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pittijibel: so this morning I committed the .results format fix06:36
jibelpitti, I saw your fix, thansk for that06:37
pittijibel: (sent you a google message yesterday, not sure whether you got it)06:37
pittijibel: so this needs to be rolled out to tachash, and then we need to reconfigure all existing jobs, right?06:37
jibelpitti, the format is still something wrong when there is no *-package06:37
jibelpitti, I did it06:37
pittijibel: infinity was pointing out that britney currently considers all jobs as RUNNING, presumably due to either missing or wrong .result files?06:37
pittijibel: ah, great06:37
jibelpitti, right, it's because there were no result files, I regenerated them, and are waiting for britney to pull them06:38
pittijibel: no -packages would be if the test bed failed?06:38
jibelpitti, yes, but we need to send something back otherwise the status in britney will stay running forever06:39
pittijibel: oh, you mean it fails as cat doesn't have anything to cat?06:39
pitti$ sort -u /nonexisting | tr -s '[\n\t]'06:41
pittithat at least exits with 0 as tr succeeds06:41
pittiit doesn't spit out anything of course06:41
jibelbut the format of the result file will be wrong06:41
pittijibel: or is testpkg-version missing as well?06:41
pittijibel: i. e. it doesn't get along with zero dependencies, or is the package itself missing?06:41
jibelit will be release arch package result instead of release arch package version result06:42
jibeland it wron't be parsed correcly on the other side06:42
jibelpitti, test-version is missing as well06:42
pittiah; so that would be if it doesn't even get to the point where it unpacks the package, like qemu failing to start or so06:43
jibelhttp://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-libreoffice/4/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ for example06:43
pittijibel: would something like "release arch package ERROR" be acceptable? to tell apart a test failure from autopkgtestr machinery failure?06:43
pittijibel: btw, http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-binutils/configure still doesn't have the updated config06:44
jibelpitti, yes that's what I did previously we could return an erro06:44
jibelI'll add the logic to the job06:44
pittiso if testpkg-version is not present, that's definitively an error06:44
pittijibel: for the port redirection I suspect we run into a race condition and my logic to check whether a port is taken is flawed; I'll look into that today06:45
jibelpitti, if *-package are missing it's an error as well06:45
pittijibel: it might be that all tests were skipped06:45
jibelpitti, but you'd generate the testbed-package in that case, isn't it?06:46
pittijibel: oh, right06:46
pittijibel: confirmed06:46
pittiso [ -e testpkg-version -a -e testbed-packages ] || MAYHEM06:47
jibelpitti, there is indeed an important risk of race in find_freeport because there is a lot of time between the moment the port is allocated and the moment qemu is really started and the port really open.07:04
pittijibel: *nod*, that's what I need to fix07:04
pittiwe don't even need to do this at all normally, only when using --shell-on-failure07:05
pittijibel: I rolled out several fixes (including proper port locking) to the adt workers08:19
pittijibel: when you do the mass-rollout of the new job configs all jobs will automatically re-run, right?08:20
jibelpitti, no, I requeue them manually08:21
jibelpitti, should I do it now ?08:21
pitti(so that we get proper .results files)08:23
pittijibel: I guess we should wait until the "error" logic for the .results file is done?08:23
pittijibel: just to confirm, the results for a successful run like http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-apt/2/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console look ok now?08:25
jibelpitti, okay, pushing that fix now08:25
jibelpitti, it looks ok, I didn't notice the double package name yesterday, sorry about that.08:26
pittijibel: no worries, I didn't think about it either; I just wanted to check that it propagated to the job config08:26
pittijibel: looking at results.history it seems the results files still don't propagate? apt is still RUNNING there08:27
jibelpitti, last run of britney was more than 90min ago08:28
jibelpitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7328311/ actually the format was right when there is no *-packages but the extension was wrong, the rest is unchanged and an error will be reported08:33
jibelerr, without $PACKAGE in the first part08:34
pittijibel: line 4:08:39
pitti[ $RET -gt 0 ] && result="FAIL"08:39
pittijibel: this should be [ $RET -eq 0 ]08:39
pitti... || [ $RET -eq 2 ] || result=FAIL08:39
jibelpitti, if adr-run return 0 or 2 it is a success, isn't it?08:40
pittijibel: correct (2 is "some tests skipped")08:41
jibelpitti, the case where the resturn status is 2 is handled earlier, just not in the pastebin08:41
pittijibel: ah, so an error doesn't go into .results, but a separate .error08:41
pittijibel: ah, ok08:41
pittijibel: line 5 still has the additional $PACKAGE, that needs to go08:42
jibelpitti, I dropped it08:42
pittijibel: good; LGTM then08:42
pittijibel: the [ -f "$resultfile" ] && bit is a Should Not Happen™ though :)08:42
jibelpitti, I think I'll put all of this in a shell script rather that updating the XML08:42
pittijibel: ah good, then we don't need to update the job config to fix the script08:43
jibelpitti, espacing shell scripts and encapsulating them into xml file makes me sick :)08:44
jibelthat's how it looks after encoding http://paste.ubuntu.com/7328364/ horrible!08:45
davmor2Morning all08:45
pittijibel: yeah, I know; +1 for shell script, also for easier updates08:46
jibeland if jenkins goes AWOL we don't lose it08:46
jibelpitti, I pulled the new config on tachash08:52
jibeland the queue is empty, I think we can do a mass retest08:52
* pitti puts finger in ears08:53
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jibelpitti, 61 pacakges in the queue08:55
jibelthey should appear on jenkins soon08:55
pittijibel: ok, let's see what I broke this time :)08:56
jibelat least the syntax of the shell script seems correct. Jobs start :)08:58
jibelpitti, is test output buffered? eg. http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-apt/ARCH=i386,label=adt/3/console don't display the output of the run-tests09:01
pittijibel: there is no live output yet for adt-virt-qemu, that's rather tricky todo09:04
pittijibel: that's on my list, though09:04
jibelpitti, ok09:04
pittijibel: that one just succeeded09:05
jibelpfff, no fun09:05
pittioh the queue length09:05
jibelwe'll immediately see if there is still a race in port allocation :)09:06
pittijibel: it properly uses flock() now, that really ought to do :)09:08
pittijibel: ok, do you see anything else burning ATM? if not, I'll go ahead with eliminating dh_listpackages (I installed a local copy on the workers which don't have debhelper installed, but that's a temp workaround)09:09
jibelpitti, no, sounds good. I'll monitor the flow to see if anything else needs fixing09:09
pittijibel: I guess all of that didn't affect the bug that results fall off excuses and it sometimes promotes failures, right?09:10
pittijibel: I think the other day you said it was a "stupid sorting bug" or so09:11
jibelpitti, right, I'll push the fix today09:11
pittijibel: oh, you have a fix for that? awesome09:11
jibelpitti, I hope, I simplified the history with just 1 line per tuple package@version/dependency@version and the result09:13
jibelthat'll remove the problem when there are several causes that triggered a build and different results for the same package/dep09:14
jibelI planned to do it earlier but didn't anticipate I'd have to do so much manual testing this cycle again :(09:15
jibelpitti, http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-fftw3/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/2/console09:26
jibelpitti, it generated an error file, so at least it validates thios point09:27
pittijibel: but isn't "echo utopic amd64" missing $PACKAGE?09:27
pittijibel: indeed, I'll put that tar error on my list09:27
jibelI made a typo09:28
pittijibel: do you have an idea about http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-gzip/5/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console ?09:49
jibelpitti, yes, I moved the script from jenkins to a shell script. I'm on it09:49
pittijibel: ack, thanks; I need to go offline in 10 mins to change trains09:50
pittijibel: anything I need to do urgently?09:50
pittiI eliminated dh_listpackages and rolled it out, so the workers are once again hack free (i. e. clean git head checkout)09:50
jibelpitti, no, I'll go through the failures09:50
jibeland let you know if anything is not right09:50
pittijibel: ack, thanks; so for now I know about the tar error (no idea yet)09:51
jibeluh, that sounds really wrong qemu-img: Could not open '/home/auto-package-testing/cache/disks/adt-trusty-amd64-cloud.img09:52
pittibut probably better to fix the usage of the shared dir to avoid the tar hack altogether09:52
jibelon aldebaran. looking09:52
pittijibel: oh, perhaps we are running the new job template for trusty SRUs?09:53
pittibut these jobs should all exist09:53
jibelon aldebaran: $ distro-info -d09:55
jibelubuntu-distro-info: Distribution data outdated09:55
pittiah, so that hits the "trusty" fallback09:55
jibelit's been updated everywhere else09:55
pitticurious why it doesn't happen on the others09:55
pittiok, AFK for ~ 20 mins or so09:56
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pittijibel: back online10:44
pittijibel: sorry, internet in the Thalys just sucks :/ will need to do offline work11:32
pittijibel: ah, I can reproduce the "tar: Unexpected EOF in archive" bug locally \o/12:04
jibelpitti, for linux {standard input}: Fatal error: can't write drivers/scsi/isci/.tmp_host.o: No space left on device13:14
jibelpitti, in trusty, there was a list of package to run on disk instead of memory13:14
jibelpitti, for mysql, fork failed sleep 1 second and redo: Cannot allocate memory at lib/My/SafeProcess/Base.pm line 53.13:15
jibelpitti, I'll increase to 2G13:17
jibelpitti, I reviewed test failures. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7330086/ is the list of tests that potentially fails because of the new test environment. I am not sure about u-drivers-common though14:16
jibelpitti, I'll fix 1 and 214:17
jibelpitti, BTW indicator-datetime doesn't like comments in /etc/timezone. It displays all the content of that file in the indicator14:18
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alesageballoons, where would you send someone to report an upgrade an LTS-to-LTS upgrade bug?19:10
Letozaf_balloons, elopio hi19:10
balloonsLetozaf_, hello19:28
Letozaf_balloons, hi19:28
balloonsalesage, against the source package and/or the upgrade tool used19:28
alesageballoons, unknown, he's having boot-trouble19:29
alesageballoons, sorry to assail you, just don't know where exactly to take this q :)19:29
alesageballoons, and he's asking "how to help", etc.19:29
Letozaf_balloons, I am having the same problem I had time ago in reminders app  on seeing the objectNames I put in the qml not sure if I have to tell you or elopio19:30
balloonsalesage, ohh.. is it live?19:30
balloonsno worries, yes we can troubleshoot. how did he upgrade? and can he get console access?19:31
balloonsI would want to use ubuntu-bug to send a log to lp with th ebug19:31
balloonsLetozaf_, what was the original resolution to that?19:31
balloonsdo you remember how we fixed it?19:31
Letozaf_balloons, I think it was that the reminders binary didn't point at the correct qml file19:32
Letozaf_balloons, so -q was added to the binary19:32
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh right! yes, it was the launching issue19:33
Letozaf_balloons, could be I am doing something wrong as it was quite some time ago I used reminders19:33
alesageballoons, getting some info from him thanks19:33
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