
holsteinliw_: whats your quesiton?02:36
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it02:37
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holsteinliw_: ^02:38
* IotaSpencer <3 utf-8 + jp packs02:39
IotaSpencer(since thats whats allowing it for me)02:40
wickedheadacheis it posible to get real time?08:09
zequencewickedheadache: With jack you mean? With U08:12
zequenceWith Ubuntu Studio you have that by default08:12
wickedheadacheit's "realtime" and not generic, i can't tell by reading the site itself what is downloaded08:13
wickedheadachesorry that was a question08:13
wickedheadachefrom reading i am assumeing "low latency is default... i have no idea08:14
wickedheadachewell i'll try looking at the iso...08:16
zequencewickedheadache: You mean is there a realtime kernel?08:19
zequenceThis is not equal to getting realtime08:20
zequenceThere's no realtime kernel in the Ubuntu repo08:20
wickedheadacheyea its been a while since i've been around to ask08:20
wickedheadachethat's fine08:20
wickedheadachei'm guessing it's in beta or called something else now...08:21
zequencewickedheadache: As I said, therers no realtime kernel in the Ubuntu repos08:31
zequenceHasn't been a real one since 9.1008:32
zequencelinux-lowlatency is a preemptive kernel with no realtime patch. It's ok for most use cases, and is what we have by default in Ubuntu Studio08:32
zequenceWe might reintroduce it as an alternative, if someone gets around to do the work. Maintaining it is a bit more work, and it's also prone to more unforseen bugs08:33
wickedheadacheof course, wish i could help =/08:36
wickedheadacheit was worth it i think, i was unaware it was needed its own support entirely08:37
wickedheadachewhat do you do for pci-E  latencies? is that hw locked?09:24
zequencewickedheadache: pci-E latencies should be lower than for PCI. The kernel takes care of that, pretty much09:25
zequencereliable preemptiveness may come down to other variables though, such as shared IRQ09:26
zequenceor as OvenWerk1 often points out, processor type (hyperthreading can be bad), and which mode it is running at (ondemand, or performance)09:27
zequenceTo find out what you can push from your kernel, you can use the tools in the rt-tests package309:28
wickedheadache well not only that but there is pci schedualing to the cpu and crap sopposedly handled with some hw i assume,09:28
wickedheadacheyea that would be helpful09:28
zequencepci-E has a shorter route to processing, so to my understanding, at least in theory, it should be more reliable in lower latencies under the right circumstances09:29
wickedheadachewas a time i was attempting to figure out why there was no agp x16 ettc xD09:29
wickedheadachebut i have little hands on with pci e x or etc09:30
wickedheadachehopes this changes soon09:30
wickedheadachei have pci-e now yea09:31
wickedheadachepci-e is also digital/full duplex?09:34
zequence"a PCIe bus link supports full-duplex communication between any two endpoints, with no inherent limitation on concurrent access across multiple endpoints", from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express09:36
=== test is now known as Guest98969
Guest98969hello, does somebody else have problems whith the root-password in a fresh ubuntu 14.04 installation ? sometimes it works, sometimes not15:51
IotaSpencerI've noticed that after a install that i can't login to my user after the second restart16:42
IotaSpencerso, install, restart, good, apt-get update and upgrade, restart, dead16:42
IotaSpencerthough I think that's being ubuntu in general16:43
Guest98969whith the user-login i never had problems, it is only when doing "sudo"17:11
zequenceIotaSpencer: That could be that the keyboard layout changed to US english, if you didn't have that originally17:29
zequenceah, or you mean it won't boot at all?17:30
zequencei've had some weird problems with sudo at times, caused by a crash, now that I think of it17:30
zequenceThe only way to fix it was to reboot17:30
zequenceIf I was able17:30
IotaSpencerI get to the graphical login where you either see and hear the ubuntu sound or you get the ubuntustudio screen, after putting in my password it disappears and reappears no red or nothing, like it doesn't like me17:31
zequenceIotaSpencer: Some kind of problem in user settings17:46
IotaSpencercare to elaborate if you can17:46
zequenceIotaSpencer: You can probably login using Ctl+Alt+F1. Then, remove settings from your home folder, that have anything to do with the Desktop environment17:48
zequenceIf you feel bold, and don't care to readjust some applications, you could just delete folders such as ~/.config and ~/.cache17:48
zequenceNext time you login, anything that had it settings there will have default settings17:49
zequenceIn XFCE I've seen that a few times, that user settings get corrupted somehow17:50

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