amireldor | good morning to all the passive observers | 06:23 |
amireldor | Avihay__: Avihay: are you the ubuntu bot guy? | 06:23 |
Avihay | I עוקדד טםו בםוךג דשט אישאץ איק נםא כרשצק'םרל I ודקג 'שד ומדאשנךק | 06:24 |
amireldor | no I can't read this | 06:24 |
amireldor | and I'm not i'm not going to decipher it with my keyboard | 06:25 |
Avihay__ | I guess you could say that, though the bot framework I used prooved to be unstable | 06:25 |
amireldor | so who is ubuntulog ? | 06:25 |
amireldor | canonical stuff? | 06:25 |
amireldor | freenode stuff? | 06:25 |
amireldor | stuff/staff | 06:26 |
amireldor | Avihay__: so what bot are you running in this channel? | 07:07 |
amireldor | it was a python project with dor or smt no? | 07:07 |
amireldor | Why don't we run the script on the linux that runs the ubuntu-il website? | 07:08 |
Avihay__ | amireldor: none | 07:20 |
Avihay__ | I don't have access, and teh bot is unstable | 07:23 |
amireldor | the bot is willie no? it's a mature proect | 07:24 |
amireldor | the script is immature | 07:25 |
amireldor | oh! i remember now! | 07:25 |
amireldor | we've opened a bitbucket for it | 07:25 |
amireldor | and then i saw dor's copyright notice | 07:25 |
amireldor | dor is a funny guy | 07:26 |
amireldor | willie bot module? | 07:26 |
amireldor | and it doesn't matter that you don't have access rights, Avihay__, I have a user on that server and I can run it in user-mode or ask the admins to install nice stuff for me (they do so) | 07:27 |
amireldor | Avihay__: I remember you had a 'slida' from github | 07:34 |
Avihay__ | a bit, I guess | 07:35 |
Avihay__ | I put it up on github anyway | 07:35 |
Avihay__ | err | 07:35 |
Avihay__ | bitbucker | 07:35 |
Avihay__ | t | 07:35 |
amireldor | what is your github link? | 08:06 |
amireldor | i'm amireldor there too | 08:06 |
amireldor | I'm sorry i'm asking i just can't do the research myself at the moment (morning and all) | 08:07 |
amireldor | Avihay__: ^^^ what is the willie-modules link on github i didn't think i forked it | 08:17 |
amireldor | or startted | 08:17 |
amireldor | starred* | 08:17 |
amireldor | i'll bbl8r | 08:17 |
Avihay__ | amireldor: | 08:20 |
amireldor | Avihay__: oh I thought you had it on github as well, that was the link i meant. are you avihay on github as well? | 08:21 |
Avihay__ | no | 08:21 |
amireldor | no = no i don't have it on github? | 08:22 |
amireldor | ok then | 08:22 |
Avihay__ | damn, someone took my nickname | 08:22 |
amireldor | lol :) | 08:22 |
amireldor | i know the feeling... | 08:22 |
Avihay__ | well, looks like it's still free | 08:23 |
Avihay__ | de'took'ma'job! | 08:23 |
amireldor | i must do smt but this IRC stuff it like the best MMO ever | 08:23 |
amireldor | so memaker | 08:23 |
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