
elachecheGM :)08:33
SalahMessaoudGM elacheche08:41
elachechewhat's up guys? r3zguin0 zaritna il barka :p09:08
r3zguin0elacheche, hello09:12
r3zguin0dima connecti a l'irc09:13
r3zguin0mokther winty ra9ed :P09:13
r3zguin0deja dima fil cakephp channel nis2el :P09:13
elachecher3zguin0, 9oul tispami mouch tas2al :p09:29
r3zguin0hhhh lé hédhika fi arch :p elacheche09:30
r3zguin0éma community mta3'hom yasser béhia ;)09:31
r3zguin0davlefou, hello09:31
elachechenabdev, welcome to the channel :)09:33
nabdevelacheche > :)09:35
r3zguin0welcome nabdev09:42
nabdevr3zguin0 > :)09:45
r3zguin0nabdev, you connected once to geeks-tn?09:54
r3zguin0i remember this name09:54
nabdevsome time09:55
r3zguin0crack3r friend? nabdev09:56
nabdevno , i don't know him09:57
r3zguin0SalahMessaoud, hello nigga09:58
elachecher3zguin0, is a racist x)09:59
r3zguin0dfq xD09:59
r3zguin0no offense salah09:59
davlefour3zguin0, bonjour,10:38
davlefour3zguin0, peut on t'aider?10:38
SalahMessaoudr3zguin0, :D Yoo10:40

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