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_vaibhav_Hello, I missed the Ubuntu App Developer Week of march 2014. Can I get archives or ppt from somewhere?04:56
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dholbachgood morning06:45
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Aki-Thinkpadwhen I started my app today, I god this08:53
Aki-ThinkpadQProcessPrivate::execChild() failed to chdir to /home/akiva/Programming/Example/build-Example-Desktop-Default/.ubuntu-sdk-deploy08:53
Aki-Thinkpadnever had that before08:53
Aki-Thinkpadtwas something else08:56
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aquariusI have a newly installed machine, which was 13.10 and then upgraded to 14.04. I installed Ubuntu SDK after the upgrade to 14.04. When I plug in my Ubuntu phone (nexus 4), it is not recognised by the SDK IDE as a device; the SDK IDE recognises that something was plugged in, but doesn't seem to think that it's Ubuntu. Do I need to do something to enable this?12:17
popeyaquarius: probably need to re-enable the ppa12:17
aquariusI'm on 14.0412:17
popeyppas are disabled when you upgrade12:17
aquariusI still need the ppa? :(12:17
popeyyes, always use the ppa AIUI12:18
aquariusthat'd explain it, then.12:18
popeyit's much faster to deliver updates than via the SRU process12:18
aquariusso anyone developing for Ubuntu phone on 14.04 will need to enable a PPA first?12:18
popeyi believe so, that's right bzoltan ?12:18
aquariushttp://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/ says "Add PPAs (pre Trusty only)"12:19
aquariusah! but maybe I need ubuntu-device-flash, or phablet-tools?12:19
aquariusthat doc page seems confused12:20
aquariusInstall phablet-tools:12:20
aquarius$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash12:20
aquariusso now I don't know which to install :)12:20
popeythose are the phablet tools12:20
popey"The Phablet Tools"12:20
popeyare in package ubuntu-device-flash12:20
aquariusthe next step is12:20
aquariusList its tools with:12:20
aquarius$ dpkg -L phablet-tools | grep bin12:20
ogra_ubuntu-device-flash is in its pwn package12:20
popeyoh dear12:20
popeyyes, that doc is wrong12:21
aquariusubuntu-device-flash does not seem to depend on phablet-tools12:21
ogra_and all packages are in trusty ... you shouldnt need the PPA at this point of time12:21
aquariusdo I need both packages?12:21
ogra_(i assume the PPA will get updated packages for truesty once there are new changes ... and that will be faster than waiting for SRUs, so using the PPA *then* will make sense ... atm you shouldnt need it though)12:22
aquariusI *think* that the doc error is just that "Install phablet-tools: $ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash" should be "Install phablet-tools: $ sudo apt-get install phablet-tools" (because you installed ubuntu-device-flash in the previous step)12:23
popeyogra_: the ppa has stuff build 5 days ago12:23
aquariusI'll file a bug.12:23
ogra_ah, then the PPA might make sense already12:23
aquariushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/1313692 filed12:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1313692 in Ubuntu App Developer site ""Installing Ubuntu for Devices" page is confused about package names" [Undecided,New]12:26
aquariusshouldn't ubuntu-device-flash recommend phablet-tools?12:26
ogra_why ?12:27
ogra_you dont need developer tools to flash as enduser12:27
aquariusoh, u-d-f is completely self-contained?12:27
aquariusfair enough then12:27
ogra_its a go tool :)12:27
ogra_afaik it can even run on MAC12:28
dpmdholbach,  do you have an idea why the click reviewers tool finds this error: "Could not find 'com.ubuntu.terminal.desktop.in'" when running over http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/click/com.ubuntu.terminal_0.5.latest_armhf.click ?12:29
dpmI've no idea where it gets the idea to look for a .in file12:29
aquariushasn't helped. I have installed both phablet-tools and ubuntu-device-flash, and the Ubuntu SDK IDE still doesn't identify my Ubuntu phone when I plug it in :(12:29
aquariusbzoltan, ping ^^12:29
dpmdholbach, nm, I found out12:30
dpmit reads it from the manifest, which listed the wrong file12:30
nerochiaroartmello: hi, when you have some time can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-flip-hint/+merge/216079 ?12:35
aquariusThe "Log" tab says: "Detecting device..* there is no device connected." What prints that? So I can try and work out why it isn't working?12:35
artmellonerochiaro: sure12:35
dpmaquarius, do you have any "Ubuntu device" devices listed under Tools > Options > Devices?12:35
aquariusdpm, nope, I do not12:35
dpmaquarius, ah, I had some problems with my device last week, and deleting them from there helped me. In that case, you might want to ask zbenjamin ^12:36
zbenjaminits not picked up? thats weird, what happens after you press refresh when you plugged in your device?12:37
aquariuszbenjamin, I don't have a refresh button, I don't think12:38
aquariuszbenjamin, where should I be looking for one?12:38
zbenjaminaquarius: do you have the device mode available in QtCreator?12:38
zbenjaminaquarius: on the left side where you have , welcome, edit, design and so on, there should be also one saying Device12:39
aquariuszbenjamin, there is a devices entry on the left-hand sidebar. Clicking it shows an "Ubuntu Device" pane, with three bottom tabs: Device Actions, Emulators, and Log. Device Actions is afaict completely empty; Emulators invites me to install the emulator, and Log says "Detecting device..* there is no device connected."12:39
zbenjaminaquarius: ok plug in your device and run "abd devices -l" in a terminal+12:40
aquarius01df8dd49ccb99f7       device usb:3-1 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako12:41
zbenjaminok so adb can see it, but why can't QtC12:41
aquariusdon't know; that's why I asked :)12:41
zbenjaminaquarius: there is no "Refresh" button on the Devices tab? there should be oO12:42
aquariushttp://imgur.com/iZkrGLN is what it looks like.12:43
Elleoaquarius: dunno if it's relevant, but I had a similar problem a long time ago after having one of Nokia's QtCreator MeeGo bundles installed, and removing the old config files from (I think) ~/.config/QtProject and ~/.config/Nokia solved it12:43
ElleoI know you did a bit of N9 development, so maybe you have something similar hanging over?12:43
aquariusElleo, not on this machine. This is new12:44
Elleoah, okay12:44
zbenjaminaquarius: wth? never saw this error before12:44
aquariusI hadn't even installed the ubuntu sdk until I upgraded to 14.04 this weekend :)12:44
aquariuszbenjamin, you see my confusion :)12:44
Elleoaquarius: yeah, mine wasn't completely blank like yours either12:44
Elleoit just kept searching for the device, failing, searching again, etc.12:44
aquariuszbenjamin, I'm happy to provide info to try and work out why this is; then you chaps can perhaps try and fix the underlying bug which causes it12:44
zbenjaminaquarius: start qtc from the cli maybe it outputs something of interest for us12:44
Elleoplus this was all back in October so a lot has probably changed since then12:45
aquariusOK. Does the Ubuntu SDK link in the dash/launcher just do "qtcreator"? or does it do somethnig special?12:45
zbenjaminjust qtcreator12:45
dpmzbenjamin, aquarius, I actually get that blank screen whenever I plug in anything (non-phone) into any USB slots with Qt Creator running12:45
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aquariusnow device actions is showing me stuff12:46
aquariusdon't know why :)12:46
zbenjaminaquarius: you can see something now on the page?12:46
zbenjaminaquarius: sometimes the device detection is a bit flaky and gets stuck somewhere, probably a hickup12:47
aquariusnow it's complaining that my device doesn't have a network connection, which it does, but I'm OK to continue on my own now :)12:47
zbenjaminaquarius: rule of thumb: plug in and out ;)12:47
aquariusdon't know why it was a blank page before12:47
aquariusok, I lied12:48
aquariusplugging the phone in is now correctly detected, hooray12:48
zbenjaminawesome :)12:48
aquariushowever, Ubuntu SDK says "No network connection on your device", which is a big lie because there is a network connection :)12:48
aquariusthere is also a large "Enable Developer Mode" button on the right hand side of the Ubuntu Device pane, but it's insensitive.12:49
zbenjaminaquarius: this device page is really buggy, we have a new version in landing which hopefully will be available soon.12:49
aquariusok. So, in the meantime... can I just not deploy apps to my device for testing? :(12:50
aquariusredetect devices woke it up12:50
aquariusnow we're cooking. I can see the device fine.12:50
aquariusnot brilliant that it was confusing, but at least it's resolved now, and you've already fixed a bunch of this by the sound of it :)12:51
aquariusthank you zbenjamin12:51
zbenjaminaquarius: the network connection is required for installing packages on the device, its not required if developer mode is already on12:51
zbenjaminaquarius: well the new page is less confusing i hope :), it still can get stuck but it should never be completely empty12:52
zbenjaminaquarius: and its written using Ubuntu UI toolkit :)12:52
aquariusnice :)12:54
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dholbachbzoltan, zbenjamin: is http://askubuntu.com/questions/260185/is-there-way-to-compile-qt5-programs-written-with-c-to-ubuntu-touch something we should answer differently today?13:43
zbenjamindholbach: yeah we should, the default way would be to use cmake13:44
zbenjamindholbach: and with cmake we have full QtC support13:45
dpmballoons, joining the core apps call?14:03
rpadovanidpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/improveFirstRunWorkaround/+merge/21745014:10
rpadovanimardy: ciao, could you ping me when you have 10 minutes for a query? I have a couple of questions about online accounts14:10
mardyrpadovani: ciao! There you go :-)14:17
rickspencer3hey, is there anyone who can help me use qtcreator to make a web app?15:03
rickspencer3bzoltan, ^ ?15:08
justCarakasrickspencer3: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/html-5/15:11
rickspencer3justCarakas, I'm just trying to wrap up an existing web site15:12
rickspencer3that documentation looks more like for making a full blown app15:12
rickspencer3am I missing something?15:12
justCarakasow that is something else indeed15:12
rickspencer3more like http://developer.ubuntu.com/web/ , I guess15:13
justCarakasits very simple15:13
justCarakasin the sdk15:13
justCarakasnew project15:13
justCarakasand than web app15:13
justCarakasjust fill everything in there15:14
justCarakasif I remember correctly15:14
rickspencer3justCarakas, how do I package it, test it, etc...?15:15
elopioping mardy.15:17
elopiodo you have some time for me today?15:17
justCarakasby running it in the sdk I think15:18
aquariusIs there some way to tell QML "hey, someitem.someproperty ought to have a new value now but it hasn't; recalculate it, please"?15:18
justCarakasrickspencer3: have you tried the sdk yet ?15:18
rickspencer3justCarakas, yes, but it looks quite desktop centric15:19
rickspencer3and I still don't see in QtCreator how to just simply run it to test it out15:19
justCarakasthe green button on thebottom left15:19
justCarakasrickspencer3: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/webapp/packaging-web-apps/15:20
justCarakaselse you can try this15:20
* rickspencer3 looks15:20
rickspencer3aah, there seems to be no QtCreator integration yet :)15:21
rickspencer3for building at least15:21
dakerrickspencer3: to build it, just run click build . inside the directory15:22
justCarakasrickspencer3: than the link I send should contain the answer15:22
rickspencer3daker, right15:22
rickspencer3daker, then how do I run it, etc...?15:22
dakerrickspencer3: on desktop ?15:22
ogra_adb push it to /home/phablet15:22
ogra_then: pkcon install-local /path/to/click15:23
rickspencer3daker, right, typically I would run an app on my desktop to make sure it is working well15:23
ogra_(as phablet user)15:23
rickspencer3ogra_, right, seems like installing it is a bit over kill15:23
rickspencer3also, I may want to write a little code to integrate with the sound menu15:23
rickspencer3seems like being able to do a run/debug loop would be nice :)15:23
dakerrickspencer3: first you need to make sure the Exec line works on desktop15:25
dakerex : webbrowser-app --webapp --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://m.youtube.com/* http://m.youtube.com15:26
rickspencer3so just run the exec line?15:26
ogra_wouldnt that be webapp-container nowadays ?15:26
ogra_webbrowser-app --webapp is the old way15:26
ogra_for the 13.10 API15:26
dakerogra_: yes that what i was going ask too :)15:27
ogra_for oxide you want webbrowser-app15:27
dakerthat's what the QTC give on 14.0415:27
rickspencer3ogra_, what should I use instead?15:28
rickspencer3I just used the QtCreator template15:28
rickspencer3webbrowser-app --webapp --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://www.phishtracks.com/* http://www.phishtracks.com15:28
rickspencer3changed to:15:29
rickspencer3webapp-container --webapp --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://www.phishtracks.com/* http://www.phishtracks.com15:29
rickspencer3seems to work also15:29
ogra_webapp-container --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns= ... http://foo.com15:29
rickspencer3ogra_, do I need "--webapp"?15:30
dakerrickspencer3: just remove the --webapp and s/webbrowser-app/webapp-container15:30
dakerwe should file a bug against QTC for this15:31
rickspencer3ogra_, so the behavoir in the webapp container is different than in chromium15:38
rickspencer3is there something I should know wrt css or similar?15:38
ogra_no idea, best to ask chrisccoulson15:38
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ogra_i havent really tested any of the mobile sites my webapps use with chromium15:39
ogra_(they work well enough with oxide though)15:39
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, any reason this would not work on my desktop?15:40
rickspencer3webapp-container --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://www.phishtracks.com/* http://www.phishtracks.com15:40
* rickspencer3 updates15:40
* ogra_ would remove the www from the pattern15:41
rickspencer3oh, 457 megs of updates15:41
rickspencer3maybe I am a little behind ;)15:41
aquariusrickspencer3, that works pretty much fine for me -- what's not working for you?15:42
rickspencer3aquarius, you can play a song?15:43
ogra_did you enable audio in apparmor ?15:43
aquariusoh, it's supposed to play music, is it? :)15:43
rickspencer3I bet it will work after this update15:43
rickspencer3aquarius, yeah :)15:43
rickspencer3ogra_, do I need to do that on the desktop?15:44
rickspencer3I'm suspecting I have an out of date oxide because I haven't upgraded in a while15:44
ogra_i never tried a webapp on the desktop :)15:44
aquariusindeed. In the webapp container, it's not showing the play bar at the bottom, or playing any songs15:44
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer3 :)15:44
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson15:44
aquariusalso, I hate phish :)15:44
chrisccoulsonwhat's the issue (i've not read the whole scrollback yet)?15:44
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, my web app doesnt work, at least not on my desktop15:45
rickspencer3webapp-container --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://phishtracks.com/* http://phishtracks.com15:45
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, it should play music15:45
rickspencer3but breaks in different ways15:45
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, I haven't tried running it on my phone or anything yet, though15:46
aquariusalso, I can't get --inspector to work, either15:46
aquariuswhich makes it hard to diagnose the problem15:46
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, it seems to play music here (in a plain webview though). do you have oxideqt-codecs-extra installed?15:48
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, I dunno15:48
chrisccoulsonaquarius, i think alex-abreu is working on that :)15:48
rickspencer3let me finish this upgrade and then check15:48
rickspencer3I have this feeling that the root problem is that I forgot that I am a bit out of date on this 'puter :)15:48
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, it's not installed by default, so I suspect not. and I bet you need that for it to work :)15:48
alex-abreuchrisccoulson, aquarius yes15:48
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, ah15:49
rickspencer3ok, I'll install that when this is done15:49
pmcgowanyep that fixes it, nice webapp15:49
rickspencer3pmcgowan, I guess to make it really nice I need to integrate it with the sound menu\15:49
aquariusalex-abreu, ah, cool. I was wondering whether I had to specify --inspector=yes or somethnig :)15:50
rickspencer3which doesn't look too too hard15:50
* pmcgowan finds watcher of the skies, wow15:50
alex-abreuaquarius, should land soon, I have a branch lying for some time need to MR it & retest it15:51
aquariusbah, I thought you'd be able to do webapp-container --inject-this-script=myintegrationscript.js but you can't -- you'll have to write the webapp integration script (for the sound menu integration, using the unity webapps api) and then install it :(15:51
pmcgowanaquarius, btw stuck on level 815:51
aquariuspmcgowan, heh. Which one's level 8?15:51
* rickspencer3 drums fingers15:51
pmcgowansomethign about those included in classification15:51
pmcgowanwas sure I had the answer 3 times15:52
aquariuspmcgowan, the app describes itself as requiring psychology, intelligence, lateral thinking, research, and guesswork. This one is basically all research. :)15:52
pmcgowanaquarius, will do, although I thought I did ;)15:53
aquariusit's picky about capitalisation and things like that15:53
aquarius(I'm going to make Riddling 2 less picky about that; I thought it'd make it more fun, but it just makes it annoying)15:53
pmcgowanaquarius, you need to add things like "close but not quite" or "gettign warmer"15:54
aquariuspmcgowan, yeah. That's difficult to do, though...15:57
dbarthrickspencer3: pong15:57
rickspencer3hi dbarth15:59
rickspencer3so, I think I might be sorted15:59
rickspencer3just waiting for this update to run, then I need to sudo apt-get install oxideqt-codecs-extra16:00
rickspencer3dbarth, fyi16:00
dbarthrickspencer3: sorry, was otp and missed the rest16:00
rickspencer3QtCreator is creating an incorrect exec line16:00
rickspencer3and also, it seems like it should be hooked up to the QtCreator run button16:00
rickspencer3and also, the packaging tab should work16:01
dbarthrickspencer3: if you on trusty, you need an update of qtc-plugin-ubuntu16:01
rickspencer3dbarth, aaah16:01
dbarthto be able to run the app on dvice16:01
rickspencer3I bet it all works after this update16:01
dbarthi caught this one last week and released an update :/16:01
rickspencer3sorry dbarth, I bet all my problems go away when I am up to date :)16:01
rickspencer3I didn't realize how out of date I was :)16:01
rickspencer3a whole week!16:02
aquariusdbarth, has that fix been srued? or are we basically requiring app devs on 14.04 to enable the PPA?16:02
dbarthnot SRU'ed, as last week was not possible16:02
rickspencer3no way am I running the PPA16:02
dbarthbut uploaded to the sdk ppa where devs are supposed to be taking updates for the SDK16:02
aquariusrickspencer3, that's why I asked the question. I don't want to run the PPA either :)16:02
dbarththen i need to lobby again for an sru, but that was not possible last week16:02
rickspencer3dbarth, sure, understood16:03
dbarthlet me ping back the sdk/ci folks about it16:03
dbarthrickspencer3: but apart from that, did you find what you needed?16:03
rickspencer3dbarth, I think so16:03
aquariusrickspencer3, I can confirm that with oxide-qtcodecs-extra installed, your webapp works fine16:03
dbarthrickspencer3: ok cool16:03
rickspencer3I'll let you know if this update doesn't fix everything16:03
dbarthrickspencer3: you might want to try the latest runtime API which was made available to html5 app devs16:04
rickspencer3dbarth, ok, my next step will be sound menu integration16:04
dbarthrickspencer3: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/html5/sdk-14.04/RuntimeApi.RuntimeApi/16:04
rickspencer3I may ask for pointers16:04
rickspencer3omg, this upgrade is taking *forever*416:05
dbarthrickspencer3: hmm, not on touch though, we're not plugged into the media hub yet16:05
rickspencer3dbarth, oh? I can't add sound menu integration yet?16:05
aquariusrickspencer3, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/javascript/web-docs/#mediamenu16:05
rickspencer3that makes it easy :)16:05
aquariusyou should be able to integrate into the sound menu16:05
aquariusyour problem will be that when your phone blanks the screen, the music will stop playing16:06
rickspencer3aquarius, I think dbarth just said this doesn't work on Touch yet16:06
rickspencer3aquarius, oh, it doesn't use the media service yet?16:06
aquariusbut that's not anything that you can fix; that's for dbarth and chrisccoulson to fix in Oxide so that it talks to the media hub :)16:06
rickspencer3that's seriously ouch16:06
aquariusI might be wron16:06
dbarthcause we couldn't pass the stream yet16:06
aquariusdon't listen to me, listen to a bald French guy instead :P16:06
dbarthor 2 ;)16:07
rickspencer3dbarth, I assume that fixing this is on your roadmap?16:07
dbarthyes, now we have the underlying support16:07
rickspencer3dbarth, if I put my app in the store now, will it just magically start wokring when that support is added?16:08
* rickspencer3 likes magic16:08
dbarthjust discussing it on hangout with alex-abreu16:09
dbarthtrying to make it magic16:09
dbarthcurrently on the desktop it's explicit, so would require some hints16:09
dbarthbut now we think that as soon as you have a stream that goes via media hub16:10
dbarth*that* part could be implicit, and hence be there magically for you16:10
dbarthie., for the stream, play/pause, that could be transparent16:10
rickspencer3dbarth, oh wow16:11
dbarthnext/prev action suppotr should still require explicit instructions in your app16:11
rickspencer3ah, that makes sense16:11
rickspencer3I'll skip the menu integration for now then :)16:11
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dbarthrickspencer3: is that a new app? i was following the scope dev you were doing lately16:12
rickspencer3dbarth, sorry, I missed something, not certain what you are asking about16:12
dbarthrickspencer3: if the sample app you're doing is something you share on g+ the way you did with the scopes16:13
rickspencer3dbarth, well, I might do a little write up of this web-app16:13
dbarthrickspencer3: this way we can use that as a "user story" to guide our devs on the html5 stack16:13
rickspencer3but when said and done, there's not much to it16:13
dbarthmap your use cases first16:13
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, thoughts?16:26
dakerrickspencer3: you need to install oxide-qt something package16:28
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dakerrickspencer3: liboxideqt-qmlplugin16:29
* rickspencer3 tries16:29
rickspencer3daker, I don't think it's that particular package, as it says it's already at the latest16:32
* rickspencer3 tries liboxideqt-qmlplugin16:32
rickspencer3I mean oxideqmlscene16:32
rickspencer3no love16:32
* davmor2 pictures rickspencer3 delving into a tophat, screaming abracadabra at his phone16:33
rickspencer3hi davmor216:33
rickspencer3I suspect that I need to dist-upgrade to get new versions16:33
* rickspencer3 runs dist-upgrade16:34
dakerrickspencer3: i think you need to run it16:34
dakerAFAIK oxide is at 1.0 not 0.1 if i am not wrong16:34
rickspencer3it's running now :)16:34
rickspencer3I should have just done a dist-upgrade to start with16:35
rickspencer3\o/ all works now :)16:38
aquariusCan I disable the HUD in my app?16:38
aquariusI'm experimenting with the bottom edge16:39
dakerrickspencer3: congrats!16:39
aquariusand when I pull up I keep getting the HUD :)16:39
rickspencer3being up to date ftw ;)16:39
t1mpaquarius: I think the app cannot do that.. unity8 needs to disable it16:49
t1mpaquarius: cool that you are experimenting with the bottom edge. Are you using the Panel component?16:49
aquariust1mp, oh. :(16:49
aquariust1mp, not using the panel: should I be? I didn't even know that existed :)16:50
t1mpaquarius: it is one option.. it detects bottom edge swipes and tracks how far you moved your finger up16:50
aquariusoh really?16:50
t1mpaquarius: pretty basic, but it could save a bit of work16:50
aquariusI'm doing that by hand ;)16:50
t1mpaquarius: that's how I did it ;)16:50
aquariushttps://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Panel ?16:51
t1mpaquarius: I discovered a bug last week that got in there recently.. I fixed it in UITK staging but it still needs to land in the images16:51
t1mpaquarius: yes, that one16:51
aquariusheh. DIdn't know about that.16:51
t1mphttps://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixPanel/+merge/217014 this needs to land first16:51
t1mpaquarius: currently, when you move your mouse in the panel-area, it automatically fully opens (just like the toolbar for desktop), that shouldn't happen..16:51
aquariusalthough it's not all that useful to me, because the contents and size change depending on how far you've swiped up, in the thing I'm doing16:52
aquariusand a Panel has a fixed size which is predeclared, looking at this API documentation16:52
t1mpaquarius: I have a tiny bottom-edge test program here: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/+junk/vscale16:52
aquariusI may have a look at that16:52
t1mpaquarius: ah yes I remember.. on purpose I didn't tell people of the Panel because of that bug.. waiting for the fix to land16:52
aquariusI'm not really doing this to actually use it, I'm doing it to try and suggest a different approach to how the web browser should work, inspired by opera coast :)16:53
aquariusand I want to put together a working demo16:53
t1mpaquarius: uhm.. right. I didn't think of multiple-stages of swiping up yet when I made the panel16:53
aquariusand try out some bottom edge things at the same time16:53
t1mpaquarius: I haven't tried opera coast, but when you have some cool new interaction I'd be happy to check it out :)16:53
aquariust1mp, yeah -- not a problem. I wasn't particularly expecting what I'm trying to do to be catered for by an out-of-the-box component :P16:53
aquariust1mp, once I have something I'll wave it at you :)16:54
t1mpaquarius: thanks16:54
t1mpaquarius: app developers can think of their own crazy stuff for the bottom edge, so it is near impossible to have out-of-the-box components for that16:55
aquariussomething like your Panel is a good starting point, though, I think16:55
t1mpaquarius: when it turns out that there are a few standard approaches that work, we can put something for that in our toolkit16:55
rickspencer3dbarth, when I am making my webapp I need to create a manifest.json file before I use click build?16:55
aquariusand if lots of people start doing things similar to what I'm doing here, then a MultiPanePanel component would be an obvious next step16:55
rickspencer3beuno, wow, auto scanning ftw17:06
popeyrickspencer3: you sure about m.phishtracks.com ?17:23
popeyit doesn't load here17:23
popeyHost m.phishtracks.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)17:23
dbarthrickspencer3: yes, like any normal app17:27
dbarthrickspencer3: qtc should have done it for you already17:27
dbarthyou need the webview policy_group in particular17:28
dbarthrickspencer3: are you doing a local html5 app, or just wrapping a website (ie a "webapp") ?17:29
dbarthkyleN: ^^ is there still a page on d.u.c which makes the difference between the 2?17:32
kyleNdbarth, are you referring to webapps v html5 apps?17:33
kyleNdbarth: currently there is a top level section called "web"17:34
kyleNI think the intention of this is to cover webapps17:34
kyleNI think this 'web' content needs to be clarified.17:35
kyleNfor example just hours ago I filed this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/131376917:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1313769 in Ubuntu App Developer site "web landing page unclear on what a web app is" [Undecided,New]17:35
kyleNthat subject is separate from html5 apps on the dev portal17:35
dbarthkyleN: totally17:35
kyleNthey are covered under apps/html-5: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/17:36
rpadovaniHey all :-) There is a simple way to close a popup dialog outsidethe dialog itself?17:36
beunorickspencer3, indeed!17:36
kyleNdbarth, perhaps we can meet to discusses what the webapps content really should be17:36
dbarthkyleN: during the weekly tomorrow, that sounds like a good way to restart17:37
dbarthplanning updates to the online docs17:37
kyleNOK, see you then dbarth17:37
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rickspencer3beuno, hey, I'm having a weird effect with the web app I just published18:21
beunorickspencer3, tell me more18:21
rickspencer3so, when I run it, I get an error in a browser window18:21
rickspencer3that says that m.phishtracks.com is not availble18:21
rickspencer3but I never told it to look at m. anything18:22
rickspencer3I'm wondering if I screwed something up somewhere in my package18:22
beunorickspencer3, can you pastebin the manifest file?18:22
rickspencer3beuno, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7354190/18:23
beunojdstrand, do you have any clues as to what to look at?18:24
beunoit looks fine, although I forget what the policy for webapps and their urls are18:24
rickspencer3beuno, they are in the desktop file, I think18:25
beunorickspencer3, does it look sane there?  you may be getting redirected due to the user agent?18:25
jdstrandsounds like a redirect is happening18:25
jdstrandwhat is the contents of the desktop file?18:25
rickspencer3I cannot believe I did this18:27
rickspencer3let me make an update18:27
* beuno sits back down18:27
jdstrandbeuno: hey, I was just about to ask you18:27
rickspencer3jdstrand, beuno I think I never saved the file in QtCreator :(18:28
jdstrandbeuno: used to be when the device downloaded a click package, it was saved in .local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads18:28
rickspencer3because it doesn't have a run button for web apps18:28
jdstrandbeuno: that doesn't seem to happen any more. How can I download an app so that I have the click package? (really, I don't care about the phone at this point-- I want the trip advisor app for a change I am making to the review scripts)18:29
* beuno is wrapping up a call18:30
sergiusensrickspencer3: jdstrand I got disconnected while seeing this, but if this autosave is not yours, then something is forcing the m http://paste.ubuntu.com/7354251/18:35
rickspencer3sergiusens, yeah, so it was because I didn't save the file in QtCreator18:36
* rickspencer3 dope slaps self18:36
rickspencer3sergiusens, I was testing it on my desktop by pasting the exec line into a terminal18:36
sergiusenswell at least it's solved :-)18:36
rickspencer3sergiusens, "solved"18:36
beunojdstrand, sorry, I don't follow. You download from the phone's browser?18:41
jdstrandbeuno: I was looking for the trip advisor click package. I had downloaded it on my phone at some point in the past. I can't find the click any more on my device18:42
beunojdstrand, ah, mandel would know about the download manager18:43
jdstrandbeuno: (I installed it via the scope)18:43
beunoah, installed!18:43
beunojdstrand, image 303?18:43
jdstrandbeuno: if it isn't on the device any more, how can I find and download it from the store18:43
beunojdstrand, searching from the scope doesn't do it?18:44
jdstrandbeuno: it isn't a preinstall18:44
jdstrandbeuno: sorry, I want the actual click package file so I can run the review scripts on it18:44
hakermaniaIs there any way to have a dependent package and and run code in your application only if this package is available?18:44
beunojdstrand, is it the same if I give you a link to download it?18:45
jdstrandbeuno: that would unblock me, yes.18:45
hakermaniaFor example, I want to make unity support for kdenlive, but it will be weird a KDE application to depend on libunity. So it could be a suggested package. Using libunity.h would demand to build against libunity-dev and thus libunity's so files will be a direct package dependency.18:45
hakermaniaIs there any way to overcome this?18:45
jdstrandthough, it would be nice if I could snag these things on my own without having to ping you18:45
beunojdstrand, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/252/18:47
beunojdstrand, you will be able to soon18:59
beunojdstrand, with the appstore website19:00
jdstrandok, cool19:00
jdstrandI thought that might be the case19:00
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gerlowskijaHas anyone noticed the Reminders App creating empty notes at times.  I'm seeing it on my Desktop.  I'll have a Note open in the app for editing, and every 20 seconds or so a new 'Untitled' note appears in the sidebar23:47
gerlowskijaMaybe my touchpad is overly sensitive though and it's just driving me nuts.23:48

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