
alebHi, I'm a Pitivi developer, I want to maintain the Pitivi package on Launchpad, and the bugs - how can I become a maintainer?06:27
alebI'll ask on #launchpad about that^08:00
jibelaleb, people on #ubuntu-motu might be able to help with the procedures to maintain a package in universe.09:05
jibelaleb, but if it is to maintain the upstream project https://launchpad.net/pitivi, then yes #launchpad is appropriate09:06
karab44hello, how I get alarmed when bug that breaks my desired functionality is being to be fixed?09:11
karab44it would be nice to have bug/bugfix browser for newbies, modularized, categorized by functionality ie desktop, remote desktop, soundsystem, security(i dunno is last one a good idea heh)  and so on.09:13
karab44Or maybe it's designed like that but... I am just a noobie09:14
karab44It would be nice to have notification send if I chose to track the bug without special developer account.09:15
karab44I mean that it would be nice to be informed about fixes and workarounds.09:17
karab44does what I say have any sense? :)09:18
karab44I am saying here about huge data-base that would harvest best solutions arrange them and keep them up to date in one place.09:21
karab44expertise system that would able user to self-support for most of cases.09:23
karab44automated feedback with statistics for system developers.09:24
alebCan somebody mark this as wontfix? 0.13 is very old and not even 0.15 is supported anymore. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pitivi/+bug/59465809:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 594658 in pitivi (Ubuntu) "clips cannot be imported if gstreamer cannot find all necessary plugins" [Undecided,New]09:27
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=== oxffffff is now known as karab44
brejochi @all i think i've discovered a bug in phpldapadmin in trusty. the installation fails due to config handling changes in apache2. but i'm not really sure where to file the bug.13:07
brejocokay, i guess i've found the right spot and filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phpldapadmin/+bug/131217113:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312171 in phpldapadmin (Ubuntu) "Installation of phpldapadmin fails due to missing conf.d folder" [Undecided,New]13:18
BlackGlassesubuntu goes black screen when clicking on fullscreen permissions while using flickr (whith chromium)15:35
BlackGlassesubuntu 14.0415:37
BlackGlassescan't use the computer because I see nothing but black (even tried ctrl+Alt+F1 and still black)15:38
rbasakBlackGlasses: try #ubuntu for support. This channel is for triaging bugs, not for reporting them (see the channel topic).15:39
BlackGlassesok sorry15:39
rbasakNo problem. I hope somebody can get your problem solved there.15:39
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=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== roadmr_ is now known as roadmr
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
alebCan somebody mark this as wontfix? 0.13 is very old and not even 0.15 is supported anymore. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pitivi/+bug/594658  I'd do it myself but the option is disabled for me.22:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 594658 in pitivi (Ubuntu) "clips cannot be imported if gstreamer cannot find all necessary plugins" [Undecided,New]22:07

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