
schrebera bug is one thing, this appears to be functionality more than anything else.00:01
knomei'm not sure what your issue is00:02
chrispage1980hello, howto disable guest in 14.04 please?00:19
Unit193chrispage1980: echo -e '[SeatDefaults]\nallow-guest=false' | sudo tee /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-noguest.conf00:46
chrispage1980when I have changed other lightdm.conf files it doesn't take because of Account services.00:49
chrispage1980_it work for me ty Unit00:57
mikeche1enhi, i have a problem where the system goes into standby when the laptop lid is closde01:24
harry_ctime to dual boot trusty with windows 8 in legacy bios!01:56
harry_cany protips?01:56
harry_clol ok guess not01:58
harry_cstay cool guys, peace01:58
endoIs there any application like Windows 7's sticky notes available that integrates well with xfce/gtk?02:38
endoMBR for the next five years will smooth things over02:38
cyborgcygnusSo I see light locker still locks the pc even when watching videos or listening to music02:54
holsteinendo: plenty of notepads and sticky notes.. try one03:01
flound1129hi, after updating to 14.04, my xubuntu immediately reboots right after the X login pops up..  Anyone know if this is a known issue?03:02
holsteinflound1129: its not03:02
holsteinflound1129: you could be saying, you put your user password in, and you loop back to the login screen?03:03
flound1129nope..  It displays the login screen for about 5 seconds, then BIOS03:03
flound1129like someone hit the reset button03:03
holsteini would test my hardware in that scneario03:04
flound1129recovery mode isn't doing it.. I was able to run a dist-upgrade from there03:04
flound1129trying to reboot now to see if that fixed it03:04
holsteini would try fsck from recovery mode.. i would try booting older kernels.. test hard drive, and memory03:04
flound1129yep thx03:04
endoholstein: My head hearts and I haven't been happy in years03:51
holsteinendo: ? try using the #xubuntu-offtopic channel03:51
endoholstein: sorry03:57
holsteinendo: no need to be sorry.. just use the support channels for support and the offtopic channels for chat03:58
endoholstein: err, sorry04:01
oneof3hello. When i press the sound icon and select "sound settings" nothing opens04:13
endoWhen I put my computer to sleep it locks my screen. When it wakes up it shows the unlock screen just fine, but when I type in my password and click "unlock" (or press enter, same thing), it blanks the screen as if loading the desktop, but then halts and just displays a blank screen.04:45
endoWhat logfile should I consult? How should I look at them (grep, less, tail, head?)04:47
oneof3i am still waiting for some tech help to :)04:48
oneof3been 20 mins, so hang around im sure someone will help04:48
oneof3try the normal Ubntu wrong perhaps, thats always busy04:53
endoThis only happens on battery. I can disable sleep.04:55
oneof3you could check the Xubuntu known bugs to04:55
oneof3praying is last resort but be sure to pick the right deity04:56
endoI'm too lazy04:56
oneof3i hear that04:56
endoeven to pray04:56
oneof3i smoke too much weed anyway04:56
endoi nstalled xubuntu b/c i am lazy04:56
oneof3try sudo upgrade?04:56
oneof3sudo update04:56
endoi am on 14.04 with latest updates04:57
endoI'm not sure if my machine is suspending then resuming04:59
endomy options show that it simply locks the screen when the lid is closed while on battery power, and that is my situation04:59
endoI am able to unlock the screen but it does not return to the desktop - or maybe it does, but I cannot tell because the screen is blank. It is not a monitor-disabled blank, but an Xorg blank where it is illuminated, running, but all black.05:00
oneof3no idea05:01
oneof3im a noob05:01
mikeche1enendo: its a known bug05:01
endooh great05:02
endomikeche1en: was it in the release notes I didn't read?05:02
mikeche1enendo: yup, there are some workarounds05:02
endohow could you do this to us mikeche1en05:02
endorelease a broken desktop linux05:02
endookay which one:05:03
endoDue to the switch from xscreensaver to light-locker, some users might have issues with timing of locking; removing xscreensaver from the system should fix these problems05:03
endoXfce4 Power Manager does not restore screen power (1259339), see the release notes for details and workarounds05:03
mikeche1en2nd one i think05:04
mikeche1enit occurs after unlocking right05:04
endosudo service lightdm restart05:04
endoxrandr -- auto05:05
mikeche1enyeah see if that works05:06
endoI did the blind typing05:06
mikeche1enis worked?05:06
mikeche1enyeah i had that problem05:07
mikeche1enlook at the last comment in the bug topic05:07
endoswitching to a vterm then back to x makes it ocme back05:07
endowell at least there is that05:09
mikeche1enyeah its kind of annoying but at least it works05:10
oneof3mikeche1en, think you can help me when done?05:10
mikeche1en!repeat | oneof305:10
ubottuoneof3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:10
oneof3ok ty05:10
mikeche1enendo's issue happened to me too so thats why i knew the answers :)05:11
oneof3i understand05:11
oneof3prob has to do with pointing the app to it. i know it works on xubuntu not xfce. same for other xfce settings05:13
oneof3i had to train it05:13
endof.lux doesn'05:14
endot work05:14
endonow my sleep is off05:14
oneof3installed xfce4-mixer and it worked05:16
oneof3ty for links, mikeche1en05:17
Unit193endo: Please remember to keep it family friendly.05:17
espagnolbuenos dias a todos05:19
espagnolestoy intentando instalar SyncDrive pero en 14.04 tengo problemas con las dependencias05:19
Unit193!es | espagnol05:20
ubottuespagnol: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:20
espagnolexcuse me!, i have like 3 channels and everyone has a different lenguage05:22
espagnoli'm having a little trouble installing SyncDrive. Has anyone installed already in Trusty?05:23
espagnolsyncdrive depends on libboost-filesystem1.49.0 (>= 1.49.0-1); however: Package libboost-filesystem1.49.0 is not installed.05:27
espagnolcan i install that package?05:27
Unit193!info libboost-filesystem1.49.005:32
ubottuPackage libboost-filesystem1.49.0 does not exist in trusty05:32
Unit193Doesn't look like it.05:32
espagnolaah ok.05:35
espagnoldo you know another way to make Google Drive work under Ubuntu?05:35
Unit193It has a newer version, libboost-filesystem1.54.0 or libboost-filesystem1.55.005:36
Artemis3sudo apt-get install grive ?05:37
Artemis3it always amazes me how people use the most obfuscated methods to install stuff :P05:39
Unit193!info grive05:39
ubottugrive (source: grive): Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.0-1.1 (trusty), package size 147 kB, installed size 535 kB05:39
Artemis3seriously it took me like 10 secs to google that :305:39
espagnolwow!, that snail is fast!05:42
espagnoli know gdrive. I just wanted to have more integration with my desktop.05:45
Artemis3and your desktop is xfce?05:46
espagnoli dont want use terminal to update gdrive05:46
Artemis3espagnol, syncdrive is dead, you have to use grive-tools now: http://www.noobslab.com/2014/02/unofficial-google-drive-grive-tools.html05:55
espagnolthanks for the help.05:55
p1rohey guys, i keep having this problem, every few among of time/use xubuntu get really slow, like run out of memory or something like that, its hard to even open a tab on chrome or even terminal. if i restart everything start working fine.06:05
bazhanghow much ram p1ro06:06
bazhangthats not much06:06
p1ronot really much but it should run normal06:06
bazhangnot really06:07
p1rohow i can check how much free memory i had06:07
bazhangwhat else are you doing, how many tabs06:07
p1ro5-6 normally06:07
Unit193I have it with 1G, FF has problems after a while so I tend to limit myself to xombrero on that computer.06:07
bazhangtype top in the terminal to see what's using it06:08
p1roxombero ?06:08
bazhang!info xombero06:08
ubottuPackage xombero does not exist in trusty06:08
Unit193bazhang: It doesn't exist anyway.06:08
bazhang!info xombrero06:08
ubottuPackage xombrero does not exist in trusty06:08
bazhangUnit193, my bad06:09
Unit193Nah, couldn't know.06:09
p1ro%Cpu(s):  5,3 us, 16,0 sy, 48,2 ni, 10,8 id, 18,3 wa,  0,0 hi,  1,3 si,  0,0 st06:09
p1roKiB Mem:   1284400 total,   876200 used,   408200 free,    27576 buffers06:09
p1roKiB Swap:  1306620 total,   201480 used,  1105140 free.   393156 cached Mem06:09
p1royes chrome using most06:09
Unit193So a good idea would be to use a lighter browser or add more RAM.06:10
p1roumm what else is around that worth ?06:10
p1roxombero ?06:11
Unit193Midori, dwb, or maybe another.06:11
p1rois there any services that i could stop or prevent for loading that helps ?06:12
p1roi want to keep using chrome or ff06:12
xubuntu295what is the lighter browser? any exanples?06:15
p1roxubuntu295, Unit193 just say, Midori, dwb...06:15
Unit193uzbl, "hv3" are a couple more, but I don't think you'll be able to do what you want.  You can turn off the sandbox that chromium uses, to try and help limit the resources, but that may not work well.06:17
p1rowell ill try to limit myself to 2-3 tabs max till ill can buy more ram06:20
p1robtw im on 32bits im limit 2gs of ram right ? or there is a way to add more ram ?06:21
Unit193More like 4, and PAE allows you to use more than that even, so it's more how much your board supports.06:21
p1roahh nice06:21
p1rowell this pc is kinda old06:22
p1rocore duo06:22
Artemis3bazhang, i believe there is a ppa for xombrero06:22
p1roand well is not that i can afford buyinbg much ram06:22
bazhangArtemis3, ah thanks06:23
Artemis3bazhang, https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/xombrero06:24
bazhangappreciate it06:26
espagnoldoes anyone could install adobe air on trusty?06:32
Unit193Artemis3: Oh come on. :P06:33
baizonespagnol: is there a problem?06:33
espagnoli have 64 bits, and it seems that i need 32 libs and then link them toghether06:34
baizonespagnol: yes you do06:34
espagnolis the tutorial in the link correct?06:34
baizonespagnol: almost06:35
baizonif you have x64 the libgnome keying is in a different directory06:35
Artemis3Unit193, you are a good service for the community :306:35
espagnoli installed sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb with no problem. but then, when i try the second command it says06:35
espagnolE: No se ha podido localizar el paquete libhal-storage106:35
baizonespagnol: try this http://www.enqlu.com/2014/03/how-to-install-adobe-air-on-ubuntu-12-0413-0413-10-or-linux-mint-131516.html06:36
espagnolcouldt find the package libhal-storage106:36
espagnoli followed that tutorial also06:38
espagnolbut after sudo ./Adobe* i get: (setup:11525): Gtk-WARNING **: Imposible encontrar el motor de temas en la ruta al _modulo: «murrine»,  (setup:11525): Gtk-WARNING **: Imposible encontrar el motor de temas en la ruta al _modulo: «pixmap»,06:38
espagnolthe translation will be something like Unable to find the theme motor in the module path: <<murrine>>06:39
p1roUnit193, you still around ? this could help: http://daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=12306:43
espagnolat the same time it opens a windows that says: Running 32-bit AIR 2.6 on 64-bit system has not been fully tested. However, 32-bit AIR is expected to run on 64-bits systems if they have the required 32-bits libraries and packages installed.06:43
dadahello hello07:27
dadaI just upgraded to 14.04, and the icons on my applications menu are back to small07:27
p1romake it bigger :p07:28
dadaon 13.10, I added the property IconSize to ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml07:28
dadawhich doesn't seem to work anymore...07:28
dadap1ro: how? :-)07:28
p1rolook in settings07:29
dadap1ro: can't find anything... I can modify the menu, the panel preferences, but not change the icon size07:30
p1rotheme settngs07:33
p1rosomehting like that07:33
p1roill try to find in a bit07:33
dadap1ro: thanks07:33
p1rocant open much stuff here or this will get back o ntime 10 years and slooow07:34
zak_Hi, Ive discovered that the default terminal emulator in 14.04 uses the wrong keyboard setup07:47
zak_Hmm, not just terminal emulation but apparently all x apps07:49
p1rodada,  you there07:50
p1rodada check settings desktop07:50
p1ro3rd tab is icons07:50
dadayes, and it says "Icon Size: 32"07:51
dadathis is just for the icons on the desktop07:51
dadaI want to change the icons in the Applications Menu (eg. in the Panel)07:51
dadaAFAIK, it can only be done editing the gtk configuration files07:53
dadawhat I have, and it worked on 13.10, is:07:53
dada<property name="IconSizes" type="string" value="gtk-menu=24,24:gtk-button=24,24:panel-applications-menu=32,32:panel-directory-menu=32,32"/>07:53
dadabut 14.04 doesn't seem to use it07:54
p1rodada did you check this: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=657607:54
dadap1ro: that's exactly what I wrote above... :-)07:55
dadap1ro: I probably even got it from there07:55
p1rodada did you try with default fonts ?07:56
p1rodada, fotns and DPI could help07:57
p1roif not i dont really know what to suggest07:57
dadap1ro: nope, it changes only the font. icons stay the same size. but thanks anyway :-)07:58
p1rodada, http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=467607:58
p1rogtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-menu=24,24"07:59
dadap1ro: that was for xfce 4.4. I did the one below, for 4.6. now, there must be a different way for xfce 4.1008:01
p1rosorry im really new to xfce, last time i used it was 2007 if im not wrong08:02
p1ronow im just using what its come08:02
p1roand trying to make it lighter08:02
bazhanglxde is lighter08:05
bazhangie lubuntu08:05
p1rodidnt know that08:05
p1roi will try it08:05
bazhanglubuntu-desktop is the package08:05
bazhanginstall, log out, choose lxde, log in08:06
p1robazhang, thanks, downloading08:07
p1rowell sleep time :D have good night08:08
zak_Hi, I have some issues regarding keyboard setup on a fresh install of xubuntu 14.04 i38608:23
zak_While all locale settings seem to be correct, and the base system (when ctrl-alt-1) use the correct keyboard setup, everything in x is using a US keyboard setuo08:25
zak_locale is no_NB.UTF8, keyboard in X should be norwegian but is US08:27
zak_any hints?08:32
arebahi, anyone having trouble with compiz?09:11
ubottuareba: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:13
arebaInstalled 14:0409:17
arebathen did apt-get install xubuntu09:17
arebainstalled ok, restarted, shows blue login page (had autologin in) and then black screen.09:17
arebactrl alt del works, cursor moves, nothing else...09:17
arebaon an old DV600009:17
baizonareba: have you changed the session to xubuntu?09:22
arebayes, actually uninstalled first... (dumb)09:23
baizonif you uninstall ubuntu, and dont change the session to xubuntu it wont work09:25
arebawhen I restart, it shows it is logging into xubuntu, even shows the blue screen and rotating pix. I know at the black screen im in xubuntu, because when I do Ctrl Alt Del im on the tell tale manager09:30
arebaI have narrowed down to compiz, that seems to be whats messing up my resolution.09:30
Naphatulhas the bug where the display fails to start after logging in been fixed yet?10:16
brainwashyou mean after suspend via lid close?10:18
brainwashyou can track the status easily, just check bug 130373610:19
ubottubug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373610:19
james0r2yep i have the bug on both of my laptaps10:20
james0r2is it an issue with power-manager or light locker?10:20
brainwashwell, it works fine without light-locker10:21
james0r2same for me. i lock with xscreensaver now and have no issues10:23
brainwashdoes it work fine, if you kill xfce4-power-manager via "killall xfce4-power-manager" and then close the lid?10:24
brainwashlight-locker will listen to a signal and lock the screen automatically in this case10:25
t-touchjust installed fresh xubuntu 14.04 32-bit + updates, but every now and then screen freezes. This is a kind of old winxp computer fujitsu siemens amilo a1650g with Ati Radeon Xpress 200 drivers. Can't start Ctrl+Alt+F1 terminal session and nothing else10:27
james0r2i havn't tried that. was using xscreensaver on debian testing before i switched over so i knew it would do the trick.10:27
t-touchgot to press power button for few seconds and restart... does anyone know? Tested memtest86 last night 10 hours and all pass.10:28
brainwasht-touch: check /var/log/syslog10:28
brainwashmaybe you can find some system message related to the freeze10:29
brainwashcould be a gpu lockup10:29
brainwashor overheating10:29
t-touchcan't find anything what may cause from /var/log/syslog. yesterday i could watch almost 2 hours of flash-based volleyball game streamed from internet, and today it takes only 15mins to freeze10:34
brainwashpossibly a hardware failure10:35
james0r2sounds like hardware10:35
t-touchcould it be blueman-mechanism, those are last rows, is that something to do with bluetooth?10:36
brainwashisn't it an old desktop pc?10:38
brainwashcan you upload your syslog?10:38
ochosibrainwash, james0r2: actually that test would be very useful10:39
ochosijust to know whether disabling systemd-inhibition for xfpm would be a way to go10:39
t-touchi was just thinking that is there a bluetooth at all10:39
t-touchbrainwas: where i should upload syslog10:40
t-touchbrainwash: where i should upload syslog10:40
brainwashto a service like pastebin10:40
brainwashtry "cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit"10:41
t-touchok i did it manyally: http://pastebin.com/574sWcAQ10:43
=== newbie is now known as Guest6391
brainwashlooks like there is no useful hint at all10:47
t-touchno it freezes again, 13:47 at finnish time, so i look again after reboot, lucy i'm on different computer with this irc10:48
t-touchi was just scrolling with arrow keys down that pastebin website10:49
t-touchand freezes10:49
brainwashcould it be caused by the web browser?10:49
bastinenzHi everybody, I'm experiencing some problems in Xubuntu, some of them after I upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and one that popped up even before that and I'm trying to find out where to go for some help10:51
brainwasht-touch: I got no other ideas other than testing an older release of ubuntu (12.04 or 13.10) to confirm that it's an hardware issue10:51
t-touchbrainwash: ok, have to test thanks10:52
brainwashbastinenz: hey, I guess this is the right place to ask :)10:52
bastinenzthe first problem I have is pretty simple I think, my GTK theme broke after upgrading, presumably because there is a lot of new GTK3 stuff in 14.04 that wasn't present in 12.0410:52
brainwashyou have to make sure that your theme supports both gtk2 and gtk3 (current version)10:53
brainwashlike the pre-installed shimmer themes do10:54
bastinenzI found somewhat of an update for the theme that introduces some GTK3 functionality, but it doesn't quite look right and I'd like to customize it. Problem is that I don't know and couldn't find any info on what option in the settings does what10:54
bastinenzor even better, what setting to change to look a particular part of the theme10:55
brainwashdid you try to contact the theme creator?10:55
bastinenzlike, all of the items in my gtk3 menus have an ugly border around them10:55
bastinenzwhere in the settings can I change it to either not have any borders or have them transparent10:56
koegsbastinenz: it is not a matter of xubuntu-settings, it is a problem with the theme itself10:57
bastinenzI haven't tried contacting the creator yet, I thought it'd be better to just understand how this stuff works so I could better customize in the future as well...be more self-reliant and all that stuff10:57
bastinenzyeah, I get that, that's why I wasn't really expecting direct support from you guys but a friendly pointer to where I can learn more about GTK3 themes and how they work :)10:58
brainwashbastinenz: you could take a look at the default xubuntu theme (Greybird) located in /usr/share/themes11:00
brainwashand copy the relevant menu style settings11:00
bastinenzthat's probably a good idea, yeah. just out of curiosity though, who does in fact develop the default theme and how do they know how all that GTK3 jazz works?^^11:02
brainwashsee https://github.com/shimmerproject/11:03
brainwashirc channel #shimmer11:03
brainwashI guess it's try and error in some cases11:04
brainwashsomething breaks visually -> adjust values until it looks fine again :)11:04
bastinenzokay, thanks for that. Do you know if that also is the right place to look into modifying the gtk filechooser? I'm trying to change the icons of that one to the icon theme I use for the rest of my system and thunar11:05
brainwashit's using monochrome icons right now?11:06
brainwashor do you mean the file/folder icons?11:07
bastinenzIt's the Icons in the places-panel11:07
brainwashsadly no clue :(11:08
bastinenzand yeah, they are monocrhome white on dark background11:08
bastinenzk, thanks anyway11:08
bastinenzlast and most important problem is sound. This is something that happened before the upgrade to 14.04, I tried to get sound working in a later version of wine and one piece of advise was to update pulseaudio11:09
bastinenzbeen using the default pulseaudio before, version 1.111:09
bastinenzand used the ubuntu dev audio testing ppa to update to 1.211:10
bastinenzwhich worked to give me sound in wine11:10
bastinenzbut unfortunately my audio quality regressed massively11:10
bastinenzit's clipping all over the place11:10
bastinenzand it doesn't even seem to be directly related to pulseaudio, because deactivating it and using vanilla alsa instead doesn't improve quality at all11:11
bastinenzI already tried to roll back everything back in 12.04, forcing the original package version in synaptic11:12
bastinenzdidn't help either11:12
bastinenzhoped it would sort itself out with the upgrade11:12
bastinenzbut nope11:12
bastinenzso, now I'm trying to figure out what to try next and where to go for help11:13
bastinenzand not just the kind of help that says "well, wipe your system and do a fresh install", but maybe some folk who really know their audio and can provide more in depth support11:14
brainwashuhm, I suggest that you join #alsa and #pulseaudio and try asking the experts11:15
bastinenzk, thank you very much :)11:16
brainwashbastinenz: you should also read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems11:17
brainwashbut I'm not sure if it's really helpful11:18
=== romanov1 is now known as romanov_
bastinenzbrainwash: Hi, just letting you know that the GTK3 settings of greybird actually looked great out of the box together with the GTK2 settings of my preferred theme. Easiest fix ever! :D thank you very much again for your help^^11:49
=== deepspace is now known as Guest79637
Guest79637Hi have a little problem when watching video in youtube the screen saver enters on and dim's the video does caffeine works in  the new 14.04?11:51
LuyinGuest79637: why don't you just try it? for me caffeine never worked with xfce, but it might.11:53
Guest79637so is there any other solution?11:53
brainwashcheck settings manager > light locker settings11:54
brainwashand settings manager > power manager11:54
Guest79637I was looking for one click solution :P11:56
brainwashcaffeine has been built for 14.04, so it's worth a try11:59
Guest79637will that install a bunch of gnome lib's?12:01
* Brayden9707 is installing xubuntu as we speak12:05
Brayden9707sadly it took me forever and a day to figure out efi stuff12:06
Brayden9707well reboot time :D12:06
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
abhrawhile updating the repository (synaptic/apt-get), getting a BAD SIG error for trusty backport. but if i change the mirror to main server (settings->repository->Ubuntu software) from the local server, the bad sig error does not appear. why is it so? using xubuntu 14.0412:10
AritheanieHello, I'm preparing to try dual booting Xubuntu with Windows: previously I used Wubi, but am now ready to try doing it properly. My problem now is that I can't determine whether the laptop I'm planning to install Xubuntu to is in UEFI mode or not: Booting Windows 7 shows BIOS, but there's an EFI partition when I look in Disk Management. I've looked at msinfo32 as well as setupact.log and still can't be sure.12:15
AritheanieAny suggestions please?12:15
=== ikonia is now known as Guest8168
=== Guest8168 is now known as ikonia
cfhowlettTravis ask your xubuntu questions14:03
GridCubeTravis, you can edit the settings in the lightlocker setting, in the settings menu14:03
GridCubethere you can edit so it wont lock watsoever14:04
TravisYes, let me pull that up14:04
TravisI have it turned off, yet the screen is black after I open the lid to the laptop.14:04
GridCubeyou can also uninstall lightlocker and install xscreensaver, it would be a sad solution, reverting to the old state, but that should work as it did before14:04
GridCubeTravis, the last option on lightlocker says something about "locking enabled" or something like that, i cant rememebr what is says in english14:05
xubuntu389xscreensaver is my problem ... it asks a password ...after turning it off, the next session brings it back14:05
GridCubexscreensaver will always ask for password, in lightlocker you can set up to wake on open and never ask for password14:06
TravisMine won't, but the screen won't come back on, if I close the laptop.14:07
TravisI have to reboot for it to work,.14:07
GridCubeno, no, you dont need to reboot, just run xrandr -s yourscreenxresolution14:08
GridCubelike for example i have to do "xrandr -s 1024x600" in my netbook14:08
TravisIf I can't see the screen, then I have to reboot.14:09
GridCubei binded that to a key, like META-G, and if it doesnt turn the brightness back on14:09
GridCubethat resets it14:09
GridCubeTravis, you can also press meta-t, that open a terminal, and type the xrandr -s string14:09
TravisOk now that I on my tablet.14:11
Poisoned_DragonI had issues with light-locker myself. So, I pulled it in favor of gnome-screensaver. Seems to fly fine now.14:17
TravisI am still having my problem.14:17
TravisI have Xubuntu 14.04 on a Dell Inspiron 640m.  I am going to see if it has it on there, when I get home.14:17
TravisIf I don't, I may have a hardware issue.14:17
Poisoned_DragonWhat's going on, Travis?14:18
TravisIf I close the lid to my laptop & reopen it, it stays black.  I can't even get a login screen.14:19
Poisoned_DragonNot even a mouse cursor?14:19
Poisoned_Dragondoes the backlight stay off?14:19
GridCubeTravis, yes, its the issue i pointer earlier14:19
TravisI tried your suggestion, GridCube.  It didn't work for me.14:20
GridCubechecked to change lightlocker for xscreensaver or like Poisoned_Dragon says gnome-screensaver?14:20
Poisoned_DragonI also had to mess with my /etc/systemd/logind.conf file14:21
Poisoned_Dragonhad to insert the line: LidSwitchIgnoreInhibited=no14:21
Poisoned_DragonThat way, xfce-power-manager settings will be recognized for the lid switch.14:22
Poisoned_DragonI use a Dell Lat D620. I feel your pain.14:22
TravisI actually have this Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 dual booted with Windows 7.14:27
TravisI have a few radios that have windows-only software.14:28
TravisNow, I could use WINE instead of Windows :D14:28
xubuntu389i tried to install a radio but failed so far .. guess most of them are kaputt .. similar to what happens in the windows world .... ?14:30
dadahey, anybody know how to change the icon size in Applications Menu in xubuntu 14.04? the way it was done with 13.10 (setting <property name="IconSizes"> in xsettings.xml) doesn't seem to work anymore14:30
AritheanieAsked a question earlier but got no response: I'm planning to dualboot Xubuntu on my Asus EeePC VX6 with Windows 7 x86 already preinstalled. There's an EFI partition present according to Window's Disk Manager though booting seems to be using BIOS (I think). Safe to partition and dual boot as usual?14:35
Poisoned_Dragondada, the menu in 14.04 is the whisker menu plugin. If you right-click the menu button, you can go into properties and change it there.14:37
holsteinAritheanie: nothing about linux or xubuntu is making anything "unsafe"14:37
holstein!uefi > Aritheanie14:37
ubottuAritheanie, please see my private message14:37
holstein^ that might help14:37
dadaPoisoned_Dragon: nope14:38
dadaPoisoned_Dragon: you can change the icon for the menu itself, or edit the menu. but you can't change the size of the icons displayed next to menu items14:39
Poisoned_DragonItem icon size changes the icon size for list of apps on the left. Catagory icon changes the icon size for the icons listed next to the catagories, on the right.14:40
Poisoned_DragonIf you're trying to change more than that, I dunno what you're doing.14:41
dadaPoisoned_Dragon: uh? looks like I don't hae that settings...14:41
Poisoned_Dragondada, should look like this: http://snag.gy/lJj7M.jpg14:43
dadaPoisoned_Dragon: interesting... mine is called simply "Applications Menu"14:43
dadaprobably because I've upgraded it from 13.1014:44
Aritheanieholstein: thanks. Just to clarify: "if the other systems (Windows, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in Legacy (not-EFI) mode, then you must install Ubuntu in Legacy mode too. Eg if your computer is old (<2010), is 32bits, or was sold with a pre-installed Windows XP. " Does this mean that since my Win7 install was a 32 bit install, it's likely in Legacy mode?14:44
Poisoned_DragonOH!, So you're still using the original menu, dada. I see now.14:44
holsteinAritheanie: i would want to have backups, and confirm that before hitting "the button"14:45
holsteinAritheanie: i would likely start looking in the bios, then, the manufacturers documentation14:45
dadaPoisoned_Dragon: yep. and I just looked at the whisker menu, and still prefer the original one. a lot :-)14:45
Poisoned_DragonUsing whisker means I don't need launchers in my panel14:46
Poisoned_Dragonfavorites ftw.14:46
ratrekafter todays update xubuntu does not want to start. Probably bacause new kernel. Someone knows how to solve this ?14:49
ElderDryasI'm having a problem with 14.04, the Network Manager (I assume) and the hardware wifi switch on my Dell 1420 laptop.  On a boot, when the switch is OFF, 14.04 show about 75% of CPU being used (network manager).  The second I turn the hardware switch ON, the CPU usage drops to a more normal level.  If the switch is on when booting, CPU usage is normal, and turning if off has no effect on the CPU usage. This is new behavior with Xubuntu 14.04 (and14:49
ElderDryasno other distro)14:49
ElderDryasAnyone have any hints for me14:50
SunilJoshianybody used e4rat with Xubuntu14.04?15:26
loptaCan Xubuntu boot from software RAID-1?15:42
braddoroI am wanting to upgrade to xubuntu and I wanted to see if I am running a 33 or 64 but machine.  I ran lscpu and it says: Architecture:          i686, CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit.  does that mean I am 32 bit?15:45
loptaI'd be impressed if it were a 33-bit machine.15:49
lopta...or 36-bit, which I've at least seen.15:49
Meerkatlopta, yes, your CPU is 64-bit.15:49
loptaMeerkat: Mine is, yes.  I knew that though.15:50
Meerkatoops. braddoro your cpu is 64-bit.15:50
loptaIt's an Atom 33015:50
Meerkatlopta, all ubuntu variants can boot from raid-1. All linux distros can as well, I would think.15:50
loptaMeerkat: Is that difficult to set up?15:51
braddoroMeerkat, thank you15:53
loptabraddoro: How much RAM do you have?15:53
braddoroi think 815:54
loptaAh, you'll want 64-bit then.15:54
loptaUnless 32-bit does PAE15:54
loptaEven then, probably.15:56
loptabrb, coffee.15:56
loptaI should go and visit a customer.15:57
braddorolooks like I only have 4gb ram15:58
braddoroDDR2 ram15:59
braddoroStill go with 64 bit?15:59
loptabraddoro: You could go either way with 4G. I recently put 64-bit on my daughter's PC. Seemed to work well enough until I put the WiFi card in.16:00
holsteinbraddoro: if i have 4gb's of ram, and no requirements i feel i need 32bit for, i use 64bit16:00
lopta...but I think that's more down to the WiFi card.16:00
Meerkatbraddoro, yes. If you can use 64-bit then you should.16:00
braddoroexcellent.  that is what I was hoping for.  This box is kind of old but I was hoping it would hold together.16:01
loptaThat's good to know. I'll download 14.04 amd64 then.16:02
loptaBye all!16:02
braddoroThank you for the help.16:05
braddoroI am building my usb stick now and am going to shutdown and install the new HD.  See you soon.16:09
andrzejrGuys, after upgrading to 14.04 every time I wake up my laptop a new Thunar window pops up showing me the contents of the SD card sitting in the reader.16:36
Meerkatandrzejr, do you want that to stop happening?16:40
lazarcan someone help me, i want to setup ssh server on my machine but i can only connect to it via localhost but i want remote16:57
holstein!ssh | lazar16:58
ubottulazar: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:58
holsteinlazar: try pinging the machines.. make sure you have access through any firewalls..16:58
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/16:59
andrzejrMeerkat, yes. Are you trying to say that is a feature? ;-)17:04
Meerkatandrzejr, open a folder, go to the preferences under edit (or whatever is to the second option in the menu). Click configure removable devices link in the 'Advanced' tab. Uncheck any options about auto-mounting.17:07
asd_cuatroi have problem with cheese , i type "sudo apt-get install cheese" , and when i execute cheese, a new window is open but show nothing.17:07
asd_cuatro*nothing is displayed17:08
andrzejrMeerkat, thanks. "Browse removable media when inserted" was the culprit.17:11
andrzejrThis should not happen when waking up the laptop, though.17:13
Poisoned_Dragondoes it only happen with sd cards, or with any removable device, andrzejr?17:18
bekksandrzejr: Oh it should, since all devices connected must be checked for availability.17:20
lazartnx guys i did it with port forwarding17:27
asd_cuatromy problem is18:57
asd_cuatromy localhost does not showing any previous contents it has18:57
asd_cuatroyesterday i upgrade my xubuntu to 1418:58
asd_cuatroin the dir /etc/apache2/ there are 2 files apache2.conf and apache2.conf.dpkg-old19:00
asd_cuatroyou know what is the problem??19:02
brainwashmaybe lack of attention during the upgrade to 14.04?19:03
asd_cuatroduring the upgrade19:03
asd_cuatro"he" say something about the conf of apache219:04
brainwashand you decided to replace your current one with a new one19:04
asd_cuatrothis is a problem? :|19:05
asd_cuatroi want reinstall?19:05
asd_cuatro* i need reinstall?19:05
brainwashrename apache2.conf and use apache2.conf.dpkg-old19:05
asd_cuatroi'll try.19:06
brainwashor edit the new apache2.conf and adjust the values19:06
xubuntu193i have a big tearing xubuntu 14.04 , compiz don't whont work no efect nothings19:33
xubuntu193after install compiz- setting can't save any options19:34
xubuntu193i have a big tearing xubuntu 14.04 , compiz don't whont work no efect nothings19:50
Meerkatxubuntu193, try in #ubuntu They might have more people with compiz knowledge.19:52
xubuntu193ok thancks maybe i try linux mint19:53
Meerkatxubuntu193, I meant try asking in the channel #ubuntu.19:53
xubuntu193compiz -settings dont whont work . why ?19:55
xubuntu193i'm on ubuntu forum19:56
xubuntu517Having trouble getting my network share to show up in kphotoalbum.  anyone care to assist?20:02
endoI am trying to plug my USB 3 external HDD into a USB 2 port.20:25
endoApr 25 14:23:15 x120e mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 2 was not an MTP device20:25
endoIt detects thre rest20:26
fballstrying to use fuseiso to mount a bd image (.iso)20:37
fballsi get 'init: wrong standard identifier in volume descriptor' 0-1720:37
fballsi can mount other ISOs just fine20:38
bekksfballs: ".iso" does not tell anything about the content, and a BD disc is not using is9660.20:48
fballsoh, so is it not possible to mount the image?20:49
drcalso, you might want to try out #fuse, They are more likely to know the answer20:50
drcer... ##fuse, sorry20:50
fballsoh, didn't know they had a channel, thanks!20:51
xubuntu918networked printer locks up when added21:10
xubuntu918tried adding networked printer on 3 different installations. made no difference whether adding download printer or built in drivers21:13
xubuntu918does anyone respond or acknowledge?21:15
pete284Hi all last weekend upgraded from 12.04 LTS to 14.04LTS. Now DVD's won't playback. I have reinstalled all restricted drivers Libdvdread4, libdvdcss2 and ran install-css.sh. Still nothing works.21:25
Unit193What media player?  What's the error?21:28
pete284I have used VLC, MPlayer, and SM Player21:29
pete284VLC says "DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd1"."21:31
pete284VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd1'. Check the log for details.21:32
Unit193Right, /dev/dvd (or dvd1) aren't created anymore, use the actual drive location, mine is sr0.21:33
pete284Thanks very much that works fine.21:37
drcpete284, make sure you modify Removable Drives and Media>Mutlimedia accordingly21:39
drcThat way you won't have to remember all this :)21:39
pete284drc I take it I have to alter the line that says parole --device=%d21:43
drcyes, unless you want to have parole as the default21:43
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Travisok, I am going to take Xubuntu off my Panasonic laptop for now.  If I can't close the lid & open it again without rebooting, it doesn't need to be on this laptop.21:56
Unit193Have fun?21:57
drcYou're right...have fun21:57
drcah...beat me too it :)21:57
Unit193Optionally you can fix it if you'd prefer, I think removing light-locker will do.22:00
drcAnd Make sure Power Manager...Actions is set accordingly.22:01
TravisI removed light locker22:01
TravisIt didn't fix the problem.22:01
TravisThere's something else.22:02
TravisI haven't had this problem with 12.04.22:02
andrzejrTravis, try to close&open the lid again22:21
delthow do i stop these ---> lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions23:39
holsteinwhere are you seeing them?23:39
deltin my kernel logs23:40
deltoh and i wouldn't consider "stop looking at your kernel logs" as a viable answer :323:40
holsteini'll keep quiet then...23:41
gryhttp://ubuntu.5.x6.nabble.com/lo-Disabled-Privacy-Extensions-td1344623.html looks a bit verbose about this23:44

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