
pedro_r_marquesHello... i've a package that has a build-depends on a java lib that is in "universe"... how can i build this package using sbuild ?01:12
pedro_r_marquesThe sbuild chroot only has main installed as repo.01:13
pedro_r_marquesis there any way for control file to specify that i need the universe repo as build dependency ?01:13
DanChapmanGood Morning10:42
rpadovanihey all :-) Quickly question: there is already a basic support for NFC?12:57
dakerrpadovani: i don't think so13:06
rpadovanidaker, mhh, ok, thanks13:07
dakerrpadovani: maybe try the QT/QML implementation and see if it works13:08
rpadovanidaker, this is a good idea13:08
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=== KuchKuch is now known as Marlinc
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=== marcoceppi-trave is now known as marcoc-traveling

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