jtv | bigjools: do we need a big flashing “confined to the cluster controller” warning on the registries? | 05:31 |
bigjools | jtv: we need a build error | 05:35 |
bigjools | to *prevent* it | 05:35 |
bigjools | it's too easy to import | 05:35 |
bigjools | I have half a mind to set up the import fascist thingy and prevent imports from provisioningserver inside maasserver | 05:36 |
jtv | So far we haven't needed it simply because Django fails when you try to import maasserver code into provisioningserver. | 05:39 |
jtv | I'd be tempted to say "prefix the name with an underscore," but the problem there is that export happens at several levels. | 05:40 |
jtv | The idea that a bit on a symbol's name can say whether or not it's imported is an oversimplification... | 05:41 |
jtv | *exported | 05:41 |
bigjools | jtv: this import problem is the other way around | 05:43 |
jtv | Yes. What I'm saying is: I'd love to have something like the import fascist. | 05:43 |
bigjools | ok. we are in violent agreement | 05:43 |
jtv | Although we've been getting by without it through a form of luck. | 05:43 |
bigjools | I'm not convinced the luck has held out everywhere, I suspect a hand grenade awaits somewhere | 05:44 |
jtv | Quite possible. | 05:45 |
jtv | Why can't Chrome make up its mind about whether to present a "link" context menu or a "page" context menu on a link? It's probably subjective, but the browser's quality seems to have slipped dramatically of late. | 05:54 |
bigjools | yeah it feels like it | 05:55 |
jtv | It's also been failing to update the mouse cursor properly as the page loads. | 05:56 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
bigjools | jtv: are you looking at the add-osystem-to-node branch? | 06:25 |
jtv | Sort of. | 06:25 |
jtv | My thoughts were veering towards food though. :) | 06:25 |
jtv | Ah, I was having a look at osystem-preseed-cleanup... Not too happy about the "check if object has method, and if so, execute it." | 06:26 |
jtv | I'll write that up now. | 06:28 |
bigjools | ok | 06:30 |
bigjools | this falls into your KISS comments | 06:31 |
jtv | Yes, it looks like a sign that that class hierarchy really is needed — assuming templating isn't enough to do the job. | 06:34 |
bigjools | jtv: hey can you do a backport to 1.5 of that api fix please? | 06:54 |
jtv | Sure. | 06:55 |
bigjools | I added the bugtask | 06:55 |
jtv | Client, by the way. | 06:55 |
bigjools | yeah, what I meant | 06:55 |
jtv | On it. | 06:55 |
rvba | jtv: thanks for fixing the API bug (1313556)! | 06:58 |
jtv | Hi rvba | 06:58 |
jtv | Took me insanely long to figure it out, given how easy it actually was to fix... | 06:58 |
jtv | Wow, tons o'lint in trunk. | 06:58 |
jtv | Oh, it's 1.5. | 06:59 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
gmb | rvba: Can you fact-check something for me? From what I’m reading on t’interweb, it’s not possible to use PostGres array fields in Django without the djorm-ext-pgarray package… which would require us to have that as a dependency, right? | 11:48 |
gmb | (Asking because allenap suggested using arrays as part of the bootresources work, and it looks like we can’t) | 11:48 |
rvba | gmb: from memory, we already use that package | 11:48 |
gmb | rvba: ORLY | 11:49 |
gmb | HOW INTERESTING | 11:49 |
gmb | rvba: Bugger me, so we do. | 11:49 |
gmb | See, that’s why one should grep first, ask the Djangoist after. | 11:50 |
gmb | rvba: Thanks :) | 11:50 |
rvba | no worries | 11:50 |
gmb | allenap: As far as the BootSource model is concerned, ISTM that Cluster<->BootSource is a 1-Many relationship, so we should have a cluster FK on BootSource, no? Or should all BootSources go to all clusters? | 11:56 |
gmb | (In which case there’s no need for an FK at all… Or we could have a table linking the two to make it N:N, but I don’t see what that gets us.) | 11:59 |
jtv | gmb: we even got a patch into djorm-ext-pgarray... | 12:36 |
gmb | jtv: So I see. | 12:36 |
* gmb lunches | 12:43 | |
allenap | gmb: For now, don’t customise per cluster, and default to getting everything. | 12:50 |
jtv | Is our 1.5 lander broken? | 12:52 |
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magicrobotmonkey | I'm glad the metrics got all smooth as soon as I showed up | 13:24 |
magicrobotmonkey | super helpful | 13:24 |
rvba | allenap: this is the branch in question: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas-test/power-type-support/+merge/217350 | 14:18 |
jtv | gmb: you looked into the landers recently... does the 1.5 one seem to be down? | 14:38 |
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smoser | allenap, https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/virsh-probe-and-enlist/+merge/216632 | 18:00 |
smoser | am i wrong there ? | 18:00 |
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=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline | ||
FunnyLookinHat | I've added an external network ( i.e. other than the private configuration network ) and added it ( by mac ) to a node - but it's not showing up or assigning an IP when I commission or start a node. Any ideas? | 21:19 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away |
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