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BlitzHereHmm, the file manager crashes when trying to copy 1883 ~500KB jpegs from one folder to another :P07:38
BlitzHereOdd, file manager doesn't complain when transferring from 500GB FAT32 external hard drive to ext4 internal but it does when transferring from FAT32 folder to FAT32 folder07:41
BlitzHereOh, well. Bug reporter came up and I reported it07:42
bigonricotz: hey10:08
bigonI'm currently looking at gfbgraph pkg10:08
bigonI see in the control file that you are refering to a debian collab-maint git branch10:09
bigondoesn't seems to be the case10:09
bigonis it ok for you if the debian-gnome team is taking this under his umbrella?10:10
ricotzbigon, hi :), absolutely, feel free to grab it, i didnt push it anywhere besides the gnome3 ppa10:20
ricotzmight be better to replace autotools_dev with autoreconf to ease syncing it to ubuntu10:21
bigonok I'll do10:21
bigonah already made a pkg in the team svn10:22
bigonthe pkg names are the same, so I'll just merge the minors changes that might exist10:22
ricotzplease mention me in the copyright while you fix it10:22
ricotzoh, i see10:22
ricotzgir1.2- looks wrong10:26
ricotzit target a multiarch dir10:26
ricotzreferring to the svn version10:26
bigonyeah I'm fixing it now10:27
majodis gnome 3.12 good to use on trusty?10:42
Foragemajod: using it on a daily base here, didn't run into issues so far11:30
majodForage: which ppa did you use?11:41
Forageall of them, but there's no real use since packages get superseded those in staging11:51
Forageso staging should be sufficient11:52
majodForage: this one? https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3-staging11:53
Foragewith the exception of  gnome-system-monitor from stable btw, so you might as well add all of them11:54
Forageyes, that's staging11:54
majod"all of them", all of what?11:54
Forageplease read up11:54
Foragebefore trying this stuff11:54
Forageyou would have known11:55
Foragestable, next and staging11:55
majodoh you meant ppas11:55
Foragein response to "which ppa" :-P11:56
majodi see11:56
majodthe last time i tried that in vm and didnt end well11:56
Foragedo make sure you use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:57
majodand if i would need to revert back to 3.10, is ppa-purge enough?11:58
Forageshould be, yeah11:58
Foragenever needed to use that11:59
Foragemajod: btw, since you asked about fglrx yesterday, I just installed 14.4 final today without any issues. Might not solve your problem yet, but just so you know12:03
majodi hope the extensions will work in 3.12...i remember that they always disabled automatically after restart12:10
majodand for some reason synaptic manager does not work properly12:41
Foragemajod: yeah, you are right, that sometimes happens to me as well. The only thing I found was solving it was to reboot the system13:02
Forageforgot about that one since I don't use it on a daily base13:03
majodits ok. i also seldom use synaptic and it isnt a big deal13:03
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Foragemajod: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/130829514:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1308295 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "synaptic crashes after installing updates" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:03
varanasibI feel like a fool, but I cannot find the rhythmbox preferences dialog.  There's no preference choice under edit.14:05
majodForage: thanks, clicked that it affects me too14:12
Kungris it worth going to 14.04? i just got 13.10 going the way i want it.15:15
bigonI've a question I don't remember exactly, why did you need to have gdmflexiserver in libgdm1 pkg?15:16
ForageKungr: you got the release notes of ubuntu as well as ubuntu gnome, you know how much effort it was to get your 13.10 up and running, you have the option to update to gnome 3.12, you be the judge16:01
* DASPRiD wants gnome 4.0, nao ;)16:52
swissso on 14.04 gjs-console keeps dying18:57
arthurfiggishmm...the channel topic is still on 13.10, the about "dialog" is reporting 13.10...hopefully one of those will be fixed soon :( not too big a problem but it's nice to know what version you're running!19:07
DASPRiDarthurfiggis, cat /etc/issue19:09
arthurfiggisDASPRiD: ahh yes, it is listed correctly there...and on the other variants of ubuntu it's displayed properly as well, probably just a mistake in the version of gnome-control-centre that ubuntu-gnome uses19:10
DASPRiDit's a bug already known before release and noted in the release notes ;)19:11
DASPRiDalthough interesting that it wasn't fixed yet19:11
arthurfiggisDASPRiD: oh yes, i was about to mention as much myself...it's on the front page of the website even :) that's why i was rather surprised that it was still not fixed yet...it's definitely a known issue and one would think a relatively simple one?19:12
DASPRiDit very likely is19:12
arthurfiggis(hopefully it doesn't mean that there's no one maintaining the gnome packages who can make a change that small...doubtful :) )19:12
DASPRiDbut they likely have more important bugs to fix19:12
arthurfiggisDASPRiD: i would imagine so, that's just a cosmetic problem really...and since no scripts are broken as you pointed out (/etc/issue still has the right version), it's just a matter of maintainer x firing up their text editor :)19:13
arthurfiggisi only noticed it because it was pointed out on that post on the website really! apart from that ubuntu-gnome has been more pleasant than even the kde distributions that i've switched from...and i didn't think i'd switch from kde any time soon :) still developing apps and widgets with qt/qml, but they're easy to theme for gnome thankfully!19:14
BlitzHereI just had Ubuntu crash on me. I had XChat, steam, Chrome, Google play music manager and Rhythmbox running. I was encrypting my external hard drive using the diska application to the LUKS format. I had instructed it to zero out the drive. I was playing the game FTL via steam when my mouse suddenly borked out. unplugging and replugging it didn't work. Then there was a freeze for a couple of seconds before recovery and I exited the game using the19:22
BlitzHeretouchpad. THen I noticed that the format of the external hard drive failed and my usb flash drive wasn't working. WOndering if the USBs just broke I rebooted the computer19:22
BlitzHereAnd I'm back on and everything seems normal19:23
BlitzHereBut I want to figure out what went wrong. Where do I start? Where are the logs?19:23
tony1I am using ubuntu 14.04 with gnome. I used to have a network icon on the top bar and after upgrade it is missing. is there a way to get it back?19:24
tony1the setting for my vpn connection is there19:24
BlitzHereOkay, here's syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/7339909/19:40
xnoxHey, is anybody looking to do clutter 1.18 transition?19:40
xnoxdue to cogl transition in utopic?19:40
BlitzHereAnd kernlog http://paste.ubuntu.com/7339936/19:44
arthurfiggisBlitzHere: not too sure from the logs myself, i'm not enough of an expert :) but there does seem like there's one error that's in common to both that's relevant: "Apr 27 00:23:15 Blitz-Computer kernel: [469375.430773] sd 9:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device" as if something happened to knock the usb devices offline and then it failed to continue the formatting/encrypting process?20:01
arthurfiggisBlitzHere: as i say that's just a shot in the dark really, from taking a look at the logs i can't quite tell myself what made the devices offline, just that they did...which isn't much help, sorry :(20:02
DASPRiDBlitzHere, hint: xchat is not maintained anymore for many years, you should switch to the follow-up fork (hexchat)20:04
BlitzHere<arthurfiggis> yeah, there's no explanation to why all the USB devices, including my mouse were kicked off20:19
BlitzHere<DASPRiD> hexchat? xchat-gnome?20:19
BlitzHereI dunno, I got xchat set up just the way I like it20:19
BlitzHereAny particular reason I shouldn't use it?20:20
BlitzHereIt seems stable. Hasn't crashed. And it's got all the features I want20:20
DASPRiDBlitzHere, last update to xchat was may 201020:22
DASPRiDso there may be security issues with it20:22
DASPRiDalso: xchat config is forward-compatible to hexchat, so you can use the same20:22
BlitzHereI have no idea how I'll go to another OS after Ubuntu Gnome. Multitasking is completely AWESOME on this21:12
BlitzHereScroll on title bars to switch desktops is my new favorite feature ever21:12
BlitzHereplus autohiding title bars for maximum screen real estate21:13
DASPRiDBlitzHere, herhe :)21:24
BlitzHereI find it curious that none of the reviews mention thsi21:25
BlitzHereIt's odd that everyone misses that21:25
arthurfiggisBlitzHere: I don't tend to read reviews for linux distro's any more, i used to...i check distrowatch for new releases, but that's about it :) these days i just install it, if it does what it's supposed to then it stays installed...so far ubuntu gnome wins!21:29
BlitzHereSo, here's something I want to see. On the right hand corner of the status bar where you see the menu with the audio controls and power controls ,the network state indicator displays only when there is no connection. I'd like it to display permanently. Any way to make this happen?21:38
DASPRiDi bet there's an extension ;)21:39
BlitzHereTher isn't21:39
BlitzHereI checked21:39
DASPRiDthere are for the audio indicator…21:39
BlitzHereYes, i have the one for audio levels for indivudual windows installed21:40
BlitzHere5DASPRiD: So, I installed hexchat and copied the config files over from xchat. Some of hexchat's settings are messed up though. So, I nuked the whole thing. I'll two the whole thing tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that it isn't perfectly forward compatible22:00
BlitzHere5I'll redo*22:01
DASPRiDah well, maybe it was earlier when i switched :)22:01
DASPRiDbut good to know, thx22:01
BlitzHere5No problem. I still have things configured on my phone and tablet though. So, I'll run them for a while...22:03
tony1does anyone know how to get the network icon back in the panel after 14.04 upgrade22:14
tony1I am using gnome22:15
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