
popeythought systemd already did that00:18
diddledanthis is for kernel panics00:18
diddledangoogle has a new easter egg: google for "set a timer for X" where X is either a time, or an offset of time e.g. "30 seconds" or "5 minutes" or "3 hours" or "28 days" etc.02:58
MooDoomorning all05:59
mappsmorning MooDoo06:12
mappsany plans for today06:12
MooDoomapps: work then chill for the weekend, gutting the garage which I'm soooo looking forward too :D06:14
mappsgutting..taking everything out?06:14
MooDoomapps: yeah clearing the rubbish06:15
mappsthat doesnt sound fun;p06:16
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dvrrhow to redirect website when server is down08:31
dvrrhow to redirect all urls to homepage  please guide me08:32
MooDoodvrr: so server is completely down and you can't see the site/  Can you use web forwarding on the domain to point it somewhere else?08:33
dvrri am  running tomcat server08:36
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:37
popeyhello bigcalm08:38
bigcalmAhoy popey08:40
davmor2Morning all08:45
MooDoohello davmor2 :)08:46
dvrr if i do web forwarding on the domain   if down server  automatically  redirect maintenance page08:56
popeyMartijnVdS: oi oi08:57
popeyMartijnVdS: you seeing my telepathy messages?08:57
theukdaveHiya, I have a system that's deployed in an Ubuntu (12.04) VM (multiple installations across the world) and we need to update the system to disable the recovery mode on the grub menu.  We have a way for users to send an encrypted package into the VM to perform updates.  I have created such a package to do this update but sometimes when running it during testing, it would completely nerf the grub of a VM, and the VM would only boot to the grub command08:58
theukdaveline. The package we send in, contains a simple script (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7328354/), which replaces the standard grub file in our VMs (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7328269/) with the new one (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7328274/), there's only 1 line difference between the 2 files, and that's the uncommenting of the GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" line.08:58
theukdaveIf anyone has any ideas why this might sometime break the grub config, I'd be really appreciate for your help!08:58
theukdaveOh, and the script that gets run, is run as sudo08:59
MartijnVdSpopey: I saw one, when I installed it09:01
MartijnVdSah there's a new message :)09:02
DJonestheukdave: Looks like thats not something people have come across before09:10
theukdaveDjones: :(09:10
theukdaveDjones: The only thing I can think that's a little odd about what I'm doing, is cat'ing the contents to the grub config, rather than cp'ing or mv'ing the file into place, but I can't see what that'd hurt it ... also weird that MOST of the time it works fine, but then sometimes, it doesn't09:11
DJonesMy only thought it whether the file permissions are still the same after thye update09:12
theukdaveI think that's why I originally decided to cat the contents in, to be 'sure' of that09:13
DJonesI'm not even sure whether file permission would make a difference09:13
theukdaveBut anyway, any forums you might suggesting asking this to?09:13
theukdaveyeah, same.  I'm a dev, not a sys admin, I'm not too familiar with grub in general09:13
DJonesHeh, as a dev I suspect you'll still have a lot more experience than me (I'm an accountant with an interest in computers)09:14
DJonesYou could try askubuntu or the ubuntuforums09:14
theukdaveok cool, cheers09:18
ali1234theukdave: why do you need to disable grub recovery?09:24
ali1234i'm confused by your problem because it seems circular09:25
awilkinsOh excellent. Our new firewall software prevents my laptop making outbound SSH connections unless I'm in the office.09:25
ali1234ie you need to disable recovery because when you try to disable recovery it goes to recovery09:25
awilkinsAnd accepting incoming RDP connections. And I don't have any control over it.09:25
theukdaveali1234: Not quite, I need to disable the recovery boot option, since a user could interrupt the boot process, and gain root access to the whole VM, something they absolutely should not be able to do.  I know that I can manually edit the grub config to uncomment the DISABLE_RECOVERY.. line, then sudo update-grub, reboot, and the security hole is plugged09:26
ali1234theukdave: disabling those menu options won't prevent them doing that09:27
theukdavebut when I try to do this in an automated way, usually it works, but sometimes it doesn't09:27
ali1234they can still get a grub shell (in theory anyway)09:27
theukdaveOK, I'm totally keen to hear about other ways they could get access, but at the moment, this is a glaringly obvious way for the user to get root access, and has been raised as something specific we need to fix09:28
ali1234sure, i understand :)09:28
ali1234since it's an intermittent problem, could it be because the disk isn't syncing before you restart the VM?09:28
ali1234thus sometimes the config gets corrupted09:28
theukdaveso yeah, usually my script updater thingy works OK, but sometimes it seems to batter grub in such a way that you don't get the grub menu at all, it just falls to the grub cmd line, and I don't know why09:28
popeyMartijnVdS: www.webupd8.org/2014/04/telegram-unity-webapp-integrates.html09:29
davmor2popey: you sending messages via telepathy now?  or did you mean telegram?09:29
theukdaveI don't programmatically restart the VM as it goes ... I don't think ... The user loads this patch package through a web interface, and then is instructed to shut down and restart the VM afterwards09:29
ali1234update-grub can take a LONG time09:30
theukdaveoh OK ...09:30
ali1234interrupting it would probably cause what you're seeing09:30
theukdavegood to know, I'll check that09:30
ali1234to know for sure you'd need to inspect the grub files inside the VM09:30
popeydavmor2: telegram webapp on the desktop09:30
MartijnVdSpopey: Unity webapps? Don't you need firefox for that?09:30
theukdavealso, is there any risk/problem with the way that I'm replacing the file (by cat'ing the contents rather than cp'ing or mv'ing)09:30
popeyMartijnVdS: not in 14.04 - it uses oxide09:31
davmor2<popey> MartijnVdS: you seeing my telepathy messages? this is the line that threw me09:31
MartijnVdSpopey: because I've only seen the prompts to "add this to unity!" in firefox09:31
ali1234theukdave: should be fine09:31
popeyMartijnVdS: its not one of them09:31
MartijnVdSdavmor2: nah popey and I have telepathic contact 8-)09:31
ali1234theukdave: i would consider using a smarter way, if you only want to set one line09:32
theukdaveali1234: sure, like ..?09:32
ali1234theukdave: something with sed maybe, that will respect any changes already made to the file09:32
davmor2MartijnVdS: I have a telepathy connection with popey, via google and facebook :D09:32
theukdaveright, yeah09:32
theukdaveThere *should* be no changes, since we ship the VM as is, and (theoretically) no one has access to change anything09:32
theukdavebut yeah, I could sed it09:33
ali1234yeah theoretically nothing ever goes wrong :)09:33
ali1234theukdave: so i guess you give the user the VM and don't give them root password, and then you give them signed updates?09:34
davmor2ali1234: hahahahahahahahahaha,  let me just pick myself upo off the floor after that one :D09:34
theukdaveali1234: basically, yeah09:35
ali1234and there's a network kvm that gives the access to the grub menu?09:35
theukdavethey run it inside vmplayer, so can just clic into the console whilst it's booting09:36
ali1234oh ...09:36
ali1234well all bets are off them09:36
ali1234i can just mount the vmdk?09:36
popey.. or they could just mount the v...09:36
ali1234change any file i want09:36
popeyyes ☻09:36
ali1234it's pointless trying to keep the out09:37
ali1234i can see why you'd want to hide grub from a UI perspective though09:38
theukdave:) indeed09:38
popeydavmor2: no you don't ☻09:39
theukdaveI've been saying that physical access is the first layer of security, and we just don't have it :(09:39
diddledanas the security mantra goes, once physical access is available (by alice to bob's computer) bob's computer is as good as compromised09:40
ali1234get into the cloud services business :)09:40
ali1234hey diddledan, i decided to switch to less since i'm using bootstrap anyway and i can clean up my html classes :)09:40
diddledanali1234: nice09:40
davmor2popey: okay maybe not via facebook09:40
ali1234i'll probably have questions for you later :)09:41
dwatkinsdoesn't that mean that the company which hosts my data then has unlimited access to it?09:41
diddledandwatkins: yes09:41
ali1234really impressed with this so far though... bootstrap + less makes webdesign fun again09:41
dwatkinsmind you, in some cases it's encrypted before it's sent09:41
diddledanali1234: less is really cool - sass/scss combined with compass is arguably more feature-full ootb but with less that's mitigates by downloadable "mixins"09:42
ali1234bootstrap uses less, so it seemed logical09:43
diddledancompass does things like pre-packaged mixins for the various browser-prefixed rules where the standards process hasn't ratified yet09:43
diddledane.g. -moz-border-radius09:43
diddledanthough border-radius is pretty standard these days09:44
theukdaveali1234: As for cloud services, it's not something we can do unfortunately, since this is deployed in places with no connectivity whatsoever09:44
ali1234theukdave: you're completely out of luck then09:45
dwatkinsif you can boot from USB or ISO, you can get root access09:46
diddledanor just mount the disk image09:46
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:47
dwatkinshiya brobostigon09:47
brobostigonmorning dwatkins09:48
dwatkinstheukdave: what part of the VM do you need to secure? e.g. your compiled binaries, data within it etc.?09:48
theukdavedwatkins: just the mysql database really09:48
theukdavebut of course with root access ...09:49
dwatkinsI suppose even if you encrypt the data in the database, you still have to have the key on the server.09:49
ali1234this is the fundamental problem with all drm systems09:49
penguin42store the key in  a tpm09:49
ali1234it's a VM09:50
penguin42hmm, there were some tpm hacks for qemu, not sure if they still work09:50
ali1234running on customer's own hardware09:50
MartijnVdSPKCS#11 \o/09:50
penguin42ali1234: Oh that gets even trickier09:52
dwatkinssmartcards, perhaps? something like a credit card, where the encryption (i.e. decryption or checking of data) is done in hardware.09:52
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that's what PKCS#11 helps with :)09:53
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dwatkinsaha I see09:53
MartijnVdSthere are PKCS#11 tools for smartcards, RFID, TPMs, etc.09:53
theukdaveGuys, I'm really eager to talk through the various security implication for our VM, and it's an important subject to us.  And any genius ideas for how to increase security are well received.  But as someone pointed out, at the moment any encryption done inside the VM, needs to be undoable inside the VM in order to make the (web) application usable.  And generally speaking the way to get access to the keys/methods needed to reverse any encryption can 10:03
theukdaveobtained quite easily if the user ends up as root.  So for now, that's the key issue, and the easiest most obvious way that even a fairly non-techie individual can do that, is by spotting the recovery boot option on the grub menu :)10:03
theukdaveSo first off, I'm'a try and get that working, but I'll hang about today, and be back in the future to discuss the rest ... hopefully we can come up with something10:04
MartijnVdStheukdave: but if they have access to the boot menu, they can just image the drive and pick it apart at their leisure10:04
theukdaveand by the end of the year, we're actually looking to ship a brand new VM with the next major revision of the application, so major overhauls can be entertained10:04
theukdaveMartjinVDS: for sure, although the VM is encrypted, albeit with a password that all end users have ... but at least that would be preventable for a stolen machine10:05
MartijnVdStheukdave: so it really is the DRM problem10:06
MartijnVdStheukdave: which is unsolveable in the long run10:06
ali1234it's solvable in certain well defined circumstances10:07
ali1234"view but don't copy" isn't one of them though10:07
ali1234http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_poker <- crazy10:08
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theukdaveOh, whilst I appreciate this isn't a jobs forum :) it's worth pointing out that if any of you are interested in a few days consultancy to help us look into this (and plan for the next major release), then I'm sure we'd be more than happy to have you onsite for a bit (we're in London)10:14
foobarrycooleague says he can't upload files more than 2GB via http upload - is that just a conf setting?10:15
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ali1234foobarry: there's many config settings that could affect that. 2GB might be a hard limit though10:16
foobarry:S in this day & age?10:16
ali1234depends on the website10:16
foobarrywe run the web site10:16
foobarryi'm aware of php.ini settings,10:16
ali1234php has all kinds of limiters to stop it running wild10:17
ali1234many of them could cause the problem (like memory limits etc)10:17
foobarrydon't think its php10:17
ali1234check the server logs :)10:17
MooDoocreate a phpinfo.php file and check the upload_max_filesize10:19
foobarryphp aint installed :(10:20
MartijnVdSthen it's not a PHP limit :)10:21
foobarrythanks sherlock :D10:21
ali1234...and 2GB is the hard limit10:21
MooDoofoobarry: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apache-limiting-upload-size/10:22
MooDoo2gb is the max10:22
MartijnVdSnginx can do it10:23
foobarryi wonder if this still applies :(10:23
MartijnVdS"httpd is now built with support for files larger than 2GB on modern 32-bit Unix systems. Support for handling >2GB request bodies has also been added."10:26
MartijnVdSthat's in the Apache 2.2 changelog10:26
foobarryso i wonder if its a soft limit now10:26
diddledanBBC, Y U NO KNO BOUT TIMEZONES?! according to the beeb the heartbleed bug was introduced by a developer working at 23:00 on new year's eve10:37
diddledanwhile I don't doubt that developers work at that time the beeb makes no mention of who and where that was10:37
diddledan"The fact that the code change which caused the bug was done by an individual working at 23:00 on a New Year's Eve says a lot. The code simply wasn't reviewed enough and it went undetected for two years," he added."10:38
diddledanthe previous paragraph: "The details that have emerged about how the vulnerability came about speaks volumes about how little the industry has cared about the software that was securing their websites"10:38
dwatkinsI wonder if the BSD folks' security checks would have found it.10:49
ali1234dwatkins: if you believe the BSD folks it would10:58
ali1234google for "exploit mitigation countermeasures"10:58
ali1234popey: after i installed ubuntu-sdk yesterday my system is completely messed up :(11:04
ali1234i now have "accounts-daemon" using 25% cpu constantly, and a 3 second lag when adjusting volume11:05
ali1234and my multimedia keys no longer work11:05
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MooDoooh dear - http://boycottsystemd.org/11:25
bigcalmOh dear indeed11:28
diddledanMooDoo: I agree with a lot of those points11:30
Azelphurme too, it seems bad.11:31
diddledanI hate the dbus thing, too11:31
diddledannetwork manager is another non-unix-respecting feature11:32
ali1234most of those points are rubbish11:33
Azelphurthey sound like good points assuming they are correct (I haven't source checked) :P11:33
ali12341. is meh11:33
Azelphurali1234: #1 is the thing I think is most important11:34
ali12342. isn't a problem because you can make it stream to text logs any query you want, automatically11:34
ali12343. is a big big problem11:34
ali12344. is meh. who doesn't want udev and dbus?11:34
Azelphur2 screams major bloat at me...a web server in an init system...wat?11:34
ali12345. is meh. core files aren't useful11:34
MartijnVdSali1234: core files are very useful when developing11:35
ali1234Azelphur: any program written in ython has a built in webserver too. who cares?11:35
ali12346. is just 1. again11:35
Azelphurali1234: it does?11:35
ali12347. well, that's a problem with gnome, not systemd11:35
ali12348. is a design flaw but not unfixable11:36
ali12349. is only a problem if you don't use linux11:36
aquariusthis is the "boycott systemd" thing?11:36
ali123410. RTFM SUCKAH11:37
ali123411. is just point 3. again11:37
nigelbI just have one reply: As a user, I mostly don't care as long as it works.11:37
aquariussomeone should set up "don't boycott systemd" which says "if you want 1979-era SunOS, you know where to find it. Have fun"11:37
ali1234remember that pulseaudio didn't actually get good until lennart stopped working on it11:38
ali1234i imagine it will be the same way with systemd11:38
MartijnVdShas lennart stopped working on systemd yet?11:38
aquariusnone of the issues they bring up have reasons which say *why* they're bad, just *that* they're bad. "It does a lot more than just an init system!" but doesn't explain why that's a problem from their point of view.11:38
ali1234MartijnVdS: no, it's still just him and a couple of other guys11:38
ali1234MartijnVdS: however, when it becomes widely used that will change, as with PA11:39
ali1234nd then the problems will all get fixed11:39
MartijnVdSali1234: and Hogwarts is a real place.11:39
nigelbI remember the hue and cry when ubuntu started using pulseaudio11:39
MartijnVdSali1234: and the tooth fairy exists11:39
nigelb"It's terrible" "horrible piece of software that doesn't work"11:39
nigelbNow, it actually works pretty well.11:39
ali1234nigelb: at the time, it was11:39
MartijnVdSnigelb: the *very first* UDS(-like) thing had a session about "fixing the audio mess". In december 200411:39
diddledanI found this thread interesting : http://lkml.iu.edu//hypermail/linux/kernel/1404.0/01331.html11:40
MartijnVdSdiddledan: the banning of Kay Sievers11:40
nigelbali1234: I'm sure systemd is not as good as it will be say... 5 years down the line.11:40
nigelbMartijnVdS: hah.11:40
nigelbIt can only be better with adoption11:40
MartijnVdS(I think the session's title was "Draining the audio swamp")11:41
diddledanMartijnVdS: there's a whole thread related to that post which details chauvinism on the systemd side11:41
MartijnVdShttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MataroSessionsWorkshops/DrainingTheLinuxAudioSwamp "_\11:42
MartijnVdSdiddledan: ooh fun :)11:42
diddledanin short, they hijacked the "debug" kernel commandline flag and caused the kernel to crash11:42
diddledanby sending oodles of systemd debug logs to the kmsg device11:42
MartijnVdSbecause "you wanted debug right?"11:44
jussiI am clearly not geeky enough...11:44
ali1234on the plus side systemd has a bunch of stuff that you can't reasonably do any other way11:45
ali1234such as cgroups manipulation11:45
davmor2jussi: look at the right websites it will teach you the moves you need to learn to do it11:46
jussidavmor2: yeah, good point. I was hoping to be smart enough just to "work it out" but clearly not...11:46
ali1234i never figured out how to do more than one side11:47
davmor2jussi: matrix rules don't apply to rubix cubes it's a glitch in the program11:47
jussidoh! :P11:47
diddledanI found the easy way to complete the rubix cube - the pieces are coercible to separate from each other allowing you to do it jigsaw style11:49
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diddledanwtf? apparently there's a "minister for the polar regions"12:06
MartijnVdSThe Borealis? :P12:07
shaunoseems hardly surprising?  we can't have 600,000 square miles of 'british antarctic territory' without someone making it their day job12:08
dwatkinsit looks like they're planning on making the ship out of Lego12:08
diddledandidn't he play "Angel" in "buggy the vampire layer"?12:08
diddledanborealis, I mean..12:09
shaunolol, I like having just "science" emblazoned down the side12:09
shaunonot "research vessel" or anything formal.  just "for science!"12:09
dwatkinslike "for Gondor!"12:10
diddledanfor SPARTA!12:10
dwatkinsfor queen and country!12:10
shaunoalthough I guess if you label it a research vessel, everyone will assume you're whaling12:10
diddledanor spying12:10
shaunonah, we use lotus esprits for that :)12:11
diddledanare those the ones that turn into submarines?12:11
diddledanis was that the lambo?12:11
dwatkinsthe Lotus was also a submarine, yeah12:12
diddledanI didn't realise they actually had real underwater capability12:17
diddledanalbeit a secondary vehicle rather than a convertible12:17
dwatkinsI'm still waiting for my flying car.12:19
shaunoI have neither a drivers licence nor a pilots licence :(12:21
dwatkinsIf we do ever make cars which can fly, hoever etc. then we'll have a whole new set of safety issues.12:21
shaunoso I should skip them and just go for my flying car licence?12:22
dwatkinsI imagine (hope) that would be as hard as doing both licenses, if not harder.12:22
shaunowhy?  flying's easy!12:23
shaunoit's the whole "hitting the floor on purpose" bit that's messy12:23
dwatkinsindeed, and not hitting other planes, cars, birds and so on12:24
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ali1234diddledan: any idea about this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7329829/13:27
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diddledanali1234: I don't believe less does _any_ rewriting of url paths13:30
diddledanali1234: there might be mixins which help though13:30
ali1234yes it does, that's what the -ru option is for13:30
ali1234those specific paths don't get rewritten because they are escaped13:30
ali1234but if you just put the pat normally, it will be rewritten13:31
diddledanaah yes, maybe I'm not understanding the issue?13:31
ali1234here is a simpler example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7329858/13:32
ali1234.b gets remapped, .a doesn't13:32
ali1234so the problem is that if you ~import bootstrap into your wordpress style.css from a subdirectory, then all the paths are wrong13:33
ali1234consequently it doesn't work properly13:33
ali1234my question is who do i blame for this? bootstrap or less?13:33
diddledanhmm, that's a tough one, I kinda think they're both to blame13:35
ali1234yeah me too... and guess what? they each blame the other13:35
ali1234lets see what they say13:44
diddledan9 seconds.13:55
diddledan9 whole seconds.13:56
diddledanpeople are so patient13:56
DJonesMust have learned everything they needed to know in the 9 seconds though13:56
SammyMouse_hi, how does one switch IRC channels? I am trying to get to the ubuntu Gnome support one...>.>14:00
popey /join #channelname14:00
bigcalm* Cannot join #channelname (Channel is invite only).14:09
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* davmor2 invites bigcalm to get a life and not try and join example channels :P14:14
davmor2bigcalm: don't click it, NO!!!.......AH NO14:17
dwatkinsI always cringe when people don't use example.com as an example domain.14:22
dwatkinsWhat's even worse, is abbreviating domain names, e.g. u.com instead of ubuntu.com14:23
diddledanu.c is common as well14:24
dwatkinsoh dear14:24
dwatkinsone-letter domains are specifically disallowed; I've seen some domain names abbreviated to two letters, in which case the domain is simply incorrect.14:28
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guestdwMy nautilus preference settings to be ignored by nautilus. can anyone suggest why please?15:31
daftykinscould you rephrase your question first?15:32
daftykinsit's not grammatically correct15:32
guestdwWhen I select which columns I want nautilus to display, it seems to ignore my settings15:32
guestdwIt just carries on doing the same as before I started15:32
daftykinsyou need to then hit something to set it as default then re-run i think15:32
guestdwbut what? That is the problem. I cannot see a button to save it as default15:33
daftykinsis this 14.04?15:33
guestdwAnyway, it does not even chenge them temporarily in the window I have open15:33
guestdwYes it is 14.0415:33
daftykinsok so details view after clicking on files, lets see what it does for me15:34
daftykinsyeah i'm getting an instant update when i click to add 'Location'15:34
daftykinsi take it yours is an upgrade install?15:34
guestdwI meant that I want to be able to select which columns are displayed in list view - but it ignores my settings15:34
daftykinsdiddledan: >_<15:35
guestdwPreferences | List Columns15:35
guestdwNO. not an upgrade15:35
guestdwA fresh install15:35
daftykinstotally clean disk or did you keep an existing /home ?15:36
diddledanmy home is messy15:36
diddledanI need to springclean15:36
guestdwWhen the installer gave me the two options I told it do do a fresh install rathe than upgrade - Though I do not recall the exact wording15:37
guestdwI don't recognize anything old in home, so I think everything from the previous install is gone15:37
guestdwOldest directory of file curnetly at top leve in home is three days old15:38
guestdwleve -> level15:38
daftykinsguestdw: try creating a second user account to test in15:39
daftykinsor just hit guest session15:39
daftykinsi do quite like that feature15:39
guestdwOK - that's a good idea (but I can ony try it after I have left this login session and the chat, I suppose)15:40
daftykinsi think if you click it, it leaves both running15:40
diddledanuse "switch user" not "logout"15:40
daftykinsyeah ^ i'm clicking the 'cog' top right here15:40
daftykinshow is diddledan this fine day?15:41
diddledanI'm good15:42
guestdwI don't see a switch user option on my desktop15:42
daftykinsguestdw: click the cog top right then select 'guest session'15:42
diddledanbusy doing a new commission which is, as per usual, a rushjob15:42
guestdwIs there a package that would give me that funcitonality (it sounds useful for many porposes)15:42
diddledanI'm actually trying to "do it right" on this one though15:42
guestdwThere is no cog top right15:42
daftykinsdiddledan: hehehe15:42
daftykinsguestdw: is this something other than standard 'ubuntu' ?15:43
guestdwNot as far as I know. I tried to ask for standard ubuntu during the install15:43
guestdwIs there a way to check?15:43
daftykinslsb_release -a15:43
daftykins^in a terminal15:43
diddledanthat doesn't work on my OS X :-p15:44
diddledan$ lsb_release -a15:44
diddledan-sh: lsb_release: command not found15:44
guestdwNo LSB modules are available.15:44
guestdwDistributor ID:Ubuntu15:44
guestdwDescription:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS15:44
daftykinshmm, can't be sure with that15:44
daftykinsguestdw: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Ubuntu_Desktop_12.10.png15:44
daftykinsyou're really not seeing that little cog shaped icon to the right of the clock in the extreme upper-right?15:45
diddledanlinked-to by popey : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDrrIUujxsw15:46
dw__Chat crashed15:46
daftykinsweb dev ugh15:47
daftykinsnot even THAT can get me doing some web related stuffs15:47
dw__daftykins:   I don't see that cog on my desktop: the one that is there in your png15:47
daftykinsdo you even have the unity sidebar on the left?15:47
dw__I have a list that drops down on the left when I select and item headed "Activities"15:48
daftykinssounds like gnome shell15:49
daftykinsok so what you have isn't stock ubuntu15:49
dw__OK - that's useful to know15:50
daftykinsyou could well have downloaded gnome-ubuntu instead15:50
daftykinsdw__: perhaps guest session will be off your username menu top right instead?15:52
dw__No the only option there is "logOut"15:52
daftykinsok, i have no idea how to proceed with what you have installed then15:53
dw__But I will try your new user idea anyway, after I log out. It sounds a good idea for diagnosis15:53
=== bashrc_ is now known as bashrc
dw__daftykins: thanks for your ideas and info anyway15:53
daftykinsno problem :)15:53
dw__I'll say gb now and give nautilus a try with as a new user15:54
daftykinsi thought i was onto something by finding a config folder in ~/.config/nautilus15:55
daftykinsbut removing that doesn't even reset nautilus to defaults15:55
daftykinsjust how is stuff configured these days 0o15:55
diddledangnome does that whole windows registry mess15:55
diddledanthey call it dconf though15:55
daftykinsah yeah just found that folder15:55
diddledanit's the same thing as the windows registry in essence15:55
diddledani.e. an evil homogonised bar steward15:56
daftykinsok installed dconf-editor15:56
bashrcthere is a gnome registry?15:57
diddledanthe problem is unity inherits a lot of that junk15:57
bashrcthe windows registry always struck me as one of the worst ideas ever.  It's a giant den of obfuscation15:57
daftykinsperhaps i'm looking for the wrong thing anyway since it's 'Files' now and not Nautilus15:58
daftykinsheh, i've not even used ubuntu desktop since pre-unity days16:08
daftykinsso i genuinely have no idea16:08
mbs_does anyone know why my usb keyboard and mouse dont work if i reboot back into windows?16:10
mbs_i have to hard reboot to get them back again16:10
diddledanmicrokia is now a thing: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-2716366716:12
diddledanin all but name16:12
daftykinsmbs_: 'hard reboot' vs reboot, what's the distinction here? powering of between?16:12
daftykinshey diddledan you'll appreciate this (SFW) - not sure this pig is spoilt at all - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qixkfifemb0si1d/IMG_20140425_155114.jpg16:15
diddledanthey've got pork willies next to it16:15
diddledanso I'm not so sure about the SFW status : -p16:16
daftykinsyou're like that little jonny in those joke emails that can turn anything rude16:16
diddledanheck yes16:16
mbs_i mean when windows gets to the log in screen none of my usb stuff works even if i unplug and move to another port until i power off and reboot16:17
dw__Update on Ubuntu gnome desktop nautilus for anyone interested. I did not try a different user but discovered:16:17
dw__1. There are two different ways of choosing which columns are displayed16:17
diddledanwhat can I say, I come pre verted16:18
dw__2. IF I right-click on the headings of the columuns in nautilus list view, it will change them for just that specific directory16:18
dw__3.If I go to the main PReferences | List Columns menu, it seems to set a default16:19
dw__4. This default is ignored when browsing any directory which has its own values set16:19
dw__-That's why my settings using method I number 3 here seemed to me to be ignored: I was only looking in folders that had their own values set which override these16:20
penguin42dw__: That kind of makes sense if you have some particular directories that you want to use in a different way16:21
dw__I guess so (although I don't have, as it happens)16:21
dw__What slightly puzzles me is that I don't recall ever setting the individual directory preferences that seemed to be overriding the global defaults (maybe my memory is worse than I thought?)16:23
dw__Or perhaps the mere act of browsing to a directory that has no individual preferences yet set, has the effect of setting its own individual preferences to the current value of the global ones - Perhaps that's it.16:28
penguin42I doubt that, but it might be something as simple as a function key or key binding that caused it to change16:29
mbs_anyone know whats going on?16:30
daftykinsmbs_: nope, however when powering off we call that a cold reboot as opposed to a warm reboot16:34
daftykinsso that might help searches16:35
mbs_i might reset my bios back to stock defaults and see if that helps16:35
penguin42mbs_: Sometimes you get things where at a reboot the BIOS might forget to reset something in the hardware and thus leave it in a state that's not quite right16:35
MooDoohowdy all16:38
penguin42hey popey16:40
popeyi dont think I've left the house for 3 or more days.16:40
daftykinspopey: O_O16:41
SuperEngineerDear Steam, I think but cannot prove that your peak download speed estimate of 3,416,310,272.0 GB/S might just possibly be a tad inaccurate.16:42
SuperEngineer[but here's hoping] ;)16:43
penguin42SuperEngineer: Never underestimate the bandwidth of a 747 full of LTO tapes16:43
diddledanSuperEngineer: is that a misspelt gigabit per second or a correctly spelt giga BYTE per second?16:51
penguin42either way it's a bit on the fast side16:52
diddledanyeah, but I was wondering whether it's sillyspeed or meh :-p16:52
penguin42looks very silly16:53
diddledanbecasue that many gigabits per second is so passé16:53
diddledanwhereas that many gigabytes per second is sweet!16:54
diddledangooglefibre probably goes that fast, right?16:54
diddledanone internet per second16:54
diddledanmaybe that should be a value. 1internet, 2internets, 3internets....16:55
penguin42libraries of congress/second?16:59
diddledanyey for the beeb: "S Korea divers found cabin of bodies" <-- what were they expecting to find in a capsized ship that didn't issue an evacuation alarm?!16:59
shaunoI guess the other option was "malaysian jumbo"17:00
shaunoI really shouldn't go to maplins.  I can't remember what I was looking for, but I came out 70e lighter17:02
diddledanteh shiny is strong17:02
SuperEngineerdiddledan: re Steam ... I begin to wonder; "is Steam also from my planet????"17:03
* SuperEngineer hums X-Files theme17:03
diddledanyey for more beeb: "Divers searching a sunken passenger ferry off South Korea found 48 bodies in a single room on the vessel meant to accommodate 38 people, officials say." <-- the vessel could only carry 38 people?17:03
daftykinsperhaps it was the ship bar, licensed only for 38 to stand17:03
diddledandaftykins: re-read17:04
diddledanthe vessel. the WHOLE vessel.17:04
diddledanand nothing but the vessel17:04
diddledandaftykins: your pedant gene is weak17:04
SuperEngineerdiddledan: they are correct! for your meaning - ythey would have to write "a vessel"17:05
daftykinsnah i'm just not paying enough attention17:05
penguin42a life raft?17:05
SuperEngineersymantics... a very useful word... even better when fully understood  :p17:07
diddledanand spelt correctly :-p17:07
SuperEngineerHere's a good one... repeat the following sentance putting the emphasis on a different word each time...17:08
SuperEngineerthere are as many meanings as there are words in the sentence...17:08
SuperEngineer"I did not say he stole thew money"17:08
SuperEngineer...or "Canonical are playing games not releasing code name for next release" [that might work the same :D17:10
SuperEngineernah... doesn't work as well as the the 1st17:11
daftykinsi'm not sure the next name is all that exciting in the grand scheme ;)17:12
daftykinsperhaps it should be Undecided Ubuntu17:12
SuperEngineer...or Unknown Unity17:12
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SuperEngineerCan NOT wait till the "W" release... I've got my suggestion ready to go already!  ;) [..t...f...]17:13
daftykinsi'm still recovering from saucy, people coming in #ubuntu asking if they can ask a saucy question17:14
diddledanyeah, coming from me that would mean something entirely different ;-)17:14
SuperEngineerjust need to find apreviously unknown animal and name it a theffuk17:14
diddledandaftykins: can I ask you a "saucy" question? ;-)17:15
SuperEngineeroh oh!17:15
daftykinsthere's not a day goes by that you don't, diddledan17:15
diddledandaftykins: do you have a beaker full of water for "afterwards cleanup"?17:15
diddledanthat was a weird meme17:16
diddledanhttp://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/mumsnet_classics/a1875847-Do-you-dunk-your-penis not safe for anything really17:16
bigcalmdiddledan: if it's not safe for anything, why did you paste it into here? :)17:34
mappshm wonder what days are good for the aregon tennis in london17:35
mappswanna go to more tennis :)17:35
daftykinslooking for a sore neck, mapps? :)17:38
mappsLOL NOT especially daftykins17:52
mappsbut tennis is good and ive not actually been to any yet17:52
ali1234diddledan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbZ1dXQpq0w18:00
diddledanhttp://pastebin.com/qPxR9BRv <-- I wonder if they're trolling or it's a genuine hole18:59
penguin42diddledan: Wouldn't be impossible19:02
diddledanthat's what worries me - I've not finished patching the first generation heartbleed yet19:03
ali1234definitely trolling: https://blockchain.info/address/1BKRqnmWNfK5qjhouMaBFHwjHK9ibfrKhx19:03
ali1234if it was real they would give a unique payment address to each customer19:04
ali1234and they certainly wouldn't give out an address so heavily tainted - it makes it too easy to trace them19:04
diddledan"heavily tainted"? I don't understand virtual currency so that term is new to me19:05
ali1234every transaction is recorded forever19:06
ali1234and uniquely identifiable19:06
ali1234which means you can follow the money19:06
ali1234ah, i see, this is a coin joiner19:07
ali1234so the churn here is actually an attempt to "wash" the coins19:07
diddledanuh huh - everything is going to the same account19:08
diddledannamely: https://blockchain.info/address/16R14EH4v8A9GPXkAAP8gcMFBA8oxA8nbY19:08
ali1234yes, that's the laundry account. then they send it back out, so you don't know which output came from which nput19:09
ali1234it's not a great method since likely all the inputs are dodgy19:09
diddledanthe target account has a lot of coinage: 215,637.634057 BTC19:10
diddledanwhat's that in english money?19:10
ali1234that's just how much they processed, not the actual balance19:10
diddledanaah yes, I see19:11
diddledanfinal balance is 019:11
ali1234and it's about £60 million19:11
diddledanthat's a lot of laundry19:11
ali1234yeah, but it's pointless because you;re trading your own coins that you stole for coins someone else stole :)19:12
ali1234also that paste is wrong19:16
ali1234you only use -DOPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS if you can't upgrade to 1.0.1g19:16
diddledangood point19:21
diddledanalso mentioned on the FD mailing list is that it's a compile time option not a variable19:22
penguin42sigh - can anyone remember how to persuade gimp to really give me a 1 pixel wide brush?19:31
diddledanpenguin42: use the pencil instead of the brush19:32
diddledanit's been a while since I looked at gimp tbh so I may be off-bat19:33
penguin42diddledan: Still not giving me 1 pixel19:33
diddledanuse photoshop :-p19:33
* penguin42 has had this sometime before - and there's some obscure option somewhere that means the 'brush' it shows you is not the one you actually get19:33
penguin42by default the brush has a size of 20 pixels - even for the tiny 3x3 pixel19:35
diddledan5 out of 33 servers left to patch for heartbleed.20:21
diddledannearly there20:21
DJonesdiddledan: Is it not just sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:42
diddledanDJones: not on Gentoo it's not20:42
DJonesOops, time for a new server :)20:43
DJonesMaybe not20:43
diddledana new 33 servers20:43
diddledanthing is some of the software on a few of them is at the point where it's been so long since it was maintained that nobody wants to look at bringing it up-to-date (namely a series of java war website servlets)20:45
DJonesPeople complain about Ubuntu making Linux too easy, but for some reason, they don't complain when non-ubuntu systems take days/weeks to fix20:45
DJonesIf it works, I guess there's no reason to change20:46
DJonesBut must be frustrating at times like this20:46
DJonesFrom a commercial point of view, I'm not sure if Ubuntu would be any better than any other Linux based system20:47
diddledanI guess a lot depends on how much you're paying for it20:48
diddledanmost folk use ubuntu because they don't need to pay a dime20:48
DJonesThats probably more personal users though, I suspect business'es would have supprt contracts20:49
shaunopi butchery :)  http://cl.ly/image/1C05260n0V0z  (I'm not sure why I'm proud of this)20:54
ali1234i wish they had put the composite video onto a header20:55
bashrcupgrading the netbook to 14.0420:56
shaunoyeah, the video bugs me.  it just doesn't seem to be worth the protrusion20:57
shaunoalthough I think I would have preferred most of it on headers, instead of the splayed-out-spider effect you get from fighting for edge space21:03
mappswhat speed should 4g be eh23:02
penguin42just enough faster than 3g to convince you it's better (* at best times, mileage may vary nothing you've been promised might happen)23:08
mappsyea mine was 33.21 down 2.92 up23:09
penguin42that's not bad going - I know people who can't get anywhere near that on vDSL (infinity)23:13
penguin42and the 2.92 isn't anything to sniff at23:13
penguin42mapps: How much does that cost you?23:14
mapps55quid a month 5gig 4g/unkimited calls and tax23:15
mappsmate my home dsl is rubbish compared to the 4g;p i get 6mbit adsl have done for 6-7years23:15
mappscant get better...yet typically when i moved 3yrs ago old place can now get bt ftc!!23:15
penguin42are you allowed to tether that for that price?23:15
mappsbut ok so 33mbit down on 4g( ee) howcome i get 3mbit on 3g (ee) got 2 sims23:15
mappsbut only 5gig allowance23:16
penguin42mapps: But I know people on BT fttc that are getting awful rates23:16
mappsany idea re my 3g and 3g??23:16
mapps4g and 3g rather23:16
mappssame network..and surely 3g should be better than 4mbit23:16
penguin42I don't know what they're supposed to do - can't you force the phone to drop 4g off?23:17
mappsYea you can..just turn 4g off23:17
mappsbut what i mean is i got 2 sims 1 4g and 13g23:17
mapps1 3g23:17
shaunowhy should 3g be better?23:18
mappsbetter than 4mbit i mean23:19
mappsi thought it should be 10-15 range23:19
shauno3g comes in 3.6mbit and 7.2mbit variants, and not many networks picked up 7.223:19
penguin42mapps: I guess there may be more contention from other users on 3g (although maybe not at this time of night)23:19
mappsyea thats true23:20
mappswhen ive been at the gym at say 4am ive managed around 15mbit iirc23:20
* penguin42 won't ask why you've gone to the gym at 4am23:30
shaunowhat else are you meant to do when tesco's full of stoners :/23:30
penguin42or better, sleep23:31
shaunoo_O  what is this "sleep" ?23:31
penguin42it's what happens if you didn't have enough coffee23:37
shaunoahh.  I have instant coffee for such emergencies23:38
shaunonot ideal, but much easier to snort than beans23:39
penguin42yes, snorting beans is not good for breathing23:40
shaunoand snorting instant isn't good for wallpaper  (long story)23:40
penguin42 'But Dr I always get these terrible migrains after coffee....'23:44
shaunoalmost on-topic for a sec .. if I connect to wifi by sticking wpa-ssid & wpa-psk straight into /etc/network/interfaces, is there a sensible way to add credentials for a second network?23:49
penguin42can I ask the obvious question; why not do it via nm ?23:50
shaunobecause they're all headless23:52
penguin42shauno: nmcli !23:55
shaunoI might have to look into that, but I still don't trust nm.  I'm used to these things being a whole lot more transparent23:55
penguin42right, but with wifi being so complex anyway23:55
shaunowell it's kinda straight-forward as long as I stay at home :/23:56
penguin42there is a NetworkManager-tui around, not sure if there is an ubuntu package23:57
shaunoseems to be a whole load of new things I don't quite understand.  eg, I still have no idea what dbus is, or why23:58
penguin42yeh I don't really get the details of that stuff23:58

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