
infinitycjwatson: Alright, cowboy looks good.  And, FWIW, if the SRU is the identical 1-char change we just cowboyed, I'm happy with "it works in production" as a valid SRU validation. :P00:15
* cjwatson nods00:17
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dokoinfinity, known. waiting for the testresults, and then a re-upload00:45
infinitydoko: Ta.00:45
wgrantinfinity, cjwatson: ... sob01:09
infinitywgrant: Fixed now, you missed the excitement. ;)01:11
wgrantinfinity: I sobbed at the recursion limit.01:13
infinitywgrant: Ahh.  Yeah, that does seem a bit special.01:13
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sil2100Hello SRU team! We have some packages in the UNAPPROVED queue that are SRU-ready - I'm talking here about compiz, unity and qtorganizer5-eds at least08:51
sil2100Would it be possible for someone to take a look at those in some free cycle?08:51
sil2100Thank you!08:51
=== maclin__ is now known as maclin
cjwatsonwgrant: Yeah, it's unfortunately fundamentally highly recursive as written, rather hard to disentangle09:28
cjwatsonI think it would be possible to trim about a quarter of the stack depth without too much invasiveness (there are a couple of tail calls that could be pulled out manually), but anything more would be a deep rewrite09:29
cjwatsonapt probably doesn't have anything like the same problem - it marks everything it's asked for and then repeatedly sweeps over the package cache looking for uninstallables and ways to resolve them, AIUI09:32
cjwatsongerminate is quite a lot more naïve09:33
cjwatsonstgraber: I think queuebot is asleep09:36
dokoScottK, are you planning to merge ruby-defaults too?09:37
stgrabercjwatson: restarted. I guess it didn't like yesterday's DoS10:49
LaneyPlease reject that11:09
LaneyNot that11:09
cjwatsonLaney: done11:13
=== dayangkun is now known as dayangkun_afk
bregmahey folks, I have unity and compiz pending in the UNAPPROVED queue with some important SRU bug fixes for 14.04 that need to be unleashed into the wild, if someone would please take a look I would value your alacrity13:42
ScottKdoko: again?  I already did once to make 2.1 the default.14:05
xnoxScottK: "<doko> ahh, ruby-defaults is in place" in #-devel after that message.14:08
ScottKxnox: Thanks.14:09
seb128is there any chance somebody could do some trusty SRUs review?14:12
seb128infinity, bdmurray, arges, slangasek, stgraber: ^14:18
seb128sorry for pinging, but some of those fix annoying LTS issues, would be nice to keep rolling even if it's slowly :-)14:18
argesseb128: sure I can take a look, any specifically?14:19
seb128arges, nautilus would be nice, it should be easy and we have other SRUs likely coming next week, so having the first one out of the way when that happens could be good14:20
seb128arges, otherwise no, there is just a stack of items, seeing some landing, I don't want to hijack the queue or anything, just go in order14:20
seb128arges, though compiz/unity might be nice as well14:20
seb128since that's an important piece of our desktop and some annoying issues are resolved in the update14:21
seb128thanks ;-)14:21
argesseb128: for nautilus shouldn't the version be 1:3.10.1-0ubuntu8.1 instead of ubuntu9?14:22
seb128arges, no14:22
seb128we just need something > trusty and < u (if u exists)14:23
seb128well, really > trusty, != u-versions14:23
argesso if we approve trusty then that version will be > u14:23
Laneyit'll be copied to u14:23
argesseb128: Laney: so shouldn't this fix go into Utopic first? (Although I assume you'll sync soon with a later release)14:25
xnoxarges: typically we mass copy everything from t-proposed -> u, once u opens. but u is not open yet.14:26
seb128arges, well, usually early in the cycle we SRU and pocket copy to the SRU to the new serie14:26
argesxnox: seb128 OK. I'll make a note of this14:26
xnoxarges: that would be the case "utopic first" if and when utopic would open, it's still is frozen.14:26
seb128xnox, well, even when new series are open we usually have been fine by doing SRU -> pocket copies to new serie in the first weeks after release14:29
LaneyAt some point they usually say "stop doing that now"14:29
LaneyBut it's my understanding there's usually a little overlap at least14:29
dokocjwatson, infinity: did we ask to create u chroots on the developer boxes?14:43
cjwatsonI didn't14:44
infinitydoko: Not yet, no.14:47
hggdhis 12.10 EOL-ed already?14:59
xnoxhggdh: no EOL announce email, and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal says status:supported (for EOL is status:obsolete) => no it has not been EOL-ed yet.15:00
ogra_wasnt it extended by 3 weeks or so ?15:01
ogra_or 415:01
* cjwatson removes the freeze block15:02
xnoxogra_: well, i see no email from infinity which would say that.15:03
xnoxhggdh: there is no notice yet, once the notice will be out it will say when 12.10 will go EOL.15:04
ogra_xnox, hmm, i thought there was one when the new schdule was announced15:04
hggdhI thought it was originally announced for April 18th, this is why I am asking15:04
ogra_(the switch to 9 months(15:04
xnoxhggdh: well that slipped. Cause there was no EOL email on ~18th of March.15:06
hggdhxnox: so... are we going to EOL it now?15:06
xnoxhggdh: and 18th of april is probably just an arbitrary extrapolation from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule15:06
Laneyarges: got 2 seconds to look at deboostrap/trusty too?15:07
infinityhggdh: I'll send the warn email out today, it won't EOL for a few weeks, though I anticipate that all we'll support is critical CVEs for that extended time.15:07
hggdhinfinity: perfect, thank you15:07
argesLaney: i'll take a look soon. bit busy  atm15:07
cjwatsonxnox: boost-defaults appears to be stuck on kdepim-dev?15:27
argesLaney: ok debootstrap is good to go15:30
xnoxcjwatson: sounds about right, kdepim-dev always declares unsatisfyable dependends unless everything up to it has transitioned...15:32
xnoxcjwatson: do you want this fixed pre-dropping freeze?15:33
cjwatsonNot vital, I think15:34
infinityOh look, my vim migrated.  Time to upgrade to utopic.15:34
Laneyseriously, vim's my main motivator for an early upgrade15:35
xnoxinfinity: Laney: phf emacs-goodies-el migrated a day ago =)15:36
infinitySomeone unblocked it just for you? :P15:36
cjwatsonI unblocked it since easy15:37
cjwatsonI think that was around the same time I accepted vim15:37
xnox" i don't use it, might as well unblock" :-) ?! =))))15:37
cjwatsonYeah, who cares if emacs breaks15:37
cjwatsonIt'll slow down its ascent to malevolent godhood15:38
LaneyHe probably doesn't care if it breaks *in Ubuntu*, though.15:38
xnoxone day i might switch.... everytime i pick it up, i get distracted and run away from it.15:38
infinityLaney: I think rms prefers to pretend we don't exist.15:38
LaneySounds like a winner to me15:41
dokopitti, jibel: please repeat the binutils autopkg test. seems to be an internal issue16:35
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dokocjwatson, infinity: can you do something about the binutils autopkg test restart? ^^^17:09
jibeldoko, its is running17:09
jibelstarted 35min ago17:09
dokojibel, where can I see this?17:10
jibeldoko, only on the internal instance http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-binutils/17:10
jibelresults are synced to the public jenkins when the job is done17:11
infinityjibel: Do we ever plan to fix that situation and make things more transparent?17:15
jibelinfinity, yes we want to get rid of jenkins17:19
infinityjibel: *cheer*17:19
infinityjibel: Debian's CI UI is definitely easier to navigate.  Not sure if there's any inspiration to be found there.17:20
infinity(And their logs border on readable...)17:20
jibelinfinity, there is some work with Antonio on debci17:21
xnoxbinutils/i386 pass17:34
xnoxbinutils/amd64 running17:34
* infinity lunching.17:34
jibelbinutils/amd64 pass17:36
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xnoxlintian ~25m ETA17:38
* xnox off to buy chromecast17:38
highvoltagexnox: nice, does it run ubuntu yet?17:56
infinitySo, not to crush anyone's spirits, but I'm not thawing utopic until binutils is fixed.  Hopefully, we'll get there soon.19:26
ScottKAny spirit crushing is just a bonus then?19:27
ScottKThere's mail in the moderation queue for u-d-a if there's an admin around.19:37
* infinity looks.19:38
ScottKBlame is officially passed.19:43
xnoxinfinity: what's wrong with binutils?20:32
xnoxinfinity: it passed autopakage test.20:33
ScottKxnox: Look on #u-devel about two hours ago.20:34
xnoxScottK: thanks.20:34
xnoxScottK: and *sigh*20:37
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk

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