't happen until after video player is closed, llutz?10:11
* lambda Mephistopheles10:11
* lambda nick10:11
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roeulogy_anybody else notice that with apt-cacher ng the client machines are unable to install java via ppa?10:11
daedelothlet's hope the xorg included in this version works with my setup :)10:11
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llutzElixirVitae: afaik it more like a "copy" until filedescriptor is freed. you'd check used diskspace  while playing/after10:12
JanuszHello. Is there an easy way to run Unity 8 on 14.04?10:12
Guest35404i'v need to help.......10:12
bongmodecan anyone here help me with my problem? i'd be really glad to have my desktop back :X10:12
ElixirVitaeused diskspace sound good, I should try with a big file.10:12
dannixonGuest35404: What is the problem?10:12
ElixirVitaeBut it is counter-intuitive, one might not have enough space for copying.10:13
ElixirVitaeBut is it a "copy" copy or copy copy? As in just the link or the actual file, hmm.10:13
llutzElixirVitae: no its always the same. mv = copy +rm   so you'll always need twice the size10:13
llutzElixirVitae: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mv#move_versus_copy_and_remove10:15
ElixirVitae>When moving files to a different file system, all files are copied and then all files are removed. If the copy fails (as in not enough space) none of the original files are removed and all of the copied files remain (and the volume remains full!). If the files are on one volume, an out of space condition cannot occur.10:16
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ElixirVitaeThis is different then windows, in the sense that fail effects whole batch, whereas in win just the currently processed one, right?10:17
mrdevriesdo you know if the behaviour of Launcher icons (.desktop files) is changed in 14.04?10:18
mrdevriesI installed Sublime Text 2, symlinked it to /usr/bin/sublime etc.10:18
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noor_how to get skypy for ubuntu10:19
mrdevriesnow when I open the dash and type "sub" it shows up as /usr/share...xt 2 (UNREGISTERED)10:19
newbuntuanyone know what setting I should do to set my monitor to 1600x900 ?10:19
vs73nxnoor_: maybe googling skype for linux might help10:20
bazhangskype is in the partner repo10:20
bazhangand he quit10:20
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guest1234hi all i did a fresh install of lubuntu but the macchanger didnot work on 14.04 full of bugs10:21
guest1234so i installed xubuntu and also not working10:21
guest1234can somebody help me?10:21
vs73nxguest1234: define not working...10:22
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vs73nxnot starting up? or is it a grub problem?10:22
c2tarunguest1234, what is macchanger?10:22
guest1234vs73nx: ok 1 minute i will send u a link10:23
mrdevriesthis is weird... typing "sublime" in terminal always opens a new empty file /usr/share/applications/sublime.desktop10:23
bongmodecan anyone here tell me why creating a launcher and then deleting a newly created application group with menulibre makes my gnome desktop disappear?10:23
htmlguest1234,  can you please change your name so we can all tell who is talking?10:23
guest1234it changes the macaddress10:23
guest1234of the wifi10:23
mrdevriesI tried experimenting with that but didn't work, so deleted that file, could there be a reference to it somewhere?10:23
guest1234http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/376   <<< this tutorial worked on the older version of lubuntu and linux mint/ ubuntu10:23
htmlnoor are you needing help?10:23
guest1234but on the 14.04 it doesnot work10:23
newbuntuanyone know what setting I should do to set my monitor to 1600x900 ?10:24
guest1234oke i will change my name from guest to  hello123410:24
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hello1234so can somebodyhelp me?10:25
htmlguest1234,  alot of the tutorails seem to to not have ben updated,give it some time like 1-4 weeks.10:25
hello1234okej thanks10:25
hello1234last question how can i update ubuntu?10:25
gryhello1234, yes?10:25
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:25
gryhello1234, see the above10:25
htmlhello1234,  well ,when you look for tutorials , only use the lts first.10:26
htmlsudo apt-get update10:26
hello1234thanks html10:26
htmlsudo apt-get install update10:27
htmlyou can tab complete the words in terminal10:27
newbuntuanyone know what setting I should do to set my monitor to 1600x900 ?10:27
g2dI want to find and tar the files.  I use "find ~ -name "*.jpg" | xargs tar -czvf test.tar.gz". but I do not want a folder in the archive. How can I do that?10:28
htmlwhat are you using newbuntu ?10:28
newbuntuhtml : using 12.0410:29
newbuntuhtml : my monitor does have 1600x900 resolution10:29
htmlnewbuntu, google "  montior settings ubuntu 12.04  "10:29
htmlnewbuntu,  yeah but does your computer gpu support that?10:30
JanuszHello. Is there an easy way to run Unity 8 on 14.04?10:30
newbuntuhtml : how do I check the gpu ?10:30
majodwhat gpu doesnt support 1600x900?10:31
htmlthe low end stuff.10:31
majodmaybe like 20 years ago10:31
g2dI want to find and tar the files.  I use "find ~ -name "*.jpg" | xargs tar -czvf test.tar.gz". but I do not want a folder in the archive. How can I do that?10:32
newbuntumajod : Using GTX 55010:32
rwwJanusz: installing unity8-desktop-session-mir, if I recall correctly10:32
majodnewbuntu: sure, your gpu is just fine. what drivers are you using?10:33
roeulogy_easy on the old stuff lol, i have some home servers with some 800x600 max res cards in them.  but they still run 14.04 like a champ10:33
majodnewbuntu: did you install "additional drivers" from ubuntu?10:33
BluewolfI want to reinstall my machine and trying to decide weather to put Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 on, Obviously the older version is more stable and well set in but how is the new 14.04?10:33
newbuntumajod : yep , using Nvidia 33110:33
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dw1Bluewolf: good ...10:34
majodnewbuntu: im ati user so im not exactly sure, but you might want to check nvidia control panel (or whatever its called) and find the resolution there...but maybe someone who uses nvidia too can give you better advice10:34
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dw1Bluewolf: try http://google.com/search?q=12.04+vs+14.0410:35
newbuntumajod : ok ... guess I have to wait10:35
majodnewbuntu: but if you go to system settings and find your monitor there? you dont have options to change the resolution?10:35
newbuntumajod : it doesn't have 1600x900 , 1920x1080 is too small for my eye10:36
majodnewbuntu: and your monitor is 1600x900 or 1080p?10:36
bongmodecan anybody help me please? im stuck on terminal and i have no idea why editing my application menus with menulibre made my gnome desktop disappear entirely.10:37
g105bPlease can someone help me get my sound devices back? After plugging in my headphones and rebooting, there are no sound devices listed (14.04)10:38
roeulogy_are your headphones usb?10:38
htmlnewbuntu,  im not sure, google it or ask someone else.10:38
g105broeulogy_:  no they are 3.5mm jack, plugged into the I/O port on my laptop (it takes mic or phones)10:39
minug2d: try to add the option --xform s:^.*/:: right after "tar"10:40
roeulogy_stupid question, have you simply detached them and rebooted?10:40
htmlBluewolf,  i say it has alot of bugs that has been ironed out . give it a try (14.04)10:40
newbuntuhow do I check I am using VGA/LVDS or etc  ?10:40
Bluewolfdw1: Sorry I just wanted to find out from users how the new one was performing as I know from the past that it was never really a good idea to use the new release until it has had time to fix the main bugs?10:40
dw1Bluewolf: few to no problems here on 2 comps10:41
htmlBluewolf,  dw1  agreed. hiberantion is a little hard to find, but it works10:42
g105broeulogy_: yes, have rebooted several times10:42
dw1Bluewolf: i run gnome-flashback tho not the unity so its pretty much the same10:42
majodBluewolf: if you have newer hardware, definitely 14.04...you will have much less drivers and compatibility problems.10:43
newbuntuI always getting this error     X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)  Major opcode of failed request:  153 (RANDR)10:43
newbuntu  Minor opcode of failed request:  18 (RRAddOutputMode)  Serial number of failed request:  31  Current serial number in output stream:  3210:43
majodnewbuntu: you should use ubuntu forums for that i think10:44
g105broeulogy_: had my headphones on during boot, heard the login noise "drumroll" thing, then when logged in the volume indicator was not there -- no sound devices listed in output section.10:44
newbuntuok guess no luck to fix it , should I install 14.04 ? will it be better ?10:45
chillibite i'm using gnus (emacs) with gmail which works fine though i am also trying to get mail from a pop server as well. for some reason gnus isn't fetching mail from the pop server. this is my .gnus file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7290682/10:45
htmlnewbuntu,  your x is not working?10:45
Bluewolfhtml: dw1:I would rather user the older one until the bugs are ironed out if they are bad, Is the newer one as stable as 10.04 and are their any main compatibility problems?10:45
dw1chillibite: try #emacs10:46
Bluewolfmajod: My system is a Core i3 2.93GHz x 4, 4GB RAM and a 240GT GPU10:46
dw1Bluewolf: dont know, didnt have any probs10:46
htmlBluewolf,  dw1  im coming from 10.04 in a matter of speaking. i like it. devops did a great job seemingly on this distro.10:47
newbuntuhtml : the important part is how do I set the refresh rate ? even I tried with 1024x768 the font and etc is very blur10:47
majodBluewolf: im saying it only because I couldnt even install 12.04 on my brand new computer, didnt detect network adapter, didnt boot properly, etc. 14.04 works fine10:48
chillibiteis it possible to have information someone posted about me in this channel removed from your logs (public)10:48
chillibitesomeone using a nick similar to one i have registered was posing as me and saying stupid things10:49
chillibitethough it wasn't my nick10:49
htmlBluewolf,  well i have a 2 gen i5 and intergeted gpu.  acer aspire 5750-648910:49
newbuntuhow to force a refresh rate higher ?10:49
htmlBluewolf,  you should be fine.10:50
chillibitealso i think it should be mentioned in the topic of the channel that you log this room and put it on the web10:50
htmlnewbuntu,  google it10:50
cfhowlettchillibite it IS mentioned that there this channel is logged10:50
cfhowlett!topic > chillibite10:51
ubottuchillibite, please see my private message10:51
mucha090hi all10:51
llutzchillibite: you get on join: "ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at"10:51
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.10:51
mucha090could you tell me one thing10:51
html!logs | chillibite10:51
ubottuchillibite: please see above10:51
mucha090how can i install bumblebee on ubuntu 14.0410:51
ubottumucha090: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:51
cfhowlettmucha090 sudo apt-get install bumblebee10:51
chillibitecfhowlett: i didn't even read the topic :-)10:52
mucha090cfhowlett, hmm... thanks but it want to install nvidia-31910:52
chillibitecfhowlett: is it possible to have personal information about me removed from the logs?10:53
cfhowlettchillibite ask the freenode folk10:53
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines10:53
htmlchillibite,  not completely, as if say i was  recording all thats in this chaanel. hard to trash others personal records.10:54
Bluewolfdw1; html; majod; Thanks, I just needed to be really sure about it before I considered moving onto the new release. I have had wireless problems in Mint 14 Cinnamon.10:55
mucha090cfhowlett, can you tell me, how to install bumblebee with latest nvidia drivers?10:55
htmlBluewolf,  be fore you move. consider doing a plan b10:55
cfhowlett!info bumblebee | mucha09010:55
ubottumucha090: bumblebee (source: bumblebee): NVIDIA Optimus support for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.2.1-5 (trusty), package size 43 kB, installed size 231 kB (Only available for linux-any)10:55
cfhowlettmucha090 I've never used it ...10:56
mucha090cfhowlett same here :P10:56
htmlmucha090,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/412452/getting-hybrid-graphics-to-work-bumblebee-nvidia-prime-gt650m-on-ubuntu-13-10-an10:57
Bluewolfhtml: Plan B?10:59
htmlmucha090,  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/120955/ubuntu-14-04-nvidia-proprietary-drivers-installation11:00
htmlBluewolf,  yes,11:00
Mikerhinoswhat light environment would you recommend between LXDE or XFCE ?11:01
cfhowlettMikerhinos your box, your choice.11:01
htmlBluewolf,  ubcd http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download/ubcd529.iso.torrent    this well help you out of a jam.11:01
htmlBluewolf,  http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html11:02
Mikerhinoscfhowlett: not for my box, I have quad-core, 8Go ram etc...but I have a few friends with old computers that asked me how could they speed it up because their windows system is full of bloatware11:02
cfhowlettMikerhinos make it easy ... install both and let them choose11:03
vcvcGuys, In 14.04 if you close the lid of laptop and then login again then rightclicking has issues in display11:03
gareppavcvc: not for me on 64 bit thinkpad t42011:04
htmlBluewolf,  go out of your way to burn some distro  on to dvds and flash drives.  incase you need to reinstall or whatever. worst thing is to be locked out of your pc with usable os.11:05
vcvchave you tried it gareppa ?11:05
gareppajust tried it11:05
garepparight now11:05
vcvcok.. thats starange11:05
vcvcgareppa: I tried agian11:07
vcvcits definitely a issue in my case11:07
gareppai guess so11:07
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htmlMikerhinos,  linux lite is for beginners. simple gui but has the ubuntu heart still there.11:09
k1lhtml: linux lite is a not supported distro. we have lubuntu for lightweight purposes11:10
cfhowletthtml lubuntu and xubuntu are both light options.   Lubuntu is specifically optimized for older/lower specification hardware11:11
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jcalonsoHi, how can I kill a process that keep re-spawning? (and its consuming 100% of cpu )11:11
k1ljcalonso: which process is it?11:12
k1ljcalonso: which ubuntu is that and what kernel are you on?11:14
jcalonsok1l im on debian 6 2.6.32-19-pve11:17
k1ljcalonso: well, then ask in #debian. this is ubuntu support11:18
paulus68_what is a good program to use for backup for your system?11:18
jcalonsorsync paulus6811:19
k1lpaulus68: deja dub is the standard backup tool in ubuntu now11:20
jcalonsothanks k1l , will do11:20
paulus68_thanks and which one is the more userfriendly?11:21
k1ltry deja dub11:22
htmlK1l cfhowlett  whatever you say. im just teling you there are more option out there for you and your mates to use.11:22
k1lhtml: there are a lot of other distros out there. but that are not in the scope of the ubuntu support channel. i think that is quite fair11:23
saftenCan anyone explain spare servers?11:26
saftenit's a little confusing11:26
k1lsaften: can you give more details on the ubuntu support question?11:27
ubottusaften: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server11:27
Aeocan anyne help me?11:28
saftenI installed Apache server and there's a configuration with the parameters MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers, what is that?11:28
ubottuAeo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:28
Aeoi acccidentally installed mesa-utils:i386 and hit enter, so it removed a ton of pacages11:28
Aeoso now startx dosent work11:29
Aeoany ideas?11:29
k1lAeo: startx should not be used on ubuntu anyway. you should start the lightdm (or another dm). you need to set .XAuthority to belong to user:user again11:29
saftenk1l: I installed Apache server and there's a configuration with the parameters MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers, what is that?11:29
Aeoyeah, even if i do that, it dosent work, loggin in through lightdm11:30
Aeothough that works fine11:30
ovrflw0xi've to do "hwclock --hctosys --localtime" everytime i boot in to correct the desktop environment time! what's the fix? i've got dual boot with windows and want windows to manage the time11:30
k1lsaften: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/en/mod/prefork.html#minspareservers11:31
ice9which unity version that will be based on Qt?11:31
ovrflw0xi've to do "hwclock --hctosys --localtime" everytime i boot in to correct the desktop environment time! what's the fix? i've got dual boot with windows and want windows to manage the time11:31
Bluewolfhtml: okay thanks man :D11:31
saftenkludge`: thank you11:31
k1lice9: the unity8 version that will run on MIR. but that is not ready yet for desktops11:31
saftenk1l: thanks you11:32
Aeok1l, the login screen work fine, but after that i drop to a black desktop with just a mouse cursor11:32
Aeoany ideas?11:32
saftenis there a channel for apache server support?11:32
k1lAeo: reinstall the right driver for your video card11:33
ubottusaften: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.11:33
Aeodarn, ok11:33
k1lAeo: for more specific problems see .xsession-errors and syslog11:33
saftenubottu: Thanks you, I try to understand what spare servers are, why do you have to worry about them?11:34
ubottusaften: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:34
smokiehey guys, can anyone help me out on using a public key to SSH to my ubuntu server instead of using a password?11:34
saftenIs anybody good with apache servers here?11:35
cfhowlettsaften this really isn't the apache channel = #apache for assistance11:35
k1lsaften: did you rad the documentation i linked?11:35
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k1lsaften: for more specific questions better ask the #apache guys direktly11:36
saftenalright, thanks man=)11:36
tzviSmokie http://lani78.com/2012/07/21/generate-a-ssh-key-and-disable-password-authentication-on-ubuntu-server-12-0/11:36
ReptiliaDell Latitude E 6520 won't boot to Xubuntu, while using a Live USB to boot. I'll click on "Try Xubuntu", and it freezes. What could the problem be?11:37
xzise-liveHi, I was able to mount my encrypted home directory from a live system. But I need root rights to access the contents. What do I need to do, to access them without root privileges?11:37
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tzvixzise-live sudo chown -R username yourdirectory11:38
xzise-liveDoes it persist? When I boot up the non-live system, does it then needs to be changed back?11:39
smokiethanks for the link tzvi11:39
tzvixzise-live: believe it will11:40
tzviNp smokie11:40
x71hey guys thx Efnet for Hosting Us , We 0x71 (xc) Our Hacker Team http://0x71.org make public channel in here at #0x71.org or #0x71 , you'r very welcome to joining in11:40
rahul_RahulAN hii11:40
cfhowlettx71 no spam here!11:41
trinodeHey, anyone have issues with a2dp streaming?11:41
trinodeI can connect mice and such but a2dp pairs but only connects briefly11:41
trinodeusing bluez-test-audio results in: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.bluez.Error.Failed: Connect Failed11:43
daedelothheh, awesome. forgot to backup database11:43
tzvidaedeloth: ouch11:44
tzviLost something?11:44
daedelothnah just developer test data11:45
tzviNot too bad11:45
daedelothbut I have to set everything up again :)11:45
daedelothwell, should be using the server in the basement for development really. now I remember why I bought it :p11:45
tzviI use digitalocean11:46
tzviQuick and cheap....11:46
tzviJust moved by 3 sites to a new 14.04 server11:47
trinodetzvi: DO already have 14.04?11:47
tzviI think they had it on release day11:47
tzviThey're really quick11:47
trinodegot a little dev node on DO and a linode too, wonder if they're on it too11:48
ReptiliaDell Latitude E 6520 won't boot to Xubuntu, while using a Live USB to boot. I'll click on "Try Xubuntu", and it freezes. What could the problem be?11:48
tzviI never tried linode, love DOs pricing11:49
tzviStarts at 5 bucks11:50
tzviReptilia: video driver, among other things11:50
tzviReptilia: I don't remember is there a safe mode on the grub menu?11:51
Reptiliatzvi: I thought the same, but there should be some generic drivers, or something similar?11:51
tzviIf so try booting with that11:51
tzviTry using different boot modes on grub11:51
xieyiI upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 and found apache server cant work properly. it keeps complaining the requested page was not found on this server11:51
xieyiwhat may be the problem? thx11:51
Reptiliatzvi: Okay, i will try, thanks11:52
tzvixieyi: you upgraded the same machine?11:52
tzviDid it work previously?11:52
xieyiyeah I upgraded from 13.1011:52
xieyiall the web pages can be shown in 13.1011:53
Leo_Vertoso, my dual-boot system is kinda broken atm11:53
Leo_Vertowindows refuses to boot unless I open the grub terminal and enter "exit"11:53
xieyiany idea? anyone met the same problem?11:53
Leo_Vertoand when booting Ubuntu, I can see the splash screen and hear the sound but the screen remains dark11:53
tzvixieyi: not me sorry11:54
tzviLeo_Verto: fresh install?11:54
Leo_Vertoxieyi, have you checked the config files?11:54
Leo_Vertotzvi, yes11:54
DJ_Unibobi had an issue with upgrading...I believe it was 11.04 to 11.10 upgrade that actually had 2 of the ubuntu loaders in grub and the Windows 7 Loader wasn't there.11:55
tzviLive disk work OK?11:55
Leo_Vertoin my case, it looks like the windows loader doesn't want to be chain-loaded11:55
Leo_Vertolive disk works11:55
DJ_UnibobThis was a few years ago. but from 13.04 to 13.10 upgrade was flawless.11:55
xieyiLeo_Verto: I adopt the old one11:55
tzviI wonder if the grub install got screwed up11:56
daedelothso... java... how?11:56
tzviIt's happened to me before11:56
Leo_VertoI use UEFI and a GPT SSD11:56
Leo_Vertoso I installed grub to the EFI partition11:57
DJ_Unibobgrub is a piece of cake compared to the LILO boot I had to deal with years ago.  :/11:57
tzviLeo_Verto: sorry I'm not familiar enough with EFI and GPT to help11:58
Leo_Vertocan you at least try to help me debug the blackscreen ubuntu?11:58
tzviSounds like that have something to do with it11:58
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Leo_Vertothat appeared after changing the grub resolution11:59
Leo_Vertoand I can see the splash screen11:59
sabgentonhi tried this from wubi https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot/Examples11:59
tzviFor starters change it back11:59
sabgentonbut  get some out of range error :(11:59
tzviBut I gotta run now, I'll be back later11:59
sabgentonany ideas12:00
sabgentonI'm not shure if wubi breaks this  or  read ntfs with grub breaks this or   the trusty iso breaks it12:01
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ubottuWubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug12:05
OerHekssabgenton, in what windows?12:06
sabgentonOerHeks: It's an old eeepc  no efi or anything12:07
OerHekssabgenton, eee pc, i suggest to put xubuntu on it, without wubi.12:09
sabgentonyeah shure but I'm ..12:09
sabgentondid you see the link I gave?12:09
sabgentonI'm trying to  use grub from wubi to boot an iso on the ntfs partion12:10
sabgentonto then install that ubuntu iso without wubi12:10
sabgentongetting rid of wubi is exactly what I want12:10
smokiehey guys, after enabling ssh public key and disabling password login, does thsi mean i must have the key with me every time i need to login to the server, right?12:10
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OerHekssabgenton, using grub from wubi ? you still have to boot windows to get to wubi's grub, good luck with that.12:12
sabgentonI'm still not shure if you get me12:12
sabgentondid you see the link?12:12
* sabgenton wants to boot the ubuntu install iso from wubi then once run it will destroy wubi12:13
OerHekssabgenton, i understand perfectly, that howto is for grub, nor for wubi/grub12:13
vl4kn0Where can I find more information about using unity scopes/lens? They are terribly unintuitive.12:13
anon44hi guys, just want to say big thx for the community and Canonical. For the first time in my life i've installed Ubuntu on my laptop and it's just works! Out of the box. Awesome!12:14
sabgentonOerHeks: true I was wondering if anywon knew if it would work / why it wouldn't work12:14
RCheesleyHello folks, I wondered if anyone could help me with a bug? I upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 with whole disk encryption, and I think this bug is re-emerging: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1003309 - I added a comment but I'm not sure what to do next12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1003309 in linux (Ubuntu) "Boot fails after installing updates, error: “cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available"" [High,Expired]12:15
RCheesleyThe status is expired, but that's exactly what I'm experiencing12:15
|\nRCheesley, nothing failed here12:15
RCheesleyI can't boot into the kernel, I had to boot into an earlier kernel to be able to use the system12:16
RCheesley3.11.0-14-generic is what is showing for uname -r so assume that's the one I'm running now, which works - the later ones don't, from memory it was the 3rd in the list that I tried in grub12:17
RCheesleyI'm not sure how to send any meaningful logs if I can't even boot into the system with the new kernels?12:18
thanigaii installed ubuntu today is  there any threat to my system  like virus Trojans , if there how can protect my system?12:18
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:19
zappo_ciao a tutti12:19
grythanigai, --^12:19
gry!it | zappo_12:19
ubottuzappo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:19
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:19
zappo_ /join #ubuntu-it12:20
OerHeksthanigai, install a firewall gui like gufw, and enable it, you are safe.12:20
sabgentonOerHeks: how does wubi grub differ from grub?12:21
thanigaiOerHeks, ok thanks12:21
thanigaiOerHeks, i will do12:21
xub14desktop starts in different ways (first standard as i configured, then eitherway to very dark screen, not usable or a lite version where symbols etc are not reacting on mouse) whats wrong12:21
OerHekssabgenton, it starts from windows, not from the bootsector from scatch. so you will not reach the underlaying system.12:22
leurianHi everyone!12:22
sabgentonOerHeks: but I can mount the ubuntu iso from wubi grub ....  whats underlaying that it can't see?12:23
leuApodohi leurian12:23
OerHekssabgenton, your actual windows & partitions.12:23
sabgentonagain it can see (hd0,msdos1)/ubuntu.iso12:24
OerHekssabgenton, you are on the wrong track, forget wubi to do a real install.12:24
nakanutHappy Easter everyone http://tinyurl.com/n9v6pdn12:25
sabgentondon't have usb access currntly12:25
sabgentonOerHeks: are you sure it can't see what your saying?12:26
OerHekssabgenton, a SDcard will work too, EEEpc's can boot from sdcard.12:26
flghi all12:26
sabgentonOerHeks: does the ubuntu live cd    install to  sdcards  as it does USBs?12:27
flgi try to install identd (server) on ubuntu 14.04, any help?12:27
sabgentonlike the usb installer12:27
xub14can't use my desktop - who helps?12:28
sabgentondon't know if I have an sdcard around  right now12:28
ziyourenxiang14.04’s libssl is 1.0.1f. is this patched against heartbleed? (i’d imagine so…)12:28
flgand how i can check that it's running the right way (giving back the right user) ?12:28
OerHekssabgenton, sure, you can use the usb installer to make an bootable sdcard12:28
c2tarunI am not able to find gnome autostart folder in ubuntu 14.04, /etc/X11/xdg/autostart. Did they move it somewhere else?12:28
OerHeksziyourenxiang, yes, ubuntu is patched on the 7th12:29
c2tarunok got it /etc/autostart12:29
ubottuA fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.12:29
ziyourenxiangthanks OerHeks12:29
sabgentonOerHeks: I would still love to know exactly what wubi grub cant see,  like why can I see  (hd0,msdos1)/ fine  if that is so?12:30
sabgentonNot saying your wrong just want to understand12:30
OwenHi, I got a common problem with ubuntu 12.04, whenever my network cable is unplugged, it boots up with "waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration" and I have no network connectivity. I have a wireless USB adapter which only works when the network cable is plugged in so this error doesnt show.. any ideas?12:30
flganyone? :)12:31
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cfhowlettsabgenton wubi is a terrible idea and is not supported.  do the math12:32
OerHekssabgenton, wubi is a virtual machine, protected space from within windows.12:32
OerHekselse you would have xubuntu running by now if this method could work.12:33
flan_suseMy XF86Sleep key does not work on 14.04 to suspend the machine. If I use any other keyboard shortcut, it works. For some reason XF86Sleep registers as an event, but has no effect. It worked just fine on 12.04. Any ideas?12:35
flan_suseEg: If I set CTRL + SHIRT + S to suspend, it works. If I set XF86Sleep to suspend, it doesn't work. If I set CTRL + SHIFT + S to open the calculator, it works. If I set XF86Sleep to open the calculator, it doesn't work.12:36
llutzOerHeks: wubi isn't a virtual machine, it is just a kernel loading the filesystem from a file on the windows-fs into a loop-device12:36
OerHeksllutz, oke, still his method of mounting an iso tru wubi/grub to do a fresh install doesn't work that way, right?12:37
llutzOerHeks: idk, i never used it12:38
flgi try to install identd (server) on ubuntu 14.04, any help?12:39
cfhowlett!server | flg12:40
ubottuflg: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Thar 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server12:40
flan_suseAnyone know how to get XF86Sleep to work on Ubuntu 14.04?12:40
flgi need it for my client desktop...12:40
flgto connect to irc bouncer12:40
BrianHOk, I am getting a weird problem.  When my system idles, I come back to a black screen with a blinking terminal cursor.  If I switch to a different tty, and then back to tty7, I'm given the lightdm lockscreen to get back into my system.12:40
dw1flg: for freenode?12:41
cfhowlettflg ask the server channel12:41
sabgentonOerHeks: you are obviously totaly guessing12:41
flgoki thx12:41
flg(server channel?)12:41
sabgentonI don't see why it wouldn't work but  I'll just go by some flash media tommorw12:41
flgah isee , thanks12:41
BrianHflg: #ubuntu-server12:41
codydhHello! Is the appropriate way to install docker on 14.04 "apt-get install docker.io" ?12:41
dupingpinggrdesktop project is dead?12:42
BrianHcodydh: lxdocker is the package12:42
denysonique# apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:43
denysoniquedpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/compizconfig-settings-manager_1%3a0.9.11+14.04.20140409-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):12:43
denysonique trying to overwrite '/usr/share/ccsm', which is also in package libunity-core-6.0-9 7.2.0+14.04.20140416-0ubuntu112:43
kostkoncodydh, according to this post yes http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2014/04/docker-in-ubuntu-ubuntu-in-docker.html12:43
codydhBrianH: ah-ha. Does this let me call the app using 'docker,' or do I have to do 'docker.io' for the commands?12:43
codydhkostkon: Thanks, hadn't found that12:43
BrianHcodydh: whoops, it's lxc-docker12:44
sabgentoncfhowlett: it's more about chain loading grub from windows  if you don't have any disks you can put in the computer     I'm not using the linux wubi image  that part is old hat12:44
BrianHcodydh: I guess it's changed since 14.04?  I've been using docker for a while, and always installed it through lxc-docker.12:45
denysoniqueHas anyone successfully installed CCSM on 14.04?12:45
BrianHdenysonique: yes12:45
codydhBrianH: Aah ok!12:46
ocooelDoes this mean I must regress my kernel version to be able to install the proprietary driver..? http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/amdcatalyst13-12linreleasenotes.aspx12:47
codydhBrianH: Might be because it's built in now, maybe lxc-docker were third party?12:47
codydhSo confusing that there's already a package called docker though12:47
BrianHcodydh: perhaps from the PPA12:47
denysoniqueBrianH: ok, nvm, I fixed the problem by reinstalling libunity-core12:48
ocooelJust read the latest driver only supports up to raring12:48
ocooelAMD need to pick up their game12:48
BrianHcodydh: This is how it was done in Saucy: http://docs.docker.io/installation/ubuntulinux/#ubuntu-raring-saucy12:49
hillarymy ubuntu 12.04 cannot detect my wintouch tablet. how can i force it to detect12:49
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BrianHhillary: define "detect"12:50
codydhBrianH: Ah, I see.12:50
hillarydetect mean to sence that a device is connected12:50
codydhNow, what's the best way to 'alias' a command (forgetting the correct word), so that 'docker' calls 'docker.io' ?12:50
BrianHhillary: nothing appears in lspci or dmesg?12:51
hillarylet me try that then12:51
BrianHcodydh: symlink in your /usr/bin12:52
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codydhBrianH: Ah, right, that makes sense. Thanks much for your help!12:52
hillarystill i cannot see it12:52
BrianHcodydh: no prob12:53
wegefgneed some help with an nfs mount in ubuntu 14.04.12:54
wegefgso I'm ttrying to get ubuntu 14.04 to mount and nfs share from a raspberry pi12:55
wegefgits worked OK in 13.10 with the same settings but in 14.04 the mount hangs12:55
wegefgi have it set to mount on boot through fstab12:55
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wegefgdoing sudo mount *.*.*.*:/ / will mount the share but when I click the shortcut in the sidebar in nautilus it hangs and doesn;t mount12:57
wegefgcan anybody help with this??12:57
BrianHwegefg: hmm, mine are all working.  What does your mount command look like in fstab?12:58
BrianHwegefg: is nfs-common installed?12:58
wegefg*.*.*.*:/   /media/share   nfs    noauto,rw,user  0  012:58
ocooelHow do you read this..? Up to as in not past this point of up to as in including kernel 3.13..? http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Latest-LINUX-Beta-Driver.aspx12:59
amtkhdkrhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/450097/problem-with-optirun-bumblebee     hi can anyone please help me solve this?12:59
=== Leo_Vertoff is now known as Leo_Verto
wegefgBrianH: and the /etc/exports on the server side looks like this13:00
wegefgBrianH: /         *.*.*.*(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)13:00
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wegefgBrianH: the server setting haven't change since using it in 13.1013:01
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BrianHwegefg: Hmmm, I'm really not skilled with nfs shares.  Mine look a little different, but they're for VMs that access seperate HDD storage on my host system.13:02
BrianHwegefg: For reference, here's mine: UUID=XXXX-XXXX /media/[username]/dir vfat defaults,user,exec,uid=user,gid=nogroup,umask=000 0 013:04
BrianHAnyone having a problem with their system dropping to a fullscreen terminal on sleep with a blinking terminal cursor?13:06
BrianHI can get back into it by switching ttys and back to tty7, which then shows me my lightdm lock screen.13:07
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wegefgBrianH: whats weird is that is was working with 13.10 then I did a clean install of 14.04 add the same line to fstab and now it doesn't work13:08
BrianHwegefg: is fstab mounting it?13:08
BrianHwegefg: or are you manually mounting it after boot because fstab failed?13:09
wegefgBrianH: there is a shortcut in nautilus under network that I didn't create the has the mounts listed. On boot up those mount are there and I click them and they mount then to unount i click the eject symbol beside them13:10
BrianHwegefg: try running sudo mount -a13:11
wegefgBrianH: but now i have to do it through command line 'sudo mount /' and it mounts13:11
isabellehello everyone, my laptop keyboard an touchpad  don't work since an update one week ago (approximately) in ubuntu 13.10. Now I'm on 14.04 but ubuntu still doesn't work, I have to use usb keyboard13:12
isabellecould anyone help me please13:12
t4ng0olla guys :)13:13
wegefgBrianH: it mount the shares. But when I unmount them through nautilus and try and mount the again through nautilus it hang and doesn't mount13:14
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BrianHisabelle: try running: dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-input-all13:16
shunya_chakrain ubuntu what software i can use to download youtube videos13:16
BrianHwegefg: Hmmm, and if you sudo mount -a from the terminal afterwards?13:17
wegefgBrianH: it mounts it again straight away13:17
isabelleBrianH, ii  xserver-xorg-input-all                                1:7.7+1ubuntu8                        amd64        X.Org X server -- input driver metapackage13:17
wegefgBrianH: but same thing happen when i remount using nautilus13:17
Ca11umCan I use grep or a similar command to output every line of a log that does not begin with a certain IP address?13:17
WobboOh dear... I have upgraded from 13.10 < 14.04. Reboot and I get "error:. Symbol" grub_term_highlight_color 'not fount Entering rescue mode ... And then?13:18
wegefgBrianH: I guess I'm gonna have to maually mount the shares everytime13:18
BrianHwegefg: I'm not sure.  Someone with more experience with nfs may be able to shed some more light on it.  Could be a problem with nautilus as well.13:19
BrianHCa11um: grep -L should work.13:21
BrianHWobbo: using multiple drives?13:22
BrianHWobbo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/449680/upgrading-from-13-10-to-14-04-broke-grub13:23
roy1977 irc.darksin.net13:23
Leo_Ubuntuso, I am able to boot Ubuntu via nomodeset13:24
Leo_Ubuntuhow do I compile mono on 14.04?13:24
WobboÀnd than?13:25
wegefgBrianH: ok I'll check back later see if somebody can give me some help. Thanks anyway dude.13:26
alfonsojonI'm using the Samsung Chromebook  Series 3 and I was wondering if there's better support for it in 14.0413:27
bravocatI have .enc file I want to read. How?13:28
cknoxbravocat: http://bit.ly/Pjtoj713:29
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bravocatcknox: I searched already, some sharewares/freewares for windows was all I found13:31
hillaryi installed wine in my ubuntu 12.04 but i cannot start any .exe applications13:31
bravocatI don't want to use wine for that, it seems simple enough13:31
bravocat(hillary, it's not to you)13:32
dw1hillary: what about running: wine program.exe13:32
hillarydw1 how do i run it? i install via ubuntu software center13:33
cknoxbravocat: where is the file from?13:33
cknoxI sent the link because I searched just to try and figure out what the file might be13:33
cknoxand I'm still lost as to what it is13:33
dw1hillary: that would be a terminal command, or you may be able to do right click -> Open With and choose Wine13:34
bravocatit's supposed to hold my email archive, freshly downloaded from the provider13:34
cknoxbravocat: have you tried opening it with vim (or emacs, or gedit, or another text editor)13:34
hillarywhen i right click and say open with wine windows program loader nothing happens13:35
cknoxI don't think the text editor will open it "properly" but some file types give hints as to what their format is (for instance a PDF will say PDF near the start)13:35
cknoxand of course searching for .enc file ubuntu just gives hits on how to encrypt files13:36
dw1hillary: i would try from the terminal then and see if theres a good error message.....  wine <program>13:36
bravocatvim, tried this...first there's a readable header, archive from this provider of this user, then rubbish, encoded, something like base64?13:37
cknoxyeah, it looks like .enc is usually for encoded content...13:38
cknoxso the trick is how to decode it then13:38
cknoxand there was nothing that said PDF in the header13:38
bravocatpdf? not pdf13:38
bravocatjust some text, then text that seems encoded (like rubbish)13:39
cknoxmay I ask what provider?13:39
bravocatthere is "uuencode", I want to try "uudecode", give me a sec13:40
bravocaterr, missing "begin"13:41
random-ubuntu-usHello, I have a problem when setting up grub for Ubuntu (with a WIndows 8 dual-boot) on a Raid0 disk. First the installer (ubiquity, I think) crashed when installing grub and no I am trying to fix it myself. The problem is, for some reason 'grub-install13:44
random-ubuntu-usalways fails telling me thatit can't find a device for '/dev' (even though I mounted the correct EFI partition)13:45
cknoxwell safe-mail's search is pretty useless13:47
mikealfa92hello everyone13:48
isabelleBrianH, sorry to interrupt you, but do you see a solution to my keyboard issue?, I have do the dpkg -l and it gives me : 1:7.7+1ubuntu8  xserver-xorg-input-all13:48
cknoxisabelle: may I ask what the keyboard problem is?13:49
shunya_chakraHi guys can anyone suggest me what youtube download manager for ubuntu works.. good13:49
cknoxbravocat: have you tried contacting them: http://www.safe-mail.net/support/eng/help/contact/index.html13:50
ibrokeitUpgrading to 14.04 disabled my on-board integrated ethernet which used to be eth0.   Well, really, it just renamed it eth3 and I didn't figure that out until later.  With eth0 not working I plugged in a PCIe card that became eth1.  Both eth1 and eth3 now work (but do not connect automatically) and eth0 does not exist.  How can I get rid of the "waiting for network configuration" during boot?13:51
isabellecknox, yes, in fact since an update my laptop keyboard and touchpad don't work, i have to use usb keyboard and mouse13:51
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cknoxshunya_chakra: you mean for downloading youtube videos?13:51
shunya_chakracknox to download youtube video in linux13:51
bravocatcknox: it will take a while to get an answer, want to avoid that13:52
bravocatbut if nothing helps, will write13:52
cknoxI haven't tried it in linux, but what I use on Windows (all my desktops are linux) is a tool called youtube-dl that's up on github. It's written in Python and should work for ubuntu13:52
mikealfa92hey everyone i installed nvidia graphics driver on my laptop and now i cant login13:52
majohi. i have a problem with fglrx drivers. when i install them, the screen is tearing when moving windows around, etc. found "tear-free" in CCC, enabled. now i dont have tearing, but theres huge delay when moving windows, scrolling, etc. no problem with open source drivers. what can i do?13:53
cknoxshunya_chakra: it's a shell program so you will need a terminal window open to use it13:53
majoon 14.0413:53
isabellecknox, previously, sometimes I have some trouble with the keyboard: it stop working after restart (I have to shutdown, and after start, restart make keyboard unusable) this was not very problematic, but last week, I have performed update on ubuntu 13.10 and keyboard and mouse stop working all the time. Now I'm on ubuntu 14.04 but the problem persists13:53
cknoxisabelle: that seems really odd. I know when I was trying to install my server I couldn't use USB at all and had to hunt down a PS/2 keyboard13:53
shunya_chakrathanks cknox... I'll try to use it13:54
cknoxisabelle: are you able to use the keyboard and mouse outside of ubuntu?13:54
isabellecknox, humm I'm not sure, ubuntu is the only os on my laptop13:55
cknoxisabelle: do you have any live CDs, or even install media for windows or some other OS that you could boot to and verify that your laptop keyboard/mouse works13:55
cknoxor even just getting into the bios...13:55
isabellecknox, maybe I sould try it under live cd, but I think the hardware is ok13:55
cknoxwhat brand of laptop?13:55
cknoxisabelle: in all likelyhood the hardware is fine, but just to rule it out...13:56
isabellecknox, ok, I'm restarting the pc, see you in 5 minutes13:56
roelhi. how can I add stuff like volume control info, internet connection icon, ... in menu panel ?13:56
lblumeHello all13:59
lblumeProbably a silly question, but I just don't get it: in Ubuntu 13.10, using the file browser, I connect to a remote server using ssh://server14:01
lblumeThat works well, however, it shows only my home directory there, and I just can't find a way to go up, to /. How to do that?14:01
roelis it risky to reinstall unity-control-center or is it too important?14:04
roelI'll restart14:05
isabellecknox, ok the keyboard doesn't work on bios or live cd :-s14:06
isabellecknox, I presume that  somehardware connection is broken14:07
gumbleunder Linux Mint XFCE Edition I could right click on the speaker symbol and in the appearing dialog then put the volume to about 150%. I can't now under xubuntu, is there a way to do this?14:07
isabellecknox, thanks for your help14:08
cknoxisabelle: what brand of laptop?14:08
trinodecan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2218315 I think I'm really close to diagnosing it but I'm stumped?14:08
cknoxalso, how comfortable are you with opening things up?14:08
isabellecknox, it is a packard bell but I don't know the exact model14:08
cknoxpackard bell?14:09
cknoxI thought they disappeared over a decade ago...14:09
isabellecknox, lol I'm a hipster14:09
Leo_Ubuntuisabelle: do you have legacy usb enabled in bios?14:09
roeli drop my previous questions: i have to look up how i can add stuff to the 'Notification Area'14:10
isabelleLeo_Ubuntu, I'm not sure, I only know that internal keyboard doesn't work but usb keyboard does (even in BIOS)14:10
isabelleLeo_Ubuntu, what legacy usb is about?14:11
cknoxWhen it left the North American computer industry in 2000, it quickly became a leader in the European and African markets.14:11
cknoxthat explains things14:11
Leo_Ubuntuisabelle: I had a problem where I wasn't able to use my keyboard at all in bios/grub after installing Ubuntu14:12
Leo_Ubuntusolved that by resetting my bios14:12
isabelleLeo_Ubuntu, ok I'm tryng it right now14:12
isabellesee you in 5 minutes14:12
tommasoproblemi con flash14:13
tommasochi mi puo aiutare?14:13
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kostkon!it | tommaso14:15
ubottutommaso: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:15
Guest14121Hello, I've got a strange problem: I updated my server to 14.04 and now kernel 3.13 want to pxe boot while kernel 3.5 is not trying this. Because of this 3.13 does not boot and gets a kernel panic (syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000200) after trying to find a pxe server (of which I don't have one). Anybody got any advice?14:15
motulenoSURA 52:2414:16
motuleno“And there shall wait on them [the Muslim men] young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.”14:16
motulenoHadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter14:16
motulenoTitle: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”: “I saw the prophet – pbuh –14:16
motulenosucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the14:16
unopastemotuleno you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:16
OerHeks!ot | motuleno14:17
ubottumotuleno: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:17
MonkeyDustmotuleno  are you a bot?14:18
cknoxGuest14121: is grub trying to PXE boot?14:20
roeldoes someone know how to show the volume indicator in the menu (xfce)14:20
Guest14121no after selecting ubuntu with kernel 3.13 it starts the PXE boot14:20
cknoxI've only ever seen PXE boot happen when initiated from the POST before any bootloaders14:20
Guest14121yeah me too14:20
cknoxand you're on 14.04?14:21
Guest14121cknox: but it is doing the same as a pxe boot14:21
roelnevermind: i think i have to restart14:21
amigamagichi, someone knows how to change the text color for the icons on the desktop? I'm on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine with gnome fallback session.14:22
cknoxGuest14121: have you tried the recovery boot option?14:22
Guest14121cknox: (the errors from pxe are: "IP-Config: eth0 hardware address 00:0c:29:79:86:c1 mtu 1500 DHCP" and "IP-Config: no response after 60 secs - giving up")14:22
Guest14121cknox: yes, same problem14:22
roelI can't set up my notification area right: http://askubuntu.com/questions/186205/how-to-reset-notification-area-settings14:27
roelI need help14:27
MonkeyDust_my 14.04 shuts down at random moments, even when i'm not actively using it14:28
roel@mokneydust: did ye check suspend settings?14:29
dw1MonkeyDust_: do you have two gnome-screensaver running14:30
dw1MonkeyDust_: i had that problem once14:30
dw1MonkeyDust_: not suspending but locking14:30
dw1MonkeyDust_: in my case it was because i was using an outdated powersaving app Jupiter14:31
t4ng0hello guys, just want to ask -| how to improve my centos desktop against hackers and virus? |14:31
t4ng0i'm sure this us #centos lol not devel14:31
Rorythis is Ubuntu support14:31
MonkeyDust_dw1  i don't use any screensaver and don't know what jupiter is14:31
dw1MonkeyDust_: basically the two gnome-screensavers cause one to not detect activity so the lock screen would comeo n every 10 mins14:32
dw1MonkeyDust_: k14:32
Spidernett4ng0: just make sure unnecessary ports are disabled...  u can use "nmap localhost" to determine all ports and services running and disable the unused ones14:33
roelHelp: the notification area remains partially broke !!14:33
roelnobody can help me?14:34
dw1MonkeyDust_: might be worth keeping track of the times to see if its at a re gular interval14:35
Guest14121anybody else who got an idea?14:35
unopasteCh3rn0by1 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:36
snypHEY. Software update is NOT saying 'However Ubuntu 14.04 is available'14:37
snypi have any newer version checked14:37
Spidernetsnyp: probably u disabled new release notification.. just download it14:37
dw1snyp: are you on 12.0414:37
snypno. 13.1014:37
dw1strange then14:38
dw1what about do-release-upgrade from terminal14:39
cknoxthe way I got to 14.04 was with do-release-upgrade -d...14:39
dw1-d not needed now14:39
cknoxbut -d takes you to development...14:39
dw1except for 12.0414:39
dw1as i understand14:39
cknoxah, I was on 12.04...14:39
cknoxit was a 6 hour process to get from 9.10 to 14.0414:40
majodcan someone help me configure fglrx drivers? i cant get rid of tearing...on 14.0414:40
dw112.04 wont need -d when 14.04.1 is available14:40
cknoxand all because 13.10 wouldn't actually install so I had to use the recovery option to install a new bootloader14:40
roeloh, i know why that notifing stuff sucks: http://design.canonical.com/2010/04/notification-area/14:41
kostkonroel, what's your problem14:42
roelwell, the notification area doesn't show things like volume status, lan connection status,...14:43
snypdo-release-upgrade seems to be working. brb14:43
kostkonroel, could you describe your problem in more detail, also a screenshot would be helpful14:46
darklight_Keyboard shortcuts in 14.04 get reset after updating any package, I think one of the triggers does it,14:46
roelno, i even get an error to take a screenshot14:47
FrankBullittI installed inetsim and I want it to have it start on boot. What is the easiest way to accomplish this in a test environment?14:48
roelscreenshot works now14:48
soeeguys i want to do upgrade of remote server, is it safe to continue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7292033/ ?14:49
SpidernetFrankBullitt: update-rc.d -f inetsim enable14:50
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OerHekssoee, it is not recommended, but you can, see the message of the 2nd ssh service in case you run into trouble14:51
FrankBullittSpidernet: thanks14:51
soeeOerHeks: yes i see it, i think i have no other choice as it is remove host14:51
dusf123_Ubuntu 14.04 installer - 'Device for boot loader installation', do i leave it as /dev/sda or do i need to select something like the partitions windows 8.1 created for efi?14:52
module000soee: not a bad idea to get your remote KVM or other console access standing by also, in case of unintended bad-stuff14:52
module000dusf123_: leave it as /dev/sda14:53
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dusf123_module, thank you, do i need to anything else other than choose my root and home partitions? i have made sure i booted ubuntu live in uefi mode14:53
module000dusf123_: nope, that's all you need. GRUB will be installed to your MBR at /dev/sda, and it will notice and give you the option to boot your windows partition as well as ubuntu14:54
majodcan anyone help me to configure fglrx drivers? i experience some image tearing, but only on top half on screen14:55
dusf123_thanks, i hope so, it took awhile to get this far, the ubuntu uefi documentation never mentioned creating a uefi boot only usb stick14:55
dusf123_which was the only way i could make my laptop boot it properly14:55
roelI have a screenshot of my prolbem: http://roelaro21.twentyone.axc.nl/press/notif-area.png14:55
module000roel: you might want to head over to xubuntu support, most of the help in this channel will be unity related, which is not using the type of notification area you are seeing in xfce.14:56
module000roel: ( #xubuntu )14:57
dusf123_is there anyway to use LVM without erasing the whole disk? the 14.04 gives a LVM option, but not when you select 'something else' to install with erasing the whole disk?14:58
dusf123_also, can i encrypt my homev dir later, same applies to that option14:58
roelok. bye14:59
module000dusf123_: encrypting your homedir later will be a pain, but you can use LVM without erasing the whole disk if you do manual partitioning. you'll need to have a generic /boot partition, and then a single LVM physical volume to house the rest of your partitions14:59
someHumanI'd like to share this, especially with Ubuntu newbies! ;) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142247514:59
dusf123_module000: i am using manual partitioning but i have windows 8.1 installed in gpt uefi - can i still use LVM?15:00
urielvigilantSomething is very wrong with this 14.04 and bcm 4311, because with 13.10 it use to work only installing the  linux-firmware-nonfree and edit the blacklist.conf and put a # before this sentence.  But with this Lubuntu 14.04 i tryed all of this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7292079/ and nothing put it my bcm 43 11 On never . Thanks GOD iam experiment in a usb live persitent usb 4 Gb, other wise  i...15:02
urielvigilant...dont know how will be my life . . .15:02
rAg3how do i change the ipaddress that is assigned to my wireless card when creating a hotspot15:02
SpidernetrAg3: check your dhcp configuration, it is found in /etc/dhcp/ and the file is dhcpd.conf... tweak it and use the range of ip pool u want15:03
dusf123_module000: also, how do i encrypt when selecting 'something else' for manual partitioning15:03
rAg3Spidernet, thats will try15:03
rAg3Spidernet, thanks i mean15:04
bad63rDoes some1 playing Heroes of Newerth on Ubuntu? It's very important bcs i cant make it works without lags in game.15:05
bad63rI need just to tell me is it working or not15:06
thaumielhiya peeps! This is my third laptop now with Xubuntu :D15:06
thaumieljust gotta figure out why chromium doesn't install from software center grrrrr15:06
MonkeyDustthat was another 14.04 crash15:07
nimbothaumiel, my problem is that i cant set chrome as defalut web browser15:07
thaumielnimbo, ooh15:08
nimbothaumiel, when it start it ask me if i wana set it as default15:08
maksimkaaaHi, anybody here tried to install php5.5 zmq extension on ubuntu 14 ?15:08
someHumanWhat does gksu lshw-gtk do?15:08
rAg3Spidernet, there is no dhcpd.conf  ... there is only dhclient.conf :/15:08
someHumanI just saw it from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142247515:08
nimbobut i already set it on the "web browser" as default app15:08
nimboAny ideas?15:09
maksimkaaaI am unable to install from source and can not find any PPA with the package.15:09
n15h12awaCan any1 help me with sound problem on 14.04 . I have Creative Xtreme Audio (PCI C0160). Have no sound on right channel on both installed version and on liveCD version, but it works perfectly on non gnu os :( and it worked perfectly on 12.0415:09
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thaumieli got some "depends" problems, now googling how to fix it. need to install something uh ah15:09
rAg3thaumiel, if you are using apt-get try this , sudo apt-get install -f15:10
thaumielsudo apt get time!15:10
rAg3this should fix the dependencies15:10
thaumielrAg3 sounds about right and good!15:10
rAg3Spidernet, there is no dhcpd.conf  ... there is only dhclient.conf :/15:11
rAg3how do i change the ipaddress that is assigned to my wireless card when creating a hotspot , i am not running a dhcp server so there is no dhcpd.conf file, but under /etc/dhcp i can find is dhclient.conf15:11
SpidernetrAg3: ok i will be sending u a file then u downlaod and put it there15:12
minimecnimbo: set default browser for the whole system... 'sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser'15:13
someHumanI wanna do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot15:14
someHumanI can boot into Ubuntu 14.04 but what I do is press F9 (boot options).15:14
rAg3Spidernet, ok, do i install dhcp server as well ?15:15
someHumanWhat I want is a menu to let me choose when my PC boots.15:15
SpidernetrAg3: yes cos u will giving out the dhcp you wnat so pls install dhcp-server15:15
someHumanMaybe I am talking about grub2, being my bootloader so that I have Windows and Ubuntu booting by default without the need of user interaction in boot time?15:15
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SpidernetLOAD -e /root/Desktop/dhcpd.conf15:16
rAg3Spidernet, ok i will do that , but then how does the current configuration work without the server being installed?15:16
SpidernetrAg3: we will use dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf <hotspot interface> to set the ip address for the hotspot: this is my dhcp.conf You can save it into a text editor and place it where i told u. change it where necessary. the quotes are not part " ddns-update-style none; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; subnet netmask { range; option routers;}15:19
anewdoees ps aux show all currently running processes?15:20
Istalantarhi everyone... I am trying to install TeamSpeak3. I have downloaded filename.run from the TS3 homepage and I somehow managed to uncompress it, but uncompress isn't installed, is it? What would i have to do now?15:22
preetamHi..I am upgrading to ubuntu 14.04 from 13.04 and suddenly upgrade hangs while installing.. what to do..I can't restart as it will unstable the system..15:23
preetamplease advice immediately15:23
someHumanIstalantar: Did you get the one for Ubuntu?15:23
minimecsomeHuman: If grub sees multiple OS, it will show the boot menu per default. You can on the other hand configure a default OS to boot in the file /etc/default/grub. Default setting is 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0' (the first available, normally Ubuntu). Just change '0' to you needs. Count like 'fith entry' -> '4'15:23
SpidernetIstalantar: open the terminal and change director to where the file name is: make the file executable by using the command: chmod u+x filename.run : now run the file as ./filename.run (note the ./)15:23
someHumanUbuntu is Debian-based.15:23
tylerburtoncaHas anyone gotten autologin to work? I even tried the instructions on the Arch wiki (I'm trying everything at this point) and I still can't get it to autologin my account15:23
someHumanminimec: What do you mean by configure a default OS?15:24
preetamplease help me I am stuck in between upgrading to 14.04..Can't restart the system..15:25
Istalantari choose Linux download, client amd6415:25
preetamstuck in between the upgrade15:25
minimecsomeHuman: If you have a dualboot and you want to boot Windows7 as default os, you would have to change '0' to something else, according to the menu you get when you start the computer.15:25
someHumanIstalantar: If a download for Ubuntu isn't available (which is unusual), get files with the extension .deb.15:26
someHuman.deb == Debian files15:26
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someHumanminimec: By default my PC boots into Windows15:26
tylerburtoncaHas anyone gotten autologin to work on 14.04?15:26
someHumanWhat I want is my PC will show me a menu with my OSes showing for me tho choose by default.15:27
MunsterIstalantar, http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/15:27
someHumanIstalantar: What Munster said.15:28
OerHekstylerburtonca, i do, but not with encrypted home, obiously15:28
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Istalantarthere is no .deb i can only choose between: windows, mac os x, linux, ios, android, freebsd15:28
minimecsomeHuman: That's exactly what grub does...15:28
Barridusis it possible to unencrypt the home folder, i'd like to for a step in some troubleshooting15:28
someHumanminimec: Mine doesn't.15:28
someHumanI can only boot into Ubuntu via F9 (change boot options).15:28
tylerburtoncaOerHeks, is it at all possible with encrypted home? or to unencrypt home?15:28
MunsterIstalantar, are you reading theposts direct to you?15:29
Istalantaryes i do15:29
someHumanBarridus: Ah, you encrypted in during installation?15:29
OerHekstylerburtonca, it is disabled with encrypted home, else what is the use of encrypted home?15:29
Barridusjust the home folder15:29
Barridusnot the entire installation15:29
someHumanBarridus: I don't have an experience what that as I am not that paranoid ;)15:29
someHumanBarridus: Do you use Ubuntu for work or personal? Both?15:30
Barridusit was the default option, someHuman, so i said "ok fine"15:30
Barriduspersonal, someHuman15:30
someHumanBarridus: No it isn't lol, what Ubuntu do you have?15:30
someHumanIsn't that showing in the last step?15:30
Barridusit started as server 14.04, someHuman15:30
g105bI'm having serious issues. Just purged pulseaudio because I couldn't get any output devices listed in my volume control... now this is what system settings looks like: http://i.imgur.com/301uvR9.png15:30
minimecsomeHuman: Do you have grub installed? Press and hold the left <shift> button after your computer boot screen. I fgrub is installed, you get a menu... Otherwise I guess grub is not running. Do you have multiple harddrives? Could it be that you installed grub on the 'slave' HD and not the 'master'?15:30
BarridussomeHuman: it might have been the default in server15:30
leurianhi all!15:30
n15h12awaCan any1 help me with sound problem on 14.04 . I have Creative Xtreme Audio (PCI CA0160). Have no sound on right channel on both installed version and on liveCD version, but it works perfectly on non gnu os :( and it worked perfectly on 12.0415:31
someHumanBarridus: Yeah of course, it's server. It's suppose to be more secure.15:31
tylerburtoncaOerHeks, fair enough. is it possible to force it to be enabled anyway? I don't really feel like re-installing...15:31
BarridussomeHuman: but a service wouldn't start on boot, it wasn't until i threw ubuntu-desktop on it that i saw the error accessing /home/myusername/a config file15:31
IstalantarMunster, what to do with the link, i have 14.04 installed15:31
MunsterIstalantar, ok . guess i misunderstood15:32
OerHekstylerburtonca, not that i know of, maybe someone else has a solution?15:33
someHumanBarridus: Try asking Munster .15:33
BarridussomeHuman: oops looks like i have to run, i'll try later15:34
someHumanBarridus: RUN!!!!15:34
BarridussomeHuman: thanks for putting a thought on it15:34
someHumanBarridus: HAHAHA! JK, take care! ;)15:34
someHumanBarridus: No problem ;)15:34
Istalantaras i said i somehow managed to unpack the  run-file i downloaded from teamspeak, and i can run the runscript file with: sh ts3client_runscript.sh ... is that all i need to do? so i always need to start TS3 with terminal?15:34
MunstersomeHuman, I assume that was sarcasm15:36
rAg3nixSpidernet, how do i configure what ip address my hotspot uses ?15:36
=== mrigesh is now known as rAg3nix
rAg3nixSpidernet, how do i configure what ip address my hotspot uses ?15:36
semaj81Any way to prevent screen tearing while playing full screen NetFlix? I used this guide to install.. maybe something is available that's better? ---> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/how-to-get-netflix-streaming-on-ubuntu-1210/4019/15:40
SpidernetrAg3nix: make a file and enter this into it: ddns-update-style none; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; subnet netmask {range; option routers;}15:41
anewdoes ps aux list all currently running processes?15:41
phrackerall the user's processes, at least15:42
SpidernetrAg3nix: now install isc-dhcp-server15:42
phrackersudo ps aux would list all15:42
SpidernetrAg3nix: now know the hotspot interface;15:42
someHumanMunster: Which was?15:42
anewhmmm ok15:43
SpidernetrAg3nix: use the following command to give ur hotspot an ip and all the other clients: dhcp -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf15:43
preetamHi system hangs in between while upgrading to 14.0415:43
preetamubuntu 14.04 upgrade stops in the middle..please tell me how to resume installation15:44
Spidernetpreetam: do-release-upgrade15:44
Spidernetpreetam: dats the command15:45
BrianHIs there a way to reinstall the new lockscreen in 14.04?  I was using light-locker in 13.10, and since 14.04 integrates LightDM for the lock screen now, I uninstalled light-locker and now it displays a full screen terminal with a blinking cursor when it idles.15:45
minimecpreetam: So you are sure that the upgrade will not finish? In that case reboot the machine and do 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'. Afterwards I would verify that the ubuntu-desktop package is installed (or kubuntu, xubuntu,...) That might do all you need.15:45
SpidernetBrianH: apt-get install light-locker15:46
BrianHIf I toggle the ttys (to tty6 and back to tty7), it'll display the lightdm lock screen15:46
rAg3nixSpidernet, sorry i got disconnected , any help ?15:46
BrianHSpidernet: When I used light-locker with 14.04, it would ask me to login twice.15:46
minimecpreetam: http://askubuntu.com/questions/346678/how-do-i-resume-a-release-upgrade-update15:47
BrianHSpidernet: Which is why I uninstalled it, considering 14.04 integrates it somehow.15:47
preetamspidernet: it says no new release found15:48
BrianHSpidernet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/128491815:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1286954 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1284918 Please refresh xubuntu-meta for trusty" [Undecided,Fix released]15:49
BrianHI'm using Unity though, not xubuntu15:50
majodanyone succesfully set up video acceleration in vlc in 14.04?15:50
majodim using ati gpu15:50
BrianHLooks like this is the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/129309915:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1293099 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Password needs to be entered twice after switching users" [Undecided,New]15:52
anewany way to sort ps aux by date?15:52
SpidernetBrianH: alright.. what lookscreen were u using in ubuntu 13.0415:53
BrianHlight-locker, in 13.1015:53
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SpidernetBrianH: it is gives u a bug wen u try installing it?15:54
OSaddictHow successful is the upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04?15:54
SpidernetOSaddict: great15:54
lycihaoany Chinese here?15:55
OSaddictEven if I've installed a ton of PPAs and messed with settings and config files and crap like that?15:55
rAg3nixSpidernet, ?15:55
SpidernetrAg3nix: i sent the configuration.. i don't know if u read it15:56
OSaddictI've heard about Mint users borking their systems with the in-place upgrade, so I'm a bit wary.15:56
SpidernetrAg3nix: to make things easier for you, install ap-hotspot15:56
asdofindiaOSaddict, what configurations have you changed?15:57
nixninei have ubuntu studio 13.10 installed.  Something has happened and now all my disks are read only.  Any solution to this, aside from reinstalling?15:58
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OSaddictA ton of compiz stuff and stuff for a bunch of programs. I didn't touch the kernel, though.15:59
MCl0vinHappy Easter everyone15:59
leurianhi people15:59
leuApodo2hi men15:59
=== MCl0vin is now known as mcl0vin
rAg3nixSpidernet, yes i did read it , and i am getting this (no subnet declaration for wlan0 ) the thing is .. i have two systems, i am connecting to a wireless through pc1 and sharing the same over ethernet, then using using ethernet in pc2 and sharing it over wifi , the shared connections by default get as ip address .. so between my two shares there is ip conflict16:00
OSaddictI don't think I'll upgrade now. My system has few problems right now.16:01
OSaddictOn the subject, is there a way to do an in-place downgrade?16:01
proteneer_hi I'm trying to figure out which ubuntu package corresponds to updating the CA certs?16:03
minimec OSaddict software settings and stuff are in your /home/yourname folder. That will not harm the upgrade and settings will be available after upgrade. All PPA's will be disabled per default for the upgrade. That shouldn't be a problem either. I would maybe uninstall some restricted drivers for the GPU...16:03
minimecOSaddict: No downgrade possible!16:04
alaingHi I'm trying ot copy a file from one directory to another using commandline16:04
alainglaings@my-server:/var/www/albums/backup$ sudo cp backup-2014_04_19-18_35_51.zdb /var/www/gallery/backup/16:04
alaingcp: cannot create regular file â/var/www/gallery/backup/â: Not a directory16:04
Munsteralaing, cp -r for dirs/folders16:05
CorkyMooHello!  Why no Kompozer on Ubuntu's repositories?16:06
alaingMunster: I'm just trying to copy a single file in the current directory to another directory16:06
MaxSananyone here used wpa_supplicant from the cli to get wifi on?16:06
trismalaing: does /var/www/gallery/backup exist? are you sure you didn't mean /var/www/albums/backup/ ? (in which case you might just use . instead16:07
OSaddictThey've dropped support for sooo much stuf after 12.04, and my netbook is suffering from it. Oh well, I'll just backup and reinstall.16:07
MunsterMaxSan, which wifi chip ?16:07
alaingtrism: doh.....backup folder doesn't exist16:07
MaxSanwhichever is in the yoga 2 pro16:07
MaxSani can do an16:07
MaxSansudo rmmod ideapad_laptop16:07
MaxSanto get it working usually. I have ran that but this app seems to give errors of some description16:08
MunsterMaxSan, run sudo lshw -C network in the terminal and pastebin the result16:09
GJPMiningcocan anyone help me setup dhcpd16:10
CorkyMooHello!  Why no Kompozer on Ubuntu's repositories?  I like Mate on Mint seems to be close to the wonderful Gnome 2.  Dislike Gnome 3, Unity and Metro. YUK!!16:10
MaxSanits on a different machine i cant cp it here16:10
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MaxSanwhat line of info you want?16:10
alunduilI recently stumbled across a small error in the generated vagrant images here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/trusty/current/.  The problem is the trusty64 image is actually a 32-bit image.  Where should such a problem be reported?16:11
DJonesCorkyMoo: From memory, kompozer was abandoned as a project a number of years ago16:11
CorkyMooAnything to replace it other then Bluefish?16:12
asdofindiaCorkyMoo, I was going to say bluefish :P16:12
MunsterMaxSan, under. description: Network controller, 'product:'16:12
crizisCorkyMoo: vim!16:12
SleepyPikachuI attempted to fix heartbleed by doing apt-get upgrade16:12
CorkyMooVim, Ouch..16:13
sasha-yop I'm wondering how I can write a script that sends me a push notification if a machine connects to the internet16:13
MaxSanWireless 726016:13
sasha-I'm looking at pushbullet's api right now, and my main concern is sending the push only once after it manages to connect16:13
crizisCorkyMoo: netbeans, sublime text, vim16:13
sasha-dunno how I should formulate the script, I'm quite a noob at bash16:13
basketballmy computer is slow is it because I only have 1 gb of ram16:13
sasha-(this is the API https://www.pushbullet.com/api)16:14
CorkyMooI will try nebeans thanks.16:14
SleepyPikachuThis is the output of sudo apt-get upgrade: http://pastebin.com/Agnw3V3F16:14
g105bCan anyone help me work out why pulseaudio won't start? (my audio does work, but I have to control sound through alsamixer) http://paste.ubuntu.com/7292556/16:14
SleepyPikachuCan anyone help me or tell me where I should go?16:14
alainghi I'm having problem with permissions16:14
alaingI've set my var/www/ to be owner www-data:www-data16:14
alaingbut I keep having to sudo16:14
alaingand changing owner/group for files16:15
alaingmy user is part of www-data group16:15
troulouliou_devsasha-, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17291233/how-to-check-internet-access-using-bash-script-in-linux16:15
troulouliou_devstart here16:15
sasha-kudos I'll check that out troulouliou_dev16:15
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SleepyPikachualaing: Why don't you just own the directory?16:15
Spidernetalaing: u changed the ownership of /var/ww to www-data but there are some configuration files that have root access and need to be changed16:16
SorenHolmGJPMiningco: sure. what's your trouble?16:16
trinodeif I want to find what a file looks like before modification, where can I download the original deb?16:17
alaingSleepyPikachu Spidernet : drwxr-xr-x+ 20 root      root       4096 Apr 18 20:50 www16:17
trinodeI got this far: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/pulseaudio16:17
OSaddictQuick question: Is a 802.11g driver compatible with a 802.11n network card?16:17
MaxSanMunster: Wireless 7260, an Intel card16:17
alaingSleepyPikachu Spidernet : drwxr-xr-x+ 12 www-data  www-data    4096 Apr 20 17:08 gallery16:18
GJPMiningcoI have a deditcated server at a Data center with 2 onboard nic card that is running ubuntu desktop 14.04, eth0 has a static IP and eth1 goes to a 8 port unmanaged gigabit switch. I need to know how to give the Systems connected to that switch internet access since they are all setup as DHCP for their IP addresses the Dedicated server needs to provide Net access to all devices connected to the switch which is connected to eth116:18
Spidernetalaing: change the permissions " chmod 777 www-data" because the file still belongs to root16:18
alainggallery is a direcotry16:18
SleepyPikachualaing: alaing Please use a pastebin; It's impossible to read in chat.16:19
alaingwith other folders and php CMS16:19
GJPMiningcoand Provide IP's and DNS servers also16:19
ice9how to install an older lib that isn't in the current repo?16:19
majodanyone has idea how to enable gpu acceleration in vlc? simply checking it doesnt work. ati gpu/ trusty16:19
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TrevorBradleyHey everyone.  Help!  My GRUB2 seemed to blow up after my 14.04 install.  I managed to boot from an install CD, verify my Linux Software Raid was still workig, and get boot repair up, but it doesn't work.  It gives me the following pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7292458/  Can anyone help?16:20
TrevorBradley*upgrade, not install16:21
SorenHolmGJPMiningco: Well for the DHCP-part you can seltup dhcpd like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/729259816:21
OSaddictIs a 802.11g driver compatible with a 802.11n network card?16:22
SorenHolmGJPMiningco: You can just change the dns-server to for the clients to use googles name server.16:22
raalexjoin #libreoffice16:23
GJPMiningcoWell they can use the Data Centers DNS servers16:23
raalexthat is not what I wanted to do16:23
SorenHolmGJPMiningco: Then you basically just need a couple of iptables rules to allow forwarning of the network-traffic.16:23
ekkabanovПривет, есть кто русский?16:23
MunsterMaxSan, scroll down to 4, http://askubuntu.com/questions/322511/no-wireless-with-intel-centrino-advanced-n-726016:24
MaxSanim running 14.0416:24
MaxSanyeh munter my kernell is version 3.13.0-2416:26
sasha-troulouliou_dev: well I tried that script, copied it out exactly and got 'pushtest.sh: 4: pushtest.sh: [[: not found' as the output :/16:26
troulouliou_devsasha-, works for me16:28
sasha-well.... how do I find out why it doesn't work for me :P ?16:28
troulouliou_devsasha-, read ; learn; test ; think :p16:28
troulouliou_devsasha-, pastebin eventually :)16:28
sasha-well there's not much to pastebin :P16:29
trismsasha-: did you try to expand a var in [[ ]] without quoting it?16:29
sasha-no trism16:29
GJPMiningcois there a way to scan for all IP's currently  active connected to eth116:29
djskajdiis it safe to update to 14.04?16:30
SorenHolmGJPMiningco: nmap -sP <eth1 IP>/<eth1 subnet>16:30
captinedjskajdi, what setup are you using?  I have my personal laptops on it and it is rock solid.  My vps server is still on 12.04 as I am following what some said about waiting for the 14.04.1 release16:31
stefgGJPMiningco: man netstsat16:31
jamfhi there!16:31
stefgGJPMiningco: man netstat  ... that is16:31
sasha-yeah so what do you mean to expand a var in [[`` trism ?16:31
djskajdinormal desktp machine16:31
sasha-yeah i dunno where the other part of the bracket is16:31
abhinavmehtaTrying to setup openvpn, getting this error on server side.. https://dpaste.de/XvSp16:32
trismsasha-: might want to just pastebin the script, though another question, are you trying to use [[ ]] in /bin/sh (which is dash not bash)16:32
sasha-that's the script16:33
=== EasterErry is now known as erry
stefgabhinavmehta: seems your certificate isn't generated correctly16:33
BluewolfHi all, when a new release comes out does it have the new features of the previous version. Eg 12.04s' features included in 14.04 as well as its new features?16:33
abhinavmehtacertificate generation went fine..16:34
abhinavmehtadid twice now..16:34
trismsasha-: yeah it was the first one, you didn't quote $?, if it expands to the empty string you get that error, though why it shouldn't have the return value I'm not sure16:34
stefgabhinavmehta: but read your error message: it's obvoiusly not fit for the purpose16:34
abhinavmehtaIf you like, I can paste steps..16:34
TrevorBradleyDifferent question then.. is there a way I can boot into my MDADM Software raid root partition from an install CD?16:35
abhinavmehtaI know, but net-net I don't know how to fix that.. thats why I need your help16:35
abhinavmehtaI'm setting up very basic openvpn16:35
abhinavmehtaIf you like, I can share step by step, I'm doing16:35
stefgabhinavmehta: SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate returned speaks for itself, doesn't it?16:35
abhinavmehtastefg: Yes Sir, but can you help me fixing it.16:36
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abhinavmehtaSince I don’t have clue16:36
stefgabhinavmehta: not really...16:36
sasha-trism: I really need to emphasize that I'm an absolute beginner in terms of bash16:36
proteneer_how can i apt-get my list of packages that need to be upgraded?16:36
abhinavmehtastefg: do you have done openvpn setup earlier.. ?16:37
stefgabhinavmehta: Google is your friend (in this case :) ) ... https://forums.openvpn.net/topic10828.html when you paste that into Google16:37
abhinavmehtastefg: for last 3 hours, I’m on Google. Some linode forum has something, but out of my head..16:38
abhinavmehtaso, thought to take some advice from firends16:38
stefgabhinavmehta: is that a dedicated server machine you're setting up?16:38
abhinavmehtayes, its dedicated VPS16:39
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stefgabhinavmehta: have you looked at zentyal or maybe webmin? that can facilitate things a lot, if you're not fluid on the cli16:39
djskajdiubuntu needs to install 80 new packets while upgrading to 14.04, is it an error?16:39
abhinavmehtastefg: Its baremetal, I’m good with CLI, not with openvpn16:40
VanKushplease can anyone give me a hint on how do i change keyboard layouts available in the lightdm greeter?16:40
HelpMEPLEASEhi, i am having problem installing python-numpy and python-scipy using apt-get16:40
* stefg still wonders that people tend to do upgrades. Backup, fresh install, restore wanted data is usually faster and results in a clean and *working* system16:41
brian____Looking for advice - filed Bug 1306237 several weeks ago and have updated with all info I can provide but with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 desktop OS I am having random files dissappearing from 2TB sata3 HD, ext4, disk.  Twice files disappeared after next morning reboot.   SMART disk check says drive is OK no errors, so does FSCK.16:41
HelpMEPLEASEi could not import numpy if i use apt-get, but if i install it from source, it works fine.16:41
ubottubug 1306237 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu 14.04 final beta - files disappearing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130623716:41
abhinavmehtastefg: Quick suggestion.. If I paste all my steps on one page, than it will be quick for you to read and point out, I’m doing anything wrong.16:41
trismsasha-: the script is working perfectly here though, I'm kind of confused why it isn't working for you16:41
sasha-yeah so am I :/16:41
HelpMEPLEASEhow do i fix it so that it works with apt-get16:41
abhinavmehtastefg: its all possible, if you know openvpn16:41
brian____I've had one instance where some of the files reappeared several days ... and thus several shutdown/startups later.16:42
trismsasha-: wait, how are you running it?16:42
brian____I've been using ubuntu a long time and EXT4 as well and I've never had anything like this occuring and would like advice about what else I might check16:42
sasha-...... oups16:42
sasha-ran it as sh script.sh, now I ran it as ./script.sh16:43
brian____I am only using 540GB of the 2TB drive16:43
abhinavmehtastefg: ?16:43
stefgabhinavmehta: i've never worked with openvpn selectively. I did  setup some SMB servers using zentyal and clearOS using their webgui. That's already a couple of years in the past, so i can't really help16:43
sasha-sorry trism16:43
trismsasha-: yeah that was it, dash doesn't have [[ ]], np, glad you got it working16:43
abhinavmehtastefg: np, thank you!16:43
brian____First noticed this problem with the Final Beta but I've been updated all packages last Thurs 17th and today... had files I've been working on for 3 days disappear?16:44
brian____again SMART tests and FSCK show disk is healthy OK  and no errors16:44
jamfI upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 yesterday, and now gnome is acting weird16:45
jamfI have installed gnome 3 from the ppas16:45
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jamfnow my terminals arent transparent, chromium doesnt shade and i have no launcher16:46
OSaddictDoes anyone know of a support channel like this, but for Windows?16:46
Guest75724quien español?16:46
bekksOSaddict: ##windows16:46
donniezazenIs Ubuntu 14.04 shipped with Java runtime pre-installed?16:46
bekks!es | Guest7572416:46
ubottuGuest75724: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:46
stefgbrian____: Just read your bug report. i find it quite unlikelythat a serious data corruption issue with ext4 would go unnoticed if this was a common behaviour. I tend to blame hardware...16:47
penguin42anyone done 'Graphite' (web graphing thing) on ubuntu - if so any idea how to move the root of the path as seen on the server?16:47
brian____stefg - I agree but as I said both SMART tests and FSCK don't show any errors at all.   I'm cloning the drive to a 2nd unused identical drive now just in case.   But its such a weird problem?16:49
penguin42brian____: So if I understand your problem is you're losing data on the running system but it reappears after reboot?16:51
MaxSanunity is being horrible16:51
MaxSanit wont start16:51
stefgbrian____: my take is that the *new* files (or their meta-info) never hit the actual metal, but only lived in the writeback cache... that doesn't explain while virtualbox files where missing. Waht can you say about your hardware?16:51
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trinodeok, anyone know why pulseaudio wouldn't load what's specified in /etc/pulse/default.pa?16:53
kmanHi guys does someone know how to upload screenshots here to get some advices?16:53
dysoco_I use Shutter16:54
anewkillall perl seems to work to terminate all my perl programs16:54
dysoco_you can take a picture and automatically upload it to imgur or some other place16:54
brian____stefg - ASUS Sabertooth 990FX r2.0 mobo, AMD FX8350 cpu, 16GB ddr3 ram, 3 - 2TB HD's only 1 used right now and formatted EXT4 ... system is little over 1 yr old16:54
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anewbut killall Autoview.pl16:54
anewdoes not16:54
anewanyone know why?16:54
kmani have the screenshot mate16:54
kmani need to upload here16:55
dysocouse imgur.com16:55
anewdysoco can you help16:56
anewkillall perl works but killall Auto.pl does not16:56
dysocoanew, run top or use ps to see the PID of the Perl script16:56
kmanok thanks dysoco16:57
anewi dont want to kill by PID16:57
anewi want to kill by name16:57
OerHeks!info pkill16:57
dysocowell maybe you can get the name via the PID16:57
dysoconot sure16:57
BluewolfHi all, when a new release comes out does it have the new features of the previous version. Eg 12.04s' features included in 14.04 as well as its new features?16:57
ubottuPackage pkill does not exist in trusty16:57
dysocowell you can use pkill too, of course16:57
excalibrCan someone give me the gsetting command to toggle minimize on click in 14.04?16:57
anewname is Auto.pl16:57
anewpkill kills by name?16:57
dysocotry 'pkill auto.pl'16:57
penguin42Bluewolf: Generally, sometime a few are killed off16:57
stefgbrian____: Looks like a gamer-rig... any overclocking, writeback-caching or other (stupid) stuff going on?16:57
brian____stefg - no overclocking... don't use games16:58
Bluewolfpenguin42: The ones that are surely of not of any value - generally?16:58
brian____stefg - I do alot with LXC, KVM, Openstack & sometimes Virtualbox  .. most work related stuff16:59
penguin42Bluewolf: Yeh generally, although that can depend if the guy who had to do the work to keep it working agreed it was valuable16:59
erryso i upgraded to 14.04 and i'm trying to use gnome, and whengoing to the network settings it says 'the system network settings are nto compatible with this version'17:01
stefgbrian____: hmmm... ok. I'm a pro also, but never, ever lost a file on ext4. i'd look into my mounting options in fstab. Might be a silly bug only occuring with THAT particular firmware and THAT particular kernel.17:01
anewno pkill didnt work either17:01
penguin42brian____: So this is a simple ext4 on a normal partition on a normal hard disk on a normal PC ?17:01
penguin42brian____: no encryption/lvm/virtual machine/etc17:01
Bluewolfpenguin42: Okay, exactly how much can 14.04 be customised?. Like with compiz as well as unity and could its interface be adjusted to look like Linux Mint Cinnamon for example?17:02
stefgbrian___ i'm just guessing, but my gut instinct says it might have something to do with the disks firmware. Are both of your disks the same make and series?17:02
erryseems to work in Unity tho17:02
NOkiguys i need ubuntu help17:03
NOkii can't get mta to run on wine pls17:03
NOkiand i need ahoma fonts pls17:03
penguin42Bluewolf: I don't know, I use kubuntu, so you can always just chuck unity out if you don't like it and use a different desktop17:03
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brian____stefg - yes all 3 drives were bought at same time.   ASUS mobo was updated to latest bios 7-8 months ago.   problem is recent.17:05
BluewolfAnyone else know how customizable Ubuntu 14.04 is, changing it appearence?17:05
brian____penguin42 - no encryption on drive...17:05
OerHeks!ops | Diegonese17:05
ubottuDiegonese: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!17:05
bekks!ops | Diegonese17:06
Fusl!ops ] Diegonese17:06
ubottuFusl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:06
unopasteDiegonese you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted17:06
Fuslunopaste: tnx17:06
FuslIdleOne: tnx <317:06
phillipklined :)17:07
Fuslso... who tried out 14.04 yet? is it better then 13.10 or any previous version? i'm planning to install it on my mbp17:07
leurianhow are you?17:07
kouskoushow are you ?17:07
=== luigi is now known as Guest51107
SpidernetBombo: hi17:08
trismexcalibr: it is on a relocatable schema so I'm not sure the right path to read/write the key with gsettings but: dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/launcher-minimize-window true; works17:09
stefgbrian____:  seems like a wierd problem. Me personally would take to similar sized disks, but of different vendors and raid-1 them. If i see resyncs in the logs i know that one of the disks has  a problem...17:09
Bomboi'm using ubuntu 12.10 but i don't find libsdl2, how can i install it?17:09
stefg!info libsdl quantal17:10
ubottuPackage libsdl does not exist in quantal17:10
stefg!info libsdl2 quantal17:11
ubottuPackage libsdl2 does not exist in quantal17:11
Th_rez_I've got an nfs mount in fstab that seems to work, except that it only seems to mount successfully after boot (and after start up various daemons and such)17:11
Th_rez_is there a way to get it to mount and then wait for it to be mounted successfully before continuing on?17:12
stefgTh_rez_: have you considered autofs?17:12
Th_rez_Sorry, I'm a relative novice at this... what's autofs?17:12
trismexcalibr: ahh it is: gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ launcher-minimize-window true;17:12
stefg!info autofs17:12
ubottuautofs (source: autofs): kernel-based automounter for Linux. In component main, is extra. Version 5.0.7-3ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 268 kB, installed size 1587 kB17:12
stefgTh_rez_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs17:13
Th_rez_Thanks, I'll check it out17:13
stefgTh_rez_: I think it's much more convinient to use that than troubleshoot your static nfs mounting17:14
STiKDiegonese must be having a bad easter lol17:14
Th_rez_It seems appropriate, I'll give it a try17:14
Lostdoes anyone here have both a rooted android phone, and also use ubuntu?17:15
stefgTh_rez_: it has a lot of advantages in a sitaution where you don't have a 24/7 running nfs server.17:15
HelpMEPLEASEnumpy manual installation works but not apt-get17:16
HelpMEPLEASEi have been searching for hours.17:16
HelpMEPLEASEI removed and reinstalled numpy scipy17:16
HelpMEPLEASEchecked with synaptic package manager17:16
HelpMEPLEASEif there are any borken packages17:17
HelpMEPLEASEhelp me please17:17
SpidernetHelpMEPLEASE: wat platform are u using?17:17
HelpMEPLEASEubuntu 14.0417:17
HelpMEPLEASEi downloaded the numpy manually17:17
k1l_HelpMEPLEASE: the package name is "python-numpy"17:18
k1l_!info python-numpy17:18
ubottupython-numpy (source: python-numpy): Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.8.1-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1548 kB, installed size 8539 kB17:18
k1l_no need to download anything from other sites17:18
Bombo!info sdl17:19
ubottuPackage sdl does not exist in trusty17:19
Bombo!info libsdl17:19
ubottuPackage libsdl does not exist in trusty17:19
SlartHelpMEPLEASE: are you using python2 or python 3?17:19
Bombo!info libsdl217:19
HelpMEPLEASEyes, i did apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy17:19
ubottuPackage libsdl2 does not exist in trusty17:19
stefgBombo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/libsdl2 ... seems you need to upgrade. only available from saucy17:21
stefgBombo: but quantal is nearing EOL anyway17:21
Bombostefg: compiling...17:22
k1l_HelpMEPLEASE: did you install "sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose" according to the numpy website?17:23
HelpMEPLEASEi did17:23
k1l_HelpMEPLEASE: and what is your issue with numpy now? does it work? do you get an error?17:23
HelpMEPLEASEand could not import the numpy17:23
stefgBombo: hehe... but you should really consider to leave quantal now. 14.04 is quite nice and *fast*17:23
Bombostefg: New release '13.04' available.17:24
BomboRun 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.17:24
HelpMEPLEASEImportError: No module named scipy17:24
k1l_Bombo: are you on 12.10?17:24
HelpMEPLEASEthe same for numpy and other modules k1l_17:24
Bombostefg: so i do that and i get 13.04, and then from there i could do it again to get 14.04?17:25
Bombok1l_: indeed17:25
trinodewhat the heck starts pulseaudio all the time? (it's not starting up right)17:25
k1l_Bombo: then upgrade to 13.04, then 13.10 and then 14.0417:25
stefgBombo: you'll have to upgrade thru 3 releases... Don't do. Backup, make a nice fresh install of 14.04, restore your wanted data.17:25
Spidernettrinode: add this; update-rc.d -f pulseaudio enable17:25
trinodeSpidernet: it is starting, but it's not loading the modules it should17:25
trinodeSpidernet: and it's running as the user who logs in17:26
c3lShould I use CompizConfig Settings Manager or Unity Tweak Tool to configure stuff?17:26
Bombok1l_: with do-release-upgrade?17:26
k1l_Bombo: yes17:26
ovrflw0x_what is the application launcher on left side called in gnome3?17:26
belak2Is there a way to change the icon of something in unity without messing around with replacing system wide .desktop files?17:26
Bombostefg: hmkay, or i do backup, then try upgrade ;)17:27
Lostif I export my firefox favorites list on windows XP, save the file(s) to a USB hard drive, could I then start ubuntu, and import them into the ubuntu version of firefox?17:27
VoidAtValhallaovrflw0x_: dash17:27
Spidernettrinode: cd /usr/sbin; ./pulseaudio17:27
Bombostefg: if it fails i still can do a fresh install17:27
k1l_Bombo: you can consider to make a 14.04 new install. might be faster with backing up your data and oput the data back after 14.04 install. just a choice17:27
Spidernettrinode: cd /usr/bin17:27
SlartLost: afaik you should be able to17:27
Spidernettrinode: ./pulseaudio17:28
trinodeE: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.17:28
trinodeE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.17:28
emmeteaso i was having some problems a few days ago booting back into windows 8 after installing ubuntu 14.04. i had been given the information to check out the UEFI community page and been told to use Boot-Repair. it wouldn't install, but i had put the bios into legacy mode. that wouldn't work, but it then went through a few boot options and after being a told a few times that there was no operating system, it finally booted grub2 with th17:28
emmeteae splash screen i had installed and would boot both linux and windows. however i hadn't "done" anything. should i bother trying to figure out why it worked or just accept that it works and hope it doesn't break again?17:28
trinodelike I said, it's running, but it's not loading some of the modules from /etc/pulse/default.pa17:28
stefgBombo: in my experience release-upgrades tend to break. Just think of all the wasted bandwidth. Be nice and tidy, gain a backup on the way and start with a fresh 14.04 install. I never release upgrade, but dual-boot the previous and the actual version for a while17:29
djskajdihow to get ubuntu version?17:29
Lostslart thanks17:29
trinodeI manually have to load the module using pactl17:29
stefgBombo: Nowadays a fresh install is so painless (on the right hardware) that i never bother to takethe smallest risk of breakage17:30
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Slartdjskajdi: lsb_release -a   should work17:30
red234324recommendations for an ubuntu power manager? xfce pm is playing up so time to try a new one17:31
VoidAtValhallared234324: big red button ? lol17:32
JohnDoryVoidAtValhalla: lol17:32
SonikkuAmericared234324: Are you using XFCE?17:32
red234324VoidAtValhalla, lol17:32
red234324SonikkuAmerica, yes17:32
SonikkuAmericared234324: You don't have too many options theb17:33
* SonikkuAmerica is an XFCE user himself17:33
red234324seems that way SonikkuAmerica, i like xfce though17:34
red234324on a laptop which powered off due to low battery, been a while since that happened, the xfce power manager isn't working so i'd like to try a new one17:35
CarlFKin a shell, cd into a dir of png's.  how do I bring up the window full of thumb nails, or the image viewer that has a "next" button so I can see them all ?17:35
SlartCarlFK: can't you just run nautilus ./   or something like that?17:36
SpidernetSlart: u can17:36
CarlFKSlart: that works.  thanks.17:36
stefgCarlFK: i'd imagine something like 'shotwell .'17:36
Odd-rationaleCarlFK: "eog ." also works17:37
some1234will upgrading from ubuntu 13 to 14 remove kde17:37
penguin42some1234: No17:37
Aaruniok, I'm on trusty, and print-screen doesn't work. launchapd says that a fix has been released, but I see no more upgrades in apt. help ?17:37
bekkssome1234: Which 13 do you have?17:37
xubuntu_EY =D17:37
bekkssome1234: Thats not an Ubuntu version.17:37
MannerManDoes anyone know a good alternative for Ubuntu Builder? Would like to make a customized 14.04 iso17:38
stefgAaruni: try again tomorrow. mirrors need syncing17:38
Aarunistefg, was it released today ?17:38
some1234I mean 13.1017:38
some1234will it remove kdm17:39
dcmgMannerMan: i just use `debootstrap'17:39
bekkssome1234: The answer was given already.17:39
stefgAaruni: i don't know. but even if a fix is released it needs to be built and propagated through the ecosystem. Could take a while, and trusty is only 3 days old17:39
dcmgand build it like a debian or ubntu dev would17:39
dcmgonly better :D17:39
k1l_some1234: why should it?17:39
Aarunistefg, the bug was reported on 20-2-201417:39
stefgAaruni: got a link?17:40
red234324gonna give this a go - http://askubuntu.com/questions/353076/sometimes-xfce4-power-manager-stuck17:40
Aarunistefg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/128264917:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1282649 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Unable to make screenshot with <PrintScreen> key in Unity session in Trusty" [High,Fix released]17:40
MannerMandcmg: Looks nice, can I load up the "desktop" and make changes the GUI way aswell?17:41
dcmgMannerMan: sure, just a lot of work17:41
dcmgbut if you do it right, i am sure the ubuntu or debian devs would be more interested in your work down the road17:41
dcmgman deboottrap, you will see that you can build against upstream releases17:42
MannerMandcmg: I see.. Ubuntu Builder made it so easy but its abandoned now and does not work with 14.0417:42
dcmgdebootstrap *17:42
dcmgMannerMan: ofc it doesnt, auto build systems never survive long17:42
dcmgmaybe 1-2 releases before they are completely broken, dont ask me why17:43
MannerMandcmg: You have a good point :)17:43
MannerManI also tried Ubuntu Customize kit or whatever it was called, but it was very limited17:43
MannerManwill look into debootstrap, seems as if its very powerful even though it's a bit more complicated17:44
stefgAaruni: hmmm.... did you do a fresh install? The hotkey mapping might be still broken17:44
Aarunistefg, yes, fresh install, around 20 hours ago17:44
dcmgMannerMan: it really is. try to think of it as your "base" without a boot loader. try just just deboostrapping a "chroot" and `chroot' 'ing into it17:45
dcmgas a first step17:45
MannerMandcmg: Will do, and I can create a ISO from this aswell?17:46
dcmgan ubuntu chroot made with debootstrap, is basically a fully fnctioning system but without a bootloader, and just sitting in a directory17:46
dcmgMannerMan: absolutely17:46
dcmgthe directory you are left with after deboostrap, should be your "iso root"17:46
MannerMandcmg: That sounds very handy, for more than just building a custom iso17:47
dcmgMannerMan: true17:47
basketballhow can i tell if adding more ram will speed up computer17:48
MaxSanso unity doesnt start, i switch to a cli with ctrl + alt + f1. then i try and restart unity but i get a dbus connection refused error as there is no display17:48
MaxSanwhat am i missing?17:48
stefgAaruni: I'd check that you positively have the rught version on your system... and maybe reopen the bug. Wouldn't be the first time that a 'fixed'  package  doesn't actaully fix it for every use case17:48
Aarunistefg, update : alt+printscreen works, for taking the current window only. other key combinations don't work17:48
Aarunistefg, right version ? its a fresh install, upgraded to latest packages by apt17:48
dcmgbasketball: it will only speed it up, if you are actually running out of ram completely all the time17:49
basketballdcmg,  how can i tell17:49
dcmgbut basically once half-3/4  your ram is gone, most OS kernels start behaving differently17:49
dcmgbasketball: use   htop17:49
dcmgsudo apt-get install htop17:49
stefgAaruni: I'd reopen the bug...17:49
basketballdcmg,  and if it is not out of ram???? what can i do to speed it up17:50
dcmgbasketball: use a lighter desktop, install less program, only install smaller programs17:51
dcmg1 2 317:51
aguitelhow install mate desktop in 14.04?17:51
jusama14Is lubuntu the lightest Ubuntu based distro?17:51
basketballdcmg,  i am running htop what do i look for17:51
subz3r0jusama14: yes17:51
dcmgbasketball: the ram and swap usage17:51
dcmgbasketball: preferably you are not using swap at all, it is very slow17:51
basketball670/992 memory17:52
jusama14subz3r0, thanks. Do you think I'll be able to run it with 256 ram allocated to it on a VM?17:52
dcmgright ok, basketball you could benefit from more ram17:52
stefgAaruni: can it be that you have a laptop keyboard on the 'fn' layer ?17:52
basketballswap 45/101117:52
subz3r0jusama14: yes. not that fast. but it will work. tested it here too with lubuntu 12.0417:52
dcmgbasketball: make sure that swap crap doesnt happen17:52
Aarunistefg, fn+printscreen doesn't work either.17:52
jusama14oh ok sweet17:52
dcmgthat is what is slowing you down so much17:52
Aarunistefg, also, how do you re-open a bug? I am logged in.17:52
dcmgbasketball: just try to not use as much ram, and if you have to set the swappiness level very low17:53
basketballdcmg,  will it speed up computer enough to be worth $4517:53
stefgAaruni: you cann click on the 'fix released' line17:53
dcmgbasketball: not really17:53
basketballdcmg,  the swapiness level is 1017:53
hplcis it a major win to compile the apps yourself on a low-grade machine?17:53
jusama14subz3r0, do you have any experience with open vswitch on ubuntu?17:53
dcmgbasketball: a new computer with nearly that much ram is only 45 dollars now, raspi , android etc17:53
basketball2 gb of ram is like $39.9917:54
subz3r0jusama14: yes. worked with it today. but not in ubuntu. used it with tiny core17:54
basketballfor my laptop17:54
dcmgwell if you really like the computer, yeah go for it17:54
dcmgnot all that much money17:54
jusama14subz3r0, can I pm you?17:54
dcmgbut if it was 1000 i would say "no way!"17:54
basketballdcmg,  how much will it speed it up17:54
dcmg100 *17:54
dcmgbasketball: none17:54
dcmgit will make it less likely to use swap17:55
Aarunistefg, the options are greyed out, I can't change.17:55
dcmgand that will speed it up17:55
dcmgbasketball: indirect effect17:55
dcmgnot using swap, will greatly speed your system up17:55
dcmgbut if you disable it all togerth, that also can cause problems17:56
dcmgcan cause the OS to hang17:56
basketballdcmg,  should I buy 2 X 1 gb sticks and replace both 512mb or just one 1gb and replace one 512mb so i have 1.5 mb17:56
dcmgreplace both yes, and make sure you are using the right frequency17:56
bekksbasketball: check the manual for the configurations supported before planning to buy RAM.17:56
dcmg^ aye17:57
basketballdcmg I ran a cruical test and i need ddr2 pc2-530017:57
LinuxGuruz32 bit will run faster than 64 bit with only 2 GB if thats the case.17:57
bekksLinuxGuruz: Thats nonsense.17:57
LinuxGuruzI've tested it17:57
bekksWhich doesnt mean much, because technically, it is nonsense.17:58
LinuxGuruzand Ubuntu even recommends it17:58
k1l_LinuxGuruz: that is nonsense17:58
aguitelhow install mate desktop in 14.04?17:58
redrum_ruben] Ubuntu rules!!17:58
LinuxGuruzits on thier download page17:58
basketballbekks,  do you aggree with dcmg  will getting more ram speed up my computer17:58
k1l_LinuxGuruz: ubuntu did recommend 32bit because there is still 32bit-only hardware out there. thats it17:58
bekksbasketball: Yes.17:58
k1l_aguitel: install the mate desktop package17:59
dcmgLinuxGuruz: dont make gross generalizations, people will just jump down your throat17:59
dcmgLinuxGuruz: but in general you are obviously correct17:59
arthurfiggisbasketball: depends on what you're doing with your computer :) if you're playing games it helps to an extent but i find video cards and processors make a bigger difference there17:59
k1l_basketball: it will speed up things but doesnt make any wonders. so see if you want to use a more lightweight desktop or reduce the eyecandy17:59
LinuxGuruzJust offering him another cheap sullution17:59
basketballk1l_,  will it stop the freezing18:00
bekksLinuxGuruz: It isnt any solution at all. It is nonsense.18:00
yoyomamais this the ubuntu help channel, IRC newb here18:00
k1l_basketball: i dont know what causes the freeze?18:00
dcmgyoyomama: yes it is18:00
basketballidk when i have a lot of stuff open and typing in chrome or libre it freezes18:01
yoyomamaok then, I used to use ubuntu 10.04LTS on my macbook2,1, but switched to ubuntu12.04LTS18:01
OerHeksoh, cinnamon removed, mate in repo's ..18:01
k1l_basketball: what cpu is that?18:01
k1l_OerHeks: yes18:01
basketballidk how do i find out18:01
yoyomamathe problem I am having is that I have no idea how to right-click anymore.  control+left click doesn't work. the mouse settings menu doesn't have any way to set right click either18:01
k1l_basketball: "lshw"18:02
basketballk1l_,  and switching betweeen windows is slow18:02
k1l_basketball: is it unity?18:02
k1l_use unity-tweak-tool to reduce the eyecandy (like shadows, etc) to make it more fluid18:03
herowHello all18:03
herowJust upgraded to Trusty Tahr18:04
basketballk1l_,  PPCI (sysfs)18:04
herowhowever now it seems I can not run more than 1 instance of VLC18:04
herowanyone knows why ?18:04
k1l_basketball: that is your CPU? i dont think so18:05
SchrodingersScatherow: did it reset the setting to only allow one instance?18:05
basketballk1l_,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7293261/18:05
dupingpingHow to register new loco team?18:05
yoyomamaanyone know how to change right-click settings in ubuntu 12.04LTS? the mouse settings doesn't list anything...18:05
xanguaherow: did you check that option in vlc preferences?18:05
herowhmm good one to check Xangua18:05
basketballk1l_,  under unity twak tool which is eye candy under18:06
k1l_dupingping: #ubuntu-community-team18:06
k1l_basketball: see the menue entries and try18:06
k1l_dupingping: or better: #ubuntu-locoteams18:07
interwebHello , I wanted to upgrade my ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 but I have canceled it in the middle of work . and it has cahnged my ppa's . How do I can upgrade it to 14.04 ?18:07
herowthx Xangua18:07
herowhow could I be so stupid to overlook that18:08
dw1interweb: maybe do-release-upgrade will continue the process18:10
interwebdw1, How ?18:10
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dw1interweb: do-release-upgrade from terminal18:10
k1l_interweb: can you please put that in a pastebin?"uname -a" "cat /etc/sources.list" and "lsb_release -a"18:11
dw1interweb: listen to k1l :)18:11
loginixnetflix on ubuntu is so much more awesome18:12
dw1interweb: notice i said 'maybe' implying i dont know what im doing :p18:12
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loginixyes runs so smooth i love it18:15
loginixi remember the days when this wasn't possible on ubuntu18:16
Uninstall2hello *18:18
Uninstall2does anyone knows where I can find QtWebkit 5.2 packages?18:18
SonikkuAmerica!info libqtwebkit18:19
ubottuPackage libqtwebkit does not exist in trusty18:19
SonikkuAmerica!info libqt5webkit518:19
ubottulibqt5webkit5 (source: qtwebkit-opensource-src): Web content engine library for Qt. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.1-1ubuntu8 (trusty), package size 8088 kB, installed size 32959 kB18:19
SonikkuAmericaWe have QtWebKit 5.118:19
Uninstall2SonikkuAmerica: yes, I know, but I can't really understand why18:23
Uninstall2and I'm looking for some unofficial backports or something like that18:24
k1l_!ppa | Uninstall218:24
ubottuUninstall2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:24
k1l_search in that list if you find a ppa for that18:25
untrothyI'm trying to run a command as another user but I don't understand why -u doesn't work. sudo -u my-user 'my-command' gives me "my-command command not found"18:25
DJonesUninstall2: I doub't there would be backports to  14.04 as its only just been releaed, if there isn't a ppa, you probably looking at compiling it yourself (which obviously isn't supported here)18:25
Uninstall2ok, thank you18:26
Uninstall2shipping Qt 5.2 with some components from Qt 5.1 is a bit confusing :/18:28
basketballk1l_,  did you see what cpu i have18:31
k1l_basketball: yes, its not really a powerfull cpu. but should be enough for unity18:32
basketballk1l_,  my laptop is 6 years old18:32
basketballk1l_,  besides ram what else can speed up my laptop18:33
basketballk1l_,  too expensive18:33
bekksbasketball: 120GB SSD for less than 100$.18:34
tflbasketball: but affective18:34
a7i3nuse a lighter window manager like i3, awesome, or lxde18:34
loginixi got 240 SSD for $10018:35
basketballbekks,  and tfl  wouldnt it be cheaper to just buy new laptop than spend on ram and ssd18:35
tflbasketball: 'lshw'18:36
bekksbasketball: If you get a new, current, laptop with "enough" RAM and a SSD for 140$ - then go for it. Or upgrade your laptop instead.18:36
basketballbekks,  are there places that sell this stuff really cheap18:37
tflbasketball: whats your cpu?18:37
basketballi pasted before18:37
chokesmasterhow come this is still not solved? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/129489918:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294899 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "Import saved VPN connection has been Recently Broken" [High,Confirmed]18:39
k1l_chokesmaster: help the maintainer to fix the bug18:39
tflbasketball: i'd upgrade with your specs just cause a good replacement definatly would be much more18:40
chokesmasterI would like to but why it is not assigned? and why it worked in earlier daily build?18:40
chokesmasteris it possible to get an earlier package?18:41
chokesmasterI tried to find one  but to no avail18:41
ActionParsnipchokesmaster: can you manually bring up VPN in terminal?18:42
timmmaaaayyyanyone able to help troubleshoot or get an asus wireless card?  just installed ubuntu, it joins wifi, but i can't ping anything18:42
chokesmasterlet me try18:42
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: what wifi chip?18:42
lyntooanyone can help me about ubuntu 14.04 chromium or google chrome flash player settings, I have choose external windows for playing video and there was bug (no option bar to forward time movie) and I want to switch back to internal chromium flash player. Not found in google search, I already try to delete .config/chromium and .adobe with no results, same results like purge adobe and chromium. Seem like another config file that I missed   (don't want simple18:43
lyntooawnser like delete and recreate user)18:43
basketballSorry, the program "compiz" closed unexpectedly18:43
basketballYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.18:43
timmmaaaayyyrealtek   maybe rtl8192ce?18:43
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: sudo lshw -C network ,will tell you for sure.18:43
bekkslyntoo: chromium has no builtin flash player. chrome has.18:43
timmmaaaayyyyep, rtl8192ce18:44
chokesmasterActionParsnip, I can connect with the terminal18:44
ActionParsnipchokesmaster: then you have a workaround for now. I suggest you add that to the bug18:44
chokesmasteropenvpn --config the_vpn_file.ovpn18:45
chokesmasterI still don't understant how this was not a show stopper bug...18:45
basketballtfl http://paste.ubuntu.com/7293509/18:46
ActionParsnipchokesmaster: most normal users dont use vpn18:46
chokesmasterthis was working in a daily build about 3 weeks ago!18:46
basketballbekks,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7293509/18:46
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: echo "options rtl8192ce ips=0 fwlps=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/wififix.conf > /dev/null18:47
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: reboot to test18:47
bekksbasketball: What am I suppossed to see in your pastebin? Why should I look at it?18:48
bekksbasketball: "Full sentence please."18:48
basketballbekks,  that is the output of lshaw my cpu18:48
bekksbasketball: And why do you show it to me? I didnt even ask for it.18:49
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timmmaaaayyyActionParsnip: done.  same issues.  any commands you want to see now?18:51
BlitzHereOkay, can anyone help me set up a samba share? I'm not sure how it works but I want to be able to access my home folder from both my phone and tablet18:51
lyntoobekks: thanks for the hints, I mess with 2 browser chromium and google chrome with pepper adobe. simple solution delete chromium (i feel like dumb pfhehe)18:51
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: delete the file you made. Are there any bugs reported?18:51
BlitzHereI set the floder to share and samba is installed, but what are the Server host, user name and password that I have to enter on my mobile device?18:52
ActionParsnipBlitzHere: install openssh-server and you can use an SFTP client, you can also access it securely over the web if you port forward TCP/22 on your router18:52
timmmaaaayyyi see alot of stuff about this wireless card being difficult....but the fact that its found and joins wifi without a problem makes me believe its fixed in newer versions18:53
timmmaaaayyymaybe not though18:53
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: can you ping yoir router's internal IP?18:53
timmmaaaayyyi can only ping myself18:53
timmmaaaayyywlan0 ip and localhost is all the pings18:54
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: wel yes, that will always work18:54
timmmaaaayyywell if it can't talk to the NCI you sometimes can't ping the adaptors IP....btu yea, that's extremely rare18:54
BlitzHereActionParsnip, Oaakaaay, I have no idea how to do that but let me install and mess about18:55
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: try: sudo dhclient3 wlan018:55
ActionParsnipBlitzHere: install a package? You have no idea how to install a package?18:55
timmmaaaayyyrtnetlink answers: file exists18:55
timmmaaaayyyi think i'm just gonna go buy a new wifi adaptor.  and i'll avoid this chipset18:57
dw1when i run deluser <user> <group> and remove a user from a group, why does it still show up when I run id18:57
timmmaaaayyythanks for the help ActionParsnip.18:57
dw1i want to remove the group, but then i get a terminal error 'cant find name for group' .. if im not in the group anymore why would it look18:58
mrpokeylopecan anyone help me with a cron/script problem?18:59
leuriantell us your problem18:59
leuApodowe are earing you18:59
mrpokeylopei have a script that tars a minecraft world folder and uploads it to dropbox every night. if there's a file that's older than 5 days in the folder it should delete the file and then remove it from dropbox as well19:00
ActionParsniptimmmaaaayyy: check what works and buy that19:00
mrpokeylopethe problem is some times it works, some times it doesn't19:00
mrpokeylopeI have it setup in my crontab with @daily and the user path19:01
ncpmrpokeylope, do you get any errors? perhaps mail to root (unless i forwards to your user)19:01
ncp*unless it's*19:01
mrpokeylopeyeah, if you don't tell the output where to go isn't it supposed to mail it to the user?19:01
mrpokeylopeor is the default root19:02
mrpokeylopefor cron19:02
ncpcheck your /etc/aliases?19:02
ActionParsnipmrpokeylope: each user gets its own crontab19:02
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mrpokeyloperight, I thought it would mail me the output or errors of the operation if it rain into it, but I don't have any mail when I login19:03
mrpokeylopeI can check root though19:04
ncpmrpokeylope, all my users forward to root, and just added my email to root.. (etc. root: my@email.com)19:04
BlitzHereActionParsnip: No, I meant I had no idea about SSH19:05
mattdorianhello, i switched to Kubuntu 14.04 a few days ago because a big windows crash (4 different malwares, who killed nearly all my backups). Now I want to mount my external hdd, but Linux cant mount it. Whatever solutions I try, nothing happens. And Linux did not mount it automatically. I really need help!19:05
BlitzHeremattdorian: Format of the drive?19:06
AaronDCampbellI tried to update from 13.10 to 14.04, but there were a couple snags and then the updater crashed and told me to run "dpkg --configure -a" ... which gives me a bunch of errors: https://gist.github.com/aaroncampbell/1a3b66017b2e0c238ff519:06
ncpmattdorian, what filesystem your backup using?19:06
waseem_I was doing # aptitude dist-upgrade on one my servers. Silly me I was not using screen. I was disconnected with the internet for a couple of minutes and afterwards the SSH session stopped responding. During upgrade I was being prompt to edit one of configuration files for a program(mysql) when I was disconnected. I had to kill the SSH session and start a new one. Now when I do # aptitude dist-upgrade I can19:07
waseem_not get lock on dpkg. It says it is used by another process. When I # ps aux | grep dpkg, I see two instances of dpkg in the list. I don't know how do I get into those processes. Should I kill those instead and let next dist-upgrade do its thing?19:07
mattdorian@ncp: my filesystem is ntfs. @ BlitzHere: I dont want to, because I want to rescue the data.19:09
mattdorian@ncp: its with two partitions, one of them is a truecrypt container19:09
ncpmattdorian, can you mount the two ntfs partitions?19:11
ncpor it that the problem?19:11
waseem_Okay so I killed the processes and did # dpkg --configure -a. Everything seems fine now. :)19:11
Hakus1Hello Guys, i'm using 14.04 and my compiz is using 48%~50% of cpu. Is anyone having this issue?19:11
waseem_Thanks for listening folks. It's 4/20 today, you know what to do. :D19:11
k1l_Hakus1: under 10% on here19:12
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izanyone use silc-client with ubuntu?19:13
izseems like the last time there was a package for it was lucid 10.04?19:14
Hakus1k1l_:  hmmm... thanks19:14
BlitzHereOk, so, it turns out that ubuntu gave my router two different mac addresses and is connected simultaneously via ethernet cable and WiFi. Is this normal?19:15
cunningham91can anyone here help me with a problem im having after updating to 14.04?19:16
izBlitzHere: each network interface has a mac address, so your router should have two different mac addresses, one for the wifi and another for the wired19:17
BlitzHereiz: p2p1=eth0?19:18
cunningham91after updating to 14.04 i can login but then after about 15 seconds my screen goes black19:18
AaronDCampbellI'm getting this: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba-libs_2%3a4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 119:19
GJPMiningcowhat is the command line to assign a IP to eth1 i want to assign it the IP of with a netmask of
jacksparrowcan someone educate me on this19:22
jacksparrowcan ubuntu server be run from USB entirely all the time19:22
dannixonjacksparrow: I don't see why not but it is a bad idea19:23
jacksparrowwhy would you say that19:23
k1l_jacksparrow: yes19:23
dannixonjacksparrow: USB flash storage is more liable to faults than traditional spindle drives for repetative write cycles19:25
jacksparrowbut could the USB just host the OS and then add and external drive19:26
dannixonjacksparrow: You could, byt that is a better setup when your OS can be loaded entirely into memory, which I don't think Ubuntu Server can19:27
ma5t3rw1ttI have a quick question. I have found documentation about the reasoning why Hibernate is disabled by default. I have reanabled it but its showing only for Ubuntu and I am running Lubuntu, any help for this?19:28
jacksparrow@dannixon, which OS do u think would suit my setup19:28
jacksparrowmy computer wont recognise the drive so i need a workaround19:29
dannixonjacksparrow: There are OSes designed for this use, but they tend to be very application specific (e.g. FreeNAS can be booted from almost anything and runs from memory under normal use)19:30
ma5t3rw1ttThe same documentation on re enable Hibernate on Ubuntu is the same for Lubuntu correct?19:34
jacksparrowok dannixon thanks a lot19:34
ncphas /etc/aliases been moved or added into other conf? can't find any aliases file in my /etc/19:39
ncpno MTA is installed on my 14.04, could this be why?19:41
bekksncp: yes.19:42
ncpbekks, though so :) thanks19:42
=== Leo_Verto is now known as Leo_Vertoff
BlitzHereActionParsnip: Thanks, allowing anonymous logins worked. A bit insecure but should do the job for now, and my network is private anyway19:46
k1l_!away > Leo_Vertoff19:48
ubottuLeo_Vertoff, please see my private message19:48
MaxSanwhen i login all i get is my desktop background. unity does not load. I have tried everything to fix this to success. any help would be much appreciated19:48
emmeteawhats a good gui program with 14.04 to add users to a new installation19:49
ActionParsnipemmetea: its in system settings. adduser in terminal is useful to learn19:49
AyonaeHello. I have lost the 'Show Desktop' icon on my Unity launcher. I have Saucy.19:49
trinodeok pulseaudio is seriously winding me up19:50
ActionParsnipAyonae: could use the shortcut Shift + Win + D19:50
trinodeit's just unloading a bluetooth module19:50
trinodeloads it at startup, decides to unload it19:50
trinodehave to manually load it and it sticks19:51
AyonaeActionParsnip: Thanks, give a sec to boot up something with a windows key and try it.19:51
AyonaeActionParsnip: If it works I will look at keybinding an alternate key (I have a chromebook with coreboot and Ubuntu)19:52
ActionParsnipTrinode: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload19:52
emmeteaActionParsnip, i normally use that but i need to leave this computer for my mother-in-law to use and she is migrating from windows19:52
ActionParsnipemmetea: how many users is she going to be adding....19:53
emmeteai don't know, she has four other kids besides my wife plus grand children19:53
trinodeActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=16e40cb2046dcd7806d355e4911b85c7e0482f7519:53
ActionParsnipemmetea: i see. I believe its under the system settings cog in top right19:54
AyonaeActionParsnip: shift+win+d is not working: It pops up file search filter instead19:54
emmeteaActionParsnip, thank you kindly. i learned from dealing with my parents growing up that i hated doing tech support for them over the phone once i wasn't around so it is just easier being prepared for that kind of thing19:55
Joufflujust installed 14.04 but only a guest account showed up,, i remember creating a user with pass. tried going into term and using "sudo" but permission denied. :-/19:55
trinodeActionParsnip: the module module-bluetooth-discover is loaded at startup then a few seconds later unloaded, in order to get bluetooth a2dp devices to connect I need to pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover19:56
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MaxSanive tried everything im totally stumped19:56
AyonaeActionParsnip: I've just discovered settings->appearance->behaviour has a checkbox to restore the show desktop icon in the launcher19:56
wafflejock_emmetea: I find hangouts to be pretty good to help people remotely since you can screen share19:57
MaxSanwhen i ctrl + alt +f1 to get a terminal up it will let me do dconf reset as there is no X11 display loaded19:57
ActionParsnipMaxSan: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue19:57
AyonaeActionParsnip: Ah, with this icon re-enabled, the super+d works again!19:57
ActionParsnipAyonae: sweet as :)19:57
wafflejock_MaxSan: you can try reinstalling Unity if your unable to repair it19:57
emmeteawafflejock_, the thing with google+ ?19:58
wafflejock_emmetea: yeah just need gmail accounts19:58
ActionParsnipMaxSan: no need to pastebin. Its a single line of output19:58
wafflejock_emmetea: it's now really their IM and video chat all under the title of "Hangouts" but the video portion works cross platform and can screen share and video chat which I think is good19:58
emmeteawafflejock_, i haven't tried that yet, i'll have to look into it since my portable is a chromebook. thank you19:58
MaxSanwaiting laptop switch back on needed abttery19:59
Ayonaeemmetea: Also have chromebook but run ubuntu on it. However I have used google hangouts and it really works well.19:59
ActionParsnipTrinode: are there any bugs reported. My sound fixing ability is small19:59
trinodethere are reports of that module not loading at all20:00
AyonaeWow, other Chromebook users. How times have changed since 2012 when I got mine!20:00
trinodeActionParsnip: closest thing is this:- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/127461320:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1274613 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "module-bluetooth-discover does not load on login" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:01
emmeteaAyonae, yeah i first got mine at the end of 2012 because i'm not a fan of sharing my computers, but i thought it would be good since i was going back to college and people always seem to be asking to look something up or chek their email20:01
MaxSanActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l20:02
ActionParsnipMaxSan: have you tried a noncompositing session like xfce?20:02
MaxSani got the unity source, changed a single like to remove whitelisting and recompiled it.20:03
MaxSanit worked fine for that session now after i turned laptop back on20:03
MaxSannothing loads20:03
ActionParsnipMaxSan: we cannot support self compiled apps, we can only support the packages from the repos20:03
wafflejock_true hard to test something we don't have in hand20:05
emmetealast question, does anyone happen to know if devede in 14.04 has fixed some of the issues people were complaining about with it in 12.04 ?20:07
ActionParsnipemmetea: never had an issue with it20:08
rebluesnever had an issue with devede20:09
MaxSanActionParsnip: how do i reset it?20:09
MaxSanas in. how would i reset the standard version20:09
MaxSanso i can try the same thing20:09
MaxSanas im 98% sure it will have the same result lol20:09
ActionParsnipMaxSan: reinstall the unity packages20:09
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oliver_Does anyone know how i can fix RDP from (i think) not being able to bind to a port at startup?20:09
k1l_!away > g00fy|BNC20:09
ubottug00fy|BNC, please see my private message20:09
emmeteajunka: i was just reading the reviews and some people had mentioned its interaction with menecoder sometimes causing problems. i just didn't want to leave some software on that a new linux user might have issues with and be un able to figure out why20:10
ActionParsnipMaxSan: sudo apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -l | awk {'print $2'} | grep unity`20:10
emmeteathough i am a bit confused as to why it conflicts with mplayer ?20:11
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emmeteawould anyone happen to know why when installing devede  it says that mplayer conflicts with it?20:14
compdocoliver_, what rdp did you install?20:14
MaxSanit works again now i still have the original problem of no new tray icons allowed to be added20:14
MrokiiHello. I can't get the 14.04 upgrade to work, because the "could not calculate the upgrade"-error, which is mentioned here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/449546/ubuntu-13-10-to-14-04-lts-does-not-upgrade-keeps-showing-error#comment590353_449546 , however the solution given there didn't work for me.20:14
lagboxin 14.10 is swappiness set like high or something20:14
oliver_Xrdp, it was working but i did something and it keeps stopping20:14
AyonaeMrokii: Here's a silly question, but have you checked your disk space?20:14
xangualagbox: swappiness by default is 6020:15
lagboxi must have it turned down in the past20:15
bekkslagbox: the default of swappiness is set to 60 for years now.20:15
lagboxnever have i had so much swap use20:15
MrokiiAyonae: 7.9 GB are free20:15
MaxSanActionParsnip: is there any way around that without me recompiling unity then ?20:16
circ-user-CAYfZa quick question about 14.04 - using nvidia proprietary drivers, it takes ages to launch lightdm, and then once it loads, it disappears for 2 seconds until finally coming back and then I can log in. anyone experience something similar?20:16
lagboxi find my boot time is longer than before  circ20:16
ActionParsniplagbox: you can set it lower in /etc/sysctl.conf20:16
ActionParsnipMaxSan: around what? If you reinstall the packages it will put back the official binaries20:17
emmeteathank you everyone for your help20:18
AyonaeOne other question: How do I avoid a system lock up when a network drive I have mounted fails on a LAN?20:21
Lukas1321does anyone know any differences between ubuntu and ubuntukylin?20:21
k1l_Lukas1321: its the chinese ubuntu20:21
AyonaeWhen I mount a network drive from that server, and the server crashes, my machine locks up. IO error etc.20:22
Lukas1321k1l_, i'm asking about feature differences and all that20:22
k1l_Lukas1321: see second answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/420774/what-is-the-difference-between-ubuntu-kylin-and-ubuntu-with-default-language-chi20:23
penguinmanAyonae: you could check out this link http://www.tldp.org/LDP/nag/node142.html. perhaps setting a timeout in fstab might solve that.20:23
trinodeis there a way to get offered to over-write all config files that have changed?20:23
trinode(back to original versions)20:23
Ayonaepenguinman: thank you20:24
Sir_LetoIs it possible to install over the linux distro I'm currently using without totally effing up my bootloader?20:24
Sir_LetoI'm dual booting right now20:24
hasek79i am running 13.10 and i wanted to get a screensaver, should i get xscreensaver20:25
penguinmanSir_Leto: what do you mean by messing up your bootloader? Ubuntu is really good at detecting dual boot situations20:25
Lukas1321k1l_, the thing i'm worried about is whether it has chinese gov't spyware20:25
Sir_LetoUsually when I install something it'll leave behind the boot options for the previously installed OS20:26
Ayonaepenguinman: Thank you for this. I see that I have to soft-mount the drive.20:26
amtkhdkrhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/450097/problem-with-optirun-bumblebee hello can anyone please take a look at this? thanks :)20:26
AyonaeLukas1321: You're welcome to look at the code. It's the only way to be sure. It seems these days you get to choose chinese, american or british govt spyware in your closed source software :-)20:27
k1l_Lukas1321: well it doesnt have official chinese government spying software. of course.20:27
penguinmanpersonally I'd rather have chinese spyware than American spyware considering the chinese gov't can't arrest me for being a dissident :P20:28
amtkhdkrbeen facing this problem for a long time, would appreciate any sort of help!20:29
Ayonaepenguinman: i see this hard/soft mount is for nfs only?20:30
penguinmanyes. Is your network drive not NFS?20:30
Ayonaepenguinman: No we use CIFS because no-one here understand NFS and not all our machines are *nix20:31
Ayonaepenguinman: I should have said that it was CIFS. I am sorry.20:32
ActionParsnipAyonae: id use SFTP personally. Works over WAN and by default will mount the user's home you connect with20:33
penguinmanAyonae: hmm, not really familiar with CIFS.20:33
rebelCoder14.04 Is great!20:33
Ayonaepenguinman: In an ideal world, yea, we'd also have a server that didn't do unscheduled reboots :-)20:33
penguinmanms really needs to start supporting NFS...ugh20:33
penguinmanespecially considering Macs use it too.20:34
Leo_Vertookay, reconfigured znc to not use awaynick on freenode20:34
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xRanieriWolfI think I just found my home.20:34
xRanieriWolfWhat's up my friends, I'm currently running Windows XP and a complete noob at programming/electronics/etc.20:35
Ayonaeit stands for "eXtra Powerful". it's the best windows.20:36
Spidernetxp is really the best20:36
penguinmanXP is a security hole with a GUI...20:36
bekksAnd really end of life.20:36
AyonaeActionParsnip: It seems you;re right. SFTP looks to be able to handle a disconnect without locking the client. But what we do run and what we should run ... *sigh* Do you know of anyway to sort this under CIFS?20:38
xRanieriWolfI tried installing Ubuntu LTS (forget the version name, possible 10.4?) and when I run it, It can't install the broadcom wi-fi adapters?20:40
a7i3n /quit20:40
AyonaexRanieriWolf: 10.04 is very old. the version number is the year and month of release (2010 april). hardware support in a newer LTS will be much improved.20:40
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: 14.04 should work with broadcom just fine. my laptop has that and it works out of the box.20:40
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xRanieriWolfOkay. How would I install the broadcom drivers on my windows partition, and transfer it over to my Ubuntu partition?20:41
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: even handles the keyboard on/off switch20:41
AyonaexRanieriWolf: do you have a flash drive?20:41
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: it's supported in the newer kernels without 3rd party drivers20:42
ActionParsnipAyonae: not sure. I dont use CIFS.20:42
bekksxRanieriWolf: Thats nit going to work that way.20:42
xRanieriWolfAhh, okay, I will use a flash drive.20:42
Ayonaepenguinman: 10.04 is EOL I think. You were talking about security holes with a GUI? :-)20:42
xRanieriWolfAnd what are most driver extensions?20:42
penguinmanAyonae: yeah, 10.04 is OLD.20:42
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: unix filesystems don't really work that way.20:43
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: file extensions don't really mean much in Linux.20:43
holsteinxRanieriWolf: you can use synaptic to generate download scripts for what you need.. you'll get "wget" commands to download the needed packages..20:43
bekksEven in Windows they do mean nothing.20:43
SexMachineWhen is 14.04 coming to AWS?20:44
AyonaeActionParsnip: It's oK. Thanks for your help though. It is much appreciated.20:44
bekksSexMachine: When Amazon deploys it.20:44
xRanieriWolfPenguinman, can you recommend a good site/book to learn these basic questions without having to ask people that are probably gonna get annoyed with all the basic questions?20:44
SexMachinebekks: What's wrong with Amazon?20:44
holsteinSexMachine: not sure what AWS is, but ask AWS when they plan on implementing20:44
bekksSexMachine: Ask them.20:44
ActionParsnipxRanieriWolf: i suggest a clean install of Trusty.20:44
xRanieriWolfLet me google it20:44
ActionParsnipxRanieriWolf: ubuntu 14.0420:44
bekks!trusty | xRanieriWolf20:44
ubottuxRanieriWolf: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes20:44
penguinmanxRanieriWolf: the latest version. 14.0420:44
SexMachineholstein: i think we should know AWS better by now20:45
ActionParsnipxRanieriWolf: released this week20:45
xRanieriWolfTHANKS A LOT20:45
holsteinSexMachine: ? i dont know what AWS is, but nothinb about 14.04 is preventing AWS from implementing 14.04.. its out, and freely available20:45
SexMachineshame on holstein20:46
penguinmanholstein: AWS is Amazon's cloud infrastructure. Basically Amazon VPN.20:46
arlenamazon vps*20:46
penguinmanerrr, VPS I meant20:46
SexMachinejust a google away20:46
penguinmansorry, have VPN on the mind. just started running a new one.20:47
novasonicis there anyway to track dependencies of x-window-system?20:47
holsteinSexMachine:  the facts above are true, regardless of what, or if i know what AWS is..20:47
holsteinSexMachine: ask them for it..20:47
AyonaeI can't imagine what percentage of the world's end user websites are on AWS. Must be over 20.20:47
SexMachineholstein: i understand. Mr. bekks gave me an answer for that.20:48
SexMachineshame on holstein20:48
OSaddictHow do you view PMs on Xchat?20:48
bekksSexMachine: Oh stop that now, please. I have no clue about AWS - but only can answer your questions about their technical infrastructure.20:49
k1l_SexMachine: please stop that attitude immediatly. no need to go ad hominem20:49
AyonaeOSaddict: They should each have a tab20:49
hamadrilenesalut tout le monde20:49
k1l_!fr | hamadrilene20:49
ubottuhamadrilene: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:49
OSaddictAyonae: Oh, I see. Thanks.20:49
SexMachineit's sunday. i'm just joking...20:49
SexMachineshame on me20:49
lagboxswappines=10 definatley helped a bit20:53
lagboxi wonder if setting it to 0 would be better20:53
jm123just ran mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdc1 for some reason pressed ctrl c20:55
jm123now my sd card isn't showing up in gparted when trying to reformat20:55
jm123did i just kill this card for good?20:55
OSaddictjm123: Try taking it out and putting it back in, then run Gparted.20:56
jm123OSaddict: did this, still notthing20:57
OSaddictI don't think you can make a card permanently unusable by corrupting its data. You can always recreate the partition table and reformat.20:57
lagboxnow if i could just get chromium UI to stop looking like it is on a touchscreen with huge spacing20:57
jm123OSaddict: I hope so too20:58
OSaddictjm123: What /dev stuff do you see in the Gparted pull-down?20:58
junkajm123, try blkid on a terminal20:58
junkathen reformat based on /dev/sdX of your card20:59
jm123here is the output of blkid20:59
jm123one sec, putting into pastebin21:00
junkayou have other removable devices connected?21:01
OSaddictjm123: Could /dev/sdb possibly be your SD card?21:01
jm123that's an external hd21:01
junkawhat about sda?21:02
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jm123sda is my main hdd i think21:03
OSaddictBecause jm123 canceled the formatting, there will be no usable partition for that device. It won't show up on blkid.21:04
jm123sda1 (/boot/efi) and sda2 (/)21:04
ActionParsniplagbox: chromium spacing isnt too huge, or do you mean the OS as a whole?21:04
OSaddictjm123: Does /dev/sdc show up in gparted?21:04
jm123OSaddict: no id doesn't21:05
lagboxActionParsnip, my address bar and tab font is to large ... and the addressbar dropdown takes up the whoel top of the screen with white bars on the side21:05
lagboxlike it was meant to be on a touch screen21:05
OSaddictjm123: Try rebooting. That helped me with device problems before.21:06
lagboxnot how chromium looked when i was on 13.10 ... but this might be a weird issue with the Font21:06
ActionParsnipLagbox: not seen that and I use Chrome browser...21:06
lagboxyea i know21:06
lagboxyou probably have the expected behavior21:06
jm123OSaddict: haven't done that yet, hopefully this is the fix21:06
jm123OSaddict: thanks21:06
lagboxpretty much this has been an issue for over 2 years and they haven't fixed it21:07
ActionParsnipLagbox: is this in Ubuntu?21:07
OSaddictjm123: Can you see it now in gparted?21:07
lagboxubuntu 14.04 64   ... new install ... old home21:07
ActionParsnipLagbox: strange indeed.21:07
lagboxyes ... very very very annoying21:07
igoryonya_hello, I have an asus k52d. Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, after one of the updates the builtin monitor stopped getting backlight as soon as a graphical login screen is loaded and also, the desktop environment. I presume, it's something to do with an x server. The screen has backlight all the way from BIOS, grub, loading the os, up until the graphical login screen appears. What to do?21:07
ActionParsniplagbox: tried renaming the chrome config folder then relaunching the browser to get default setings21:07
lagboxActionParsnip, if i load up a guest session ... it is the same21:08
ActionParsniplagbox: gotcha21:08
RudyValenciaHi, what happened to Likewise Open in Ubuntu 14.04?21:08
lagboxpretty much chrome should be using my gtk font and it isn't or can't and it seems like it is locking some type of default font-size and scaling21:08
bekksRudyValencia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LikewiseOpen21:09
ActionParsnip!info likewise-open trusty21:09
ubottuPackage likewise-open does not exist in trusty21:09
Term1nalSo I'm playing with ubuntu MAAS, waiting on the import boot images to finish, how big exactly -are- the boot images? I'm like 6 gigs in and it's still not done yet.21:09
RudyValenciaso it's PBIS Open now, OK21:09
Term1nalThere's a message that if it takes longer than expected, to check the logs, but I don't know -which- logs to check to see if it's not communicating with the maas api21:10
OSaddictWhat exactly does the linux-firmware package do?21:13
k1l_OSaddict: installs prop. firmware for some stuff21:13
k1l_!info linux-firmware21:14
ubottulinux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.127 (trusty), package size 18489 kB, installed size 58462 kB21:14
OSaddictInstalls firmware? You mean it overwrites firmware on  my cards and BIOS?21:14
penguinmanOSaddict: no, it's just proprietary firmware compiled intot he kernel21:15
jm123OSaddict: no success with the reboot21:15
k1l_OSaddict: not all drivers are in the kernel. so that package is needed for some hardware21:16
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k1l_!away > chorrell-away21:17
ubottuchorrell-away, please see my private message21:17
RudyValenciabekks: thanks, I installed PBIS Open and I can access my domain now21:17
Term1nalAny idea how large the ubuntu pxe-boot-images for MAAS are exactly?21:18
OSaddictOK I see.21:18
jhutchinsOSaddict: Firmware is the flexible code that manufacturers use to allow for things like diffrent frequency ranges for WIFI in different countries.  It's not quite firmware in the traditional sense that it's semi-permanently loaded on the hardware, rather it's loaded each time the device is enabled - usually the driver loads the firmware when it's loaded.21:19
bekksRudyValencia: What is that and what is it for?21:19
jhutchinsOSaddict: Mostly seen on wifi, a few ethernet cards, and specialty hardware.  Winmodems were probably the first things that used it in it's current sense.21:19
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RudyValenciaPowerBroker Identity Services Open Edition, it's the new name for Likewise Open (Windows Domain authentication package)21:20
bekksRudyValencia: thats the first sentence of the article. And it absolutely doesnt answer my questions :)21:20
bekksRudyValencia: Why do I need a "Windows Domain authentication package" if I can just use LDAP/AD?21:21
igoryonya_I have a backlight on the notebook from BIOS until the grapical login screen, then I have to use a flashlight to see what's on the screen. How to fix it?21:22
Ayonaeigoryonya_: Try nomodeset, it does fix odd backlight problems21:23
binBlobSomeone having experienc here with perf? Mine cand find the vmlinux and the sources. How to fix this ?21:23
Ayonaeigoryonya_: If that doesnt work, look at ACPI21:24
jhutchinsbinBlob: perf?21:26
binBlobjhutchins: yes look at this wonderfully empty wiki page about it https://perf.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page21:27
linxehhi - how do I enable MATE (the version that ships with 14.04)? I've installed standard x86_64 desktop21:30
razorbuzzGood afternoon / Happy Easter. I just updated to 14.04, had a few issues, so ended up doing a "reinstall" from the install media. Home folders were kept, but users were deleted. Do I just recreate the same user, rename the userfolder, and update permissions?21:31
razorbuzzAnd followup: One of the users had an encrypted Home. I know how to access them as another user, so I can just move them into the recreated user, but is there a way to maintain the encryption?21:31
igoryonya_Ayonae, where do I find nomodeset?21:32
john123Hello, does anyone know if you can "startx" inside a chrooted environment? I've been trying to boot my system but my screen just goes black. When I boot from a USB and chroot into my system, startx says there is no displayed available, trying to figure out where my problem lies. Using GummiBoot on UEFI21:32
razorbuzzjohn123: Install xnest, that'll allow you to startx inside a chroot by creating a seconding "display" for the new x session21:33
xanguarazorbuzz: for the encrypted home folder you just have to create the same user and password, you could do also with the others21:33
john123razorbuzz, thank you will try that out21:33
razorbuzzxangua: I thought of doing that, assumed it'd be too easy of a solution. uid's being different and all.  I'll give it a go though, thank you.21:33
ActionParsniplinxeh: mate doesnt ship with 14.0421:33
ActionParsniplinxeh: there is cinammon in the official repos21:34
ActionParsnip!find mate21:34
ubottuFound: classmate-artwork, classmate-tools, gir1.2-mate-wnck, libmate-desktop-2-17, libmate-desktop-dev, libmate-desktop-doc, libmatekbd-common, libmatekbd-dbg, libmatekbd-dev, libmatekbd4 (and 34 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mate&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all21:34
junka!find mate-desktop21:34
ubottuFound: libmate-desktop-2-17, libmate-desktop-dev, libmate-desktop-doc, mate-desktop, mate-desktop-common21:34
junkamate is the repos21:34
ActionParsnip!info mate-desktop21:35
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB21:35
ActionParsnipSo it is21:35
Ayonaeigoryonya_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313221:35
linxehok - I'll google up; I battled with the unity madness before, and I've just clean reinstalled. I just want stuff to work normally :/21:35
k1l_ActionParsnip: cinnamon was kicked out of ubuntu and debian recently. but mate was taken in21:35
ActionParsnipLinxeh: install the package, log off then log into the new session in your login screen21:35
linxehActionParsnip: yeah. done that. still end up with unity21:35
linxehclearly I'm doing something wrong :)21:36
ActionParsniplinxeh: did you change the session in the dm?21:36
junkayes you need to change DE21:36
ActionParsniplinxeh: if you just log off then log on and dont change anything then obviosly you will log back in to Unity session. Your system isnt psychic21:37
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Sky-linuxDo I have free shell?21:38
k1l_Sky-linux: this is the ubuntu support channe21:38
ActionParsnipSky-linux: how do you mean?21:38
Sky-linuxshell account21:38
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ActionParsnipSky-linux: yes when you open a terminal you are using your account in the shell21:39
Sky-linuxonline ActionParsnip21:40
k1l_Sky-linux: can you please rephrase your ubuntu support question?21:40
ActionParsnipSky-linux: i dont follow you. Will you please explain the issue fully21:41
pseudonymousHey. I can't administer cups via the web interface.. I've added "Allow all" to every <Location> block in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf AND ensured my user is in lpadmin (AND rebooted).. what to do21:42
ActionParsnippseudonymous: the cups web ui by default is accessible by your user. What happens when you acces http://localhost:63121:43
majodcan someone explain if TRIM is enabled on all SSDs in trusty, or only on certain brands? i've read somewhere it's supported only on samsungs and intel21:44
pseudonymousactionparsnip: no it's actually accessible by default - and so I get the web interface (as I'd expect) from visiting that url. I just can't do any administrative actions21:44
ActionParsnipMajod: yes its enabled (providing the device supports it)21:44
bekksmajod: It is supported on all SSD. If in doubt, manually enable it.21:44
SpidernetActionParsnip: it works..... for administrative actions set a password for the root account and use it21:45
majodActionParsnip: bekks thank you both21:45
pseudonymousSpidernet: not for me, tried that.. Initially trying ot login as root resulted in the login box reappearing after a while (timed out, sort of) - not it's returned IMMEDIATELY..21:45
ActionParsnipSpidernet: wont running the web browser using gksudo do the same?21:46
pseudonymousSpidernet: not=>now --- as in, setting a root password results in the login attempt being immediately rejected21:46
amlonhow can I view location data of an mp4 video in ubuntu?21:46
trismActionParsnip: linxeh parts of mate are there but not enough to be useful, packaging in debian is still ongoing http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/status:debian likely to need at least mate-session-manager which only just recently landed in unstable21:46
ActionParsnipamlon: mplayer may be able to tell you21:46
mrtAkdenizWhenever I want to install VMware Workstation21:47
mrtAkdenizon the half of the installation process, it goes Uninstall process :S21:47
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holsteinmrtAkdeniz: is this relevant http://askubuntu.com/questions/449310/vmware-workstation-10-0-1-install-wont-work-14-0421:47
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue21:47
Spidernetpseudonymous: first set root password and reboot ur machine.. login in with ::other accounts: it will ask u for the username and password.. it will pop up again for the password to be reentered, enter it and u will be logged in.. i use it and it works grt21:48
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l21:48
mrtAkdenizholstein, I checked, I move install bundle's path21:48
mrtAkdenizand wanted to install as su21:48
mrtAkdenizstill same.. :(21:48
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: su isnt a user....21:48
john123razorbuzz, what should i be expecting from Xnest? I've ran 'Xnest :1 -ac &' and its running in the background, my DISPLAY is set to ':1', running for example firefox does not complain that there is no display to be shown, but nothing appears, also when typing xterm nothing pops up. Am I missing a step?21:49
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: sudo21:49
pseudonymousSpidernet: I don't want to log into the desktop as root, I just want to administer my printers via the cups web interface21:49
mrtAkdenizI get privileges by sudo su21:49
mrtAkdenizand Did chmod +x for bundle21:49
pseudonymousI can't understand why Ubuntu even bothers deliberately b0rking the web interface.. It's by far the best means of administering cups >_<21:49
k1l_mrtAkdeniz: that is a wrong command. see man sudo.21:49
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: sonas root, not as su21:49
ActionParsnipSo as*21:50
mrtAkdenizwhat I need to do?21:50
john123razorbuzz, I'm thinking its because I still dont have X running... as startx says no screens are found21:50
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: run the installernprefixed with sudo21:50
razorbuzzjohn123:  [startx -display :1]  inside the chroot environment.21:50
razorbuzzif you set the display to :1, as you stated21:50
Spidernetpseudonymous: u can forget about cups and install system-config-printer or otherwise use ur username and password for the cups administration21:50
mrtAkdenizyou mean "sudo VMwa..." ? ActionParsnip21:50
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: yes but with ./VMware..21:51
pseudonymousSpidernet: i have that already, but the UI frankly sucks and it's missing a host of options :( That's why I'm keen to get the web interface working21:51
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: so the interpretter uses pwd21:51
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, I did as u said, now on the configrations of Installation21:51
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: if you are not running the script as root, try that21:51
mrtAkdenizit gives "root" not my username21:52
mrtAkdenizDo I need to add my username here?21:52
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: maybe referencing http://fazlearefin.blogspot.ca/2014/03/vmware-workstation-10-not-working-on.html would help21:52
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: no21:52
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: sudo command.. or sudo -i will give you a "root shell"21:52
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: become your user and use sudo. This is how Ubuntu is intended to be used21:52
rauch_Anyone experience mouse/keyboard freezing? Have to switch to another TTY and back to get it working again21:52
mrtAkdenizholstein, that guide for after Install21:52
mrtAkdenizI have problem with installation process..21:53
Spidernetpseudonymous: so what are you seeking for now21:53
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: is there no possibility to use virtualbox?21:53
razorbuzz@john123:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot  about 2/3rds of the way down the page (or ctrl+f xnest)21:53
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, if that won't work, I will go for VirtualBox :\21:53
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: i would either try a repo appciation such as virtualbox, or https://www.vmware.com/support/contacts for vmware support fo the product they provide21:53
pseudonymousspidernet: in a nutshell, full administrative access via the web21:53
majodis there any way i can check if ati DPM is working? or is it even available in trusty?21:54
KuwangerI'm not quite sure if it's a bug or something else, but some times ctrl+c/ctrl+z in bash in screen doesn't seem to work.  Is there a reason for that?21:54
Spidernetpseudonymous: have u check the groups you belong to? probably you are not part of the sudo group21:54
jhutchinsmajod: DPM?21:54
mrtAkdenizholstein, As I said, I will try if It won't work :\ but I don't want virtualbox really, it feels like "old and slow"21:55
majodjhutchins: dynamic power management21:55
wyeHey, installed the new xubuntu a few days ago. I'm getting dropped to an initramfs screen, I ran ubuntu boot repair but it didn't do anything. Here's the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7294702/21:55
holsteinmrtAkdeniz: its just a supported, in repo option..21:55
n-iCewye: #xubuntu21:55
pseudonymousspidernet: the ubuntu docs says I should just need to be part of 'lpadmin' (which isn't true, it seems) - But I'm a member of: adm,cdrom,sudo,dip_plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare21:55
mrtAkdenizholstein, I know :\21:55
rymate1234hey, how come the scrolling behaviour with a touchpad isnt consistant? for example, in system monitor the scrolling is precise, whereas in firefox it just seems to emulate a scroll wheel21:55
mrtAkdenizanyway holstein , Is there a log file for that installation? Maybe It will help21:56
Spidernetpseudonym: ok the groups are even enough... does the gui allow you to add printers and manage the jobs with respect to the classes?21:56
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, I used "sudo ./VM.." still same.. It went to "uninstall" on the half of the Installation process21:57
jakecan someone help me with ibus real quick, I am having issues on xubuntu 14.0421:57
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rauch_Anyone experience mouse/keyboard freezing? Have to switch to another TTY and back to get it working again21:57
wyen-iCe: I figured my problem was beyond the desktop flavor so I posted here.21:58
ActionParsniprauch_: once its working again, run: dmesg | tail ,see whats going on21:58
mrtAkdenizoh holstein ActionParsnip, It gave me an error on terminal21:58
mrtAkdenizit says : File "/usr/lib/vmware-installer/2.1.0/python/lib/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 021:58
mrtAkdenizSyntaxError: ('unknown encoding: ISO-8859-1', ('/usr/lib/vmware-installer/2.1.0/python/lib/sqlite3/dbapi2.py', 0, 0, None))21:58
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: sounds like a bug21:59
ActionParsniprauch_: are the devices plugged into USB3 ports?21:59
mrtAkdenizWill something change If I install sqlite3 manually?21:59
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: worth a punt21:59
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, worth a punt? I'm not English, I dunno phrases :\22:00
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: yes, give it a go (basically)22:00
mrtAkdenizoh ok ^^22:00
DaghdhaI just tried upgrading but it warned me my gfx is not supported and i might end up with a realy slow system :( So i cancelled it. *snif*22:01
DaghdhaBut i did onderstand right that in future more chipsets will be supported and i may have one that will then be supported?22:01
mrtAkdenizSomeone using AMD Radeon HD 7670M ?22:01
annikkawoodsI got origin downloaded through playonlinux but every time I try to open it the error that Wine crashed comes up. I'm a novice with this and don't know what to do now. I'm not really finding answers in the forums.22:01
jakedj93I cannot switch to other inputs using ibus, when I press add, it flashes for a second then goes away22:01
jakedj93anyone know how I might fix22:02
lagboxanyone use swappiness 0 ?22:03
kevinheeeey. something up with ubuntus package repository site? Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)22:03
kevinwhen trying to do an apt-get22:03
k1l_lagbox: i dont use swap at all22:03
lagboxas in you don't use a swap partition ?22:04
pvl1lagbox: im currently not using any swap22:04
k1l_lagbox: yes. with enough ram and no hibernation i am fine22:04
pvl1kevin: try changing servers22:04
lagboxi have 6gb never had an issue with running out of memory ... maybe ill set swapiness 022:05
minimecDaghdha: COuld you be more specific? So you have 13.10 running, but Ubuntu warns you that your GPU will not be supported anymore? Could it be that supported in the restricted driver ended, and that the card will now (only) be supported by the opensource driver?22:05
ortixhi guys, i can't seem to get vnc or xrdp to work on my ubuntu 14.04 machine22:05
ortixi keep getting a gray screen no matter what I do22:05
ortixi have pretty much tried every solution i could fin22:05
ActionParsnipOrtix: what are you wanting to do on the remote PC when you get it working?22:06
ortixi need to access the router to which its connected22:06
ortixActionParsnip: i need to do some configuring inside a browser22:07
ActionParsnipOrtix: could use an SSH tunnel, set your browser to go down the tunnel then access the router's web page.22:07
ActionParsnipOrtix: a bit sleeker22:07
ortixhmm sounds like a solid plan22:08
ortixActionParsnip: just google ssh tunnel windows 8 i assume?22:08
ActionParsniportix: you set thentunnel up using putty, then set the http proxy in your web browser to localhost port whatever22:09
mrtAkdenizActionParsnip, holstein keep in mind guys, I tried "sudo LANG=en ./VM.." and now It works22:09
trismjakedj93: which ubuntu version? in recent versions you configure your input methods in System Settings/Text Entry22:10
ActionParsnipmrtAkdeniz: nice22:10
mrtAkdenizI am using Turkish version of ubuntu, I think problem was because of Unicode22:10
mrtAkdenizanyway, thanks for helps :) have a good day Sir22:10
jakedj93Xubuntu 14.0422:11
trismjakedj93: hmm not sure how it is configured on xubuntu22:11
jakedj93I don't see this "Text Entry" anywhere, I can get to an Ibus preferences page22:11
jakedj93that seems to list everything I have installed just fine22:11
ortixActionParsnip: i;m in thanks22:12
jakedj93when I click add it adds for for a millisecond then takes it off22:12
Daghdhaminimec; the setup said it detected (i am paraphrazing)  that i have a Graphics chipset that's not supported and as a result upgrading to 14.04 (From 12.04) might result in a slow, almost unusable, desktop.22:12
jakedj93I had to install ibus on synaptic, so I am not sure if I am missing something22:12
Daghdhaminimec; then the text said they advice not to upgrade and the NO option was highlighted22:12
k1l_Daghdha: the 12.04 to 14.04 upgrade will be opened on 24th july22:13
ActionParsnipOrtix: people use vnc for all sorts of stupid stuff instead of actually thinking then realising their is a better, quicker and sleeker solution.22:13
DaghdhaI used some commandline feature22:13
annikkawoodsOkay, got Origin up and running, but now I need to change the resolution because I didn't change it when I installed it. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall?22:13
DaghdhaThat starts the update.22:13
ActionParsniportix: so i alwaysnask the purpose of the connection. I can usually give a better solution22:14
Ayonaeannikkawoods: Is this EA Origin?22:15
annikkawoodsAyonae: Yes it is22:15
SKELETR0Nis there a way to upgrade to 14.04 from term?22:15
minimecDaghdha: Could you give us the output of lspci of that machine. Paste it on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link. I guess your card is still supported. But indeed, if you are on 12.04, you could stay on that distribution and wait for better support for your card in the opensource driver.22:15
SKELETR0Ni have a VPS server without xwin22:15
SpidernetSKELETON; do-release-upgrade22:15
rwwSKELETR0N: to 14.04 from what?22:16
pseudonymousOk this is past the point of being ridiculous22:16
Daghdhaminimec http://pastebin.com/48DnHK7722:16
pseudonymousDoes *anyone* have a working /etc/cups/cupsd.conf where they can log in an add a printer via the web interface ?22:17
rwwSKELETR0N: 12.04 to 14.04 upgrade offering is disabled until 14.04.1 to give the repositories time to settle down and get stability fixes. You can override that with sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:17
Daghdhahmm radeon 2100, i coulda swore it had intell22:17
k1l_SKELET0R: that update to 14.04 will be opened on 24th july. when 14.04 will become 14.04.122:17
SKELETR0Nrww: thanks!22:18
ActionParsnipSKELET0R: you can force the upgrade but i suggest you wait for the first point release22:18
ActionParsnipSKELET0R: is Precise working for you?22:18
SKELETR0NActionParsnip: I dont know if precise is working, im using digitalocean and it let me just upgrade the kernel to 14.04 but i want the dependencies upgraded to because yeoman is being quirky22:19
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waltercoolA little question, I want to install Ubuntu on a specific btrfs subvolume, can I do it using a livecd?22:20
trismjakedj93: there is an ibus bug referenced in the xubuntu 14.04 release notes, could be related to why it isn't working for you: bug 128463522:21
ubottubug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu Trusty) "IBus does not support certain keyboard layouts" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463522:21
waltercoolI know, Ubuntu usually uses @ for root, but I have a custom btrfs subvolumes for my Linux distros and other partitions22:21
trismjakedj93: it is the reason ibus wasn't installed by default for you22:21
lagboxim hoping all this latency is from swappiness22:21
ActionParsnipwaltercool: yes, use the 'something else' option and set the partition as /22:21
darkangelcurious* When u have a Ubuntu development branch version, could Ubuntu developers, do Development in ur computer?22:22
ActionParsniplagbox: are you using a non compoziting window manager?22:22
lagboxwell unity compiz22:23
waltercoolActionParsnip: Yes, but will install Ubuntu on a subvolume called @, can I specify the subvolume name?22:23
lagboxi think it is the swapping22:23
Daghdhaminimec and also http://pastebin.com/mQqQE6ZC22:23
ActionParsniplagbox: install xfce4, log off and log in to XFCE, may make it faster for you. Or if you are using Precise then try Ubuntu 2D session22:23
waltercoolActionParsnip: I need it for a custom /boot and a predefined / called Ubuntu22:23
lagboxhaven't had this prob before ... but then again this is the first time i have any ubuntu version installed in 6422:24
minimecDaghdha: Ok. So there is (at least) basic support for your card in the opensource 'radeon' driver. One solution would be to test the performance with a 14.04 install CD/USB. You could then check if the performance fits your needs. I guess support will be ok for normal computer work, but not for extensive gaming. Lucky as you are, you can always stay on the 12.04 LTS and wait for newer radeon driver versions with better support.22:24
ActionParsnipwaltercool: as long as you set the partitions it should be fine as far as I know.22:24
Daghdhaminimec thanks, i shall be patient.22:24
minimecDaghdha: Looks like support for your card with fglrx was even dropped before 14.04.22:24
ActionParsnipDaghdha: there is a legacy ppa for older radeon chips22:25
minimecDaghdha: You might be surprised... These open source drivers arent that bad anymore, at least for certain cards.22:25
waltercoolActionParsnip: But Ubiquity don't give you a subvolume option =/22:26
minimecDaghdha: ActionParsnip: that would also be worth a try...22:26
ActionParsnipwaltercool: i see22:26
waltercoolminimec: Opensource radeon isn't a bad driver btw22:26
lagboxActionParsnip,  i will see how the next boot goes after some new settings go into place .. should remove the swapping issue22:27
waltercoolminimec: a lot of Steam devs are using the opensource instead binary, because supporting "mesa" drivers will support intel and radeon at time ;)22:27
minimecwaltercool: I only use it on a very old pentium m with a radeon 9600, and its faster than the fglrx driver ever was at the time. So I agree...22:28
jamesdhow do i disable compiz for a login on 14.04?22:28
xangua  jamesd ubuntu unityuses compiz22:29
k1l_jamesd: install and use another dsktop then unity.22:29
jamesdhow do i put it on a diet... i'm running in a vmware don't need fancy graphics... its a pig22:29
k1l_jamesd: use unity-tweak-tool to remove eyecandy like shadows etc. or use the lxde desktop22:30
Ayonaejamesd: Try lubuntu (lxde) or you do need a gui? You can run headless.22:30
Ayonaejamesd: You might also be able to enable 3d acceleration in the hypervisor22:31
Daghdhaminimec THat GPU is coming from inside my CPU? WOuld buying a more recent faster CPU with more recent GPU help?22:33
jhutchinsDaghdha: A newer chipset is LESS likely to be supported now.22:36
minimecDaghdha: I cannot give you an answer, as I don't have much experience with amd/ati cards anymore. It looks like the AMD people are beginning to collaborate quiet well with the opensource community, and there will be a lot of changes for the fglrx driver in the future. That's all I heard.22:38
Daghdhajhutchins: Newer than my current, it will still be pretty old as this mobo don't support new bleeding edge CPU's22:39
Daghdhaminimec i decide i will not upgrade22:39
DaghdhaInfact it's hard to even find CPU's for this mobo22:40
minimecDaghdha: That's ok. If you are still happy with 12.04, why not.22:40
codygmanI need help with .Xmodmap and making my macbook pro act like its not a mac keyboard: http://paste.debian.net/94746/22:41
DaghdhaYes, i am. Thanks for help minimec. Everyone else. CU :)22:41
alketdo you know any good "collaborative sketch" ?22:44
netwrkmstrHi everybody.22:48
s7xAny ideas here? I am trying to get Guitar rig to work under wine. It loads up just fine, but I cannot seem to select any other input device other than pulseaudio which doesnt allow me to select my USB hardware(soundcard/device) so do I need to fix this from a wine standpoint? I tried installed jackd server but still can only select pulseaudio in wine as the audio device (sound card)22:49
netwrkmstrWhat type of sound card do you have?22:50
s7xi have internal and then the USB sound card i plug my guitar into is tascam us-10022:52
energizerhey i think i have a problem -- do i? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7295090/22:52
netwrkmstrinto your browser? yes22:53
s7xenergizer: cpu getting too hot?22:53
s7xenergizer: stop overclocking22:53
energizerim not!22:53
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playxhi. some parts of my desktop are totaly blur. any help?22:53
s7xenergizer: do you have corsair hydro cooler?22:54
tarepandaI made a software RAID 5 array with mdadm and it's reporting 6.6 TB as opposed to the 9 TB I'd expect (3 TB x4). Is anyone around who could help me work this out?22:54
s7xnetwrkmstr: any ideas?22:54
energizers7x i don't have corsair hydro22:55
s7xenergizer: get one? are you using stock cooler?22:55
Ayonaeenergizer: Is this a machine that is running some process that is using the cpu continually tha you want stopped. or is this a hardware cooling question?22:55
energizers7x ya from intel22:55
s7xenergizer: also, is hyperthreading turned on in bios? what cpu do you have?22:55
energizerIntel® Core™ i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz × 822:56
krabadorhi, i need to chroot ubuntu from live, i've a separate /home22:56
s7xenergizer: try turning off hyperthreading, and making sure speed step is turned off and also what someone else said, check top to make sure a process isnt eating up CPU22:56
krabadori must mount it or i can leave it unmounted?22:56
s7xenergizer: or get a real cooler, stock coolers suck22:56
ghostx562how to hide all these join/leave messages on xchat?22:57
tarepandaOr does anyone know a better channel for me to get mdadm/RAID help on?22:57
s7xkrabador: depends on what u need to do, if u need to modify something in /etc as root, then dont need /home22:57
playxhere is an example: http://postimg.org/image/yr4ahetnd/22:57
Ayonaei dont see why he needs to adjust anthing. if he isnt overclocked and it's not running 100%, then it's a hardware issue. intel stock coolers on the boxed processors are OK so its proababy jammed up with dust or the airflow in your case is poor22:57
Ayonaeenergizer: Sorry my line above is meant for you22:58
Ayonaes7x: What issue do you have with the intel stock cooler?22:58
s7xAyonae: I dont have one at all, someone else did where CPU was 98C22:59
Ayonaes7x: They aren't like the cheap GPU ones22:59
ghostx562got it22:59
s7xAyonae: hyperthreading can raise cpu extra amount too and hyperthreading is pretty pointless for most applications22:59
energizerAyonae: I didn't think of the cpu-killer process idea. i checked my sysmonitor, and banshee was taking 75% cpu. back down to 68 degrees now23:00
jakedj93Is anyone else using Xubuntu 14.04 and using Ibus successfully?23:01
Ayonaeenergizer: I would clean the fans and make sure there is airflow inside the case, then monitor the system carefully until you're sure it won't cook off23:01
s7xenergizer: even with cpu at 100% shouldnt get that hot tho unless like someone said, bad airflow, hyperthreading, etc...23:01
Ayonaeenergizer: You can blow smoke into the case to see the airflow path23:01
Ayonaes7x: While I agree that turning it off might help, he shouldn't need to unless he has a hardware problem23:02
s7xexcept there are mostly disadvantages from a application standpoint to running hyper threading, faster to leave it off (for most people)23:02
energizerya i don't think i have a problem anymore, just banshee was acting up in the background. i have the case open. down to 50 degrees now23:03
s7xAny ideas here? I am trying to get Guitar rig to work under wine. It loads up just fine, but I cannot seem to select any other input device other than pulseaudio which doesnt allow me to select my USB hardware(soundcard/device) so do I need to fix this from a wine standpoint? I tried installed jackd server but still can only select pulseaudio in wine as the audio device (sound card)23:03
=== s7x is now known as sta7ic
energizersta7ic:  you think its worthwhile to get corsair hydro tho, just in general?23:04
Ayonaesta7ic: I find that quite controversail, do you have benchmarks etc for it?23:04
Ayonaeenergizer: More cooling will be good. Just it might be noisy.23:04
sta7icenergizer: not if you can stay cool, but even with cpu at 100% shouldnt get 98C23:04
sta7icwhen not overclocked23:04
RiotingPacifistloginctl list-sessions shows no active sesions, is this normal?23:04
sta7icAyonae: plenty of tests on the web for each23:04
Ayonaesta7ic: Yes I know, they seem to disagree with what you said. That's why I asked you which ones I should look at.23:05
sta7icAyonae: overclockig benchmarks with hyperthreading on vrs off23:05
Ayonaesta7ic: You tell me. You're the one saying it sucks.23:06
energizerAyonae: u saying corsair hydro will be noisier than stock intel? (i always thought hydro was quieter, though i've never used it before)23:06
Ayonaeenergizer: Hydro in general is cooler23:06
Ayonaeenergizer: I have no idea. Adding cooling will be a good thing if done properly.23:06
Ayonaeenergizer: *quieter*23:07
Ayonaeenergizer: but that particular hydro unit, i have never used23:07
Ayonaeenergizer: What I meant to say, is hydro in general is quieter. you have 1 pump vs multple fans23:07
sta7icAyonae: toms hardware, i dont have to justify anything to you23:07
sta7icleave it on23:07
semitonesis there a way to find out what boot options the kernel was given for the current session?23:08
energizerAyonae: i see. do you recommend a particular liquid unit?23:08
rwwsemitones: cat /proc/cmdline23:08
Ayonaesta7ic: I am asking you for a specific link. If you can't provide that, I can't evalualte whether or not you are correct.23:08
semitonesrww, thanks!23:09
Ayonaeenergizer: No, I can't remecommend you a specific one.23:09
sta7icAyonae: but i dont care if u think im correct or not, read top 10 links on it23:09
sta7ici did23:09
energizersta7ic: that corsair hydro has fans, huh? do you find it quieter than pure aircooled?23:09
sta7icenergizer: mine is pretty quiet23:09
energizerAyonae: sta7ic: word. thanks yall.23:10
RiotingPacifistcan somebody check if 'loginctl list-sessions' lists any sessions for them?23:10
sta7icenergizer: i have an older one tho where now i think there might be push pull system with 2 fans in the newer models23:10
penguin42RiotingPacifist: Does on kubuntu for me23:10
Ayonaesta7ic: It's been nice talking to you. It's a shame you repeatedly refuse to provide reliable citations; I now have to assume you are deliberately trolling.23:10
sta7icenergizer: sounds like you fixed the problem anyway, so why fix it if it aint broken now =)23:11
RiotingPacifistpenguin42: thanks23:11
sta7icAyonae: i care what a lil kid on irc thinks23:11
sta7icAyonae: even if i paste a link, u will find something debatable just to argue, and thats not why i am here23:11
sta7icso whats the point23:12
penguin42my Intel supplied fan/heatsink set used to overheat on my i7, got a reasonable 3rd party one - large fan, lot of metal - runs 40c cooler under load and quieter23:12
hexafractionHi, I have a realtek RTL8187 USB wifi card, and it's reported as hard-blocked in spite of its not having a hard block capability.23:12
hexafractionrfkill does not address the issue23:13
hexafractionThe card in question is an alfa AWUS036H. This is a Trusty x64 desktop live CD, not Backtrack (although it works fine in the latter)23:15
SKELETR0Nis there a way to search in nano?23:16
hexafractionSKELETR0N: Yes, Ctrl+W23:16
SKELETR0Nhexafraction: thanks :)23:16
hexafractionNo problem. Do you think you can help me with my wifi problem I mentioned above? :)23:17
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ppintoI Am trying to use my Raspberry PI as a cups print server. I have successfully set it up to use a raw print queue23:17
ironhoofI have something asking for bulletsoftbody, I can't seem to locate it, what, and where is it?23:18
ppinto(I Used a raw print queue because the pi i so feeble)23:18
sta7icAny ideas here? I am trying to get Guitar rig to work under wine. It loads up just fine, but I cannot seem to select any other input device other than pulseaudio which doesnt allow me to select my USB hardware(soundcard/device) so do I need to fix this from a wine standpoint? I tried installed jackd server but still can only select pulseaudio in wine as the audio device (sound card)23:18
SKELETR0Nhexafraction: wish i could but i dont know anything about wifi, mine have all just been supported out of the box23:18
foistWhat's the best terminal app? I've tried Gauke and Terra.23:18
ppintoI can print from my wie's mac, but I am having no luck from ubuntu laptop (printer output is garbage)23:18
GraemeLionfoist: Best at what?23:18
hexafractionI also can't authenticat to ask ubuntu all of a sudden., so this is the best place where I can get help. Not too warm a welcome...23:19
foistGraemeLion: I guess I'm looking for something that supports themes, as I want to use Solarized Dark, and isn't stubborn with multi-monitor support like Guake is.23:19
semitonesIf I have a low-res boot screen, does that simply mean that my graphics card doesn't support higher resolution boots?23:19
sta7icgnome-terminal hah23:19
SKELETR0Nhexafraction: have you tried updating with sudo apt-get update?23:20
sta7icsemitones: it probably means your console doesnt support framebuffer?23:20
hexafractionShouldn't be an issue, this is  Tahr live CD I just downloaded and burned. There's an rtl8187 module loaded with insmod23:21
sta7icsemitones: like having frame buffer support compiled into the kernel, you mean to get the console at higher resolutions right?23:21
GraemeLionfoist: I just use gnome-terminal for that tbh.  Using something like this: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/solarized-must-have-color-paletter-for.html23:21
minimecfoist: xfce4-terminal has quiet a lot of configuration options, like 'start without windows decorations and others. And it doesn't need much xfce dependencies. I use it as my irssi chat terminal.23:23
ironhoofis there a repo for libbullet-dev?23:24
semitonessta7ic, I mean, the boot screen (with "ubuntu" and the loading buttons) is text instead of graphic23:24
PessimistWhat's a good way to disable screensaver (lightlocker) while flash or any other certain X app is running? I'm on 14.04. The latest caffeine version for 14.04 doesn't turn off screensaver automatically, it just adds a indicator for screensaver; lightsOn.sh doesn't support lightlocker. Any other ideas?23:24
Beldarironhoof, I see it in the ubuntu repos, be sure the dependencies or apps are the correct name.23:28
Beldar!info libbullet-dev23:29
ubottulibbullet-dev (source: bullet): professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- development files. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.81-rev2613+dfsg2-1 (trusty), package size 254 kB, installed size 1344 kB23:29
ironhoofBeldar: yea bulettesoftbody23:29
hexafractionPosted over on Ask Ubuntu if anyone knows about the issue. https://askubuntu.com/questions/451702/alfa-awus036h-reported-as-hard-blocked23:31
Beldarironhoof, "In component universe" check the software sources that universe is open23:31
sta7ichexafraction: this is a stupid question but ill assume you did sudo or as root to unblock cmd?23:32
ironhoofalright, checking23:32
hexafractionsta7ic: Yes, I did (but not on the first time, I caught the mistake)23:33
hexafractionI'm going to be on school grounds and have to use their public WiFi with this card fairly soon... They won't go for my using Ethernet due to their network config23:34
semitonesI see this answer, but I don't really understand how that package is relevant to the solution, or if it will work for me http://askubuntu.com/questions/431564/how-do-i-fix-ugly-boot-screen-when-using-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-13-1023:35
lixsince I upgraded to trusty tahr server, my interfaces seems to have been named p3p1 and em1, instead of eth0, eth1 etc. - how come ??23:36
gilll69i need help23:37
gilll69how can i make my own irc work23:37
gilll69its working now23:37
gilll69but only on my PC23:37
sta7icsemitones: i remember something like that, your not using the X.org nvidia drivers but using the proprietary nvidia drivers right?23:37
semitonesI think I'm using nouveau, but how can one be sure, really?23:38
semitonesno wait, i'm using nvidia-31923:38
sta7icsemitones: did you manually download from nvidia, or do you run 'additional drivers'?23:39
netwrkmstrYou should be able to using the additional drivers to solve the nvidia issue. There's other options besides going with the nouveau drivers.  Depending on the NVidia Card you have you should be able to select the updates above the nouveau driver that's currently installed.23:42
Bashing-omsemitones: Terminal commands -> sudo lshw -C display , lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- To see your graphics card and info .23:43
semitonessta7ic, additional drivers23:44
sta7icsemitones: and you went away from using the X.org driver correct?23:44
semitonesyes, I am only using the proprietary binary23:45
sta7icsemitones: this may not help you, but if you switch back, you may be able to confirm the ugly boot is gone which would narrow your search of why23:45
semitonesok, I can try that.23:45
sta7icx.org drivers are pretty good anyway23:45
semitonesyeah they are -- I think steam asked me to install the proprietary one23:46
sta7ici have amd/ati and i stopped using proprietary driver in x, as the x.org may even be better (which is totally sad)23:46
sta7icah yeah if you are gaming on steam, that is a different beast, but at least you can confirm and narrow your search23:46
playxdamn i hate this. the is some kind of blur effekt over all my windows23:47
sta7icplayx: are you using unity or fallback session?23:48
sta7icplayx: you might want to try fallback session, and if that doesnt work, try fallback session (without effects)23:48
sta7ictwo options there23:48
casual_llamaHi, does YouTube HTML5 making Firefox use 1 core at 100% sound like a video driver problem? It does that at the beginning, and should I pause the video then and continue, it runs using 2-5% of a core.23:49
playxand waht is this bug? it comes after install nvidia driver23:49
kmanHi guys, I would need to do some partitions on my pc, do I need to do it with gparted via live cd or I could do it from my normal ubuntu os?23:53
Bashing-omkman: From a liveDVD, file systems must be unmounted to mess with the partition tables.23:54
sta7ickman: really depends on what you are trying to do and which partitions/drives your modifying23:54
playx gnome-flashback it works fine. so unity is broken?23:54
thaicareshow would you start SLiM display manager from terminal?23:54
MathCubesHow do I install "Gnome Software"23:55
anuraag_MathCubes, what do you mean by GnomeSoftware?23:55
MathCubes@anuraag_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HreexQ8Tdk23:55
kmanwell now i upload a little screenshot of what I have in my HD23:56
hisforeveris there a good weather Ape for Zorin Os?23:57
OerHeksMathCubes, check that guys urls, he is using Fedora23:57
bazhanghisforever, ask in the zorinOS support channel23:57
MathCubes@OerHeks so Why can't I get it... I am using gnome-shell23:57
hisforeverok ty23:57
jpalmerI just accidetnally upgraded an EOL LTS version of ubuntu,  to a non-LTS version.  is there an easy way to upgrade it again, to a new LTS and avoid the non-LTS versions?23:58
sta7icplayx: understatement about unity being broken =]23:58
anuraag_MathCubes, are you running gnome as your display manager?23:58
MathCubes@OerHeks it would look nicer than Ubuntu software center which is chap.23:58
MathCubesI am using Gnome-Shell as my DE23:58
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