
Hashcodeit's bombing out building the boot.img, something isn't where it's expected00:00
Leon1990I was wondering if anyone was around that could help answer a question about detecting ubuntu touch, installed on a nexus 4 on a ubuntu laptop00:20
Leon1990after install ubuntu touch on the phhone i pluged it into my laptop in order to use the dd commands to make a clone of the hard drive. however the phone does not show up when doing any fdisk commands00:32
Leon1990I've checked with a normal usb stick and that comes up on fdisk. it just seems the phone dosent show up. which is odd since i can access the phones storage though the GUI00:33
Leon1990it also shows up when i use the lsusb command00:34
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dobeyLeon1990: it's not a disk. it's an MTP device. it's not using usb storage, but MTP01:12
Leon1990thank you dobey. I've been readding though the technical support for it and i think my best bet is to ssh into the phone and do the ssh though there as i cant seem to make a clone though the adb commands01:14
Leon1990do the dd though there*01:16
dobeywhy are you trying to create a disk image of your phone anyway?01:20
dobeyit's a phone, not a disk01:20
Leon1990curious to see whats left on the phone after converting from android to ubuntu touch.01:23
Leon1990the best was i thought of doing this was using dd to clone it. though its become a lot more hassle than i thought01:23
Leon1990unless anyone has a simple way of being able to clone a ubuntu touch phone's harddrive01:27
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bactLeon1990: you own a smartphone with a harddrive? Goodness gracious01:47
Leon1990oh you know what i mean, tiny little flash disk probbably01:49
Leon1990on the + side i did finally find the directory for the MTP phone without ssh01:49
dobeysame "hard drive" that's in the chromebook01:49
Leon1990hiding inside the user/myusername/gvfs/01:50
dobeyi wonder what the heck is going on with audio and ofono on the nexus5 though01:50
Leon1990theres a nexus 5?01:50
cwaynedobey, i did notice audio issues, but ofono was working fine on mine01:50
dobeycwayne: well, i presume it's ofono. i've been using my voicemail number to test with, and right now my phone is in this weird state where the first time, the call will go through, but there will be no audio. then i can call again, and there will be audio. and then all further calls just get dropped01:52
dobeyit's really weird01:52
dobeyand i'm not fond of how the contacts stuff works right now. not sure if there's anything i can do to fix it though01:53
nhainesdobey: I actually haven't managed to make any phone calls with my phone yet.  :)01:56
nhainesI've noticed if I play music long enough on the Nexus 5, it stops distorting.01:57
dobeynhaines: just switching "stations" in grooveshark a couple times results in smooth audio in that app at least01:59
dobeyi only have on song on the phone at the moment (i don't tend to use my phone for music anyway)01:59
dobeyanyway, gotta go02:06
not-rwwpopey: I was asked to ask when Stallboard is coming to Ubuntu Desktop02:42
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nhainesnot-rww: it'll run already if you grab the files.03:20
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george__hello all :)03:36
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Hashcodeping rsalveti04:59
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dholbachgood morning06:58
slvn_ put the UbuntuPhone image #303 on my tablet Nexus10. The scrolling is very slow / jerky / flickering !08:03
ogra_slvn_, in the browser you mean ?08:08
slvn_yes, in the web-browser only.  The main *desktop* scrolling is fine. also the left/right panels scrolling are fine.08:10
ogra_mind to file a bug ? the N10 didnt get as much attention as the 2013 N708:10
ogra_against webbrowser-app08:10
ogra_(or probably davmor2 or popey know if there is one open already08:11
popeynot aware of that08:12
slvn_ogra_, ok, I can file a bug report  and/or check if one is already opened !08:14
slvn_ogra_,  done, created : https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/131258808:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1312588 in webbrowser-app "webbrower scrolling is slow/jerky/flickering on Nexus 10 (N10)" [Undecided,New]08:26
ogra_thanks !08:27
davmor2slvn_: there is a bug for ugliness of the n10 and scrolling08:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1301380 in webbrowser-app "[webapp-container] Scrolling issue with G+" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:28
slvn_davmor2, Sorry, I couldn't find it though I try to search for some ! (I am a new user to launchpad)08:30
davmor2slvn_: it's not a worry08:31
slvn_also, a little user feedback :  It would be nice to have a way to disable the "haptic" feedback when touching the screen.08:34
davmor2slvn_: yeah still early days really.  we also need haptic feedback to be enabled on the keyboard which is where most people have it turned on, and also turned off when taking a photo so it doesn't blur pictures etc etc we'll get there though honest :)08:45
davmor2Morning all08:46
slvn_davmor2, ok, I understand!08:47
davmor2slvn_: I think the main plan is to get everything working before we work on making it not we are mostly there but not quite :)08:48
slvn_I have a more precised question. I want to develop apps in C/C++ for UbuntuPhone. Actually my apps already exists for Android/Ios/WinRT/WinPhone. They are build on top of SDL and I want to port them for Ubuntu Phone.08:50
* popey looks for the question ... 08:52
slvn_Any Idea how to port SDL to Ubuntu Phone and/or to  develop app in c/c++ for UbuntuPhone ? I dont need QT but I can include dummy file/stuff.08:52
popeySDL already has support for Mir, that was added a while back, however I don't think SDL devs have released a version since which includes it08:53
slvn_Yes, I saw there was support for Mir/Wayland added. I use the SDL trunk anyway.08:55
slvn_I try to foresee the steps to get SDL compiled for UbuntuPhone.08:55
slvn_I guess I should cross compiled it for ARMEAB + enable MIR ?08:56
popeythat would be an interesting exercise08:56
popeyI have had that at the bottom of my to-do list for ages08:56
popeybut things keep arriving at the top of the stack, pushing it down08:57
slvn_Which toolchain should I use ? the one from the Android NDK ? I also should have the MIR Header Sync-ed ?08:58
popeyNot sure, might be better asking in #ubuntu-mir tbh08:59
slvn_I have the Ubuntu 14.04 install on my machine, but I think this version is not yet using MIR.08:59
slvn_ok, will ask :)08:59
popeyno, desktop doesn't use mir, but you can certainly install the deps needed to build things against it09:03
popeyalthough you'll need an armhf chroot to build for the phone09:04
* ogra_ finally found the time to update the manual install instructions 09:41
davmor2popey: I thought that was multiarch now or is that just for debugging and I'm getting mixed up09:43
davmor2popey: ah it's debugging I couldn't remember if I'd had to build a package aswell as dbg-sym'ing one09:45
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jammy_is it pssible to install ubuntu in my sony mobile11:29
jammy_now it is working with android ics11:29
davmor2jammy_: probably not11:46
ogra_!devices| jammy_11:52
ubot5jammy_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:52
ogra_jammy_, if it is not on that list you would have to do a port yourself (which is non-trivial)11:52
ogra_(you can also search on the xda forums, sometimes there are ports that are not listed on the wiki)11:53
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Tassadar"generic" and "generic_x86" devices on s-i.u.com are for the emulator, right?12:11
Mirvdbarth: is there a sort of summary on what's using Oxide and what's using QtWebKit still? mitya57 would like to sync up Debian's QtWebKit 5.2 to Ubuntu (14.10), and I'm wondering whether we've some blockers still12:11
tvossjdstrand, lool did you guys have a chance to look at http://androidxref.com/4.4.2_r2/xref/hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/keymaster.h12:12
Mirvdbarth: for example, do the OpenGL game website apps still use QtWebKit or Oxide?12:12
sergiusensTassadar: yes12:15
jdstrandtvoss: I have not seen it until just now. I guess that corresponds to https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/security/+/70e3a86abd2c412d602a018967c01c177eb6cf4e12:15
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dbarthMirv: hi12:15
tvossjdstrand, yup, seems so12:16
tvossjdstrand, just stumbled across it, too12:16
dbarthMirv: you mean the webapps using the new oxide runtime, vs the old qtwebkit one?12:16
dbarthMirv: th selection is made with the framework12:16
Mirvdbarth: yes12:16
dbarthframework 13-10 is qtwebkit only12:17
dbarth14.04{-dev} is oxide only12:17
jdstrandwell, the html5 stull is still qtwebkit, no?12:17
Mirvdbarth: right, so old framework == qtwebkit, and if an app has not been updated from 13-10 it's still qtwebkit?12:17
jdstrandlike hangonman is using the html5 container12:17
dbarthMirv: hmm, modulo the UbuntuView release numer, but for webapps that's irrelevant12:17
jdstrand(and cordova)12:17
dbarthMirv: yes, correct; and we transparently do the qtwebkit redirection for old apps12:18
dbarthjdstrand: correct yes12:18
jdstrandMirv: so it is more than just webapps that should be considered12:18
dbarthMirv: ^^ html5 apps, ie apps written with the html5 SDK use qtwebkit still12:18
dbarththe switch to oxide is in progress, for next week or so12:18
Mirvdbarth: ok. eventually the qtwebkit does need to be updated (in 1-2 months) in 14.10 anyhow, so I guess we mostly need to make sure those OpenGL game apps are updated that had problems running with 5.212:19
Mirvoh, nice, more oxide migration12:19
looltvoss: you mean it might be affected by recent OpenSSL issues?12:19
looltvoss: this looks like the java keystore API, with pluginified storage12:20
jdstrandMirv: my sarcasm detector is confused :) I'm going to strip out the sarcasm and say "why, yes it is :)"12:20
tvosslool, nope, more like "interesting stuff", wonder if anyone else has stumbled across it12:20
Mirvjdstrand: no sarcasm intended, sincere "nice" :)12:20
Mirvsince qtwebkit is not security updated among else12:21
jdstrandyes! :)12:21
sil2100dbarth: hi!12:30
sil2100dbarth: do you think any of your landings (lines 34, 36, 37) can be assigned for an SRU?12:31
sil2100dbarth: I see 36 is not ready and 37 is rather U, but what about 34?12:31
sil2100dbarth: could you prepare the bugs for SRU? :)12:32
sil2100Or is that non-SRUable12:32
didrockssil2100: seems they are not set as "ready yes", no?12:32
sil2100didrocks: 34 is set to ready yes12:32
sil2100didrocks: as I mentioned, this one is of interest to me12:32
dbarthsil2100: i love to have a silo yes12:34
dbarthsil2100: are there some available now?12:34
dbarthsil2100: the SRU pack one should be made of SRU bugs, or close to12:34
dbarthsil2100: ie, i can add the SRU stanza to those missing it12:34
sil2100dbarth: we have 1 free right now (more soon), but since it doesn't make sense to assign for U right now, we're looking for anything that is 'SRU-related' that we can use it for12:34
sil2100dbarth: so just poke me once you have a landing that we can assign12:35
pmcgowanpopey, how do terminal app users enter things like Ctrl? or do they just not12:36
ogra_pmcgowan, tap and hold12:36
sil2100pmcgowan: there's an additional menu appearing on long-press12:36
popeywhat they said12:37
pmcgowanso I see the other chars, but how do I get ctrl-c?12:38
ogra_pmcgowan, tap and hold until the circle shows ... move thumb to C12:38
pmcgowanoh wowser12:38
pmcgowanogra_, thanks, was tapping the osk12:39
pmcgowanhow about alt?12:39
ogra_pmcgowan, double tapping gets you the tab key12:39
* ogra_ hasnt seen alt 12:39
jdstrandpmcgowan: also, for things not listed in the long press (eg, Esc), there is a toolbar entry for exposing various panels12:39
jdstrandsomething fast for Esc would be cool12:40
* pmcgowan never used terminal12:40
ogra_we could add it to the hud12:40
ogra_next to the "Hack into NSA" option :)12:40
pmcgowanhud going away at some point12:40
jdstrandyeah, I just noticed that12:41
popeycould we have a custom keyboard layout for terminal?12:41
jdstrandif someone decides on a custom kb layout, make sure they are a vim user12:41
popeywe have had people ask for dvorak for example12:41
pmcgowanpopey, thats the bug I was looking at12:41
pmcgowannot sure how to do that12:41
Tassadarogra_: I've updated the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices page a little bit and added my server12:41
popeysurely it's just another layout like UK, US, FR etc?12:42
pmcgowanyeah but do you want it on all the time?12:42
dbarthsil2100: i think line 36 applies, let me ping you back once the bugs are ready for it12:42
dbarthsil2100: but keep the silo for me please ;)12:42
ogra_Tassadar, yay, thanks a lot !!!12:42
Tassadarat least it no longer refers to 'quantal' ^^12:43
ogra_pmcgowan, hud going away like ... going away completely ?12:43
jdstrandyeah, I thought it was just being redone or something12:43
pmcgowanogra_, until it emerges redesigned I am told12:43
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pmcgowanmake way for the bottom edge12:43
ogra_yup, i heard that ... just not that the hud would go away12:44
popeypmcgowan: pretty sure dvorak users use dvorak 100% of the time.12:44
sergiusensTassadar: ogra_ that devices page is so outdated I don't know where to start fixing.. :-/12:44
ogra_yeah :(12:45
popeyQ: "How do you know someone uses dvorak layout?". A: "Aysh ostt isa!"12:45
Tassadaryeah, me too, so I left most of it as-is :/12:45
ogra_especially since most ports are pretty dead or use the quantal MWC image12:45
fpshi, i got this nexus 4 mainly to checkout ubuntu touch. but it's too unstable for me (as could be exepcted) and now i think about dual booting..12:57
fpsfor this i need to install an android first though it seems12:57
ogra_dbarth, hmm, is there a bug open for "webapp does not take any input anymore after external link was opened in webbrowser" ?12:58
fpsis there a guide for how to install a custom android rom on a phone that has ubuntu touch?12:58
fpsit seems i need to install android first to be able to then install ubuntu touch for dual booting12:58
fpsok, i found it i think :D13:01
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pmcgowanogra_, osk won't come up or any input?13:08
ogra_i cant scroll13:08
ogra_i can releav the toolbar but hitting back does nothing13:08
dbarthogra_: uh13:09
dbarthogra_: no there is not13:09
dbarthogra_: no input, like touches?13:09
ogra_pmcgowan, to reproduce: install golem-de app ... click on "ticker" in the menu at the top, pick the "Init-dienst" article ... scroll down to last paragraph and click on any link13:10
ogra_then close the browser via the hud, swipe the golem app back on screen and notice you can move anything13:10
dbarthhmm, ok, trying now13:10
pmcgowandbarth, do we use url dispatcher I assume?13:10
pmcgowanbeen seeing several focus related issues lately13:11
dbarthpmcgowan: yes13:16
dbarthogra_: can you file a bug for this one please?13:16
ogra_will do13:16
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dbarthogra_: i can reproduce the issue, but do you think that's the container or the shell that is stealing input?13:33
ogra_ i think it is the renderer losing it13:33
ogra_input is till there on shell level ... you can swipe in the toolbar and hud13:33
ogra_you can just not do anything with the content13:34
pmcgowandbarth, I clicked a link in an SMS and everything worked fine fwiw13:41
loolpmcgowan: first WAP push!13:46
pmcgowanlool, what where13:46
loolpmcgowan: a link in an SMS...13:46
ogra_dbarth, bug 131275413:47
ubot5bug 1312754 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Opening external links in a webapp breaks input in the webapp when returning from the browser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131275413:47
pmcgowanlool, ah, does that count ;)13:54
jdstranddbarth: hey, I tried the googlecalendar webapp but it stopped being able to launch. is this a known issue?14:04
jdstrandpmcgowan: hey, I keep hearing about calendar sync in the calendar app. are there instructions on how to use it?14:05
dbarthogra_: thanks14:06
dbarthjdstrand: nope14:06
dbarthjdstrand: where does it stop?14:06
dbarthjdstrand: you're talking about the mobile one?14:06
pmcgowanjdstrand, enable your gogle account and turn on sync I believe14:06
pmcgowanoSoMoN, is this bug still valid https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/123636014:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1236360 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "MainView.anchorToKeyboard doesn’t resize the contents in landscape orientation" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:09
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jdstranddbarth: yes, the mobile one. I got it to start once, logged in, then never have been able to get it to start. the screen just flashes when I click the icon on in the dash14:33
jdstrandpmcgowan: ah-- and that will work with 2fa? (ie, the canonical calendar?)14:33
pmcgowanjdstrand, I beleive that got that fixed, but I have not tried recently14:33
pmcgowanjdstrand, checking with renato14:34
jdstrandnow I need to decide if I want to negate the benefit of 2fa since I have the authenticator app on the phone...14:34
jdstranddbarth: ie, it worked once, then never again14:35
dbarthjdstrand: any error message?14:42
dbarthjdstrand: i just retested and closed and opened it again here14:42
dbarthhmm, on 302 though14:42
dbarthmight need to update a bit14:42
jdstranddbarth: no error message. I don't even see the browser-- just a flash and its gone. I don't see anything output in .cache/upstart either14:45
jdstranddbarth: I have to step away for a bit. I'll try to delete all the app specific directories and try again14:46
pmcgowandbarth, there's nothing newer than 302 really14:46
dbarthpmcgowan: right, but in any case, i'm trying14:48
dbarthjdstrand: don't forget to re-add the extra pattern file for now14:49
dbarthjdstrand: unless you want to help test silo 005 with the new oauth code14:49
dbarthpmcgowan: this should eliminate the need for the conf. file soon14:49
pmcgowandbarth, great14:50
cwayneogra_, huh, bootchart doesn't seem to make any pngs after the first run of phablet-bootchart14:53
ogra_oh ?14:53
ogra_any errors ?14:53
ogra_works here14:53
cwayneogra_, yeah, after some reboots i just have the .tgz, but no .pngs14:53
ogra_you should have a png in the dir where you executed phablet-bootchart ... thats weird14:54
cwayneogra_, i did for that first boot14:54
ogra_what is your host running ?14:54
cwaynebut after phablet-bootchart's run once, shouldnt i get it in /var/log/bootchart on each reboot?14:55
ogra_probably a bug in pybootchartgui14:55
ogra_no pngs on the device14:55
ogra_they get created on your desktop from the tarball data14:55
cwayneoooh ok14:56
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popeybeuno / cjwatson do you know if we're planning on adding cryptographically signing to click packages?15:51
popeyone of our devs brought up the idea that Alice could send Bob a 'com.ubuntu.facebook.click' which bob installs because it has smileys, it replaces the onboard com.ubuntu.facebook and that app now has access to his data.15:52
popeyNow it does mean he has to push the file to the device and manually install it, circumventing the store.15:52
popeybut it's possible.15:52
cjwatsonWe talked about it a while back, there's a design, not currently on the roadmap although not *hugely* hard15:53
cjwatsonAlthough I didn't think that com.ubuntu.facebook.click would automatically get access to com.ubuntu.facebook's data15:53
cjwatsonBut I don't know the apparmor policies that well15:54
popeywell it's effectively the same app, so figured it must15:54
cjwatsonOh, you mean com.ubuntu.facebook_VERSION_ARCH.click15:54
cjwatsonNot com.ubuntu.facebook.click_VERSION_ARCH.click15:54
popeyyeah, a package crafted to look like any other click package15:54
popeywhich isnt hard to create, but the store would reject it15:54
popeybecause it's outside Alice's namespace15:55
cjwatsonI think we still want to be able to force that locally, but it should indeed produce a warning of some kind15:55
cjwatsonThe Android approach is that it has to be the same key as last time, roughly15:55
cjwatsonBut you can uninstall/reinstall15:55
cjwatson(I've used this myself to install modified versions of free software apps)15:55
cjwatsonBut I have to go nowish, sorry15:56
popeyok ☻15:56
cjwatsonpopey: there are some links in the fifth row of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Decisions FWIW15:58
oSoMoNpmcgowan, yes, bug #1236360 is still valid (just tested on N7) (sorry for the delay, just saw your ping)16:04
ubot5bug 1236360 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "MainView.anchorToKeyboard doesn’t resize the contents in landscape orientation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123636016:04
pmcgowanoSoMoN, ok will update and assign it then, is it in osk or jst uitk?16:05
oSoMoNpmcgowan, in uitk I think16:05
oSoMoNpmcgowan, the attached reproducers are outdated, I’ll attach an updated one16:06
pmcgowanoSoMoN, ok ty16:06
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* daker thinks that all .de webapps on the store are coming from ogra_16:20
ogra_could be :)16:20
ogra_someone is competing with me with .fr apps now though :)16:20
mhall119shouldn't they be region-specific?16:20
ogra_(why doesnt the click lens not show the developer name anymore)16:20
ogra_mhall119, uh, why ? i dont want to exclude americans that can read german from my apps16:21
dakermhall119: yes but it's optionnal, it's up to the dev to specify the region16:21
mhall119ogra_: are they language-specific, or geography specific?16:22
mhall119ah, ok, nevermind then16:22
ogra_most of them are webapp wrappers for news sites16:22
* ogra_ has a script to mass-produce them ... 16:22
mhall119apps like LaPoste....don't seem like they'd be useful to an American even if they spoke french16:23
ogra_looking up stamp prices while you travel in france ?16:23
mhall119then I can install it while I'm in france16:23
seb128you can poste letters to somebody in France using the service16:24
mhall119seb128: I can use that app to send letters *from* the USA?16:24
seb128like if you want to send a traditional mail letter to didrocks16:24
seb128mhall119, yes, you can type online and have them print/deliver it16:24
ogra_SMS to paper :)16:24
mhall119that's a thing?16:25
ogra_or message to paper16:25
seb128dunno anyone doing it, but they provide the service16:25
ogra_german postal service offers that too ...16:25
ogra_but its cheaper to travel to the person and say it in his/her face :P16:25
mhall119maybe what's needed then is a language filter for the dash16:25
ogra_(with a rental car)16:26
mhall119you've convinced me that LaPoste may be useful to me, as an American in the USA, but I can't *read* it16:26
ogra_a good reason to take a frenc course then :)16:26
mhall119I did16:26
ogra_tzen blame your teacher16:26
mhall119I blame the language, the syntax was too unstructured, white space was barely relevant to flow control, and it had strong gender typing16:27
dobeypopey: no, in french it's LE NERD16:29
mhall119oh, so nerd is masculine? Why's it got to be that way?16:29
ogra_isnt is LA ?16:29
mhall119oh, so nerd is feminine? Why's it got to be that way?16:29
popeyOwl has no time for your nerd games  (ʘ∇ʘ)ク 彡 ┻━┻16:30
dobeyThe owls are not what they seem.16:30
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mhall119bzoltan1: I'm trying to build Trojita on a click chroot, but I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/7331105/16:55
mhall119working on unmodified upstream16:56
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popeymhall119: DanChapman was trying to build in qtc also earlier and coming a cropper17:05
DanChapmanmhall119:  I had that earliercreating a new click target seemed to solve it. I'm now struggling with it saying can't open / find manifest17:07
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mhall119DanChapman: I created the new click target, still having that issue :(17:08
DanChapmanmhall119: do the click files have to be in the root of the build dir? I've placed them in trojita/qtc_packaging/click_ubuntu/ since jkt will not accept a patch for them to be in the src rootdir :-/17:10
mhall119DanChapman: what we can do is have cmake copy them from qtc_packaging/click_ubuntu/ into the build target directory root17:11
mhall119I agree with jkt on this, they shouldn't be in the trojita project root17:11
DanChapmanmhall119: that's what i'm trying :-) and it don't work atm. Plus QtC is going to create new manifests in root each time you open the project even though we have put them elsewhere17:12
mhall119yeah, I talked to bzoltan1 about qtcreator always making new ones in the project root a while ago17:13
mhall119for now, we can tell git to ignore them so they won't get placed into the repo17:13
DanChapmanmhall119: ok cool, do these look ok to you https://github.com/dpniel/trojita/tree/run_on_touch/qtc_packaging/click_ubuntu17:16
mhall119DanChapman: the only thing I'm not sure about is the name, I'd been using net.flaska.trojita17:19
mhall119popey: ^^ can we use a name like that in the click store?17:19
DanChapmancool i'll change that. That wouldn't stop it from running now though would it?17:19
mhall119or will it need to be com.ubuntu.developer.*17:19
mhall119DanChapman: it wont' stop it, no, as long as it matches what's in the applicationName property of the MainView17:20
mhall119my only concern is the app store policy17:20
mhall119beuno: ^^ maybe you can weight in on that17:20
dobeypmcgowan: yay! you assigned my keyboard bug. will be very happy to see that fixed :)17:29
pmcgowandobey, it is annoying I admit17:29
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dobeypmcgowan: indeed. even more so now that i have a device that ubuntu supports screen rotation on. sometimes the keyboard will pop up in the wrong orientation (but not sure where exactly that bug belongs yet)17:33
Tassadardobey: on my n5, it tries to rotate every time the phone vibrates for some reason, the sensitivity is way to high17:33
dobeypossibly a side effect of the rotation sensing being overly sensitive, and the "oh you tapped something" vibration existing17:33
dobeyTassadar: yeah, same here17:34
dobeyTassadar: but sometimes only the keyboard is rotated, the app will remain in portrait mode, but the keyboard pops up in landscape17:34
Tassadarbut I don't think the screen rotation is in a state bug reports like that are valuable17:34
pmcgowandobey, it should not pop in wrong orientation, thought we fixed all of those17:34
Tassadarheh, didn't notice that, but I don't use it very much17:34
dobeypmcgowan: it does sometimes on my nexus 517:34
pmcgowandobey, file against keyboard then17:35
dobeypmcgowan: but it could be something else causing it there. like Tassadar, the rotation/vibration bit is extremely sensitive17:35
pmcgowanespecially if you can reproduce it17:35
pmcgowanthat would be down lower in the service17:35
pmcgowanwonder if its worse on n517:36
pmcgowanbut being out of sycn with the app rotation is osk17:36
dobeyprobably, the n5 is lighter than the n4 at least17:36
dobeyhmm, ok17:36
pmcgowanI mean, it could be the service and timing, but fine to track it there17:36
dobeyi'll take a screenshot next time it happens17:36
=== jhodapp|walk is now known as jhodapp
DanChapmanmhall119: where is the run configuration defined? it seems to be set to 'trojita' as default which doesn't seem right since binary etc is 'trojita-ubu'17:45
Hashcodersalveti: ping17:47
mhall119DanChapman: under the "project" section, I found I had to remove the run configuration and re-add it, then it worked17:47
mhall119fwiw, mine was looking for ${BUILD_DIR}/armhf/trojita-ubu not ${BUILD_DIR}/trojita17:48
mhall119DanChapman: I noticed that with the latest upstream, we're back to showing the oldest email at the top, rather than the newest, was that intentional?17:48
DanChapmanmhall119:  o.O let me check that, is that the latest as in last 30 mins or so?17:49
DanChapmanWhat's the 'Ubuntu Project'  run configuration?17:50
mhall119no idea, I don't have that17:51
mhall119DanChapman: v0.4.1-182-g7970633 is the version I'm testing17:52
DanChapmanmhall119: that would be a bug. I'll fix that now17:56
=== jhattara_ is now known as jhattara
rsalvetiHashcode: pong19:03
Hashcodersalveti: i got a build to roll last night19:03
HashcodeI had a question about this ramdisk.img check19:03
HashcodeAnd then I can post a review item19:04
Hashcodersalveti: That first change needs to be fixed19:04
HashcodeI basically removed the extra check for "ramdisk.img"19:04
HashcodeI think the right way to fix that would be pull the "not" items outside the () or ()19:04
Hashcode so that if both aren't there it fails19:04
Hashcoderather than failing if either one isnt there19:05
rsalvetiright, makes sense19:05
HashcodeIn your prebuilt devices is there a ramdisk.img?19:05
rsalvetiyup, that's the ubuntu initramfs, and needed for the boot.img19:05
HashcodeI don't ever see a "ramdisk.img" in that area19:06
HashcodeI have BOOT/RAMDISK19:06
Hashcodewhich fulfills the 1 check19:06
rsalvetido you have it at out?19:06
rsalvetiyou should have19:06
HashcodeI do have it at out19:06
HashcodeI have both19:06
rsalvetiand ramdisk.img19:06
Hashcodedid you want to change the location of that check?19:06
HashcodeI don't think it'll ever be in sourcedir19:06
rsalvetinot in sourcedir19:07
rsalvetidon't think android does19:07
Hashcodeos.path.join(os.getenv('OUT'), "ramdisk.img")19:07
rsalvetiI thought yesterday it was able to find the ramdisk.img, but just not able to find the right files in it19:07
Hashcodewould be a better check?19:07
rsalvetilet me check the code19:07
HashcodeIt uses the expanded "RAMDISK" files under "BOOT"19:07
Hashcodein my buikd19:07
Hashcodewhich I think also works19:08
Hashcodethat's the ubuntu ramdisk19:08
rsalvetiright, then it's fine19:09
rsalvetiwe just need to change it to not expect any android ramdisk specific file19:09
Hashcodeso maybe removing that "ramdisk.img" check entirely is ok19:09
HashcodeI can put this up on review, but it'd be great to another another user test it19:10
rsalvetias long you have a boot.img containing the kernel + ubuntu initramfs, you're good19:10
rsalvetiinside the ota zip19:10
Hashcodeyeah I do19:10
HashcodeI haven't begun testing the actual boot yet19:10
HashcodeI re-wrote the bootloader on my test device so that I can change partition layouts etc19:11
HashcodeI never had the right storage setup before19:11
Hashcodeon my serial out device anyway19:11
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Hashcodersalveti: is there a hook you're using to get an auto "Signed-off-by" line in gerrit?19:29
rsalvetiHashcode: just git commit -s19:29
SilasGbHey all, I just started looking into Ubuntu touch, but I don't think it is quite what I am looking for.  I want to turn my old phone into a linux / ubuntu device, maybe add a external power source and hard drive, not use it as a phone but as a mini-computer / server.  Any thoughts or know where I can look for this more? (Galaxy s1 or s2)19:59
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
lotuspsychjeSilasGb: look here for the supported devices: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:10
SilasGbthanks lotuspsychje; I saw that before and wasn't sure I wanted to use ubuntu touch as I am less concerned with the screen and phone, and more want to use the hardware.  I'll give it a go though.  Thanks again20:12
lotuspsychjeSilasGb: the new ubuntu touch works pretty nicely on nexus7 and nexus420:12
lotuspsychjeSilasGb: it can only get better, as ubuntu will come out later this year on meizu phones20:14
SilasGbI have no doubt.  But I don't want to use my old phone as a phone, I want it for other work, robots copters and such.  I figure it already has a lot of the hardware I need, but I don't want to write a custom android or os.  I would rather just make it an embedded linux box that I can connect to via minicom to push stuff and run commands, connect via wireless for debug and new instructions; then just drop some code in python or c to run the commands I20:18
SilasGb want.20:18
SilasGbwas going to start with the linux core first and make sure that all works, then try to incorporate new hardware with some pic controllers or something.20:18
lotuspsychjecool project :p20:19
SilasGbyeah, lot of work and most of it over my head, but I need to do something and it sounds fun.20:19
SilasGbbut starting is always the hard part.20:20
lotuspsychjei didnt like the smell of android the moment i tasted it :p20:20
SilasGbI actually have liked it.  I don't like the "never close anything we'll do that for you" way of programing.20:20
lotuspsychjei like the security of ubuntu now :p20:21
lotuspsychjeon my n7 :p20:21
SilasGbI actually haven't used anything ubuntu in a while.  Ubuntu 11 didn't work out of the box on my laptop and I had no idea what I was doing.  ubuntu 12 never worked quite right for me and so I jumped to fedora for a while (PITA), then to mint. but the phone stuff has looked interesting and I've been thinking of trying it on my old devices.20:24
lotuspsychjeyou should try 14.04 trusty20:25
SilasGbmy devices are i777 though, so I don't think there is a port working yet.20:25
lotuspsychjeits has improved alot20:25
lotuspsychjewell hopefully for you the final ubuntu touch will support more devices then20:25
lotuspsychjei bought me a n7 specially for ubuntu, i couldnt wait other devices release20:26
lotuspsychjeand dont like ipads or androids so20:26
lotuspsychjegot me ubuntu on all my devices at home20:27
HashcodeSilasGb: my laptop never ran all that well on ubuntu 11/12.xx releases20:28
Hashcodebut it runs quite well on 14.0420:28
Hashcodekernel updates have a lot to do with it20:28
verdePis there like an ubuntu penguin or something lotuspsychje to go along with it? xD20:29
SilasGbit's his device charger20:29
lotuspsychjeverdeP: lolz20:29
lotuspsychjeverdeP: ive been messing with linux for long while can you tell :p20:29
SilasGbHashcode: yeah I had some kernel issues on the mint side to. One of these days I will break down and try building from source for my computer to just see if it goes well.20:30
verdePlotuspsychje: aye, only 12 years for me q.q20:30
lotuspsychjeverdeP: time has no importance in learning :p20:31
HashcodeSilasGb: try 14.04 it's quite nice.  Uses 3.13.x kernel line20:31
verdePthats some positive thinking ^^20:31
lotuspsychjeHashcode: agree, trusty is real nice20:31
verdePI still gotta decide when to upgrade my server to 14 xD20:32
lotuspsychjeverdeP: running 12.04 server?20:32
lotuspsychjeverdeP: as what?20:32
verdePas everything under the sun lol xD20:32
lotuspsychjethat sounds malicious :p20:33
verdePits just for fun, actually mostly just for my irc20:33
lotuspsychjei run trusty 64bit on samsung ssd 120gig evo on acer netbook20:35
lotuspsychjerocketfast with all tweaks20:35
verdePah nice, my home computers are still macs for the most part, but server stuff linux all the way20:36
verdePI watch this channel mostly cause I want this to happen lol, cause I don't like android and I don't like where iOS is going, and someday I'm gonna want a new phone lol20:37
lotuspsychjesame here mate20:37
lotuspsychjeipads and androids20:37
lotuspsychjethat google play store is like a nightmare20:38
verdePah yeah20:38
lotuspsychjeplayground for malicious apps20:38
verdePyeah one of my friends is planning to switch from iOS to Android and they are extremely computer illiterate and I'm like oh god pls no xD cause I don't wanna have to keep tabs on them so they don't get hosed or something xD20:38
dobeywhen ubuntu has as many apps as android does in the app store, i'm sure some might say the same of it. malicious people are going to upload malicious things to all the app stores20:39
verdePyeah that is true20:39
verdePbut somehow it feels different20:39
lotuspsychjethere are dangerous ppa's for ubuntu now aswell20:39
dobeyverdeP: get them a nexus 4 and put ubuntu on it :)20:39
lotuspsychjebut its harder for intrusion to takeover ubuntu20:40
dobeya lot of the PPAs that are dangerous are just people not knowing how to build packages correctly20:40
dobeynot really malicious20:40
dobeyif you find malicious stuff in a PPA though, please do report it on https://answers.launchpad.net/answers20:41
lotuspsychjedobey: didnt find anything unusual yet on touch20:41
lotuspsychjeive installed nmap and other terminal stuff20:42
lotuspsychjejust to test things out20:42
lotuspsychjecant find any pdf support neither too20:42
verdePwireshark on phone would be nice20:42
lotuspsychjeverdeP: some guy tested it in here last time20:42
verdePah cool20:43
lotuspsychjeverdeP: seemed like it didnt pickup the capture20:43
lotuspsychjedidnt work well20:43
lotuspsychjenmap works good for me20:43
lotuspsychjeirrsi too20:43
lotuspsychjelinks2 not20:43
MrTurkeltonhelle i have a litte questions about the new ubuntu tocu, i know the old nexus 7 2012 is not maintend, but is there any solution to run the new image on the old nexus?20:44
lotuspsychjeMrTurkelton: i dont think its supported20:45
dobeyif there are community builds for it, you can run those20:45
dobeybut there are no images for it on the official images server any more20:45
MrTurkeltondobey; Where i can find this images20:45
lotuspsychjexda forum maybe?20:46
MrTurkeltoni haven´t find anything in xdas about custom ubuntu touch roms20:46
dobeyubuntu-device-flash --channel devel-proposed --server="http://system-image.tasemnice.eu" maybe20:46
MrTurkelton@lotuts thsi is the last supportet image from canoncial20:48
lotuspsychjenot sure20:50
dobeythat post is also 6 months old20:52
lotuspsychjenot latest then20:52
dobeythat was for when it ws supported, and when phablet-flash was the tool to use20:52
dobeywell it will be whatever the latest image is in the channel referenced, assuming there is an image in the channel20:52
Hashcodersalveti: more questions when you get the time20:55
tonethemanonce you run the command ubuntu-device-flash do you need to do anything on the device? mine is sitting at a record screen21:18
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rsalvetiHashcode: sure21:30
Hashcodersalveti: just some observations ..21:31
Hashcodeand I'm not sure if this is how current devices are booting21:31
Hashcodebut the busybox I'm getting in the ubuntu ramdisk is linked21:31
Hashcodelibc and libld21:31
rsalvetiright, I think there's a minimal libc in there as well21:31
rsalvetilet me extract it here21:31
Hashcodeunder /lib?21:32
rsalvetithe android build process doesn't build it, just grabs the binary from the archive21:32
Hashcodeits named this in /lib21:32
rsalvetithere are a few other libs in there as well21:33
Hashcodebut the busybox bin is linked against libc.so.621:33
Hashcodeas far as references21:33
Hashcodeand ld-linux-armhf.so.321:33
Hashcodewhich is there21:33
rsalvetidon't you have it under /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf?21:34
HashcodeI see libc there yeah21:34
Hashcodeso it's odd21:34
Hashcodeif I replace it with a static binary21:34
Hashcodeit does execute21:34
Hashcodebut right off the bat if I don't21:34
Hashcode<4>Failed to execute /init21:34
Hashcode<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance.21:34
HashcodeJust making sure my ramdisk build is standard, I guess21:35
rsalvetiweird, it should be21:35
HashcodeThe other issue I notice21:35
rsalvetias I said, it's not modified at all21:35
Hashcodegrep / find commands in the touch script don't seem to be working21:35
HashcodeAnd I don't notice those commands linked to busybox in /bin21:35
HashcodeBut then, maybe I'm not understanding how those are working21:36
rsalvetiright, there's indeed no link in there21:38
rsalvetiwonder if it's exported to your env somehow once you open the terminal with busybox21:38
Hashcodeyeah could be21:39
HashcodeI'd have to stop the boot process there and access it w/ adb somehow to test that21:39
rsalvetiright, I believe we have a hook for that, ogra_ added one21:39
Hashcodeyeah I saw the adb spawning21:39
rsalvetiyeah, adbd is also part of the initramfs21:39
rsalvetisee if you can have access via adb, then it's way easier to debug21:40
Hashcodelemme see if that works21:41
HashcodeThe problem I think is that I get a panic at that point for some reason21:42
rsalvetido you get any useful message before it gives <4>Failed to execute /init ?21:43
Hashcodeno not really21:46
Hashcodebut like I said, I could replace it with a static busybox and it boots21:46
Hashcodeinto the init / touch scripts anyway21:46
Hashcodeperhaps I'm missing something basic here21:46
rsalvetiif busybox related, wonder how it could only break with your system21:48
rsalvetithe same busybox is used on our default image21:48
rsalvetiand same initramfs21:48
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
Hashcodehere's a more basic setup question21:50
Hashcodeusing the new 4.4.2 repos21:50
Hashcodethe android part is a very simple setup21:50
Hashcoderepo init21:51
Hashcodebring your gits in21:51
Hashcodelunch full_<name>-eng21:51
Hashcodemake -j# otapackage21:51
Hashcodethere's no special patching these days w/ phablet-tools right?21:51
rsalvetino, the only additional thing you need is the vendor blobs21:51
Hashcodeah see21:52
Hashcodebut that's device specific no?21:52
rsalvetiif building for a nexus device, you can grab the android-src-vendor21:52
HashcodeI have mine21:52
rsalvetithen that's all you need21:52
HashcodeI'll do some more debugging :p21:52
Hashcodethanks for the help21:52
HashcodeYou wouldn't have a copy of the legacy GNex kernel config would you?21:53
rsalvetilet me take a look21:54
rsalvetiHashcode: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-trusty.git;a=blob;f=debian.maguro/config/config.common.ubuntu;h=e1440b73df25fdc231bbade51fe806eb9b3db9e0;hb=refs/heads/maguro21:54
Hashcodethanks again21:55
doomlord_ whats this change with mutable vs immutable closures..22:40
Sense36what is the version name of the current ubuntu touch? i am trying to use multi-rom on nexus 723:10

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