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apfigueiredoHi all... I was looking for documentation on the python application indicators api, but all links seem to be broken01:03
apfigueiredodoes anybody know where I can find these references?01:03
apfigueiredoexample of a broken link: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/application-indicators/01:04
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ahayzen_balloons, looks like Victor beat me to it, you seen the issue he has? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/music-app/fix-1292044/+merge/211637/comments/51625804:13
dholbachgood morning06:55
justCarakaspopey: I don't know who to tell but the download option for 64bit mac on the ubuntu site gives a 40407:04
justCarakasballoons: I don't know who to tell but the download option for 64bit mac on the ubuntu site gives a 40407:19
tsdgeospopey: the fix for different results on i386 wheter or not the registry allocator is used or not is upstream. Should probably ask for a distropatch to Mirv https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,8393607:20
popeytsdgeos: awesome.. Mirv ^^ ☻07:22
tsdgeostbh i haven't tried it applies to our 5.2.1 packages07:23
tsdgeosMirv: tell me if you want me to do that or not07:23
Mirvtsdgeos: it says no file to patch.. src/qml/jit/qv4regalloc.cpp07:29
Mirvtsdgeos: chaging jit -> compiler, seems to apply thanks07:31
Mirvpopey: tsdgeos: LP bug to refer to would be nice07:31
Mirvthis is the 4th qtdeclarative patch in pipeline now07:32
popeyMirv: sure.07:32
popeyMirv: where shall I file it, we only have an upstream bug at the moment07:36
Mirvpopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src07:37
popeyMirv: bug 131257107:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312571 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Simple JS has differing results on AMD64/i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131257107:41
Mirvah, this's the one Roman e-mailed me about too07:48
MirvI just didn't get an upstream pointer07:48
slvn_hello - I put the UbuntuPhone image #303 on my tablet Nexus10. The scrolling is very slow / jerky / flickering !07:59
dpmmorning popey, when you've got a minute, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/click-everywhere/+merge/217175 ? It's the same thing as for file manager yesterday08:04
popeydpm: sure08:07
dpmawesome, thanks08:08
popeydpm: i may be missing a build-dep? In file included from /tmp/click-everywhere/3rdParty/libthrift/Thrift.cpp:20:0:08:11
popey/tmp/click-everywhere/3rdParty/libthrift/Thrift.h:48:39: fatal error: boost/utility/enable_if.hpp: No such file or directory #include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>08:11
dpmpopey, did you add the build deps as described in the MP? If you did, I'll have to figure out if there is any other one missing08:12
popeywell, i already have them08:12
dpmyou already had libboost-dev and libssl-dev?08:13
popeydpm: let me play more,08:13
popeyyes, but i skipped straight to 2) to test click-buddy before qtc08:13
popeylemme do them in the right order ☻08:13
dpmit looks like it that file comes from libboost-dev, so I'd double check if it got indeed installed:08:17
dpm# dpkg -S /usr/include/boost/utility/enable_if.hpp08:17
dpmlibboost1.54-dev: /usr/include/boost/utility/enable_if.hpp08:17
popeySuccessfully built package in './com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5.106_armhf.click'.08:18
popey09:18:40: The process "/usr/bin/click" exited normally.08:18
popey^^ from qtc08:18
popey09:18:40: Elapsed time: 01:32.08:18
popeyand the package works on-device08:20
popeyand the package builds from click-buddy too08:21
popeydpm: not convinced by this... click-buddy is surely only making a click out of something that's already been built by qtc?08:22
popeyso no compilation happens there if you run 2) right after 1)08:22
popey(which won't happen in the DC)08:22
dpmpopey, click-buddy should rebuild the package. I was told yesterday that it cannot use Qt Creator's build directory - and in fact, with the command line args passed as described on the MP, if you don't tell it where the QtC build dir, then there is no way click-buddy can guess08:24
dpmpopey, you can pass click-buddy the --no-clean arg and it should show you the build dir it used08:25
popeyit took seconds08:25
popeythere's no way it built it08:25
popeycan you build it if you cleanly branch that MP?08:27
popeyusing click-buddy alone08:27
dpmsure, doing a clean checkout now08:27
dpmit is building now08:29
* popey tries this too08:31
dpmpopey, yes, click-buddy built the code and created the package successfully on a clean checkout08:32
popeysame here.. how did that work08:32
popeyis it re-using the armhf chroot by qtc?08:33
dpmyes, it does use the same chroot08:33
dpmregarding the build dir, though08:33
dpmthis is news to me08:33
popeyThis all voodoo to me ☻08:34
dpmso I'm guessing it's reading some sort of cmake cache and detects that there is a build dir already, and uses the built files from there to create the click08:34
dpmbut that's not a bad thing, as it just speeds up click package creation :)08:34
popeywell yes08:34
dpmpopey, here's another easy one https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/update-readme/+merge/21718308:42
dpmit's just an update to the README file08:42
dpmpopey, I think we should be good to go do start the machinery to do a file manager upload, and soon after a reminders upload08:50
dpmmzanetti, would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/click-everywhere/+merge/217175 when you've got a minute?08:51
mzanettidpm: sure08:51
popeydpm: will it build in jenkins?08:51
dpmgreat, thanks!08:52
dpmpopey, it should do. Jenkins does a similar thing as click-buddy does. Although I don't know what actually triggers the click build, do you?08:52
dpmI think fginther or someone on *-ci-eng might need to flick the switch to build a click?08:53
popeyi can trigger the build08:53
dpmah, cool08:54
* popey does that now your stuff is in trunk08:55
popeyit already built08:55
* popey tests on device08:55
mzanettidpm: hmm... clicking the maintain button in QtCreator for the click chroot opens a terminal here but closes it down again immediately. Did you see that too?09:07
popeyi didnt09:07
popeyit opened here09:07
dpmmzanetti, no, I haven't seen that, it usually works for me, I just tried it again. Perhaps zbenjamin has got an idea what it could be? ^09:08
mzanettiseems to print the usage for click in that terminal. but I can't read it all, it closes down too fast09:08
dpmmzanetti, is it a recent click chroot with the ubuntu-sdk-14.04 framework?09:09
mzanettiyeah, just generated it right now09:09
dpmOr something else you could do might be to update the chroot09:09
dpmok, then in that case it's up to date09:10
dpmlet me update my chroot to see if I can reproduce09:10
popey/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -e click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-14.04 -s trusty maint /bin/bash09:11
popeythats what it runs09:11
popeyfor me ☻09:11
mzanettipopey: where did you find this?09:12
popeyps aux while it's running09:12
dpmI updated the chroot, but I cannot reproduce09:13
mzanettihmm... running it manually (without python in the beginning) seems to work fine here too09:13
dpmmzanetti, perhaps running qtcreator from the command line might give a clue?09:14
zbenjaminnever seen that before ..09:15
mzanettinope... doesn't print anything...09:16
zbenjaminsounds like the click chroot args are maybe wrong09:16
mzanettiyeah. seems so. where can I see what it's trying to use?09:16
zbenjaminmzanetti: check if it prints a error the general messages tab09:17
zbenjaminbut i guess it does not because the process starts09:17
mzanettizbenjamin: nope. not a single line09:17
mzanettidpm: I left a few comments09:20
dpmmzanetti, thanks. Re: 12 + configure_file(manifest.json ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/manifest.json)09:21
dpmI would have preferred to use the .in convention too, but we need to leave it as manifest.json, so that QtC can pick it up09:21
dpmthat's actually the main change of this branch09:21
dpmmzanetti, I think I addressed your comments. Would you mind having another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/click-everywhere/+merge/217175 and approving/rejecting as appropriate?09:27
mzanettidpm: btw. the patch for the sorted list performance issue has been accepted upstream09:32
dpmmzanetti, yeah, I saw that, and Mirv packaged it up, thanks!09:33
dpmMirv, now that U has opened, where do we stand with https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-for-u-series-multiple-fixes/+merge/216821 ? I saw you committed a fix today, is the MP looking good, or do you foresee any complications?09:43
dpmpopey, the reminders' click can also be triggered from Jenkins and tested and uploaded to the store :)09:44
dpmnik90, when you've got a minute, do you think you could address the last comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/improved-toolbar-icons/+merge/216098 ? I think it should be an easy fix. Thanks!09:46
dpmdholbach, as a packaging expert, do you think that last comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/improved-toolbar-icons/+merge/216098 makes sense?09:47
dpmsuru-icon-theme is only available on 14.04 and onwards09:48
dholbachdpm, yep, that should work09:48
dpmcool, thanks for confirming :)09:48
Mirvdpm: testing will show the status, currently known is that it builds. but no silo build to test yet, since U is not really open yet (toolchain updates should be done today)09:57
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dpmah, I see, thanks Mirv09:59
popeydpm: ok09:59
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dpmzbenjamin, I'm trying to set a breakpoint and debug lp:ubuntu-filemanager-app, using the Desktop kit. However, when I press the Debug button in QtC, I get this message about it not being a debug build: http://i.imgur.com/OOKQ7bJ.png - how can I set up a debug build in QtC?10:17
zbenjamindpm: did you add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug?10:18
dpmnope, I guess that answers my question :)10:19
zbenjamindpm: you can clone your buildconfig and name it Debug, so you can switch between them when needed10:19
dpmyeah, that's exactly what I did :)10:19
dpmtesting it now10:19
dpmzbenjamin, that works well, thanks. Would it make sense to create a Default and Debug build config? Right now it's not too obvious how to debug, and it'd make it easier for developers to be able to start debugging straight away rather than creating new configs10:28
zbenjamindpm: we could do that yes10:29
dpmok, reported it as bug 131264410:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312644 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Make it easier to debug C++ apps with a Debug build config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131264410:34
aradpm, so, continuing the conversation here, if I want to run music-app on the 14.04 desktop, the right service is mediascanner, not -211:43
dpmara, correct11:43
aradpm, OK, thanks!11:43
dpmara, if you install the music-app package from the core apps PPA it should pull the right dependencies for you. Did you install that, or did you try to run the app from source?11:44
aradpm, from universe, and it didn't install the dependencies11:44
aradpm, sorry, from the PPA11:45
dpmhm, weird11:45
aradpm, and it didn't install the service11:45
* dpm looks at debian/control11:45
ara(nor it did run it)11:45
aradpm, I was planning to file a bug11:45
dpmara, sounds like a valid one if you want to file it. I see that music-app depends on grilo-plugins-0.2-mediascanner, but that does not seem to be enough to pull in mediascanner11:48
aradpm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/131268411:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312684 in Ubuntu Music App "[desktop] Music should install and run automatically mediascanner when installing/run" [Undecided,New]11:49
aradpm, is music-app using gstreamer 0.10?11:56
dpmara, I know it works with 0.10, but I'm pretty certain it does with 1.0 too. It's not a feature of music-app, though, rather of Qt11:57
arammm, it does not work for me with 1.0 :)11:57
sergiusenson touch 1.0, on desktop 0.1011:57
dpmah, thanks sergiusens11:57
araah, that's why11:57
aradpm, but mediascanner does find mp3 with only 1.0 installed11:58
sergiusenswe for qtmultimedia-opensource-src to support 1.0; but that brought in an incomplete port for video11:58
sergiusenswe could afford to break that in touch, but not desktop11:58
sergiusensthat is going away with media-hub11:58
sergiusensthat problem, although this cycle is the cycle for media-hub on desktop11:59
dpmara, commented on your bug. Feel free to review the proposed branch too :)12:03
aradpm, thanks, do you want me to file a separate bug for the second point?12:08
dpmara, it would probably be best, yes, but we should probably ask Satoris if he's around first12:09
dpmI can't see him or jamesh online12:10
popeydpm: ara on my laptop mediascanner _is_ launched, and I didnt do that manually12:10
popeyperhaps it only launches on new login?12:10
dpmpopey, that might be it12:11
ahayzenpopey, why didn't this fix the mediascanner dependency? https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/124140312:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1241403 in mediascanner "Music app's grilo plugin package needs to depend on mediascanner" [Undecided,New]12:11
dpmoh, that should have definitely have fixed it12:12
ahayzendpm, it looks like the grilo plugin hasn't been rebuilt?12:12
dpmahayzen, indeed, it seems to be out of date12:13
popeycould undo the change you did and get qtgrilo rebuilt?12:13
dpmlet me see12:13
ahayzenpopey, looks like jenkins disproved dpm's MP12:13
dpmgood old jenkins for once does one thing right :P12:13
ahayzendpm, popey, although the point about it autorunning i'm less sure about12:15
ahayzendpm, popey, currently you have to run mediascanner-service ~/Music after you have installed it12:16
gerlowskijaIs there anything special I need to do to open the Reminders App in the SDK?  Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not seeing a *.qmlproject file like there is in many of the other apps..12:18
popeygerlowskija: open the cmakelists.txt file12:18
dpmgerlowskija, check out the README file too, it should tell you everything you need to know about it12:19
dpmgerlowskija, it's a mixed C++ and QML app, so it's a CMake project in Qt Creator, not a pure QML (.qmlproject) one12:20
dpmahayzen, popey, it's weird, it seems I've got the latest grilo package installed (0.0.20130610-0ubuntu3), but it does not have the mediascanner dependency -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/qtgrilo/trunk/changes/15?start_revid=1512:20
ahayzendpm, magic12:21
dpmahayzen, popey look at r14 on that link :)12:21
ahayzendpm, that is 20130610...Victor's branch was 2013-11-1412:22
dpmseems like the mediascanner dep addition got reverted12:22
dpmahayzen, yeah, Victor did the change on r11, but it got reverted on r1412:22
ahayzendpm, ah12:22
gerlowskijadpm, popey: Ok, makes sense. Thanks guys.12:23
dpmMirv, do you remember why you dropped the mediascanner dependency on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/qtgrilo/trunk/revision/14 ? We'll need to re-add it, as otherwise there is no music scanning going on12:24
Mirvdpm: I didn't drop it, I just synced to the branch what had already been uploaded to archives12:24
gerlowskijapopey: Also, when I was looking around for info about the Reminders App, there's a wiki page linked to from a few different places that doesn't seem to exist: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/RemindersApp.  Idk, if it was moved or deleted intentionally, just wanted to mention it in case it hadn't been brought to your attn.12:25
Mirvdpm: so this upload in September https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/qtgrilo/0.0.20130610-0ubuntu2 didn't include that line.12:26
dpmMirv, right, but the dependency effectively was dropped, so I'm wondering whether there was a specific reason. Can we just re-add it?12:26
Mirvdpm: it does not look like it ever was in a released version. so I don't think there was other reason than unability to do new uploads if debian/ is out-of-sync with archives.12:27
dpmgerlowskija, thanks. That should read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Reminders (without the *App)12:27
dpmgerlowskija, where did you find the broken links?12:28
Mirvdpm: so feel free to add it back, but just check it's really enabled when it's added there in the build dependencies (so something checks during build there's mediascanner and then adds dependency to runtime deps?)12:28
dpmthanks Mirv, but I'm not sure I follow the thing about doing an extra check for dependencies. Can't I just add it to the list of deps in debian/control and that should be it?12:29
gerlowskijadpm: https://launchpad.net/reminders-app and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/reminders-app-development12:30
dpmfixed in both places, thanks gerlowskija!12:32
dpmgerlowskija, let us know how you're getting on with getting Reminders up and running, we welcome any help, so if you're interested, please feel free to pick up any of the open bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app12:43
gerlowskijaThanks dpm, that's actually what I'm working on.  I grabbed a bitesize one to start off with (https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/1289347) and then we'll see how it goes!12:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 1289347 in Ubuntu Reminders app "[desktop] No icon available for "Add notebook", "Add note" and "Add reminder"" [Medium,Confirmed]12:45
dpmgerlowskija, awesome! Let us know if you need any help12:45
Mirvdpm: I mean, in the diff you quote, it doesn't depend on mediascanner from runtime dependencies, only from build time dependencies. so if the mediascanner is installed during build, did it automatically affect the build so that mediascanner is used?12:46
Mirvdpm: but sure if it works so that during it build it checks if mediascanner is installed and acts accordingly, then that's the way to go.12:47
dpmMirv, good point. I don't think it needs it during the build, I think it should be in the runtime deps12:48
gerlowskijadpm: I'm getting this error in the SDK when I try to start the app (I'm on trusty desktop btw):12:58
gerlowskijaReminders File: qml/reminders.qml does not exist at any of the standard paths12:59
gerlowskijaLooks a lot like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/130376312:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1303763 in Ubuntu Reminders app "File: qml/reminders.qml does not exist at any of the standard paths!" [Critical,Fix committed]12:59
dpmgerlowskija, just a sec, I've noticed this same error on File Manager and I'm fixing it now12:59
dpmit seems to affect the desktop only12:59
dpmgerlowskija, I think that should get you running: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7329706/13:08
aradpm, I have opened a new bug about running mediascanner automatically on music-app start up13:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312739 in Ubuntu Music App " [desktop] Music should run automatically mediascanner on start up" [Undecided,New]13:33
dpmok, thanks ara13:42
dpmballoons, here's one for you: I've noticed file manager did not run on the desktop, and as part of the fix I changed the installation path from ubuntu-filemanager-app to just filemanager. Tests run well on my desktop, but they fail on Jenkins: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix-desktop-run/+merge/21723913:54
dpmI can see why from
dpm13:38:00.923 INFO testcase:258 - Attempting to launch application '/usr/bin/filemanager' with arguments '-q /usr/share/ubuntu-filemanager-app/qml/ubuntu-filemanager-app.qml' as a normal process13:54
dpmit should be launching /usr/share/filemanager/qml/ubuntu-filemanager-app.qml13:55
dpmdo you know if this command line is hardcoded anywhere in Jenkins?13:55
dpmI don't quite get why all tests pass on my desktop but they fail in Jenkins13:56
popeyDanChapman has so what happens when you try and build trojita?14:04
DanChapmanpopey i've just noticed there is the UbuntuSDK for armhf kit but it's saying it's sdk__13.10_saucy_default is that right? i'm on trusty?14:06
popeymine's 14.04 kit here.14:10
DanChapmanpopey, ok so i'm getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7330100/ where do i add modules to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH14:20
* DanChapman needs to figure out why it says saucy 13.10 aswell14:20
popeyDanChapman: in qtc, tools -> options -> Build & Run.. you can manage your kits there14:23
balloonsdpm, there are 3 ways of launching things via autopilot14:29
balloonsdeb, click, and local14:29
balloonsyou need to make sure all three launch correctly. Jenkins uses the deb method, while you are likely launching via the local install on the desktop14:30
balloonsthe phone of course uses click14:30
dpmwhere are these 3 ways of launching defined?14:30
sergiusensdpm: ideally in the ui toolkit :-P at least elopio once commented he would move it there; today in setup http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-filemanager-dev/ubuntu-filemanager-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_filemanager_app/tests/__init__.py#L6314:32
sergiusensas an example14:32
dpmaha! Thanks sergiusens14:33
sergiusensdpm: as you can see, first thing that evals to true is used14:33
sergiusensdpm: I hope we drop the debs this cycle with the advent of unity8 :-)14:34
dpmyes, it's a real pain to maintain support for both click and .deb on core apps14:36
balloonsdeb is already pretty much dead.14:37
popeyhah, you wish14:42
popey14.04 has 5 years support friends! ☻14:42
sergiusenspopey: but the core apps aren't in main nor the archives, right?14:43
popeyno, but in a ppa that PES expect to continue working14:43
popeyballoons: not necessarily the ppa we currently have, but _a_ PPA15:03
gerlowskijadpm: Belated thanks for the "qml/reminders.qml not found" workaround earlier.  Is that something that should be committed, or was that just due to some quirk on my machine?15:16
dpmgerlowskija, it should be committed, I just noticed it now. Feel free to submit a fix15:18
balloonsdpm, you still need help landing https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix-desktop-run/+merge/21723915:21
dpmballoons, I think that now I know where to look I should manage, thanks! But I'm done with core apps today, so it might take a while for me to come back to it15:22
balloonsif you don't care then I'll just finish it15:23
balloonsI'd like to push fm to the store and this shouldn't be lingering15:23
balloonsI assume popey also wants to do the same :-)15:23
balloonsdpm ^^15:24
popeyalready done15:24
popeyfile manager is updated in the store, reminders needs to be15:24
dpmballoons, popey is always one step ahead of us ;)15:24
balloonspopey, the tests passed fine for you? :-)15:24
popeyfile manager ones did15:24
popeynot tried reminders yet15:24
popeyon my list15:24
balloonsfor reminders, I need elopio to finish this: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/reminders-app/test_go_to_accounts2/+merge/21416315:25
balloonshe needs one small tweak to finish.. it works fine15:25
dpmballoons, yeah, if you want to fix filemanager on the desktop, feel free to branch off from my branch and submit a new MP or if you point me to your new branch I'll merge from there15:25
popeyballoons: when do you think that'll happen?15:26
balloonssince popey has what he needs, I'll leave it.. simpler that way15:26
popeyI do?15:26
balloonspopey, it's a 3 character change.. I'm hoping he does it right now :-)15:26
popeyfeel free to poke me if you need any buttons pressing15:27
popeyI'm good at that15:27
popeythe crucial part is knowing which ones of course. less good at that bit15:27
balloonshehe.. reminders will definitely land. I'll work an mp to fix the build and merge his mp for him if he doesn't get to it15:27
balloonsi'll push to the store and ping you sometime after your dinner I'd guess :-)15:28
gerlowskijadpm: not sure if you're still around, but wanted to give you a pointer to https://code.launchpad.net/~gerlowskija/reminders-app/app-dir-standard-path/+merge/21726215:32
dpmgerlowskija, approved, thanks a lot!15:40
gerlowskijaYou did all the work haha, I just put my name on it.15:40
dpma team effort, then :)15:41
dpmballoons, which build needs fixing?15:41
balloonsdpm, reminders has the same issue as fm.. I'll do the same fix you did to it15:48
dpmballoons, which issue? The not running on desktop one? It seems to work for me, although I'm not sure if the package in the PPA is a recent one15:49
balloonsdpm, no reminders also does not build https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/130828015:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1308280 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Can't build with phablet-tools" [High,Fix committed]15:51
doflah_does the QML RotationSensor work?  I thought it did at some point, but I'm not getting readingChanged events on mako/r30315:51
balloonsI saw you update it, but did you push something to fix it?15:52
balloonshah, you did ;-)15:52
dpmballoons, it does build now. I fixed it this morning. That's the click package that popey intends to upload15:52
popeyfilemanager is already uploaded to the store15:52
balloonsyou didn't link it.. but I should have checked15:52
popeyrev 16315:53
dpmpopey, yes, we were talking about reminders15:53
balloonsgood stuff15:53
popeyoh, sorry ☹15:53
dpmballoons, I linked the branch indeed :)15:53
dpmmind you, the wrong one :)15:54
dpmactually, no, it was the right one and you even reviewed it :)15:54
balloonsno matter, I'll get elopio15:55
dpmsummary: so we're looking good now for those two :)15:55
balloons's merged and do the mini fix as another mp15:55
dpmballoons, cool, looking forward to seeing more reminders tests!15:55
balloonsyep.. that's why I want to land it :-015:55
ahayzenballoons, did u see Victor's comment on your MP?15:55
balloonsahayzen, I did.. kind of odd, I haven't looked into it yet, but I will in a second15:56
balloonsahayzen, did it/does it work for you?15:56
ahayzenballoons, i'll try it in a minute just literally submitted two bits of coursework lol15:57
dpmok guys, calling it a day and starting the weekend, see you all next week, have a good one!15:57
balloonsdpm, cheers, thanks for fixing the builds!15:58
dpmnp, cheers!15:58
elopioballoons: hello!16:09
balloonselopio, :-)16:09
balloonseverything is all set, I approved your mp16:09
elopioballoons: I thought that the rename of the click packaga was something you did on your branch.16:09
balloonselopio, it was, so I just merged both16:09
elopiooh, cool. Thanks.16:09
balloonsI wasn't planning on merging my branch, that's why I wanted you to do it16:09
balloonsanyways, we're good now ;-)16:10
elopioballoons: if my click-buddy still doesn't work to provision it, where should I report the bug?16:10
elopioreminders or click-buddy?16:10
elopiook, I'll give it a try in a few.16:12
elopiomardy: I need more help from you with accounts. Do you have time?16:12
vthompsonpopey, could you verify this calendar bug? It seems as though something in a recent revision caused the app to look zoomed in when pushing to the device: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/131248016:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1312480 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar app from trunk installed on the phone seems to run in wide mode" [Undecided,New]16:30
popeyvthompson: how are you running it from qtc?16:35
vthompsonpopey, no deploying to the device via click-buddy. I suppose you might be able to verify via qtc by resizing16:36
vthompsonpopey, actually resizing seems to work just fine.16:38
popeyah okay, will test with click-buddy16:40
popeyvthompson: confirmed16:41
vthompsonpopey, ok, I might try to figure out what happened as the bug makes it almost impossible to test any future fix on the device16:43
popeyvthompson: and you're sure it's not a calendar change?16:47
popeyvery little has changed in the image in a week16:47
balloonshey vthompson, just looking at the feedback you left on my mp.. I'm not getting that issue16:47
balloonsbut, I do wonder if you need to push the toolkit to your device again. That's my guess16:48
balloonsadb push /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit /home/phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit16:49
vthompsonpopey, I assume it's a calendar app change that caused it...16:49
vthompsonballoons, how does that normally get updated?16:50
balloonsvthompson, phablet-test-setup should be doing it16:51
vthompsonballoons, ok16:51
balloonsI need to bug sergio again, or maybe just propose a fix.. I've seen other dependencies needing to be pushed too16:52
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vthompsonballoons, /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit doesn't exist on my system16:55
vthompsonthat'd probably explain it16:55
balloonswell adb push /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ubuntuuitoolkit /home/phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit would push the py2 version, which you have16:57
balloonsthe desktop runs ap via python2, but the default on phone is python316:57
balloonsyou just need to push the updated package to the device.. it's the same whether py2 or py3 (since the toolkit is compatible with both)16:58
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vthompsonballoons, I installed music-app-autopilot which installs ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot. The directory seems to be there now. I'll retest16:59
vthompsonballoons, so what is "phablet-test-setup"? I don't see such a script17:01
balloonsphablet-click-test-setup, sorry :-)17:02
vthompsonpopey, balloons ah. What should be calling phablet-click-test-setup? I've never explicitly ran it before.17:03
gerlowskijaDoes anyone know if this wiki page on Platform Services is up to date?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Blockers17:03
popeygerlowskija: its not, wassup?17:03
popeyvthompson: paste.ubuntu.com/7331155/17:05
vthompsonpopey, ok. I had assumed --provision in click-buddy did that17:06
popeyprovision does the dbus thing only17:06
gerlowskijapopey: I thinking of taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/1273311.  The description says it's waiting on the Notifications stuff to land.  (I clearly don't know anything about the notifications stuff, so I was just going off the wiki ;-p)17:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1273311 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Add Alarm API integration in reminders" [Medium,Triaged]17:06
popeyvthompson: oh, also i do an adb shell rm /home/phablet/autopilot to clean up17:06
popeygerlowskija: so it's possible to create alarms, both the clock and calendar do that, via EDS, that has landed. whether they trigger or not is another matter. so yes, part of it could well be implmented now, maybe use clock/calendar as reference?17:07
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gerlowskijaok, I'll take a look, thanks for the pointer.17:08
vthompsonpopey, thanks!17:09
vthompsonballoons, she's running now.17:09
balloonsvthompson, awesome..17:09
* popey goes afk for a bit17:10
balloonsvthompson, I agree.. provisioning should do this17:11
vthompsonballoons, also shouldn't the ubuntuuitoolkit come from the phone and not the development box?17:13
vthompsonWhat if the dev box isn't running the latest?17:13
balloonsvthompson, it the setup step grabs the dependency from source17:14
balloonsI was just telling you to push from your box :-)17:14
vthompsonah. :)17:14
balloonsi'm going to propose a merge.. that should get some action on landing this so click-buddy does it ;-)17:15
vthompsonballoons, cool that'd be awesome17:16
balloonssometimes doing something poorly gets others to fix it :-)17:16
balloonsbut perhaps they liked what I propose17:17
mardyelopio: sorry, I was away; please ping me back on Monday (but at least a couple of hours earlier :-) )17:17
elopiomardy: I will.17:22
elopioballoons: I was trying to be extra-clever with the evernote account:17:23
elopiobut that doesn't work, I think it's missing the authorization that's done through the evernote website.17:24
balloonselopio, ohh account time? :-)17:24
elopioif we don't find a way without the UI, we'll be blocked as there's no nice way to introspect the evernote webview.17:24
balloonselopio, so we should chat quickly about that.. I did it by faking oachineuth, including the cookie on the local ma17:24
elopioballoons: that's what I wanted to ask mardy, I didn't know you already did it :D17:25
balloonsI still have the mp for that. however, evernote also allows use of a token, which we have a test version of17:25
* elopio wants. How do I do that?17:25
balloonselopio, I think we're better off doing the token17:25
elopioyes, it's the only way I see.17:26
balloonsthe oauth hackery was indeed a lot of hackery17:26
balloonselopio, let me give you the token17:26
elopioballoons: I have a token17:27
elopioI just don't know how to tell online accounts to use it.17:27
balloonselopio, ohh do we still have to use online accounts.. it's been so long since I looked at this17:27
elopiommm, maybe not.17:27
balloonshere's what I remember doing.. and let me find the branch17:27
elopioI don't know.17:27
balloonsI used a test oauth account I created with evernote.. I then manually generated an auth token and cookie on my local box17:28
balloonsthen, inside the test, I had it use the same account, and re-setup the token and cookie17:28
balloonsI spoke with the online accounts guys and there is no other way it seems to do it..17:29
elopiosounds good. I can create an evernote account and not validate it. I have the token.17:29
balloonswith the token, we should be able to avoid online accounts completely I think17:29
balloonsbecause evernote allows you to use the a key (sorry I keep calling it token, which is confusing with oauth) instead of doing oauth17:30
balloonselopio, perhaps it's easier if you just read the site: http://dev.evernote.com/doc/start/python.php17:32
balloonslook under authentication17:32
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balloonsbah, they call it a developer token :-)17:32
elopioballoons: yes, I read about it. What I don't get is how to tell the reminders app to use that token.17:33
balloonselopio, your mp isn't merge.. I think you need to rebase with trunk: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/reminders-app/test_go_to_accounts2/+merge/21416317:33
balloonshere's the old work I think https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/reminders-app/oauth-ap/+merge/20410717:34
elopioballoons: ok, merged with trunk and pushed.17:34
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balloonselopio, I think that's where I ended up as well.. Since the app uses oauth, it was unclear if it was possible for us to use just the token17:37
balloonsso, looking at my old hackery, I see I basically recreated the cookie, signon, and secrets db online accounts uses, rather than invoking it17:38
elopioballoons: I was hoping for a nice method of gi.repository.Account to link the account I added with a token, so the validation is not needed.17:39
elopioI have no idea if that's doable. I'll leave it for now, and on Monday I'll ask mardy if we have to hack the dbs, or there's an alternate way.17:39
balloonselopio, when we asked back in Jan, we couldn't do it.. heck, I believe I have a bug on it. let me see17:40
balloonsremember him telling us about account-console? I still have the log :-)17:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1270264 in Online Accounts: Account plugins "Accounts Console autopilot support" [Undecided,New]17:41
elopioballoons: yes, what I'm doing on my credentials.py is basically what account-console does.17:43
elopiobut I was thinking that what session.process does is to get the token and link it to the account, so reminders doesn't have to go to the evernote page to validate every time.17:46
elopiothat's the step that fails in my branch. So we could skip it and do the link ourselfs.17:47
elopiobut I really don't know what I'm talking about...17:47
balloonselopio, as far as I understand, this is what needs to happen17:48
balloons1) you need an account on evernote's server17:48
balloons2) you need to go through a verification on evernote's server (oauth handshake) to allow access for an app to your account17:48
balloons3) Once complete, all api calls from that app just work (if you have the token and cookie)17:49
balloons4) the access lasts by default for 1 year but can be revoked / managed / increased in evernote17:49
balloonsSo, if you do part 2 manually and then pass those keys around to wherever you need to run the test it works until you revoke or the access expires from evernote17:50
elopioyes, I get it. But the way you pass the manually generated token to the app is throught the database.17:51
balloonsYou need a physical file (the cookie) if I remember correctly. The db stuff is so online accounts has what it needs17:56
elopiook, I'll try adding the cookie to what I have now.17:57
balloonselopio, I basically did the auth and monitored everything that happened.. the network traffic, file writing, db updates, etc17:59
balloonspretty fun black hat stuff17:59
balloonsif you want I can try taking the old branch and using it against what you have now.. or you can have at it17:59
balloonsso do you think this is the way we have to go / should go? There's nothing in my mind that can fake the authentication on evernote's servers, so we'll always be doing some of this cooie passing18:01
elopioballoons: I think that we should use the developer token. I don't know if this is the easiest and cleanest way.18:06
elopioand at some point, we should use the production servers. This won't work and we will need to instrospect the webview, so it's good to start thinking about it too.18:07
SuperNoeManI'm building something that uses gtk, and I'm calling printf20:07
SuperNoeManbut it's not showing up on the screen20:07
SuperNoeManis there anyway to attach a terminal to the output stream of an arbitrary process in order to see what is being printed20:07
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: do you have a newline at the end of your string? the stdio functions may buffer their output, adding a newline is a good way to encourage it to happen faster..21:03
SuperNoeMansarnold: I'll just write to a file21:03
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: don't forget the fflush() if you want the output to happen 'quickly'21:04
SuperNoeMansarnold: one question21:08
SuperNoeManwhile writing to a file i get a seg fault21:08
SuperNoeManwhy might the following code segfault in a checkbutton callback:21:09
SuperNoeMan    FILE * fp = fopen("/test.txt", "w");21:09
SuperNoeMan    fprintf(fp, "happened");21:09
SuperNoeMan    fflush(fp);21:09
SuperNoeMan    fclose(fp);21:09
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: your application does not have privileges to open the file /test.txt -- / is writable only by root -- and so you get a NULL pointer back from fopen().21:10
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: when you try to fprintf() to a NULL filepointer, you get the segv21:10
SuperNoeManoh silly me21:10
SuperNoeManok... is home writable?21:10
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: probably your app is confined in a way that forbids writing to the user's home directory. try just taking off the '/', I'm curious if the current working directory is writable -- I half expect it is..21:11
SuperNoeManwell I don't know exactly where the ... ok21:11
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: did fopen("test.txt", "w");  work?21:14
SuperNoeManIt printed to a file21:14
sarnoldSuperNoeMan: it's not exactly perfect but this wiki page ought to go a long way to explaining the confinement for apps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement21:14
sarnold(you'll probably want to skim it heavily, at most :)21:15
SuperNoeMannice, so now my checkbox function callback works21:15
SuperNoeManI need to call python from C... I wonder what hte best way to do that is...21:15
SuperNoeManhow can I edit an autogen or configure script to include new dependencies; I need a new include directory, and new library to link to, and I also need to specify that I have a package requirement21:49
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lfaraoneIs there an analogue of sni-qt for qt5?22:12

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