
Kilosmorning all05:56
Kiloswinter sucks, where is global warming06:58
Private_Userlol morning Kilos07:30
Kiloshi Private_User  07:31
Private_UserI also hate winter, love summer07:31
Kiloslo Golynx  07:31
Golynxhi Kilos07:31
Private_Userhi Golynx07:31
Golynxhi Private_User07:31
Kilosyou got mail methinks07:31
Golynxok will check07:32
charl_morning Kilos, Golynx, Private_User 08:51
charl_new vlc is not so stable, had it crash twice on me on 14.0408:51
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:51
Golynxhi charl_08:51
Kiloshi charl_  08:51
Kilosworks fine by me08:52
Private_Usermorning charl_08:52
Kilosor did you get the ppa charl_  08:52
Kilosi used whats in the repos08:53
charl_Kilos: no the standard08:54
charl_i don't do much with the ppas08:54
Kiloswow mine plays dvds fine08:54
Kilosyou on kde?08:55
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!08:55
charl_Maaz: thanks09:00
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)09:00
charl_wb Kilos 09:00
charl_no i'm still using i309:00
Kilosaptitude reinstall vlc09:00
Kilosit will tell you if there are probs09:01
charl_no the package installed fine, i think it has something to do with vlc itself09:02
charl_but nevermind, it doesn't happen that frequently09:02
charl_wb Kilos 11:27
charl_nice ! my internet has been upgraded !11:27
charl_i now have 180mbps11:27
Golynxwb Kilos11:32
Golynxcharl_ :O11:32
Golynxwhis that even possible 11:32
Golynxis that*11:33
Golynxif thats in bits then the data would be 180 / 8 = 22.5 MBytes per second11:35
Golynxstill awesome speed 11:35
Kilosi smile when i hit 1 mB/s11:36
Golynxand i dream of someday reaching 1 mB/s :)11:37
Kiloshi Vince-0 11:41
charl_Golynx: the technology is called EuroDOCSIS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOCSIS#Europe_.E2.80.93_EuroDOCSIS11:42
charl_it's old and slow11:42
charl_but fibre is not available in my area11:42
charl_realistically i will not need more than 180mbps in the years to come though11:42
Vince-0better agenda items for the meet!11:42
charl_hey Vince-0 11:42
charl_Vince-0: ubuntu related or tech-related in general ?11:44
Golynxthats great charl_ , glad it works so well11:46
Golynxo/ Vince-011:46
charl_Vince-0: dnssec? ipv6?11:48
charl_i'm really busy working on dnssec right now11:48
charl_really cool techmology11:49
Vince-0hmm im looking at the previous ones11:49
Vince-0how about dnssec on VoIP?11:50
charl_which type of voip? sip?11:50
Vince-0trying to find usable webrtc software11:50
charl_if you connect to a host sip.example.com then i could be handy11:50
charl_hahaha http://opensslrampage.org/11:52
charl_oh that's a good item for the agenda11:52
Vince-0yar and availability 12:07
Vince-0google and a bunch of corporates just funded one of them, probably openssl12:08
inetprogood afternoon12:23
* inetpro reported bug #1313079 - LoCo Team Portal is extremely slow 12:25
inetprohi Vince-012:25
Golynxhi inetpro12:26
inetprohi Golynx12:26
Kiloshi inetpro 12:39
Kilosyou also fing bugs hehe12:39
inetproguess it doesn't help to just complain amongst us all the time12:45
Kiloswhat is the bug in?12:45
Kiloswhat doesnt work12:45
inetproit is just damn slow man12:45
inetproperformance issues12:46
Kilosoh what is slow12:46
Kiloseverything or certain apps12:46
inetprocreating the aganda is a mission and a half12:46
inetproagenda as well12:46
Kilosoh you mean up there12:46
inetproyebo yes12:46
Kilosgood man get it fixed12:46
Kilosit opens quite quick here is it when you try add sutffs12:48
Kilosonly min mense said they attending on g+ hey12:49
Kilosyou are quite clued up. only unity and servers come from canonical still hey?12:50
inetprodon't trust those numbers, just keep it rolling12:50
Kilosno more x k and lubuntu's12:50
Kiloswhat numbers12:50
inetprog+ attendees12:50
inetprox k an lubuntu's have always been community projects12:51
Kilosoh didnt they come from canonical before12:51
inetpronot directly no12:52
inetprothey just feed into the same repos12:52
Kilosi then have a kde in  official wrapper12:52
Kilosremember when i said i couldnt even get it to connect12:53
Kilossjoe who is the old one here12:53
Kiloskubuntu 9.04 in blue envelope thing12:54
inetprothere used to be one or two canonical developers involved officially but they phased it out12:54
Kiloshave you looked at the new kubuntu12:55
inetprohave it running in a vm just to test12:55
Kilosits good but some stuffs you gotta hunt for12:55
Kiloslike the compose key function12:55
Kilosand how to make opera default browser12:56
Kilosand they hide the workspace switcher12:56
Kilosoh pager thing12:56
inetproalways been like that12:57
Kilosand muon isnt installed12:57
inetpromuon is there as well12:57
Kilosnee man it used to show 4 by default12:57
Kilosmuon package manager isnt there12:57
Kilosi tried with 2 installs12:58
Kilosthe update manager is12:58
Kilosaptitude install muon and watch12:58
inetpropress alt+f2 and type muon12:58
Kilosi type muon in the launcher12:58
Kilosit used to show now i had to install12:59
inetproI have a default install in front of me12:59
Kilosand it shows if you type muon in the launcher?13:00
Kilosnee man why didnt mine13:00
inetproit says:13:01
inetproMuon Discover13:01
inetproSoftware Centre13:01
Kiloswhen i tried aptitude reinstall muon it told me it isnt installed13:01
inetproSoftware Center*13:01
Kilosi dont like software centre13:01
Kilostoo slow13:01
inetprobecause it is called  muon-discover13:02
inetproand the updater is called muon-updater13:03
Kiloshow do you change your default browser13:04
Kilosdont work here as it used to13:04
Kilosi only use ff if opera cant do something13:04
Kilosanyway nm that, im on unity atm so will forget before i get back to kde13:06
Kilosi go sleep a bit 13:06
Kilosmaybe watch star wars 4 first13:08
Golynxwhich one i that , The phantom menace  13:09
Kiloslemme look13:09
Kilosa new hope13:10
Golynxnope thats episode one :D13:10
Golynxdidnt watch the others 2,3 and 413:10
Kilosgot the complete saga here but they named differently13:11
Golynxis there space left for that movie 13:11
Kiloslol i told you once youve written to it you cant add13:11
Golynxwow cool, i like star wars 13:11
Kiloslemme see size13:12
Golynxoh ok13:12
Kilosthats 413:12
Kilosthey all 1.1g13:13
Golynxthats too big ya13:13
Kilosi got 300 movies and series here on ians external13:14
Golynxi got some full movies sizes are 200mb 13:14
Golynxbut its mobile 3gp13:14
Kilosmobile stuff is smaller13:15
Golynxfor tiny screens lol13:15
Kiloseven the audio13:15
Kilosforget its ext now13:15
Golynxya amr is the lowest quality audio , but the smallest in size13:16
Golynxits was used mostly for voice recordings on old java phones13:17
Kilosi used to convert stuff with mobile media converter but havent tried for a coupla releases13:17
Golynxi had a program on win that converted dvd movies to mobile movies, kept all the quality too, only 4 times less in size though13:19
Kilosya mmc does that13:25
Kiloscan convert to lots of different formats13:26
inetproKilos: you could always ask at #kubuntu13:26
Kilosi have kde experts here so why would i go there? i cant keep up there13:27
inetproor at https://plus.google.com/communities/10813945690853805487413:28
* Kilos throws a brick at inetpro 13:28
inetproKilos: you could also join the mailing list at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users13:30
inetproKilos: ai!14:37
inetproyou make me look for something that was always there and I don't even see it14:37
inetproKilos: System Settings, Default Applications, Web Browser, then click on the little button on the far right side with the three dots and find and click on Opera, then click on the Apply button14:39
inetpronothing changed14:39
Kiloswhat you mean nothing changed14:42
inetproit was always there14:43
inetproI just didn't see Default Applications earlier and was caught by surprise14:45
Kilosi hunted. lemme go to kde and see14:48
KilosMaaz, default apps is <reply>  System Settings, Default Applications, Web Browser, then click on the little button on the far right side with the three dots and find and click on Opera, then click on the Apply button14:49
MaazKilos: If you say so14:49
KilosMaaz  default apps14:53
MaazSystem Settings, Default Applications, Web Browser, then click on the little button on the far right side with the three dots and find and click on Opera, then click on the Apply button14:53
inetproKilos: opera is not in the default repositories, how do you even install it?14:54
Kilosi added the ppa14:54
inetprois it really worth it?14:55
Kilosits faster14:55
Kilosmaybe i didnt14:55
KilosMaaz  google opera browser for 14.0414:55
MaazKilos: "How-to Install Opera Mobile Browser Emulator for Ubuntu 14.04 ..." http://tutorialforlinux.com/2014/04/19/how-to-install-opera-mobile-browser-emulator-for-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-lts-64bit-linux-easy-guide/ :: "Tutorial for Linux | How-to Install Opera Browser 32/64bit for Linux ..." http://tutorialforlinux.com/how-to-install-opera-browser-3264bit-for-linux-14:55
Maazdistro-guides-list/ :: "How to Install diodon clipboard manager on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or ..." http:/…14:55
Golynxopera's new webkit series is not yet available for linux. We gotta use the old 12.xx versions and below14:55
Kilosah ya it was different so i did the ppa14:56
Kilosdidnt understand the emulator thing14:56
Golynxhaha the emulator is for opera mini for phones14:57
Kilosin 12.04 it was easy14:57
KilosMaaz  google how to install opera browser on 12.0414:57
MaazKilos: "How do I download and install Opera in 12.04? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/169020/how-do-i-download-and-install-opera-in-12-04 :: "Opera 12 Released: How to Install it in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise ..." http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/06/opera-12-released-how-to-install-it-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ :: "Install Opera in Ubuntu 12.04 |14:57
MaazUnixmen" http://www.unixmen.com/install-opera-ubuntu-12-04/ :: "Install Opera Web browser in Ubunt…14:57
Golynx12.04 uses the old opera versions before they changed to the webkit rendering engine. Opera has not yet made a version of the new webkit series for linux, so it wont be in the default 14.04 repositories14:59
* inetpro fails to see why one would choose opera over a default firefox15:00
Golynxi use Opera 12.1615:00
inetproIf I had to choose I would much rather use Chromium than Opera15:01
inetprobut that is just me15:01
GolynxOpera is great for speed and dont waste data that other browsers do, plus a few more tricks15:01
Kilosff has large upgrades often15:01
Kilosopera hardly ever15:02
inetprohmm... large?15:02
inetprothose upgrades happen for a reason15:02
Kilos40m or so15:02
Kiloswe done this before15:02
Kilosdaai ding15:03
inetproaptitude -vv show firefox15:04
inetproCompressed Size: 17,9 M15:04
Golynxsince opera changed to webkit it lost alot of what made it unique. Since its the same rendering engine chrome uses. Most Windows users who loved opera before hate it now15:04
Kilosya and all the extra stuff it does15:04
Kilosi used ff on windows but never updated anything15:05
Kilosevery update had some or other prob15:05
Kilosie super sucks15:06
Golynxff is better now though and much lighter15:06
Golynxstill downloads  stuff in the background i dont want15:07
Kilosanyway inetpro  i installed opera and when i go the settings route it doesnt show as another browser15:07
inetprocli is your friend15:08
Kilosbecause i cant find where it is in the little window that opens up15:08
inetprowhich opera15:08
Kilostell me the command then please15:09
inetprowhich opera15:09
Kilossjoe i dunno15:09
inetprowhich opera15:09
Kiloswhere do i find that info15:09
inetproKilos: that is the command15:09
inetprotype it and press enter15:10
Kilosif i type in opera it opens opera , dont give me the version15:11
inetprogo to the cli and type "which opera" and press enter15:11
inetprowithout them ""15:12
Kilosmiles@P64:~$ which opera15:12
Kilosoh thats where to find it15:12
inetpronow put that in the default setting for your browser15:12
inetproyou done it yet?15:14
Kilosty i done that. it used to give the choise when i opened the browsers15:14
inetpronow after you saved that click on a link like http://www.google.com/15:15
inetprodoes it open with opera?15:15
inetprowhat irc client?15:17
Kilosit opens in konqueror15:18
Kilosand from evo links it opens with ff15:18
inetproWhen you click on a highlighted URL anywhere in Konversation, it will launch the default KDE application associated with the MIME type of the URL15:19
Kilosso i get to remove konqueror15:19
inetproso you will have to change the file type thingy as well15:19
inetprogo to System Settings, File Associations 15:21
inetproexpand text and find html15:21
inetprothen change the Application Preference Order15:21
inetproadd Opera if it's not there15:22
inetproand move it up to the top15:22
inetprothen press Apply15:22
inetproeasy stuff15:24
Kilosi dont see expand text option15:24
inetproyou see "text"?15:25
Kiloslemme see15:25
inetprounder multipart15:25
Kilosoh ya15:25
inetproclick on ">"15:25
Kilosya see that now ty but so tiny15:26
inetproso now it has expanded and you find many more files types15:27
inetpronow find and click on html15:27
Kilosfound html15:27
Kilosand moved opera to the top15:27
Kilossjoe major job that15:28
inetpronow click on the link at the top again15:28
inetprodoes it work?15:29
Kilosyip that worked. ty very much sir15:29
Kiloshey you can look at getting some livestock15:30
Kiloslemme find out the savings15:30
inetprothis is what you get when you do things outside of the ordinary15:30
inetproyou're on your own if you use non-default repositories15:30
Kiloslisten man15:31
* inetpro is ene ore15:31
Kilosyou save over R400 a month on rates if you got sheep goats or cattle15:31
Kilosdont you pay rates with your lights account15:32
inetproya and?15:32
Kilosif you got sheep you tell them you a farmer and you get R400 per month off15:33
* inetpro wonders15:34
inetprowhere do you see that?15:34
inetproKilos: now tell me, if you have not yet removed firefox what is the point of you using opera?15:35
inetproit will still download the updates15:36
Kilosi have locked the version on unity in synaptic15:36
Kilosgotta work out how to lock versions here15:37
Kilosthe rates thing you can enquire. but i know it here15:37
* inetpro will try to find out about those rates15:38
Kilosits fact, believe me15:38
Kiloshave i ever led you astray15:38
Kilosits the only perk farmers get15:39
inetprowell you have to be in a farming area, I think15:40
Kilosall plots were farms15:41
inetproIIRC my area is zoned a residential these days15:41
inetprosad reality15:41
Kilosno man cant be it they large plots15:42
inetprowhat is large?15:42
Kilos2 or 3 hectares15:42
Kilosif you are allowed to keep livestock its a plot15:44
* inetpro has less than that unfortunately15:46
inetproand all around us has been cut up into smaller plots15:47
Kilosanyway just ask. if you can keep sheep you can get a rates discount15:48
Kiloswill only cost you a fone call15:48
inetprohow much land do you need per sheep?15:49
Kilosi see in muon package manager if you right click on a package you can lockk the version 15:49
Kilosdepends on the grass you have i think15:49
inetprosome other site says: "upto 5 ewes with lambs per acre if reasonable quality and fertiliser use, maybe more if push it"15:50
Kiloskikuyu can feed lots of sheep15:52
inetproso I guess I could push it to about 1015:52
inetproif I destroy my garden15:52
inetproand if I let them run around the house :-)15:53
Kiloswaching these they eat mixed 1/2 hour on the kikuyu then go to felt grass then eat some weeds then back and so it goes on15:53
Kiloswe lets these here eat around the house as well15:53
inetprocould save on lawnmower costs15:53
inetprobut first I would have to find the money for fencing15:54
Kilosai! your plot not fenced?15:54
Kiloswhat about your dogs15:55
inetproanyway, talking nonsense now... will think about it15:55
Kiloshehe this bug still going, maybe they gonna fix it now15:59
Private_Userevening all16:24
Kiloshi Private_User  16:25
Private_Userhi Kilos16:25
Private_Userso whats good people?16:39
Kilosubuntu is good in all flavours16:47
Private_Usertrue that16:49
Kilosyum lekker warm sop17:20
Kiloshi smile  17:28
smilehi :)17:29
inetproKilos: the numbers are up to 11 now17:47
Kiloslol yay17:56
Kilosis nuvolari  in the circle inetpro  18:05
Kilosping him18:05
Kiloshe is getting very slack18:05
Kiloshi not_found  18:06
Kilosbad day for za rugger again18:06
inetproKilos: yes but has not responded 18:06
Kilosok ill mail him inetpro  18:07
Kiloshaha rev him via email18:07
inetprohe'll get another reminder with g+18:07
not_foundat least the cheetah's one18:08
Kilosthat was a great game hey not_found  18:09
Kilospoor stormers, bad year for them18:09
Kilosinetpro  told him be here or else18:10
not_founddunno , I was sleeping18:10
Kilosis drubin  still alive. or also gone the apartheid route18:11
Kilosohi superfly  didnt see you there for a while18:11
Kilosthings getting bad here. spending more and more time on kde18:12
Kilospoor unity18:12
Kiloscharl_  have you fixed your vlc18:18
Kilosinetpro  check this out18:22
Kilossee i do google 18:22
Kilospity its not all in 2 commands18:24
Kilossjoe 2146 installed apps18:34
Kilosno wonder pc sweating18:34
Kilosinetpro  ping18:41
Kilosis your system upgraded completely?18:42
smilecu :p19:06
smileKilos: if you don't know what to do, read https://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Speciaal:Bijdragen/SmileBot&offset=&limit=500&target=SmileBot19:07
smilegood night! :)19:07
Kilosnight smile  19:07
Kilosnight all .sleep tight19:29

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