=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as MangaKaDenza | ||
=== MangaKaDenza is now known as thefakeazned525 | ||
mahesh | System monitor shows that I'm receiving data at speed of 25KiB/s but Ktorrent with one download and one seeding shows that I'm receiving data at the speed of 3-5 Kib/s Any Help | 00:49 |
thefakeazned525 | o.O | 00:50 |
thefakeazned525 | that's pretty slow | 00:50 |
alket | The browser identification isn't working in Konqueror, how come ? Thanks | 00:56 |
happyfr0gg | I need help fixing my Application Finder fouind under the KDE start menu. | 00:58 |
happyfr0gg | When I click on Application Finder it pops up a error dialog box stating: | 00:59 |
happyfr0gg | Could not load menu from (null) File "menus/kde-applications.menu" not found. | 00:59 |
happyfr0gg | My 'Application Finder' in KDE Ubuntu is broken. Any way to fix it? | 00:59 |
harolddong | how do you tag search with the new baloo framework? | 02:10 |
Rocco-_ | Hello | 02:29 |
nelson_ | can KUBUNTU be installed using a RAID0 option in its latest version 14.XX | 05:16 |
dmatt | I am on 13.10, yesterday update to KDE 4.13.0 uninstalled kontact and there are some broken packages... is it known problem? I updated via apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:27 |
silv3r_m00n | is there some gui tool to manage init services ? | 05:31 |
Tasty | clowns | 07:42 |
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BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 10:15 |
cbvt | HI | 10:17 |
BluesKaj | hi cbvt | 10:18 |
cbvt | 真的有人啊 | 10:21 |
cbvt | Where am i? | 10:23 |
cbvt | Am i still in China? | 10:24 |
BluesKaj | cbvt, you're still inchaina but your pc is connected to an irc server in Helsinki ;) | 10:29 |
BluesKaj | in china | 10:29 |
cbvt | thanks,BluesKaj. I know Helsinki. | 10:36 |
BluesKaj | cbvt, are you using a vpn server or a direct connection ? | 10:37 |
cbvt | The queen of finland visited Nanjing a few days ago. | 10:37 |
cbvt | no I did not use a VPN thing | 10:38 |
BluesKaj | cbvt, there's no quen of Finland, it's a republic | 10:38 |
BluesKaj | err queen | 10:38 |
cbvt | BluesKaj, i was wrong. it is queen of Denmark | 10:40 |
BluesKaj | ahh yes, cbvt | 10:41 |
cbvt | BluesKaj,In my impression they are all alike ah ah | 10:42 |
cbvt | BluesKaj , why so many people here not saying a word ? | 10:56 |
BluesKaj | cbvt, lots of people use auto-join when they logon to irc, but they don't say anything until they need to. They are called lurkers. | 10:59 |
cbvt | So BluesKaj , are you the administrator of this group? | 11:04 |
alket | Hi, how to change konqueror identification for all the sites ? | 11:05 |
cbvt | you know , like a stabilizer | 11:05 |
BluesKaj | cbvt, there is an operator, he admins the chat. I'm here as a support volunteer | 11:06 |
BluesKaj | !crosspost | alket | 11:08 |
ubottu | alket: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 11:08 |
alket | but its quiet at this time, ok sorry | 11:09 |
cbvt | do we have a chatting software that support QQ protocol ? | 11:18 |
rvdv | cbvt: pidgin? | 11:20 |
rvdv | cbvt: http://pidgin.im/pipermail/devel/2012-April/022243.html | 11:21 |
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cbvt | I try the download link and it stayed 0% .but I found a WineQQ. thank you rvdv | 11:49 |
cbvt | http://www.ubuntukylin.com/ukylin/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7688&extra=page%3D1 | 11:50 |
=== shilpi is now known as Trinetri | ||
Trinetri | hi | 13:09 |
lordievader | Good afternoon. | 13:23 |
TheFakeazneD525 | <3 | 13:23 |
Felishia | how do I change the country where the packages are downloaded? | 14:03 |
Felishia | this keeps downloading packages from a Venezuelan server and everything says 404 | 14:03 |
Felishia | I'm Venezuelan but servers here suck, and I can't find the option to change the server to the main oen | 14:04 |
Alex-Zion | hi Felishia, you should change the softwatre repository location, you should find it on Software Sources I guess | 14:05 |
lordievader | Felishia: Muon Discoverer -> Sources -> Configure Software Sources -> type password -> Change the 'Download from' field. | 14:05 |
Felishia | lordievader, I don't use Muon Discover T_T | 14:06 |
Felishia | I use apt-get | 14:06 |
lordievader | Felishia: Then change /etc/apt/sources.list (it does the same thing anyhow). | 14:07 |
lordievader | Felishia: Format is http://<land-code>.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 14:07 |
Felishia | lordievader, which one is the main one? | 14:07 |
lordievader | Felishia: Uk or us. | 14:08 |
Felishia | I mean one that doesn't puts a lot of 404!!! T_T | 14:08 |
lordievader | Felishia: You may find this page interesting: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors | 14:09 |
Felishia | lordievader, well chaging the Muon discover thing worked actually :3 | 14:09 |
Felishia | I've done it a lot times on ubuntu but I'm basically new at kubuntu | 14:09 |
Felishia | ok now I need to do a release upgrade | 14:10 |
lordievader | Felishia: As I've said, it does the same thing (it still calls apt in the background ;) ) | 14:10 |
gman | hello. one little thing bugging me --> system tray icons: why arent the themes changing them? | 14:10 |
Felishia | lordievader, OMG I have a lot of broken dependencies, that happens when you have no internet at home and you use dpkg | 14:11 |
Felishia | I have a cyclic dependency! | 14:12 |
lordievader | Felishia: Try 'apt-get install -f', apt might still be able to fix the mess. | 14:12 |
Felishia | lordievader, doesn't work | 14:12 |
Felishia | dpkg returns in code 1 | 14:12 |
Felishia | lordievader, I fixed it, geez, I had to do it with dpkg I hate cyclic dependencies | 14:13 |
Felishia | lordievader, will doing the release upgrade, upgrade all my packages? | 14:14 |
Felishia | I have like 400 dev packages not upgraded T_T | 14:14 |
lordievader | Felishia: Well perhaps some packages where not updated in the meantime but most packages have gotten updates. | 14:15 |
Felishia | lordievader, and was the JVM fixed? it has a bug on kubuntu | 14:16 |
lordievader | I have no idea, I don't use Java. | 14:17 |
Felishia | lordievader, :p oh well thanks so much, gotta go | 14:17 |
dmatt | I am on 13.10, yesterday update to KDE 4.13.0 uninstalled kontact and there are some broken packages... anybody else with the same problem? I updated via apt-get dist-upgrade | 14:52 |
BluesKaj | dmatt, did you apt-get update and upgrade first? | 15:01 |
dmatt | BluesKaj: yes | 15:02 |
dmatt | BluesKaj: I suspect it is because I have both kubuntu-ppa/ppa and kubuntu-ppa/backports activated | 15:04 |
dmatt | BluesKaj: it says libpimcommon4 : Depends: libkgapi2-2 (>= 2.1.0) but 2.0.1-0ubuntu3~ubuntu13.10~ppa1 is installed. | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | ahha dmatt , maybe the ppa should be disabled since you already have the backports enabled ..could be a conflict there | 15:12 |
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gman | is it a kubuntu bug that network icon in system tray doesn't change when a new desktop theme is applied? | 15:32 |
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Guest61612 | hi | 15:36 |
velaakso_ | boom | 16:06 |
dmatt | BluesKaj: just for the record, there was file not uploaded into backports ppa ... it's fixed now | 17:01 |
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BluesKaj | dmatt, good to hear | 17:02 |
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raymears | hi. have a problem that some of you might be able to help me with: i have no sound in wine (installed via playonlinux) in kubuntu 14.04. sound works otherwise just fine | 17:20 |
Felishia | urgently | 18:16 |
Felishia | how do I pause an release nupgrade? | 18:16 |
Felishia | how do I pause a release upgrade? | 18:16 |
Spiffy | I wasn't aware it was possible to pause an upgrade | 18:20 |
dolomite | or advisable | 18:29 |
=== highlander is now known as Guest92336 | ||
Guest92336 | чем записать образ на флешку чтоб на 100% была рабочая за ранее спасибо | 19:07 |
Unit193 | !ru | Guest92336 | 19:08 |
ubottu | Guest92336: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 19:08 |
Guest92336 | ого | 19:10 |
robotdevil | anoyone else not able to edit kmenuedit on 14.04 | 19:22 |
robotdevil | particularly adding commands | 19:24 |
vince | hi | 19:27 |
vince | i 'm on ubuntu but i use ktorrent | 19:28 |
vince | and since sveral weeks i got a msg window very strane | 19:28 |
vince | strange | 19:28 |
vince | ktorrent vous devez fournir un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour accéder à ce site | 19:29 |
vince | the name of the site is 681 ^^ so i do not understand it at all | 19:29 |
tsimpson | vince: what are you doing when that message appears? | 19:36 |
vince | tsimpson: | 19:42 |
vince | i close it | 19:42 |
vince | it appears "whenever" | 19:42 |
tsimpson | vince: it appears as soon as ktorrent starts? | 19:43 |
vince | n'importe quand : i m french scuse my poor english | 19:43 |
vince | no | 19:43 |
vince | often | 19:43 |
vince | i start it | 19:43 |
vince | and it appears 5, 15 30 minutes after | 19:44 |
vince | it depnds | 19:44 |
vince | never the same | 19:44 |
vince | i m waiting for it | 19:44 |
vince | i will send you a screenshot of it | 19:44 |
tsimpson | I think you should look at the torrents you have running, one of them may have a broken tracker (so you should remove the tracker) | 19:44 |
vince | hmhm | 19:45 |
vince | one on bactrack linux and all the other in a torrent site | 19:46 |
vince | all trackers seems to be ok | 19:46 |
vince | one on bactrack linux and all the other in a torrent site | 19:47 |
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=== atefsd__ is now known as atefsd | ||
atefsd | Hello folks | 19:53 |
vince | https://hostr.co/file/970/ZSV7j2UmMEHX/Capture-2.png | 19:53 |
vince | tsimpson: this it | 19:53 |
vince | all trackers are ok | 19:54 |
tsimpson | I'm not sure what else could cause that message | 19:56 |
tsimpson | maybe you can ask in #ktorrent | 19:56 |
tsimpson | or #kde if you don't get a response | 19:57 |
vince | thanks i will do | 19:57 |
vince | :) | 19:57 |
khear | hi, i'm using kubuntu 14.04 on a laptop with Radeon HD 6320 graphics card and the "radeon" driver. i have the desktop extended from the laptop monitor to an external monitor. the problem I'm having is that the laptop desktop area "leaks" slightly to the external monitor, if i place something right at the edge. anyone experienced anything like this? | 20:31 |
khear | in fact, i can even see a small part of the bottom panel from the laptop screen on the external monitor | 20:34 |
=== Spiffyman is now known as Spiffy-man | ||
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newk4l | Hi All. I'm a noob to KDE. Really loving Kubuntu 14.04 but finding a couple of things that are ticking me off. | 20:56 |
newk4l | Does anyone know how to remap the KDE launcher to Super? | 20:56 |
newk4l | And how can I enable ALT + click to resize/move windows? | 20:57 |
newk4l | Anyone in here? | 20:58 |
yofel | newk4l: you can't use modifier keys (super/meta counts as one) for single-key keyboard shortcuts in kde. | 20:58 |
yofel | also, patience... | 20:59 |
newk4l | Awrgh :( | 20:59 |
newk4l | Boo. | 20:59 |
newk4l | OK OK, no boggy | 20:59 |
newk4l | Biggy* heh. | 20:59 |
yofel | using F1, or Super+F1 would work | 20:59 |
yofel | Super alone, sadly not | 20:59 |
newk4l | Yea, kinda getting used to ALT + F1. What about ALT click for window movement? | 21:00 |
yofel | hm... I have it working here, let me see if I can find the setting again | 21:01 |
newk4l | Ah. I'm working in VBOX, maybe the mouse bindings work funny in here. | 21:01 |
newk4l | In standard Ubuntu, just holding ALT will allow me to drag a window from anywhere in that window. | 21:01 |
yofel | newk4l: system settings -> window behaviour -> window behaviour -> window actions, bottom settings | 21:01 |
newk4l | And middle click or right click allows resizing. | 21:02 |
newk4l | KK, just checking | 21:02 |
newk4l | Hrm. | 21:02 |
newk4l | Yea. | 21:02 |
newk4l | **should** work. | 21:03 |
newk4l | I expect it's just a funky vbox thing | 21:03 |
newk4l | Cool cool. | 21:03 |
newk4l | Cheers yofel, most helpful. | 21:03 |
newk4l | Wondering if there's any other KDE shinyness confusing me | 21:03 |
newk4l | Yea | 21:03 |
newk4l | What are "activities?" | 21:04 |
newk4l | That RBG button down the bottom - Activities. | 21:05 |
newk4l | WAT O_o | 21:05 |
yofel | something alike to virtual desktops, just more task focused http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities | 21:05 |
newk4l | Oh. | 21:06 |
newk4l | Wait. | 21:06 |
newk4l | Hold everything. | 21:06 |
newk4l | That's tasty. | 21:06 |
newk4l | I like that. | 21:06 |
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newk4l | yofel: Is there a native Firewall? | 21:09 |
yofel | there's iptables as usual and ufw. Gufw is probably the easiest way to configure it (not installed by default) | 21:11 |
newk4l | It's all so polished!!!! | 21:12 |
newk4l | So shiny. | 21:13 |
newk4l | I can barely contain myself. | 21:13 |
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newk4l | yofel: Is there an "annotate" tool for KDE? | 21:15 |
newk4l | To write over the screen? | 21:15 |
newk4l | I see there are effects similar to what used to be in Compiz. | 21:15 |
newk4l | Is this compiz or just a spin-off of some of the features? | 21:15 |
yofel | compiz was always for gnome, kde has kwin as isn't related to compiz in any way. (though both are window managers and thus obiously similiar) | 21:17 |
yofel | can't say I know a painting tool though (which doesn't say there isn't one) | 21:17 |
lordievader | Krita is a painting tool, right? | 21:20 |
yofel | I think he meant for painting "on the screen" which I think compiz had a plugin for. | 21:22 |
newk4l | ^ yep, that. | 21:23 |
lordievader | Ah "Mouse Mark - Allow you to draw lines on the desktop" | 21:26 |
newk4l | lordievader: Is that a plasma widget? | 21:33 |
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lordievader | newk4l: No a desktop effects plugin. | 21:35 |
newk4l | Yep - that works. | 21:38 |
newk4l | Kinda fugly | 21:38 |
newk4l | Works though | 21:38 |
n1mrod | hi all | 21:38 |
n1mrod | i have a question concercing ubuntu one in kubuntu 14.04 | 21:39 |
n1mrod | after updating, i cannot start the ubuntu one client. also i cannot install it | 21:39 |
n1mrod | anyone who know a solution? | 21:39 |
n1mrod | in addtion: "sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt" not found in repository | 21:40 |
lordievader | n1mrod: Ubuntu one has been discontinued. | 21:42 |
lordievader | n1mrod: http://www.zdnet.com/canonical-closes-down-ubuntu-one-cloud-file-services-7000027991/ | 21:42 |
n1mrod | yes. but i thought it will be closed on first of june | 21:42 |
TheFakeazneD525 | hmm | 23:18 |
TheFakeazneD525 | one thing I found odd about the Trusty ISO... | 23:18 |
TheFakeazneD525 | why was libreoffice included? | 23:18 |
TheFakeazneD525 | KDE has Calligra :\ | 23:18 |
TheFakeazneD525 | this seems a tad insulting considering that rekonq was swapped out for Firefox | 23:18 |
bprompt | ? | 23:20 |
bprompt | I have 12.04.... IIRC even back in 9.04 kubuntu came with libreoffice or openoffice | 23:21 |
bprompt | as far as rekonq, still there | 23:21 |
TheFakeazneD525 | bprompt: nop, rekonq was swapped out from the ISO for FireFox in 14.04 | 23:21 |
TheFakeazneD525 | oh, 12.04 | 23:21 |
bprompt | well... surely is in the repository.... I had 14.04 installed for a while... .can't recall if rekonq wasn't there though | 23:22 |
TheFakeazneD525 | still in the repo | 23:23 |
TheFakeazneD525 | not the ISO tho :C | 23:24 |
bprompt | well... one can say the same happened a while a go to konqueror =) | 23:24 |
bprompt | yet I still use it, as file manager | 23:24 |
StarWolfUS | hello | 23:33 |
TheFakeazneD525 | bprompt: same | 23:33 |
TheFakeazneD525 | <3 radial file view | 23:34 |
TheFakeazneD525 | I feel like a 1337 h4xx0r | 23:34 |
bprompt | StarWolfUS: jello | 23:34 |
robotdevil | why isnt qtransmission in the repos | 23:34 |
TheFakeazneD525 | robotdevil: transmission-qt | 23:35 |
TheFakeazneD525 | sudo apt-get install transmission-qt | 23:35 |
TheFakeazneD525 | :) | 23:35 |
robotdevil | oh haha | 23:35 |
TheFakeazneD525 | no prob | 23:36 |
TheFakeazneD525 | robotdevil: but also try KTorrent ;) | 23:36 |
robotdevil | TheFakeazneD525: I am leaving ktorrent | 23:36 |
TheFakeazneD525 | D: | 23:36 |
TheFakeazneD525 | oh well, who am I to judge | 23:36 |
robotdevil | TheFakeazneD525: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=315239 | 23:38 |
ubottu | KDE bug 315239 in general "ktorrent-4.3.1 does not gunzip IP Filter files anymore" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 23:38 |
robotdevil | but it isnt afaik | 23:39 |
robotdevil | ok so thats porrly ported | 23:46 |
robotdevil | poorly* | 23:46 |
robotdevil | http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=x0rv577zvxp6bqr2gnhj.png | 23:50 |
robotdevil | cant even see half of the menu entries | 23:51 |
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