=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
cylee_ | hi, does anyone encounter juju cannot bootstrap under MAAS environment? The juju status show port 17070 connection refused | 08:20 |
caribou | I would need some guidance in fixing the nova-cloud-controller charm | 11:22 |
caribou | I need to pass the content of authorized_keys & known_hosts through a relation | 11:23 |
caribou | currently, the content is encoded in base64 but if the file is too big it fails | 11:23 |
caribou | I'm looking at passing each line of the file as a relation | 11:23 |
caribou | the problem I face is building indexed relations so the other side can rebuild the file correctly | 11:24 |
caribou | any suggestion/comment ? | 11:33 |
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk | ||
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
=== brian is now known as Guest74260 | ||
Guest74260 | I have a cloud instance running on which I installed juju and juju-gui using local provider. juju-gui deploys into an lxc container with a 10.x.x.x address. If I remote desktop to the cloud instance I can start firefox & access juju-gui. But what can be done to directly access it & login over the internet | 13:43 |
Guest74260 | I tried installing nginx on the host and redirect to the juju-gui container IP the login menu starts to appear but it just spins on "Connecting to the juju environment" | 13:47 |
=== negronjl-afk is now known as negronjl | ||
chenxiongfei | 有大圈崽吗? | 15:05 |
chenxiongfei | test | 15:05 |
qhartman | It looks like the nova-cloud-controller charm for Trusty doesn't actually install nova-network, even though it says it does in the description. | 15:25 |
qhartman | Here's the apparently relevant code: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/trunk/view/head:/hooks/nova_cc_utils.py#L52 | 15:26 |
qhartman | Is this by design to push people to Neutron, or is it an oversight? | 15:28 |
lazyPower | Guest74260: sshuttle will give you a "vpn" over ssh to use. | 15:33 |
html | morning | 16:19 |
html | morning | 16:20 |
avoine | o/ | 16:21 |
html | hi | 16:37 |
html | https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1289799 this is what i get when i do just that | 16:40 |
_mup_ | Bug #1289799: Trying to bootstrap local provider as root breaks environment <bootstrap> <regression> <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289799> | 16:40 |
html | local install | 16:40 |
mhall119 | what are the charm category options? | 16:40 |
mhall119 | nvm, found it | 16:43 |
html | there is none, i am trying to install juju for the 30th time | 16:52 |
mhall119 | html: trying ot install the command-line tools? | 16:53 |
mhall119 | marcoceppi: I'm not grasping the difference between a relation and an interface...can you point me to some docs that might clear it up for me | 16:53 |
mhall119 | ? | 16:53 |
html | idk what im really doing. | 16:58 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
html | i know that im trying to install juju to get the gui | 16:58 |
html | the set up some servivces | 16:59 |
mhall119 | oh, the juju-gui is different, I think | 16:59 |
mhall119 | I've only used the command-line tools myself, which is probably easier if you just have a few services to manage, not a full datacenter | 16:59 |
=== html is now known as html5 | ||
=== html5 is now known as html6 | ||
html6 | mhall119, well atm idk how i get it working. 20-30 time and fail. im tired of banging my head | 17:03 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
mhall119 | html6: what instructions are you following? | 17:28 |
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk | ||
html6 | just a min | 17:34 |
html6 | mhall119, i believe that was the default page for the instucktions | 17:35 |
mhall119 | what "that"? | 17:36 |
jose | html6: if you're bootstrapping local it doesn't require sudo | 17:37 |
html6 | i did both | 17:37 |
jose | html6: did you already try destroying the environment? | 17:39 |
jose | with sudo juju destroy-environment --force | 17:39 |
html6 | i like to install the juju on my Ubuntu desktop then have a nodes at digaitalocean to be sping up | 17:39 |
jose | I can give you a hand with that | 17:39 |
html6 | jose, teamveiwer? | 17:40 |
jose | html6: I can guide you through on IRC | 17:40 |
html6 | sure, | 17:42 |
jose | http://blog.dasroot.net/replacing-u1-with-owncloud-on-digital-ocean/ has some instructions on how to get owncloud running | 17:44 |
jose | I think you want to follow everything until Boostrapping our DO service | 17:44 |
jose | now the question is, do you want to deploy everything on a single node or have different nodes? | 17:46 |
jcastro | hey jose | 17:46 |
jose | hello, jcastro! | 17:46 |
jcastro | you can make that power video I put on ubuntuonair.com public now. :) | 17:46 |
jose | awesome, thanks for the heads up! | 17:46 |
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
jose | negronjl: for when you have some time, https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/seafile/readme-cache-departed/+merge/217170 is waiting for review | 17:52 |
jose | should be pretty simple | 17:52 |
html6 | thats a good qestion jose | 17:58 |
jose | html6: do you have any plans about what you want to deploy? | 17:59 |
html6 | i need a webserver with storage | 17:59 |
html6 | a vpn | 18:00 |
html6 | bittornet seeeder | 18:00 |
html6 | give back to linux ;) | 18:00 |
html6 | owncloud + stoagre. hopeing i can use the storage from home over the internet | 18:01 |
html6 | i can hear you | 18:02 |
jose | html6: why don't you try that owncloud tutorial? | 18:04 |
jose | if that works for you we can go ahead and help you with some other stuff | 18:04 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
html6 | jose, i have try this 10= times | 18:11 |
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk | ||
jose | html6: bootstrapping in digitalocean? | 18:11 |
lazyPower | Hey thats my blog up there | 18:15 |
lazyPower | jose: right on. | 18:15 |
FunnyLookinHat | Anyone here a MAAS expert? #ubuntu-maas isn't too popular | 18:51 |
sarnold | FunnyLookinHat: I think everyone is 'on sprint' this week, travelled somewhere and working feverishly in too-tiny and underventilated hotel conference rooms.. | 18:55 |
FunnyLookinHat | sarnold, hehehe - fair enough :) | 18:56 |
marcoceppi | FunnyLookinHat: not an expert, and at a sprint, but I could help | 18:59 |
marcoceppi | FunnyLookinHat: also, did you try #maas ? | 18:59 |
FunnyLookinHat | marcoceppi, I'll give #maas a try :) | 19:03 |
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline | ||
hobbit | Hello! | 19:30 |
hobbit | having this issue, can't google out anything simlar: have one maas, one compute, when deploying juju - log shows that there are attempts to establish ssh connection, tcpdump show that compute answers - but nothing happens | 19:32 |
hobbit | latest juju, 12.04.4 precise | 19:33 |
sarnold | hobbit: are you using the python juju (version 0.7 or so...) or the juju-core (1.17 or so?) | 19:34 |
hobbit | juju-core 1.18.1 | 19:35 |
sarnold | hobbit: can you pastebin a juju status? | 19:36 |
hobbit | that's a thing - juju status complains that juju is not bootstrapped; but i can't bootstrap | 19:37 |
hobbit | yet i can ssh easily between maas and compute | 19:38 |
jose | hobbit: have you actually bootstrapped the environment? | 19:39 |
hobbit | that's what im trying to do - but bootstrap times-out after 10 minutes | 19:40 |
hobbit | i see that it tries to ssh towards compute during this time | 19:40 |
hobbit | i can manually run same command from console - and it works (though i see no prompt) but i can definitely interact | 19:41 |
jose | can you please pastebin the log of the bootstrap? | 19:42 |
jose | what's weird is that it usually destroys machines if the bootstrap is not successful | 19:42 |
hobbit | it's huge, but this line is seen repeatedly during bootstrap -> 2014-04-29 17:30:12 DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:122 running: ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i /home/virtu/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/virtu/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@ /bin/bash | 19:43 |
hobbit | every 10 seconds | 19:44 |
jose | hmm, it's trying to bootstrap local? | 19:44 |
jose | because looks like a local-range IP | 19:45 |
hobbit | well, it's two physical blades, one maas and one compute | 19:45 |
jose | oh, openstack | 19:45 |
jose | I thought it was EC2 | 19:46 |
hobbit | yepp, openstack :) | 19:46 |
hobbit | so, if i try | 19:47 |
hobbit | ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i /home/virtu/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa -i /home/virtu/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@ /bin/bash | 19:47 |
hobbit | from console, it works, i.e. i can interact with | 19:47 |
hobbit | no prompt though | 19:47 |
hobbit | im sure that ssh connection is not dropped or anything | 19:56 |
hobbit | but i guess maybe juju should send some command to /bin/bash, ie what's the point to ssh to bash with no command... | 19:57 |
magicrobotmonkey | im trying to deploy openstack and keystone has failed on the identity-service-relation-changed hook | 20:18 |
magicrobotmonkey | with Service Unavailable: http 503 | 20:18 |
mattgriffin | jcastro, ping | 20:52 |
jcastro | hi! | 20:52 |
mattgriffin | hi jcastro. you going to be in ATL in a few weeks? | 20:52 |
jcastro | I won't be there, but we'll have a bunch of people there. | 20:52 |
jcastro | whatever you need I can make sure someone comes talks to you | 20:52 |
mattgriffin | jcastro, cool. are there any plans for juju + trove atm? | 20:53 |
jcastro | trove? | 20:53 |
mattgriffin | for deploying DBs | 20:53 |
avoine | magicrobotmonkey: have you try juju resolve keystone/0 --retry ? | 20:54 |
jcastro | OH, openstack trove | 20:54 |
mattgriffin | hehe... yeah | 20:54 |
magicrobotmonkey | yea, avoine | 20:54 |
jcastro | I don' t know off hand, I'm at a sprint though, I'll ask around | 20:54 |
magicrobotmonkey | and Im debugging the hook and seeing the same thing | 20:54 |
mattgriffin | jcastro, ok | 20:54 |
magicrobotmonkey | should i not be doing this on trusty? | 20:54 |
avoine | magicrobotmonkey: hum I don't know | 20:55 |
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk | ||
jcastro | mattgriffin, I am being told that it's a goal for utopic. | 21:02 |
jcastro | mattgriffin, you'll want to link up with either zul or jamespage in atlanta | 21:03 |
mattgriffin | jcastro, excellent. thanks! | 21:03 |
jamespage | mattgriffin, trove will be a charm target for this cycle | 21:03 |
mattgriffin | jamespage, great | 21:04 |
jcastro | \o/ | 21:04 |
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline | ||
jamespage | mattgriffin, I think it will be a core project for juno so it will end up in main as well i suspect | 21:06 |
mattgriffin | ack | 21:07 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away |
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