
apacheloggeryofel, Riddell: because I am a lazy bum never doing the fun things... how exactly does post-release KDE release SRUing work in terms of packaging branches?07:32
apacheloggerdo we branch trunk into something series specific?07:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/marble/revision/110/debian/marble.install bug 1312104 consider yourself shouted at07:35
ubottubug 1312104 in marble (Ubuntu Utopic) "Marble Menu Squashed/Unreadable" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131210407:35
apacheloggersomething looks awfully crapped with the marble packaging07:38
soeegood morning08:07
apacheloggerScottK: bug 1312104 ... marble package contains marble and marble-mobile, for utopic I split out marble. should we split for trusty as well (preserving dependencies) or should we go the less intrusive route of also applying the split to trusty? the non-split option would be to hide the marble-mobile desktop file to avoid confusion (which would also not be much worse because marble-mobile seems jolly broken with desktop qml components)08:31
ubottubug 1312104 in marble (Ubuntu Trusty) "Marble Menu Squashed/Unreadable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131210408:31
jussihrm, anybody about to confirma a bug for me? 08:35
jussi(Kontact users)08:35
Riddellapachelogger: we mostly don't use branches for SRUs08:50
apacheloggerRiddell: how does that work with making !SRU changes on the trunk packaging?09:05
apacheloggerlike say, splitting pacakges09:05
Riddellapachelogger: the bzr branches are for development releases09:06
Riddellso if it's for utopic put it in bzr09:06
Riddellshadeslayer: new testers needed for bug 128960009:10
ubottubug 1289600 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128960009:10
jussianyway, the bug is this:  if you use the search in kontact(email) then use the lock to make search persist even when changing folders, it does not re-search when you move folders. anyone else get that? 09:26
apacheloggerRiddell: so 4.13.1 SRUs are created on the packages from trusty rather than from any bzr?09:44
Riddellapachelogger: oh backporting the whole SC into -updates I don't know about, backporting into PPA we don't have branches and SRUs for bugfixes we don't tend to have branches09:46
apacheloggeryofel: ^?09:56
yofelapachelogger: hm, since last release we do have branches, although I'm not sure whether it's worth the trouble10:02
yofelif you're not against it I would revert the changes in the tools for that10:02
yofelthen we would only have devel in bzr, and everything else would be just packages10:03
yofel[00:38:55] -*- lisandro gives everyone Qt 4.8.610:06
apacheloggeryofel: fine by me, I was just wondering whether we roll the SRUs from bazaar cause that obviously would be bad ^^10:06
yofelwe do for 13.10, but we have '<pkg>-saucy' branches there10:07
yofelor -13.10, I don't quite remember10:07
yofelFWIW, we have 'kubuntu-create-sru-branches' in the tools which initialize those. But I didn't manage to run that on release day so it would require some branch fixing later on to be usable :/10:10
yofelI would rather remove that, then people don't have to worry about what's where10:11
Riddelldoctorpepper: still lots to fix up http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.13.0_precise.html10:12
apacheloggerdid I mention that the policy says backports for 2 years?10:30
Riddellapachelogger: yes but 4.13 release was 6 hours inside that schedule and doctorpepper did ask nicely10:35
apacheloggerRiddell: it however means that .1 .2 .3 will not get backported, rendering the backport moot10:36
apacheloggeralso I am reasonable certain workspace is oudated as well, so is akonadi ....10:37
apacheloggerit's an exiting waste of time10:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: thx10:50
Riddellkubotu: newversion plasma-nm
sgclarkRiddell: after much failure getting request sync to work, I tried it on another computer with success. libical first attempt is ready.12:03
Riddellsgclark: ooh? where?12:04
* Riddell discovers bug 131268912:04
ubottubug 1312689 in libical (Ubuntu) "Sync libical 1.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) No difference between the two at this time." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131268912:04
sgclarkyeah there12:06
Riddellsgclark: synced!12:06
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:21
sgclarkRiddell: ScottK: we are at 1.41-1 liblog4perl-perl and unstable is at 1.43-1, how do I proceed?12:23
sgclarkliblog-log4perl-perl rather12:24
Riddellsgclark: ubuntu is at  1.41-1.1ubuntu1 12:26
Riddellsgclark: so work out what the ubuntu change is for and then if we want to keep that12:26
Riddellif we do, merge it into the debian 1.43-1 version12:26
sgclarkmd5sums do not match obviously12:27
Riddellnope, so start with the .orig from debian12:28
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sgclarkRiddell: ok on this one, we drop some dependencies that are not being used at build time yet listed.12:57
sgclarkRiddell: so I suspect keep12:57
Riddellsgclark: I think these are dropped because they're not in ubuntu main (they'll be in universe) and packages in main can only build-dep on packages also in main12:58
Riddellso yes I suspect keep too12:58
yofelsgclark: see the last merge changelog entry, that explains why they're gone and what's changed12:59
Riddellassuming someone has written a decent changelog entry :)13:06
yofelScott wrote the last one ;)13:07
Riddellthen I assume he has!13:10
sgclarkRiddell: umm sorry irc kicked me. looks like they merged a spelling error patch into one with some cherry picks of other patches.13:23
Riddellsgclark: who what?13:26
Riddellstill on liblog-log4perl-perl?13:26
sgclarkRiddell: yeah13:26
sgclarkRiddell: debian merged one of the patches into a new one, I am going to build with that13:26
sgclarksee what happens13:27
Riddellspokes like a ture computer scientist :)13:27
* Riddell gets kwin from kf5 working and cheers13:27
* mgraesslin had been at that stage months ago but joins in the cheers nevertheless ;-)13:30
sgclarkRiddell: it builds, kept our changes. Do I do a requestsync? or something else when we keep our changes?13:48
Riddellsgclark: tidy up the package and give me the package13:49
Riddellsgclark: add your own changelog entry with a ubuntu1 version number13:49
Riddellsgclark: merge in the old changelog entries in some sensible way13:49
Riddelldebuild -S13:49
Riddellgive them to me or ScottK for review13:49
yofelRiddell, sgclark: we have 'merge-changelog' from ubuntu-dev-tools for changelog merging..14:03
sgclarkyofel: noted for next time, thank you14:04
* Riddell never trusted that script14:04
yofelworked fine for me so far14:05
apacheloggerthere's dpkg-mergechangelogs14:08
apacheloggerwhich might be what merge-changelog uses14:08
apacheloggerthe dpkg thing is official and works definitely though14:09
ScottKsgclark: If you use the grab-merge script in ubuntu-dev-tools it'll download the last common point in the code, the latest Debian, the latest Ubuntu, and a draft merged package from merges.ubuntu.com.  I'd start there.14:09
* apachelogger is using that for git merges14:09
sgclarkwow that sounds spiffy and easier. I will try it on next one I do. Finished this and you can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8hlhv9lztlyyjl/4RjZyLGlfY/kubuntu-files14:12
ScottKsgclark: Looking.  Typically merges.ubuntu.com doesn't help us much for KDE stuff, but for most things in the archive, it's a huge help.14:16
sgclarkScottK: ok ty14:18
ScottKsgclark: It looks like you managed to lose some debian/changelog entries in the merge.  Also, for packages that we modify, you need to remember to make the maintainer an Ubuntu one.  The update-maintainer script in ubuntu-dev-tools will do this automatically.  These things are easy enough to fix, but as a learning exercise, why don't you grab-merge liblog-log4perl-perl  and try it that way.  Also, once you're done, I'll ask you why we make the 14:22
ScottKchanges we make.14:22
ScottKGenerally good though.14:22
sgclarkScottK: ok14:25
apacheloggerScottK: bug 131265114:36
ubottubug 1312651 in pkg-kde-tools (Ubuntu Utopic) "trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/extractattr', which is also in package pkg-kde-tools 0.14.2ubuntu5" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131265114:36
ScottKapachelogger: Already done.14:36
apacheloggerhuh, thx ;)14:36
apacheloggerScottK: did you see my question about the marble thing from earlier?14:37
ScottKIf I did, I don't remember it.14:37
apachelogger[10:31] <apachelogger> ScottK: bug 1312104 ... marble package contains marble and marble-mobile, for utopic I split out marble. should we split for trusty as well (preserving dependencies) or should we go the less intrusive route of also applying the split to trusty? the non-split option would be to hide the marble-mobile desktop file to avoid confusion (which would also not be much worse because marble-mobile seems jolly broken with 14:37
ubottubug 1312104 in marble (Ubuntu Trusty) "Marble Menu Squashed/Unreadable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131210414:37
apacheloggerdesktop qml components)14:37
apacheloggerthere's a logic issue somewhere14:38
apachelogger "or the less intrusive route of not splitting in trusty" ;)14:38
ScottKRight, so if marble-mobile is broken, I'd say just ditch the .desktop.  Let's do it the easy way.14:38
ScottKWe can look at doing the split in trusty if in a point release it gets fixed.14:39
ScottKI don't mind that split because it wouldn't affect anyone who wasn't trying to get marble-mobile to start with (unlike the baloo thing which would have affected all our users).14:39
sgclarkScottK: is this something I need to worry about http://paste.ubuntu.com/7330229/14:40
ScottKsgclark: Generally not.  I always thought that warning was excessively harsh.  It's mostly there to tell you where you can find unreleased packaging changes if you need to look.14:41
sgclarkScottK: ok, yes it had me scared haha14:42
ScottKsgclark: The most interesting part of the REPORT file is where it talks about conflicts.  Those have to be manually resolved.14:42
ScottKapachelogger: We do need to decide what baloo kcm we ship for utopic.  I think the regular one is a bit basic.14:50
Riddellapachelogger: there's a choice?14:52
* yofel didn't realize there's more than one either..14:52
vHandaI thought Kubuntu was all about shipping a vanilla kde experience?14:52
vHandawhy don't you guys ship tracker? It's config dialog is even better.14:53
yofelvHanda: there's the vanilla experience, and then there's usability. And with all the fragmentation in kde going on there won't be any kind of *THE* vanilla kde experience anymore in the future14:58
apacheloggerScottK: there's a choice?14:58
yofelas everyone will ship a random set of application versions14:58
apacheloggeras long as every application has a "Did you know" dialog I am happy14:59
vHandaIf do you plan to ship the alternate one, then please do it properly. No, one person decision or a decision based on the more vocal users14:59
apacheloggerwhat's the alternate one?14:59
yofelwell, we'll have half a year to talk it out15:00
vHandabtw, the plan from my end was always to ship the alternte one (90% is my code, btw) as a separate app15:00
apacheloggermind you, I think there should be no kcm, at best an on/off switch xD15:00
* yofel would've been happy with that ^^15:00
apacheloggersee :P15:01
sgclarkScottK: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public/kubuntu-files new one15:01
sgclarkScottK: and we made the changes because those depends are used at run-time not build time.15:08
RiddellQuintasan: how was the talk?15:18
QuintasanRiddell: not bad, we had some people following along15:18
Quintasannot much response though15:18
Riddellprobably could have done with some more advance notice and publicity15:19
Riddellthanks for doing it15:19
QuintasanNo problem15:20
Riddellkubotu: newversion kde-workspace 4.11.915:48
Riddelldo we have any use of SC 4.12.5?15:51
yofelnot really15:52
Riddellcould update saucy if anyone cares to15:52
yofelwould have to be done by hand, we can only script update the latest release we have (4.13) and backport that. Not update an arbitrary release in some PPA15:53
Riddelllet's leave it then :)15:55
Darkwingsometimes I hate the interview process16:01
Riddell"tell us a time you were challenged and how you overcame this"16:03
Darkwingyup lol16:04
RiddellI'm sure Kubuntu could be used for a lot of such questions16:07
sgclarkRiddell: unless you have something that needs to be done with extreme urgency, I need to run some errands. 16:11
Riddellsgclark: errand away :)16:11
sgclarkRiddell: ScottK: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public/kubuntu-files has the new liblog4perl files done. email me if you have questions or concerns and I will get back to you when I return.16:12
sgclarkRiddell: thanks!16:12
DarkwingLOL Riddell16:25
DarkwingWell, I'm happy with my answers and he was too.16:25
DarkwingPlus, the company would be amazing to work for.16:25
RiddellDarkwing: what's the gossip?16:29
DarkwingRiddell: It's the Events Manager for the Linux Foundation. :)16:33
Riddelloh yes that would be lovely16:34
DarkwingHad a second interview today.16:34
RiddellDarkwing: more conferences in edinburgh is the way to go :)16:35
DarkwingI'll def come out and visit lol16:35
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1312806] Please update kde-workspace to 4.11.9 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1312806 (by Kubuntu IRC Bot)16:44
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1312849] kcheckpass fails due to not chmoded 4755 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1312849 (by Jim Peterson)17:46
ScottKsgclark: That url isn't the public one or something.18:23
ScottKcan't see the directory.18:23
ScottKapachelogger: marble accepted.18:29
sgclarkScottK: umm, was same folder as earlier18:37
sgclarkScottK; try this, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8hlhv9lztlyyjl/4RjZyLGlfY/kubuntu-files18:37
ScottKsgclark: That works.18:38
ScottKsgclark: Almost there.  The maintainer should be something in Ubuntu and the original maintainer should be the Debian person.   Also, since this is not a Kubuntu specific package, the maintainer should be Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>.  If you just delete the XSBC-Original-Maintainer line in debian/control and then run update-maintainer you'll get the right answer.18:44
ScottKsgclark: Also, why do we drop those from Recommends to Suggests?18:45
sgclarkScottK: ok18:45
ScottKA key think about merges is understanding why we have difference with Debian.  A lot of people seem to miss that.18:45
sgclarkScottK: The reason I can see is that, those depends are needed at runtime not buildtime. as for suggests by definition is that the depends are related and not functionality18:47
ScottKBuild time is described by build-depends.18:47
ScottKThis is all about run time.18:47
sgclarkScottK: I admit admit the clear difference is still a bit fuzzy for me18:47
ScottKsgclark: Look at the results of rmadison liblog-dispatch-perl18:48
ScottKThen do the same for liblog-log4perl-perl18:49
sgclarkScottK: dispatch one is Universe is the difference I see18:51
ScottKSinc liblog-log4perl-perl is in Main, it can't depend on or recommend anything from Universe.18:52
sgclarkScottK: aha! I understand now, thank you18:53
ScottKIn this case, whoever initially diverged the package determined it'd make more sense to drop to suggests than to get them promoted to main too.18:53
ScottKsgclark: So get me one with the maintainer fixed and I'll sponsor it for you.18:53
sgclarkScottK: new files in the dropbox :)18:54
ScottKOK.  Looking18:55
ScottKWarning: Unknown distribution "uptopic". Do you want to continue [y|N]?18:59
ScottKMy fault.18:59
ScottKsgclark: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.19:09
sgclarkScottK: thank you for your help!19:10
ScottKThere's a lot of stuff to learn and you can get exposed to more of it by working on stuff outside Kubuntu every now and then.19:11
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1312895] Cannot login into KDE after upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1312895 (by HugoHirsch)19:54
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1312924] package libqt4-dev-bin 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.3 failed to install/upgrade: impossible de co... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1312924 (by fankrid)21:22
ScottKRiddell: digikam needs a merge and it's more than I can get my head around at the moment.  You merged it last time, would you please take a crack at it again.22:13

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