bluesabre | Greetings release team, we have a bug fix SRU here: | 02:59 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1309951 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole reports "Gstreamer backend error, could not initialise supporting library" because "gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio" is missing." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:59 |
bluesabre | Would it be possible get a review of this. It's a simple, low-risk fix, with the inclusion of a new Recommends on the parole package. | 02:59 |
bluesabre | Please let me know if there are any questions. | 03:00 |
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infinity | bluesabre: Get someone to upload it, much easier to review in the queue. | 04:25 |
infinity | bluesabre: (but looks fine to me) | 04:25 |
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bdmurray | Could somebody have a look at this ubuntu-archive-tools mp? | 15:14 |
bdmurray | infinity: could we get some of the old trusty milestones deactivated? | 16:18 |
infinity | bdmurray: Yup. | 16:19 |
infinity | I can't help thinking that milestones with dates should auto-deactivate... | 16:21 |
infinity | bdmurray: That look better? | 16:22 |
bdmurray | yes, thanks! | 16:23 |
infinity | Except for the seriously bizarre ordering in the combo box... | 16:23 |
infinity | 5, 1, 2, updates, 3, 4? Wow. | 16:23 |
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utlemming | infinity: when is the EOL notification for 12.10 going out? | 17:37 |
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Aki-Thinkpad | utlemming, 12.10 isnt supported anymore? | 21:12 |
utlemming | Aki-Thinkpad: run "ubuntu-distro-info --supported", it has an EOL of "April 2014" on the release wiki | 21:12 |
Aki-Thinkpad | akiva@Akiva-ThinkPad:~$ ubuntu-distro-info --release --supported | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | 10.04 LTS | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | 12.04 LTS | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | 13.10 | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | 14.04 LTS | 21:14 |
utlemming | Aki-Thinkpad: that is part of why I was asking about the EOL notification | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | !12.10 | 21:14 |
ubot2 | 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at - Release Notes: | 21:14 |
Aki-Thinkpad | utlemming, mmmm is it the server version? | 21:15 |
utlemming | Aki-Thinkpad: well, it wasn't an LTS and was the last 18month supported stable release. So server or not, it doesn't matter. | 21:16 |
Aki-Thinkpad | I didnt realize that there was ever an 18month release cycle... | 21:16 |
Aki-Thinkpad | maybe I have a bad memory | 21:17 |
Aki-Thinkpad | I always thought it was 9, and then 6 | 21:17 |
utlemming | Aki-Thinkpad: development cycle is 6 months, but the supported life was 18 months. Starting with 13.04 it became 9 months except for LTS releases, which is 3 or 5 years, depending on the variant | 21:18 |
Aki-Thinkpad | utlemming, yah my memory must be failing me. I think you are right | 21:18 |
Aki-Thinkpad | 6 months would not make sense... | 21:19 |
infinity | utlemming: There should be an announcement, yes. It's all been a bit messy because of the switch in support lengths, and what that means for users, etc. I'll gather up everything we discussed and decided on and put out the EOL warnings soon. | 21:28 |
utlemming | infinity: great, thanks :) I just need that to inform the cloudy people. However, according to the distro-info-data, it EOL'd on the 18th. | 21:30 |
infinity | utlemming: Yeah, distro-info-data was set at 12.10 release, it's certainly not kept up with discussions since then. | 21:32 |
infinity | (I wouldn't take d-i-d as anything but an approximation of truth, ever) | 21:32 |
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