
ScottKArchive is open.  First autosync is running.06:03
lordievaderGood morning.07:54
BluesKajHowdy folks10:27
soee_hi BluesKaj10:27
BluesKajhey soee_10:27
=== soee_ is now known as soee
=== alket_ is now known as alket
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://m.imgur.com/TzfyPaJ13:16
Quintasanfrom left13:16
Quintasanvery good13:17
Quintasansoplica pigwowa - wtf why would you even 13:17
Quintasanbiscuits - 10/10 would eat13:17
QuintasanI have no idea what it is but the hat is awesome13:17
Quintasanbut bloody hell13:18
Quintasansoplica orzech laskowy (hazelnut) is brilliant13:19
shadeslayerI shall sample some13:19
=== soee_ is now known as soee
lfaraoneIs there an analogue of sni-qt for qt5?18:44
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1313170] systemsettings > Display Configuration shows bogus monitor @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1313170 (by Christian A. Reiter)18:50
debfxlfaraone: afaik not yet. Qt 5.3 will contain the necessary interfaces and KDE frameworks will surely provide an SNI plugin.19:05
kdeuser56yofel: how do I get kde-telepathy video calls get to work ... I have already install kde-telepathy-call.-ui and restarted, but the options are still greyed out19:21
ghostcubesooo project 14.04 kubuntu on an old inspiron 8600 dell has been completed19:25
ghostcubesmooth maschine state19:25
lfaraonedebfx: ah, okay. So there's not really a story for Unity AppIndicators in Qt yet?19:29
debfxlfaraone: don't think so19:59
ghostcubenew kidz auf p720:34
ghostcubeder neue jagoar is schon geil20:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1313193] Missing "$" in /usr/bin/startkde @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1313193 (by Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez)20:54

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