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Laneyhey hey, happy friday!08:06
mvohey Laney08:07
Laneyhey mvo, how's it going?08:08
seb128happy friday desktopers!08:08
mvoLaney: not too bad, thanks!08:08
seb128hey Laney, mvo08:08
Laneyhey seb12808:14
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GunnarHjseb128: ping?10:31
seb128GunnarHj, hey10:31
GunnarHjseb128: Hello!10:32
GunnarHjseb128: Why do we bother to put PO files into the language-selector package?10:32
GunnarHjseb128: I think they are installed in /usr/share/locale, but is anybody using l-s who are not using the langpack system?10:34
tkamppeterseb128, I tested the patch of https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76450 now and it is as you have found out, the drawings appear now but not correctly rotated. Should I attach the debdiff to the LP bug 1242678 so that someone with upload rights on libspectre can upload the fix?10:36
ubot2Freedesktop bug 76450 in general "Documents are not rotated correctly" [Normal,New]10:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242678 in libspectre (Ubuntu Trusty) "evince cannot render some EPS files" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124267810:36
seb128GunnarHj, yes, people who boot the liveCD in a locale which doesn't have its langpacks on the iso10:36
seb128GunnarHj, it's the same reason why ubiquity also has translations non stripped10:36
seb128GunnarHj, so anyone can use those UI to install the system/their language, without needing the langpacks to understand the UI10:37
seb128tkamppeter, can you look at what is wrong/update the patch to have the correct rotation?10:37
seb128tkamppeter, once you have a fix, yes please add a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors10:38
tkamppeterseb128, I am not so much expert in PostScript, I could ask the developers of Ghostscript.10:38
seb128tkamppeter, if you know anyone that you could ask for hints that would be nice10:39
GunnarHjseb128: Trying to understand. ubiquity is obvious, but is the l-s ui really involved in the installation process?10:40
seb128GunnarHj, well, if you install without internet, the dialog that opens in the session after first boot to let you complete the locales installation is from l-s no?10:41
xnoxGunnarHj: so ubiquity generates a file with "incomplete translations message" and that file is ~ .desktop file syntax with all translations for all languages we know how to say "You need language packs"10:42
xnoxGunnarHj: and l-s is triggered if that file is on disk and shows translated messages from there.10:42
xnoxGunnarHj: ideally l-s would simply be unstripped from translations, similar to ubiquity & oem-config10:43
ogra_oh, wow ... moving my mouse pointer over the firefox search bar gets me quite a gigantic tooltip10:43
xnoxogra_: high-dpi ? =)10:44
ogra_heh, only fullHD here10:44
ogra_its funny, i have two windows open ... one gets me that huge black square, the other works as expected10:44
GunnarHjxnox: Right, because now stripping seems to still happen, since there are mo files in both ../locale and ../locale-langpack10:45
seb128xnox, l-s is unstripped of translations10:45
xnoxGunnarHj: that sounds ok.10:45
GunnarHjseb128: Are you sure?10:45
xnoxGunnarHj: we still want to be able to update l-s translations via langpack.... ( i know a bit recursive )10:46
xnoxGunnarHj: also are you sure those are not magic symlinks or some such?10:46
GunnarHjxnox: They are real files, not symlinks.10:47
seb128GunnarHj, yes, it's in the list of things to not strip of pkgbinarymangler10:48
seb128GunnarHj, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/pkgbinarymangler/utopic/view/head:/striptranslations.blacklist10:48
seb128xnox, you can't have non stripped and updated by langpacks, you need to pick one10:48
GunnarHjseb128: Ok.. Why do language-selector.mo still end up in /usr/share/locale-langpack?10:49
seb128GunnarHj, it doesn't for me10:49
GunnarHjseb128: ?10:50
seb128GunnarHj, oh, it does10:50
seb128dunno then10:50
seb128but they are not stripped10:50
seb128so the langpack one is not used10:50
seb128dpm or pitti might know10:50
GunnarHjseb128, xnox: Ok, I see no real problem, just thought there was room for simplifying it a bit. Might ask pitti.10:51
* dpm reads backlog10:51
GunnarHjdpm: It was me who asked why the l-s translations are both in /usr/share/locale and /usr/share/locale-langpack10:52
dpmoh, I see10:54
GunnarHjdpm: Not a big problem, really. Just me who is in a cleaning mood.10:54
dpmGunnarHj, xnox, I'm not sure if that has the desired effect, as IIRC, /usr/share/locale translations have precedence over those in /usr/share/locale-langpack10:54
dpmwhich effectively means we're shipping/updating langpack translations for that package that are never going to be used10:55
pittiseb128, GunnarHj: language-selector is in pkgbinarymangler's blacklist10:55
pittithat was requested so that language-selector can be shown in other languages for not-yet-installed langpacks10:55
pittiand yes, that precludes putting its translations into langpacks :)10:55
GunnarHjpitti: They still end up in /usr/share/locale-langpack10:56
seb128pitti, hey10:56
xnoxdpm: hm.10:56
seb128pitti, yeah, the question is whether it should be in langpacks still if it's unstripped10:56
dpmI can remove the langpack flag in Launchpad for l-s, so that its translations are not exported in the langpacks tarball10:58
GunnarHjdpm: Aha, so it's a Launchpad setting?11:00
GunnarHjdpm, pitti: $ dpkg -S /usr/share/locale-langpack/sv/LC_MESSAGES/language-selector.mo11:01
GunnarHjlanguage-pack-sv-base: /usr/share/locale-langpack/sv/LC_MESSAGES/language-selector.mo11:01
dpmGunnarHj, in LP you can set which .mo files will be put in the huge tarball that is fed to langpack-o-matic11:01
GunnarHjdpm: I see.11:02
GunnarHjdpm: Sounds like that would be the right thing to do, then. But e.g. pitti should confirm first.11:03
pittiGunnarHj: yes, blacklisting now just means that it doesn't get stripped11:03
pittibut a tarball is still built, i. e. fed to LP11:04
pittiso translations from langpacks take precedence, but there's a fallback to the "builtin" translations11:04
pittithis should give the best of both worlds11:04
pitti(for the price of having redundant files)11:04
dpmpitti, are you sure langpacks take precedence?11:04
dpmI remember having filed a bug about this a while ago with that request11:04
dpmbut the conclusion was that package translations should take precedence11:05
pittidpm: well, that was the intent some years ago when we wrote the libc patch; I haven't checked recently11:05
dpmlet me see if I can find the bug...11:05
GunnarHjpitti: So I take it that it's fine as it is, then, despite of the duplication.11:06
pittiunless libc behaves the wrong way now, of course11:06
dpmpitti, GunnarHj: bug 53087211:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 530872 in Ubuntu Translations "/usr/share/locale translations have precedence over /usr/share/locale-langpack" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53087211:06
dpmso /usr/share/locale translations are preferred, unfortunately11:07
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pittidpm: oh, I remember -- was that so that you can install newer versions from a PPA or other 3rd party sources and its newer translations would work11:10
dpmyeah, not sure we've made much use of that, though, except perhaps for some OEM packages11:11
GunnarHjpitti, dpm: isn't what's preferred determined by bindtextdomain in respective app?11:12
GunnarHjpitti, dpm: And in the case of l-s, bindtextdomain is set to /usr/share/locale.11:12
pittiyes, but libc always has the /usr/sharea/locale-langpack fallback11:13
GunnarHjpitti: Aha.11:13
ricotzpitti, hi :), i hope you had some happy easter!11:22
pittihey ricotz; I did, thanks! and you?11:22
ricotzpitti, of course i noticed you systemd ppa too ;)11:22
ricotzpitti, had some nice days too :)11:23
pittiricotz: hehe -- soon to be landed in utopic after we unfreeze11:23
ricotzpitti, ah that i was about to ask11:23
ricotzpitti, are you going to follow the stable systemd branch?11:23
pittiricotz: for now I'd like to follow Debian, i. e. 20411:23
ricotzwhich would be mean to get it updated to 20811:24
ricotzah i see11:24
pittiricotz: but I'm currently en route to Antwerp for the systemd/gnome sprint11:24
pittiafter that I'll know more :)11:24
ricotzmutter wayland already  kind of requires 20911:24
pittiricotz: yes, I'd prefer updating to the current upstream version11:24
ricotzpitti, ok, thanks for the into :)11:24
pittibut at the moment, Debian's 204 is fairly well tested, so I wanted to jump on a known-good version first (and minimize our delta); I hope at the sprint I can push some more changes to Debian11:25
LaneyI thought we weren't going to be able to take >> 204 without switching init too11:25
pittiLaney: we are if we teach systemd-shim about cgmanager11:26
pittithat's the plan so far11:26
pittiunless we switch to systemd init earlier than we thought :)11:26
LaneyHrm, interesting11:29
LaneyI thought it was about internal (non-shimmable; non-D-Bus) interfaces11:29
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Laneypitti: do you mind if I upload a cherry-pick to precise for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1007826 ?12:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1007826 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "crash with AssertionError: file stream must be in binary mode when trying to save report to file" [Undecided,New]12:39
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* mvo is away for some minutes13:07
seb128mvo, it's IRC, you can go make some tea without telling us ;-)13:09
mvoseb128: ;)13:09
tedgseb128, I think he's using IRC has a timer, looks at the timestamp of the message and he knows how long it has been steeping.13:10
seb128tedg, knowing mvo he probably rather use it to know when he needs to get the tea bags out of the kettle13:17
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didrocksbut what about the temperature? There is no IC plugin for it13:27
didrocksseb128: seems he can't do tea and IRC as he left :)13:27
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Laneypitti: (uploaded it, feel free to reject if you object [ha])14:27
* Laney wonders about SRUing webkit14:34
seb128Laney, point release? do it14:34
seb128I think we should follow the series we are one, especially for the LTS14:35
seb128webkit is sort of GNOME-like release wise, they are in stable/bugfix mode14:35
Laneyit does make sense I think14:35
didrockshey mterry!14:38
didrocksmterry: my backups keeps failing :/ (even when I restart from scratch)14:38
mterrydidrocks, oh no!14:42
mterrydidrocks, what's the error?14:42
didrocksmterry: ah, wait, seems different this time, I have just some files he couldn't save14:43
didrocksI would think it's normal, let me retry to do another backup, but incremental this time14:43
pittiLaney: no, I don't mind; although it shouldn't really break anything, just for cases where a package already fails to install14:45
pittiLaney: was offline in Belgian trains :)14:46
Laneyhappy sprinting!14:46
pittiLaney: thanks!14:52
* Laney is going to try systemd in a minute14:52
seb128Laney, can we use testing/is that something we try to already push forward? or are you just doing by personal interest?14:56
seb128or asked differently, should I go through the effort of trying it?14:57
seb128I'm happy to help testing if needed, but otherwise I'm no special interested trading my working init system by another one ;-)14:58
LaneyWell, the switch is going to happen and I'm interested in making it go smoothly if I can help14:58
Laneyand pitti's laying the groundwork for that already14:58
didrocksmterry: ok, incremental backup passes since I ripped the folder14:58
mterrydidrocks, hrm14:58
didrocksmterry: so wrong alarm, sorry :)14:58
mterrydidrocks, I guess...  Probably still something to fix there, but whatever, problem gone14:59
Laneyseb128: it's easy to switch between the two currently - did you see the blog post?14:59
didrocksmterry: I have the old folder if needed, but not sure you have time14:59
seb128Laney, I saw it mentioned, but to be honest it's only an init system to me, as long as my computer boot I couldn't care less14:59
mterrydidrocks, meh, I have a host of other things to do in deja-dup when I do have time for it (like adding google drive and dropbox support now that U1 is dead)14:59
seb128I still don't get the hype about init systems ;-)14:59
didrocksmterry: yeah, what I envisionned! :)15:00
Laneywell... yeah, I don't really mind so much at that level15:00
seb128Laney, we are sure it's going to happen this cycle?15:00
seb128I hope we don't push too early/agressively15:00
LaneyI'm interested in the level of "this is work that we are going to do, so let's make it work well"15:00
seb128I'm going to be interested as well when we are about to change15:00
seb128to make sure we don't screw our users15:00
pittiseems we'll open utopic soon, so I'll upload the PPA fixes to utopic ASAP15:01
pittithen it's rather easy to test15:01
LaneyI don't know if the target for switching init is this cycle or next15:01
seb128I hope next15:01
seb128let's see15:02
LaneySeems ambitious to expect it to be done in 6 (3) months but who knows15:02
seb128especially with the phone milestones this cycle15:02
pittiyeah, for sure we need all of our upstart jobs to have corresponding systemd equivalents and also adjust the phone hacks to work15:03
pittiwhether that takes one or two cycles doesn't matter that much15:03
Laneyah, a fresh new utopic chroot15:12
qenghoWhat handles screen locking these days?  "unity-panel-service"?15:32
seb128qengho, unity15:33
qenghoI'm filing a password-prompt bug report.15:33
seb128what issue?15:33
qenghoUsername disappears when cursor blinks.15:33
seb128not reported yet afaik15:34
seb128qengho, btw I tried the chromium issue didrocks reported, it's trivial to trigger here as well, weird that you don't see at least the tab ordering being buggy ... what version did you try on, the trusty one?15:34
qenghoseb128: yes.  I made a while loop. 150 runs later, all is still normal.15:35
seb128qengho, did you try the steps I described in the bug?15:35
seb128open a new chromium15:35
seb128open 4 tabs15:35
seb128got the second one, load a site (e.g launchpad)15:35
seb128middle click on a link (e.g "ubuntu")15:36
seb128that opens as tab 315:36
seb128restart chromium15:36
qenghoseb128: I didn't try that. I was looking for missing tabs.15:36
seb128the tabs moves to the end of the list here15:36
seb128qengho, I can confirm the missing tabs if I open some 20 tabs15:41
seb128not with lower numbers though15:41
seb128qengho, I put the url of a similar upstream chrome/win report in the launchpad bug btw15:41
qenghoseb128: thanks.15:44
seb128qengho, yw, let me know if you need more info on the issue15:44
Laneyslow systemd boot is slow16:15
ogra_Laney, liar ... they told me its faster !16:17
* ogra_ actually asked about that two days ago "numbers show a minimal debian system boots significantly faster than with upstart" 16:18
ogra_make your system more minimal ;)16:18
LaneyI think it's actually hung16:19
Laneythis is where it would start lightdm16:19
LaneyI had a lightdm from the ubuntu-desktop PPA instead of pitti's16:32
Laneywee, hello unity!16:36
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Laneyalright, happy weekend!17:08
seb128Laney, thanks, you too17:11
seb128same here17:11
seb128have a good w.e everyone17:11
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