
dholbachgood morning06:55
PiciHas there been any announcements about 12.10 EOL?14:57
popeynot that I've seen15:01
popeyI'd expect it to be at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/thread.html when it's posted15:02
PiciMe too.15:03
dholbachPici, popey: <infinity> k1l: I'll send out an email today.  It is extended by a tiny bit to give some overlap and unwind confusion between the 18mo->9mo support cycle change.15:33
dholbach<infinity> k1l: But I don't mind people pretending it's already EOL and upgrading today. :P15:33
popeythanks dholbach15:33
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all next week!16:03
dholbachhave a great weekend!16:03
elfyhi czajkowski17:17
czajkowskielfy: hows things17:37
czajkowskithis rain is not acceptable :(17:37
* elfy looks out at the Isle of Wight - which he can see because the sky is BLUE !!17:37
elfythough I have spent the day driving in rain17:38

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