czajkowski | aloha | 09:34 |
czajkowski | how are we all doing | 09:34 |
zmoylan-kr | quietly | 09:34 |
slashbel | good morning | 09:34 |
czajkowski | hoping the sun comes out from behind the big fluffy grey clouds | 09:36 |
zmoylan-kr | fluffy + grey? | 09:37 |
czajkowski | yeah the entire sky is full of them | 09:37 |
czajkowski | just need to get to friday | 09:37 |
czajkowski | and on home sailing | 09:37 |
zmoylan-kr | how goes the chickens and dog? | 09:39 |
czajkowski | not bad | 09:40 |
czajkowski | we have one broody hen again | 09:40 |
slashbel | home sailing, literal or methaphorical home sailing? | 09:40 |
czajkowski | so dealing with her at present | 09:40 |
czajkowski | heading on holidays on Saturday :) | 09:40 |
czajkowski | just need to get to Friday | 09:40 |
slashbel | very good | 09:40 |
zmoylan-kr | yeah but heading towards ireland? ie. do we batten down hatches? :-) | 09:40 |
czajkowski | yup then I won't see Jon till June 1st | 09:40 |
czajkowski | between my trips and his an entire month away | 09:41 |
zmoylan-kr | we didn't get snow this year... yet... :-) | 09:41 |
czajkowski | zmoylan-kr: nope not got an ireland trip planned till Maybe July | 09:41 |
zmoylan-kr | phew :-) | 09:41 |
slashbel | if you're away all of may, at least you're able to do a post vote where you are ☺ | 09:43 |
slashbel | postal* | 09:43 |
czajkowski | I'm back tuesday May 20th | 09:46 |
czajkowski | so in time for the vote | 09:46 |
czajkowski | gone again on the 25th | 09:46 |
czajkowski | gonna be a long month | 09:46 |
slashbel | May 23rd the election here | 09:47 |
slashbel | i must admit the postal vote is damn useful… I never once voted in person in a general, european or local election when living in britain | 09:48 |
slashbel | yet i always voted ☺ | 09:48 |
ebel | This is handy for European Parliament elections | 09:49 |
ebel | it's a quiz that tells you how well matched your preferences are with how MEPs voted | 09:49 |
slashbel | didn't you get Fine Gael? | 09:49 |
ebel | slashbel: nah, got labour top. But Socialist Party MEP (Paul Murphy) was last, *below* FG candidate | 09:52 |
slashbel | oh right | 09:52 |
ebel | and I was gonna vote for Mr Murphy purely for anti-homophobia reasons. | 09:52 |
slashbel | i want to check to see if he's anti-eu… some of the left can be | 09:53 |
ebel | I think they are. It's the "european united left / nordic green left" who are sorta anti-eu | 09:54 |
slashbel | yeah | 09:55 |
slashbel | you're just a good european federalist ;) | 09:56 |
ebel | and y'know, formed by actual communist parties. I think the german EUL/NGL is the former political party of east germany | 09:56 |
slashbel | yes, that's a bit too left wing for me | 09:57 |
ebel | :P | 10:03 |
ebel | yeah. I'm in favour of water charges and the like | 10:03 |
ebel | slashbel: apparently the green party have been going a bit woo-woo science. anti-vacinations and pro-homeopathy and the like | 10:03 |
zmoylan-kr | i'm not against water charges, i'm against badly organised and unfair water charges | 10:04 |
zmoylan-kr | and i'm not worried about radiation from water meters either :-) | 10:04 |
slashbel | and i am also opposed to slave labour, which is a problem for current labour government | 10:04 |
slashbel | water metering is a good thing | 10:04 |
ebel | zmoylan-kr: there's the right way to do something, the wrong way, and the irish way (which is the wrong way but 10 times worse) | 10:05 |
zmoylan-kr | do you know how we ended up with the irish railway gauge?! | 10:05 |
slashbel | i have been totally shocked by the frequency of water shortages in my 4 years of living in Dublin… the capital city of an underpopulated country with a lot of rain cannot guarentee a reliable water supply | 10:05 |
ebel | slashbel: something like 40->70% of water is lost in the pipes | 10:06 |
ebel | slashbel: co-worker living in co. roscommon hasn't been able to drink their tap water for months | 10:06 |
slashbel | yep, it's quite inadequate | 10:07 |
tdr112 | hey czajkowski | 10:08 |
zmoylan-kr | well if they can't drink it's not likely they'll be running the taps then :-/ | 10:09 |
czajkowski | tdr112: how was makerfair | 10:12 |
tdr112 | czajkowski: great fun, it good to meet up with the uk hackerspace people , we only see they at makerfaire or emf camp | 10:23 |
czajkowski | nods | 10:31 |
czajkowski | tdr112: back in .ie now ? | 10:31 |
tdr112 | czajkowski: yep, moved back about 3 weeks ago now , much happer to be home | 10:33 |
tdr112 | I was going crazy living in a hotel | 10:33 |
slashbel | and having to carry a gun for your own protection | 10:36 |
czajkowski | tdr112: yeah being on the road and livin out of a hotel is hard! | 11:12 |
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