
Kiloshi jabberwocky93  Spekko  and others05:48
jabberwocky93more Kilos :)05:49
Spekkomore Kilos :D05:49
Private_Userhi Kilos05:51
Private_Userhi jabberwocky93 and Spekko05:51
Kiloshi Private_User  05:51
jabberwocky93hi Private_User05:52
jabberwocky93Maaz: coffee on (for Spekko)05:52
Maazjabberwocky93: Huh?05:52
jabberwocky93Maaz: coffee on05:52
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:52
MaazCoffee's ready for jabberwocky93!05:56
Kiloshello kbmonkey  05:58
Kilosmeet on for tuesday night05:59
jabberwocky93thank you Maaz06:26
plustwohi everyone06:26
plustwohi oom06:27
jabberwocky93hi plustwo06:27
Private_Userhi plustwo06:27
plustwochilli morning06:27
Private_Userdepending where you are...06:28
jabberwocky93This is how I felt last week using actionscript for the first time http://web.archive.org/web/20140316010648/http://imgur.com/irMt5wN06:28
Private_Userok cause I am in dbn so not so chilli here :)06:29
Private_Userbut I feel your pain in pta used to live and work around there06:29
Kiloseverytime i try this link modem disconnects07:03
Kiloshi Xethron  07:17
XethronMorning Kilos07:31
Kiloshi Golynx  07:34
Golynxhi Kilos07:34
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  07:45
Kiloshi charl_  08:16
charl_hi Kilos 08:17
charl_how's it going08:17
Golynxhi charl_08:22
charl_hi Golynx 09:00
charl_Maaz: coffee on09:00
* Maaz washes some mugs09:00
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!09:04
charl_Maaz: thanks09:05
Maazcharl_: Sure09:05
charl_i'll let the dirty cups slide....09:05
Kilosinetpro  tweet and g+ please12:51
Kiloshi superfly  13:01
Kiloscant member if i greeted you morning time13:01
Kilosgoogle how to set deafault browser in kubuntu 14.0413:52
=== Rynofear is now known as Rynomster
* Kilos waves to not_found16:17
not_foundhi uncle Kilos, how are you?16:19
Kilosstill got the flu but ok ty just very cold16:19
Kiloswe hitting 4's again16:19
Kiloshow sbe you?16:20
not_found:( bad time of year for flu... hope you get better soon!16:20
not_foundfine thanks :)16:20
Kiloshad it over a month now. cant understand it16:21
Kilosvery weird16:21
Kiloswe meeting tuesday night hey16:21
not_foundI should be off so I can attend :)16:24
Kilosdunno what we gonna talk about. havent checked the agenda 16:24
not_foundwell I hope the latest LTS release features as a topic16:26
Kiloswell it must. why not add your ideas to the agenda16:28
=== not_found is now known as caboose888
=== caboose888 is now known as fourohfour
=== fourohfour is now known as sneezy
=== sneezy is now known as not_found
Kiloslol not_found  whats with the nicks18:00
Kiloshi Private_User  charl_  18:05
not_foundjust having some fun in another channel18:06
* not_found will be back18:06
charl_hi Kilos 18:07
charl_hi not18:07
charl_oh he quit already :)18:07
Private_Userhi Kilos, sorry was asleep, wanna use the nite data again18:30
Private_Userhi charl_18:30
Kilosnp Private_User  18:30
Kilosmine is nearly finished so i can sleep again18:30
Private_Usermight as well use it all since a new month will begin soon18:32
Private_Userunless it carries o0ver18:32
Kilosmine only expires end of next month18:42
Kilosblew my data away this month18:42
Kilosbut got 14.04 in 64 and 32bit18:43
Kilosand my sharks are losing18:44
Kilosnaand inetpro  19:08
Kiloskannie glo nie19:08
Kilostop span in die log verloor 34/18 teen die in 8ste plek19:09
Kilosbut still in top place19:09
Kilosyou didnt tweet and g+ inetpro  19:10
Kiloshaha naas botha say nou praat ek sommer afrikaans my engels is op19:10
inetproanother rough day in paradise19:11
Kilosbefore the game the whole commentator team said sharks will win19:11
Kilosparadise are those cubes you roll and hope for the best19:12
Kilosoh i wanna ask one of you clever okes something19:15
* inetpro busy updating the agenda before tweeting19:15
Kilosif i k3b an iso to dvd can i still add other software in the free space19:15
inetprostill hate the terrible slowness of the loco site19:16
Kilosor is it a whole dvd lock thing19:16
Kilosfix it man19:16
inetproKilos: depends19:16
Kilosor jump on someone19:16
Kilosdepends on what?19:16
inetproKilos: google it19:18
Kilossis went shopping and could only get rw dvds19:18
KilosR7 each19:18
Kilosso want to make one if possible to send to gotango19:18
Kilosthey say school kids have taken all cds and dvds for tasks19:19
Kilosthe other software is unrelated to the iso19:21
Kilosi want to send him win7 and software for ubuntu19:21
Kilosused night surfer to get him stuff19:22
Kilosotherwise i must just copy the iso and the software to the dvd and he can make a boot cd19:27
inetprodone eventually19:30
inetproKilos: did kbmonkey reply?19:30
Kilosya said he would be here19:30
Kilosi gotta mail the list too i think so nuvo and maia see its meet time19:31
inetproplease do that19:31
Kiloswill do19:32
inetprolooks google+ is taking strain these days19:37
inetpro===There was a problem loading the stream. Please try again.===19:38
Kilosoh my19:38
* inetpro struggling to load the event19:38
not_foundnot notives19:38
Kilostoo many peeps put videos there19:38
Kilosdata just runs when i go there19:38
inetprowill have to try later19:39
Kilosits past your bedtime already man19:39
Kilosyou can do it in the morning19:39
inetproalso looks like there's a bit of a shakeup happening at google at the moment19:41
* Kilos goes to bed. everything working here so can rest in peace19:41
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:42
not_foundg night19:42
inetproGoogle’s Vic Gundotra announced that he would be leaving the company after eight years19:42
inetprogood night Kilos19:42
superflyinetpro: nothing out of the ordinary20:22
inetprogood evening superfly20:22
inetprosuperfly: nothing out of the ordinary?20:23
superflyinetpro: staff "shakeup" at Google20:23
superflyinetpro: don't read tech crunch, or anyone who regurgitates their "news"20:24
superflyinetpro: it's hardly journalism20:24
* inetpro read that20:27
inetproafter posting the above20:28
=== Rynofear is now known as Rynomster
=== not_found is now known as caboose888
=== caboose888 is now known as Canukian8
=== Canukian8 is now known as caboose888
=== caboose888 is now known as not_found

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