robru | jhodapp, build failed, let me know when you're ready for a rebuild | 00:22 |
jhodapp | robru, that doesn't look like a source compile/linking looks like perhaps an infrastructure issue | 00:30 |
robru | jhodapp, oh sorry, i just saw the failure, didn't actually look at i | 00:31 |
robru | it | 00:31 |
robru | jhodapp, ok, rebuilding just media hub: | 00:33 |
jhodapp | cool thanks | 00:33 |
robru | yw | 00:33 |
robru | jhodapp, this failure doesn't look infrastructural to me this time: | 01:19 |
jhodapp | robru, yeah definitely not | 01:46 |
jhodapp | robru, let me see if I can reproduce that | 01:46 |
robru | jhodapp, sure. just ping me when you're ready for a rebuild | 01:47 |
jhodapp | robru, ok, thanks | 01:47 |
ToyKeeper | Ah hah. ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed | 04:18 |
bzoltan | Mirv: would you please reconf the silo9, I have added a critical bugfix to it | 04:42 |
Mirv | bzoltan: done | 04:51 |
bzoltan | Mirv: thanks... the silo9 is now building a decent pile of MRs and changes | 04:51 |
Mirv | looks good now | 05:03 |
Mirv | the disk space problem should be solved | 05:03 |
sil2100 | ev: ping once you're up | 07:19 |
sil2100 | Oh, ogra is not around? | 07:21 |
sil2100 | Mirv: hm, do you know by any chance if ogra generated a packages diff for image no 2? Since I can't see it in the main directory and I'm not sure if he didn't move it somewhere | 07:21 |
sil2100 | Mirv: since mako before your change (and maybe some other changes?) was 100% green, while now I already see 7 failures | 07:22 |
sil2100 | Mirv: 2 are expected (dialer app), but 5 failures in clock app again? | 07:22 |
Mirv | sil2100: no I don't see hint of that. it'd be nice to see though. | 07:24 |
sil2100 | Those might be flaky tests anyway, but still it would be nice to know what landed | 07:24 |
Mirv | sil2100: weird, that clock one. I got 5 failures with or without my changes. | 07:24 |
Mirv | but of course locally things are often different anyhow | 07:24 |
sil2100 | Mirv: oh, ok, so that's flaky then - on the last run it was passing, but since you got it I would say it's again a test problem | 07:25 |
ev | sil2100: hi | 07:56 |
mhr3 | no image for mako+utopic yet? | 08:00 |
Mirv | mhr3: two images! | 08:00 |
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: - | ||
Mirv | not sure what channel though :S I have my mako dist-upgraded manually to utopic | 08:01 |
Mirv | (which worked fine) | 08:01 |
ogra_ | mhr3, already the second one | 08:01 |
mhr3 | ogra_, how do i get it? devel-proposed is still on 303 | 08:01 |
ogra_ | mhr3, right. will be switched this evening | 08:02 |
ogra_ | (only stgraber can do that and he was off yesterday) | 08:02 |
ogra_ | -- channel ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed | 08:02 |
sil2100 | ogra_: ! | 08:02 |
ogra_ | (--list-channels helps :P ) | 08:02 |
mhr3 | i see, thx | 08:02 |
sil2100 | ogra_: welcome! Do you know if we have a changelog for #2? Since I didn't find it in the usual place | 08:02 |
ogra_ | sil2100, look closer :P | 08:04 |
sil2100 | ogra_: cheats! | 08:04 |
sil2100 | It wasn't there an hour ago! | 08:04 |
ogra_ | (sorry, the script had one place where trusty was used, fixed that) | 08:05 |
sil2100 | ;p | 08:05 |
rsalveti | Mirv: trying to bump a few packages, but they are failing when trying to install the qtdeclarative ones | 08:07 |
rsalveti | | 08:08 |
rsalveti | | 08:08 |
rsalveti | qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin : Depends: qml-module-qtquick2 but it is not installable | 08:08 |
rsalveti | not sure yet why | 08:08 |
rsalveti | qtdeclarative5-test-plugin : Depends: qml-module-qttest but it is not installable | 08:09 |
rsalveti | I saw that a bunch of packages got renamed | 08:10 |
Mirv | rsalveti: the packages are there, but I believe it's because the newly named packages haven't been promoted to main | 08:12 |
rsalveti | Mirv: oh! | 08:12 |
rsalveti | that's bad | 08:12 |
Mirv | that's something that release team can probably easily fix, it's something that is just not automatic | 08:13 |
rsalveti | right | 08:13 |
rsalveti | thanks for taking care of that | 08:15 |
rsalveti | time for me to get some sleep | 08:15 |
rsalveti | later | 08:15 |
Mirv | about time I think yes :) | 08:21 |
sil2100 | rsalveti: goodnight! | 08:25 |
dpm | morning psivaa, I was wondering if you could help me with - it needs some Jenkins job config renamed from ubuntu_filemanager_app to just filemanager. fginther did it yesterday and then it passed the tests, but after having added a new revision to the branch it looks like that change did not stick and Jenkins is complaining about the same thing again | 08:51 |
psivaa | dpm: let me take a look | 08:52 |
sil2100 | mhr3: hmmmmmm | 08:59 |
dpm | thanks | 08:59 |
sil2100 | mhr3: as the packaging reviewer I have to make sure - I see some symbols getting removed in the new landing of unity-scopes-api | 08:59 |
mhr3 | it's all fine | 09:00 |
sil2100 | mhr3: are those internal ones? | 09:00 |
sil2100 | mhr3: since well, symbols removal usually means ABI breakage | 09:00 |
mhr3 | if we had real abi breakage we'd bump | 09:01 |
sil2100 | mhr3: tell that to the release team ;p | 09:01 |
mhr3 | why would release team care at this point? | 09:02 |
mhr3 | we're not trying to sru that or anything | 09:02 |
sil2100 | mhr3: it's landing in the archive, so I guess they would care very much - it's not that they want to have strange things in the archive just because it's the start of the cycle - but maybe you're right, let's simply check with a core dev ;p | 09:03 |
sil2100 | ogra_: could you take a look at this packaging diff? <- there's a new package (which looks good), some click additions, apparmour and well, some symbols got removed - but mhr3 says it's not an ABI break | 09:04 |
mandel | sil2100, looks like I cannot set the testing to yes in the spreadsheet, do I need someone else to do it for me? | 09:08 |
psivaa | dpm: that MP is now CI approved | 09:08 |
sil2100 | mandel: ah ;) Let me try adding you to the spreadsheet ;p | 09:09 |
mandel | sil2100, awesome :) | 09:09 |
sil2100 | mandel: try now | 09:10 |
mandel | sil2100, udm is changing some packages, it is probably a good idea to get a coredev to take a look, right? | 09:10 |
mandel | sil2100, sweet, I can edit now, thx! | 09:10 |
sil2100 | mandel: it's usually being done during the publishing stage, but the earlier you get some core-dev to look at it the faster you can find the issues :) | 09:11 |
mandel | Mirv, can you take a look (if you have the time) at silo 11 which has udm and unity-click-scope? There are new packages being added and things renamed because we now provide an uploader | 09:12 |
sil2100 | mandel: Mirv is not a core-dev sadly, but he should be able to give you some good pointers since he's a package uploader :) | 09:18 |
sil2100 | davmor2: could you give a sign to ogra_ when there is the green light? He'll promote the image then :) | 09:19 |
sil2100 | hm, session switch, brb | 09:19 |
sil2100 | Ok guys, soon I will be jumping out for an early lunch | 09:22 |
sil2100 | But I'll be on IRC all the time through mobile | 09:22 |
dpm | psivaa, awesome, thanks, has the job now been fixed permanently to take into account the renaming ubuntu_filemanager_app -> filemanager? | 09:22 |
ogra_ | sil2100, can you please talk to the guys submitting such changes and ask them to make changelog entries for dependency changes in the future ... ? | 09:23 |
sil2100 | ogra_: ok..! | 09:23 |
dpm | psivaa, also, would it be possible to retrigger Jenkins for this other MP which suffered from the same issue? | 09:23 |
ogra_ | we'll never find out when i.e. apparmor deps were added without looking at the actual diff otherwise | 09:23 |
sil2100 | ogra_: I'll have a talk with Pawel later today, yeah... it makes sense | 09:23 |
ogra_ | sil2100, beyond that it looks fine | 09:23 |
Mirv | mandel: looks good to me at least with some quick browsing through it. nothing wrong with the newly added packages. also installed fine. | 09:25 |
sil2100 | ogra_: o/ | 09:25 |
sil2100 | Thanks! | 09:25 |
psivaa | dpm: new MP's will pick up the correct name, filemanager from now on. but if you just rebuild an earlier build it will pick up the old name because that was the parameter used. | 09:26 |
psivaa | so for rebuilds of an earlier MP we need to check if the name is the correct one before actually building it. I've kicked the second one with 'filemanger' | 09:26 |
dpm | psivaa, I'm not sure I can follow what you mean by me rebuilding the app, but yeah, all new MPs use 'filemanager' | 09:27 |
dpm | thanks! | 09:28 |
psivaa | dpm: i meant rebuilding the jenkins job that's relevant to an MP that was done earlier (before i made the config change) | 09:28 |
psivaa | dpm: the second one failed for some reason.. looking | 09:30 |
psivaa | dpm: appears to be some pep8 issue in the test? | 09:31 |
dpm | let me have a look... | 09:31 |
dpm | psivaa, indeed, I'll fix that, thanks. If I do a new push, will then Jenkins use the new 'filemanager' name on that one? | 09:33 |
psivaa | dpm: i'd guess so, since the job config and the last build have 'filemanager' | 09:34 |
Mirv | mandel: please use lintian on the built packages, though, and fix at least the W: libudm-priv0: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libudm-priv-common0 | 09:36 |
mandel | Mirv, ok | 09:38 |
popey | psivaa: - wasn't raring build disabled for dropping letters (and all other core apps)? If not, could you please disable raring builds then re-trigger? | 09:47 |
psivaa | popey: ack, 1 sec pls | 09:47 |
popey | thanks | 09:47 |
popey | psivaa: also, why does this have no jenkins feedback? | 09:57 |
davmor2 | sil2100: will do | 09:58 |
sil2100 | davmor2: thanks :) | 10:04 |
psivaa | popey: the dropping letters with raring disabled has run successfully but the MP does not get the feedback from jenkins for some reason. it could be because I had to change the original job config | 10:08 |
psivaa | popey: as per why calculator MP from sil2100 not got the bot's attention, i could not find out why. not sure if commit message/ description have a format to follow. | 10:10 |
psivaa | popey: i'll follow this up with fginther | 10:10 |
popey | thanks | 10:11 |
sil2100 | Ah, my old packaging branch for calculator? Would be nice to get that reviewed | 10:27 |
sil2100 | Will have to poke some people for that maybe | 10:28 |
mhr3 | sil2100, hm, we have the automerger bot setup for lp:unity-scopes-api/devel, does that use utipc? | 10:31 |
mhr3 | utopic | 10:32 |
sil2100 | mhr3: I think its still using trusty, let me poke people about it in some moments | 10:48 |
mhr3 | thx | 10:48 |
davmor2 | ogra_, sil2100: so u2 (I could resist that link) is pretty much identical to 302 and 303 in quality. So we just need to test that devel-proposed will indeed just continue to it. My only concern now is that devel might move stable installs over but I'm not sure how the stable image is installed | 11:10 |
mhr3 | sil2100, :/ | 11:11 |
ogra_ | davmor2, stable is installed from the stable channel ... which isnt an alias anymore ... we would have to explicitly copy the image into that channel to affect it in any way | 11:12 |
davmor2 | ogra_: okay that's fine then. So devel should in theory update from 303 to 2 and devel-proposed should in theory do the same post switch right? | 11:13 |
ogra_ | right, though thats as i said up to stgraber to test before making the switch of the aliases | 11:14 |
ogra_ | i will only promote from utopic-proposed to utopic ... for now only people using the named channel will get the update | 11:15 |
davmor2 | ogra_: that fine I'm still going to setup flo and manta one on each channel to be sure though :) | 11:15 |
davmor2 | ogra_: it's not that I don't trust devs it's just their environments include lots of stuff that aren't on normal users machines :) | 11:17 |
ogra_ | nah, nevar ! | 11:17 |
ogra_ | :) | 11:17 |
ogra_ | and there we go | 11:19 |
ogra_ | === Image #2 (utopic) promoted to the utopic channel === | 11:20 |
davmor2 | ogra_: I think you forgot the "Honest Gov'nor" off you nah, nevar! it adds an air of believability ;) | 11:20 |
ogra_ | heh | 11:20 |
davmor2 | ogra_: so you need to teach imgbot about promotions then :) | 11:21 |
ogra_ | yeah, if i find time for that ... | 11:21 |
davmor2 | ogra_: man don't make out you're busy, I know you're in a massage parlour just hitting a big publish button on the side ;) | 11:22 |
ogra_ | haha | 11:22 |
davmor2 | sil2100: ^ congratulations and look the universe hasn't imploded yet! | 11:25 |
sil2100 | yay! | 11:33 |
mandel | sil2100, one question, who could publish silo 11, I'm not a coredev or anything of the kind :) | 11:36 |
sil2100 | davmor2, ogra_: thanks guys! | 11:36 |
sil2100 | mandel: its set to Tested yes? Did you fix the packaging issues? | 11:37 |
mandel | sil2100, yes and yes | 11:37 |
sil2100 | Once its marked we can publish that, Ill have some cycles for that in a moment if anything | 11:37 |
mandel | sil2100, I renamed the packaged as per Mirv recommendation and re-did the tests | 11:38 |
mandel | sil2100, ok, superb :) | 11:38 |
sil2100 | Packages rebuilt, yes? :) | 11:38 |
mandel | sil2100, yes, rebuild and tested with the rebuild | 11:38 |
Mirv | mandel: yep it's our problem if we are not core-dev:s, ie. we'll get the packaging ack from someone :) | 11:39 |
mandel | ack | 11:40 |
sil2100 | As Mirv said | 11:42 |
sil2100 | ;) | 11:42 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: - | ||
alecu | hola mandel, how's the landing coming along? | 12:07 |
alecu | mandel: is there anything I can help with or test? | 12:07 |
ogra_ | in case anyone is interested has the diff between trusty 303 and utopic #1 now | 12:49 |
sil2100 | o/ | 12:50 |
sil2100 | Thanks :) | 12:50 |
Mirv | nice changelog | 12:58 |
ogra_ | well, a bit worrying that we get new boost without dropping the old | 13:02 |
xnox | ogra_: mir&unity was not rebuild against boost1.55, agreed wtih RAOF that it will happen as part of normal mir release. | 13:03 |
ogra_ | ah, cool | 13:03 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
ogra_ | what did pull the new one in then ? | 13:03 |
* ogra_ assumes there were other boost related packages rebuild already ? | 13:04 | |
xnox | | 13:05 |
sil2100 | hmmm | 13:06 |
sil2100 | Mirv: did you check and pre-ACK ? | 13:07 |
ogra_ | ah, scopes-api ... | 13:07 |
ogra_ | and dbus-cpp | 13:08 |
ogra_ | xnox, thanks ! | 13:08 |
ogra_ | heh, i wasnt aware we have a package called barry | 13:09 |
xnox | ogra_: i'm pretty sure you've said it last time as well... =) | 13:09 |
ogra_ | not sure, did i pay attention to boost last time ? | 13:10 |
ogra_ | :P | 13:10 |
* ogra_ is getting old ... memory like a sieve etc | 13:11 | |
Mirv | sil2100: no pre-ack for that yet | 13:11 |
sil2100 | Mirv: ok, I'll browse through that and then poke ogra_ for a final ACK ;) | 13:11 |
ogra_ | sil2100, same issue as in the last debdiff | 13:12 |
sil2100 | ogra_: yeah... ;/ | 13:12 |
ogra_ | mandel, can you please note dependency changes in the changelog ? | 13:12 |
ogra_ | there is no way for us to find them later unless we dig through all diffs one by one | 13:13 |
Mirv | mandel: sil2100: additional note regarding that landing: the in landing plan claims to be "Superseded" | 13:13 |
Mirv | and no changes today, so it might be wrong branch? | 13:14 |
fginther | sil2100, psivaa, the calculator MP was not tested because sil2100 wasn't a member of any of the core apps teams. I've added him | 13:15 |
psivaa | fginther: ack, thanks. | 13:15 |
fginther | psivaa, were there 2 MPs? both MPs listed in the asana task are the same | 13:16 |
sil2100 | Oh | 13:16 |
sil2100 | fginther: thank you :) | 13:16 |
psivaa | popey: it was the only MP for this issue. i copied two comments :) | 13:16 |
psivaa | fginther: ^ sorry :) | 13:17 |
fginther | psivaa, no worries | 13:19 |
mandel | ogra_, sure | 13:25 |
mandel | Mirv, let me check | 13:26 |
sil2100 | mandel: better being safe than sorry ;) | 13:26 |
mandel | Mirv, it was superseded because the diff was huge when there have been reviews in previous branches on which this one is based | 13:26 |
sil2100 | mandel: so is that branch supposed to be landed as well? | 13:27 |
mandel | ogra_, do you want me to just edit the changelog or what? | 13:27 |
mandel | sil2100, yes, I'm trying to get the correct MR | 13:27 |
ogra_ | mandel, yeah, i think thats what CI supports | 13:28 |
mandel | Mirv, sil2100 this is the correct diff => | 13:28 |
mandel | there you can see that it was superseded not to have a crazy diff | 13:28 |
mandel | ogra_, jsut straight in the branch? | 13:29 |
ogra_ | yeah, i think it needs to stay in UNRELEASED state though ... | 13:29 |
ogra_ | else CI wont pick it up | 13:29 |
ogra_ | ( sil2100 can probably tell you in more detail) | 13:29 |
sil2100 | mandel: wait | 13:30 |
sil2100 | mandel: just update the commit message of the merge where the addition of the dependency has been made | 13:30 |
mandel | sil2100, ok, I can easily do that :) | 13:30 |
sil2100 | mandel: since citrain uses commit messages to populate the changelog, so it's much easier :) | 13:31 |
mandel | sil2100, let me finish I meeting I have and will do it :) | 13:31 |
ogra_ | would be cool if that could just happen automatically at some point :) | 13:31 |
sil2100 | mandel: thanks :) | 13:31 |
mandel | sil2100, we are talking about google mock, correct? | 13:31 |
mandel | ogra_, ^ | 13:31 |
ogra_ | mandel, there were a bunch of build deps ... that changed | 13:31 |
* ogra_ opens the diff again | 13:32 | |
mandel | ogra_, no worries, I can do that against trunk | 13:32 |
ogra_ | mandel, right, but eventually it would be cool if debian/control could just be automatically parsed and changed deps would just get an entry when the merge happens ... i'll talk to didier once he is back | 13:33 |
* ogra_ thinks thats automateable | 13:33 | |
* sil2100 thinks that's a good idea, notes it down | 13:34 | |
jhodapp | sil2100, good morning, can you try a rebuild of media-hub in silo 4? It had a unit test not pass, but I can't reproduce that locally in an amd64 schroot, so it might have been a fluke and I want to try again | 13:40 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: sure, you don't have the permissions to rebuild, yes? | 13:41 |
jhodapp | sil2100, no | 13:41 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: ok, ran build - once Didier is back, let's discuss getting you access to the build jobs :) | 13:43 |
jhodapp | sounds great | 13:43 |
=== pete-woods1 is now known as pete-woods-lunch | ||
sil2100 | mandel: ok, so, just to make sure all is ok - so, is meant to be landed instead of the 'superseeded proposal'? | 13:45 |
mandel | sil2100, correct, the MR was updated (mainly just pointing to a diff base branch) | 13:46 |
sil2100 | I just hope this won't break anything ;) | 13:46 |
sil2100 | Since we never landed a branch that was superseeded before | 13:46 |
sil2100 | Usually 'superseeded' means that there is some newer merge and this one is no longer valid | 13:47 |
mandel | sil2100, in terms of udm, no, it does not break, in terms of CI I have no clue | 13:48 |
sergiusens | sil2100: fwiw, same as with mandel jhodapp should be able to at least reconfigure/build/m&c | 13:49 |
jhodapp | yeah thanks sergiusens | 13:49 |
sergiusens | a comma is missing between those two names :-) | 13:49 |
sil2100 | sergiusens: I can add him to the required teams if needed, if he's ci-trained :) | 13:49 |
sil2100 | Or do you mean he's already added? | 13:49 |
sil2100 | Since I added mandel yesterday because I knew he was discussing this with Didier last week | 13:50 |
sergiusens | sil2100: yeah, it would be good to add him | 13:50 |
sil2100 | Ok, I'll do that in a moment :) | 13:50 |
sergiusens | sil2100: general consensus was that no new trainings were given and they needed me to vouch; I will handhold them until they feel confident to fly solo | 13:51 |
bzoltan | sil2100: Mirv: would you please reconfigure the Silo9, I have added there a dependency MR | 13:52 |
sil2100 | bzoltan: sure | 13:53 |
jhodapp | sil2100, can you also queue up a rebuild of qtubuntu-media in silo 4? | 13:53 |
sil2100 | bzoltan: ouch, unity8 branch? Sadly unity8 is currently locked by an unity8 landing... | 13:55 |
sil2100 | Saviq: hi! How's the unity8 landing going? | 13:55 |
bzoltan | t1mp: ^^ | 13:55 |
* sergiusens thinks unity8 is never unlocked | 13:55 | |
t1mp | ai.. | 13:56 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: when I did a rebuild, all components were asked for rebuilding, so it should pick up qtubuntu-media as well I guess | 13:56 |
jhodapp | sil2100, perfect thanks | 13:56 |
Saviq | sil2100, had to tweak deps a bit, should be ready now, testing | 13:58 |
sil2100 | Saviq: excellent, thanks | 13:58 |
alecu | Hi! what would be a good commit message for a branch that merges quite a few other branches? Perhaps the list of commit messages of each other branch? | 13:58 |
Saviq | I mean as soon as it builds... | 13:58 |
sil2100 | t1mp, bzoltan: we should have unity8 released and unblocked pretty soon... | 13:58 |
t1mp | sil2100: ok, thanks | 13:58 |
alecu | I'm asking so the deb changelog that the bot builds looks reasonable | 13:58 |
bzoltan | sil2100: OK, I can wait then | 13:58 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: you should be able to run the build/reconfigure/m&c jobs now | 14:00 |
jhodapp | sil2100, excellent, thanks! | 14:00 |
sil2100 | jhodapp: yw! | 14:02 |
sil2100 | Damn, this is a big diff | 14:02 |
sil2100 | Mirv: hmmm, are you still around? | 14:05 |
sil2100 | Mirv: do you maybe have any ideas on why mandel's udm release packaging diff includes only one changelog entry, even though there are two merges for this landing? | 14:05 |
mandel | sil2100, one question, the CI train just gets the changelog from the branch? | 14:06 |
mandel | sil2100, I think I can improve that for you, let me finish the current hangout and we have one, sounds good? | 14:06 |
sil2100 | mandel: CI train most of the time takes the commit message of every merge that is being submitted and provides a changelog entry for every one like that | 14:07 |
sil2100 | mandel: it doesn't create a changelog entry only if you explicitly modify the debian/changelog file in your merge | 14:08 |
sil2100 | It then doesn't do anything | 14:08 |
sil2100 | mandel: what worries me is that the release that CItrain prepared out of your 2 merges has only 1 changelog entry :| It's missing the other one, and I have no idea why it did that | 14:08 |
mandel | sil2100, ok, cause that only branch is the top tip of a pipeline and we are loosing comments in the change log due to that, I can update the spreadsheet to add all the intermediate branches (all reviewed and approved) | 14:09 |
mandel | sil2100, so, ideally wither I update the change log OR I add the intermediate branches | 14:09 |
mandel | sil2100, I think option 2 is way better and will not take me long | 14:09 |
sil2100 | mandel: hm, do as you feel is better, just make sure we get the same u-d-m at the end :) | 14:10 |
mandel | sil2100, exactly the same one, bzr pipeline for the win :) | 14:10 |
mandel | sil2100, that is the main reason I just gave the last one, because bzr pump will ensure it | 14:10 |
sil2100 | mandel: ok :) THanks ;) | 14:16 |
dobey | alecu: ^^ i think that answers the question | 14:17 |
alecu | dobey: so, we should silo each of our branches instead of /devel ? | 14:24 |
dobey | alecu: no, i think we need to propagate all the commit messages in the MP for devel | 14:25 |
sergiusens | sil2100: can I get a silo for line 41 please? | 14:29 |
sil2100 | Just got the ping, let me take a look what can be done | 14:29 |
sergiusens | sil2100: thanks | 14:31 |
popey | ogra_: 15:31:09 < ahayzen> channel: ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed | 14:34 |
popey | someone with that on their phone... it should update to U? | 14:34 |
ogra_ | popey, once stgraber shows up to switch the alias | 14:35 |
sil2100 | Yes, I guess that's the good config for that to happen | 14:35 |
popey | ok, ta | 14:35 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea | ||
ogra_ | popey, sil2100 ... *now* ... | 14:44 |
ogra_ | (... it should work) | 14:44 |
popey | yup! | 14:46 |
mandel | sil2100, I have reconfigured the silo, will do a rebuild and re-tests to be 120% sure everything is ok and I'll ping you | 14:46 |
sil2100 | mandel: thank you! And sorry for all the additional work ;) | 14:47 |
sil2100 | ogra_: ouuu yeaa | 14:47 |
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g | ||
ogra_ | ouya :) | 14:47 |
mandel | sil2100, no big deal, is the right way to do it | 14:47 |
popey | ogra_: | 14:47 |
popey | \o/ | 14:47 |
popey | then | 14:47 |
popey | ☹ | 14:47 |
ogra_ | yay | 14:47 |
popey | (known bug) | 14:48 |
ogra_ | yeah | 14:48 |
sil2100 | Mooooo | 14:48 |
sil2100 | MOOOOOO | 14:48 |
ogra_ | hmm., so why does my indicator not switch back to wifi | 14:48 |
ogra_ | i was just out at the grocery store and it still shows 2G ... | 14:48 |
ogra_ | even though wifi is checked as well as my wlan if i open the indicator | 14:49 |
alecu | dobey: look in landing-011, they are actually adding each of the branches to the silo | 15:02 |
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: - | ||
dobey | alecu: yes, but they are all owneed by mandel and part of his crazy pipeline usage. they aren't all merged to a devel branch for testing that's then being pushed to release | 15:03 |
dobey | alecu: i don't think we want to create a bunch of new branches each with one more commit from devel than the previous, and sequentially propose them to trunk | 15:05 |
mandel | dobey, alecu each branch fixes a bug, I expected the ci bot to grab the --fixes lp:foo commits but it does not, therefore I have proposed each branch in the pipeline so that it grabs the commit of the MR | 15:05 |
dobey | mandel: i think it does, to get the bugs fixed, but i don't think it grabs the commit message from every commit in a branch (because that would just result in a horrible changelog in most cases) | 15:07 |
mandel | dobey, certainly not for every commit, that would be really really bad for me, Changelog = > "fixing fu**ing type errors" :P | 15:08 |
alecu | "fixing tyops" | 15:09 |
dobey | mandel: it uses the commit message in the MP | 15:10 |
mandel | alecu, lol | 15:10 |
dobey | your problem is you used bzr pipeline, and then keep adding things to the pipeline and then you end up with a 60K line diff | 15:11 |
sil2100 | mandel, dobey: the citrain takes the commit message of each merge, not of each commit in the branch that's being merged | 15:11 |
dobey | sil2100: yes, that's what i just said :) | 15:11 |
sil2100 | Right ;) | 15:11 |
=== pete-woods-lunch is now known as pete-woods | ||
mhr3 | sil2100, so, how's the migration of bots to u looking/ | 15:18 |
mhr3 | ? | 15:18 |
sil2100 | mhr3: ah! Ok, poking around right now, will give you a sign | 15:19 |
mhr3 | a "sign"? should i be looking out of the window or something? :) | 15:23 |
sil2100 | mhr3: wait for the ><><><><>< sign on the channel window ;) | 15:23 |
sil2100 | I'm poking Francis about that | 15:24 |
sil2100 | ogra_: hm, how long does it take for an image to build and pefrom all the testing? | 15:33 |
sil2100 | ogra_: if we would kick one now, would we make it before the cron-build? | 15:33 |
ogra_ | the build should take 1:30 ... +5h for the tests or so | 15:33 |
sil2100 | It would be nice to start having 2 images per day | 15:33 |
ogra_ | should make it in time i think | 15:34 |
sil2100 | There are no super important changes, but I guess it would be nice to have a new image anyways | 15:34 |
sil2100 | ogra_: if you think we can make it on time, could you kick a new image now maybe? | 15:34 |
ogra_ | sil2100, will do | 15:35 |
sil2100 | ogra_: thank you :) | 15:35 |
sil2100 | Saviq: how's the testing going? :) | 15:35 |
Saviq | sil2100, unfortunately had to do a little bit more packaging tweaks ;D | 15:36 |
Saviq | sil2100, builds now, should be tested before the hour | 15:36 |
sil2100 | Saviq: excellent, thanks o/ | 15:36 |
sil2100 | mhr3: fginther said he'll look into that in some moments o/ | 15:40 |
sil2100 | mhr3: I mean... | 15:41 |
sil2100 | mhr3: ><><><><>< | 15:41 |
mhr3 | omg, omg, it's the sign! | 15:41 |
* mhr3 runs around in circles | 15:41 | |
ogra_ | formerly known as "prince" ? | 15:42 |
ogra_ | ah no, that was "the symbol" :P | 15:42 |
bfiller | sil2100: what needs to happen to get line 25 into SRU? looks like it's in unapproved still | 15:42 |
sil2100 | bfiller: let me look into that one | 15:42 |
bfiller | sil2100: thanks | 15:43 |
imgbot | === trainguard: IMAGE 3 building (started: 20140429 15:45) === | 15:45 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 15:45 |
rsalveti | Mirv: triggered a rebuild, it seems we're fine now (qtdeclarative) | 15:53 |
rsalveti | thanks | 15:54 |
bzoltan | sil2100: would you please ping me when the unity8 landing is unlocked so we can push our bundle? | 15:56 |
Mirv | rsalveti: no problem. I didn't get a response but finally someone did fix those 2.5h ago | 15:56 |
sil2100 | bzoltan: sure! I guess it will be robru's turn when that happens, but I'll let him know to do the same | 15:57 |
bzoltan | sil2100: thanks... I wonder if we need to merge back from the unity8 trunk after its land, or maybe our change merges in without conflict after the landing. Let's see | 15:58 |
sil2100 | bzoltan: let's hope no action will be required ;) | 15:59 |
popey | sil2100: I wont be at the call as I have another meeting | 15:59 |
sil2100 | popey: ok | 15:59 |
sil2100 | ogra_, robru, cyphermox: meeting o/ | 16:01 |
ogra_ | tell google | 16:01 |
ogra_ | doesnt want to let me in (once again ... sigh) | 16:01 |
sil2100 | Hey google, meeting! | 16:01 |
alecu | so, mandel, sergiusens: what's the status of landing-011? | 16:03 |
* sil2100 think it's the best time to upgrade his phone to utopic | 16:25 | |
sil2100 | *thinks | 16:25 |
davmor2 | ogra_: where do you want to annoy stgraber | 16:26 |
ogra_ | i pinged him in #phablet | 16:26 |
ogra_ | seems he isnt in any public touch channels atm | 16:26 |
sil2100 | Playing all sneaky, ey? | 16:27 |
mandel | alecu, done with testing and approving for landing | 16:27 |
mandel | sil2100, ^^ | 16:28 |
mandel | sil2100, the changelog should be better now AFAIK | 16:28 |
alecu | mandel: great! shall I test it too? | 16:29 |
mandel | alecu, would be great if you do but I have done most of the unity-scope-click test plan (those were udm is used) and a several system upgrade to ensure everything is ok | 16:30 |
mandel | alecu, but another set of eyes would be nice, sil2100 what do you think? | 16:30 |
sil2100 | The more testing, the better :)! But no need to be overly-paranoic | 16:32 |
alecu | mandel: great. If you've tested that clicks are installed ok, then I'm fine with it | 16:33 |
mandel | alecu, yes, I have tested several click packages in different conditions (3G, Wifi, disconnect, reconnect) | 16:33 |
alecu | mandel: awesome then | 16:33 |
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller-afk | ||
mandel | sil2100, looks like we are good then :) let me know if the reconfigure of the silo improved the change log and if we are good to go :) | 16:34 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
sil2100 | mandel: ok, I'll try looking into that as well - robru will be your main guide for this timezone as well ;) | 16:34 |
mandel | sil2100, ack | 16:34 |
* mandel has no clear tz | 16:35 | |
robru | hello | 16:35 |
mandel | robru, we were talking about silo11, we believe is ready to land, tests etc.. all done :) | 16:40 |
mandel | robru, and is in your tz hehe | 16:40 |
robru | mandel, great. cyphermox and I are just reviewing the packaging changes. | 16:41 |
mandel | robru, sweet | 16:41 |
dbarth | robru: o/ hey there, i hear that U is open, so i have line 34 ready for you | 16:49 |
dbarth | can i haz a silo? | 16:49 |
robru | dbarth, sure | 16:49 |
dbarth | cool | 16:49 |
robru | dbarth, ok, you got silo 3 | 16:50 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
imgbot | === trainguard: IMAGE 3 DONE (finished: 20140429 17:00) === | 17:00 |
imgbot | === changelog: === | 17:00 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 17:00 |
sil2100 | davmor2: ^ | 17:00 |
sil2100 | ;p | 17:00 |
davmor2 | \o/ now to see what was in the build that was so top secret sil2100 couldn't remember it ;) | 17:00 |
sil2100 | I'm just a brainless button-pusher, what do you expect?! | 17:01 |
sil2100 | ;) | 17:01 |
ogra_ | more boost | 17:01 |
ogra_ | the phone will be sooo fast with all these new boosters | 17:02 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
Saviq | sil2100, FYI: testing pass | 17:14 |
Saviq | sil2100, that silo has quite some packaging changes, so some of you guys should have a look | 17:14 |
sil2100 | robru: ^ | 17:15 |
sil2100 | Saviq: thanks! | 17:15 |
robru | sil2100, yeah, just saw it' cyphermox and I are reviewing silo 11 together then we can get to that shortly | 17:15 |
sil2100 | Awesome, thanks | 17:16 |
davmor2 | ogra_: flo is | 17:25 |
davmor2 | :) | 17:25 |
* davmor2 goes and gets food | 17:25 | |
robru | mandel, ok, so we have a problem in silo 11. it looks like pkgconfig isn't set up correctly. Do you know anything about the changes to pkgconfig in that silo? | 17:42 |
ogra_ | oh man | 18:13 |
cyphermox | mandel: the issue I see with u-d-m specifically in pkg-config is that the file is moved to /usr/share; but that would break cross-building. you should be able to install the various architecture versions of the -dev package and have it correctly point libdir to where the library is for that architecture | 18:13 |
ogra_ | poor mandel ... the eternal u-d-m landing | 18:13 |
robru | ogra_, this should be a simple fix though? | 18:19 |
ogra_ | dunno ... i didnt look :) | 18:20 |
ogra_ | its just that he tries to land it since ... what ... 5 weeks now ? | 18:21 |
robru | ogra_, well this particular silo is just from yesterday ;-) | 18:30 |
ogra_ | he started as part of the mms landing | 18:30 |
ogra_ | then hopped from silo to silo | 18:31 |
davmor2 | ogra_: he just didn't bribe didrocks enough to get it landed ;) | 18:35 |
=== bfiller-afk is now known as bfiller | ||
robru | Saviq, kgunn: just hit publish on silo 7. not sure how long that'll take to get through utopic-proposed, maybe an hour or two, then we can get the next silos started. | 19:14 |
Saviq | robru, awesomes, thanks | 19:21 |
Saviq | robru, kgunn's (supposed to be) off today | 19:22 |
bzoltan | robru: hello, do you know if the unity8 landing is still locked? | 19:37 |
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: - | ||
kgunn | robru: i'm kinda back...will be in and out...but if you to get line 17 a silo, now that unity-mir is unblocked that would be great | 20:03 |
bzoltan | robru: rsalveti: was today unity8 landing? | 20:29 |
pmcgowan | bzoltan, do you mean line 17? kgunn just requested a silo | 20:32 |
robru | it would be easier to talk to bzoltan if he stayed in the channel more than 5 minutes at a time | 20:35 |
bzoltan | pmcgowan: I am not sure. We have a QtC-UITK-Unity8 landing bundle what is blocked by an ongoing Unity8 landing... that is hat i have understood from sil2100 ... | 20:36 |
bzoltan | pmcgowan: So I am waiting to get a slot to land that unity8 MR from timp | 20:36 |
pmcgowan | bzoltan, I only see one for kevin so must be it | 20:37 |
bzoltan | pmcgowan: yes, that must be it... I will follow that one | 20:37 |
robru | bzoltan, oh i just emailed you. unity8 is published but stuck in -proposed for now. should land soonish | 20:37 |
bzoltan | robru: Cool... after it lands I will need a slot for line 16 in order to land this MR : | 20:39 |
robru | bzoltan, ok, as soon as I see unity8 landed, I'll assign that, and even click build if I don't see you around | 20:39 |
bzoltan | robru: thank you a lot ... the Silo9 is assigned already ... but it needs a reconfiguration too | 20:40 |
robru | bzoltan, ah ok | 20:41 |
robru | bzoltan, you're welcome | 20:41 |
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk | ||
boiko | robru: should I build what is in silo landing-006 already to start testing? | 21:03 |
robru | boiko, I'm not sure, do you depend on the new unity8 landing? | 21:04 |
boiko | robru: not that I know of | 21:04 |
robru | boiko, then go for it ;-) | 21:04 |
boiko | robru: nice, thanks :) | 21:13 |
robru | boiko, you're welcome | 21:13 |
mandel | cyphermox, robru the changes where made because I moved to cmake and that is where cmake places it, I had no real reason to move it | 21:59 |
robru | mandel, can you please adjust cmake to put the files back in the original place? it does have a negative impact on the ability to cross-build this package | 22:00 |
mandel | ogra_, I'll land it, eventually :) | 22:00 |
ogra_ | haha | 22:00 |
ogra_ | mandel, wow, real was impressive today | 22:01 |
mandel | robru, sure, should be quite easy to do | 22:01 |
robru | mandel, great, thanks. once that's rebuilt I'll publish it | 22:01 |
mandel | robru, where exactly (to be 100% sure) should the pkgconfig land? | 22:01 |
mandel | ogra_, yes, crazy | 22:01 |
mandel | ogra_, I did not expect that happening, I guess you know why I'm back now :) | 22:02 |
robru | mandel, well it should be in the arch-specific /usr/lib/[arch]/pkgconfig | 22:02 |
ogra_ | yeah | 22:02 |
mandel | robru, ack | 22:02 |
ogra_ | i didnt either ... but bayern did the best they could ... so that was well deserved | 22:02 |
robru | mandel, here's the overall diff: grep that for pkgconfig and try to undo as much of what you find as possible ;-) | 22:03 |
mandel | ogra_, guardiola likes to keep the ball and not score, he could be italian instead of catalan | 22:04 |
ogra_ | LOL | 22:04 |
asac | anyone can confirm that we have sound and networking issues in #2 and #3? | 22:17 |
asac | ogra_: ? | 22:20 |
mandel | robru, I just trigered the rebuild | 22:20 |
robru | mandel, excellent, thanks | 22:20 |
ogra_ | asac, bug 1307981 ... not new but happens a lot more now | 22:21 |
asac | hmm no bot | 22:21 |
asac | ok that one | 22:21 |
asac | what about sound? | 22:22 |
ogra_ | no idea | 22:22 |
ogra_ | works here | 22:22 |
ogra_ | asac, whats that sound issue you refer to ? | 22:23 |
asac | rsalveti: ? | 22:23 |
ogra_ | you mean the old volume slider bug ? | 22:23 |
asac | ChickenCutlass mentioned there was a sound issue that is causing issues when validating media hub now | 22:23 |
ogra_ | bug 1306499 | 22:23 |
ogra_ | oh ? | 22:24 |
asac | really no bug bot here? | 22:24 |
ogra_ | no , mean the media-hub | 22:24 |
asac | ChickenCutlass: is that the one plaguing you slightly? | 22:24 |
rsalveti | the slider one, it's not a regression when comparing to the older image, but from my pov it's also critical for the user experience | 22:24 |
ogra_ | yeah | 22:24 |
asac | rsalveti: to which older image? | 22:24 |
asac | rsalveti: #2? #301? | 22:24 |
ogra_ | bu nothing new | 22:25 |
ogra_ | 291 | 22:25 |
rsalveti | the bug was reported against 287 I guess | 22:25 |
ChickenCutlass | asac, not stopping me from testing just wanted to mention it | 22:25 |
asac | sure | 22:25 |
ogra_ | ah, yeah | 22:25 |
ogra_ | even older | 22:25 |
asac | well, it sounded it was a regression | 22:25 |
asac | in our image | 22:25 |
ogra_ | both arent | 22:25 |
rsalveti | it is, just not in this image | 22:25 |
asac | ok | 22:25 |
ogra_ | but the routing one is really bad now | 22:25 |
rsalveti | we had that regression for a while | 22:25 |
asac | well, so i assumed you had seen this before when testing media-hub | 22:25 |
asac | hence i assumed it was a regression | 22:25 |
asac | ignore | 22:25 |
rsalveti | nops, never used the volume indicator | 22:25 |
rsalveti | not blocking media-hub | 22:25 |
ogra_ | | 22:25 |
ogra_ | | 22:26 |
mandel | robru, so ideally the installation path of the .pc files now is ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR}/pkgconfig where -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) | 22:28 |
mandel | robru, does that sound good? | 22:28 |
ogra_ | i have hit the networking one three times since i switched to image 2 | 22:28 |
robru | mandel, yes that sounds perfect | 22:28 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, so media hub working ok for me | 22:30 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: yeah, missing on change in the upstart job | 22:30 |
rsalveti | as I said in phablet | 22:30 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, right | 22:31 |
rsalveti | it's not being restarted in case it gets a crash | 22:31 |
ChickenCutlass | ok | 22:31 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, I ran through the test plan | 22:31 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: did you test the store apps? | 22:31 |
ChickenCutlass | not yet | 22:31 |
ChickenCutlass | let me do that | 22:31 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: mind stressing seek as well? | 22:33 |
rsalveti | I can easily get it to crash | 22:33 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, yeah, been doing it working for me | 22:34 |
ChickenCutlass | on sintel | 22:34 |
rsalveti | weird | 22:34 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, apparmor must not be right | 22:35 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: failed? | 22:35 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, can't get bad voltage to play | 22:35 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, where do I look again | 22:35 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, oh I think media-hub crashed | 22:37 |
ChickenCutlass | rsalveti, yeah working now | 22:39 |
mandel | robru, something went crazy in the spreadsheet? I just see #ref in the silo11 | 22:40 |
mandel | ogra_, have you ever seen this => | 22:45 |
mandel | robru, ^ | 22:45 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: did you get a crash? | 22:49 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: did it only work after a reboot? | 22:50 |
boiko | does anyone know what to do when trying to flash using channel utopic-proposed it says it is not found? | 22:50 |
rsalveti | boiko: use ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed | 22:52 |
boiko | rsalveti: ah ok, thanks | 22:53 |
robru | mandel, sorry, was afk. checking | 22:54 |
mandel | robru, ignore me, found the issue in cmake, fixing | 22:56 |
robru | mandel, just a hunch, but it seems like you might need to specify PREFIX in cmake. it looks kinda like it's trying to build the file directly in the host system's /usr/lib rather than in the $SRCDIR/debian/tmp/usr/lib | 22:56 |
robru | mandel, ah ok | 22:56 |
mandel | robru, I'm stupid, it was a stupid typo.. we can blame it on being late :) | 22:57 |
robru | mandel, haha no worries. I'm around for many more hours to help out with this | 23:03 |
mandel | robru, if I land this I'll be happy to die hehe | 23:04 |
robru | mandel, we can do it! | 23:04 |
mandel | robru, so if you are around I'd love to get this fix, is building again | 23:04 |
robru | mandel, absolutely | 23:04 |
robru | mandel, I'll try to keep an eye, but just in case I miss it, ping me when the build is done and I'll publish it | 23:05 |
mandel | robru, I'll ping you when is done, don't worry | 23:05 |
thomi | robru: I wonder if I could get a silo for row 43 please? also - do I need to do anything special since a) the mp target is not trunk, and b) this is a source package the ci-train has never seen before? | 23:51 |
robru | thomi, silo 18. a) no, b) ... maybe. i'll check | 23:52 |
thomi | robru: awesome, thansk | 23:52 |
robru | thomi, I *think* the only thing that needs to be done would be if you want to continue having jenkins auto-review your branches outside of silos. citrain itself with silos doesn't need any special config as long as you have MPs | 23:54 |
thomi | robru: ok, cool - we've already sorted out the CI side | 23:55 |
robru | thomi, oh, great | 23:55 |
robru | thomi, oh yeah, so you're changing the source package name in the MP, that's really tricky ;-) | 23:59 |
thomi | it.. it is? | 23:59 |
robru | thomi, the problem there is that citrain looks at the original source package name and then doesn't handle the transition at all. | 23:59 |
thomi | :( | 23:59 |
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