
Roguehorsemy first meeting with you guys......01:32
ianorlinstarts in nearly half an hour01:32
pleia2welcome Roguehorse01:32
Roguehorsepleia2: Lyz right?01:32
Roguehorserww: Hey01:33
RoguehorseHow many here going to be in SF?01:34
* ianorlin is Torrance so a little far01:34
rwwme and pleia2 will be01:34
arrithmy friend and i should be01:35
RoguehorseI have a Web Builder group on Wed.... Then SF Thur01:35
Roguehorsearrith: Good deal01:35
arriththere was something about an installfest possibly happening, but something about that only being at mozilla and it's not being held at mozilla..?01:35
rwwarrith: there's an installfest in socal. I don't know of another one that got past the "we should think about doing this" stage01:36
Roguehorsearrith: ?? Hmm....dk01:36
arrithrww: how far into socal..?01:36
rwworange county01:36
arriththe further you go the more you have to pay off those dang cartels01:36
arrithi forget if that's claimed territory01:37
arrithpotential roadtrip though01:37
ianorlinit is at cal state fullerton01:38
RoguehorseEveryone already do the upgrade?01:43
* ianorlin was testing 14.04 lubuntu on external hard drives then I just upgraded the one on my intenral hard drive on laptop01:43
RoguehorseIt came through one morning fopr me on startup, and I just went with it.01:45
RoguehorseSeems to be ok, but now my Mint in VM is acting funky. Not sure why.01:46
RoguehorseI upgraded VB GE hoping that would help, but not that I can tell. I winder if it's the change in graphics drivers?01:50
pleia2Roguehorse: your n7 needs one of these! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ED3KMRQ/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=101:50
darthrobotTitle: [Amazon.com: Blurex Ultra-Slim Case for Nexus Tabet -- With Smart Cover Auto Wake / Sleep Feature Nexus 7 FHD Gen II (Tangelo): Computers & Accessories]01:50
pleia2I will show you on thursday, it's lovely01:50
Roguehorsepleia2: I don't have one of those. I have an Acer A50001:51
lrcaballeroHello everyone and good evening!01:52
Roguehorselrcaballero: Hi01:53
pleia2Roguehorse: oops, I meant rww!01:54
pleia2darn tab completion, sorry :)01:54
pleia2Roguehorse: I'll show you on thursday anyway, since it'll be attached to my tablet ;)01:55
pleia2which I'll be letting folks play with01:56
Roguehorsepleia2: LOL! No worries....sounds good01:57
RoguehorseI'm thinking about flashing my old A500 for Ubuntu but I don't know if it can handle it01:58
Roguehorseit's running ICS 4.0.1 now01:58
pleia2yeah, I've only tried it on officially supported devices01:59
* ianorlin doesn't even have a smartphone or tablet01:59
Roguehorseianorlin: sorry.....to be honest, I don't use my tablet much but my 4yr old son loves it01:59
Roguehorse<a little too much> if you know what I mean?02:00
ianorlinno I don't really want one02:00
pleia2ok, meeting time!02:00
darthrobotMeeting started Mon Apr 21 02:00:34 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.02:00
darthrobotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired02:00
pleia2Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14April2002:00
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14April20 - Ubuntu Wiki]02:00
pleia2really just the release party stuff :)02:00
pleia2who all is here for the meeting?02:01
pleia2#topic 14.04 Release event planning02:01
pleia2so things are coming together here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease02:02
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease - Ubuntu Wiki]02:02
pleia2I don't see philip here now, but he's hosting a little Ubuntu Hour-esque get together in San Diego on Thursday: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2765-ubuntu-san-diego-1404-release-party/02:02
darthrobotTitle: [Ubuntu San Diego 14.04 Release Party | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]02:02
pleia2I've been working with folks to get the San Francisco event to come together: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease/SanFrancisco02:03
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease/SanFrancisco - Ubuntu Wiki]02:03
pleia2we'll have three Nexus 7s running Ubuntu for folks to check out :D02:03
rwwHow does the SD release party time work when the place it's at closes at 11:30?02:03
raevolack a little late,  but here!02:03
rwwpost-starbucks bar time?02:03
pleia2rww: hah, good question (for philip)02:04
nhainesYeah, the party ends a couple hours after that Starbucks closes.  Something to track.02:04
nhainesOh hey, I should read the entire scrollback.  But yes.02:04
rwwanyways, San Francisco02:05
pleia2we have a lot of signups02:05
darthrobotTitle: [San Francisco Trusty Release Party | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]02:05
pleia2more than we've had for an event before, I'm impressed :)02:05
pleia2(and a little scared)02:05
rwwhehe :)02:05
pleia2the venue has that URL to track RSVPs, so they know what's coming, I'll follow up directly with them to make sure all is in order02:06
rwwwhat's left on the todo list?02:06
RoguehorseWhat's the parking like around there and how close to BART?02:06
nhainesThat's good news.  :)02:06
pleia2Roguehorse: it's between Powell and Civic Center BART, very close02:06
pleia2Roguehorse: parking is awful, downtown and all02:06
* rww is BARTing02:06
Roguehorsepleia2: BART it is!02:06
* pleia2 recommends Powell :)02:06
Roguehorsepleia2: K, TY02:07
nhainespleia2: if there's a massive turnout and everyone's using public transport, maybe you can get a special price at the bar.02:07
pleia2rww: todo list - I don't think anything02:07
pleia2nhaines: the venue is providing drinks already :)02:07
nhainesooh  :)02:07
rwwpleia2: food?02:07
nhainesrww: the important part is covered though.02:07
pleia2rww: I submitted a community funding request to Canonical for food02:07
pleia2it's landing on my credit card though, will submit receipts for reimbursement (hopefully they approve it!)02:08
* nhaines crosses his fingers.02:08
pleia2we'll order a bunch of pizzas from Extreme pizza probably should figure out what actually02:08
nhainesMake sure you get extra anchovies.02:08
pleia2we were going to do Costco pizzas, but logistics for getting hot pizzas to the venus is hard :\02:08
nhainesThey get soggy, but pickles will add more crunch.02:08
pleia2I want folks to have fun, not be sending everyone out on pizza runs02:09
nhainesPlease report back on that.02:09
* rww glares at nhaines 02:09
rwwpleia2: did you get the quiz sorted out :D?02:09
* rww is trying to think of things to do02:09
pleia2rww: haven't even started :)02:09
RoguehorsePizza works, easy. Trash can be a bugger though.02:09
pleia2rww: I can create a google doc and we can collaborate on questions if you want02:09
rwwpleia2: woohoo. works for me02:10
Roguehorsepleia2: Smart idea02:10
rwwbtw, i'll be leaving work at 4:30 so i'll be there a bit after it starts02:10
rwwdo you need volunteers to help set up, or is it minimal setup?02:10
pleia2rww: PM me your email address for sharing goog docs?02:10
pleia2rww: might need setup volunteers to make sure we have cords and things run properly02:10
pleia2rww: if you could also bring the SCaLE stuff, we might use some of that02:11
rwwpleia2: sure02:11
epsRoguehorse: There is paid parking at the Fifth and Mission garage. See http://sfpark.org/02:11
darthrobotTitle: [SFpark]02:11
RoguehorseI would help set up but have to wait for a sitter before I can go.02:11
pleia2eps: thanks!02:11
Roguehorseeps: Thanks, I'll go BART though.02:12
pleia2I have jyo coming by my place to help me haul over goodies too, 3 laptops and snacks from Costco (meeting eps at Costco the night before to pick up cookies and things)02:12
pleia2I'll firm up what time we want to meet for setup, event starts at 6:00 so getting there by 5:30 for setup seems fine02:13
* ianorlin wonders if laptops will run out of power or if they are plugs?02:13
pleia2ianorlin: I've packed a power strip, but I should ask about actual access to power :)02:13
RoguehorseHas anyone checked the weather forcast? Just for giggles if anything else.02:14
pleia2I have my little presentation prepped too, only like 10 minutes long (and will crib from nhaines' as well once that's around)02:14
* pleia2 never looks at weather forecasts02:14
* eps wonders about the wisdom of bringing touchscreens to an event where everyone's likely to have greasy fingers02:14
Roguehorseeps: LOL!!!!!02:14
Roguehorsegood call02:14
rwwyeah, I was bothered about that. figure i can just clean it off at the end of the evening though :P02:14
* pleia2 makes sign "please wipe pizza grease off hands before fondling tablets" :P02:15
Roguehorsehave packets of wipes EVERYWHERE!02:15
pleia2haha, not a bad idea02:15
pleia2eps: haz wipes at costco? :)02:15
Roguehorseget a case of baby wipes02:15
pleia2alright, cool02:16
Roguehorseok, maybe a case is much02:16
lrcaballeroIf someone can bring a couple of microfiber towels can help with the graese part...Costco sells 30 of them for like $1802:16
Roguehorselrcaballero: Good thought, but the microfibers can't be tossed02:17
nhainesFry's had 4 for $5.  Might be more economical for just one night.02:17
nhainesRoguehorse: you wash them.  :)02:17
Roguehorsenhaines: but that many people at once?02:17
epsI should just look for Wet-Naps. (Smart and Final or Cash and Carry?)02:17
lrcaballeroRoguehorse: save them, wash them and use them for the car...hehe!02:17
Roguehorseeh, bring em anyway02:18
nhaineseps: giant bottle of hydrogen peroxide.02:18
Roguehorsenhaines: LOL!!!02:18
rwwcover the tablets in clingwrap02:18
epsnhaines: planning on removing blood stains?02:18
Roguehorseare we getting off topic?02:18
Roguehorse; P02:18
pleia2ok, point taken about grease, I'll bring something along to handle it and remind attendees to be respectful02:18
Roguehorsepleia2: +102:19
pleia2anything else we can think of?02:19
* ianorlin has nothing else02:19
rwwremember to install stallboard on your tablets02:19
rwwfor the ultimate ubuntu touch experience02:20
Roguehorsemaybe extra cords in case some fool is mean and takes one?02:20
nhainesDuring the party?02:21
raevolpower strips?02:21
Roguehorseidk, it was just a thought02:21
Roguehorsenah, interface02:21
Roguehorseno one is going to go for a PS cord02:21
pleia2rww: haha, I am trying to avoid it to avoid offending people :)02:22
* pleia2 went with "random cats"02:22
nhainescats! \o/02:22
rwwpleia2: i have been terrorising elky with it02:22
pleia2this is shaping up nicely, I'm excited :)02:23
rwwso am I :D02:23
pleia2any other release party updates from anyone?02:23
rwwi was excited when it was 20 people, then i looked today and was wowed02:23
Roguehorsewhat r we @?02:23
nhainesI have some related forms I'll publish soon.02:23
pleia230 registered on the site, 6 emailed me directly, and 17 maybes02:23
Roguehorsenot bad!02:24
nhainesWe have a promotional flyer, an attendee datasheet based on the Installfest HOWTO forms...02:24
raevolu'll bug phil about the SD one02:24
rwwdo we have anything else going on apart from SF, SD, and the installfest at OCLUG?02:24
pleia2oh, I'm bringing "Hello, my name is" stickers too ;)02:24
Roguehorsethis is going to be fun! : )02:24
pleia2nhaines: nice!02:24
pleia2rww: I think that's it02:24
Roguehorsepleia2: LOL! Always a fave02:24
rwwany action items?02:24
epsWe need "Hello, my nick is" stickers ;-)02:24
nhainesAnd best of all, the CSUF faculty are really excited, so I have a full-page "talking points" sheet that breaks down Ubuntu, Installfests, and OCLUG.02:24
nhainesSo that'll be easy to adapt.  :)02:25
Roguehorseeps: Going to have to custom do those02:25
pleia2nhaines: that's awesome02:25
Roguehorseeps: http://www.vistaprint.com/02:26
darthrobot[R: www.vistaprint.com] Title: [Browsing's better with cookies enabled.]02:26
nhainesAll Ubuntu color palette.  The LUG saw it this month and were really happy with them.02:26
rwwi should get business cards one of these years02:26
nhainesOtherwise, the installfest is looking like it's going to be good.  So I'll keep everyone up to date.  :)02:26
pleia2#topic Any other business02:26
pleia2any other topics anyone wants to bring up?02:27
Roguehorseanyone have raffle prizes to donate?02:27
raevoltexted phil, SD release party on for this thursday at 7pm, that venue should be open then02:27
rwwraevol: yep, it's the ending time i was confused about02:28
rwwsince it ends at 1am and starbucks closes at 11:30pm02:28
nhainesCan we get that on the wiki or something?02:28
raevoli think that's if we stroll over to a more late-night oriented venue :p haha02:28
rwwah, okays :)02:28
pleia2so far the raffle prizes are:02:28
pleia2 * 1 Ubuntu Unleashed 2014 book02:28
pleia2 * 1 Official Ubuntu Server book02:28
rwwnhaines: lyz just did02:28
pleia2if anyone else has new Ubuntu goodies to bring along as prizes, please do :)02:28
pleia2I also asked jono if he had anything to bring02:29
epsDo we know if he's coming?02:29
pleia2he is!02:29
nhainespleia2: have him bring a Nexus 4 or something.02:29
nhainesOr the Official Ubuntu Book!02:29
pleia2nhaines: haha, for the raffle? :)02:29
nhainespleia2: yes  :)02:29
pleia2Official Ubuntu Book is 7th edition and getting a bit long in the tooth :\02:29
rwwthen we can prank call mozilla on it02:29
RoguehorseI'm out of ideas02:31
pleia2hah, me too02:31
pleia2might be meeting end time :)02:31
nhainesOh!  One thing.02:31
nhainesI put links to the OCLUG installfest documents on the mailing list on April 9th.  So far they're still the same.02:31
nhainesSo if anyone wants printables for a release party, there's a start.02:31
epspleia2: will we need cups, plates, tableware, etc.?02:32
Roguehorseeps: just wet wipes02:32
pleia2eps: I don't think so, but I'll doublecheck (and extreme can provide if needed)02:32
pleia2definitely won't need cups02:32
Roguehorseof course not, we won't have any printers there02:33
pleia2ok, thanks everyone02:34
darthrobotMeeting ended Mon Apr 21 02:34:30 2014 UTC.02:34
darthrobotMinutes:        http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2014/ubuntu-us-ca.2014-04-21-02.00.moin.txt02:34
lrcaballerogood night02:34
RoguehorseGood meeting!02:34
pleia2Roguehorse: thanks for coming :)02:35
RoguehorseNo worries.....you guys are a cool crowd : P02:36
Roguehorsethanks for having me02:36
nhainesRoguehorse: you're always welcome!02:37
RoguehorseAnyone still around?02:41
geomPlease don't tell me I missed the meeting again?02:42
Roguehorsegeom: :P02:42
Roguehorseended early02:42
geomOK, thanks.02:43
Roguehorseno worries02:43
ianorlinminutes are  http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2014/ubuntu-us-ca.2014-04 │ eps02:44
darthrobot[404] Title: [404 Not Found]02:44
ianorlin                     | -21-02.00.moin.txt02:44
darthrobotContent type: [text/plain] Size: [14410]02:44
geomGreat, thanks for the minutes.  Appreciate it.  \02:45
ianorlinargh messed up that link02:45
=== Adran is now known as wrw
=== wrw is now known as Adran
nhainesYay, Cosmos tonight featured the Argonne National Laboratory.  That's my Ubuntu mirror.  :)06:32
arrithanl is so fast07:11
arrithlove those guys07:11
arrithpleia2: what does helping move stuff entail? do you need car(s) or just people with hands/bags?07:11
arrithgood to hear that jono is going to be there. i hope the event was annoucned on local LUG mailing lists07:12
pleia2arrith: just hands/bags :)16:41
pleia2arrith: and yes, it was announced to the local lists16:41
pleia2nhaines: happy birthday!17:27
nhainespleia2: thanks!  :D21:38

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