[00:04] [Ubuntu.si] updSI: Re: Pozabljeno glavno geslo Linux Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41659/#p41659 [00:04] [Ubuntu.si] Gapppy: Re: Pozabljeno glavno geslo Linux Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41660/#p41660 === _upd_ is now known as upd [01:33] [Ubuntu.si] B-king: Re: Pozabljeno glavno geslo Linux Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41661/#p41661 [01:43] [Ubuntu.si] updSI: Re: Pozabljeno glavno geslo Linux Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41662/#p41662 [01:44] [Ubuntu.si] B-king: Re: Pozabljeno glavno geslo Linux Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41663/#p41663 [05:07] [Ubuntu.si] filip007: Re: USB prepočasen https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41664/#p41664 [05:24] lp [06:22] jutro [06:23] lp [06:52] oh lord [06:53] RequestDeleteByRequestUnlocked(); [06:53] wtf ? :D [06:53] exactly :) [06:54] koda mojega vajenca :) [06:55] a je vsaj description kaj bolj jasen ? :D [06:55] ga ni :) [06:55] mal prevc verbose pise tele imena [06:55] to je bol za komentarje [06:58] oh god [06:58] Device2SessionPointsOnlocked [06:58] Un* [07:16] request delete by request unlocked [07:16] what the? [07:16] a je java/c# dev? :P [07:20] https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/1625519_10152003370771196_1082668651317787682_n.jpg [07:20] en je naskrivaj bicikle narisu pod parkirane avte [07:21] slax0r: unfortunatley, Go [07:44] what a troll [07:45] [Ubuntu.si] lojzek: Re: USB prepočasen https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41665/#p41665 [07:56] [Ubuntu.si] CrazyLemon: Re: USB namestitev... https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41666/#p41666 [07:58] lots of USB problems [08:26] :D [08:28] NEJ SMEJSNU [08:29] as me cuja! [08:29] ja pa je! [08:38] zdobersek: prekasen si zamudu debato [08:38] ha? [08:38] < napsy> oh lord [08:38] < napsy> RequestDeleteByRequestUnlocked(); [08:38] < Sky[x]> wtf ? :D [08:38] < napsy> exactly :) [08:38] < napsy> koda mojega vajenca :) [08:38] < Sky[x]> a je vsaj description kaj bolj jasen ? :D [08:38] < napsy> ga ni :) [08:38] < napsy> mal prevc verbose pise tele imena [08:38] < napsy> to je bol za komentarje [08:38] < napsy> oh god [08:38] < napsy> Device2SessionPointsOnlocked [08:38] < napsy> Un* [08:41] a lahko kdo prevede? :> [08:45] blo je fuul dobr [08:45] in tebe ni blo :( [08:46] https://github.com/msiemens/PyGitUp [08:46] msiemens/PyGitUp · GitHub [08:46] »PyGitUp - A python implementation of git up« [08:58] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: USB namestitev... https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41667/#p41667 [09:14] [Ubuntu.si] filip007: Re: Lubuntu zmrzne https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41668/#p41668 [11:00] http://boycottsystemd.org/ [11:00] boycott systemd [11:00] »The case against the systemd init system.« [11:01] yes yes [11:01] The YES dance [11:01] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyqUj3PGHv4 [11:01] systemd cist bp dela brez dbus [11:02] logi so text [11:02] to lahko user vse spreminja/distribucije [11:02] Contribute to and use distros like Slackware and CRUX that follow traditional Unix paradigms. :> [11:11] smart one [11:11] http://www.24ur.com/zmedlo-ga-je-ker-na-avtobusu-sopotniki-niso-imeli-vinjet.html [11:11] 24ur.com - Zmedlo ga je, ker na avtobusu sopotniki niso imeli vinjet [11:11] »Mladi hrvaški nogometaš je odšel z avtobusom na preizkus v Avstrijo. Ker se je spomnil, da so na televiziji poročali, kako drago jo lahko skupijo tisti, ki se po slovenskih in avstrijskih avtocestah vozijo brez vinjet, si je obe tudi priskrbel. A, to še zdaleč ni vse.« [11:34] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Telegram Unity WebApp Integrates Telegram With Ubuntu's Messaging Menu, Unity Launcher http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/Q4wgW-9xe_Y/telegram-unity-webapp-integrates.html [11:50] Uh-oh! Look at Kiki! [12:30] <_upd_> http://pusher.com/docs/client_libraries kdo uporabljal to kdaj [12:30] Pusher Client Libraries | Pusher [13:08] .vreme kapitanija [13:08] ARSO: Piran-ocean. boja (0m): 16.3°C @24.04.2014 14:30 CEST. [13:08] Vlažnost: 78% Veter: jugozahodnik 3.7 m/s [13:08] Sončni vzhod: 06:06:19, Kulminacija: 13:05:01, Sončni zahod: 20:03:43 [13:08] Dan je dolg: 13ur 57min 24s, Luna je v ščipu [13:08] .vreme koper kapitanija [13:08] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4.0m): 17.6°C @24.04.2014 14:30 CEST. [13:08] Vlažnost: 82% Veter: severozahodnik 2.1 m/s [13:08] Sončni vzhod: 06:05:38, Kulminacija: 13:04:22, Sončni zahod: 20:03:06 [13:08] Dan je dolg: 13ur 57min 29s, Luna je v ščipu [13:12] dz0ny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxrfapRuGuE [13:12] AZRA " Djoni budi dobar" LIVE 19.10.1987. - YouTube [13:12] »copyright /c/ azramusic« [13:13] copycat ne copyright [13:24] https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/1557646_809622889053532_750991833_n.jpg [13:26] copydawg [13:27] yang: ne kle sejat proruske propagande [13:27] plzz [13:29] :D [13:32] NEJ SMEJSNU [13:32] as me cuja! [13:35] zdobersek: ti bi moral izdati knjigo "A short guide for cyclists in the war zones" [13:36] verjetno bi bla best-seller [13:45] yang: '1. find your bike, 2. pedal in the exact opposite direction of the battlefield' [14:15] '1. find your bike 2. what the hell is your bike doing on the battlefield - you are not bike worthy' [14:17] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Official Ubuntu 14.04 LTS DVDs Now Available to Pre-Order http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/GUXR0VmhZpQ/official-ubuntu-14-04-lts-dvds-now-available-pre-order [14:57] [OMG! Ubuntu!] No Borderlands 2 for Linux After all http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/t-faIxQQDn8/borderlands-2-linux-no [15:40] k se da videt zgodovino na tem ircu? [15:46] <_upd_> !g ubuntu.si irc zgodovina [15:46] Ubuntu Slovenija | IRC https://www.ubuntu.si/irc/ [15:47] <_upd_> ahh [15:47] <_upd_> pitko http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/04/24/%23ubuntu-si.html [15:47] /srv/irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/04/24/#ubuntu-si.txt [15:53] http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/origins-of-libressl :) [15:53] origins of libressl [16:59] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Install Audacious 3.5 In Ubuntu 14.04 Or 13.10 (PPA) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/qbod44ohwM0/install-audacious-35-in-ubuntu-1404-or.html [17:12] backdoor in libressl [17:12] you heard it here first! [18:54] noge [18:54] bolijo [18:54] :( [19:10] y [19:12] y ! [19:29] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Folder Color: Easily Change Folder Icon Colors In Nautilus or Nemo http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/Z9iCs4VANn4/folder-color-easily-change-folder-icon.html [19:46] k ls -l gleda tut po subdirektroiju? [19:48] a ti res ne znaš v terminal vpisat 'ls -l' in preverit ? [19:50] use a long listing format [19:50] vem [19:50] da to izpiše [19:50] kaj pa pomen? [19:50] da uporabla al ne? [19:50] :D [19:51] ubstvu do ni nč pametnega [19:51] l je sam rašerjen ls [19:54] [Ubuntu.si] gojdan: Re: USB namestitev... https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41669/#p41669 [20:08] <_upd_> da da === _upd_ is now known as udp === udp is now known as upd === upd is now known as sck === sck is now known as upd [20:31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB8OXUC-Spw [20:31] Weird Al Interviews Steven Tyler - YouTube [20:31] »"Weird Al" Yankovic digs deep, peels back the layers, and gets to know the real Steven Tyler that nobody knows.« [22:02] zdobersek [22:02] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10151761_10152011056436366_7612090585320956973_n.jpg [22:02] evo dres zate [22:02] kr grozn [22:04] the fuck [22:07] ker glumac je ta zdobersek [22:09] [Ubuntu.si] Niber: Re: USB namestitev... https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/41670/#p41670 [22:30] ma kdo idejo kako bo lahko v nekem direktoriju preštel vse vrste datotek ? [22:30] mislm datoteke in fifo [23:25] https://stripe.com/blog/stripe-open-source-retreat <-- nice [23:25] Stripe Open-Source Retreat [23:26] pitko: a nisi tega že včeri delal? čisto isti postopek