
bluesabreknome: yup02:18
bluesabreit would be nice to know what with catfish does not work02:18
bluesabreI'll take a look at bugs tomorrow02:18
bluesabrethat will basically be the bulk of my day02:18
bluesabreI'm very receptive to bug reports, so if people could just report them, that would be awesome02:19
bluesabrein that case, thanks knome for showing so much love to menulibre ;)02:19
knomeof course02:22
knomeexpect more, now that i actually have time to dig deeper into stuff02:22
knomeugh, i should be sleeping02:24
knomebut i was working on a client project :|02:24
bluesabreme too02:24
knome5:30am here02:24
knomehello sunday!02:24
bluesabre22:24 here02:25
knomefortunately i have curtains closed so i don't acknowledge how bright it is outside :P02:25
knomeheh, i came home at 22:3002:25
bluesabrewe just got back, been taking photos and doing family things since early this morning02:26
knomei was playing a board game02:27
bluesabrewell, that's simple and concise02:31
knomemmh ;)02:34
knomeexcept it wasn't, the game took a few hours and everybody was like "oh no!!" all the time02:34
knome(was a cooperative game)02:34
bluesabreWe played Phase10 for about 2 hours02:35
bluesabreor thats how it seemed02:35
knomebluesabre, http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/100901/flash-point-fire-rescue02:37
knomebluesabre, http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1755556_lg.jpg02:38
knome(we won the game!)02:39
bluesabresounds like fun02:40
knomeyep, it's a good game in the right company02:41
knomeeg. nobody gets upset if somebody else points them a better plan in their opinion, and otoh, do not just always ask "what should i do"02:41
knomeif people are less good with cooperative games, it might be a drag02:42
knomei'm off, see you later02:46
Unit193http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted-m-cox/xubuntu-docs/branchname/revision/192 That makes sense, though not proposed yet.09:25
bluesabreknome: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/menulibre/+bug/131010010:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310100 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "Enable the user to edit all aspects of the "raw" file more easily" [Wishlist,New]10:45
bluesabreso, what fields do you lack10:46
bluesabreI've added all the FreeDesktop.org approved fields10:46
bluesabreor do you want all possible fields listed in advanced, even though they are elsewhere in the program?10:47
bluesabrehey knome12:21
bluesabreIf I understand correctly, https://bugs.launchpad.net/menulibre/+bug/1307002 is intended on my part12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307002 in MenuLibre "Can't remove some categories from a launcher" [High,Confirmed]12:21
bluesabrecategories are required to keep a launcher in a directory12:21
bluesabreso I force them if you have that launcher in that menu12:22
bluesabrethe work-around is to remove the "System" category from the launcher in the Games menu12:23
bluesabreif you want to discuss it, we can think of a better implementation :)12:24
knomebluesabre, yes, i was thinking we could show all the possible fields in advanced12:25
knomebluesabre, or as the bug says, alternatively have a button to open the .desktop file in a text editor12:26
knomebluesabre, re: forcing categories, that's a bit meh12:26
knomebluesabre, is there any technical reason to do that?12:26
bluesabreadd a launcher to the system category, then remove that category12:27
knomebluesabre, i mean, if a user wants to remove it from the system menu, why couldn't it be dropped?12:27
bluesabrethen all of a sudden, its not in that category12:27
jphilipzhi all, knome12:27
bluesabreor whatever we consider the menu headers12:27
knomebluesabre, yeah but.. isn't that expected??12:27
bluesabreyes and no12:28
bluesabrewhat if you move a launcher to another category12:28
knomebluesabre, it has *no categories at all*, maybe you could force it to "Other"12:28
jphilipzwas curious why xubuntu didnt include wubi on the iso12:28
knomejphilipz, wubi isn't supported at all any more aiui12:28
jphilipzknome: weird how ubuntu and lubuntu had it on their isos12:29
bluesabreyeah, I thought it was dropped as well12:29
knomewell, at least xubuntu decided to drop it ages ago12:29
elfyhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/release/ - no wubi there12:29
jphilipzwubi is in the iso12:31
knomebluesabre, actually, i'm on the verge of filing two more bugs...12:31
bluesabreknome: go for it12:31
knomebluesabre, well, i need to discuss those first12:31
knomethey are more like wishlist-stuff12:31
elfyjphilipz: maybe - long as short it is - we don't :)12:31
knomebluesabre, first is "enable a mode where the items are only shown in categories they are shown in the real menu"12:32
knomeor even, just make that default12:32
knomei have many many items in the system menu but they are not visible there12:32
knomebecause they are in the settings manager12:32
jphilipzwell just thought i'd ask12:33
knomebluesabre, or if not hide them completely, have a visual cue to imply that12:33
bluesabreok, I'll see what I can do there12:34
bluesabre(so make that bug)12:34
knomesure, will do12:34
knomethe other one i don't remember now12:34
knomebut it was something similar12:34
knomere: removing categories...12:34
elfyI'd agree with not being able to get things if they sit in settings manager being an issue12:34
knomeelfy, i think you're talking about something else ;)12:35
bluesabreneed to look at how whisker does it, not sure if its a garcon-specific thing12:35
elfymaybe - then that's another bug then 12:35
knomeif it's a technical issue to just drop them from the directory, maybe mark them with a strikethrough to give a visual cue they *will* be deleted?12:35
bluesabreI'll figure something out12:36
bluesabrebasically, if it doesn't require a string or interface change, I'll include it as a fix12:36
bluesabreotherwise, it will come in 14.10 :)12:36
knomeyeah, that's fine12:36
knomethe reason why i proposed the advanced/text editor stuff12:37
knomeis that with that, you can workaround some of the other bugs12:37
knomeif you know what you are doing (tm)12:37
knomeyes, sure12:37
knomebut hey, it's called "Advanced"12:37
bluesabrebut yeah, feel free to file numerous bugs and feature requests12:38
knomebluesabre, bug 131026112:43
ubottubug 1310261 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "Reflect the real menu in the menu structure" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131026112:43
bluesabregotta go start running around, be back in a few hours12:44
elfyknome: what's the team reporting thing on the agenda?12:46
knomeelfy, the monthly reports, and how it worked to gather them in the meeting12:46
knomeelfy, and discussion if we should continue as is, or if we want something else12:47
elfyk - just checking - thought it was though12:47
knomeelfy, i think you are thinking about bug 131026412:50
ubottubug 1310264 in xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (Ubuntu) "Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131026412:50
elfyme too'd it :)12:50
knomeyep, you can carry that on now ;)12:50
knomeand add it to the .1 blueprint if you wish12:50
knomehuhu, i've filed half of the open bugs for menulibre ;)12:51
elfyfunny you should say that ... 12:51
brainwashbuglibre :D12:51
brainwashwe should setup a bugzilla for it12:52
brainwashis this really a whiskermenu bug?12:52
brainwashit seems to respect the menu file12:52
knomemaybe it should respect several menu files then.12:53
brainwasha menu file for whiskermenu which does not exclude the settings apps?12:54
elfyseems that lid close gets you a blackscreen regardless of lock being set on14:26
elfygood afternoon eric_the_idiot 14:28
amigamagichi eric :)14:53
eric_the_idiothey, pushed your patch, thanks again15:09
eric_the_idiotoff to dinner, bbl15:10
amigamagicThanks to you. :)15:12
knomeamigamagic, i'm here15:20
knomebluesabre, do you have any idea what could be causing the bug where menulibre doesn't even launch? is there something i can do to help debug the issue?15:40
knomebluesabre, what do you mean "copy the file back"? yes, it still fails on the machine16:08
knomebluesabre, i'll try to run alacarte as well.16:09
knomebluesabre, confirm with alacarte as well.16:11
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=== [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic
amigamagichey guys, being that the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1307251 has been declared solved with my patchfix, as you can see here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10813 , what I should do on launchpad?16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307251 in xfdesktop "xfdesktop doesn't save the arrangement of desktop icons after a resolution change" [Low,Confirmed]16:27
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10813 in General "xfdesktop doesn't save the arrangement of desktop icons after a resolution change" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]16:27
elfyleave launchpad - it's not fixed there16:29
amigamagicwhen it will be?16:42
knomeamigamagic, when a new version of xfdesktop4 with that bugfix is in the ubuntu repositories16:43
amigamagicusually how much time pass for a patchfix to be uploaded on ubuntu repositories? 6 months? 1 year?16:45
amigamagicnot critical ones, of course...16:46
pleia2lots of great feedback on social media :)16:56
elfypleia2: good - cos there's lots of moaning in support places :)16:57
brainwashwhere is the bottom panel? is it gone?16:57
elfyno it's the new special sort of hidden16:57
elfyonly seen in moonlight on February 30th at 25:6116:58
knomeelfy once sat on top of it and it's now broken... sorry!16:58
elfyha 16:58
brainwashknome: which command?16:58
elfypleia2: though lots in this case is much the same as always 16:58
elfybrainwash: it was 'please sit here  elfy '16:59
brainwashlocks harmful, I better don't execute that one16:59
pleia2elfy: well, I'm used to more moaning on social media, so I think we're trending in the right direction anyway ;)17:00
elfyfreudian slip brainwash ? got lock on your mind? 17:00
elfypleia2: \o/17:00
brainwashtoo much talk about screen locking going on lately17:01
brainwashlock.. look.. =S17:02
elfybrainwash: are you going to want me to fiddle with laptop screen at all over the next few days? if so I'm going to have to install b2 or something on it - the lock screen buttons sync now ;)17:05
elfyand did you catch what I'd said re your ppa?17:05
brainwashelfy: no and no17:13
bluesabreknome: it appears to be an issue with gnome-menus17:22
bluesabreI'll have to be in contact with the gnome-menu devs17:23
knomebluesabre, yeah, but how did menulibre end up writing that kind of .menu file?17:23
bluesabreI told it to17:23
knomei thought i was editing the menu.17:23
bluesabrethe program writes the xml17:23
knomeyeah, i know17:23
bluesabreas opposed to gnome-menus writing it17:23
bluesabreso it should be valid17:24
bluesabrebecause I followed the desktop spec17:24
bluesabreor so I think17:24
bluesabreand garcon doesn't seem to have any issues with it17:24
bluesabrethe xfce menu does not crash17:24
bluesabrewhisker doesn't crash17:24
bluesabreI need to just write my own parser instead of relying on others17:25
knomewell as long as it's fixed, i can be happy17:25
bluesabreI'll work on it17:25
knomeor fix the gnome-menus parser :P17:25
bluesabrethat will be fun17:25
bluesabrethough it doesn17:25
bluesabre't break on my machine17:25
bluesabreso first I need to make it break so I can test it17:25
knomei guess i could send you all of my .desktop files17:26
knomeand included dirs17:26
bluesabrethat does not sound fun17:26
knomeall in .local, that is17:26
bluesabrebut yeah, if you want to tar that up, I can use it as test data17:26
knomei haven't tested that menu file on other machines either17:26
knomeyeah, i can do that at some point if it seems like it's impossible to reproduce it without17:26
elfybrainwash: ok - ta17:31
bluesabrepretty certain that this must be a gtk bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/menulibre/+bug/131009817:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310098 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "Text in the "Advanced" tab is fuzzy when it has a scrollbar" [Undecided,New]17:33
knomebluesabre, possibly, but it's annoying :)17:33
sanchopanzahowdy. anyone able to help me with a release notes question?17:38
pleia2knome o.18:15
knomeso, flyer?18:16
knomelet me export the latest thing i have...18:17
knomemake sure you refresh18:19
knomemight be cached...18:19
knomenote the non-generic titles on the "did you know" points18:20
knomethat livens it up a tad18:20
knomei guess the thing to do now is think about the frontpage18:20
knomeand proofread, proofread, proofread18:20
* pleia2 nods18:21
knomethe logo doesn't fit the frontpage nicely.18:22
* pleia2 proofs18:22
knomeit make it look like it's unbalanced18:22
pleia2would centering the "Xubuntu is an easy to use.." stuff help?18:23
knomenope, not with that issue18:23
knomethe "xubuntu" part is what makes the logo look unbalanced18:23
knomeit would be a lesser problem if we had a background color18:23
knomeand the logo wasn't spanning the whole page18:23
knomebut since we can't expect people to be able to print to the edges of the pages, i don't think that's a sane direction to go18:24
knomeeven a capital X in the logo would help... but obviously we don't want to go that route either18:24
pleia2I've probably read this text too many times to be good at proofing, but I think it looks good18:25
knomeare you happy with the "In the Ubuntu ecosystem" heading?18:26
pleia2and some day we'll find a proper marketing person to even out some of our words, but as computer folk I think this is a good job :)18:26
pleia2yes, that's great18:26
knomeheyy... thanks for the compliment! :P18:26
pleia2hah! it's mostly things I wrote that I worry about18:26
knomenah, i think the content itself is fine18:27
pleia2ok good18:27
knomethe only question we should ask if it makes sense for a non-technical person18:27
knomeor if some of it is just gibberish and it would be better to talk about butterflies18:27
pleia2yeah, I was assuming our target was folks at tech conferences, not people looking to switch from windows really18:27
knomebut the logo problem...18:27
knomewhat do we do?18:27
knomeobviously, we'd like the logo on the flyer, but...18:28
pleia2maybe drop the mouse at the end and just do like18:28
pleia2<<mouse goes down here>>18:28
knomemmh, but the mouse should be huge18:29
pleia2I don't have any other ideas, aside from leaving it the way it is, balance be darned :)18:29
brainwashelfy: so we got a new possible fix for the power-manager, see https://launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/+archive/test18:33
knomepleia2, i'll try something...18:34
elfyknome: you want me to get daughter to read flyer?18:34
knomeelfy, would be great18:34
elfyk - just to know if it makes sense I guess18:35
knomeyep, or if she has any other comments as well...18:35
* knome is open to anything18:35
olbithere is a bug in official docs files18:37
knomeis the bug filed in launchpad18:37
olbiin file: xubuntu-index.html, there is bad name of logo file: <div id="header">18:37
olbi<img src="./logo_title_welcome.png" alt="Xubuntu" />18:37
olbithere is: ./logo.png, should like above18:38
olbiI will check this :)18:38
elfyknome: that gets a thumbs up for understanding it :)18:42
knomeheh, good18:42
pleia2thanks mini miss elfy!18:47
olbihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty, I can't report a bug :/18:47
pleia2olbi: please use: ubuntu-bug xubuntu-docs18:48
pleia2from a terminal18:48
pleia2that will collect info from your system that we need for the report and send it to the right place :)18:48
elfypleia2: lol18:50
elfymaia giggled 18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310347 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Bad name for logo file in directory" [Undecided,New]18:54
olbiI have added a fix i attach18:55
pleia2olbi: thanks!19:00
knomethe wiki is playing on me19:00
knomeactually, we should just drop in logo.png instead of relying on the non-translatable welcome image19:00
knomepleia2, refresh the image19:01
olbiwiki is ok, but docs on cds are bad :D19:01
olbistrange, on wiki and on cd there are two diffrent types of logos :D19:02
olbione is only xubuntu and second is xubuntu-welcome19:02
pleia2knome: I think that's nice19:03
knomepleia2, yeah, that's *much* better19:03
knomei'm even thinking a full-width logo moight go with that 19:03
knomemight too...19:03
olbiso which is proper? :D19:03
knomeolbi, ?19:03
knomeolbi, are you referring to docs.xubuntu.org?19:04
knome(not a wiki)19:04
olbithere is file which have text: Xubuntu Welcome19:05
olbion the wiki you have only Xubuntu19:06
knomein *what* wiki?19:06
olbiwiki: docs.xubuntu.org :D19:06
knomethat is not a wiki.19:06
olbisorry, my bad :P19:06
knomei just asked if you were referring to that.19:06
knomeyes, the one in docs.xubuntu.org is correct19:07
knomeas i said...19:07
knome22:00  knome: actually, we should just drop in logo.png instead of relying on  the non-translatable welcome image19:07
pleia2ooh, 12.04 to 14.04 upgrade on my mini9 went really well19:08
olbisorry, misunderstood19:08
pleia2knome: I think the flyer looks great, we should SVG and PDF it and release19:11
knomepleia2, easier said than done ;)19:12
knomepleia2, do you have a4 printer/paper?19:12
pleia2oh bother19:12
knomebug 131034719:24
ubottubug 1310347 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Bad name for logo file in directory" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131034719:24
knomethe u-cycle branch is up for docs19:24
knomeas are translations19:24
knomepleia2, you didn't answer my printing-related question :P19:27
knomepleia2, if you don't, i'll do a test print when i visit my mum the next time19:27
knomeor actually, might do that when i visit my dad tomorrow...19:28
elfydid you want it printing?19:28
knomethen i should also make the US letter version19:28
knomeelfy, yeah, would be nice to do a testprint19:28
knomepleia2, you happy with the community photo crop?19:29
knomepleia2, i love the diversity there...19:29
knomemaybe i should do an even better crop19:30
knometighter at the top, not to "cut throats"19:30
elfyoops - sorry - little miss elfy is asleep19:31
knomeno rush19:31
knomei have hardly thought about doing those pdf exports yet :P19:32
pleia2knome: no, I don't, we don't have that paper in this country ;)19:32
pleia2knome: and the community photo crop is good19:32
knomemeh ;)19:33
elfyknome: 'll print it in the morning - is it one-sided19:35
knometwo-sided, and you have to three-fold19:36
elfyright - so each half is A4 ?19:36
knomeyes, obviously ;)19:36
elfyprobably :p19:36
knomethen just print it in a way that the text is the same way once you flip the paper horizontally19:37
elfylast time I printed something it was 16 foot long and 4 foot high19:37
elfyyep :)19:37
knomelast time i printed something i was setting up a photo-printing script for my mum19:37
elfyknome: full sized wiring harness drawings 19:38
knomeeg. do very much assumptions, automate everything, then send it to the printer... manually via a CLI command, because nothing else would be able to give the best quality19:38
knome...without having to manually reset the quality/other settings19:38
bluesabreoh man, too bad I don't still work at lexmark19:39
bluesabreI could do all sorts of print testing with A4 or anything ele19:39
elfyfrom windows ....19:39
knomeelfy, hah, that's nice ;)19:39
bluesabrefrom ubuntu :)19:39
knomethat reminds me, i should backup the sript19:39
bluesabreI had some flexibility in my dept.19:39
knomescript too...19:40
* elfy never got a lexmark to work19:40
bluesabrethey're... not the best19:40
elfybluesabre: I've tried to install worse - slates don't come with usb ports :p19:42
bluesabreknome: some of your bugs are tricky19:42
knomeelfy, http://lallinaho.fi/temp/print-photo19:42
bluesabrefyi :)19:42
knomebluesabre, congrats sherlock ;)19:43
elfybluesabre: nice - setting the fix up for 15.10 :D19:43
knomenah, 18.04 LTS19:45
bluesabre16.06, 10 year anniversary of the delayed release19:46
knomeor maybe 16.04, the so far last release of the celebrated xubuntu project lead sean davis19:47
elfycongratulations bluesabre - \o/19:47
bluesabreI've been promoted!19:47
knomebluesabre, "promoted"19:47
elfypoisoned chalice - wait till I start :D19:48
knomebluesabre, i'll send you the form you need to fill, where you accept all paperwork and bureaucracy that the title comes with with no rights to whine19:48
bluesabrebut you've whined this whole time19:48
knomebluesabre, and, and the small print that says you need to take days off work if the xubuntu world crashes19:48
knomehaha :)19:49
knomewell i didn't sign that ;)19:49
elfyyea 0 but he didn't have the right to do it bluesabre :p19:49
knomeit's a new policy, because the old one clearly didn't work19:49
knomethe new policy also states you must hand over your wife to everybody in the team when then need cooking or baking help19:50
* bluesabre goes into hiding before knome sends such a form19:50
knomeand that it's better be good, or you'll be whipped19:50
knomewell it's on the way19:50
knomethe 2 UPS trucks just left the terminal19:50
=== bluesabre is now known as knoodle
knomeyou know, a form like that isn't a short one19:50
knoodledoesn't sound like fun19:51
knomeyeah :|19:52
knomeit can be fun too,19:52
=== knoodle is now known as bluesabre
elfyreally selling the job there ;)19:56
bluesabreUnit193: I don't suppose you know how to use a debug library?20:11
bluesabreafter installing libgnome-menu-3-0-dbg, how would I start menulibre with the gmenu debug?20:12
* bluesabre wants the answer to not have anything to do with gdb20:14
* bluesabre thinks he figured it out20:20
bluesabreknome: if I were able to recreate your issue, I would install libgnome-menu-3-0-dbg, python3.4-dbg, and gdb20:24
bluesabrethen I would run gdb20:24
bluesabre"gdb python3"20:25
bluesabreand in gdb, I would type20:25
bluesabrerun /usr/bin/menulibre20:25
bluesabrebut since I can't recreate your issue, guess I can't20:25
knomewhich one?20:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307729 in MenuLibre "preprocess_layout_info: assertion failed: (!directory->preprocessed)" [High,Confirmed]20:30
knomei'll run that soon20:30
knomewant to do the A4->US letter conversion for the another page?20:31
knome(as consolidation...)20:31
bluesabrewhat would I need to do?20:31
knomedon't do that!20:31
knomei'll do that first, then move to the gdb stuff20:31
bluesabreoh good20:31
knomeinvolves exact positioning of elements in inkscape20:32
knomeNOT FUN20:32
bluesabreew gross20:33
bluesabreso, the issue above is actually the same thing that happens super-frequently with gnome-menus 3.820:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292770 in MenuLibre "crashes upon launch" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
bluesabrefreaking bugs20:34
knomei'm going to foretell that we will have loads of fun with the translations for this flyer20:37
knomebluesabre, ok, i did that20:43
knomebluesabre, do i just send you the output of that gdb window, or is there some more stuff somewhere?20:43
bluesabredoes it look like there is any useful output?20:44
bluesabreI guess send it anyway so I can poke the gnome devs20:45
knomesee yourself.20:45
knomedo you really want that in the bugreport?20:46
bluesabrethats a waste20:46
knomeanything else i can do?20:46
knomeok, tell me if there is20:47
bluesabreI have the slightest idea how to debug that library20:47
bluesabrethanks knome20:47
knomeshutting down this laptop again20:47
knomei don't need to edit the menu here really, so i'll leave the menufile as is20:47
knomeand can do more debugging or anythig20:48
knomeright, i have a few files now....20:50
knomebluesabre, pleia2: either of you have 5mins and a printer available?20:58
bluesabreknome: maybe 4:5020:58
bluesabre4 minutes, 50 seconds20:59
bluesabresend me what needs to be tested20:59
bluesabreI'll be sitting here much longer than that20:59
bluesabreprinted fine, looks good21:05
knomebluesabre, what about the community photo, does it look like low-resolution?21:07
knomeor just okay21:07
bluesabremaybe a bit. looks fine on my computer, and I use an inkjet printer, so not much quality expected there21:08
knomeit might be problem of the embedded in svg->pdf conversion21:09
bluesabreknome, #x, know anything about openid?21:41
lderana very small amount21:48
bluesabreali1234: do you know if window transparency is still somewhere in the compositor code?21:50
ali1234sure, why wouldn't it be?21:50
bluesabreas in alt+scroll on window decorations in the past21:50
ali1234yeah it's still in the code21:51
ali1234both functions need to have an options dialog so you can remap the keys21:51
bluesabreI see21:51
ali1234there is still a way to do transparency21:51
ali1234because there is another key combination that does it21:51
ali1234but i can't remember what it is21:51
bluesabreok, I'll dig around21:51
ali1234it might be something with horizontal scrolling21:52
bluesabrelooks that way21:53
knomeyep, alt+scroll left -> transparency increases21:53
bluesabreso, we need to add configuration for that to the settings manager21:54
bluesabreI might look into doing that this week21:54
ali1234that would be very useful, thanks21:54

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