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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
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jamespage | gnuoy, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/precise/glance/notification/+merge/216573 if you have time :-) | 09:58 |
gnuoy | sure | 10:01 |
gnuoy | jamespage, lgtm, do I need to throw any tests at the mp before giving it a +1 ? | 10:05 |
jamespage | gnuoy, I think rharper and coreycb tested pretty well last week | 10:05 |
jamespage | gnuoy, happy to wait for their +1 as well if you want to | 10:06 |
gnuoy | Its pretty trivial tbh | 10:06 |
jamespage | gnuoy, ta - merged into trusty and precise branches | 10:10 |
gnuoy | jamespage, ah, I'm not an openstack-charmers | 10:10 |
jamespage | gnuoy, fyi we have different branches for trusty and precise - but they are still the same context | 10:10 |
jamespage | gnuoy, you are a charmer right? | 10:10 |
jamespage | context/content | 10:10 |
gnuoy | jamespage, I was, maybet I was stripped of that when I left IS | 10:11 |
gnuoy | s/maybet/maybe/ | 10:11 |
jamespage | gnuoy, I added you to that team | 10:11 |
gnuoy | ta | 10:11 |
jamespage | gnuoy, you have more that enough track record of charm and charm-helpers updates | 10:12 |
gnuoy | thanks :) | 10:12 |
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X-warrior | Does juju update amazon security groups? | 13:02 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
allomov | hey, everyone. | 14:19 |
allomov | do you know what can cause this output https://gist.github.com/allomov/11373534 when running `juju deployer -c bundle.yml` | 14:19 |
allomov | ? | 14:20 |
hazmat | allomov, transient error on state server.. it should be auto retrying those.. you might have an old version of jujuclient | 14:25 |
hazmat | allomov, apt-cache show python-jujuclient | 14:25 |
allomov | thank you, hazmat. sounds like useful hint | 14:26 |
hazmat | allomov, this is on trusty? could you send the version string in the output of that apt-cache show cmd? | 14:26 |
allomov | hazmat, here is an output https://gist.github.com/allomov/11373534#file-apt-cache_show_python-jujuclient-log | 14:27 |
allomov | hazmat: yes, I'm on trusty | 14:27 |
allomov | hazmat: I will try to reinstall python-jujuclient | 14:28 |
hazmat | allomov, latest versions are in pypi i'd use virtualenv.. i think ahasenack also has a daily/trunk ppa but not sure it includes jujuclient | 14:29 |
hazmat | the daily ppa for deployer that is | 14:29 |
hazmat | allomov, are you seeing it regularly? | 14:29 |
hazmat | allomov, or is this a first time? | 14:30 |
ahasenack | hazmat: there are two ppas, one for deployer and one for jujuclient, both dailies | 14:30 |
allomov | hazmat: I've already seen this issue. I guess it was solved by recreating vm, where I run juju. | 14:31 |
lsyoyom | Hi, guys, I have a quick question, is juju-local able to survive a host restart? I'm getting confusing google search results. | 14:42 |
lsyoyom | According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/955576/comments/7, this should be fix in juju-core, but my juju-local won't start after a restart. | 14:45 |
_mup_ | Bug #955576: 'local:' services not started on reboot <production> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/955576> | 14:45 |
lsyoyom | So I guess this is still not fixed, or the fix is still not merged yet? | 14:46 |
lsyoyom | How should I bring up the environment manually after a restart? | 14:51 |
allomov | hazmat: here is what worked for me https://gist.githubusercontent.com/allomov/11373534/raw/bd430c2c92116340f2fa5d124b769c555946609d/solution.sh | 14:59 |
allomov | hazmat: thank you for helping | 14:59 |
lsyoyom | Thanks! I will take a look right away! | 15:00 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
allomov | hey again. | 15:12 |
allomov | after updating juju to 1.19.1-trusty-amd64 version I can't ssh with juju command | 15:12 |
allomov | here are details: https://gist.github.com/allomov/11374976 | 15:12 |
allomov | I am working with aws btw (ec2 environment type) | 15:13 |
allomov | The error message is -> ssh: Could not resolve hostname ip-172-31-21-242.us-west-2.compute.internal: Name or service not known | 15:13 |
allomov | I can't see bug report for this issue on launchpad, so will create one. | 15:15 |
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk | ||
hazmat | allomov, ick | 15:41 |
hazmat | allomov, please file a bug re ec2 ssh | 15:41 |
hazmat | allomov, if there's a chance you can stick the stable version (1.18.x) i'd recommend it | 15:41 |
allomov | hazmat: I've already created bug report : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/1313785 | 15:42 |
_mup_ | Bug #1313785: Can't SSH with "juju ssh" command to EC2 instance. <ssh> <juju (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1313785> | 15:42 |
allomov | hazmat: actually I can live with it | 15:42 |
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qhartman | what's the command to ack an error state? In my case I have a relation hook that failed, will juju retry that when I issue the ack command? | 16:49 |
qhartman | aha | 16:51 |
qhartman | found it | 16:51 |
qhartman | "juju resolved" | 16:51 |
X-warrior | Does juju update amazon security groups? | 17:16 |
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=== lazypower-travel is now known as lazyPower | ||
lazyPower | X-warrior: when you say update, in which sense? | 17:26 |
X-warrior | lazyPower: update security groups for port access. Or something like this, I have a machine where I manually opened a port on amazon console... and from time to time this configuration is lost... so I'm thinking if juju updates it | 17:28 |
lazyPower | X-warrior: unless the charm itself does an explicit open-port or close-port, it won't address the security groups unless that behavior has chanaged | 17:29 |
lazyPower | which i don't think it has | 17:29 |
lazyPower | X-warrior: and juju expose would be the magic key to actually open the ports to the world. | 17:29 |
X-warrior | lazyPower: yeap. I have the port 80 opened with open-port and expose... but I manually add port 443 on machine but this 443 port is being closed from time to time... so I was thinking if expose/open-port rewrite the security group, or recreate it... that could be the problem | 17:31 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
lazyPower | X-warrior: i'm not 100% positive, but it sounds reasonable. I'll ask between tracks and see if i cant get a definitive answer for you. | 18:14 |
X-warrior | lazyPower: thanks for the help anyway | 18:15 |
qhartman | I'm having trouble with the keystone charm when setting up relations. it seems to be trying to connect to localhost instead of the real IP or hostname of the keystone box, which is failing | 18:21 |
qhartman | Anyone know the right way to make sure that's configured correctly? | 18:21 |
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline | ||
X-warrior | lazyPower: I'm leaving for today if you find anything new about this, I will be around tomorrow. Have a great one :D | 19:28 |
marcoceppi | negronjl-afk: ping | 19:35 |
negronjl-afk | marcoceppi, hey | 19:35 |
marcoceppi | negronjl-afk: hey, can you explain what these # do? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgF6NYIOVngmdGFNdjQ3dlFEb3c4VmNfY3hjeVYyT1E&usp=drive_web#gid=1 | 19:36 |
marcoceppi | Crapppp | 19:36 |
marcoceppi | wrong ling | 19:36 |
marcoceppi | link | 19:36 |
marcoceppi | https://code.launchpad.net/~negronjl/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/lp1312281/+merge/217085 | 19:36 |
negronjl-afk | marcoceppi, they comment everything after them.. I am using it to show the part of code that is being ignored in case someone down the line figures out why they were put there originally | 19:37 |
negronjl-afk | marcoceppi, I assume that somebody put that extra call to the function ( probably with the intent of using it later but, forgot about it ). This way they get to see it without really affecting the code | 19:38 |
marcoceppi | negronjl-afk: cool, thanks | 19:38 |
marcoceppi | I thought so, but wasn't sure if it was some crazy python thing | 19:39 |
axisys | anyone got ucky in starting hadoop charm on local environment? | 20:38 |
axisys | I am using ppa:juju/devel's juju and still showing pending | 20:39 |
axisys | 1.19.1-trusty-amd64 | 20:39 |
axisys | Now it shows working after following this | 20:50 |
axisys | https://gist.githubusercontent.com/allomov/11373534/raw/bd430c2c92116340f2fa5d124b769c555946609d/solution.sh | 20:50 |
lazyPower | axisys: i'm not sure what those modifications are, but if its working it's probably worth noting you should ping the list with those details | 22:56 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away |
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