[00:04] bugfix included :) [00:21] i'm off not [00:21] *now [00:22] i will be back on saturday night, no internets for me tomorrow :) [00:22] have fun! [00:28] see you knome [00:57] Logan_: Here, bored, and ready to break utopic? [01:37] Unit193: always! [01:38] Unit193: but later - I'm working on an NLP project at the moment [01:38] Logan_: I have a dsc, debdiff, and lp branch ready for an irker merge, want to upload? (Err, this isn't Xubuntu...) [01:38] Logan_: Ah, cool. Have fun? :P [01:39] lol [01:50] :) [01:52] bluesabre: Got to give them options! :P [01:52] of course [01:52] then they can't ignore you :> [01:53] Meh, it's not high priority IMO, so he can ignore all he wants. [03:21] Unit193: I'm back [03:21] Do well? [03:22] yeah, my group is making pretty good progress [03:22] we're number two on the leaderboard for sentiment predictions :P [03:22] but I won't bore you with that [03:23] Yes, don't bore me with sentiment! :P [03:23] https://sigma.unit193.net/source/irker.debdiff <<< That's to the Debian package, or https://sigma.unit193.net/source/irker_2.7+dfsg-1ubuntu1.dsc if you prefer. [03:23] also, I just discovered that I'm the 14th overall top contributor to Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors [03:23] I don't know if I should be concerned or not [03:24] Depends if you push a load of crap in. ;) [03:24] Hah, of course Pitti would be on top [03:25] (I'm more happy not being in that list, honestly.) [03:26] hmm, aren't we going to have systemd in utopia? [03:26] er [03:27] utopic [03:28] As an option, yes. Want to leave it in then? It won't build now, and I was kind of thinking trusty at the time (wasn't updated for trusty at all, poor package.) [03:29] hmm, maybe let's wait a bit on this, then [03:29] updating now would be somewhat silly, given the circumstances (the archive is not really open, and we will have systemd shortly) [03:29] Righty-o. I'll find somehting else for you. [03:30] although the archive being in limbo has not stopped me from uploading stuff, of course :P [03:31] I don't think I have any other updates that don't deserv only talked about in -ot, so there we go. [03:34] Logan_: Just wondering here, but Ubuntu have the same stance on waf? [03:35] we're definitely not as strict about it as Debian is [03:35] like, Debian prohibits uploading of packages with waf binaries, and I don't think we do [03:36] but the stance is probably the same (they should be unpacked) [03:37] Hmm.. I've been using thunar-dropbox-plugin since quantal, and I think the main thing holding it back might be waf, IIRC. [03:37] Anyway, I think I'll leave you alone now. :) [03:37] lol, I don't mind talking :P [03:38] I do have better things to do, but I don't care to do them [03:38] A+ student right here :P [03:38] Remember, I'm the crazy one that tends to create his own repository, so I try to limit that talk in here and only do as requested. [03:39] Had a friend like that, terrible work ethic, but A+ unless he forgot to turn in his work. [03:52] Logan_: OK, one last dumb one. Chance screen will get sync'd from exp? (Dangit I need an offtopic channel to bother you in...) [03:52] ##logan works [03:52] or you can PM me :P [07:26] craaap, small bug in our icons :'( [07:29] oops [07:34] fixed in git. phew. [09:02] hi all [09:06] hi [09:24] ochosi, have you tried that mod for the taskbar plugin? [09:34] haven't had time yet [10:58] elfy: bug 1312641 [10:58] bug 1312641 in thunar-volman (Ubuntu) "Removable drives and media do not automatically mounted at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1312641 [10:58] you should be able to confirm this [10:59] but it might be the expected behavior [11:42] brainwash, I don't know if it's the same issue but I can confirm that if you connect a second hdd that wasn't there when you installed xubuntu, the device is not auto-mounted, but on the desktop you will see the icon to mount it [11:42] I had to mod the fstab to mount it permanently at each boot [11:43] from a linux administrator point of view, I think this is the right behaviour, because it's the administrator that should choice what and where mount something at the boot [11:43] but from a simple user perspective, it could be perceived as a bug [11:45] right, it's not clear how to handle this [11:46] I think the best thing would be to let the user (with administrative privileges) choose what do when the system detects a change in the devices, and then don't bother him anymore [11:46] maybe someone could check what gnome/unity does [11:47] something like: "Detected a new device connected to your PC. Do you want to mount it permanently at each boot? YES/NO" [11:47] it would be nice, but maybe I'm asking too much... [11:47] mmh, not sure about that [11:48] keep it simple [11:48] of course, I'm talking about devices connected directly to the motherboard [11:48] so not removable devices? [11:49] usually you don't want to permanently connect a removible device like a pendrive [11:49] but each user has its own needs... [11:50] the important thing is that auto mounting works better now in 14.04 [11:51] I don't know, being that xubuntu 14.04 it's my first try in xubuntu world. :) [11:55] I think that now, if you insert a pendrive, this will be automounted and a thunar window will open [11:56] I like this [11:56] but what happens if you insert a pendrive and then reboot? [12:00] yes, this is the scenario we are trying to understand :) [12:01] but the current behavior should be the expected one (no auto mount on boot/reboot) [12:30] knome: we could add some captions to the images in the screenshot page [12:32] and centering them instead of left-aligning could be nice, too [12:54] ochosi: I'm itching to get the QA recap blog post out - is the lightlocker one going to be long ? [13:53] Hello [13:54] I've noticed one thing about Xubuntu 14.04 & my Panasonic CF-29 Toughbook: When I close the lid, the screen won't come back on after opening the lid. [13:59] Travis, a very usual bug im afraid [14:00] Travis, bug #1303736 [14:00] bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1303736 [14:01] ok, so no closing the lid unless I shut it down, I guess. [14:03] Travis, can we move this to #xubuntu , where you can get proper support [14:03] aye === [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic [17:53] brainwash: as expected - a usb plugged into machine when it boots is not mounted - never seen it do anything different, though that's not to say it's the 'expected' behaviour - what that is I don't know [17:54] elfy: thanks for confirming this :) [18:39] re my question in #xubuntu... on 14.04 wake up seems to be equivalent to inserting SD card. So every time I wake up my laptop I get a brand new thunar window showing the contents of SD card inserted into a slot. [18:50] xu wake up has more nasty side effects. xmbc turns into a black screen. wm could be causing trouble. === [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic [21:49] Noskcaj: Finally looked at the python problem, wasn't incompatible icu like you thought, https://github.com/bear/parsedatetime/commit/51d47dd57a8ac78208aa69015d7e13bdf1bd3574 [21:49] * Unit193 wonders if he should fix locally or try to fix for "others." === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [23:37] knome: is there progress on making the website localizable?