
Saviqdidrocks, hey, could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/killqt51/+merge/217055, we're dropping support for Qt < 5.2.1, should we add (>= 5.2.1) to all the qt build deps, even though qt's own deps would force it anyway?08:20
didrocksSaviq: yeah, better to be explicit and have that for all build-deps/deps you depend on Qt08:24
Saviqtsdgeos, ↑08:25
Saviqtsdgeos, like qtdeclarative5-private-dev08:25
tsdgeoslooks a bit unneeded to me tbh08:26
tsdgeosbut ok08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, is just explicit, is all08:26
tsdgeosman with me adding N/A to packaging :D08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, OTOH we could say we want it only where we really require new Qt08:26
* tsdgeos hides08:26
tsdgeosi mean i didn't add it to the others since it was just cascading08:27
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah I understand, that's the question I asked to Didier08:27
tsdgeosyou can't have qtbase5-private-dev 5.1 if you have qtbase5-dev (>= 5.2.1)08:27
Saviqtsdgeos, so qtbase5-dev, qtdeclarative5-dev, -private-dev, those are the three we really require atm08:27
Saviqtsdgeos, when we start importing QtQuick 2.2, we'll add it to qtquick2-plugin08:28
Saviqall the others I think we could still have 5.0, right?08:29
Saviqqtbase5-private-dev, too08:29
Saviq(should be >= 5.2.108:29
tsdgeosSaviq: i think so, yes08:30
Saviqso yeah, let's be meaningful about it08:30
Saviqsure the net result is going to be the same08:30
Saviqtsdgeos, re: import 2.0 vs. 2.2, think importing two different versions of QtQuick will be more costly than just using the same across the board?08:31
tsdgeosSaviq: don't think so08:32
tsdgeosit's the same library08:32
tsdgeosjust the interpreter does some "QML symbol" hiding depending of which import you did08:32
tsdgeosbut i don't think that's going to be faster slower if you import one or many08:32
Saviqtsdgeos, right08:35
Saviqk makes sense08:35
tsdgeosSaviq: just to make sure, at the Card.qml level, template and components are shared by all Cards of the same "parent", it's only cardData that is different08:45
Saviqtsdgeos, yes08:45
Saviqtsdgeos, template and components are per-category08:45
Saviqdidrocks, ACK on packaging changes when you have a moment please https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/killqt51/+merge/21705509:00
didrocksSaviq: done09:02
Saviqdidrocks, thanks!09:02
SaviqCimi, you might want to check your local branches for tags, vrruiz's branch had old ones09:32
SaviqCimi, as a reminder: http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.sh09:33
CimiSaviq, I did run it, not sure the latests09:34
CimiSaviq, is there a way to run it locally?09:34
CimiSaviq, takes ages remotely09:35
SaviqCimi, I only meant your local branches09:35
SaviqCimi, so wherever you have the checkouts09:35
SaviqCimi, so that you don't push them anywhere ;)09:35
SaviqCimi, only Victor's branch has them from the approved ones currently09:35
SaviqCimi, but since you reviewed it09:36
SaviqCimi, you merged it in your branch somewhere, and that could've "infected" you with them09:36
CimiSaviq, I checked out his branch directly09:36
Cimididn't merge to mine09:36
Cimibut thanks09:36
CimiSaviq, is there a command we can use to run inside a branch and check for tags?09:37
SaviqCimi, so, FYI: when reviewing, you should always merge on trunk ;)09:37
SaviqCimi, `bzr tags | wc -l`\09:37
CimiSaviq, I do the opposite09:37
CimiSaviq, I checkout a branch09:37
Cimithen I merge trunk inside09:37
Cimiit's kinda the same thing09:37
SaviqCimi, kinda, but reverse to what actually happens when things are landed09:37
SaviqCimi, probably 0.000001 probability something goes differently09:38
Cimiyes agree but is the same thing09:38
CimiSaviq, but it has the advantage that I don't have to specify a path when I branch :)09:38
Cimiotherwise "bzr branch lp:unity8" complains I have already a folder unity8 :)09:38
SaviqCimi, colo branches FTW09:40
CimiSaviq, what the hell is that, I am googling09:40
SaviqCimi, I only have a single folder with a unity8 checkout09:42
SaviqCimi, and switch between branches with `bzr switch colo:foo`09:42
Cimioh wow cool09:43
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Cimiping me when you back Saviq :)10:30
Cimidednick, you know how to create a snap decision?10:41
dednickCimi: i do.10:42
dednickCimi: if you're talking about the shutdown dialog, I'm not sure that it should be a snap decision.10:42
dednick"even though it may look like one at the moment"10:43
dednickCimi: because I think it's a bit insecure.10:44
Cimidednick, insecure in which meaning?10:45
dednickCimi: possibly one of those new fangled SecureDialog that mirco is writing. Or something generated by dbus call which we can secure with apparmor10:45
dednickCimi: anything can generate a snap decision.10:46
Cimidednick, I have the powerd code in front of me10:46
Cimidednick, basically I need to change the callback10:46
Cimiand it's C!!10:47
Cimifinally I understand :D10:47
dednickCimi: i think that the shutdown calls should probably be sent to powerd from unity8.10:47
Cimidednick, so I can do pretty much everything we want10:47
Cimihaven't played with dbus yet but I think it will be fairly easy to send something10:48
Cimithat we can hook up on the shell10:48
dednickSaviq: was there ever a consensus on who was responsible for shutdown?10:48
dednickpowerd/systemd/unity8 ?10:48
Cimidednick, I'd say unity8 or notifications have to confirm shutdown10:51
Cimiso powerd must sends and receive10:51
CimiI mean emit something and wait something else, securely10:52
dednickCimi: this is what I had when i was originally doing this: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/powerd/dbus-shutdown10:54
Cimioh wow C10:55
CimiI love C10:55
dednickCimi: and https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/powerdown for the dialog10:55
dednickbut it's probably way out of date.10:55
dednickCimi: but i don't really like the idea of sending a request from powerd, then a async response from unity8. I think maybe mirco's dialog interface may be a good plan.10:59
dednickCimi: it's even possible that unity8 should handle the pwer key event itself.11:01
dednickCimi: and now you understand why this hasn't been finished yet :)11:04
Saviqdednick, lightdm as far as I can tell11:07
SaviqCimi, ↑11:07
Saviqso unity8 would receive the power button press, display a dialog and tell LightDM to shut down11:07
Saviqwhich goes in concert with reducing powerd's responsibility to handle input11:08
SaviqI don't think anything external needs to be involved11:08
SaviqCimi, is there design for the dialog?11:08
dednickSaviq: ah yeah, lightdm was the one. not systemd.11:08
dednickSaviq: a very "rudimentary" design. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/158819734/poweroff-buttons.png11:09
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Saviqright, so that does look ~kind of like a snap decision / system dialog11:10
Saviqwe should find out whether it's supposed to participate in the usual snap decision flow11:11
dednickand if it's a final design...11:12
dednickdont want to do it as a snap and then find out, "oh, it should be full screen" ala pin lock. :)11:13
CimiSaviq, there is a video11:13
dednickCimi: you have a link?11:14
Cimidednick, I can put it on google docs11:16
Cimidednick, https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B2mvp37s6lHvMWZ5OVFZM2wtbk0/edit?usp=sharing11:17
CimiSaviq, ^11:17
dednickhm. ok, i guess it may be a final design then...11:18
dednickcan't generate a snap decision from unity8 though...11:18
dednickunless mirco fixed that11:19
Cimidednick, it was signed off11:19
Saviqthere's no QML component that you could with, yet11:19
CimiSaviq, what?11:20
Cimidunno much about snap decisions11:20
SaviqCimi, there's no QML component to generate a snap decision with11:20
dednickyou can't send a snap decision from unity8, even with the C api. something to do with the event loop iirc11:21
Saviqshould be possible to inject without DBus, though11:21
Saviqbut might be tricky, too11:22
SaviqCimi, please find out whether the shut down dialog should be a snap decision indeed, as in what happens if you get a call when the dialog is on screen - should the call s-d show up next to it, or maybe shutdown cancelled11:22
CimiSaviq, shutdown should not cancel if I receive a call while I have the snap decision on11:24
CimiSaviq, it should queue and show both11:24
CimiI should be able to shut down the phone and ignore the call11:24
SaviqCimi, you certain?11:24
CimiSaviq, it's my common sense11:25
SaviqCimi, yeah, sorry, not good enough, please confirm the design11:25
SaviqFWIW while any s-d is on screen, you won't be able to interact with the app11:25
Saviqso you'd cancel the shutdown dialog anyway11:25
CimiSaviq, I am want to switch off the call because I don't want to hear my wife calling me because I am upset, and she stops me from powering off my phone11:25
SaviqCimi, still, we're not the ones to take this decision11:26
Cimior different use case11:26
CimiI am in a meeting, ringtone loud11:26
Cimior before departure11:26
Cimion a plane11:26
SaviqCimi, please confirm with design that the shutdown dialog is really meant to behave like any other s-d11:27
Cimitrying to switch off the phone but somebody calls me and cancels11:27
Cimiwith my ringtone ringing in front of Ryanair angry stewart11:27
CimiI will do now :)11:27
CimiSaviq, granted that we want this, showing two notifications on screen11:28
CimiSaviq, shutdown notification and incoming call11:29
CimiSaviq, what shall we do next?11:29
CimiSaviq, sending dbus call from powerd?11:29
SaviqCimi, no, let's not build any more knowledge into powerd, when we want to move it out of there11:30
Saviqalthough powerd currently handles long-power-press as power-click anyway11:30
Cimithat's why11:30
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/powerd/dbus-shutdown11:30
Cimiis fairly correct11:31
Cimiin my opinion11:31
Saviqbut going in the wrong direction11:32
Saviqwe want to move stuff out of powerd, not move more inside it11:33
Cimithere are only issues with the timeout and possible segfaults ibecause we're not handling dispose11:33
dednickSaviq: what about the power click (screen off) ??11:33
Cimig source should be cleared11:33
Cimion dispose11:33
Saviqdednick, that should ultimately go into unity8 as well11:33
Saviqdednick, same as activity monitoring11:33
Saviqand suppression mechanisms, too11:34
Saviqso yeah... that's long-term11:36
dednicki see heads exploding when putting power management into shell.11:36
CimiI agree11:37
Cimishell is a shell, should not handle power11:38
Cimican control power, but not interact with it IMHO11:38
Cimithere should be a service for that11:38
Cimiif shell crashes or hangs, I cannot switch off my phone11:38
dednickCimi: well, you cant anyway, because there's no cnfirm :)11:39
Cimidednick, you can if you leave in powerd11:40
Cimidednick, one looong press to start shutdown11:40
Cimidednick, like you did, 20 secs in your branch11:40
dednickCimi: i think that's hardwired into android11:40
Cimidednick, android?11:41
Cimidednick, you mean the phone?11:41
Cimimotherboard whatever11:41
Cimigot it11:41
Cimimight be right11:42
Cimibut for emergency shutdown11:42
dednickbut, anyway. volume key handling is also in unity8...11:42
Cimia 10 or 5 seconds shutdown should be handled by a daemon/service11:42
Cimidednick, I think is wrong11:42
Cimidednick, those things should go as services11:43
Cimifor the same reasons about hanging shell11:43
Cimiand whole system collapses11:43
Cimiwe took shit for years because when compiz was crashing unity7 was bringing down everything, and viceversa11:44
Cimiwe should eventually move all those hardware functionalities in something separate11:45
Cimiso they are guaranteeded to work regardless of the shell running/crashing/slowing down11:45
Cimithat way shell could also suspend itself when I am playing a video or doing something else fullscreen11:46
dednickI'm not arguing...11:46
Cimithus saving more battery11:46
Cimidednick, so let's start by architect the power button better :)11:47
dednickwhat does the desktop use?11:48
dednicklong press power button on desktop shows power dialog. why dont we use the same thing?11:51
dednick(of course, even after dismissing the dialog, my desktoip got shut down; but that's not the point....)11:52
Cimidednick, I think we use gnome power manager or something for that11:54
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Cimidednick, and ultimately apparently upower11:56
SaviqCimi, shell becomes the compositor, display server, if it slows down, you won't be able to do anything anyway, so that's not a valid argument11:58
dednicki think we use the session indicator11:58
SaviqCimi, and for battery life - that's exactly why we need to move input handling into the shell, so that powerd does not wake on every event, when the shell already does11:59
SaviqCimi, and please don't "rearchitect" things, there's other people responsible to do that11:59
CimiSaviq, those are hardware buttons12:01
Cimiand services12:01
SaviqCimi, everything is hardware at some point12:01
Saviqand splitting the responsibilities isn't getting you anywhere12:02
Cimithey should be controlled independently from the UI12:02
Saviqno, they should not12:02
Saviq'cause UI reacts to those hardware buttons12:02
Saviqwe want a pre-suspend animation, we need to composite a pre-resume frame, we need to reduce the number of input receivers to a minimum to save power12:03
dednickSaviq: desktop not runnig a shell. runs a music player in the vterm. presses volume button. what happens?12:03
Saviqdednick, input goes to the music player12:03
Saviqdednick, and it does whatever it wants with it12:04
Saviqwhy are we trying to treat volume and power buttons different than any other key you have on your keyboard?12:04
Saviqdednick, even now volume and power buttons are handled by unity712:04
dednickSaviq: so every player should be intepretting events then, not the shell.12:04
Saviqdednick, sure, if it reaches the player, it should interpret it, but the shell needs to be able to override behaviour12:05
Saviqdednick, if music player isn't focused, what do you want the volume buttons to do?12:05
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Saviqif there isn't music played at all, what then?12:05
CimiSaviq, change master volume12:05
SaviqCimi, what does that change?12:06
Cimihardware buttons should change the master volume of my sondcard/output12:06
Ciminot the current player12:06
SaviqCimi, that's really not how it works12:06
Cimihow it should imho12:07
Saviqno, you're not considering a lot of cases12:07
CimiSaviq, I am happy to understand why it would be better handled in the shell12:07
Saviqwhen it comes to volume buttons, MeeGo has done the best job there is12:07
Saviqby default, screen off → nothing happens12:08
Saviqby default, screen on → you change profile between loud, quite, muted etc.12:08
Saviqwhen music plays, screen off → volume changes12:08
Saviqwhen music plays, screen on → volume changes12:08
Saviqwhen no music playing, but focused app interprets volume → it does what it wants to12:09
Saviqhandling that in "a service" is really going to be a PITA12:09
Saviqfor no advantage at all12:09
Saviqif you change your music volume, you don't want that to affect the ringtone volume, so you can't change master volume12:10
Saviqso no, I completely disagree, and I'm not the only one, for that matter12:10
Saviqeven in unity7 it's the sound indicator I think that grabs volume and media keys12:10
Saviqand tells Pulseaudio to do what it needs to do, which changes current output volume, not master volume12:11
Saviqand talks to apps via MPRIS about media keys12:11
CimiSaviq, android has separate volumes12:11
dednickok, so i get the argument for the volume, but power as well? there's no real intrpetation there is ther?12:11
CimiSaviq, so probably different audio slots12:11
Cimiyou can have a service/deamon adjusting volumes of those slots12:11
SaviqCimi, and that service needs to know what is in the foreground now12:12
SaviqCimi, so you get into IPC12:12
Saviqplease, let's not12:12
Cimiwhen a player is connected to the media slot and the screen is off, the audio daemon modifies output volume of this slot12:12
CimiI am saying is not PITA12:12
Saviqyeah, and now we have 55 services12:12
Saviqevery single one waking up on volume button press12:13
Saviqto see if it wants to handle it12:13
Saviqyay for battery life12:13
karnimhr3: I found a bug in scope Preview (or so I suspect), but have trouble triaging it. can you help?12:13
CimiSaviq, why they should react? just the "audio daemon"12:13
SaviqCimi, they don't want to react, but they will still get the volume button press if they connect directly to the input stream12:14
CimiI understand this12:14
Cimibut I still think that power button should be handled in the most reliable way12:15
SaviqCimi, and if there's something that's meant to route the input just to the audio daemon, that thing needs to listen to all input, and wake on every input event, even though the shell needs to, as well, so we at least double the CPU time to handle that event at the lower level12:15
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Saviqdednick, Cimi, as long as it's meant to have a result in the UI (suspend screen, display power off dialog), why not handle it in the UI?12:15
SaviqCimi, that's different, forced shutdown needs to happen in a lower level indeed12:15
Saviqbut anything that's actually supposed to affect the UI relies on the fact that the UI is actually working12:16
Saviqif it's not, how is it better that something lower level will listen to it, if nothing is going to happen anyway?12:16
dednickSaviq: are we going to have different path for ubuntu desktop?12:17
Saviqdednick, no, why?12:17
dednickif we dont run unity812:17
Saviqdednick, we have the same path we have _now_ in unity712:17
Saviqdednick, power button press is handled by your current vt12:18
Saviqdednick, it's just an input event like any other12:18
dednickmk. thats fine by me.12:19
Saviqyay, pressing power + esc just halted the PC for me :P12:19
Saviqthat's lower level for ya!12:19
dednick:) yeah, it shut me down earlier12:19
Saviqso, all in all, all input needs to go: hw → shell → app → shell12:20
dednickpower is handled by indicator-session on desktop12:20
Saviqso that we can behave smart12:20
Saviqwith only power being interpreted by lower level as well to force shutdown12:20
dednick+ a unitydialog/zenity12:20
mhr3karni, what's the issue?12:21
dednickSaviq: but where is the button press picked up? unity7?12:21
Saviqdednick, not sure in the unity7 case, it might be LightDM talking to the session12:22
Saviqnot sure power is just an X key event under X11, but would expect so12:22
karnimhr3: I have a preview with two buttons. Each belongs to separate 'actions' widget. Both launch the same URL, even though preview data returned from smart scope server is correct.12:23
Saviqlet me check something12:23
karnimhr3: if you could check if two buttons from two separate action widgets properly map to their uri actions, that would be great12:23
mhr3karni, and you adding 'uri' props to the actions?12:25
Saviqdednick, under X it seems somewhat different, if there's no session running / intercepting the power off event, you get shutdown12:26
* Saviq not sure we're actually getting a PowerOff event on the phone12:26
CimiSaviq, same thing with ctrl alt del12:26
karnimhr3: this is interesting. so, for first one, I have 'uri': result['uri'] , but I just noticed for the second I have 'url': result['foobar_url'] - even if I made a mistake, second button should launch what first button launches12:26
SaviqCimi, yeah, those are interpreted by the vt probably, since nothing intercepts it12:26
* karni tries12:26
CimiSaviq, exact;y12:26
SaviqCimi, but that's just _fallback_12:27
CimiSaviq, we should have something similar12:27
CimiSaviq, I am not againt handling them in the shell12:27
mhr3karni, can you pastebin the entire json pls?12:27
CimiSaviq, I am just for having a fallback when shell is not responding12:27
SaviqCimi, we have something exactly the same, that still means that *if* there's a shell working, you interpret them in the shell12:27
SaviqCimi, of course, but that's not what you argued12:27
SaviqCimi, you argued there should be a service regardless of whether shell is working or not12:27
karnimhr3: just fixed line 21 (/s/url/uri), testing http://paste.ubuntu.com/7329484/12:28
mhr3karni, yea, that should work afaict12:28
SaviqCimi, and power/c+a+d are really a special case, volume isn't12:29
SaviqCimi, does your volume change when you switch to a VT and press volume up/down buttons?12:29
mhr3karni, and why aren't you defining all the buttons inside a single actions widget?12:29
karnimhr3: 1) because I can :D 2) I wanted to have them one under another. Is there another way to achieve this?12:29
karnimhr3: so, yeah, /s/url/uri fixed the problem.12:30
Saviqkarni, that's against design ;)12:30
karniSaviq: oh sh!t :O (/me fixes ;) )12:30
mhr3karni, ^^ what he said :P12:30
Saviqkarni, it's meant to be:12:30
Saviq                    (primary action)12:30
karnimhr3: I suspect PreviewActions was iterating through actions, or something, and assigned the second button action of the first one, because there were 2 buttons, but one proper uri. still, strange.12:31
Saviq(secondary action) (primary action)12:31
Saviq(negative action) (primary action)12:31
karniSaviq: thank you12:31
Saviq(combo button) (primary action)12:31
karniSaviq: well, we haven't gone through design with this yet, so, that problem would surface :)12:31
karnithanks, anyway!12:31
* karni fixes12:31
* Saviq wonders if we should limit the number of action widgets to one12:31
Saviqprobably not...12:31
mhr3karni, if "uri" is not defined for the button, it falls back to result.uri (as in result for which the preview was requested)12:31
karniSaviq: in theory, buttons can be interleaved by other widgets12:32
Saviqkarni, yeah, I know12:32
karnimhr3: oooh that explains it. pretty smart ;D12:32
karnijust saying. I know you know :D12:32
karnihas Ubuntu Palette been updated, and bazillion of 'TODO's by me in unity8 are gone ;D?12:35
Saviqkarni, it's not that easy12:36
karniI'm sure it's not :)12:36
Saviqkarni, it's not about updating the palette, but about extending it - we still need the original palette for the rest of the shell12:36
Saviqkarni, but anyway, this will go away with dash becoming an app12:36
Saviqkarni, which will have its own theme12:36
karnioh cool!!12:37
karniSaviq: does that mean we'll allow custom Dash apps? :O12:37
Saviqkarni, define custom dash apps?12:37
karniSaviq: I write my own Dash. since Canonical's Dash is an app, I can install mine as well?12:37
karnis/is/will be12:38
Saviqkarni, well, it's going to be a special app12:38
Saviqkarni, arguably, yes, it would be possible12:38
Saviqkarni, it's only gonna be special in the sense that it's not closeable, is respawned, and that some gestures / buttons will take you to it12:38
karniSaviq: I see12:39
Saviqso it could be possible to replace that with some other app, as long as it mimics the original dash12:39
karniSaviq: I find it amusing that second button from actions widget shows to the left. while this is consistent with what you said about button layout (same as on Android, secondary action | primary action, cancel | confirm), it's somewhat counterintuitive they should up in reverse.12:40
Saviqkarni, depends on which paw you use your phone with ;)12:41
Saviqthumb works well with the positive button12:41
mhr3Saviq, it's like running scope-tool in the mir-preview-session12:41
mhr3super confusing12:41
karniSaviq: haha. I'm not saying about the palms. I'm saying, in code, I do: actions.append(foo), actions.append(bar), and then I get bar | foo on the phone12:41
Saviqmhr3, lol :D12:41
Saviqmhr3, so that's what you were trying to do? :)12:42
Saviqkarni, yeah, they go RTL, since any actions beyond the second will be collapsed into a combo button (at some point at least)12:42
* karni agrees with the "negative | positive/confirm" layout. I meant how code maps to button layouting12:42
mhr3Saviq, you mean my unity-mir adventures?12:42
Saviqmhr3, yup :)12:42
mhr3Saviq, nope ;)12:43
* karni noted12:43
mhr3Saviq, i wrote something like android's zygote for qmlscene12:43
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Saviqmhr3, to speed up launch?12:43
karniwhat confuses me is, when I launch a browser from a scope result preview, when I swipe the browser to right, I get to "Apps" screen, and not to the scope results I was browsing.12:43
karnimhr3: I heard you and Ondrej were working on this. cool.12:44
Saviqkarni, right, dash resets by design when you unfocus it12:44
Saviqmhr3, are you putting it under upstart jobs?12:44
mhr3Saviq, but qt is very unfriendly to pre-init stuff without having an actual QCoreApplication, so doesn't help much12:44
karnipersonally, I think it's a wrong decision. but I have nothing to say about this professionally.12:44
Saviqkarni, file a bug, this behavior might not be wanted any more12:45
mhr3Saviq, i did it without upstart12:45
Saviqkarni, a *lot* has changed12:45
Saviqmhr3, so no lifecycle management :?12:45
karniSaviq: ok12:45
Saviqmhr3, we really want all apps to be managed by upstart...12:45
mhr3Saviq, well... i did hook up closing, but if the app forked, noone would know :)12:45
Saviqmhr3, yeah12:45
mhr3Saviq, and i disagree, what upstart does to track forks is stupid12:46
mhr3and we'll get rid of upstart anyway12:46
CimiSaviq, volume keys in X are input events12:46
Cimithey come from kbd12:46
SaviqCimi, yes, I know, handled by the shell, not by no service12:47
Ciminot sure on phones12:47
SaviqCimi, read Shell.qml12:47
Cimibut i was concerned of power button12:47
Saviqmhr3, sure, but we'll replace it with logind or whatever session systemd, same thing - we need everything to under there12:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1312707 in Unity 8 "Dash should not reset when unfocused" [Undecided,New]12:48
mhr3Saviq, i need to dig into systemd, but i hope it does something more sophisticated than ptracing to track forks12:49
mhr3i think it uses cgroups12:49
mhr3which means you could add arbitrary process to it12:49
mhr3and therefore my zygote would work fine :)12:49
CimiSaviq, so let me add power button to shell's powerd plugin?12:50
Saviqmhr3, I'm sure it's possible to "inject" a process into a job12:50
mhr3Saviq, not with upstart currently, no12:50
Saviqmhr3, kk12:50
SaviqCimi, I don't think we should spend time on this task right now12:50
SaviqCimi, we need to clear up the whole powerd vs. unity8 story12:51
SaviqCimi, dednick, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1410-unity-ui-power btw12:51
CimiSaviq, I was assigned to boot down animation12:52
SaviqCimi, I understand, but I don't think this task was evaluated enough12:53
mhr3Saviq, anyway, next weekend i'll patch qt to be able to pre-init v4 ;) we'll see how that goes12:54
dednickstill can't find where the desktop power button is being caught. lightdm seems to be doing it's own thing with systemd, the same as the indicator-session is... unity7 guys probably have more info12:54
mhr3dednick, aren't those things handled by gsd?12:54
Saviqmhr3, you talked with mardy on that?12:54
Saviqmhr3, he did mention the MeeGo preloader a few times now12:55
mhr3mardy, input ^^?12:55
dednickmhr3: gsd? err, gnome-settings-daemon ?12:55
mhr3dednick, yea, seb128 might know12:56
Cimidefinitely not xevent12:56
CimiI ran xev12:56
Cimipressed power button12:57
* Cimi looks udev12:57
dednickwell, it's being processed by indicator-session action somehow...12:57
dednickbregma: ping12:57
dednickbregma: howdy. your team did the unity7 shutdown dialog right?12:58
bregmaor at least, one of them12:58
dednickbregma: you know where the power key event comes from?12:58
dednickas in, how does it get to indicator-session12:59
bregmaisn't that a logind thing?  I really don;t know for sure, it's a maze of twisty little passages, all different12:59
bregmait could also be gnome-session-daemon, it does things like taht13:00
seb128unity-settings-daemon does it13:01
Saviqdednick, there's gnome.SessionManager with some methods like that13:01
dednickseb128: thanks13:01
seb128logind handles the power button to shutdown the system13:01
seb128but the session puts an inhibitor and react to the action by showing a dialog13:01
seb128dednick, what are you trying to do?13:01
dednickseb128: just trying to get a handle on how the desktop handles shutdown vs phone.13:02
bregmaI think there needs to be a breakout session on that in Malta13:02
Saviqand the whole desktop vs. phone session handling13:03
seb128dednick, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-settings-daemon-team/unity-settings-daemon/trunk/view/head:/plugins/media-keys/gsd-media-keys-manager.c#L250513:03
Saviqbregma, you're there second week I hope?13:03
seb128Saviq, dednick, bregma: let's wait to have systemd in the picture to do session handling, no need to build more on upstart to replace that next cycle13:03
Saviqseb128, well, we need something working for this cycle ;)13:04
Saviqactually, for the last cycle!13:04
seb128dednick, in unity8 it's likely mir that should grab for those keys and call the handlers13:04
seb128Saviq, we have something working?13:04
mhr3don't turn mir into gsd :P13:04
Saviqseb128, shell, that si13:05
Saviqmhr3, ↑13:05
Saviqnot mir itself13:05
bregmaI get the feeling mir is replacing more than X, it's replacing systemd too?13:05
seb128Saviq, mir/shell are the same thing to me :p13:05
Saviqseb128, well, they're not ;)13:05
Cimicool guys13:05
Saviqseb128, what we have working is powerd shutting down after 5s or so13:05
seb128well, key grabbing is not going to be done by some 3rd party daemon13:05
Saviqseb128, but no way to show shutdown dialog et al13:05
* bregma is going to start a rumour that Canonical wants to replace systemd with mir13:05
CimiSaviq, 213:05
CimiI think13:05
SaviqCimi, 2? feel short13:05
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|bbl
seb128Saviq, I was speaking about https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-session/lp-1296814-logout-using-unity-session/+merge/21548713:06
CimiSaviq, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/powerd/trunk/view/head:/src/powerd.cpp#L6113:06
Saviqseb128, well, yeah, that's short-term13:06
Saviqseb128, so that you can logout at all from unity8 preview13:06
seb128Saviq, k13:06
seb128but yeah, agree, that needs discussions13:07
seb128it's all work for you guys at the end13:07
seb128unity8 should do the grabbing13:07
seb128Saviq, dednick, bregma: in fact the way keybindings work in trusty (iirc) is that the compiz grabs the keys and calls dbus methods, the actions are done by u-s-d13:08
seb128we did that the same way GNOME did with gnome-shell13:08
seb128it means g-s-d/u-s-d stop using xorg13:08
seb128they just provide dbus interfaces13:08
seb128the grabbing/callback being done by the shell13:08
mhr3oh yea, we really have unity-settings-daemon now13:09
mhr3when did that happen? :)13:09
seb128mhr3, this cycle, we also have unity-control-center13:10
mhr3seb128, fwiw me not noticing is a hat off to your work ;)13:10
seb128mhr3, ;-)13:10
dednickok, well now that my head is sufficiently exploded. i shall get back to some real work13:12
bregmaso, in Unity 7, compiz grabs the shutdown key, sends it to u-s-d, which calls indicator-session, which sends to Unity (in compiz), which puts up a dialog, eventually returning the result to indicator-session, which then tells u-s-d to tell logind to shut down?13:14
bregmais there an autopilot test for that?13:14
seb128bregma, I'm not sure about the compiz->shutdown part, I don't think it gets back through u-s-d13:15
seb128u-s-d is what receives the dbus call from compiz and call the action13:15
seb128but the action then is directly going to the gnome-session dbus api (I think)13:15
dednicki vote for the unity8 -> logind option!13:15
seb128which calls logind13:15
dednick2 steps... easy peazy13:15
mardymhr3: hi! https://gitorious.org/meegotouch/meegotouch-applauncherd/source/8bbf9aea2586015eb7cdaa7f2d42b4f821b787cf:README13:16
seb128dednick, that's basically what we have today13:16
seb128dednick, you need steps in between because you need the session to be able to block logout if there is unsaved work13:16
dednickseb128: actually, today we have 1 step on phone i thin. powerd = god13:16
mardymhr3: that was very smart, you could pre-init lots of different stuff very easily13:16
seb128dednick, right, which means "if you have unsaved work, sucks to be you"13:16
dednickseb128: yep :)13:16
dednickseb128: your fault for pressing power button!13:17
bregmadednick, I am thankful for that, since the power button tends to be the way to swicth apps much of the time13:17
mhr3mardy, yea, so i implemented something similar13:19
mhr3mardy, i was focusing on qml, but pre-initing enough of qt is an issue13:19
mhr3mardy, basically you need qapplication for everything and you can't pre-init qapplication13:20
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mardymhr3: I got disconnected, I don't know what messages of mine went through, so I'll re-paste them:13:26
mardy16:19 < mardy> mhr3: cool! BTW, also sailfish OS has something similar, let me find it...13:27
mardy16:22 < mardy> mhr3: https://github.com/nemomobile/mapplauncherd and https://github.com/nemomobile/mapplauncherd-booster-qtcomponents13:27
mardy16:23 < mardy> mhr3: the latter is a booster they use to preinitialize all the QML components of their toolkit13:27
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mhr3mardy, hm, that is indeed interesting13:36
paulliutsdgeos: hi. Your comment about the zooming doesn't work. Does it not zooming at all?14:00
paulliutsdgeos: I have the zooming worked. But it is a bit strange on central points so I'm debugging it right now.14:01
tsdgeospaulliu: it did weird things14:02
tsdgeosmainly moving the image around14:02
tsdgeosmaybe some zooming happened too14:02
tsdgeosbut it was very easy to end up with the image not even visible14:02
paulliutsdgeos: ok. Let me fix it a bit.14:03
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kgunnbregma: do we need to have some sync time with dandrader|bbl today on bug 130770114:45
ubot5bug 1307701 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity does not get touch events when QML apps running" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130770114:45
kgunnso you can leave and enjoy time off14:46
bregmakgunn, yes sir14:49
paulliutsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/zoomImage/+merge/20794114:51
paulliutsdgeos: pushed. Should work now.14:51
tsdgeospaulliu: cool14:51
sil2100Trevinho: hello!15:27
sil2100Trevinho: are you around? I would have some questions regarding the locally integrated menus, and I think you were working on those?15:28
sil2100bregma: who would be the best person to ask about the local menus right now?15:29
bregmasil2100, Trevinho except he's off today15:30
sil2100bregma: thanks :)15:30
Cimisil2100, it's national holiday in italy, I hope he is not around :)15:33
kgunnjust clear up any confusion...not a holiday in the US15:36
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dandraderbregma, I'm back16:19
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mterrykgunn: can you do me a favor and update silo 002?  I want to add lp:~mterry/lightdm/resettable to it (and once that is built, rebuild unity8)17:58
kgunnmterry: ack17:59
mterrykgunn, this will get us instant lockscreen!  (a couple small visual oddities right now, but those should go away with nonblocking Mir)17:59
kgunnmterry: if you join #ubuntu-ci-choo-choo i added your name to get pung by the bot18:09
mterrykgunn, marked as auto-join now18:09
kgunnit'll ping all 3 of us...18:09
kgunni gotta go dark for a bit...saga of replacing the smashed window continues18:10
kgunnbut i'll be off and on until ~4pm...then i get to go see Carmack talk18:10
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