dholbach | good morning | 06:08 |
nhaines | dholbach: good morning! | 06:20 |
dholbach | hi nhaines | 06:20 |
nhaines | dholbach: having a good week so far? | 06:21 |
dholbach | yeah, how about you? :) | 06:25 |
nhaines | Pretty good. Didn't get a job I was contact for, but I am their second choice. So hey, can't beat that right? :) | 06:29 |
nhaines | s/contact/contacted/ | 06:31 |
sampi | hi | 08:38 |
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir || Current Session: Jono Bacon Q&A - Speakers: jono | ||
AirBot | Logs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/04/29/%23ubuntu-on-air.html following the conclusion of the session. | 18:00 |
CheeseBurg | I see u | 18:01 |
CabooseTheVehicl | I can see you Jono. | 18:01 |
vasil_ | i see you | 18:01 |
kiko075 | yes | 18:01 |
belkinsa | I see you! | 18:02 |
html6 | i canhear you | 18:02 |
html6 | make a progrman that broadcasts that your online to all you social networks | 18:03 |
belkinsa | I think they have one, html6. | 18:04 |
neuro | not started yet? | 18:04 |
belkinsa | It started, neuro. | 18:04 |
neuro | can't connect here | 18:05 |
neuro | "An error occurred, please try again later", sayeth the youtubes | 18:05 |
CheeseBurg | neuro: Refresh? | 18:05 |
belkinsa | You need refresh the page or do it from ubuntuonair.com | 18:05 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:what happend to you last week | 18:06 |
* neuro bangs head off desk | 18:06 | |
html6 | belkinsa, they do? | 18:06 |
belkinsa | I think, if you look at their Twitter feed. | 18:06 |
html6 | hell yes!! thinks finally work @broadvasts | 18:07 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: So is Ubuntu for Android dead? Read an article that says there is a bug report created by a Canonical Designer that they want it removed from the website. | 18:07 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Coca Cola or Pepsi | 18:07 |
Core___ | hello Jono, First thanks for the support it is giving to us with these daily lives, usually watch all, but lets go. Probably this question has been asked before, but on ubuntu 14:10, the development already started? | 18:08 |
belkinsa | Please, use QUESTION, Core___. | 18:08 |
Caboose | QUESTION: How did you get started using ubuntu? Also what version was it? | 18:08 |
neuro | very odd, stream loads if I try it in an incognito window | 18:08 |
Core___ | QUESTION: hello Jono, First thanks for the support it is giving to us with these daily lives, usually watch all, but lets go. Probably this question has been asked before, but on ubuntu 14:10, the development already started? | 18:08 |
html6 | lolol!!! and the video loadingg...... | 18:09 |
nakanut | QUESTION: There are thousands of people on the Ubuntu Edge founders page, will they be given VIP deals/discount on the UbuntuOS launch handsets? | 18:09 |
neuro | nakanut: why would they? | 18:09 |
belkinsa | QUESTION: Nice cup, what is on it? | 18:09 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: Most of the reviews on 14.04 are pretty mixed. Most state that nothing really new or exciting. Your thoughts? | 18:09 |
nakanut | @neuro because they helped lift the profile/awareness of Ubuntu | 18:10 |
neuro | so? :) | 18:10 |
neuro | no money was taken | 18:10 |
neuro | i'd actually say the edge campaign was detrimental | 18:11 |
jose | belkinsa: beer? | 18:11 |
neuro | GIN!? | 18:11 |
neuro | ew | 18:11 |
nhaines | I think that would be like asking if a Costco member could get a discount at WalMart, because they like stores. | 18:11 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:iTunes or Zune for ubuntu?When | 18:12 |
neuro | nhaines: :) | 18:12 |
LightAndDarkSoul | [Question] : Is the Ubuntu phone avaliable for order for personal use, not business? Also, if not, will it be any time soon? | 18:12 |
neuro | Zune?! bwahahahahahaha | 18:12 |
belkinsa | QUESTION: Since you are recruiting for a community manager, you would prefer someone to be more on the technical side or on the community-management side? Or is it half and half between the two? | 18:12 |
belkinsa | jose, perhaps. | 18:12 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: How come there wherent many cannonical people at Linux fest north west, I was watching LAS and apperantly cannonical wasn't there ;-; | 18:13 |
luke7913 | Holla. | 18:13 |
neuro | sblug yay | 18:13 |
neuro | sparkes \o/ | 18:14 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION Will Unicorns be in Utopic Unicorn, if not, what will be in 14.10? | 18:14 |
neuro | i still remember installing warty on a spare dell poweredge just to see what it was about | 18:14 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: What will happen for the 14.10 release? Will Unity 8 be on desktop? If not, could you skip that release until Unity is ready? | 18:14 |
chris1992 | is canononical gonna donate to the pitivi fundraising campaign? | 18:16 |
neuro | http://web.archive.org/web/20041014050911/http://www.ubuntu.com/ | 18:16 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: When will Mir be the main desplay server on Ubuntu, and does it scare you that cannonical is working on Unity8 and Mir at the same time? | 18:16 |
neuro | chris1992: prefix your questions with QUESTION: | 18:16 |
neuro | ChloeWolfieGirl: only two 'n's in Canonical ;) | 18:17 |
chris1992 | QUESTION: Is canononical gonna donate to the pitivi fundraiser? | 18:17 |
Arron | jono ubuntu has mouse issues sometimes i reboot ubuntu and mouse lags ? | 18:17 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | neuro Me and my 3 n's in canonical xD Thank you, I'll try to get that in my head! | 18:18 |
neuro | :) | 18:18 |
belkinsa | Awesome. | 18:18 |
Caboose | QUESTION: Do you still have that Grumpy Cat desktop wallpaper? | 18:18 |
vasil___ | QUESTION:Touch for non android devicces? | 18:18 |
neuro | no, zune doesn't exist any more :) | 18:19 |
neuro | ohhhh altavista and hotbot ... there's a blast from the past | 18:19 |
Arron | QUESTION when will ubuntu come to the galaxy note 2 N7100 ?? | 18:19 |
belkinsa | Woah, nhaines, I just noticed that you are here. | 18:19 |
CheeseBurg | Zune are no longer supported so no on support on that | 18:20 |
nhaines | belkinsa: o/ | 18:20 |
vasil___ | QUESTION:You can't connect a windows phone device whithout zune software | 18:20 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you think Microsoft can survive for long now, and if so how do you think they'll survive with everyone seeming to move away from them when they can? | 18:20 |
neuro | QUESTION: any plans for guests on the Q&A? either on the hangout or in your office? :) | 18:20 |
luke7913 | Does anyone know if things work better on Nexus 4 than Nexus 7 with the Ubuntu Touch stuff? | 18:20 |
neuro | vasil___: is that a question? :) | 18:21 |
luke7913 | I personally had some issues with audio playback with the screen locked. | 18:21 |
micah2 | QUESTION: Will the new scopes system in the phone be making its way into 14.10? | 18:21 |
neuro | luke7913: bear in mind they're two different types of hardware | 18:21 |
neuro | with different internals | 18:21 |
html6 | ---QUESTION ---- https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1289799 there is a big bug when you install and try to bootstrap locally with juju. Is this a big deal? also when well it get fixed? | 18:21 |
RyanKennyX | :) | 18:21 |
RyanKennyX | Hey man | 18:22 |
nakanut | QUESTION: Are you using a stock battery on your Nexus phone? | 18:23 |
RyanKennyX | &4No | 18:23 |
sebsebseb | hi | 18:23 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: I haven't been to these for a while again it seems, did you miss me? | 18:24 |
nhaines | belkinsa: I received 150 Ubuntu DVDs right as the Q&A started. :) http://ubuntuone.com/1BgZ8g88Rm13gxgCGBHIQe | 18:24 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: With Bryan clearly being a MLP fan along with you, do you thing 14.10 was aimed at you two? | 18:24 |
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belkinsa | nhaines, I see. | 18:24 |
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jose | nhaines: mine are still in transit :( | 18:24 |
RyanKennyX | this ubuntu air is very bug e_e | 18:25 |
jose | RyanKennyX: pardon? | 18:25 |
=== Guest61848 is now known as Federyc0 | ||
* nhaines DCCs several Ubuntu DVDs to jose. | 18:25 | |
* jose accepts DCC | 18:25 | |
RyanKennyX | but the chat have "joined" | 18:25 |
RyanKennyX | "has joined" not necessity this | 18:26 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: What do you think about WIndows XP going end of life as planned, and now apparnatly a major security isue for Internet Explorer as well, but specifically what do you think about that when about 30% of WIndows users are still using it apparantly | 18:27 |
Arron | QUESTION Will ubuntu phone be able to compete with Cyanogenmod ? | 18:27 |
neuro | jono_: well get Mark on then ... ;) | 18:27 |
rfrapp | QUESTION: What's the current status on convergence for ubuntu touch? | 18:27 |
RyanKennyX | I Like the Ubuntu Phone have for Galaxy S3 ? Android 4.0.7 | 18:27 |
d0od | QUESTION: On the topic of Microsoft, do you feel that their decision to offer Windows Phone 8.1 to OEMs for tablets and phones for free encroach on Canonical's potential for success in offering an alternative? | 18:27 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:What will hapen to the ubuntu servers(storage) after ubuntu one is down.And i know the zune coment wasnt a question but you whoudent have seen it | 18:28 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Canonical has been talking to hardware venders, but have they been talking to alot of software venders? No point in hardware with no software! | 18:28 |
smittix | QUESTION: What | 18:28 |
nhaines | ChloeWolfieGirl: they have! For instance, the Reminders app was developed with the approval of Evernote. :) | 18:28 |
RyanKennyX | Dont have download of Backtrack 5 R3? | 18:28 |
RyanKennyX | for Phone e_e | 18:29 |
nhaines | QUESTION: So does cale go well with barbecue? :) | 18:29 |
smittix | QUESTION: What's the best way for a person coming to the project from other distros to get involved with Ubuntu? | 18:29 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: Well we can see what your t-shirt is for, but what's the story of it, where you get it from and when and why wearing now? | 18:29 |
neuro | nhaines: cale ... urgh | 18:29 |
neuro | sebsebseb: it's an eff.org tee | 18:29 |
RyanKennyX | this chat is bug omg | 18:29 |
sebsebseb | neuro: yes can see what it's for, but | 18:29 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:What will hapen when you run out of letters for release names | 18:30 |
Caboose | QUESTION: Do you recommend using the update manager for the 14.04 upgrade or a DVD fresh install? Sorry if you think this is a technical support question. | 18:30 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | nhaines Thats good! thank you, I just don't want to end up with Ubuntu Touch being on alot of hardware and failing because no softwares being developed for it! | 18:30 |
RyanKennyX | stop the questions please! | 18:30 |
nhaines | neuro: yeah, I have a friend who's really big on cale. I like greens fine but I'd rather have spinach. | 18:30 |
neuro | sebsebseb: i suspect he bought it from the EFF because he supports them :D | 18:30 |
neuro | nhaines: are they an american? | 18:30 |
Sephy | QUESTION: Played any Dark Soul's 2? | 18:30 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Do you think that ther,s alot of to easy software | 18:30 |
neuro | RyanKennyX: this is a Q&A session, of course people will be asking questions | 18:30 |
neuro | oh, d0od is here, hey d0od | 18:30 |
RyanKennyX | aah ok iam a brasilian | 18:31 |
nhaines | ChloeWolfieGirl: I had the first Android phone ever, the T-Mobile G1, right at launch. It takes some time. But the platform is really easy to develop for, and that helps! | 18:31 |
RyanKennyX | and i dont understand '-' | 18:31 |
nhaines | neuro: she is German, but is living in the US. | 18:31 |
neuro | RyanKennyX: are you watching the stream at http://ubuntuonair.com/ ?? | 18:31 |
neuro | nhaines: yeah, cale consumption seems to be very American at the moment | 18:31 |
RyanKennyX | No in me terminal '-' | 18:31 |
neuro | RyanKennyX: we're watching Jono's stream at that URL | 18:31 |
RyanKennyX | ok ^^ | 18:31 |
neuro | which is why we are all asking questions! :) | 18:32 |
RyanKennyX | i connect com the ip of ubuntu-on-air | 18:32 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | nhaines I hear you, I just dont want to end up with nothing at the start and being much slower then it had to be, Sony started searching for game developers for the PS4 making it much better for gaming then the XBO, even though they both started at the same time, lookingg at the indie games its clear to see that the approach really affects the uptake! | 18:33 |
chris1992 | ChloeWolfieGirl: Developers!Developers!Developers! | 18:33 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:What camera do you usefor the stream | 18:33 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | chris1992 Yes xD | 18:33 |
chris1992 | ChloeWolfieGirl: XD | 18:34 |
neuro | ChloeWolfieGirl: i think that's a bit disingenous ... both Sony and Microsoft want indie devs making games for their platforms | 18:34 |
Arron | QUESTION Will ubuntu for phone be compatible with android apps ? | 18:34 |
neuro | ChloeWolfieGirl: Microsoft were just a bit slower off the mark getting the programme up to speed | 18:34 |
neuro | ChloeWolfieGirl: and there are barely any indie games on PS4 as it is | 18:35 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Do i have to use only ubuntu for ubuntu for developing on touch? | 18:35 |
RyanKennyX | Yeah and the Ubuntu Phone are compatible with archives .apk? | 18:35 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | neuro, They both want them, but Sony seems to be the one's more willing to search and put mone into it, is what I'm saying, Sony promoting octodad, resogun, hokurorum, etc | 18:35 |
nakanut | QUESTION: Will the launch phones feature inductive charging? | 18:36 |
belkinsa | RyanKennyX, please use QUESTION to ask that. | 18:36 |
rfrapp | QUESTION: Will this additional customization in ubuntu touch for OEM's be removable? I don't want to be forced to keep OEM or carrier content on my device | 18:36 |
ali_ | QUESTION: What do you think is the next target after desktop and tablet? Will Canonical continue with Ubuntu TV? | 18:36 |
sledges | Jolla provides partnerspace fine | 18:36 |
neuro | ChloeWolfieGirl: neither company has to "search" for indie devs, devs are gagging to get onto both platforms | 18:36 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: Can I buy apps or donate to apps in the Unity8 App Lens yet? | 18:37 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | neuro hmm, it just seems like Sony's getting alot more indies, etc | 18:37 |
neuro | nhaines: and you got the condescending answer you deserved ;) :D | 18:37 |
enrico_ | QUESTION: Since I know about the end of ubuntu one, I am using grive but it feels a lot less safer than ubuntu | 18:37 |
Vujca | QUESTION: What are the performance has Ubuntu TV better than XBMC? | 18:37 |
belkinsa | smittix, community.ubuntu.com | 18:38 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Ubuntu glass or watch,will it happen | 18:38 |
lozohcum | QUESTION: How does the Ubuntu Touch protect itself from viruses? | 18:38 |
neuro | never did an A release | 18:38 |
=== anthony is now known as Guest42652 | ||
neuro | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases | 18:39 |
neuro | no A or C release | 18:39 |
CheeseBurg | Woot for Shirt piles | 18:39 |
nhaines | ali_: I'm calling it now. Smartwatch. ;) | 18:39 |
nakanut | QUESTION: How will paid software transactions work when UbuntuOne is removed? | 18:40 |
neuro | warty -> hoary -> breezy -> dapper -> edgy -> ... | 18:40 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION after convergence, what do you think comes next for canonical? | 18:40 |
nhaines | neuro: it was a joke question; just a reference to the Bad Voltage episode. ;) | 18:40 |
neuro | nhaines: meh :))) | 18:40 |
neuro | i thought it was actually a good q :) | 18:41 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: When will btrfs be default? Can you use it on the phone? | 18:41 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: How about them Suru icons? any update on them, I just want my desktop to look more beautiful Jono! | 18:41 |
nhaines | neuro: I thought it was a good answer too. I didn't know about the Pizza Hut salad bar thing, haha. | 18:41 |
RyanKennyX | :) | 18:41 |
neuro | it will be october 2017 before it becomes a pressing issue | 18:41 |
RyanKennyX | posso falar portugues aqui? | 18:41 |
neuro | RyanKennyX: it's english in here | 18:42 |
RyanKennyX | ok i speak english | 18:42 |
Arron | QUESTION Will openvpn work on ubuntu phone ? | 18:42 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Are you tawking to htc,samsung or other big OEMs to use ubuntu touch,and i was asking about TO easy software,and both are questions | 18:42 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: Trying a diffenrt kind of qustion: Are there people from IRC that you think you would like to met, but think you won't at all, or not any time soon? If so is that a lot of peole or don't you really think about that? | 18:42 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Netflix or hulu on ubuntu touch(apps) | 18:43 |
CheeseBurg | sebsebseb: What? | 18:43 |
neuro | vasil_: i bet OEM negotiations are confidential | 18:43 |
sebsebseb | CheeseBurg: trying a diffenret kind of qustion, not sure if it wll come across how I had intended though, about to find out :) | 18:43 |
RyanKennyX | QUESTION Run .apk files in Ubuntu Phone? | 18:43 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you know when Japanese language will be finished on Ubuntu Touch? (I listen to alot of japanese music and well I want Miku flick xD) | 18:43 |
jakub | lol | 18:44 |
neuro | SMART TOASTERS! | 18:44 |
neuro | Ahhh, so you're a crumpet man ... | 18:44 |
kiko075 | QUESTION: Is there any exchange client for ubuntu touch be ready in the next few months? | 18:44 |
jakub | every body | 18:44 |
RyanKennyX | *-* | 18:45 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:How did you spent eastwe | 18:45 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: What do you think about Ubuntu One going bye bye? | 18:45 |
Arron | Question What are your thoughts on XBMC for android ? | 18:46 |
Caboose | QUESTION: Where are some good places to learn html5 for ubuntu sdk development? | 18:46 |
RyanKennyX | Bye Ubuntuers | 18:47 |
lozohcum | Thanks a lot for the answer! | 18:47 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Will Ubuntu get a partnership with canonical so that Mark Shuttleworth can start naming Ubuntu versions after pokemon 'Cheeky Chikorita' | 18:47 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION:What are the plans for the next few Ubuntu release? | 18:47 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:Will i have to type my password 50 times a minut in ubuntu touch,why can't i take the risk on my own | 18:47 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Will Ubuntu get a partnership with Nintendo so that Mark Shuttleworth can start naming Ubuntu versions after pokemon 'Cheeky Chikorita' | 18:47 |
RyanKennyX | '-' Pokemon | 18:47 |
Vujca | QUESTION: Wich phone is the best with Ubuntu Phone OS? | 18:47 |
neuro | oy vey ;) | 18:47 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | ((Asked the same question twise after silly mistake, SORRY JONO! ;-;) | 18:48 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: What are your comments about the openssl heartbleed stuff? | 18:48 |
intel | QUESTION: Will the nexus 5 get ubuntu touch support ? | 18:48 |
lozohcum | QUESTION: Do you think google+ is waste of time and resources? | 18:48 |
nhaines | ChloeWolfieGirl: I think you can throw a Japanese font on the phone and it will display. But I haven't tried it. :) | 18:49 |
slick666 | QUESTION:Did you considered going to this year's LinuxFest Northwest and if so what kept you from going? | 18:49 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: Going with my qustion from earlier, would you like to meet me | 18:49 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | lozohcum I love Google+ | 18:49 |
sebsebseb | wh's that if so | 18:49 |
sebsebseb | ? | 18:49 |
sebsebseb | whys | 18:49 |
neuro | jono_: haha holiday fail ;) | 18:49 |
jose | QUESTION: You think it would be better to ask tech questions during Ubuntu Engineering Live on Weds at 14 UTC? | 18:49 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: Are you playing guitar today? :) | 18:50 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | nhaines: I've seen Unity 8 show some of the japanese characters but not all, they just come with blocks ;-; | 18:50 |
nhaines | ChloeWolfieGirl: that's a Unicode probably, and is being worked on. :) | 18:50 |
nhaines | s/probably/problem/ | 18:50 |
neuro | fun with unicode! \o/ *facepalm* | 18:50 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | nhaines fair enough! ^^ | 18:50 |
ali_ | QUESTION: Do you always work from home? | 18:50 |
nhaines | Perky Pikachu release! | 18:51 |
nhaines | ChloeWolfieGirl: it's also annoying when I have a scope result in German, so it's not just you. :) | 18:51 |
Arron | Question Im on 13.10 and wifi keeps cutting out is there a wifi bug on 13.10 ? | 18:51 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Jono do you think companies such as Sony, Meizu, Samsung will develop Ubuntu Touch and bring the code back, things like bug fixes etc? | 18:52 |
CheeseBurg | QUESTION: Right now Gnome is trying to standardize app metadata using appstream, etc. Will Ubuntu use/contribute to that work or will you do your own thing? No judgement. | 18:52 |
sebsebseb | QUESTION: Are we all meant to re set all our passwords really since the openssl heartbleed stuff? | 18:52 |
neuro | sebsebseb: depends on the site | 18:52 |
neuro | sebsebseb: if they weren't affected, you're fine, but if you use the same password on affected sites, then yes, change | 18:53 |
belkinsa | QUESTION: Are you coming to Ohio Linux Feast this year? | 18:53 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | nhaines: haha xD well it isn't a finnished product yet xD | 18:53 |
vasil_ | QUESTION:I have to type my password when i open alot of the software,will i have to do it in touch or only one-time-type | 18:53 |
sebsebseb | neuro: yeah that's confussing | 18:53 |
Levan | QUESTION: Was 14.04 release a success?? and what is next for canonical | 18:53 |
sebsebseb | neuro: not seen any emails for anything to say re set password | 18:53 |
vasil_ | *password | 18:53 |
neuro | sebsebseb: i've had loads | 18:53 |
sebsebseb | neuro: is gmail meant to be re set for example | 18:53 |
neuro | sebsebseb: possibly | 18:53 |
neuro | GUITAR NO | 18:53 |
belkinsa | GUITAR YES | 18:54 |
vasil_ | QUITAR YES | 18:54 |
Vujca | GUITAR YES | 18:54 |
neuro | QUESTION: BF4?! WHEN?! :D | 18:54 |
micah2 | GUITAR MAYBE | 18:54 |
chris1992 | GUITAR YES | 18:54 |
d0od | GUITAR NO | 18:54 |
Levan | I like pie | 18:54 |
enrico_ | Guitar Yes | 18:54 |
pulu90 | GUITAR YES | 18:54 |
neuro | Ed Balls | 18:54 |
Levan | Yes fro piue | 18:54 |
Levan | for pie sorry | 18:54 |
slick666 | QUESTION:On heartbleed do you think LibreSSL is a good thing or a bad thing? Does this help or hurt the community? | 18:54 |
slick666 | GUITAR YES | 18:55 |
jose | I want to eat a CheeseBurg er by now | 18:55 |
sebsebseb | GUITAR yes :) | 18:55 |
CheeseBurg | jose: Woah there lol | 18:55 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you see Ubuntu one coming back, perhaps the same or in a different way, I saw Ubuntu One and Ubuntu Music having alot protential if they fixed some issues expecially with ubuntu touch! | 18:56 |
Arron | QUESTION What is the smoothest browser for android and what browser do you use ? | 18:56 |
neuro | jono_: just remember to twiddle the volume so you don't blow out the mic :) | 18:56 |
nhaines | jose: nice plug for the Engineering Q&A. ;) | 18:56 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Do you ever boot your phone into android anymore? | 18:56 |
jose | nhaines: as always :P | 18:57 |
nhaines | jose: volume's good. | 18:57 |
nhaines | wait. :P | 18:57 |
nhaines | jono_: volume's good. | 18:57 |
neuro | severed fifth! \m/ | 18:58 |
Vujca | PLAY FUNKY :) | 18:58 |
nhaines | jose: my main job in #ubuntu-devel used to be to intercept tab completion requests intended for nhandler. :D | 18:58 |
neuro | lol | 18:58 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | QUESTION: Are you saying that you, popey, Mark and Bryan make mistakes? | 18:58 |
Vujca | with fingers, better sound | 18:58 |
neuro | popey never makes mistakes | 18:58 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir || | ||
ChloeWolfieGirl | neuro, EXACTLY, but it's always his fault! | 19:00 |
neuro | jono_: cheers dude | 19:01 |
chris1992 | I'm a GNU—spelt G - N - U I'm not closed source or cost a buck or two So let me introduce, I'm neither man nor moose Oh, g-no, g-no, g-no, I'm a GNU! | 19:01 |
enrico_ | Bravo | 19:01 |
neuro | lol | 19:01 |
neuro | he's gonna funk it up | 19:01 |
slick666 | Bravo | 19:01 |
neuro | orrrr not | 19:02 |
neuro | ;) | 19:02 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Some guitar | 19:02 |
vasil_ | funk no funk | 19:02 |
chris1992 | nice chattin with ya! | 19:02 |
enrico_ | Thanks | 19:02 |
nhaines | yay | 19:02 |
neuro | jono_: remember and give me a ping when you're up for some early evening carnage your time | 19:03 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Thank you for being here, I just figured out a few seconds ago, my internet being so slow, I was like 7Mins behind everyone xD | 19:03 |
jono_ | neuro, definitely, won't be today, but maybe tomorrow? | 19:03 |
neuro | jono_: sounds good | 19:03 |
neuro | jono_: i'm already past your rank ;) | 19:03 |
jono_ | neuro, nice! | 19:04 |
neuro | double XP event last weekend, muhaha | 19:04 |
neuro | time to investigate some non-cale related food | 19:04 |
enrico_ | yes | 19:15 |
Fredrik | Everything is working fine! | 19:17 |
=== Fredrik is now known as Guest33127 | ||
enrico_ | COMMENT: thanks for the great job you've achieved, it's just amazing! | 19:31 |
cybertech | is this live | 19:51 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem |
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