
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
pmjdebruijnhi folks17:51
pmjdebruijnhttps://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/what-about-my-files/ that says there will be an ability to download a .zip file, but I can't find it anywhere?17:53
pmjdebruijnany hints?17:53
dobeyit's not up yet17:53
dobeyit will be there soon17:53
pmjdebruijnok great17:54
pmjdebruijnI guess I'll be patient then :)17:55
pmjdebruijnpresumably if there are some canonical folks in here...18:24
pmjdebruijnthanks for years of service18:24
dobeyyou're welcome :)18:27
pmjdebruijnand slightly offtopic, thanks for 14.04, it's an awesome release18:29
dobeyindeed it is :)18:34

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