
=== peter is now known as Guest88300
Bert_2Hi, I wanted to quickly migrate from munin on 12.04 to munin2+cgi on 14.0402:12
Bert_2I previously used nginx on a smaller setup but am now using apache02:12
Bert_2now is it possible that the config that comes with the package for apache is entirely wrong?02:13
Bert_2it seems to be just impossible to get it working and for example still has this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/125802602:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1258026 in munin "Default configuration file Apache 2.2 not Apache 2.4" [Low,Confirmed]02:14
Bert_2Can anoyone give me any kind of pointer, cause I'm totally lost in config and can't get this fixed02:14
Bert_2I got it, nevermind, still needs more docs, more comments and a correct config though02:32
Derailedhey guys, fresh install of 14.04: if I 'apt-get install wordpress', how do I tell it to install nginx instead of apache? the dependencies for wordpress say 'apache2 | httpd', so how do I get it to accept that 'nginx-full' provides httpd?03:56
arrithDerailed: you could try:    sudo apt-get install wordpress nginx-full apache-04:16
arrithDerailed: or you might just have to install nginx-full before you install wordpress04:16
Derailedarrith, I've tried a few combinations. but even with nginx-full installed, wordpress installs apache204:17
arrithDerailed: might be because apache is in the recommends. since nginx packages in their debian control file specify that they provide "httpd"04:18
arrithDerailed: after you install nginx-full try to do:    sudo apt-get install apache- wordpress04:18
arrithnote the dash after apache, that is to keep it from being installed04:19
Derailed^^ that's the thing I'd never seen before04:19
Derailed:-) maybe something like that will doit04:19
Derailedarrith, thanks! it looks like I also needed to specify 'php5' to prevent it from installing 'libapache2-mod-php504:21
Derailednope spoke too soon04:22
Derailedit's still trying to pull in apache204:22
arrithDerailed: oh well, do the ignore recommends04:32
lordievaderGood morning.06:18
GJPMiningcoI setup a encrypted disk password that has to be entered everytime the system starts when i setup Ubuntu Desktop 14.05 is there anyway to Undo that ( because this is a Co-located Dedicated server at a Data Center and i now need to reboot the system but hate to have to wait for the server to come back online until a tech support can go type in a password06:54
GJPMiningcoi am asking here because it seems like no one in #ubuntu known06:54
GJPMiningcoi am asking here because it seems like no one in #ubuntu knows06:54
sheptardGJPMiningco: no07:07
sheptardGJPMiningco: also you colo'd a box without ipmi?07:07
sheptardip kvm07:08
GJPMiningconever heard of it07:09
maxbIt seems ever so slightly pointless to have an encrypted disk password if you have to tell arbitrary tech support people what it is?07:19
Meerkatwhy would you need to do that?07:28
GJPMiningcoi wasnt thinking when i did it07:42
GJPMiningcoI was in a rush07:42
GJPMiningcoso there is NO way to remove it?07:42
MeerkatGJPMiningco, sorry, I was answering maxb. What is your issue? I just got here.07:43
GJPMiningcoI setup a encrypted disk password that has to be entered everytime the system starts when i setup Ubuntu Desktop 14.05 is there anyway to Undo that ( because this is a Co-located Dedicated server at a Data Center and i now need to reboot the system but hate to have to wait for the server to come back online until a tech support can go type in a password07:46
MeerkatGJPMiningco, you have to reinstall without full-disk encryption.08:00
Aeohey, can someone help me, one of my scripts did a fsck -C, is there any way i can roll it back08:21
bekksAeo: fsck is a filesystem check. You cannot roll it back.08:27
Aeoany possible way for me to recover?08:27
bekksAeo: According to "man fsck" the -C option displays a progress bar.08:27
Aeothats what i thought too, until i ran it08:27
bekksDid you run it on a mounted filesystem?08:28
Aeothe script was set to unmount it first, but that errored08:28
Aeoso it did it on an unmounted fs08:28
bekksif unmounting errored it ran on a mounted fs.08:30
bekksis that correct?08:30
bekksThen you have to restore your backup now.08:31
Aeoif i boot a livecd, i still have access to all the files08:32
Aeocan i run a normal fsck on the drives to restore them?08:33
Aeodarn. got it08:33
bekksA backup restores files, not fsck.08:33
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Aeoi know, but i still have access to the files, if i boot a livecd08:35
Aeoso just the filesystem is wrecked08:35
linociscohi all, I have inserted cdrom to ubuntu server and how to find that? /media had shown09:46
lordievaderlinocisco: Is it mounted?09:47
bekksMount it manually.09:48
linociscolordievader, yes. how to mount in manually09:48
bekks!mount | linocisco09:48
ubottulinocisco: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:48
bekksLike that.09:48
lordievaderOhh, didn't know there was a factoid for it, nice ;)09:49
linociscolordievader, I dont know where to find . there is no /dev/hdc09:52
lordievaderlinocisco: hdc?09:53
linociscolordievader, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount, /dev/hdc1 or something like that is cdrom.09:54
lordievaderlinocisco: That is simply an example, adjust to your needs.09:55
Meerkatlinocisco, it should be /dev/cdrom09:58
linociscoMeerkat, it is so weired. I have searched alot of time under /media. found none.10:00
linociscoonly that time. I found10:00
Meerkatlinocisco, /media/ lists what you have already mounted.  /dev/ is for all devices on your computer.10:02
linociscoMeerkat, yes. I see bro10:03
lordievaderlinocisco: Does "mount" list a cdrom?10:05
hxmhow to change the time? it is 2 hours behind10:38
hxmi think is the timezone10:38
hxmah no, the time is ok10:38
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HiddenDjinnis trusty ready?15:30
bekksHiddenDjinn: Since April 17, yes.15:31
HiddenDjinnbekks: i'll take a quick snapshot and upgrade my server, then15:31
HiddenDjinnseems do-release-upgrade -d is not allowing me to do the upgrade...it's terminating because the gz isn't authenticating against its signature16:00
MeerkatHiddenDjinn, if this is a server of importance you're better off waiting until 14.04.1 or the end of support for whatever version you are running now.16:05
pmatulisHiddenDjinn: why the '-d' ?  trusty is not dev anymore16:15
bekkspmatulis: Direct upgrade from 12.04.x will be possible after the release of 14.04.1 in July. Until then, you need to use -d16:17
pmatulisbekks: ah right16:18
HiddenDjinnit's still refusing to cooperate16:38
lazyPowerjamespag`: I hear you have a PPA for Jenkins?16:51
HiddenDjinnok, i got it figured out17:03
HiddenDjinnthe cached package list was corrupted17:03
lordievaderGood evening.17:13
HiddenDjinnok, trusty's on my server, all is well17:39
d[0]gmy services ait loading at startup17:58
d[0]gsnmpd sendmail arpwatch apache etc17:59
d[0]gsimply not being load17:59
sarnoldd[0]g: do you have any error messages in your log files?18:00
d[0]g * Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated                                                                             [fail]18:01
d[0]g * Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server                               [fail]18:01
lordievaderd[0]g: Have you checked your upstart logs?18:03
d[0]gnothing ther related to the servers18:04
d[0]g$ ยป ls18:04
d[0]galsa-restore.log       networking.log18:04
d[0]gand a few more18:05
lordievaderApache start fine?18:10
d[0]gbut not at startup18:11
geniid[0]g: I guess I'll try to help you here instead of in #ubuntu, since it's quieter here. Please remember that cross-posting the same question across channels is frustrating for helpers.18:11
d[0]gneither of the other services get loaded18:11
d[0]gi know18:11
d[0]gi was in xubuntu they send me here18:11
geniiHe can start apache etc from either upstart or sysvinit without issue. This leads me to think that some prior job is not quite done like filesystem or network18:11
lordievaderd[0]g: Why write your own init.d script if a upstart script comes packed?18:12
d[0]gim not wirting them18:12
d[0]git says at boot18:12
d[0]gwlan0 no ipv4 address assigned18:12
d[0]gbut ths is only for the wifi18:13
d[0]gi never tested it with eth0 plugin in18:13
lordievaderThat shouldn't matter.18:13
d[0]gthats the last thing i see18:13
d[0]gthen i get lightdm18:13
lordievaderWhat os are we talking about here? Xubuntu?18:14
lordievaderAre the requirements met at boot time? ($local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog $named)18:17
d[0]gi think so18:17
d[0]ghow can i see that ?18:17
lordievaderHmm, not sure really. That is the annoying thing about upstart, never really clear on how to debug.18:18
d[0]gi can see alot of services and things being loaded just fine18:18
d[0]gbut i cant see apache sendmail and all post install services i add to the xubuntu18:19
d[0]gbeing loaded idk it gets anoying18:19
d[0]gi think rc.local aint being call either18:19
d[0]gsince i have ther 2 lines that were never loaded18:19
d[0]gwath a goo18:20
sarnold"wath a goo"?18:21
d[0]gim frustrated18:21
lordievaderd[0]g: What you could do is add some test statement to /etc/init.d/apache2 like "echo 'I WORK' > /tmp/apache2".18:21
d[0]gi can try18:22
d[0]gbrb reboot18:23
d[0]gill let you know in a min18:23
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d[0]gand thats a nope18:28
* genii ponders Debian bug 64546018:29
uvirtbotDebian bug 645460 in apache2.2-common "apache2.2-common: /etc/init.d/apache2 start and restart need to wait until really started" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/64546018:29
d[0]gif i disable apache2 from startup18:32
d[0]gill get all the other services running ?18:32
geniiI'm dubious, but you could try. Some of the other services you mentioned should actually be starting before that, like the snmpd and sendmail for instance18:35
d[0]gthats my point18:35
d[0]gif it fails to load apache it might keep tryong to load it18:36
d[0]gthat might be preventin from loading the others18:36
d[0]gstill they dont show at initctl list18:36
geniid[0]g: I think i would first try to narrow down which one it might be getting stuck at that is conceivably causing the others to cascade-fail. Like maybe remove snmpd and see if the other stuff starts, etc. Sendmail you can't really remove...18:38
geniiWork, afk 5-7 minutes18:38
d[0]gtested 3 diferente confs18:49
d[0]gonly 1 service is loaded by default18:49
d[0]gif i enable arpon apache and snmpd18:49
d[0]gonly arpon will be runing18:49
d[0]gdisable those18:49
d[0]gand enabled sendmail and snmpd18:49
d[0]gand only snmpd gets loaded18:50
d[0]gany way18:51
d[0]gthanks for the help18:51
d[0]gim off18:51
d[0]gi might get a fresh install to see if things get done18:51
linux|newbI've tried a lot of suggestions offered up by google searches but I seem to be getting no where. anyone know how to get past 'cd rom' failed to mount message when installing 12.04/14.04 from USB?19:01
linux|newb'cd rom failed to mount'*19:01
bekkslinux|newb: how did you create the usb medium?19:33
brendan`hey all, quick question... we're running our dhcp under ubuntu 12.04, but we're in the process of spinning up a windows deployment server, etc. for imaging laptops via PXE19:57
brendan`for the life of me, i cannot figure out which dhcp option(s) need to be set to point to the windows server19:58
geniiProbably next-server19:58
brendan`is the filename entry needed as well genii /20:05
geniibrendan`: It will usually just look for the same file but on the new ip20:07
brendan`hmm, im not sure of the filenaming scheme, just trying to help the guy set it up20:07
brendan`not many posts out there for using a linux dhcp w/ a windows box for hosting & imaging20:08
geniibrendan`: Seems to be a semi-useful document at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722358%28v=ws.10%29.aspx20:18
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qhartmanAnyone in here familiar with MAAS. #maas is pretty quiet right now.22:31
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Patrickdkwhat is up with systemd renaming all my network interfaces?23:17
sarnoldPatrickdk: do you have the biosdevname package installed?23:18
Patrickdkwhatever gets installed by default23:18
sarnoldI'm pretty sure it's biosdevname that did all the renaming23:19
Patrickdklooks like it23:20
Patrickdkeventhough the logs say, systemd-udevd23:20
Patrickdkfunny, I have network cards named p2px p4px p6px rename5 ...23:20
sarnoldrename5? o_O23:21
Patrickdkit's suppost to be called p6p2, but it's called rename523:21
Patrickdkrenamed network interface eth1 to rename523:22
Patrickdkdoesn't seem like a very reliable package23:22
Patrickdkexpecially when the installer setup eth0, but that packaged then renamed eth0 to something else, so I lost all network after install23:23
Patrickdkguess this is what I get for not doing a minimal install23:25
Patrickdkuninstalled biosdevname, but still happening23:26
sarnoldPatrickdk: maybe you have to clean up after it in /etc/udev/blody/something/  ?23:27
Patrickdkdid that23:27
sarnoldhrm. :(23:29
arrithsounds like bugs23:32
Patrickdkhmm, have to test this23:51
PatrickdkI think it's being done in initramfs, the rename, and biosdevname didn't cause an initramfs rebuild when it was removed23:51
Patrickdkya, update-initramfs -u, fixed it up23:53
sarnoldPatrickdk: <3 thanks :)23:53
HiddenDjinnok, after updating to 14...seems the postfix isn't working23:55
Patrickdkwhat postfix version is it?23:57

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