
qiyong# status vsftpd12:11
qiyongvsftpd start/running12:11
qiyongis upstart's fault?12:11
qiyongthe process id isn't shown and actually vsftpd doesn't start.12:12
marianogg9hi guys, does anyone know what this mean? "main process terminated with status 1" what does 1 mean?12:51
marianogg9I knew state 127 means an error12:51
marianogg9can anyone take a look at this script please? it'll exit with a 127 status https://gist.github.com/marianogg9/1137126013:02
marruslmarianogg9, on ubuntu at least, default shell is dash and it doesn't support "source"13:08
marianogg9marrusl: mine is centos13:08
marruslmarianogg9, use the env or export stanzas for variables13:08
marruslstill might not be bash13:08
marrusl127 is command not found so it makes sense13:09
marrusldefault system shell i should say, default user shell could be something else.13:09
marianogg9but..it does work typing it manually thougj13:09
marruslyour shell is probably bash13:10
marruslupstart uses /bin/sh what is that pointing to?13:11
marianogg9marrusl: bash13:11
marianogg9anyway..env is (at least in the example) for particular var definitions like PATH=value..I need to export a whole file 13:13
marianogg9marrusl: ^^13:13
marruslmarianogg9, not sure.  although bash can behave differently when invoked as /bin/sh.  you might get the same command-not-found if you run it manually and explicitly with /bin/sh instead of just executing it13:17
marianogg9marrusl: besides /bin/sh matter, do you know how to export a file.env?13:35
jodhmarianogg9: I explained to you how to do that last Thurday. Did you read the links I sent explaining how to debug a job that does not run as expected?14:03
marianogg9jodh: oh..you're right, sorry14:06
marianogg9jodh: "+ rvm 2.0 /dev/fd/11: line 4: rvm: command not found"14:31
marianogg9looks like it cannot find "rvm" command?14:31
marianogg9I used "exec > /tmp/my_service.log 2>&1 set -x" in my script and got that error14:32
jodhmarianogg9: in which case, you'll either need to specify the full path to that command, or add the directory to $PATH. The former is safer though.14:32
marianogg9jodh: is there a limit for the amount of var i can env/export ?17:06
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marianogg9jodh: ^^17:40
mgw  irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/# invoke salt-minion via su so that /etc/environment is read23:09
mgw  exec su -c salt-minion23:09
mgwdoes that trick work on Trusty?23:09

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