
Linusnewbhi anyone here who can help?00:25
LinusnewbI have upgraded to kubuntu 14.04 but I have some errors00:27
roneywhat problems are you having?00:35
nesciusgood morning, afternoon, night..00:42
nesciuscan you help me with repository issue? i want to know whether there are kontact related packages in 14.04 web repositories00:43
nesciusi am struggling with this issue since friday as i am trying to update via web00:43
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nesciuswhy is there a newer kate package for 13.10 than for 14.04 ?00:48
valorienescius: please file a bug on launchpad; if there is an newer version indeed something was overlooked in the release01:16
valorieI think you can use `ubuntu-bug kate`01:16
nesciusvalorie: thats cool! doing it right now01:44
nesciusbtw do you run 14.04?01:44
valorienescius: I've been running it since beta101:55
valoriesmooth as silk01:55
valoriethat ubuntu-bug command really helps when you are testing01:55
nesciusthanks, its really helpful, however in meantime i found a newer version of kate in universe02:00
nesciuswhich does not work while trying to update to the 14.04.. for some reason02:00
valoriedef. a packaging bug then02:01
valorieI assume someone overlooked the version number02:01
valorieor uploaded a wrongly-versioned file02:02
valorieStuff Happens [tm]02:02
Ekush3yWhy Konversation was replaced by Quassel as the default IRC client?03:49
valorieEkush3y: that happened years ago when Konvi wasn't ready for the release03:50
valorieand we never changed back03:50
valorieI prefer and use konvi, but understand that stability is important too03:51
valorieI wish we had never felt it necessary to change, because I <3 Konvi03:52
Ekush3yhi Valorie04:02
Ekush3yI haven't tried a fresh installation of Kubuntu in a long time, i've been upgrading in the last few years after every release.04:04
valoriesame here04:04
Ekush3yYesterday I used the 14.04 live CD to install at a friend's computer and realized there is no Konversation. How is life without Konversation? I've always used it and nothing compares to it. :)04:05
valorieit is easily installable04:06
valoriejust not provided on the ISO04:06
Ekush3ySo is this Quassel a part of the KDE suit? Or does it come with Ubuntu only?04:06
valorieit is a Qt application04:07
valorieI don't know if other KDE distros provide it by default04:07
Ekush3yThat's surprising04:07
valoriewhat's surprising?04:07
Ekush3yNevermind, I've to run now... thanks for your time valorie04:09
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nesciusdo you know how to get details from apt? i am trying to get kate to install, it takes all its dependencies and then rejects to install as there is some conflict, but WHAT?04:39
valorienescius: did you try `sudo apt-get install -f`?04:42
valoriealso, do you have any PPAs or pins that could be causing this?04:42
nesciusvalorie: i had, at some time, i am now trying to remove EVERYTHING04:43
nesciusall ppa repos are gone now04:43
nesciusi tried the -f with no difference04:43
valoriejust -f, no kate04:44
valoriethat makes it try to fix all dependencies04:45
nesciusnothing changed04:45
valoriethis is in 14.04, correct?04:45
nesciusthis is saucy now04:45
nesciusi have same issues with the 'trusty'04:46
captain_haddocknescius: Try aptitude instead of apt04:46
nesciusi have saucy repos, no kde packages installed..04:46
captain_haddocknescius: Try aptitude instead of apt-get*04:46
nesciuscaptain_haddock: i tried aptitude, apt, synaptic, muon (when it was installed)04:46
nesciussynaptic has some results - it sets every depencencies for kate and then selects kate itself for removal..04:47
valorievery peculiar04:48
captain_haddocknescius: What does "no kde packages installed" mean?04:48
valorieI"m sure nobody messed with saucy packages04:48
nesciuscaptain_haddock: i removed them as packages, i only have what is opened in my current session :(04:49
nesciusvalorie: i am sure i messed my apt db somehow04:49
valoriewhich install -f should fix, nescius04:51
valorieif you use it exactly as i typed it above04:51
valorienothing else04:51
valorieoh, after doing an apt-get update04:51
valorieand probably dist-upgrade as well04:52
=== kubuntu is now known as nodice
nesciushere are the results  -http://paste.kde.org/p9zh24hn304:54
nodicekubuntu doesn't work for me - same problem as before04:54
captain_haddocknescius: perhaps you should try installing KDE properly first? (or kubuntu-desktop)04:54
nodice13.10 and 14.04 and no change!!!!!!!!!!!04:54
nodicenescius: don't do it!04:55
captain_haddocknodice: What is the same problem as before?04:55
nodicemy smartphone won't connect04:55
nodiceI can connect with ubuntu and gnome04:56
nodiceso, it is a kde-based issue??04:56
nesciuscaptain_haddock: i tried what you suggested: http://paste.kde.org/pgjdi1swt04:56
nodicewhy would you install kde?04:57
captain_haddocknodice: smartphone?04:57
nodiceyes, my htc one x04:57
valoriedamn, something is seriously broken in your system, nescius04:57
valoriethis is a plain saucy install, up to date, no pinning, no PPAs?04:58
nesciusvalorie: i know, i have the same for too long.. upgraded from the last LTS04:58
captain_haddocknescius: try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ark audiocd-kio (etc.); list all dependencies04:59
nodiceso with all the smartphones out there, the kde devs didn't address the problems at all04:59
nesciusnothing is pinned, there were some kde ppas before the 4.11.504:59
valorieso you went 12.04 > 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 ?04:59
captain_haddocknodice: stop whining and explain your problem properly.04:59
nodiceit won't open anything - aka won't mount05:00
nodiceavailable devices shows 3 logos lol05:00
captain_haddockThat is not explaining your problem properly.05:00
valorienodice, did you file a bug about this before?05:00
nodiceyes, long ago05:00
nodiceI got rid of kubuntu since it was never fixed05:00
valorieany comments or feedback on your bug report?05:01
nesciusthanks for your help, this does not work, i am going to drop apt and try pacman instead, maybe it will output something tangable and usefull05:01
valoriemy phone connects just fine05:01
valorienescius: not for kubuntu!05:01
valoriethat's ... arch I think05:02
nodiceI am showing obvious bugs unless you think the logo of a smartphone should be displayed THREE times?!?05:02
valorienodice, screenshot?05:02
nesciusi think that it should be multiplatform, isnt it?05:02
valorieno, it is not05:02
nesciuslike smart or whatever the suse guys are using05:02
valoriepacman will not work in kubuntu or any debian dirivetive05:03
valorieoh geez05:03
nesciusit does, but it is literally pacman the game05:03
valoriewe use dpgk/apt05:03
nodice"Unknown error code 150'05:03
nodiceI/O problem05:04
nodiceplease send a full bug report blah, blah05:04
nodicewhat for?05:04
valorieright, without one, problems can't be fixed05:04
nodicethe bug is ongoine - I said I filed one beforeeeeeeee05:04
valoriesure, but I don't have a bug number to check05:05
nodiceit's detected as a camera05:05
nodiceubuntu with gnome detects it at least05:05
valorieso you know you don't have a bad cable or something05:06
nodicemy conclusion: kde sucks05:06
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:06
nodicein Dolphin:  camera:   HTC HTC One (ID3)05:06
valorieah, we have the same phone05:06
nodiceHTC twice? lol05:07
valorieAvailable devices: Portable Media Player (Android Phone)05:08
nodice'Open with File Manager' is shown twice too05:08
valoriein Dolphin: Android Phone05:08
valorieah, camera is seen separately, yes05:08
nodiceI guess kde detects it as 3 phones connected?  lol05:08
nodiceor cameras05:09
valorieit is listed under both Media and Devices05:09
nodiceI was told kde is really good now... nah05:09
valoriewhich is proper, I think05:09
valoriedepending on what you want to access05:09
valorieso you can get your photos off without drilling down05:10
valorieI find that convenient05:10
valoriethanks for pointing that out; I hadn't noticed before05:11
nodiceit's under 'Portable Media Player' and shows 3 icons05:11
nodicebeside one is Android Phone05:11
valorieand getting to Dolphin from the Camera does indeed go directly to the camera05:11
valorieso you can go directly to your music files too05:12
nodiceyour fairy tales don't interest me05:12
nodicemy smartphone comes alive and walks by itself05:12
valoriemine is crippled by Verizon05:13
valorienot so talented05:13
nodiceppl are asking how to connect this phone in the forum lol05:20
nodicegood luck05:20
nodiceprobably have to use some workaround... easier to use another distro05:20
valorieI use kdeconnect and it's lovely05:21
nodiceokay done experiment... kubuntu sucks still... case closed05:21
valoriegood riddance05:23
captain_haddockAnybody familiar with virtualbox?05:23
valorieI think that's the one most of us use05:26
valorie!info virtualbox05:26
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 15047 kB, installed size 59184 kB05:26
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:26
valorieI think I added the extension pack when I used it for testing05:27
nesciusvalorie: so, it seems that my issues were due to forgotten libsolid4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 which took me few days to track down..05:36
nesciusi feel much better now05:37
valorieI'm happy to hear that05:38
nesciusvalorie: greatly appreciate your help05:39
valoriebut I don't understand why updating, then dist-upgrading, and finally, install -f didn't find that05:39
valoriewell, all I did was commiserate with you05:39
nesciusit did found that, it was just unable to report it as the output lack useable details like conflicts and version numbers05:40
nesciusits my fault.. playing with ppa when i dont feel like fixing it aferwards..05:41
Num83rGuyIf I choose full disk install will the installer preserve my current home folder contents?05:50
valorieyou have to choose to set aside your /home05:51
Num83rGuyOK, thanks.05:52
valorieit's an excellent idea to do so, btw05:53
valoriegoogle a bit, there is lots of info about how best to do so05:53
Num83rGuyNeed to do a reinstall, install another OS, and rework my partitions but, I really don't have the space to juggle all of it around without it becoming a fustercluck.05:55
Num83rGuyWas hoping for an easer way.(c)05:55
valoriehd space is pretty cheap these days05:55
* valorie is no good at juggling05:56
Num83rGuyNot when you are as broke as I am. LOL.  Sigh, more surveys for spare change it is then.05:56
valorieSSDs are still somewhat spendy05:57
valoriebut HDs?05:57
Num83rGuyYa, too rich by far.05:57
Num83rGuyWell I might be able to get the funds in a month or two.05:58
valorieNum83rGuy: couldn't you just install the other OS in a VM?06:01
valoriethen you don't have to mess with your partitions06:01
valoriejust use what you have06:01
valorieor just upgrade, which is what I did06:01
Num83rGuyVm is a no go I only have 3 GiB RAM and need at least 2 for the other OS.06:01
Num83rGuyI was supposed to up grade but, other things came up. :(06:02
valoriedo you have an old HD around for that other OS to be on?06:02
valoriewhat is keeping you from upgrading now?06:03
valorieit takes some time, but just start it before you go out or to bed or something06:03
Num83rGuyI have (1) SATA 1TiB, 4 partitions  - (1) SATA 150GiB 1 part - (1) PATA 300GiB 1 part - (1) 80GiB 1 part and verry little space among them. It can be done but it's not going to be fun.06:05
valorieI'd have to diagram that all out, i think06:05
rowlodeHi, happy easter! the last 2 days i ugraded 8 systems to 14.04. vm guests and laptop worked like a charm. Nice job done! However, i'm having a real pain with my desktop (amd fx 8 core cpu, 32 gb ram and 4 ssd harddrives): kubuntu stops booting 10 out of 11 attempts right after ssd detection after about 23 seconds. Ideas? Is it a bug? If so where and how to report?06:06
valorieI use filelight every once in awhile to see if there is unknown crap bollixing up space06:06
valorieI found some old .kde folders today that were *huge*06:06
Num83rGuyA lot of blender renderings, documents, music, video, My Steam libary that I don't want to spend 6 months to redownload. :D06:06
valorieand a bunch of old ISOs i could dump06:07
Num83rGuyYeah I have been on a cleaning spree too.06:07
valorieturned out I didn't really *need* the room, but I seed all the *buntu ISOs, and that takes a bit of room06:07
rowlodeCan anyone help with boot time problem?06:11
valorierowlode: state your problem, and if someone can help, they will06:13
Num83rGuyrowlode:  Sorry, I Have no experence with SSD drives.  Perhaps booting into recovery mode will give you the information you need to find an answer.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode06:13
Num83rGuyLook for messages about read or write errors and do a drive check when you get to the menu.06:15
rowlodeBoot in recovery fails. Its where i realized when it stops booting06:15
Num83rGuyAh, then I am clueless. Sorry.06:15
rowlodeOnce it actually boots i checked the logs on the previous boots but there are no errors. booting just freezes.06:16
valoriehave you encountered this before?06:17
Num83rGuyWell one person said they had to disable IDE support in BIOS to boot from SSD but, most motherboards don't have IDE these days.06:17
valorieI boot from SSD06:18
lordievaderGood morning.06:18
valoriebut I bought my son's computer with that already set up06:18
valoriemorning, lordievader06:18
rowlodeYes, since 13.04 with my old desktop hardware (amd 6 core cpu, 32 gb ram, same ssds)06:18
lordievaderHey valorie, how are you?06:18
valoriegood! and you?06:19
valorierowlode: could your ssd have failed?06:19
valorieI heard that when they go, it is a sudden death06:19
rowlodeWell my corsair ssds are on sata ports, however in bios the mode is auto, so i'm gonna check this06:20
lordievadervalorie: Doing good. Got this dualboot almost the way I want it :)06:20
rowlodeYeah, i thought about that, already06:20
valoriedual-booting what and what, lordievader?06:20
valorierowlode: if so, you could put / and /boot onto your other disk, right?06:20
rowlodeWith 13.10, i could boot every 5th time, now every 10th, so i'm expected rather a linux problem than failing ssds06:22
rowlodei can't right now, as each disk is already one of those mount points06:22
valoriethat doesn't sound like a software problem to me....06:22
silv3r_m00nhi there06:22
silv3r_m00nwhile booting, the screen with kubuntu + 5 dots that comes up, its resolution is not correct, how do i fix it ? it happened after installing the nvidia drivers06:23
valorieis it possible you have a bad copy of grub2 in some of these mount points?06:23
valoriesomething which wasn't upgraded with the rest?06:23
rowlodeSo i might have to buy an old style hdd and see if the problem goes away06:23
valoriei would do grub-repair first06:24
valorieand see if that's it06:24
valoriefine then06:24
rowlodenot sure. Grub-repair is a cmd?06:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:24
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: You probably cannot fix that. I think it has to do with when the drivers are loaded. Basic functionality (read low res) is usually possible, if higher is wanted the driver should be loaded.06:25
rowlodeBut the problem comes way after grub06:25
rowlodeIt's hard to see a connection06:25
valoriesilv3r_m00n: did you try xrandr though?06:25
valorierowlode: I see your point06:25
lordievaderrowlode: So where does it crash/hang?06:25
silv3r_m00nlordievader: the grub screen resolution is also very low after adding nvidia card06:25
silv3r_m00nvalorie: xrandr ?06:26
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1206:26
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: Here it jumps back to text mode plymouth after installing the driver ;)06:26
valoriepff, it's not just for dual screens06:26
lordievadervalorie: Hihi, X is way later ;)06:26
rowlodeAfter about 23 sec. linux detects a real time clock, then usb devices, then sda, sdb, sdc, sdd and freeze06:26
valoriethat's not a good info for xrandr06:26
lordievaderrowlode: Hmm, allways on the disks?06:27
lordievaderfsck + smart checks ;)06:27
silv3r_m00nvalorie: this is the output of my xrandr, http://pastie.org/909684906:28
rowlodelordievader: On 13.10 it was very rare that it stopped right after rtc or mice (< 1% of boot freeze cases)06:28
lordievaderrowlode: Still it is a good idea to do the checks I've suggested, you might just have a bad disk on your hands.06:29
silv3r_m00nso it can't be fixed ?06:30
valorielordievader should look at that, he said NO06:31
rowlodeYes, thanks for your hints lordievader and valorie. I'm gonna check them next time i ned to bootand it fails again. Until then: never stop a running system ;-)06:31
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: Probably not.06:31
valoriegood luck, rowlode06:32
valoriepff, too slow06:32
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: It might be (very unlikely) that you can recompile the kernel with the driver included instead of a module. But this is unlikely and not supported here.06:32
silv3r_m00nan nvidia welcome screen comes after the kubuntu 5 dot screen, so this means that nvidia drivers are loaded after that ?06:32
lordievaderHmm, fsck and smart can usually be done on a running system....06:32
valoriesilv3r_m00n: you might ask in #ubuntu-kernel06:32
valoriethey might have a patch for you to test06:33
valoriereally nice folks in there06:33
lordievaderI suppose, don't really know the nvidia drivers.06:33
valoriein kubuntu we don't mess with the kernel06:33
valoriebut they fixed my sound once a couple of years ago06:33
* lordievader wonders if Kubuntu would boot his 3.15-rc1 kernel.06:34
silv3r_m00ncan gpu performance be effected by the desktop env ? either kde or cinnamon ? i have quadcore+8gram + geforce 210 on 2 machines, the machine with linux mint cinnamon had better graphics rendering compared to this kubuntu machine06:37
jaikI just jumped from kubuntu 12.04 to 14.0406:51
valoriedid the upgrade go well?06:51
jaikand noticed that the display settings chanded a lot06:51
jaikactually I still have 12.0406:52
jaikI have two partitions for installing06:52
jaikone I use it for regular use and the other for testing06:52
jaikactually Im doing a test run06:52
jaikany who...06:53
jaikon 12.04 when I connect an external display06:53
jaikit would automatically popup a dialog with a question if I wanted to automatically config my dual monitor06:55
jaikdont see that anymore06:55
jaikso I went straigt to the display settings06:55
valorienow there is kscreen06:55
jaikand everything is changed06:55
valorieby "everything" not sure what you mean06:55
jaiklong sroty short06:56
jaikcant find how to mirror my display06:56
jaikbefore it was real easy06:56
valoriewell, I feel very ignorant -- I don't know what you mean by "mirror the display" either06:57
valoriehopefully someone who knows more will speak up06:58
jaiko to display same image on both displays06:59
jaikbefore I would just select an option07:00
jaikI think it was something like "make displays the same size"07:00
jaikand by clicking that it would find the best resolution for both displays to show the same thing on both of them07:01
valorieyou might check out xrandr07:01
jaikbut on 14.04 I only see a screen that show both my displays07:02
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:02
jaikoh ok07:02
jaiklet me check it out07:02
silv3r_m00ndoes compiz work with kubuntu ?07:03
valorie!info compiz07:03
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.11+14.04.20140409-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 126 kB07:03
valorieif it's packaged, it can be used07:03
cr45h0v3r1d3so you can get all kinds of fancy 3d desktop effects in kubuntu too i'm guessing ?07:04
valoriein kwin it's built in, yes07:04
cr45h0v3r1d3and non 3d wobbly windows etc07:04
cr45h0v3r1d3valorie: good news ;)07:04
valorieif you computer can render the stuff07:04
cr45h0v3r1d3yeah should be able to07:05
valoriego wild07:05
lordievaderjaik: Just drag the two screen on top of eachother for mirror.07:05
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: There is no need for compiz, we got kwin :D07:05
cr45h0v3r1d3yeah i think you can just use the built in kwin, without installing compiz07:05
silv3r_m00nlordievader: yeah kwin is working fine, i hope its using my graphics card for the job07:06
jaiklordievader: tried it and it did something real funky07:06
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: You can check, system settings -> desktop effects -> advanced -> compositing type.07:07
jaikit compacted the image from desktops07:08
lordievaderjaik: It will match the resolution, is that what you mean?07:08
jaikyes thats what I want07:08
jaikfor it to match both resolutions07:08
silv3r_m00nlordievader: compositing type is opengl 2.0 and opengl renderer is the nvidia driver, so i guess its working07:08
jaikbut when I tried draging my secondary display to my prmary display07:09
jaikit showed a distorioned imaged with what seemed to be both desktops on each display07:09
lordievadersilv3r_m00n: Jup :)07:09
cr45h0v3r1d3both monitors have the same native resolution jaik?07:10
lordievaderjaik: Hmm, that is strange. Unfortunatly I don't have a multimonitor setup here to see if I get the same behaviour.07:10
jaikcr45h0v3r1d3: no07:10
jaikbut that the thing07:10
jaikon verision 12.04 i would select to make both resolutions the same07:11
jaikand after clicking apply it would reduce resolutions on both displays to the highest compatibe dislay for both07:12
jaikbut on this new version I dont see nothing like that. I assumed that by draging one display on top of the other that would do the trick but it did what I described earlier07:13
jaiklike a distorted split screen on both my laptop and my tv07:14
cr45h0v3r1d3maybe you can manually do it in the settings somewhere07:15
lordievaderjaik: Can you give the output of the command "xrandr"?07:19
lordievader!pastebin | jaik07:19
ubottujaik: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:19
jaiklet me hook up both my displays07:20
jaiklordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7297391/07:25
lordievaderjaik: What happens when you first set both to 1360x768 and then mirror them?07:26
captain_haddockvalorie: Still around?07:27
captain_haddockvalorie: re:virtualbox, I'm having trouble accessing my USB from within an XP guest07:27
valorieI assume by XP you mean windows07:28
valorieI've never done that, sorry07:28
valoriethere may be others who use VMs a lot more than me07:29
jaiklordievader: have not tried that let me see. this is actually a different tv than the one I used earlier on this one it just takes the highest resolution and displays same image on both. But since my laptop renders a smaller resolution I only see portion of the display07:29
jaiklordievader: cant change my tv res http://imagebin.org/30672207:34
lordievaderTry xrandr ;)07:35
jaikwill do thx07:37
captain_haddockvalorie: No worries. Thanks :)07:39
=== Vito_ is now known as Guest15413
jaiklordievader: did it. used this command http://paste.ubuntu.com/7297457/07:48
jaikIll just make a little script to do this. I use my laptop a lot with xbmc :p07:49
lordievaderjaik: Jup that'll work ;) You can just throw the command in your xinit.07:53
jaikme again... wondering if ther is a way for me to automatically run this command when I plug in my hdmi cable? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7297457/07:58
MoonUnit`maybe with sec 'simple event correlator' it watches logs and can exec a command when it see's a matching pattern.08:08
jaikI actually found something that might work... https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=9653708:13
mrubhello everyone! yesterday i upgraded to 14.04 and now i get an kwallet error code 42 and cannot access my wallet. so far, i have not found a comprehensive list of kwallet errors. can anyone point me to such a list and or tell me what goes wrong?09:04
Quintasanmrub: I think people in #kde-devel might know more09:21
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:07
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tester1337hello, I got a question about kubuntu I was hoping someone can help me with?11:17
tester1337so currently I got a dual boot system windows 7 and Ubuntu. I am wondering if I want to install kUbuntu do I just have to overwrite the ubuntu install or do I need to do the whole grub restore thing aswell before that11:18
lordievadertester1337: You can simply install the 'kubuntu-desktop' package on your Ubuntu machine to have Kubuntu :)11:24
mrub_Quintasan: thank you14:03
rvraghav93Why does "Show in folder" of downloads when opened via the Download tab of chrome open via konquerer rather than dolphin ?14:36
rvraghav93this changed behaviour was after upgrading to 1414:37
rvraghav93Any suggestions to change it back to dolphin?14:37
snelervraghav93: go to system settings>default applications and choose dolphin for default file manager14:38
rvraghav93snele: thanks :)14:38
rcw2yes, chrome may have an audio issue.  maybe i should reinstall it14:42
vistakillerhello i have just upgrade my system and is an excellent version but i am little confused with popup notifications14:55
vistakilleris not appear good14:55
vistakilleris there anyway to change them?14:55
DJ_UnibobSigh, upgrading to 14.04 broke my system, stuck at 1024x768 on my primary display and my secondary display refuses to work.15:01
prillian5can i switch from a non LTS to LTS version?15:01
vistakillerprillian5 yes15:02
genii_prillian5: You can go for instance from 13.10 to 14.04, yes15:02
vistakillerDJ try to reinstall gpu card drivers15:02
vistakilleranyone know why i have a plasma popup in the left up corner for notifications?15:03
prillian5k, cause i've read before that this is not possible in each circumstances15:03
DJ_UnibobALright. I'll try that, how would I go about finding the propreitery drivers program?15:04
prillian5but btw. i read before 10 seconds, that openoffice is back in kubuntu ?!15:04
genii_prillian5: If you are running for instance 13.04 then likely you need to go 13.04->13.10->14.0415:04
prillian5not libre anymore?15:04
prillian5ah sorry, i was wrong15:05
prillian5see, libre is still in use.15:05
vistakillerDJ what gpu you have?15:05
DJ_UnibobeVga 8800 GTS 640 mb15:06
vistakillerthere is a progamme in system for gpu drivers15:07
DJ_Unibobwhich is nVidia, if you were unsure.  :)15:07
vistakilleruse it and install them15:07
DJ_UnibobNot for my linux partition, no.15:07
vistakiller333.38 is in the repositories15:07
vistakillergive in a treminal15:08
vistakillerand take a look what driver you use15:08
prillian5is there a overview what changed for 14.0415:08
DJ_Unibobat least I haven't found it anyway, I do see the 333.38 in the repositories, but it shows them as already running, but doesn't seem to make a difference.15:08
prillian5from 13.1015:08
DJ_Unibobtelling me a system restart is needed, hopefully this will work, I'll brb.15:10
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vistakillerprillian5 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-14.0415:11
vistakillercan anyone ping my name to see notifications?15:12
prillian5[~spiros@] [17:13] ==  realname : purple [17:13] ==  channels : #kubuntu [17:13] ==  server   : hitchcock.freenode.net [Sofia, BG, EU] [17:13] == End of WHOIS15:14
DJ_UnibobThat fixed the display issue.  :)15:14
vistakillerhow can i get off the plasma notification in the left upper corner?15:15
DJ_UnibobI disabled the quiet boot and there were quite a few things that had a status of [fail] during the boot.15:16
prillian5some nice improvements15:16
DJ_UnibobI'm now going to see if I can boot into the ubuntu desktop, that was failing before, though I could boot into KDE15:17
prillian5btw. big praise to KDE. Have to used gnome some weeks ago. Result: I still not like it. I love KDE15:17
Shaan7prillian5: thanks :D15:19
prillian5the new networkmanager is also really nice15:20
vistakilleranyone know about notifications? why i have a plasma notification appart from tray in the left up corner?15:22
vistakilleranyone else has this?15:22
MoonUnit`vistakiller, do you have an extra notification widget on the screen?15:30
vistakilleryes but i dont remember to install it15:30
vistakilleris in the up left corner and it dont have tools to delete it or to erase it15:31
vistakilleris just a plasma icon that popup and stay there15:31
vistakilleranyone else has this?15:31
vistakillernotify-osd is a native kubuntu package?15:33
MoonUnit`vistakiller,  maintainer is DX Team <dx-team@lists.ubuntu.com> , i don't have it installed on mine15:35
vistakillerMoonUnit do you have this in you system? the upcorner plasma?15:35
MoonUnit`only notifications i have are from the notification widget in the system tray.15:37
vistakillerstrange then how they get there.. :P15:37
vistakilleris an upgrade system15:38
vistakillertime for a restart15:38
vistakilleri think i have found it15:40
vistakilleris from pidgin :P15:41
MoonUnit`hah i have pidgin notifications disabled15:41
Shaan7just use kde telepathy :)15:41
vistakilleri use pidgin 6 years now..15:43
vistakillermaybe more15:43
prillian5i also have used pidgin many years, and it is great application. But now i use telepathy and konversation15:44
prillian5i like the integration of telepathy in main OS, and there is nothing i miss at the moment, but a good irc integration, cause of this i use konversation15:45
vistakilleri dont know how to add irc to telepathy15:46
prillian5vistakiller: me too, cause of this i use konversation ( don't like quassel )15:48
prillian5konversation is better for irc than pidgin15:48
prillian5and the only downside is, that irc and messenger is not still in the same programm (like in pidgin before), but the upside is, not so much gnome-packeges need to be installed anymore (for pidgin)15:49
prillian5hope voip will work soon in telepathy.15:52
vistakillernow i lost thunderbird new email notification15:54
vistakilleri dont know how i get this to work with kde notification15:54
vistakilleri dont remember15:54
prillian5vistakiller: better use kmail16:05
prillian5its really great16:05
prillian5switched before 2 years to kmail. great groupware16:05
vistakilleri use kmail for dapper but i stop use it three years now after an upgrade that break everything16:05
prillian5i know this dark time of kmail, but trust me, those times are gone16:06
vistakilleri will give a try16:06
vistakilleri was once a loyal kmail user :P16:07
prillian5i even hate kmail in those times and also switched to thunderbird. But till 2 years  it is solid like in KDE316:07
prillian5The devs done a good job and the desktop integration is also really good.16:07
prillian5k, i'm out now16:08
vistakillerok bye :)16:08
prillian5barbecue time :D16:08
vistakilleris there a bitcoin plasma widget?16:08
MoonUnit`seems to be 416:14
Krisehi, need some help16:15
genii!details | Krise16:16
ubottuKrise: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:16
Krisehow can i enable mobile broadband?16:16
Krisei can see enable wireless and enable networking but no enable mobile broadband16:16
DJ_UnibobThanks guys, everything seems to be back in order, much appreciated.16:17
geniiKrise: What sort of device are you using to connect to the mobile broadband? eg: tethering your phone, internal mPCIe card like Gobi, external USB device like LTE RocketStick, etc16:19
Krisei have Huawei internet stick16:19
Krisei did make new connection in network manager but still nothing16:20
geniiKrise: Sometimes firmware for the device must be downloaded and placed in /lib/firmware/ directory. Other times special instructions may be needed. Please unplug the stick, wait 5 seconds and then re-plug it in, and then please use the pastebin service to put the results of: dmesg|tail   so that we can determine the exact device codes for it16:23
Kriseok, dont go anywhere genii, i have to disconnect this computer and plug it in to my kubuntu laptop16:25
geniiKrise: I'm here for at least the next 4 1/2 hours :)16:28
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lordievaderGood evening.17:12
geniiKrise: Reading17:13
Krisethank u genii17:13
vistakillerafter three years away from kmail i think is still very confusing17:14
vistakillerto much option nothing clear what to do17:14
geniiKrise: Do you have the package "usb-modeswitch" installed?17:15
Kriseim not sure,17:16
Kriseand i can not  doo that without geting my int.stick work17:17
StravHe. I'm having some troubles in getting pulseaudio to recognize my usb headset. I set the log level to 3 and here is the syslog when I try to plug the headset: http://pastebin.com/YnArhuLw  (note, the headset is recognized when I boot or if I reset pulse audio but this messes with phonon and I'd rather avoid having to reset pulse each time) Any suggestion on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated :)17:18
geniiKrise: You have no wired connection nearby to plug directly into, or a regular wifi?17:18
geniiKrise: What says the result of: apt-cache policy usb-modeswitch   ..?17:18
vistakilleranyone work with kmail?17:18
Kriseone sec genii17:18
vistakillerhow can i add two account to one incoming folder?17:19
Krisegenii it says installed : 1.2.3 +repack0- lubuntu317:20
geniiKrise: OK. That's good, actually.17:20
Krisei like good17:21
Stravvistakiller: I'd be interested to know too.17:23
vistakillercan i merge two accounts in kmail?17:24
vistakillerin one folder?17:24
vistakillerthere are 100 option in kmail and there is no simple option to merge the folders :P17:24
vistakillerwhy they dont keep simple?17:24
tadhdoes anyone know how to actually un-install baloo ? I really do not need my cpu pegged all the time17:25
geniiWhat says the result of command: grep -n Huawei /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules | grep 1506        (please type it carefully to be exact with uppercase H in Huawei for instance)17:26
tadhalso why was baloo even shipped on by default. can't kde ask before turning this stuff on?17:26
Stravtadh: once the indexing is done, baloo should keep quiet most of the time (at least this is what I experience)17:26
tadhI mean it should ask what to index17:26
tadhnot blow through 500gb home dir17:27
tadhwith plain text datafiles which are 10s of GB17:27
* genii slides BluesKaj a fresh coffee17:28
tadh:sigh: this nepomunk stuff is always frustrating17:28
Shaan7tadh: http://vhanda.in/blog/2014/04/desktop-search-configuration/17:28
BluesKajthanks genii :)17:29
vistakillerno luck with merging account folders17:29
tadhyeah i saw that. I did that and it didn't work17:29
vistakillerthis kmail is very confusing17:29
tadhi ended up doing the hack where I moved the binaries17:29
tadhi was hoping for a better solution17:29
vistakilleri will stay with thunderbird17:29
geniiKrise: No result for the grep command I gave ?17:30
Krisegenii, do i have to plug styick in ?17:30
geniiKrise: Not for that17:30
KriseHold on genii i paste this to pastebin17:31
* genii makes more coffee17:31
Krisegenii here is something to read when drinking cofee http://paste.kde.org/p8ojlz9ii17:35
geniiKrise: You forgot the | (pipe) part before the "grep 1506" :)  Can you please re-issue the command?17:38
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geniiKrise:Actually, my sorry.... the part we want to look for is not on the same line as the manufacturer name... please use instead: grep -n 12d1 /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules| grep 1506     ( where here the 12d1 is for Huawei and 1506 is the specific device we want)17:43
genii( the command may give no result, in which case we then need to add it manually)17:47
Programmer_anyone having issues with chromium syncing tabs between phone and desktop correctly since the 14.04 update?17:59
vistakillerin chrome that work without problems18:04
Programmer_Anyone know how to stop Krunner automatically launching if I start typing on the desktop? kinda annoying which I start typing thinking im typing into a window that just popped up? I'm on 14.04 btw.18:04
Programmer_vistakiller, Im having issues with it18:05
Programmer_Anyone know how to stop Krunner automatically launching if I start typing on the desktop? kinda annoying which I start typing thinking im typing into a window that just popped up? I'm on 14.04 btw.18:05
vistakillerwhere you typing this?18:05
vistakillerfor krunner?18:06
Programmer_like on the desktop18:06
vistakillerkrunner pop without opening it?18:06
Programmer_w/o pressing alt+F218:06
vistakillerin my system work like before but i am in upgrade system18:06
Asharethit's not a 14.02 problem18:07
Asharethit does the same to me on 13.x18:07
vistakilleri dont have it in 13.x18:07
Asharethand i understand how it can be annoying :p18:07
Programmer_didnt do it for me on 13.1018:07
Programmer_so no one knows how to fix it?18:09
Programmer_what about the "new" builtin synaptics?18:09
Programmer_my touchpad still moves when im typing18:09
Programmer_that has to be a 14.04 issue18:09
Programmer_and the ibus thing keeps freezing my keyboard unless i close it18:10
Programmer_just highlight if you can help18:11
vistakilleri am in desktop and i dont have any of that problems18:13
vistakillerthere is no option for touchpad to disable moving?18:18
Programmer_in the settings18:19
Programmer_i could try reinstall synaptics, but meh18:19
vistakilleri see that is not installed and for me18:19
vistakillerit says synaptics driver is not installed18:19
vistakillerbut i am in desktop...18:20
Programmer_im in desktop18:20
Programmer_well laptop. same thing18:20
mikeSysinfo for 'mike-HP-ProBook-4430s': Linux 3.2.0-60-generic running , CPU: Intel(R)Corei3-2330MCPU@2.20GHz at 800 MHz (4389 bogomips), HD: 3/48GB, RAM: 1806/7920MB, 129 proc's, 16.0min up19:12
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* genii sips his coffee and wonders what that was all about19:14
lordievaderAre we sharing uname -a output?19:15
ifohancroftHello. Is there any known issue with the recommended proprietary driver for NVIDIA (331.38) in Kubuntu 14.04 i686?19:48
ifohancroftIn other words: I am using NVIDIA GeForce G210M (GT218M) and when I choose that driver from the Driver Manager in System settings, it's almost impossible to login20:00
ifohancroftI get login loop or tons of graphic glithes20:00
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bennypr0fane_guys, how can I make Quassel keep logs of all my chats?20:45
ifohancroftbennypr0fane_: I think you would get more help if you'd ask in #quassel20:52
bennypr0fane_ifohancroft: ok, thakns, will do20:53
ifohancroftyou're welcome20:53
D353R7F0X_Has anyone had problems with the proprietary nvidia drivers after updating to 14.04  64bit?21:02
lordievaderD353R7F0X_: Got the 304 running here. No problems yet.21:07
D353R7F0X_cool thanks21:08
bprompt!es | pedro__22:03
ubottupedro__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:03
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