
DJonesIdleOne: k1l After the conversation a couple of days ago about age and age of partners, bloke at work who's 54 has just started going out with a 20 year old, went for a meal/drink on saturday, she stayed at his overnight & then took him to her house to meet her parents (who are both younger than he is) :)08:13
jussiDJones: Ive a good friend who is somewhere in his 40's going out with a 26 year old. not quite as bad, but still, fairly big gap09:29
k1l* Osama (~alumno@213.Red-83-36-240.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) hat #ubuntu betreten10:02
k1l<Osama> bombas10:02
k1lis it that school again?10:02
DJonesWhats the format for @mark, is it @mark nick #ubuntu blah blah, or @mark #ubuntu nick ...10:05
k1l@mark #ubuntu memleak joins just to rant about canonical10:05
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:05
DJonesNevermind, got it :)10:05
k1l.@mark #channel nick comment10:05
DJonesk1l: Stop reading my mind about @mark'ing memleak10:05
IdleOneDJones: lol11:38
ubottutrijntje called the ops in #ubuntu (Omis)12:10
ubottubekks called the ops in #ubuntu (ff_)12:21
DJonesAnd gone, 3rd times a charm12:21
=== ikonia is now known as Guest8168
=== Guest8168 is now known as ikonia
Picik1l: I don't see an ubuntu-announce email about 12.1014:55
ubottuIn ubottu, jhutchins said: release notes is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes19:48
ubottureleasenotes aliases: notes - added by Pici on 2008-10-30 18:30:01 - last edited by Jordan_U on 2014-04-18 20:47:1621:47
IdleOne!release notes is <alias> releasenotes21:48
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne21:48
IdleOne!release notes21:48
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Thar) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes21:48

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