
phillwballoons:  Battery01:00
phillwsh: 0: -c requires an argument01:00
phillw Sensors01:00
phillw Input Devices01:00
phillw Storage01:00
phillw DMI01:00
phillw Resources01:00
phillwno paste bin... that's pretty broken, in terms as how broken it can be01:00
phillwballoons: I'm going to turn that wiki area off until it is fixed. there is only me doing the manual transfers over from paste bin to a stable server. Feel free to get in touch when the script is working, it is unfair on volunteers and on me to waste our time.01:05
phillwballoons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware01:16
phillw 01:16
phillwhope you can get it sorted soon.01:16
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pittiGood morning06:03
DalekSecpitti: Howdy.  Is there a chance you'll be merging sysd 208 today? :P06:19
pittiDalekSec: 0 :)06:20
pittiDalekSec: you are welcome to play with Debian experimental's package, but as I wrote in G+ we can't take that yet06:20
DalekSecOooh, didn't see a G+ message. >_>06:21
DalekSecI see.06:22
jibelpitti, I found 2 broken cases in britney07:20
jibelone is relatively easy to fix, it's a bug but requires to change the data structure a bit on autopkgtest.py07:21
jibelthe other is more tricky07:21
jibelso let say you have package A that depends on package B07:23
jibelB1 is uploaded, that'll trigger a test of A107:23
jibelthe result will be something like A1/B1: PASS|FAIL07:23
jibelthen A2 is uploaded, that'll trigger a test of the package itself07:24
jibeland will generate a result like A2/A2: PASS|FAIL07:24
jibelthen britney will generate excuses and will try to match the versions in proposed07:25
jibelso it's looking for a record A2/B107:25
jibeland won't find it, so no line will appear in excuses07:25
jibelpitti, ^ does it make sense?07:25
pittijibel: yes, it does; I thought that was the problem which we discussed already, that we should never match for equal versions but always >= (requested version)?07:26
jibelpitti, right, and that's what is done during the reconciliation, but here it is the same problem in britney07:27
pittijibel: or would that not work here?07:27
jibeland finally there is a 3rd case i'm working on this morning is why there is no record for A1/A1 in excuses07:30
jibelI can reproduce it but didn't find the cause yet07:31
jibelpitti, if we use >= and A2 fails, we'll block B1 despite A1/B1 passed and B hasn't change07:33
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davmor2Morning all09:59
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elfyballoons: ping13:54
senanballoons, Good Eve :)14:04
senanDanChapman, Good Eve :)14:04
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
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elopioalesage: can you please review this one:22:11
alesageelopio, sure22:11
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