
=== td is now known as Guest87349
valoriegumby: perhaps try #kontact02:07
valoriethis seems like a kmail/kontact issue, not a Kubuntu one02:07
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CormaghHi, Is there any reason I shouldn't use Kubuntu for development on my laptop?02:52
amingvCormagh: Not that I'm aware of.02:53
amingvYou're welcome02:55
Cormaghamingv: I'll b back02:58
amingvCormagh: ok02:59
modernI have a problem, I can not find  way to set a static ip address in kubuntu 14.0403:49
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valoriemodern: I found this, but it's old: pdg86.wordpress.com/2009/08/11/howto-setup-dhcpstatic-ip-in-kubuntu/03:55
modernvalorie,: thanks03:57
valoriebest of luck; notice the date03:58
modernseems odd that there is no longer a gui to do this.03:58
valoriethere may be a way, but I don't know it03:59
DarthFrogmodern: Not really.  A consumer desktop is normally fine with DHCP.  I have a dynamically assigned static IP; I configured the DHCP server on my router to give my MAC address a static IP.  I used to do it via the /etc/network/interfaces file but that doesn't survive a fresh install.04:01
DarthFrogMy desktop machine is always, assigned by DHCP.04:01
modernI use the desktop distro and add some services so i need static ip04:01
DarthFrogIf I change my motherboard, so the system network interface has a different MAC address, I'll just need to update the DHCP configuration on the router.04:02
modernI have several machines dhcp off my router04:03
DarthFrogmodern:  That's no problem whatsoever.04:03
DarthFrogAnd if you never do a re-install, setting your network settings for a static IP address via /etc/network/interfaces works just fine.04:04
modernthats what I just did but I don't see anywhere to set nmeserver04:04
DarthFrogThe nameserver is set in /etc/resolv.conf.  The syntax is "nameserver <IP Address>".04:05
modernthanks again everyone04:05
modernI saw that but it says that it will be overwritten next boot04:06
DarthFrogAs I implied, you're trying to swim against the current.  :-)  Go with the flow, do it via your router's DHCP server.04:06
DarthFrogNetworkManager is rather bossy. :-)  You will have it its way!04:08
valoriethanks, DarthFrog04:09
DarthFrogvalorie: You're welcome, lass. :-)04:10
DarthFrogHide the cheese, maninder's here!04:10
maninderi need help in kubuntu04:11
DarthFrogYou might have come to the right place.04:11
maninderunable to add printer shared on windows pc04:11
DarthFrogAnswers are $1.  Correct answers are $10.  Dumb looks are still free.04:11
DarthFrogAnd you get a dumb look on that one from me.  I've never had to do that. :-)04:12
maninderoh no04:13
maninderany idea04:14
valorieit is in cups, last I did it04:15
valorie!info cups04:15
ubottucups (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD/driver support, web interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.2-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 174 kB, installed size 806 kB04:15
valorieso, optional -- you might have to install it, maninder04:16
DarthFrogCUPS should be installed by default.04:16
DarthFrogBut don't use CUPS directly.  Access it via System Settings/Printers.04:17
maninderhow to intall it. actually i am new to linux04:18
DarthFrogIf you've installed Kubuntu, it's already installed.04:19
DarthFrogExplore the menu system.04:19
maninderand what to find04:21
maninderi already opened the Add a New Printer Wizard04:21
valoriemaninder: as I recall, you have to share the printer from windows first04:22
DarthFrogThen you're where you want to be.  What comes next, I've not explored for adding a shared Windows printer.04:22
valoriethen find & select it from kubuntu04:22
maninderits already on the network04:22
maninderhere is the option i have is Windows Printer via SAMBA but it is not allwing to Browse04:23
maninderBrowse button is not active04:23
manindervalorie: what next ?04:30
valoriemaninder: can you post a screenshot?04:31
* valorie needs to go deal with the dog04:32
ashrithhello everyone04:50
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
donixhello trying to make a permenant change to my ulimit -n07:36
donixmade changes in limits.conf and pam_env.conf07:36
donixbut after reboot to set the values, they are set back to 102407:37
donixadded these two lines in limits.conf07:37
donix#donix soft nofile 819207:37
donix#donix hard nofile 819207:37
donixdonix being my username07:38
donixmaking change due to Civ V crashes through wine, too far into the game and cant go beyond certain number of turns07:39
mokushany idea if the google-chrome-unstable package from the official google ppa is 64 bit? or how i could check?08:03
hateballmokush: use file on the binary08:25
mokushhateball: you mean like `file /opt/google/chrome-unstable/google-chrome-unstable `?08:26
hateballmokush: yeah, or wherever it installs to08:27
hateballin my case for chromium: file /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser08:27
mokushhateball: thanks! seems to be 6408:27
hateballwhich returns /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser: ELF 64-bit LSB  shared object, x86-6408:27
hateballmokush: very well :)08:27
mokushI'm getting very high ram usage for chrome on a 64bit kubuntu install, while on a 32bit install on a computer roughly the same ram usage is almost half08:28
hateballwell, like most browsers, chrome is a hog08:29
hateballmight be it tries allocating more on 64-bit to improve performance, who knows08:29
mokushi'll end up buying ram just for the browser08:30
mokushwhich is pretty sad, considering I can run id's rage game on 1280, but can't have 20 tabs open08:31
salsero|2i have about 100 tabs08:31
salsero|2under firefox08:31
hateballbrowsers are the new OS's08:31
salsero|2$ free | head -n208:32
salsero|2             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached08:32
salsero|2Mem:       8080312    6077040    2003272     561688     259516    295672008:32
mokushsalsero|2: firefox is even slower for me than chrome. i've got an i5 with 4gigs of ram08:32
hateballTo be fair, with an i5... it's nice to have 8GB ram as well :p08:37
hateballaltho you shouldnt really run into memory issues with kubuntu and a browser with 4GB ;f08:37
donixcould anyone help with ulimit issue?08:38
donixmade changes in limits.conf and pam_env.conf08:38
donixbut after reboot to set the values, they are set back to 102408:38
janmalteIs there a way to install wine on Kubuntu 14.04? I get always some unresolved dependencies regarding liblcms2-2.08:56
ReaveR_ummm hi, is anyone here?09:10
ReaveR_can anyone help me out? i've installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 14.0409:13
ReaveR_but it didn't change anything09:13
ReaveR_it's still loading the same graphics : i think it's stuck on GNOME09:14
ReaveR_is there any way to "activate" kubuntu or something? at login and logoff it shows the Kubuntu screens09:14
ReaveR_well i'll leave these questions here if anyone can help me out09:16
salsero|2ReaveR_: sudo dpkg-reconfigured kdm09:21
salsero|2and then select the KDE session in the graphical login manager09:22
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RahulBhatnagarthank you, i'll try that09:22
RahulBhatnagarsudo dpkg -reconfigure kdm dpkg: error: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)  Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*]; Use 'apt' or 'aptitude' for user-friendly package management; Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values; Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options; Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;  Options marked [*] produce09:23
RahulBhatnagarThat happened09:23
mokushany idea how i could change the background color for the `executable folders` (ntfs mounted with exec) in konsole?09:43
mokushmanaged to edit it from the color scheme editor09:49
salsero|2you can do that, but I am not sure if that applies only to executable folders09:58
Name141I installed the xubuntu-desktop, but it's not letting me pick XFCE from the login screen that I can see10:04
Name141Also talking about launguage support10:05
lolmausAfter upgrading to 14.04, an appliaction won't start anymore due to lack of libpng15. I failed to find any PPAs for it. I also tried compiling it and running the app with `LD_PRELOAD=./libpng15.so ./app` but it seems not to fetch the lib.10:05
soeelolmaus: single application ?10:18
lolmaussoee: yes. But i believe the problem spreads to every application that depends on libpng15. It's just i'm using only one of those.10:19
lolmausThe app is not from repos, it's a precompiled binary downloaded in a tarball.10:19
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soeeseems like 14.04 uses libpng1210:23
yofellolmaus: try `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./app` as that'll tell it to look for the lib in the current directory10:52
lolmausyofel: it still says "Application  is  running with png.c from libpng-1.2.50" :(10:54
yofellolmaus: which libpng is it actually linked against? 'ldd app' will tell you that10:55
lolmausyofel: linked against 1.5.5, i've compiled 1.5.18. Is the minor version mismatch bad?10:59
yofelas long as the so filename that ldd hasn't changed, no11:01
yofel*ldd shows11:01
yofelhave to run, sorry11:03
lolmausyofel: there's no libpng in `ldd appname`. I know libpng version number from the error message11:03
lolmausyofel: oh, sorry! There IS libpng, but it's libpng12!11:04
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BluesKaj'Morning folks12:21
christiantesto q un chat??12:24
BluesKajhi christiant12:24
christianthi Blueskaj12:24
BluesKaj!es | christiant12:25
ubottuchristiant: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:25
BluesKajyou're welcome to ask support questions in English though, christiant12:29
BluesKajchristiant, but this is not a general chat room, and neither is the #ubuntu-es chat, they're are for (k)ubuintu support questions12:32
christianthow are you ??12:32
BluesKajfine christiant, and you?12:34
alketHi, when i try to open files location from firefox after I download them, it opens with gwenview instead of dolphin, also for deb files it open with thar or with ark I don't remember, its been like that from begining ?12:39
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mrjonnyHey guys do you have problems with playing smb with vlc?12:41
alketmrjonny: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?12:42
mrjonnyone sec ill see12:42
alketI dont know if it is even in there12:43
alketbut it installs many unsported formats12:43
mrjonnyinstalling now alket12:43
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mrjonnystill nothing12:43
mrjonnyVLC is unable to open the MRL 'smb://'. Check the log for details.12:43
mrjonnyis the error sorry for in here but not worth posting in paste or somting12:44
mrjonnyused that to fix it thanks for your help anyways12:47
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Guest23882I've just installed kubuntu 14.04,  now i always get grub error: unknown filesystem13:14
silv3r_m00n i am on kubuntu, i did kdesudo systemsettings and went to fonts and changed the size, but apps running as root are having a different font size13:32
BluesKajsilv3r_m00n, try logging out and back in13:33
silv3r_m00nBluesKaj: yeah did, its like this ever since13:34
BluesKajno need to run as root, once you've changed the fonts with root permissions, silv3r_m00n13:35
silv3r_m00nBluesKaj: the apps i mean, kdesudo kate, kdesudo dolphin ..... their font settings are not what i apply at kdesudo systemsettings13:36
BluesKajdon't run kdesudo dolphin, just as user13:37
silv3r_m00ni run kate from terminal and get so many errors, http://pastie.org/9112158  what are these for ?13:39
silv3r_m00ni guess there is something to configure properly13:39
rberg_anybody having laptop suspend problems since that kernel update a few days ago? I get a "khubd task unable to freeze"13:40
BluesKajsilv3r_m00n, why do you run apps from the terminal with root permissions anyway?13:41
salsero|2rberg_: no13:41
silv3r_m00nBluesKaj: i use alt+f2 and then kdesudo dolphin, then move into the directory open a file (kate) edit and save it13:41
salsero|2only with hibernate that was disabled13:41
BluesKajno need to run kate with root permissions for editing, user permissions are enough to save edits in kate, silv3r_m00n13:43
silv3r_m00nBluesKaj: i cant edit files like /etc/apache/....13:44
silv3r_m00nit must be root13:44
BluesKaji don't store my files on apache13:44
silv3r_m00nneither do i, i am talking about files inside /etc13:44
silv3r_m00nanything in general13:45
BluesKaj. but I'm a home user13:45
* BluesKaj gives up13:45
BluesKajcan't seem to get my point across13:46
LucidGuyI'm having issues with the lock screen in Kubuntu 12.04, anyone know if I can change the program locking the screen?14:21
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rcw2just upgraded to 14.04 on one of my laptops, chromium sometimes accepts to keyboard input.  ive completely reinstalled it too, but that didn't fix the issue.  any suggestions?14:53
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Jose__Hi? <:15:16
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NDNHi guys )15:46
NDNCould you tell me whatis wrong with kubuntu 64 when it loads from suspend mode. In my case it is just not responding.15:48
moparisthebestwhere is the trusty kubuntu alternate cd?15:51
moparisthebestduring install, I go to manual partitioning15:52
moparisthebestset up a /boot15:52
moparisthebestthen setup the rest for encrypted partition15:52
moparisthebestbut it crashes with a screen tittled15:52
moparisthebest"Keyfile creation failure"15:52
moparisthebestAn error occured while creating the keyfile15:53
moparisthebestif I let it go the guided crypto on LVM way it installs successfully15:53
moparisthebestbut then I have the useless overhead of an LVM that I don't want?15:53
moparisthebestI've installed 12.04 this way with the alternate CD in the past15:53
moparisthebestany ideas?15:54
salsero|2why do you wanna have an encrypted / ?15:58
moparisthebestin case someone steals the laptop?15:58
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jspeterSo... I can't unlock my screen in Kubuntu 14.04.  It always says "Unlock failed".  I've tracked this down to a missing /etc/pam.d/kdm, I think16:09
jspeterNot sure what to use for /etc/pam.d/kdm16:09
moparisthebesti'm assuming you might want to remove that file?16:10
moparisthebest14.04 uses lightdm now instead of kdm16:10
moparisthebestsee if there is an /etc/pam.d/lightdm ?16:10
jspeterkcheckpass is looking for that file16:10
jspeterit doesn't exist16:10
jspeterthere is a lightdm16:11
moparisthebestso it probably shouldn't be looking for it?16:11
jspeterI symlinked to it, but that failed for a different reason16:11
jspeterwhen I symlinked to lightdm, it failed due to: pam_succeed_if(kdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "jspeter"16:12
jspeterI suspect that has something to do with the content of /etc/pam.d/lightdm, so the /etc/pam.d/kdm file needs to be different16:14
moparisthebesthmm no idea, I've only upgraded one machine to 14.04 from 12.04 and I haven't locked my screen yet? :/16:14
NDNThe almoust the same problem with mine kubuntu16:15
jspeterif you do lock your screen, watch out for kcheckpass16:15
moparisthebestit sounds like kcheckpass or whatever needs updated? maybe file a bug16:15
NDNAfter out from standby mode I can't do anything16:15
jspeterNDN: is your screen locked?16:15
NDNseems so16:15
jspeterI mean, is there a password prompt asking you to type it it?16:16
NDNYes there are password field16:16
jspeterthis site recommends some content for /etc/pam.d/kdm: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/kde/kde-workspace.html16:16
jspetermaybe I'll try that16:17
jspetercan you type in the pwd field?16:17
NDNBut there are no any cursor in it, I can't input anything into it16:17
moparisthebestanything that depends on kdm isn't going to work anymore though since it doesn't exist16:17
jspeterI think kcheckpass is just requesting a service from pam using "kdm" as a token16:18
NDN<moparisthebest>: what this does mean ?16:18
jspeterI understand there is no kdm anymore, but someone neglected to tell kcheckpass16:18
jspeterand so long as it is only an identifier, I think I can work around it by making an /etc/pam.d/kdm16:19
NDNDo you think that issue with quiting suspend mode is related to miss of kdm ?16:19
jspeterNDN: if you can't type, it may be that your keyboard didn't recover suspend16:20
jspeterNDN: try ctrl-alt-F1 and then ctrl-alt-F7 ?16:20
NDNjspeter: what to do in this case?16:20
NDNjspeter: Nope. This won't help16:20
NDNjspeter: I tried16:21
jspeterNDN: no response when you do that?16:21
NDNjspeter: exactly16:21
NDNjspeter: after i did that the system hangs at all16:21
jspeterafter ctrl-alt-F1 it hangs?16:22
jspeteris this a laptop or a desktop?  do you have a spare USB keyboard?16:22
NDNjspeter: I thought the system should go into console mode. But it didn't16:22
jspetercan you disconnect/reconnect the keyboard?16:22
NDNit is integrated16:23
jspeterright... but if you have a USB kbd somehwere, could you plug it in?16:23
NDNI haven;t16:23
moparisthebestNDN: I just mean that 14.04 uses lightdm instead of kdm, so kdm doesn't exist anymore16:23
NDNmoparisthebest: thanks.16:24
jspeterk.  The only other recourse I know of is the low-level sysrq stuff16:24
NDNjspeter: how could i use that stuff ?16:24
NDNjspeter: I will try check 32 bit kubuntu.16:25
jspeterfor instance Alt-SysRq-E,  Alt-SysRq-U,  Alt-SysRq-I, and  Alt-SysRq-B, in that order.  It won't let you log in, but it should reboot your system16:25
jspeterif it doesn't reboot your system, all I can recommend is long-press the power button to force it off.16:25
jspeterIf it does reboot your system, at least your keyboard was being seen at some level of the kernel16:26
NDNjspeter: I haven't sysrq key within the keyboard. Could it be prt sc button?16:26
jspeterwhere to go from there, I do not know16:26
jspeteryes, same one16:26
NDNjspeter: I did so )  - just use one button that I could use )16:26
jspeter(used to be, there was enough space for both words on that button)16:26
NDNjspeter: ok, thank you16:26
jspeterdid it reboot?16:27
NDNjspeter: No. It shut down.16:27
jspeteroh, that too.  So at least your kernel wasn't locked and the apps were shut down cleanly16:27
NDNjspeter: I think si16:27
NDNjspeter: *so16:28
jspeternot sure where you can go from here.16:28
alketIm trying to use Konqueror web browser since it is very fast, but the KHTML doesn't render some pages like other browser, how to change to webkit ?16:28
jspeteryou could check the logs, but that won't reveal much16:28
NDNjspeter: If the kernel is locked then system should reboot after shut down key long pressed?16:28
moparisthebestalket: use firefox or install chromium if you must16:29
NDNalket: use Chrome16:29
jspeterif you long-press power button, laptop will shut down regardless of O/S and kernel state16:29
jspeterit's embedded in the HW behavior16:29
NDNjspeter: I knew it )16:29
moparisthebesteh, chrome is non-free, who knows what google puts in there16:29
alketmoparisthebest NDN: but it supports other engines  but I dont know how to install them16:29
moparisthebestchromium is free though, without google extras16:29
moparisthebestoh didn't know that alket16:30
silv3r_m00nis it possible to configure this kdesudo thing, so that it remembers the password for some time ?16:30
natacusdoes telepathy notify of new emails?16:36
BluesKajsilv3r_m00n, http://jeromejaglale.com/doc/unix/ubuntu_sudo_without_password16:36
silv3r_m00nBluesKaj: thanks16:36
NDNIs anybody knows how to install Word 2003 within wine on 64 bit system?16:41
NDNI've created 32 bit preffix. But Word won't install16:42
jspeterapparently, "sudo chmod 4755 /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kcheckpass" solves my screen lock problem as per https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?45163-kscreenlocker-authentication-failure16:44
NDNthanks to all. bye16:44
BluesKajNDN, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=321416:44
BluesKajhmmm, no patience16:45
BluesKajhi karlo16:52
karloalguien habla español?16:53
BluesKaj!es | karlo16:53
ubottukarlo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:53
karlook, thanks16:54
rockprincesshi everyone, anyone familiar with kmail2 and gpg on here?17:02
rockprincesswhen I try to send a signed message in kmail2 i get the error "bad passphrase" although the keys that I have stored in kgpg are valid and trusted. it seems like a bug with the gpg.conf or pinentry setup..... any ideas?17:06
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captain_haddockHi. How do I set a mount point for a preexisting partition in the KDE partition manager?18:26
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r-1hello. Since I've updated to 14.04 my system is very slow. This means I have to wait a long time for programs to start, and UI gets unresponsive from time to time. what can I do?19:35
chachanr-1: is there anything you can see in the syslog?19:44
r-1chachan do you mean /var/log/syslog or dmesg?19:45
chachanr-1: I would check both...19:47
keithzgArghhh I can't figure out why my system keeps locking up since the upgrade to 14.04 (not to mention how it loses sense of time and sporadically speeds things up every second reboot).19:47
dudeofdoomHello everyone. I have a thinkpad t61 with intel gma video card that has  afresh install of 14.04. Every time I suspend it, when it comes back, it's unresponive for a while, and won't let me unlock the screen. Eventually it gives up and takes me to the login screen, but I can't log in successfully again until I reboot the laptop. Any ideas?19:50
r-1any hints what I can search for?19:52
chachanr-1: nope :/19:52
r-1I've found some error messages, but they are not repeating, but the lag is repeating20:02
chachanis that happening with any particular application or is it the entire system lagging?20:03
r-1the whole system.20:04
chachanr-1: ^20:04
chachanr-1: mm20:04
chachanr-1: have you tried to reboot, login and not opening any app? and see if the performance is still low20:09
r-1chachan ok wait will try that20:09
chachanr-1: also, do you see any overload from any process in the system activity thing?20:10
chachanpress Ctrl + F1 to open it and sort the list by CPU%20:10
chachanalso check your free ram and check if the swap space is being used20:11
r-1chachan RAM at 9% no swap CPU also very low.20:18
chachanr-1: and still having performance issue?20:18
chachanr-1: that's shitty. I would suggest to check if there's a bug created for this (in case, follow it), if not then try creating it. Sorry for not giving you a better response20:19
r-1chachan hmm thats bad. where to create?20:20
chachanr-1: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/BugSquad20:22
r-1chachan thanks20:23
chachanr-1: forget that20:23
chachanr-1: use this https://bugs.launchpad.net20:23
chachanjust make sure set kubuntu as project20:23
r-1is there a chance that they respond?20:24
r-1chachan: ^20:29
chachanr-1: of course, that's the way they know something out there is wrong :) Just be patience :(20:31
chachanr-1: that won't be fast20:31
r-1chachan is there a tool to track hdd active processes? The hdd led is always on...20:31
r-1... like htop ...20:32
chachanr-1: iotop20:32
chachanr-1: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-performance-monitoring-with-vmstat-and-iostat-commands/20:36
r-1chachan thx bookmark added20:37
rberg_r-1: you can set htop to display io also20:37
r-1was: how?20:37
r-1ah ok RBYTES WBYTES20:39
rberg_r-1: F2 for setup, hit arrow down to 'Columns' , then arrow right twice to "Available Columns" then select "IO_RATE"20:39
r-1there is baloo_file_extractor20:43
r-1it seems to be an indexing tool20:43
rberg_hah! of course it is20:43
r-1rberg_ do you know that this tool was introduced or enabled in 14.04?20:44
rberg_I think it was introduced in the lastest kde as somthign to do with nepomuk20:44
rberg_its all very nice when it works20:45
r-1hm it might be that it now has to create an index20:46
r-1.5 TB is not indexed this fast...20:47
r-1ok its more .3 TB20:47
keithzgDepends on what comprises that .3 TB ;)20:47
r-1I don't think baloo lags on media like video but I have a copy of mozilla-central (firefox source code) and thats ... huge20:49
rberg_that could be it.. lots of tiny text files20:49
r-1rberg_ chachan I'm not the first with these problems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221743420:52
chachanr-1: let me know if that works20:56
r-1I've excluded the directories with lots of files...20:56
r-1killall to some baloo affiliated processes ...20:58
r-1... and starting a disk-heavy java application20:59
r-1yeah I think it became faster21:00
r-1at least the HDD led isn't on all time21:00
rberg_I have only had problems with baloo 1 time.. and that is because I was on battery.. otherwise I leave it alone21:01
r-1I don't search this often over my whole home directory... I try to have a structured file system21:04
r-1rberg_ do you use search?21:10
rberg_not really, but I am starting to see what good about it.. I tend to hit alt-f2 to start new programs and see emails and contacts in there.. its pretty nice21:11
r-1does this integration work with thunderbird?21:12
rberg_not sure, I have been using kmail.. thats pretty nice if you dont download all mail for offline use.. otherwise the db gets huge21:14
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r-1there was some reason I discarded kmail but I can't remember...21:17
christiantTWIITER > CristianJTB21:58
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fARISGood morningggg23:51
fARISanypne online?23:51
fARISI just upgraded my Kubuntu from 13.03 to 14.10 and I ve lost my sound23:54
vistakillertry to do a right clicl to the sound icon in the panel23:56
vistakillerand after that go to the settings and see what soundcard use your system23:56
fARISOk ..then?23:56
fARISThe normal driver is not listed .. ac323:58
vistakillerwhat soundcard did you see there?23:58
vistakillerand try to the right clicl to select the main channel and tell me what you see and there23:59
fARISIEC958 Built in audio digital stereo23:59
vistakilleri think you have motherboard soundcard?23:59

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